Natural black and white diamonds set in 18k gold combined with South Sea pearls from the Black & White Collection
Yvel Boutique Opening At The Miami Design District: December 2014
To review the Yvel collection in private: [email protected] 561-391-5119
To schedule a visit at the Yvel Design Center in Jerusalem Israel 972-2-6735811 [email protected]
interior design.
In support of International Breast Cancer Month, Luminaire has joined forces with Nasir &
Nargis Kassamali for the fourth edition of Luminaire’s “Love” fundraising auction.
Unique Vase Dubbed GlasLove, this latest iteration of the October 6. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the
designed and donated philanthropic initiative invites leading designers Braman Family Breast Cancer Institute.
by Marcel Wanders from around the world to present objects in
glass at a charity auction that will be held online These innovative and successful fundraising auction
from September 19 - October 11, 2016, at events began in 2006 with PuppyLove, when Luminaire — with the live auction taking place at a founders Nasir and Nargis Kassamali launched the series
gala dinner on October 6, 2016, at the Moore Building in to help raise research funds and increase awareness of cancer
the Miami Design District. after having been personally affected by the disease. Nargis
“Glass is a material that is ever present in our daily assamali is a five-time cancer survivor.
lives, due to its versatility and functionality. We encounter it “We were enamored by Oki Sato’s Nendo Works: 2014-
consciously and subconsciously every day — we look through
it with our glasses; we drink from it with our glassware. It 2015 exhibition at the Museo della Permanento in Milan
is also characterized by the duality of its strong, yet fragile, — featuring delicate, yet strong, pieces designed by Nendo
nature. oetically and metaphorically, glass reflects the spirit for Glas Italia. Oki Sato and Glas Italia’s owner, Lorenzo
of those battling cancer and thus, was an ideal material for Aronsio, graciously decided to donate the glass pieces for
our fundraising auction to benefit cancer research, states our auction series, and ultimately this was what solidified
Nasir Kassamali. our concept, stated asir assamali.
Designers donating pieces to the auction include Omer The ove initiative has included participation by
Arbel, Arcade, Naoto Fukasawa, Glas Italia, Lasvit, Piero fashion designers such as Issey Miyake, architects such as
Lissoni, Nendo, Nao Tamura, Patricia Urquiola, Venini, and Zaha Hadid, Herzog & De Meuron, and visual artists such
Marcel Wanders. The donated objects run the gamut from a as Arne Quinze, Michele Oka Doner, José Parlá, and other
chandelier by Nendo (Oki Sato) to a set of glass chairs from luminaries dedicated to changing the course of cancer.
Dutch designer Marcel Wanders. All are limited-edition, one- The Kassamalis, thus far, have raised close to one-million
off, or prototype pieces, including unique pieces designed dollars through the initiative. The Sylvester Comprehensive
specifically for GlasLove, such as Bocci 73.19 by Omer Arbel, Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School
Annular by Todd Bracher, and Meteora by Ivan Baj. of edicine has been the beneficiary from the inception
of the series.
International auction house Phillips has volunteered to Viewing of the GlasLove exhibition runs Monday to
manage the philanthropic auction for GlasLove, both online Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Luminaire Lab,
at and at the Moore Building event on 3901 NE 2nd Ave, Miami, FL 33137. TM
A sampling of the GlasLove auction Candy Collection
items include... Sphere Chandelier
Ando time designed by the
designed by Tadao Campana Brothers
Ando for Venini for Lasvit
Meteora designed by
Ivan Baj for Arcade
“Glass is a material that is ever present in our
daily lives, due to its versatility and functionality.”
Ashanghai designed by Max
Ingrand for FontanaArte.
Parts High designed and
donated by Anna Torfs
Path tables
designed by
Nendo for GlasItalia
PRISM partition
designed by
Tokujin Yoshioka
for GlasItalia
Two gallery owners and two local artists share their views
on the Miami art scene and selling art.
