the spring 2015
hot news from inside OMRF
It’s Hamm-er Time
By day, he’s an OMRF IT 1990s. “Even as a Knicks fan in the
professional, dealing in servers, pre-Internet age, whenever there
bandwidth and area networks. was a potential trade or offseason
acquisition, I’d hear rumblings about
But after hours, Jon Hamm the ‘salary cap,’” says Jon.
transforms into a sports finance
information guru whose thoughts Like most fans, he didn’t
understand the rules governing
about the Oklahoma City Thunder player salaries in the National
fill airwaves, blog space and sports Basketball Association. But unlike
sections all over the region. most fans, Jon decided to research
So how did OMRF’s network those rules.
and computer systems senior
administrator join the ranks “The more I dug, the more I
of hoops commentators? understood.” And, he says, “I found
It all happened, he says, that I really enjoyed it.” Over the
pretty much by accident. years, Jon continued to educate
A lifelong himself on sports-wonkish topics
Oklahoman, Jon like the NBA’s rules governing free
started following agency and when teams must pay
professional basketball a so-called luxury tax. “I guess you
when he worked with could call it a hobby,” he says.
the mother-in-law of John
Starks, a Tulsan who starred With the arrival of the Thunder,
for the New York Knicks in the discussion of such topics abounded
on local sports radio shows. One
April 1 Spring Fling
Lunch and Learn May 15
How’s It Going forms due
April 6
Coast to Coast Challenge ends
bunsen burner We’ve extended the deadline for submitting
Spring 2015 You Still information to Wednesday, March 25. If you
enrolled in OMRF’s healthcare plan, please b
Have Time! documents to HR by that date. Thanks!
Hamm-er Time Hobbies are where “IT
You know what they do when they’re here, but what about when they
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 contributions grew, so did That’s what I’m Just like work?
the demand. Jon now writes Tolkien about
day on his drive home multiple articles and blog
from OMRF, Jon heard posts each week for newsok. Brent Keck has 67 books by or Thunder Sargent writes PC programs,
a self-proclaimed expert com and the Daily Thunder about J.R.R. Tolkien. Has an annual and creates servers. A computer guy to the
discussing the topic. Except website. He also puts his family LOTR movie marathon. core.
Jon knew that some of what on-air chops to good use
the “expert” said with frequent segments on The boys in the band
was wrong. statewide sports radio on
107.7 FM “The Franchise.”
On a whim, Jon sent an
email to Berry Tramel, a Although Thunder
popular Oklahoman sports punditry takes up what little
columnist who hosted the spare time this husband and
radio show, doing his best father of 4- and 6-year-old
to set the record straight children has, Jon says it’s
about the misinformation worth it.
he’d heard.
“I’ve broadened my
“To my surprise, Berry horizons and started
wrote me back saying, talking with other media
‘Wow, this is great. Do people, in Oklahoma and
you mind if I use it?’” elsewhere. I enjoy getting
remembers Jon. “Of course the opportunity to talk on
I said, ‘yes.’” the radio and exchange
ideas with people who are
From that initial educated on the topic. It
interchange a relationship really is a blast.”
was born, and as the
positive feedback on Jon’s
All about family Ross Thanscheidt plays piano, Jeff Holmes plays acoustic and
trombone, bassoon and clarinet. electric guitar.
Mom’s taxi service Shutterb
Debbie Lyons loves spending time with her five grandkids. Kelly Holstein is quite the ph
Julie Laffin: With three boys involved in spent years traveling the art s
team sports, Julie logs plenty of miles Debra Gentry is a lifelong ph
behind the wheel. and loves entertaining her th
g dependent audit
u have a dependent
be sure to submit your
IT’s” at!
ey’re not?
Ups and downs
Brad Pazoureck: Nationally ranked
stair climber.
Todd Walker has written original When it comes to a five-point self-assessment builds stronger supervisor-
music for decades and plays lead supervisor-employee form. The supervisor will employee relationships, and
guitar in a rock band. interaction, face-to-face provide an assessment of that’s good for the entire
time is best, says Vice the employee’s performance foundation. An HIG is also
bugs President of Human using a similar five-point required to be eligible for
Resources Courtney form. The next step is to sit any salary changes. And for
photographer, having Stevens, especially when it together, compare answers employees, this is a time
t show circuits. comes to the annual review and discuss results. Copies to shine.
photography enthusiast process we call at OMRF of the forms then go to HR
hree grandchildren. “How’s It Going?” for there files. “Go ahead and brag a
little,” says Courtney. “But
This spring, the HIG forms Self-evaluation builds self- be realistic. Use your annual
have been updated, and awareness, and we all have HIG as a chance to grow
Courtney says it should areas for improvement, and enrich your relationship
make the whole procedure says Courtney. The annual with your boss. But don’t
easier and more relevant. HIG process gives bosses only talk face-to-face once
and employees a chance a year.”
“We’ve simplified to think about the entire
the forms so the annual year. It forces them to both She advises supervisors
evaluation hopefully will be look back and look ahead. and employees to keep the
more meaningful to both “When the sit-down occurs, conversation going all year
sides,” she says. “Instead if the forms are vastly long. You’ll both benefit
of having three forms, we’ll different, it’s a signal that from it in the end.”
have two: one for each some areas need attention,”
person. The new format still she says. The new HIG forms are
allows for flexibility.” available on the Intranet
Why should everyone under “Forms.” The due
Using the updated forms, have an annual review? It date for completing HIG
the employee will complete forms is May 15.
INVEST IN bunsen burner
Spring 2015
Planning for retirement can be tricky. And confusing. If
you’re a full-time employee, OMRF makes a monthly @SeOeMn RF
contribution to your retirement account. But that’s just a
beginning. If you want to ensure you’ll have enough of a POSTDOC
nest egg to retire comfortably, a supplemental retirement ASSOCIATION
account is a great option. “These extra funds can make CARNATION
a real difference in your quality of life when you reach SMASH: ELISE
retirement age,” says TIAA-CREF’s Sean Mossman, who DONOVAN
serves as a retirement advisor to many OMRF employees. WATCHES AS
What is a supplemental you can manage your SRA PRADO LOPES
retirement account? investments through TIAA- DESTROYS A
An SRA is a way to set CREF’s website. FLOWER WITH
aside additional money for SOME POWER.
retirement. You can choose Will my SRA contributions
a sum to deduct each be taxed? FIRST THIRSTDAY:
month from your paycheck You can choose from two KERRY LEEHAN AND
to go directly into an SRA options: the traditional CHRISTINA LAWRENCE
through TIAA-CREF. That SRA or the Roth. The “CHEEZ-IT” UP FOR
money receives special difference hinges on a THE CAMERA AT FIRST
tax-sheltered treatment, “pay now or pay later”
allowing it to grow faster philosophy when it comes THIRSTDAY.
than money that you might to taxes. With a traditional
otherwise save. SRA, you defer all taxes
until you make withdrawals
How much can I contribute in retirement. With the
to an SRA? Roth SRA, you pay taxes
For calendar year 2015, on your contributions
everyone can contribute now, but you’ll owe no
up to $18,000 to an SRA, taxes when you make
and if you’re age 50 or retirement withdrawals—
over, the annual limit no matter how much your
increases to $24,000. investments have grown.
What are my investment How do I open an SRA
options? at OMRF?
You’ll have all the same Drop by or contact HR at
choices OMRF offers [email protected]
under its full-time or [email protected].
retirement plan. They can help you
And like that plan, get started.