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Published by Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, 2016-08-22 14:05:23



Progress comes in many forms, some

obvious, others more hushed. But there was
nothing subtle about the giant step forward
OMRF took in 2011. On April 21, at a ceremony
led by Gov. Mary Fallin, we dedicated our new
research tower.

The addition of 186,000 square So now the real work begins.

feet of laboratory and clinical space On the pages that follow, you’ll meet

represented the largest campus some of the scientists who have joined

expansion in our history.The building OMRF since we began the largest

contains 20 new laboratories, a expansion in our history.You’ll also

state-of-the-art imaging facility, one learn about the exciting, new paths

2 of the nation’s largest -800 (Celsius) they’re already blazing.
freezer facilities, the Samuel Roberts
Noble Cardiovascular Institute, the No one knows what tomorrow

OMRF Multiple Sclerosis Center of will bring—for OMRF, for medical

Excellence, and two shelled floors to research, for human health.With your

allow for future expansion.There are help, we’re giving our scientists every

plenty of gee-whiz phrases we could resource we can muster to confront

roll out to describe the tower, but we the challenges of human disease.The

think a single word sums it up best. obstacles they face will be legion. But

Possibilities. the opportunities for life-changing

discoveries are endless.


obesity Research When Dr. Lorin Olson added a gene says.The next phase of the research
to young laboratory mice, he expected will be finding out what happens to
Lorin Olson, Ph.D. the animals to develop cancer.They the cells that might otherwise have
didn’t. Instead, Olson found that become fat. He’ll also look at what
4 the gene—known technically as happens when the gene is added to
PDGRFbeta—blocked certain types adult mice.
of fat production.“The juvenile
mice still had brown fat, which is Could the discovery one day lead to
used to burn energy, but they didn’t a weight-loss therapeutic? “If we can
have any of the white, jiggly fat that map the process that eventually ends
usually begins to appear right after in fat growth, we might be able to
birth,” says Olson,who published the come up with a way to safely disrupt
new findings in the scientific journal that chain of events,” says Olson, who
Developmental Cell. came to OMRF from the Mount
Sinai Medical Center in New York in
“It’s always exciting when you find 2010.“This finding is a good start on
something unexpected like this,” he unlocking those secrets.”



breast cancer hong chen, Ph.D.

This year, breast cancer will claim Her work has piqued the interest
500,000 lives. During that same time, of the National Institutes of Health,
doctors will diagnose another 1.6 which has awarded her a five-year
million new cases of the disease. grant to expand her research. Chen
is now studying ways to use epsin to
Researchers around the globe are control the growth of blood vessels.
searching for new ways to control “We want to learn how to stabilize
this disease, which kills more women or decrease vessel growth in the
than any other form of cancer.At body,” she says.
OMRF, Dr. Hong Chen believes she
may have found an important clue. Ultimately, she hopes to find a way 7
to use epsins to act as a “roadblock”
Chen, who joined OMRF from to the blood cells that cause breast
Yale University in 2008, focuses cancer cells to grow and multiply.
her research on epsins, a family of “The idea would be to keep the
proteins that influence the growth blood from reaching the cancer,”
of blood vessels.When these growth she says.Without blood, the cancer
factors go awry, vessels can grow would starve and die.And that could
out of control—as they do in breast mean a world of difference for
cancer. women everywhere.

financial accountability

Stephen prescoTt, M.D.


A 4-star rating from Charity financial health and accountability

Navigator is a pretty big deal.And for and transparency to predict how

the 10th consecutive year, OMRF efficiently a charity will utilize donor

received the highest score possible funds. It then assigns each charity a

from America’s leading independent score from zero to four stars. OMRF

charity evaluator. was one of only six organizations in

Oklahoma to earn a 4-star rating.

8 “We know there are a lot of “Less than 1% of the charities
competitors for donor dollars,

especially in this financial climate,” we rate have received at least 10

says OMRF President Stephen consecutive 4-star evaluations,

Prescott.“Charity Navigator’s rating indicating that Oklahoma Medical

is one more guarantee that when Research Foundation outperforms

people donate to OMRF, their gifts most other charities in America,” says

are going directly to fight human Ken Berger, President and CEO of

disease.” Charity Navigator.“This ‘exceptional’

designation from Charity Navigator

Charity Navigator promotes differentiates Oklahoma Medical

intelligent giving by providing Research Foundation from its peers

report cards for more than 5,000 and demonstrates to the public it is

U.S. and international charities.The worthy of their trust.”

organization measures charities on


LUPUS Genetics

patrick gaffney, M.D.


It’s rare when researchers identify an body. Still, finding the gene was
individual gene tied to a disease. It’s just the beginning.“We then had
rarer still when they find the specific to identify which of the 120,000
mutation responsible for that genetic DNA base pairs could be behind the
defect. problem,” says Gaffney.

But in 2011, OMRF’s Dr. Patrick Human DNA is made up of four
Gaffney did just that. He first different base pairs, the order of
discovered that a variation of a which determines everything about
specific gene,TNFAIP3, was linked how we look and act.With 3 billion
to the development of lupus, a bases in the human DNA, narrowing
devastating disease in which the the search to 120,000 is a major
immune system turns against the achievement.Yet that finding led


to a new question:Which of those kept filling in the blanks until we
120,000 bases is responsible for the eliminated every other possibility.”
genetic variation?
Armed with this new finding,
Gaffney’s research team answered Gaffney will continue studying the
by testing more than 15,000 blood gene to find out how a small change
samples from lupus patients around in the DNA sequence influences
the world over a two-year period. the creation and function of the
“We cross-referenced different TNFAIP3 protein.“You never know
populations to get closer to the which discovery is going to give
right proteins and then used more you the best chance to develop new
sophisticated analysis to eliminate therapeutics or better diagnostics,” he
more options,” he says.“Basically, we says.

Multiple Sclerosis

gabriel pardo, M.D.

farhat husain, M.D.

Laboratory breakthroughs their balance, cognition and sight.
are important, but the truly Through clinical trials, OMRF’s
transformative discoveries are the doctors also deliver the newest
ones that touch patients’ lives. experimental therapeutics to the
Oklahomans who need them most.
With the opening of our Multiple
Sclerosis Center of Excellence in “This is history-making time in 13
2011, OMRF built a bridge that MS,” says Dr. Gabriel Pardo, the
will help deliver cutting-edge Center’s director.Along with Dr.
discoveries to more than 2,000 Farhat Husain, who also specializes
Oklahomans with MS.The Center in treating patients suffering from
is home to the state’s largest MS the autoimmune disease, Pardo
clinic, and its physician-scientists joined OMRF in 2011 to improve
work with laboratory researchers the lives of Oklahomans suffering
in OMRF’s Arthritis and Clinical from MS.“We’re solving a lot of
Immunology Research Program mysteries and developing better
to advance our understanding of a treatment strategies.What could be
chronic disease that robs patients of more exciting?”