By James Cubby
Art Miami, entering its 27th edition, remains the BERNICE STEINBAUM GALLERY
most established art fair in Miami. It expanded Bernice Steinbaum, after a successful run of more than
its scope with Art New York, and this year,
with the inaugural Palm Beach Modern & 20 years in New York City, moved her gallery — which was
Contemporary Fair. As Miami’s premier anchor the first commercial gallery in the still-undeveloped area of
fair, Art Miami attracts thousands of collectors, dealers, Wynwood — to Miami. A former crack house, her gallery
curators, and artists from all over the world. With a showcase became a cornerstone for the now thriving Wynwood Arts
of more than 125 international art galleries, this fair shines a District. The gallery closed in 2014, but Bernice, a formidable
spotlight on every gallery and artist who are involved. Here, presence in the local and national arts scene, emphasizes the
a couple of Miami’s top galleries and a couple of their artists importance of fairs like Art Miami. Home recuperating from
share their views on Art Miami. pneumonia, Steinbaum became more energized the more
Art Miami Fair
she spoke about art: “When a fair boasts 82,000
attendees, that means 164,000 eyes have looked
at your booth. You want as many people to share
your vision as possible. ernice Steinbaum
Gallery has a long history of exhibiting at Art
Miami, and the fair has been very good to her
and her artists. Kicking off its 26th edition, Art
Miami hosted a private cocktail reception and
screening of the award-winning film ernice
— the story of art pioneer Bernice Steinbaum’s
lifelong efforts to assist artists of color and
female artists in achieving the recognition they
deserve. The event also celebrated her gallery’s
10th year as an exhibitor at Art Miami. Bernice
Her energy grows as she speaks about art,
and her excitement builds as she shares what she
has in store for this year’s Art Miami. In the past,
she has featured a variety of nature themes. “I try
to create an atmosphere in my booths, like in my
gallery. firmly believe that coming to a gallery
should be a religious experience. The theme
this year will be ive Them the ird — a
tongue-in-cheek theme that will promote her
undying love for nature and animals. Her booth
will undoubtedly be filled with birds like the ones
displayed in beautiful cages by Troy Abbott, one
of her artists. “Everyone is looking to nature
today, adds ernice when describing artists
that catch her eye. “I’m interested in recycled By Enrique Gomez-De Molina
material. t’s exciting to me. ernice prefers
talking about her artists, rather than herself, and
even throws out an invitation: “You must come visit when the best. ith such an enormous spotlight being shown on
I’m feeling better; I’ll make great coffee, and you can see the artists exhibited, gallery owners have a difficult decision
the art. hile waiting for her new gallery — which will be to make when selecting which of their artists to exhibit.
connected to her home in Coral Gables — to be completed, “Sometimes I base my decision on repeating artists that
her artists' work is displayed, along with her own work. “Of were very successful in previous years, but always including
course, much of my art is work by my artists. Clients visit new artists, to give to collectors the surprise element. iana
and always want the work that’s not for sale. Lowenstein works to introduce new artists, but maintains a
Looking forward to another great year at Art Miami, roster of over forty international artists.
Bernice sings its praise. “It’s a very accessible fair with prices
that are very doable. There’s a wide spectrum of art, and
everyone can find something they like. rt iami is also
the oldest fairs in Miami and gives back to the community.
like that.
The iana owenstein allery, a fixture in ynwood Diana Lowenstein
Arts District since 2006, has been exhibiting with Art Miami
since its inception. As an active gallery owner and director,
Diana Lowenstein has been a force in the international art
scene as a passionate promoter of Argentine art. For over
twenty years, her gallery has participated in high-caliber fairs
including FIAC in Paris, ARCO in Madrid, Art Basel, Art
Chicago, and Art Miami. “My association with Art Miami
started from their first edition in 1 1 with my gallery, then
located in Buenos Aires. In the long period of 27 years, the
fair experience has been back and forth. But since the new
administration took over, Art Miami placed itself among
one of the best art fairs. hile her gallery has exhibited
in other Miami fairs, she has returned to Art Miami. “After
participating in Art Basel Miami and Pulse, I realized that my
gallery needed to support the iami rt air.
Contemporary art has always been Diana Lowenstein’s
focus in her shows, and her taste is reflected in her gallery
with an eclectic mix of paintings, sculptures, photography,
and installations. Art Miami features a unique opportunity
for her artists. “Art Miami offers, at that time of the year, a
different alternative in comparison to the rest of the fairs and
placing, for me, in second place, but working hard to become
Urban Landscape impossible to get involved in during the early 2000s. The first
by Michael Loveland year back in Miami, I was featured in an art magazine, and a
gallery in New York contacted me to offer me a solo show
Often gallery owners don’t get the same experience from in Chelsea. Funny, I had to leave New York for people to see
a fair as the attendees because it’s work for them — setting up, me in ew ork.
promoting, and selling. “Unfortunately, you are right, I never
have time to visit the fairs, but when I do, I found myself Having grown up in Miami, Loveland has experienced,
purchasing art from my colleagues. The collector side never firsthand, the growth of iami’s art scene. The iami
ends. iana, like most gallery owners, is also a long-time I moved from to go to college in Baltimore at MICA —
art collector. While she has a reputation as a promoter of Maryland Institute College of Art — was not the Miami I
Argentine art, that is not what she collects. “I was never an moved back to! The scene has grown 100-fold since the early
Argentine art collector. Before opening my gallery in Argentina 1 0s. oveland’s colorful art is inspired by the aesthetics
in 1987, my husband and I collected international art. That of grassroots , including found objects, graffiti tags,
remains the program of the gallery to this day. Nevertheless, homemade political posters, and hand-painted business
signs. usually say, make stuff happen — whatever
rgentine artists have always had a special place in my heart. that may be.
Once again, Art Miami is expecting another record year,
oveland’s first show was with iana owenstein allery
and gallery owners, such as Diana Lowenstein, look forward in 2007; the show was curated by Jose Carlos Diaz, who is
to Miami’s Art Week. “I am very optimistic about the success now curator of exhibitions at the Andy Warhol Museum in
of rt iami, and that is my approach from the first day of Pittsburg. Loveland has since exhibited at Art Miami several
the fair. This year the iana owenstein allery will feature times. “I have shown a few times over the years at Art Miami.
works by Argentine artist Graciela Sacco and will also feature I did walk the fair most years to see what they were up to
a solo show of the artist at the same time in the gallery. before Diana Lowenstein Gallery started showing here. Last
year, I had a solo presentation in a public area of the fair. It
was great, and met lots of wonderful people. ow does rt
Miami rate among other fairs in this artist’s opinion? "I would
say it’s like many of your top art fairs in New York, but with
a more South American/Caribbean feel. I am showing this
year at EXPO Chicago. I always love to see what’s being made
in the windy city. also love visiting rieze ew ork air.
