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Winter-Spring 2007
Bringing up Jeremy
Dr. Jim Rand devoted his career to understanding how cells communicate with one another. He never suspected that this research would one day lead him back to his own family. Until doctors told him that his own son suffers from a form of autism.

The Survivor For many, a cancer diagnosis marks the beginning of the end. For OMRF patient Huguette White, it meant a whole new beginning. Scenes from a remarkable life.

From the president: Tighten Your Belts – NIH Budget

Celebrating 60 in Style – 60th Anniversary

A Career that Keeps on Going and Going and Going… Petar Alaupovic

Kenneth Hensely

Charity Navigator – Four stars

Anthrax – Darise Farris, Judith James, Sherry Crowe

Lew and Myra Ward Chair

first person: Autism, Our Story – Mike Kellum, Will Kellum
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