65 years


August 28, 2011. If you happened to of a new, nonprofit institute.That
be poking around 825 Northeast 13th institute, proclaimed the freshly inked
Street on that day, you wouldn’t have articles of incorporation, shall be
seen anything that looked out of the known “as the Oklahoma Medical
ordinary. Research Foundation.”

Yes, it was Sunday. And, yes, it was Those articles, now slightly yellowed,

104 degress. But graduate students still adorn a wall at OMRF. In the 65

and postdoctoral fellows still filled the years since they were signed, OMRF

labs, overseeing the experiments that scientists have made breakthroughs

never stop.Technicians fed laboratory in AIDS treatment.They’ve invented

14 mice and made sure the animals had new drugs to treat rare blood
clean cages and ample supplies of disorders.And today, their work is

water. Computer monitors glowed paving the way for the first generation

white as scientists tried to coax of effective treatments for Alzheimer’s

meaning from the seemingly random disease.

data that filled their screens.

These are advances OMRF’s founders

Just like any other day, OMRF’s never could have imagined–much as

researchers were searching for we cannot know the breakthroughs

answers.Yet this was not just any day. that will emerge from OMRF’s labs

tomorrow. Still, if the past is any

On the same date in 1946, a group touchstone, those discoveries will

of state leaders had convened at the make a difference in the lives of

state capitol to witness Oklahoma’s Oklahomans and people everywhere.

Secretary of State grant the charter


at a glance

January March

Drs. Patrick February OMRF opened April June
Gaffney and Kathy its Multiple
Moser led a group In its annual Sclerosis Center OMRF dedicated May The Scientist
of scientists from ranking of the best of Excellence, its new research magazine once
33 institutions that places to work the state’s first tower, which Walter Scheffe, again ranked
identified a genetic for postdoctoral comprehensive was subsequently a World War II OMRF as one of
variant associated fellows, The Scientist research and care nominated for hero and retired its top 10 places
with lupus and, magazine ranked facility for MS. R&D Magazine’s Enid pharmacist, to work—this
potentially, heart OMRF 6th among By year’s end, the laboratory of the made a bequest time for scientists.
disease and certain all U.S. institutions. Center counted year award.“The of $500,000 OMRF was one
kinds of cancer. more than 2,000 next generation to fund cancer of only three
The research study, patients. of scientists will research at OMRF. institutions
which appeared in be working in Said Scheffe’s nationwide to
the American Journal The FDA approved this building,” stepdaughter: “He make the 2011
of Human Genetics, Benlysta, a new said Dr. Jordan gave generously to top 10 lists both
was the largest drug that was Tang in a speech OMRF because for scientists and
experiment ever in tested at OMRF. at the dedication. he knew that postdoctoral
the field of lupus Dr. Joan Merrill “Together, we research was the fellows.
genetics. led trials for the will move medical only way for cancer
treatment, the first science forward treatment methods OMRF welcomed
16 A team of scientists approved for lupus for the benefit of to improve.” its 56th class of
at OMRF and since 1955. Oklahoma and Sir Alexander
the University of mankind.” Fleming Scholars.
Texas at Austin The 14 Oklahoma
discovered that a Led by Dr. high school and
protein known as Lijun Xia, college students
Arid3A is vital to OMRF scientists spent the summer
the development of pinpointed a working with
blood-producing defective sugar senior scientists
stem cells.The at the root of and completing
finding could help ulcerative colitis. individual research
doctors identify The discovery projects.
the cells in healthy could lead to
bone marrow new therapies for
necessary for chronic digestive
transplants to treat disorders, which
patients suffering affect an estimated
from leukemias and 1.4 million
certain immune Americans.

August September December

July OMRF received The U.S. Patent October November Working with
a major grant and Trademark the Hough Ear
Dr. Gary Gorbsky from the National Office issued a The National A new drug Institute, OMRF
made a key Institutes of patent to OMRF Heart, Lung and tested at OMRF researchers
discovery in Health to create for a novel method Blood Institute showed promising explored the use
understanding how the Oklahoma of predicting awarded OMRF results in treating of two chemical
cancer develops. Sjögren’s Syndrome and diagnosing a grant to study MS patients. compounds
In a research Center of Research autoimmune sepsis. Led by Dr. OMRF’s Multiple (4-OHPBN
study published Translation.That diseases.To date, Florea Lupu, the Sclerosis Center nitrone and
in the journal center will focus the work of four-year project of Excellence is n-acetyl-cystine)
Current Biology, on developing new OMRF scientists will examine new one of the national to stop damage
Gorbsky identified ways to diagnose has yielded more treatment strategies phase III clinical to the inner
a mechanism that and treat Sjögren’s, than 700 domestic for the blood trial sites for the ear caused by
could play a key an autoimmune and international infection, which medication, known acute acoustic
role in causing disease thought to patents. claims more than as Lemtrada. trauma like that
chromosomal affect as many as 4 100,000 American experienced by
abnormalities. million Americans. lives each year. soldiers in combat.

Working with Working with Putnam City 17
scientists at the the University Schools presented
University of of Oklahoma, The National OMRF with a gift
California, San OMRF scientists Institute of General of $78,267.With
Francisco, and found that many Medical Sciences this donation, the
the Pediatric MS patients given the awarded Dr. Scott district has given a
Network, Dr. regular seasonal Plafker a five-year total of $2,993,253
Judith James found flu vaccine also grant to study an since beginning
that some common made antibodies enzyme that might its fund drive for
viruses could to fight the H1N1 cause vision loss. cancer research in
change the risk of “swine flu” strain 1975.
pediatric MS. of influenza.“The
results were clear:
even if a new
strain of virus
comes along, the
regular vaccine
may provide some
protection,” said Dr.
Linda Thompson,
co-leader of the

Honor Roll

2011 Donor List

Between January 1 and December 31, $5,000,000 and above Research Foundation
2011, more than 6,800 individuals, Elaine and Harrison Levy
corporations, foundations and organizations Chapman Charitable Trusts Aubrey and Katie McClendon
made gifts and pledges to OMRF. Each Herman and LaDonna Meinders
one of those donations made a difference. $1,000,000 to $4,999,999 Mrs. Dimple C. Mobbs
In this Honor Roll, we have recognized Puterbaugh Foundation
gifts of $500 and above.Your generosity The Samuel Roberts Noble
makes life-saving discoveries possible. Foundation, Inc. $10,000 - $24,999

18 Records-Johnston Family Ann Simmons Alspaugh
Foundation, Inc. Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
$500,000 - $999,999 Ms. Sharon J. Bell and Mr. Gregory A.