Exhibiting in fairs like Art Miami really validates up-and-
coming artists like Michael Loveland. Because of the attention
of fairs like Art Miami, Loveland’s work is now placed in
museums. “I recently had my works placed in a couple major
art museums' permanent collections. I got to sit in front of
my work hanging in the Brooklyn Art Museum last year and
watch other people take photos. It really made me feel that
what I do truly means something and will be around for a long
time. hen asked to be interviewed for Trillionaire Magazine,
the artist responded, “I would love to have a trillion dollars.
ow many zeros is that
Michael Loveland, a Miami-based artist who graduated Michael
from the New World School of the Arts, participates in Loveland
exhibitions and art fairs in the U.S. and abroad. As one of
Diana Lowenstein’s artists, he feels fortunate to be among
those chosen to be exhibited in rt iami. think it’s
very helpful to show in a fair like Art Miami, if you’re lucky
enough to be chosen. have been a lucky one over the years.
Michael lived and studied in New York for seven years, but
has returned, making Miami his home base. “I moved back
to Miami because I was much more inspired to make art
here. I found the art scene very closed off in N.Y. and almost
Troy Abbott, a Miami Beach based artist represented
by Bernice Steinbaum Gallery, is known for his brilliant and
beautiful cage sculptures featuring digital images of birds. In
2002, his first C sculpture sold to a prominent iami
Beach collector. His series of digital bird-cage sculptures have
shown at several galleries and exhibitions around the world
and will be featured again at Art Miami 2016. Abbott, like his
art, is fresh, innovative, and an example of the type of work
that artists are producing currently. Abbott believes that Art
iami reflects the world of art today.
“Art Miami is a broad-stroke survey of what is going on
around the world in art. As with most art fairs, sales are
front and center for most galleries, but that does not mean
everything shown is strictly commercial in quality.
The galleries’ exhibitions stretch from editions to unique
works — from painting and photography, to textile and
generative digital art. It is an eye-opener for art professionals,
as well as the general public. The "fair" aspect of the venue
makes it a very casual and entertaining experience.
Being housed beneath two giant city blocks in air-
conditioned tents, it’s certainly not your typical, white-walled
gallery experience.
With over 100 galleries exhibiting, fairs like Art Miami are
often overwhelming to artists and to viewers. “Larger fairs
like Art Miami's are more broad and varied in what is being
shown — kind of like a supermarket versus a fruit stand,
says Abbott. “Art Miami galleries more often show several
artists in their booths at once. And while this does add to the
excitement and energy of the fair, it can leave some visitors
needing to sit for a while and discuss the experience a bit.
While fairs like Art Miami attract collectors and art lovers
from all over the world, Abbott believes there’s more to Miami Troy Abbot
than Art Week. “Miami has a lot to offer artists in terms
of culture and inspiration. I am not talking about big-city everywhere. The museum scene is steadily improving with new
museum culture; I am talking about street-city culture. While directors and curators filling vacant positions and redirecting
Miami has several museums, the heart of Miami's culture Miami's once small-town ideas into a big-city vision. With
lives inside its neighborhoods and its people, with its diverse relatively affordable studio spaces and the annual art fairs in
mix of residents and the amazing neighborhoods they have December, Miami is a great place for artists to get a start and
created. There is a lot to draw from if you venture off the find exposure for their work. Overall, the art scene is pretty
trendy Brickell and South Beach neighborhoods. Although supportive. It's not New York by any measure; Miami is still
some may call it gritty, I see it as very rich ... inspiration is a small town in terms of art, but it s growing every day. TM
Troy Abbot Birdcage
La Ironía de Un Idilio, 2015
Oil on Wood Panel
By Luis Enrique Toledo del Río
technique - n. 1817, from French technique "formal practical details in artistic expression,"
noun use of adj. technique "of art, technical," from Greek tekhnikos.
Miami and Miami Beach will be the hub of the art world during By James Cubby
Miami Art Week — or Art Basel Week — November 28th- SC: Participation in any fair, this time of year in Miami, is incredibly important
December 4th. Every year, approximately twenty art fairs to artists and galleries from the perspective of sales, publicity, and the inevitable
compete for collectors and sales, with the major fairs like Art growth of one’s collector and contact base. Participation in Technique
Basel and Art Miami getting most of the attention. Each year Art Fair is important to artists and galleries who seek to capitalize on the
brings a new crop of fairs, and this year, Technique — a boutique art fair previously mentioned benefits, and additionally, to associate themselves with
located at the Shelborne Wyndham Grand South Beach — is set to make its a fair committed to quality work — a concentration on narrative realism,
inaugural mark. Not just another fair, this fair focuses on skill-based work, photorealistic portraiture, and surrealism.
primarily representational and featuring a body of international artists, who are TM: What other fairs have inspired you?
represented by world-class galleries and dealers. This fair is also the brainchild SC: I've been inspired by a great many fairs. The reason we're doing this is
of Stacy Conde of Conde Contemporary — the gallery on Miracle Mile in not because of what we've seen, but because of what we haven't seen — a
Coral Gables — with a concentration on narrative realism, photorealistic concentration on technique-driven, representational art.
portraiture, and surrealism.
