240 West Grand Ave.
Montvale, NJ 07645
An introduction
DDS Dental Supplies, a division of American Medical and Dental Supplies Inc., is a growing leader in
the dental distribution industry with over 20 years of industry experience. We are a Family owned Com-
pany that started supplying infection control products to dental practices. We now carry over 20,000
different products from leading dental manufacturers and service clients throughout the country. The
corporate office and on-site warehouse occupies 15,000 SF in New Jersey.
DDS Dental Supplies successfully increases in sales annually and has also launched its own brand of
Aura Brand Products with penetration in over 15 Northeast/Midwest States. Success in DDS Dental Sup-
plies’ concept, is in relationship building by understanding needs and ordering habits. This unique style
of personal interaction makes a direct impact on inventory turnover and continuous growth.
DDS Dental Supplies services over 3,000 Dentists and Dental Offices. DDS Dental publishes a quarterly
newsletter that features dozens of our partner vendor manufacturers. DDS Dental Supplies also has an
online webstore that has over16,000 products. We are proud of our partner vendors and feature them
in our print publications and our website’s home page.
Our mission is to provide all customers-big or This means knowing what the customer is using and how we can
small-with the most attractive promotions and convert them to create market share. This is done by understand-
the best pricing we can offer with every order. ing why they like what they are currently using, and educating
them on why the product marketed is superior - getting them to
Our customers are guaranteed 100% quality see the value of the new product.
service in order to make the most effective pur-
chase. We understand our competition and our Consistent profiling allows us a
customers; and take that knowledge to make unique view into our customers
value added suggestions that create market usage and can allow us to cre-
share for our vendor partners. ate market share in the regions
we cover.
When you contact DDS Dental Supplies, you will
speak with a friendly and knowledgeable sales Our approach is what differentiates us. We don’t focus on price,
executive who is familiar with the latest trends in but rather quality. We build relationships on staple products and
the dental industry. This representative will then look to expand from a strong foundation. We practice consulta-
become an expert on your practice and han- tive selling rather than transactional selling. We pride ourselves on
dle your account exclusively. our knowledge of products & giving value to each customer.
One of a Kind: Meeting our customers needs by offering solutions that
offer value and build a foundation of trust. Access – Availability of
brands to our customer base, allows for a better customer experience.
DDS Dental Supplies believes in creating person-
alized relationships with our customers to better
understand their specific needs. We proudly
stand behind our products and the superior
service our team of industry experts provide to
all of our valued customers.
Our Present
DDS Dental Supplies completed 2017 with a sales increase of approximately 10%.
Through the model Focus Product Selling we have increased our Out the Door Sales with many of
the Top Manufacturers in the Industry; GC America 51%, Ivoclar Vivadent 12%, Heraeus 16%, Premier
10%, and SS White 63%.
DDS Dental’s team has grown with 2 new sales executives.
An efficiency and logisitcs plan has been implemented to allow for quicker order fulfillment.
Solid financials allow for a 25% increase of on hand inventory, with no outstanding credit issues.
We are the winner of the 2013 NDC Performance Award.
We are rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau.
Implementated a new ERP Software and CRM Tool for better management of our business
Newly created in-house training facility.
Ability to offer CE courses to local Dental Professionals.
Recently won the bid for several Dental items for a SUNY School in NY.
We have successfully launched the Aura Brand of products nationally.
We sponsor the Englewood Study Club in NJ.
Working with our local Mayor to offer exclusives to our local dentists and free clinic days.
Our Future
1 to 2 years:
Development and launch of a brand new technologically advanced website with better user interface
for end ordering capabilities.
Adding to our Team 2 to 3 representatives per year.
Starting Continuing Education Seminars in our facility.
Updated and easy to use website.
Enter the smaller GPO market.
Working with an outside Dental Equipment Repair Company.
Aggresively bidding on State and Government level contracts.
3 to 5 years:
Working to create logical algorithm to effectively target market the “Next Generation: Dentist.”
Mobile Application Platform.
5 to 8 years:
Expanding our reach to larger territories.
Adding to our team with more senior management.
Increase Inventory turns by adding inventory management protocols and software.
Why Our Growth: 10 Year Average 22% Increase.
A Novel Concept that works!
Partner A Company that does not sell on price alone.
We utitlize relationships as a small business.
with DDS Dental Supplies... Target Marketing - We know what they need.
We look to create Market Share with your brand.
Dedicated to learning about your brand.
What worked in 2017 1. Trainings
2. Exclusive
Sales Executives highlighted the value and quality
customers could get by purchasing through DDS Dental specials
Supplies. We enhanced and built new relationships by 3. Product
understanding clients’ needs and ordering habits through the
combination of vendor training and exclusive promotions. focus
DDS Dental Supplies offered special promotions 4. Sale Day
through the help of different Vendors on products for a limited Representative
time. The different items allowed the sales representatives to
build that profile and create a frenzy.
Our strategy included a technique where we combined
our partner vendor specials, along with our own pricing
model, and incentivize representatives. The cross branding
technique benefited vendor manufacturer partners, DDS
Dental Supplies, and the sales executives alike.
Introducing some of those new products through
vendor representative training allowed DDS Dental Supplies’
Sales Executives to highlight why that product was better—
for example the Caviwipe; representatives increased sales by
explaining the 2-3 minute kill time vs. the others and how it
will make a direct impact on their patient turnover. This was a
huge success – now, the representatives sell almost 3 pallets
of Caviwipes alone.
DDS Dental Supplies’ unique STYLE of building
personal relationships with offices on the phone, and cross
brand marketing allows for a much more efficient ordering
It’s the simple things that make a big difference.