H.A. and Mary K. Chapman Gray
Charitable Trust Lance and Linda Benham
G.T. and Elizabeth Blankenship
E. L. and Thelma Gaylord Foundation Leigh and Richard Bradley
Sarkeys Foundation Jack L. Cline Inter Vivos Trust
Estate of Walter P. Scheffe Mr. Hugh J. Cunningham
Estate of Karen Louise Denison
$100,000 - $499,999 Estate of William P. and Lois O. Dill
Ramsey and Susan Drake
Anonymous Mrs. Christy Everest
David J. Chernicky Frontiers of Science Foundation of
Chesapeake Energy Corporation
ConocoPhillips Oklahoma, Inc.
Johnnie Fisher Mr. Boots Hall
Inasmuch Foundation Mr. Frans Hammons
John D. Karr Trust Erin and Tim Hassen
Dale Matherly/Matherly Mechanical Fred and Mary Eddy Jones Foundation
Mrs. Marylin Jones
Contractors, Inc. Herman G. Kaiser Foundation
McCasland Foundation Jessie Dearing Kinley Testamentary Trust
Multiple Sclerosis Bridge Fund Dr. and Mrs. Bill P. Loughridge
National Multiple Sclerosis Society Katie and Will Merrick
Estate of Virginia D. Pasko Midstate Traffic Control, Inc.
Presbyterian Health Foundation Estate of Carl Wayne Murrow
Robert Glenn Rapp Foundation OCCF G. Ed Hudgins Family Fund
Estate of Julia Eleanora Schneider OCCF General Research Fund
United Way of Central Oklahoma OCCF OMRF Fleming Scholarship
Dr. Madine Williams Wilburn
Estate of Evelyn Wynell Woodruff Fund
Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation Order of the Eastern Star Oklahoma

$50,000 - $99,999 Grand Chapter
Glenn W. Peel Foundation
The Anschutz Foundation Madalynne L. Peel Foundation
Mrs.Alice Dangott Mrs. Norma F.Townsdin
Wilma Davis-McElmurry Trust Mrs. Margie Ware
Clyde R. Evans Charitable Trust
Stephen and Susan Prescott $5,000 - $9,999
Putnam City Schools Cancer Fund
Dr. John H. Saxon III Jim C. and Kay Bass
Bethany Public Schools
$25,000 - $49,999 Mr. and Mrs. Bart Boeckman
Harry and Louise Brown Foundation
The Chickasaw Nation Mr. and Mrs. James C. Buchanan III
Estate of Mildred Gibbens Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Burruss
Richard K. and Ruth S. Lane Donna and Len Cason

Memorial Trust
Mrs. Ruth Lebow
Marvin and Ruth Lebow Medical

Elizabeth Merrick Coe Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy R. Bayles Adam Buckley Cohen 19
J.L. and C.N. Coffman Foundation Trust Dick and Leah Beale J. Markham and Becky Collins
Coppermark Bank Mrs. Elly B. Beard Mrs. Ernestine E. Cook
Estate of Charles Edward Craig Jr. Mr. and Mrs.Vernon Belcher Suzy and Chuck E. Cotter
Mrs. Barbara M. Creager Bruce and Sheryl Benbrook Cowboys for Cancer
El Reno Public Schools Mr.Timothy G. Best Wm H. and Carol Crawford
Flintco, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Beyer Debbie and Jack R. Crissup
Michelle and J.W. Gaulding Mrs. Mary C. Blanton Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Crites
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Goddard Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Boatright Russell and Hazel Crooch Endowment
Virginia and John Groendyke Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bockus
Dr.William D. Hawley Ann and Jeff A. Bohanan Fund
Heritage Trust Natalie A. and Jeffrey A. Bonney Estate of Vern Lee Crossman Jr.
Mr. Memphis S. Hixson Mr. Clay P. Booth Mr. Marvin Culver
Mr. L. Richard and Dr. Sharon H. Iorio John L. and Clara H. Bowen Ms. Nancy J. Davies
William and Ann Johnstone Mrs. Betty L. Bower Drs. Susannah Rankin and Dean Dawson
Jane F. and John A. Kenney Del N. and Margaret P. Boyles Lisa Day
Don J. and Patti Leeman Donna and Dr.William G. Bozalis Rita and Al Dearmon
Wilda and Haskell L. Looney Connell and Cliff B. Branan Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Decker
McAlester Clinic Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John A. Brett III Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Delozier
Betty Jo and Billy J. McEver Mary and Tom Brett Miss Linda Dempsey
Frank and Nadine McPherson Trudi and Neil Briix Arloene and Gilbert G. Dick
Jim and Lou Ann Morris Dr. D. Randolph Brown and Susan Ross Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dick
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mueller Pat H. and David J. Brown Lisa and Chad Dillingham
Janis and Jack Perrault Mrs. Dolores M. Brown Kay C. and Dan L. Dillingham
Patrick and Marianne Rooney Mrs. Linda Walker Brown Mr. and Mrs.W. J. Dillon III
Paul and Carolyn Schulte Regena A. and Brownie M. Browne Carol and Neil Dobry
Jack O. Scroggins Charitable Foundation Mr. Kyle Brownlee Drake Gungoll Foundation
Betty and Charles O. Smith Mr. Michael D. Brunsman Mr. and Mrs.Walt Duncan
Gregory and Traci Walton Judith and Jack L. Bryan Bill and Barbara Durrett
Mrs. Naomi Welty Mrs. Marjorie L. Bryan Mrs. Cherri A. Eggleston
Euteva M.Widener Bill Burgess Jr. Mr. Jerry D. Eggleston
Mr. Brad W. Burgess Mr. Pete Eischen
$1,000 - $4,999 Richard and Ellen Burgess Mrs. Nancy Payne Ellis
Deane and Randy Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Clark Ellison
Anonymous Mrs. Elaine Byrket Joanne and Jerry Emmons
Mr. Don R.Abernathy Dolores and Robert D. Call Mrs. Patricia Evans
Ms. Mary Evelyn Adams Campbell-Lepley Hunt Foundation, Inc. Suzanne and Christopher Exstrom
Mr. Michael G.Adams Drs. Patricia and J. Donald Capra Linda L. and Lyle M. Exstrom
Judy and Winford Akins Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Carl Farmers and Merchants National Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.Amis CarMichael Foundation Federal Home Loan Bank of Topeka
Mrs. Leota Margie Amsey Mrs. Norma Sue Carpenter Ken and Mary Ann Fergeson
Amy C. Jack Irrevocable Trust Lisa and Mike Carroll Ms. Cheryl Ferguson
The Hon. and Mrs. Bill Anoatubby Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Casey Jr. First American Bank
Arvest Bank Mr. Jeffrey Foster Caughron First Bank and Trust Company
Ms.Ann Asbury Mr. Kenneth R. Caulkins First National Bank in Altus
Mr. Rob Auger Central National Bank of Poteau First National Bank of Oklahoma
Mr. Bob J. Bailey Hiram H. and Janice Champlin Mr. John A. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Chandler Mr. and Mrs.Andrew Flesher
Jerry D. Balentine, PC, and Associates Ms.Vicky Palmer Chase Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Charley F. Ballou Carolyn and Bill Chatham Mr.Timothy E. Foley
Bank of Oklahoma Foundation Mrs. Jacqueline M. Cheatham Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fowler Jr.
The Baptist Foundation Kathryn N. Mr. Max J. Claybaker Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fransen
Ms. Kathryn Coffman Barbara Fretwell
Klotsch Endowment Michael A. and Lisa Coffman Richard and Deborah Friant
R. Michael and Carla G. Barber Andy and Elena Friot
Miss Betsy L. Barnes