TM: How was Technique Art Fair born? TM: How do you select the artists that you represent?
STACY CONDE: We were contacted to do art programming for the SC: It's a weird alchemical formula of my own creation. The short explanation
Shelborne, and when the opportunity presented itself to create a new fair, is that first, have to love the work; then, have to love the artist. e all
we seized it. We see it as a natural progression. Technique Art Fair was born work so hard and so closely together, if there's not a level of mutual respect
out of a love for art, artists, collectors, and galleries. When there is a balance and admiration, I just don't see the point. I'm a romantic at heart. I honestly
and all are equally respected, great things happen. believe fine art and the artists who create it are special. They aren t meant to
TM: How did you come up with the concept of Technique? be factories churning out masses of disposable goods.
SC: The concept of Technique is one that sprang from my own interest,
to be honest. I'm passionate about technique-driven work — particularly TM: How would you describe the state of the arts scene in Miami?
representational art — though any work of art requiring an elevated level of
skill fascinates me. There's a quiet movement afoot — a new 21st-century SC: It's a very exciting time. There's a hunger for serious programming,
Renaissance is beginning to take hold. lectures, films, exhibitions ... e re not uite where we need to be, but we re
TM: How will this fair differ from the other fairs located in the hotels? making great strides.
SC: Apart from the type of work we aim to show, the layout of the fair at I would like to see "Vigee Le Brun: Woman Artist in Revolutionary France"
the Shelborne is exceptional. The booths at Technique Art Fair are set up at the PAMM.
in the El Dorado Ballroom on the lobby level, which creates a traditional fair
experience and makes for easy navigation. We're also activating the Continental TM: Conde Contemporary represents an impressive roster of artists who
and rooms on the mezzanine level with programming. Steps away, on the are specialists in contemporary Cuban art.
hotel premises, is The Sarsaparilla Club, which is magnificent. e re working Which ones will be exhibiting at this fair?
on the details now for a series of events there, including art brunches. Lastly,
the location of the fair is ideal — 18th and Collins Avenue, three blocks SC: Darian Rodriguez Mederos, Andres
from Art Basel, itself, and right in the epicenter of all things art on Miami Conde, Luis Enrique Toledo del Rio, Enrique
Beach for that week. Contemporary art is, in many ways, so entranced by the Toledo, Natasha Kertes, Anthony Ardavin,
conceptual that the actual work and technique involved in creating art have Luis Rodriguez NOA, and Griselle Gaudnik.
become secondary — tertiary even — to the obfuscated artist's statement.
Happily, I sense a seismic shift is underway. Technique ( opens Stacy Conde
TM: Why do you feel it’s important/necessary for a gallery or artist to on November 29th with a Collector's Preview
show in a fair such as this? from 12 - 4 p.m., immediately followed by a VIP
Press Preview from 4 - 9 p.m. The fair runs
through December 4th, with programming to
be announced at Shelborne Wyndham Grand
South Beach, 1801 Collins Ave, Miami Beach. TM
social scene.
Jamie Lipman & Mandy Diaz Brett Fiedman, Iris Green, & Michal Shashua Guests
Javier Pastrana, Lisa Danielson, & Monica Charvet Alex Courson, Jordan Fortgang, & Marcela Lombana
Andre Lira, Lily White, & Diego Correia Ana Pedreguera & Erica Saylor
Barbara Hernandez & Gracy De Leca Shayna Sirkin, Gil Ribak, & Barbara Breslow
Harriet Booth & Hannah Field Bianca Szklaruk & Emily Edenburg
Credit: World Red Eye Shivani Josha & Diana Bartommeu Thierry Adam, Jean Marc Benichou, Katy Brami, Victoria Benichou, & Anthony Bismuth
The most exclusive Pro-Am Tennis Event in the World
Join Sir Richard Branson on his private island — favorite hideaway. e first purchased the island in 1 78,
Necker Island — for the Necker Cup, which will and it opened as a private, luxury retreat in 1984. Necker
take place November 14 - 19, 2016. Presented by Island is now part of Virgin Limited Edition, Sir Richard’s
Manuka Doctor, the Necker Cup is the most exclusive portfolio of unique retreats. There is a 60-person staff on
pro-am tennis event in the world. Throughout the the island, dedicated to guests’ every need — plus more than
competition, guests will get a chance to mix and mingle with 200 flamingos who are all part of the ecker family. layers
Sir ichard ranson in the stunning reat ouse on the and guests can kick back in the luxurious surroundings,
island’s highest point. They will also have a chance to spot relaxing under a picturesque Caribbean palapa, enjoying
2016 celebrity entertainer Robin Thicke and special guest beach activities and the vacation of a lifetime.