Exclusive Specials
Sales increased 63% in 2017
Partner vendors worked with DDS Dental
Supplies by allowing a special promotion offered
exclusively to DDS Dental Supplies.
Customers were amazed at our cost and felt the
urgency to purchase within the time frame.
The cross branding technique benefited vendor
manufacturer partners by increasing sales 63%
for the term.
More Examples of continued success
Englewood, NJ Study Club Ivoclar Vivadent: 60% increase in the promotional month
Product focus
By focusing on a few key items from each vendor,
customers were able to effectively see price reductions
and in-turn, representatives were able to position the
benefits and key points to increase that sale.
The Product Focus Sheets were valid for that week only.
It was distributed to our customers via fax campaigns
and email blasts that they opted in. The email blasts
generated leads for the representatives.
Positioning questions were the ice breaker toward
certain products. With the right vendor training the
representatives were more knowledgeable on products
and were able to speak about it confidently, while
the spiffs enticed them to not only close the deal, but
include additional complimentary products to that sale.
A recipe for success!
External: What Customers Received Internal: Point of Reference
Vendor Spot light
GC AMERICA - 2017 growth: 51% Focused on key products and cross product
marketing new products
$100K Stock order - G-aenial Flow
- G-aenial Sculpt
60% Sold within first 5 months (2015) - G-Premo Bond
- COEfect wipes & spray
45% Were new customers converted from 3M
- 3M Relx users
- Kerr Maxcem Users
young dental - 2017 Growth: 30%
Continued growth acheived by representatives constant profiling and showing customers
the value of Young Products.
Vera Angles promoted with marketing that highlighted the Ergonomic design to help
promote effectiveness of the product.
Eco Slim Angles introduced as a high quality value priced angle.
Premier - 2017 Growth: 10% Two Striper Burs – we have increased
marketshare by talking about what
$20K Stocking Order (2013)– sold within 1 month differentiates them by keywords. This allows
for the office to understand why Premier’s
Teaming with the Premier Professional’s product stands out. It is NOT about price!
in the field and “Targeting” Offices of
Key Value and identifying the unique
characteristics of Premier vs. the others.
Heraeus Kulzer - 2017 Growth: 16%
$100K initial stocking order (2013) We created marketshare by highlighting
60% of the stock sold in 3 months the key characteristics of the product
50% of the sales are new customers –
customers were primarily using Dentsply & 3M - Venus Composite being BPA Free
Focused on Impression Material Segment - Adaptive Shade Guide Ability
to pick-up on sales potental.
Value Proposition-Things to Consider
Access: savings: Spiffs:
Availability of This is NOT offering We offer exciting promotions
your brand to our a lower price, this is to our Customers & Spiffs to our
customer base will offering efficiency for the Reps motivating them to build
allow for customer Customer and giving the marketshare. Once marketshare
convenience and Manufacturer availability is created – we are consistently
incremental sales to inexpensive targeted following up and ensuring the
marketing efforts.
growth. newly introduced product
We Know Our stands its ground.
Customer Base:
Consistent profiling allows
us a unique view into our Effective inventory One of a kind:
customers usage and can management ensuring our
allow us to create market customers receive their orders Meeting our customers
share in the regions we accurately and timely. We turn needs by offering
inventory 22 ½ times a year – solutions that offer
cover. so ordering accuracy is a key
ingredient to our success. value add and build a
foundation of trust.
we know our A Better Way:
Our approach is what differentiates
This doesn’t mean knowing about us as a distributor. We don’t
Schein or Patterson. This means
focus on price, but rather quality
knowing what the customer is using products. We build relationships on
and how we can convert them to staple products and look to expand
create market share. This is done profiles from a strong foundation.
by understanding why they like We practice consultative selling
what they are currently using and rather than transactional selling. We
educationg them as to why the
product being marketed is superior pride ourselves on our knowledge
and getting them to see the value of products & giving value to each
of the new product. customer.
Partner Manufacturers
DDS Dental Supplies is Proud
of its vendor partners and the
relationships that have been
established over the years!
Awards and testimonials
Better Business Bureau A+ Rating.
2013 Winner of the NDC Performance Award.
“Thanks for all the hard work you put in making sure that I have everything I need. If there is a problem
with any of my orders you work hard at taking care of it. You always keep up on things happening in
my life and ask me how everything is going and I appreciate it. Thanks again.”
Jenni House from Beckett Dental Care about Dinesh Sakhrani.
“Kim McGrail is a great rep. She reports to me every time your company is running an offer or savings.
She has a high level of knowledge of all your products and is always willing to help me with our busy
dental practice. She is not a “clock-watcher” – She presents herself well and is very patient and willing
to go the extra mile for me. I find her to be consistently pleasant, tackling all my orders with dedication
and a smile.”
Mora of Wardner Dental care, about sales rep Kim McGrail.
“Jason is such a gem. He is always friendly and helpful – he always makes an extra effort to help out. If
there is a problem, he tries to correct it as soon as possible. Jason takes the time to show his customers
he cares by taking time to follow up. He has placed calls to our office to let me know something is on
back order, or when the item will be delivered. Jason exhibits exceptional customer service. If all your
reps are as well educated and responsible as Jason, DDS will be around for a long time.”
Cathy Schultz, of Hundreds of Pearls, LLC, about sales rep Jason Edson
“Kim has been working with me for the past 2 years and there was nothing I asked of her that she didn’t
do right away. She’s very prompt, calm, friendly, and best of all she gets me the best prices. She’s the
Nagat Ali, of Ortho Care-Dr. Hodges, about sales rep Kim McGrail.
Contact information
Dinesh Sakhrani
Vice President
877-545-6837 x. 111
[email protected]