20 Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fulkerson Janet S. and John C. Hudson Paul Mainard Family Trust
Mark and Beverly Funke Annette and Larry Hull Janice G. and Warren D. Majors
Ms. Deborah D. Gardner Mr. Carl S. Hutto Joan L. and Mike J. Maly
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Gardner Idabel National Bank Mrs.Avis L. Marcum
Debra and Robert Gholston Laura and Cecil R. Ingram Karen and Von A. Martin
Ms. Mary A. Giarda Ms. Jolene R. Ingram Jackie and Gene Mayo
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Gibson InterBank McAfee and Taft
Ms. Patricia J. Gibson JAAM Trust Mary T. and Arthur E. McAnulty
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Gilbert Mr. James Wesley Jack Letha and Bob A. McCray
Jean and Ben Gile Richard James Family Foundation Gigi and Rod McEver
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Gill Dr. and Mrs. Bretton H. Jameson Mary O. and Michael A. McGraw
Mike and Wanda Gilliam Dr. Judith James-Wood and Mr. Glen Mrs. Chloe Ann McKaig
Ann Felton and Bob H. Gilliland Janis S. and Tony R. McKaig
Lisa K. and Gregory F. Gisler Aden Wood Margaret and Cameron R. McLain
Ms. Carol A. Glass Loretta and Jerry L. Janzen Joye and Mason McLain
Mrs. Susan Gonzalez Gerald and Jane Jayroe Gamble Johnanna and Charles McLaughlin
Ms. Patricia J. Goode Drs. Brian and Michelle Joachims Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. McLennan
Dr. Gary J. Gorbsky Ms. Carrie Johnson Debby J. and Doug W. McQueen
Mr. David W. Gorham Tom Johnson Investment Stephanie and David L. Meara
Mr.A.W. Green Management, LLC Judy K. and Phil D. Meier
Louise R. and John Ray Green Ms. Jana L. Johnston The Merrick Foundation
Courtney and Tim Griffin Lynette and Clay G. Jones Linda and Ron Merritt
Mr. John W. Griffin Dr. Krista M. Jones and Mr. Craig Stinson Ms. Judy A. Mikkelson
Griffin Holdings, Inc. Dwight and Janice Journey Mary and Walter Mikkelson II
Mr.William A. Hadwiger Susan and Greg Kannady Aimee E. and Kevin W. Miller
Jacqueline O. and Roger V. Haglund The Hon. and Mrs. Frank Keating Billie L. and V. David Miller
Harold and Sue Ann Hamm Larry and Marilyn Kennedy Miller Family Foundation
Mrs.Arthenia L. Haney Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kenney Ms. Janet F. Mitchell
Mrs. Donna J. Hansen Mr. Robert Kent Susan M. and Lynden D. Monroe Jr.
Mr. Betty Harding Dr. Rosemary E. Kerber Dr. Kevin Lee Moore
Burns and Ann Hargis Mrs. Lou C. Kerr Mrs. Sue F. Moore
Mrs. Beverly A. Harkness The Kerr Foundation, Inc. Chip and Suzy Morgan
Harold’s Inspection Service Tracy A. and John J. Kidwell Margaret H. and Larry E. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Claude M. Harris III Ms. Sandra L. Kimerer Gayle and J. Gary Mourton
Crosby and Robert G. Harris Paul W. and Melanie Kincade Lisa and Greg M. Mullen
Mrs. Maxine B. Hartman Catharine B. and Robert L. Kingsley Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Muncrief
Mr. Ronald F. Hartman Debra and Gary Kinslow Mrs. Elois Muncy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Hauschild E. Phil and Roberta L. Kirschner Ms. Jon Evah Murray
Mrs. Jo Hayes Alice B. and Howard W. Myers
Mrs. Bonnie B. Hefner Foundation Dr. Swapan Kumar Nath
Heiman Family Foundation Ms. Rebecca F. Knight Cena E. and Mark S. Nault
Ms. Melinda J. Heitz Barbara N. and Edward A. Krei Marilyn and Bruce A. Naylor
Ms.Audrey M. Hendershot Ms. Joanna L. Latting NBC Oklahoma
Mr. and Mrs. Frank X. Henke III Mr. Ray M. League Nancy A. and Kenneth A. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Erville Eugene Henry Mary Grace and. Ervin Leon Lebeda Mr. Scranton G. Nesbitt
Robert and Jan Henry Ms. Elinor A. LeDoux Ms. Sharon Neuwald
Brad and Kim Henry Sarah and Bruce B. Lenz Dr. Linda Barton Nimmo
Mrs. Lois C. Herndon Mr. Herbert M. Leonard Jr. Jennifer and Bill Nipper
Bette Jo and Frank D. Hill Ms. Sharon K. Lester Sandra N. and Dennis G. Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hogan Ms. Sandra G. Lookabaugh Mr. Lloyd Noble II
Mr.Vaughn Holcer Dr. Dean Loshbaugh Mr. David R. Nordyke
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Holliday Karen L. and Robert P. Luke Sara and Rob Northwood
The Hon. Jerome A. Holmes Carol and Dr. Joseph L. Lynch Roy A. and Janice Nuttall
Howard and Company, LLP Mrs. Sharon Mack OCCF D.A. and D. B. Harmon Memorial
Mr. John M. Huber Peggy and Lee Mackey
Melvin Hugh and Inge Madewell Fund
Madewell and Madewell, Inc.