Mike Tyson around the island.
Participants may also have fun in other typical Necker
The event is a six-day five-night, all-inclusive world-class Island activities like paddle boarding, sail-boat races, kite
pro-am tennis competition where sixteen legendary ATP/ boarding — Sir Richard’s favorite — wake boarding,
WTA-tour players/legends are paired up with sixteen amateur snorkeling, massage therapy, beach tennis, and entertaining
teams of all levels. A handicapped-scoring format makes it parties.
competitive for every player. Teams consist of one pro and
up to two amateurs. And it’s all for a good cause. Organized by the experienced
staff at Premier Tennis, the event offers a unique experience
Amateurs play with ATP/WTA pros and legends that has raised over 2 million for designated beneficiaries.
like Stefan Edberg, Mike Bryan, Marion Bartoli, Daniela portion of event profits and 100 of all auction proceeds
Hantuchova, Todd Martin, and more. Teams compete to go to Virgin Unite, The National Tennis Foundation, and
win their brackets and earn a chance to play in the Necker other leading ATP-player 501 (c)(3) charities.
Cup Finals to be held on November 19, before the charity
tennis exhibition. On the final night, after the T layer’s xhibition, the
enjoyable nd-of-the- orld wards inner, auction, and
Situated in the British Virgin Islands, Necker Island party takes place. Guests can relax, grab a drink, and make
provides a beautiful backdrop for this six-day, all-inclusive a difference in the world by bidding on the exclusive tennis
event. Necker Island is Sir Richard Branson’s home and travel experiences and select items. TM
travel. Cramim Resort & Spa, Jerusalem.
Bucket list travel adventures to Israel are the latest trend among the elite.
What would you expect a luxury holiday By Leah Stern
package to Israel to look like? What if you ed Sea destination, via their very own fleet of personal
had half-a-million dollars to spend on it? helicopters. Time, after all, is the most precious commodity
One family of eight recently had to face when money is no object. It also helps when your appointed
that fortunate conundrum in planning their pilot is a retired Israeli Air Force General — with 13,000
12-day, no-expense-spared visit to the Holy Land. With that flying hours under his belt — and your personal tour guide is
kind of budget, they were able to avoid the arduous 4-hour a geopolitical expert and the highest-ranking female colonel
drive from Tel Aviv to Eilat for a 24-hour visit to the popular to ever serve in the Israel Defense Forces.
Photo provided by Tova Wald.Private helicopter tours. When you think of luxury travel, Israel isn’t necessarily
114 TRILLIONAIRE the first country to come to mind. ntil about five years
ago, the wealthy jet-set crowd opted for other Middle Eastern
locations where the service standards were of higher par
and accessibility to five-star accommodations were plenty.
Now, more elite travelers are choosing Israel, due to an
emergence of bouti ue travel firms, scores of celebrity
chef-owned restaurants, and an influx of srael’s newest
line of lavish hotels.
Yet, traveling in luxury is not just about food and
accommodations, but rather the ability to gain access to the
inaccessible. Bespoke itineraries, if orchestrated properly,
leave an indelible imprint on mind and heart alike. Elite
travel is, in fact, all about experiencing that which you will
carry with you for a lifetime.
“Its all about knowing the right people,” says Hannah Blustin,
founder of Pomegranate Travel. “We meet our suppliers face-to-
face and put lots of effort and investment to quality control everything
ourselves. Also, in order to provide a premium service, you, yourself,
have to experience it first.”
UNESCO Heritage Site, usually shut down at night. They “It’s the depth of
had the natural treasure all to themselves with a five-course the experience
candlelit meal prepared by top chefs. that truly elevates
one’s travel
Tova ald, known as the first mother of luxury travel in adventure to that
Israel, also helps travelers gain elite access. One of her most of an exquisite
well-known abilities is to close down holy sites and religious memory.”
locations at odd hours for her clients.
Photo provided by Tova Wald. Off-road adventures.
Wald says, “Today's travelers realize that it's not how much you see
lustin knows firsthand what the ultimate romantic when you're traveling, it's the depth of the experience that truly elevates
getaway looks like. one's travel adventure to that of an exquisite memory.”
One newlywed couple recently chose to travel to Israel to Aside from the itinerary, where you hang your hat is equally
commemorate their burgeoning love affair. It started with an as important. In Israel, up until recently, the only options
evening under the stars at a pop-up desert camp overlooking were household names like the Hilton or Sheraton. But now,
the Mitzpeh Ramon Crater in the Negev. Their campsite independent high-end boutique hotels are setting up shop.
came complete with a professional telescope, a feather-down Some of Israel’s latest and greatest places to stay include the
mattress, and working showers and toilets. Their dinner plans Waldorf Astoria Jerusalem, the Cramim Resort and Spa in the
included a chauffeured, off-road jeep tour to the nearby Judean Hills, Norman Tel Aviv, Ritz-Carlton in Herzliya, the
Jordanian border, where they crossed into Little Petra — a Efendi in Acre, the Scots in Tiberias, and the Beresheet — a
desert hotel and spa in Mitzpeh Ramon, considered one of
the finest hotels in srael by international standards.
Israel has also emerged as a luxury destination mainly
because of its booming foodie scene. Though there are no
ichelin-star restaurants in the country, an influx of celebrity
chefs has transformed Tel Aviv into a culinary capital. And
you better believe that V.I.P.s spending time in the country will
be joined by these chefs while visiting the chefs' restaurants
for some inside tips on how to perfect their recipes.
Most of the top restaurants are in Tel Aviv and include
North Abraxas, Tapas1Haam, Toto, Santa Katerina,
Topolopompo Delida, Yaffo Tel Aviv, Messa, Herbert Samuel,
Raphael, Zepra, Popina, Manta Ray, Hamizlala, Catit, Oasis,
Taizu, and HaBasta.
So, whether you’re touring Israel from the air on your
private chopper or rappelling down the side of a 200-million-
year-old crater in the desert, there is something for every
curious wanderluster, though lounging beachside and gazing
at the Mediterranean is still always an option. Yet, no matter
how you enjoy the country’s scenic backdrop of mountains,
deserts, and the sea, what will make your trip most memorable
is the myriad of different people you’ll meet along your
journey. Though diverse in culture, race, and religions, Israelis
are singularly known to be some of the warmest and most
welcoming in the world. TM
Beresheet Hotel - Mitzpe Ramon.
Here are our picks for must-see places on your check list, memorable restaurants to experience
and top of the line hotel accommodations to make your next visit to Israel unforgettable.
Hot air balloon rides over the desert. JERUSALEM
Where to Stay:
Cramim Resort & Spa What to See:
- Tel Aviv Museum of Art
The King David Yarkon Park
- Tel Aviv Promenade
Mamilla Hotel Shenken Street
- Neve Tzedek
Waldorf Astoria Jerusalem Carmel Market
- Bauhaus Center
The American Colony Down South
- Where to Stay:
Where to Eat: Beresheet Hotel - Mitzpe Ramon
Machne Yehuda -
Mona Where to Eat:
Mamilla Rooftop Pack a lunch or have one catered!
Chakra What to See:
1868 Ramon Crater
Eucalyptus Ein Advdat National Park
Angelica Nabatean Avdat Acropolis
Tuoro Up North
Cielo Where to Stay:
Gabriel Elma Arts Complex Luxury Hotel
What to see: – Zichron Ya’akov
Church of the Holy Sepulchre -
The Western Wall Efendi Boutique Hotel
Tower of David – Acre -
Al Aqsa Mosque The Scots Hotel – Tiberius
Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum -
Machne Yehuda Market Where to Eat:
The Israel Museum Uri Buri – Acre
Mount of Olives Tishbi Winery – Neve Tzedek
TEL AVIV What to See:
Where to Stay: Sea of Galilee
Norman Tel Aviv Bahai Gardens
- Mount Hermon
The Hula Valley
otel ontefiore The Old Acre Market
- Rosh HaNikra Grottoes.
The Rothschild Hotel
Photo provided by Tova Wald. -
Dan Tel Aviv
Ritz Carlton Herzliya
Where to Eat:
Herbert Samuel
North Abraxas
Mul Yam
otel ontefiore estaurant
The sense of being surrounded by nature is the ultimate luxury of all. From the swaying of palm
fronds to the whisper of the sea, a memorable escape awaits in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.
L By Minerva Arboleya
aidback raw luxury is the first impression you
get upon arriving at the ahekal each esort
in laya de Carmen, exico. The open-air, tiki-
style lobby is surrounded by perfectly manicured
tropical landscaping that guides you through
the hand-laid, stone walkways from point a to point b.
hile the common areas are not air-conditioned, the fresh
ocean breeze serves as a reminder that your vacation has
indeed begun, and it’s time to trade in the hustle for the
hammock. t this point, all anxieties are whisked away by
the warm Caribbean air swirling through the lobby, as the
whicker lanterns sway from the rustic wood dome overhead.
estled between the iviera aya and the beaches of
laya del Carmen is a haven of peace and tran uility where
simplicity reins. anoramic views of the ocean from the
private terrace of our bungalow penthouse villa made it
difficult to leave our temporary home-away-from-home to
explore the resort. The laid-back décor seen throughout the
resort is reinforced by the presence of nature in detail after
detail — from the understated elegance of the guest rooms
to the touches of ayan culture in the serenity spa.
hen it came time for lunch, we ventured down to
as Olas, one of the poolside restaurants overlooking the
beach. Some of their specialties include a variety of fresh
ceviche dishes that were perfect for a hot afternoon, signature
guacamole with fresh-baked tortilla chips, mojitos on ice, and
the sound of crashing waves in the background.
Hotel lobby.
Fuego Restaurante y Cantina.