Diana and David O’Daniell Sharon and Gary Roth Ms. Lawanda Thetford 21
Beth and Paul B. Odom III Lynne and Bob Rowley The Billy Jack Thomas Trust
Mrs. Frances W. O’Hornett Judy and Herbert E. Roy Dr. Linda F.Thompson
Oklahoma Association Mothers’ Club Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Ryerson Grant Thornton, LLP
Dr. Hanna A. Saadah Laura M. and William J.Toellner
Grant Fund SAIC Energy, Environment and Mary L. and Larry B.Trachtenberg
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation Jackie F. and Dennis Trepagnier
Infrastructure, LLC Mr. John A.Trigg
Employees Mrs. Dorothy R. Sales Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E.Trotter
Oklahoma Pioneer Club of Insurance Mrs. Patricia P. Savage Judy and Ronald S.Turner
Dr. and Mrs. Olaseinde I. Sawyerr The United Methodist Home of Enid,
Adjusters Dr. Clyde H. Schoolfield Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Oldfield Jr. Schraad Enterprises, LLC Inc.
Mr. Jim D. Oliver Jamie Sue and Jon Douglas Schrag John Mark Paschal and Bill Usrey
Mrs.Van Oliver Pat A. and Eldon H. Schuessler Mr. Benjamin Vannier
Olson Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Schultz Veterans of Foreign Wars Ladies Auxiliary
Sara and Nigel Otto Mrs. Kathryn Metha Scott Penny and Russell Voss
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Palmer Mrs. Sue Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Gary V.Walker
Kay and Bill J. Palmeter Mr. Rob Shaff Mr. and Mrs. James J.Wasson
Ms. Pam W. Parrish Rebecca A. and Kirby G. Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wasson
Gayle and Richard H. Parry Mr. Greg S. Shepherd Marc and Gloria Weatherall
Ms. Shirley R. Patten Marilyn K. and Rex A. Sheppard Ms. Margaret A.Weddle
Mr. and Mrs. Bond Payne Jeannette and Richard L. Sias Barbra B. and Kenneth A.Weikel
Mr. Merlyn Neil Pearson Mr. Richard M. Singer Carmalieta and Dan Wells
Mrs. Sue Phillips Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Skinner Mr. and Mrs. Steve E.Wells
Myrla and Gary Pierson Mrs. Carol C. Smith Weokie Credit Union Foundation
Ms. Sharon Piper Dr. James B. Smith Linda and Don Wiens
Gerry R. and Dick Pittenger Ms. Margaret D. Smith Devon and Bill J.Wiggins
Kendra S. and Scott M. Plafker Mr. Ralph C. Smith Mrs. Martha V.Williams
Susan and Steve Porter John F. and Joan Snodgrass Mrs. Mary Williams
Mr. and Mrs.Victor W. Pryor Jr. Mr. Neil Spaeth Mr. Jimmy H.Williamson
Quail Creek Bank, NA Katherine Pond and John S. Spaid Margaret B. and John L.Williford
David and Kim Rainbolt Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Spence Willis of Oklahoma, Inc.
Mr. Gene Rainbolt Mr. Jay Stafford Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R.Willits
Donna and Bill Ramsey Judith and Jeff Stallsmith Gara and Russ Wilsie
Mrs. Patsy R. Ray Mary E. and Craig Stanley Mrs. Frances E.Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Raybourn Mr. and Mrs. Danny L. Stansbury Dr. Peter Winn
George and Nancy Records Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steves Mr. Joel L.Wohlgemuth
Mr. George J. Records Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Stickley Cynthia T. and Jim C.Wolfe
Ms. Marisa Bradanini Records Stillwater Senior High School Conna D. and Paul S.Woolsey
Mrs. Joan S. Redding The Stock Exchange Bank Camilla and Dick Wright
Dee and Penny Replogle Mrs. Shirley Stonecipher Virginia K. and Thomas Z.Wright
Republic Bank and Trust Ms. Janna K. Story R. Deane and Esther M.Wymer
Carol A. and Mike L. Rhodes Mrs. Phyllis Jarnagin Stough Dr. Lijun Xia
Dr. Sue A. Rice Anita and Donald C. Stover Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Rod W.Ylitalo
Mary Jane Jordan and Gordon Richards The Stracke-Styron Family Nancy P. and Jim J.Yoch
David and Vicki Righthouse Dr. and Mrs.Tony Stretesky Mr. John M.Yoeckel
Mr.V. Duane Ring Jeleta and Coy Sullivan Ms. Linda R.Young
Mr. and Mrs. C.W. Robertson Jr. Dr. Dana R. Sutton Stephen F. and Barbara D.Young
Loydel and Fred J. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Svoboda Jan Zimmerman
Mr. Craig Roddy Ross and Margaret Swimmer
Mrs. Sarah Jane Rodgers Janet L. and Charles L.Talley $500 - $999
Mr. Robert L. Rogers Joyce L. and George H.Talley
Rogers and Bell Mr. and Mrs.William H.Talley Anonymous
Lesa and Steve R. Rohrer Ms. Dawn Tamir ABC Companies
Estate of Wayne A. Roop Lisa R. and Tim W.Teske Carolyn A. and Richard M.Adkins
D. Jaye Rose Petar and Alexandra Alaupovic
Ross and Matthews, PC

22 ALN Medical Management, LLC Hartzog, Conger, Cason and Neville Andy and Nick Reed
Kristina and Yosef Amiraslani Suzette B. and Kim Hatfield Riggs,Abney, Neal,Turpen, Orbison and
Mr. and Mrs. D. C.Anderson Mr. Larry Hazelwood
Ms. Sue E.Anderson Ms. Evelyn E. Helm Lewis
Loretta J. and Marshall Ault Marisha and Gerry Hendrick Mrs. E. Joan Rollins
Aven Gas and Oil, Inc. Mrs. Michelle J. Henry Ms. Deborah Rose
Pamela S. and Richard E. Baker Mr. Richard C. Henry Mrs. Dorothy B. Skinner
Mr.Todd I. Bayles Mrs. Zemirue Holden Mrs. Eloise E. Smith and
Shelley and Robert S. Beall Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Hollinger Mr. Sherman E. Smith*
Mrs. Jean Bell Mr. Kenneth R. House Jo Ann and Kenneth C. Smith
Mr.William M. Bell Mr. Max M. Hudkins Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Smith
Mr. Sam Birchall Mr. Ronald G. Jacob Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bittle Patsy and Richard James Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Steele
Sherry and L. Bruce Boehs Cathy and Dr. John H. Jameson Anne and Steve Stodghill
Mr. and Mrs.Tony Boghetich Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Jeffers Ann B. and Ross M. Stuntz
The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. Mr. Gerald H. Jobe Miss Joy Sullivan
Ms. Zandra Boucher Mrs. Karen S. Johnson Tahlequah Public Schools
Mrs. Coyla J. Bowden Ms. Barbara B. Kelham Ms. Glenda Temple
Sue and Howard Bowen Mr. Kent Kennedy Mr.Alvin Thomas Jr.
Mr. David Braunstein Mr. and Mrs. Ron B. Ketch Mrs. Lisa Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Brown Jackie D. and August M. Khilling Janet and Sammy Todd
Ms. Gretta J. Burnett Caroline S. and Michael T. Kinter Dr. Rheal A.Towner
Peter and Ginny Bass Carl Carly and Brian D. Knight Trepco Production Company Family
Claudia and Jon Carnell Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Kofoed
Ruth and Phil G. Carson Ms. Nancy A. Lassiter and Friends
Mrs. Jenell D. Clanton Miss Darlene Lewis Mrs. Joanne D.Trimble
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Coates Jr. Estate of Lucile S. Lindsay Mr. Michael Turpen
Ms.Teresa Coffman Loretta M. and John Calvin Long Ms. Ellen Wall
Collins, Butler and Company, PC Alice G. and Robert F. Lovely Judy F. and Gene Walters
Mr. and Mrs. S.A. Crank Drs. Cristina and Florea Lupu Washita Valley Enterprises, Inc.
Mr. Harold L. Crites Michele and Mike L. Mackey Miss Jane A.Weber
Les and Barbara Cummings Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Macri Mrs. Joan Weil
Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. Cunningham Ms. Billie W. Marcoux Grace L. and Darrell L.Wessels
Ms. Mollyann Cypert Ms. Jeanne Markey Ms. Mary Lynn West
Mr. Gary L. Dobbs Ms. Marcel A. Maupin Evelyn I. and Tom D.White
Ms. Jayne Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. McGrath Dr. and Mrs.W. B.Wynn
Mr. and Mrs. I.W. Ellard Judy and Gene McKown Ms. Donna J.Wyskup
Lois and Derry G. Eynon Mr. John M. McLaren The Yaffe Companies, Inc.
Dr. Darise Farris Mr. Gary W. Melsby Mr. James G.Young
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Gambulos Ms. Susan Murray
Ms. Margaret C. Gibson Newman Memorial Hospital Employees
Mr. David Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Olin Gilbert and Community
Ms. Courtney S. Glazer The Honorable and Mrs. Ron Norick
Dr. Sylvia Ines Gografe OCCF Kathleen Lister Fund
Lisa G. and Jeff Greenlee OCCF OMRF Research Fund
Mr. Sid M. Groom Jr. Oklahoma United Methodist Dorothea
Grow For Life Breast Cancer and
French Fund
Education Foundation Mr. John Pansze
Mrs. Martha C. Grubb Mrs. Priscilla A. Partridge
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halvorson Diane and Ed Polk
Mr. Bret D. Hampton Ms. Laura L. Pompa
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Hannah Marcia and John L. Powell
Mr. and Mrs.Arlyn C. Harris Mrs. Julie Quinn
Mr. James H. Harrod Kathryn M. and Phillip E. Rattan
Rauh Oilfield Services Company



In 2007, OMRF launched the most $5,000,000 and above $500,000 - $999,999 23
ambitious expansion in our history,
the Discoveries Campaign. Our goal is Association of Central Oklahoma Virginia and John Groendyke
simple: to position OMRF for the next Governments McCasland Foundation
generation of life-changing breakthroughs. Puterbaugh Foundation
Chapman Charitable Trusts Sarkeys Foundation
With the dedication of our new research E. L. and Thelma Gaylord
tower, the first phase is complete.We now
have the state-of-the-art laboratory and Foundation $100,000 - $499,999
clinical facilities necessary to help unlock National Institutes of Health
the secrets of heart disease, autoimmune Samuel Roberts Noble Ann Simmons Alspaugh
diseases and Alzheimer’s.Yet without Foundation, Inc. Anonymous
scientists and clinicians to fill it, the tower State of Oklahoma Opportunity Chesapeake Energy Corporation
is but a building. ConocoPhillips
Fund Drs. Chuck and Naomi Esmon
In this annual report, you’ve read about William Randolph Hearst
some of the researchers we’ve brought to
OMRF as we’ve grown.They’ve enjoyed $1,000,000 - $4,999,999 Foundation
great success, and their work has begun Don J. and Patti Leeman
OMRF’s exciting new chapter. But to Mary K. Chapman Foundation Elaine and Harrison Levy
complete that story, we need your help. Mr. David J. Chernicky MS Bridge Fund
Hardesty Family Foundation National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Thanks to the generosity of our donors, Hocker Foundation Glenn W. Peel Foundation
we raised the $84 million needed to Inasmuch Foundation Stephen and Susan Prescott
construct and furnish the building.To J. E. and L. E. Mabee Robert Glenn Rapp Foundation
complete the Discoveries Campaign, we Foundation, Inc. Dr. John H. Saxon III
must raise an additional $41 million to Masonic Charity Foundation
recruit 30 more world-class scientists. Aubrey and Katie McClendon $1,301,012 - Gifts less than $100,000
Achieving this goal will ensure that Presbyterian Health Foundation
Oklahoma stays on the leading edge of Rainbolt Family
biomedical research–and that OMRF Records-Johnston Family Foundation,
scientists continue making discoveries that
make a difference. Inc.
Anne and Henry Zarrow