The ahekal staff is keen on helping you enjoy every and spirit. This sense of wholeness could easily become a ritual. “Being
minute of your stay to the fullest, which for us included an ust the name alone — uego estaurante y Cantina surrounded by
afternoon of snorkeling in a nearby cenote with oman, nature is the
the resort’s certified diving instructor. hile originally from ( fuego translation is fire) — was a sign that dinner would ultimate luxury.”
be an unforgettable experience, and it was. ocated right
ermany, oman has lived in laya del Carmen for over on the beach, uego is an open-air, chic, yet relaxed, dining
10 years and almost considers himself a local. arbara, the experience to tantalize all your senses. The luxury of dining
dive-shop manager — also a transplant from oston — just steps from the ocean — with dim lights swaying from the
was extra kind in preparing a picnic for our outing to the overhead wicker lanterns and the scent of wood burning from
the brick ovens — was only the beginning. ven the dishes
ayan wilderness. ocated in the iviera aya, our trip to the bring you back to nature through their rustic presentations
cenote — natural, underwater cave systems of crystal-clear — some dishes are served on wood or marble slabs, balanced
fresh waters — made for an unforgettable and educational with the savory flavors of a gourmet experience. nterestingly
afternoon in the jungle among the ayan gods. enough, this open-air restaurant, surrounded by nature, also
houses an open-air kitchen where aromas from the kitchen
fter a day of activities and water sports, we made our perfume the dining room in the most delightful way.
way to the resort spa to begin unwinding for the evening. The
serenity of the spa — with the copal incense burning in the The personalized, hand-made, ceramic wall pla ue placed
background and the softly lit spaces — was instantly calming at the entrance of our villa — as a uni ue parting gift from
the moment we stepped foot inside the recently renovated,
yet original, structure. The visit to the spa was reminiscent of ahekal to each guest — serves as a physical reminder of
being in a sacred sanctuary, a place of healing for mind, body, an unforgettable trip. TM
FALL 2012
FALL 2013
south florida and beyond
log on to
thierry’s tidbits. From the Bar
True to their roots, in-house
CEVICHE mixologist at Thierry’s Catering
and Event Design shares two
The refreshing taste of a favorite appetizer.
suggestions for the perfect
cocktail - as expected -
with a French twist.
by Thierry Isambert
Ceviche is a popular Latin American dish that uses a citrus marinade to cook raw CHEF THIERRY
seafood. In this version, some of the best ingredients come together to create a ISAMBERT
tart and tangy taste sensation.
From the Champagne
8 oz. watermelon juice ASSEMBLY region of France, Like its inspiration, the French
4 oz. lime juice In a mixing bowl, marinate the shrimp for 75, sparkling cocktail hits with
18 shrimp (raw size 71/90, tail off) 30 minutes with lime juice in refrigerator Thierry Isambert of excellent accuracy and plenty of
partially blanched or on ice. Prior to serving, add remaining Thierry’s Catering and sophistication.
½ cup grapefruit, supremed, diced ingredients and seasoning with salt and Event Design received
½ cup choclo (also referred to as pepper. INGREDIENTS:
Peruvian corn or Cuzco corn) Control acidity by adding small his training from L’ .5 oz. St. Germain liqueur
1.5 oz. micro sea beans amounts of ice until desired taste. École Hôtelière Poligny .5 oz. lavender syrup
¼ cup red pepper Keep refrigerated and on ice at all times. .5 oz. gin
¼ cup red onion Garnish with pomegranate seeds at the and was awarded the sparkling wine
last minute before serving. prestigious “Mérite de
Agricole” medal from the ASSEMBLY:
Stir all ingredients in a mixing glass
Ministry of France. and fine strain into a Champagne
flute. Use lemon Puck, express oils
and discard. Garnish with a lemon
Like the romance of the
lavender fields, this cocktail is
soft and succulent all at once.
Photo: Said Bazze INGREDIENTS:
.75 oz. lemon
1 oz. lavender syrup
1.75 oz. bourbon whiskey
1 egg white
Dry Shake all ingredients, add ice
and re-shake and strain over new
ice into a rocks glass. Use Lemon
Puck, express oils and discard.
Garnish with lavender flowers.
social scene.
Amanda Harris, Laurent Fraticelli, Brad Sundock, Ivonne Ferguson, & David Arraya
Fulden Yilmaz, Jolyon Hyne, & Jessica Burks Brian Williams, Laurent Fraticelli, Stephen Owens, & Chris Gandolfo
Steven Bellagio & Silvana Camargo Guzmán Artagaveytia
JaDee Guidice & Arnaud Espineirah Claire Laverty, Mariolga Calderon, & Raquel Gorny
Gustavo Barbero, Martin Pittaluga, & Guzmán Artagaveytia Stephen Owens & Brian Williams
Credit: World Red Eye Christian Schulz & Sean Weinstock Laurent Fraticelli, Amanda Harris, & David Arraya
cork diaries.
Spain’s top wineries use old vines, limited yields, and high-quality
winemaking procedures to make the country’s best wines.