24 Advanced Magnetic Lessard CJ,Adrianto I, Kelly JA, Kaufman
Resonance KM, Grundahl KM,Adler A,Williams AH,
He T, Doblas S, Saunders D, Casteel R, Gallant CJ, Marta E.Alarcon-Riquelme on
Lerner M, Ritchey JW, Snider T, Floyd behalf of the BIOLUPUS and GENLES
RA,Towner RA. Effects of PBN and Networks,Anaya JM, Bae SC, Boackle
OKN007 in rodent glioma models SA, Brown EE, Chang DM, Criswell LA,
assessed by (1)H MR spectroscopy. Free Edberg JC, Freedman BI, Gregersen PK,
Radic Biol Med 51:490-502,2011. Gilkeson GS, Jacob CO, James JA, Kamen
DL, Kimberly RP, Martin J, Merrill JT,
Arthritis and Clinical Niewold TB, Park SY, Petri MA, Pons-Estel
Immunology BA, Ramsey-Goldman R, Reveille JD,
Adrianto I,Wen F,Templeton A,Wiley G, SongYW, Stevens AM,Tsao BP,Vila LM,
King JB, Lessard CJ, Bates JS, Hu Y, Kelly Vyse TJ,Yu CY, Guthridge JM, Bruner GR,
JA, Kaufman KM, Guthridge JM,Alarcón- Langefeld CD, Montgomery C, Harley
Riquelme ME,Anaya JM, Bae SC, Bang JB, Scofield RH, Gaffney PM, Moser
SY, Boackle SA, Brown EE, Petri MA, KL. Identification of a systemic lupus
Gallant C, Ramsey-Goldman R, Reveille erythematosus susceptibility locus at 11p13
JD,Vila LM, Criswell LA, Edberg JC, between PDHX and CD44 in a multiethnic
Freedman BI, Gregersen PK, Gilkeson GS, study.Am J Hum Genet 88:83-91, 2011.
Jacob CO, James JA, Kamen DL, Kimberly
RP, Martin J, Merrill JT, Niewold TB, Ritterhouse LL, Crowe SR, Niewold
Park SY, Pons-Estel BA, Scofield RH, TB, Kamen DL, Macwana SR, Roberts
Stevens AM,Tsao BP,Vyse TJ, Langefeld VC, DeNumdeke AB, Harley JB, Scofield
CD, Harley JB, Moser KL,Webb CF, RH, Guthridge JM, James JA.Vitamin
Humphrey MB, Montgomery CG, D deficiency is associated with an
Gaffney PM.Association of a functional increased autoimmune response in healthy
variant downstream of TNFAIP3 with individuals and in patients with systemic
systemic lupus erythematosus. Nat Genet lupus erythematosus.Ann Rheum Dis
43:253-258, 2011. 70:1569-1574, 2011.

Dillon S,Aggarwal R, Harding JW, Li LJ, Rybicki BA, Levin AM, McKeigue P,
Weissman MH, Li S, Cavett JW, Sevier Datta I, Gray-McGuire C, Colombo
ST, Ojwang JW, D’Souza A, Harley JB, M, Reich D, Burke RR, Iannuzzi MC.
Scofield RH. Klinefelter’s syndrome A genome-wide admixture scan for
(47,XXY) among men with systemic ancestry-linked genes predisposing to
lupus erythematosus.Acta Paediatr sarcoidosis in African-Americans. Genes
100:819-823, 2011. Immun 12:67-77, 2011.

Cardiovascular Biology Mazin AV.The resistance of DMC1 TLR2 and TLR4. Blood 118:1952-1961,
Fu J,Wei B,Wen T, Johansson ME, Liu D-loops to dissociation may account for 2011.
X, Bradford E,Thomsson KA, McGee the DMC1 requirement in meiosis. Nat
S, Mansour L,Tong M, McDaniel JM, Struct Mol Biol 18:56-60, 2011. Immunobiology 25
Sferra TJ,Turner JR, Chen H, Hansson and Cancer
GC, Braun J, Xia L. Loss of intestinal core Daum JR, Potapova TA, Sivakumar S, Air GM, Feng J, Chen T, Joachims ML,
1-derived O-glycans causes spontaneous Daniel JJ, Flynn JN, Rankin S, Gorbsky James JA,Thompson LF. Individual
colitis in mice. J Clin Invest 121:1657- GJ. Cohesion fatigue induces chromatid antibody and T cell responses to
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Curr Biol 21:1018-1024,2011. pandemic swine-origin H1N1 influenza
Griffin CT, Curtis CD, Davis RB, virus. J Clin Immunol 31:900-912, 2011.
Muthukumar V, Magnuson T.The Wu FM, Nguyen JV, Rankin S.A
chromatin-remodeling enzyme BRG1 conserved motif at the C-terminus of Esplin BL, Shimazu T,Welner RS,
modulates vascular Wnt signaling at two sororin is required for sister chromatid Garrett KP, Nie L, Zhang Q, Humphrey
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Lupu C, Zhu H, Popescu NI,Wren JD, Clinical Pharmacology Immunol 186:5367-5375, 2011.
Lupu F. Novel protein ADTRP regulates Merrill JT,Wallace DJ, Petri M, Kirou
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Cancer Biology Extracellular histones promote thrombin underlying NOTCH-induced and
Bugreev DV, Pezza RJ, Mazina OM, generation through platelet-dependent ubiquitin-mediated JAK3 degradation. J
Voloshin ON, Camerini-Otero RD, mechanisms: involvement of platelet Biol Chem 286:41153-41162, 2011.


Financial Information



Competitive research grants

National Institutes of Health grants $ 33,620,282 $ 31,179,138

Other competitive research grants 6,373,818 8,252,805

Total grants 39,994,100 39,431,943

Private contributions

Income and gifts from trusts 6,868,701 7,008,283

Gifts and bequests 1,218,893 1,133,001

Contributions 1,809,911 1,527,446

Memorials 1,116,301 620,582

Total private contributions 11,013,806 10,289,312

Other revenue

Interest and investment income 2,463,103 2,251,182

Mineral income 1,152,108 859,380

Rent 574,124 620,620

Royalties and licensing income 660,511 563,209

Other 846,379 977,019

Total other revenue 5,696,225 5,271,410

Total revenue 56,704,131 54,992,665


Operating revenue from wills, pledges, and

other restricted gifts recorded in prior years 15,016,959 4,150,252

Total operating revenue 71,721,090 59,142,917


Program services - Research 52,329,217 51,042,953

Support services - General and administrative 5,260,627 3,550,272

Total operating expenses 57,589,844 54,593,225

Excess of revenues over expenses $ 14,131,246 $ 4,549,692

Board of


Greg Allen Ramsey Drake Dr.William Hawley Donne Pitman

Charlottesville,VA Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Tulsa

Ann Alspaugh* Walt Duncan IV Holly Healey Harold Powell*

Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Norman

The Hon. Bill Anoatubby William Durrett* Kim Henry David Rainbolt

Ada Oklahoma City Edmond Oklahoma City

James Bass The Hon. Claire Eagan Robert Henry H. E. Rainbolt*

Oklahoma City Tulsa Oklahoma City Oklahoma City

Sharon Bell Carl Edwards Randy Hogan Dee Replogle Jr.

Tulsa Oklahoma City Edmond Oklahoma City

Bruce Benbrook Pat Evans The Hon. Jerome Holmes Pat Rooney

Woodward Ponca City Oklahoma City Oklahoma City

Lance Benham III C. Randolph Everest* Cliff Hudson Robert Ross

Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Oklahoma City

Elizabeth Blankenship* Christy Everest Dr. Bretton Jameson Michael Samis

Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Stillwater Oklahoma City

Jil Boghetich Ann Felton Wm. O. Johnstone Dr. John Saxon III

Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Muskogee

Barbara Braught C. Kendric Fergeson Lou Kerr Paul Schulte

Duncan Altus Oklahoma City Kingfisher

Dr. Randy Brown Larry Ferree Harrison Levy Jr. John Snodgrass*

Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Ardmore

Bill Burgess Jr. Malinda Berry Fischer Dan Little Phyllis Stough 27

Lawton Stillwater Madill Oklahoma City

Ellen Burgess Barbara Fretwell Dr. Bill Loughridge Ross Swimmer

Tulsa Oklahoma City Tulsa Tulsa

Merrill Burruss Jr.* Mark Funke Gerald Marshall* Bill Swisher*

Geary Edmond Oklahoma City Oklahoma City

William Cameron Gerald Gamble Jack McCarty Becky Switzer

Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Newkirk Norman

C. Michael Carolina John Green* Frank McPherson The Hon. Steven Taylor

Edmond Oklahoma City Oklahoma City McAlester

Michael Carroll John Griffin James Morris II Betsy Zahn Thorpe

Edmond Muskogee Oklahoma City Oklahoma City

Len Cason (Chair) Martha Griffin James Mueller Dr. Greg Walton

Oklahoma City Muskogee Oklahoma City Oklahoma City

Hiram Champlin Virginia Groendyke J. Larry Nichols Lew Ward

Dallas,TX Enid Oklahoma City Enid

Elizabeth Merrick Coe* Jacqueline Haglund Richard Parry G. Rainey Williams Jr.

Oklahoma City Tulsa Oklahoma City Oklahoma City

Dr. J. Markham Collins Brooks Hall Jr. Rebecca Patten R. Deane Wymer

Tulsa Oklahoma City Norman Fairview

Dr. Louis Cox Harold Hamm Bond Payne Jr. *Life Director

Oklahoma City Enid Oklahoma City

Wm. H. Crawford V. Burns Hargis Gary Pierson

Frederick Stillwater Oklahoma City



28 Advanced Magnetic Florea Lupu, Ph.D. Scott M. Plafker, Ph.D., R.Ph.
Associate Member Associate Member
Rheal A.Towner, Ph.D.
Kevin L. Moore, M.D. Timothy M. Griffin, Ph.D.
Associate Member
Associate Member Assistant Member
Arthritis and
Clinical Immunology Jana Barlic-Dicen, Ph.D. Kenneth M. Humphries, Ph.D.

Judith A. James, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Member Assistant Member

Member and Program Chair Hong Chen, Ph.D. Hui-Ying Lim, Ph.D.

Swapan K. Nath, Ph.D. Assistant Member Assistant Member

Member Courtney Griffin, Ph.D. Genetic Models of Disease

Robert H.“Hal” Scofield, M.D. Assistant Member James B. Rand, Ph.D.

Member William A. Rodgers, Ph.D. Member and Program Chair

Marta Alarcón-Riquelme, M.D., Ph.D. Assistant Member Robert J. Barstead, Ph.D.

Associate Member Cell Cycle and Associate Member
Cancer Biology
Eliza Chakravarty, M.D. Kenneth G. Miller, Ph.D.
Gary J. Gorbsky, Ph.D.
Associate Member Associate Member
Member and Program Chair
Darise Farris, Ph.D. Immunobiology and Cancer
Dean Dawson, Ph.D.
Associate Member Paul W. Kincade, Ph.D.
Patrick Gaffney, M.D. Member and Program Chair
Michael E. Dresser, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Member Mark Coggeshall, Ph.D.
Associate Member
Farhat Husain, M.D. Member
Roberto Pezza, Ph.D.
Associate Member Xiao-Hong Sun, Ph.D.
Assistant Member
Kathy L. Moser, Ph.D. Member
Susannah Rankin, Ph.D.
Associate Member Linda Thompson, Ph.D.
Assistant Member
Gabriel Pardo, M.D. Member
Christopher L. Sansam, Ph.D.
Associate Member Carol F.Webb, Ph.D.
Assistant Member
Susan Kovats, Ph.D. Member
Clinical Pharmacology
Assistant Member José Alberola-Ila, M.D., Ph.D.
Joan T. Merrill, M.D.
Courtney Gray Montgomery, Ph.D. Associate Member
Member and Program Chair
Assistant Member Lorin Olson,Ph.D.
Coagulation Biology
Ira N.Targoff, M.D. Assistant Member
Charles T. Esmon, Ph.D.
Assistant Member Weidong Wang, Ph.D.
Jonathan D.Wren, Ph.D. Assistant Member
Experimental Therapeutics
Assistant Member Lipid and Lipoprotein
Robert A. Floyd, Ph.D.
Cardiovascular Biology Peter Alaupovic, Ph.D.
Rodger P. McEver, M.D. Member, Distinguished Career Scientist
Free Radical Biology
Member and Program Chair and Aging Protein Studies

Fletcher B.Taylor, Jr., M.D. Luke I. Szweda, Ph.D. Jordan J. N.Tang, Ph.D.

Member, Distinguished Career Scientist Member and Program Chair Member and Program Chair

Lijun Xia, M.D., Ph.D. Michael T. Kinter, Ph.D.

Member Associate Member

825 NE 13th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73104

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