By Irene Moore
In the past few years, a handful of Spain’s wine regions have catapulted ierzo .O. was unknown in the international wine market until recently.
to international recognition for producing wines rated 5 or higher by t is now one of the country’s rising stars, producing one of Spain’s most
critics. Spanish wine regions are split into a number of appellations called in-demand red wines.
enominaci ns de Origen ( .O.), ensuring that the wine is certified by n northeastern Spain in Catalonia, the riorat .O. . is known for its
a regulatory board and that it complies with high uality standards. On dark, inky reds. (The .O. . wine category is only conferred to those
Spain’s northern plateau, in the community of Castilla y e n, the ibero wine regions that have adhered to high standards of uality during a
del uero .O. is producing refined wines that are among Spain’s greatest long and sustained period of time.) riorat has recently emerged on the
reds — deeply concentrated, fleshy, ripe, and structured. international scene with a proven track record of consistently high- uality
wines. ere are our picks for the best wines from these noted regions TM
n a small region in the northwestern corner of Castilla y e n, the remote
2011 Dominio de Pingus, Ribero del Duero 2013 Alvaro Palacios L’Ermita, Priorat
ominio de ingus is one of Spain’s most exclusive wines. lvaro alacios is recognized as one of Spain’s most talented
ecause of its inaccessibility, it is considered to be a cult
and visionary winemakers. alacios’ ’ rmita is widely
wine — a wine for which dedicated groups will pay large considered to be one of the most important Spanish wines
sums of money. The annual production of ingus is typically of the modern era and is one of the most prized and most
less than 500 cases. The wine comes from a small vineyard expensive wines in Spain. ’ rmita wine made alacios the
planted with 70-year-old vines that have never been fertilized superstar of the region, helping to bring him international
or treated with pesticides. The vineyard’s terroir is sandy and fame. n 1 , he discovered what is now regarded to be the
chalky, which means the vines have to struggle to survive, crown jewel of riorat, a precipitous hillside vineyard that
resulting in the production of small uantities of very high- was planted between 1 10 and 1 with old-vine arnacha
uality wine. uby purple in color, this voluptuous wine grapes. On the nose, this bright, ruby-red single-varietal
offers an opulence of fruit — dark currants, dried plums, and wine has black fruit and floral notes. n the mouth, red fruit
berries. t is big and powerful in the mouth with a flavor of notes are accompanied by notes of minerality, graphite,
dried fruit, black cherry, and toasted oak. The finish is rich and ripe tannins, ending with a long and impressive finish.
and very long. Critics rate the wine at 5 points. verage Critics have rated the 201 vintage as the best available
price, 87 . among Spanish wines and reviewed it at 100 points. 700.
2013 Descendientes de J. 2003 Bodegas Hermanos 2007 Vega Sicilia Unico Gran
Palacios, La Faraona, Bierzo Sastre Pesus, Ribero del Riserva, Ribero del Duero
Duero There is a waiting list in Spain
fter the praise for riorat’s for this wine. ega Sicilia usually
’ rmita, lvaro alacios olumes are very small and prices holds its nico vintages 10 years
remained intrigued by a lesser- very expensive for this in-demand before releasing them, but the
known wine region he felt had red wine. Only 1,500 bottles are 2007 ran eserva was recently
great potential — ierzo in made in the years in which the best released as drinkable now
orthwestern Spain. n 1 8, vintages are obtained. roduced by managing director ablo
lvaro and his nephew, icardo from some over-80-year-old vines
erez, created a tiny domaine in on the slopes of the uero iver, lvarez. roduced from mostly
Corullo and named it for lvaro’s it is among the top ten most highly Tempranillo grapes with small
father. Their vision was to make rated ibera del uero wines. amounts of Cabernet Sauvignon,
great wines from old vines with t is made from Tempranillo
an average age of 5 years. On grapes, with a small percentage of erlot, and albec, it has an
the nose, a araona has notes of Cabernet Sauvignon and erlot. intense ripe cherry color. t
violets, lavender, crushed rocks, and forest floor. t has a deep ruby color with a complex nose is elegant, silky, complex, and
n the mouth, it has ripe fruit flavors and smoky of stones, black currants, and dry herbs. n the refined. On the nose, it has hints of wood
oak notes, with minerality making it fresh. The mouth, its dense texture has layers of black fruit, and touches of hazelnut from the oxidation
long finish shows the many nuances of this berries with oak, meaty and smoky notes, with a of years in the cask. n the mouth, it tastes
exceptional wine. Critics score the wine at 8. structure very high in tannins. Critics score the of old, but clean, oak with dry tannins and a
1,000. wine at 8. 50. long finish. Critics have scored this vintage
at 5. 250.
social scene.
Colin Watson, Romero Britto, Calyann Barnett, & Dwyane Wade Bernerd Garsen & Daisy Olivera Andrew Stevens & Friend
Henry Del Campo & Dr. Roberta Del Campo Yagiro Lara, Carlos Betancourt, Brandi Reddick, & Alberto Latorre Marvin Ross Friedman & Adrienne bon Haes
Iran Issa Khan, Sam Robin, & Cathy Leff Alan Faena & Ximena Caminos Bhakti & Sandra Baxter Navin Chatani & Heather Blaze
George Lindemann & Ugo Colombo Susan Davies, Kelly Framel, & Zoe Lukov
Ilona & Chad Oppenheim Daniela Swaebe, Andrea Baclea, Marcella Novela, & Parmiss Mass Jonathan & Criselda Breene
Soledad & Justin Lowe Matthew & Marcela Rogers Tatiana & Nicola Siervo
Credit: World Red Eye Dana Shear, Laura Buccellatti, & Nicole Rainis Spring & Sean McManus Christy & David Martin
cork diaries.
A Toast To Tuscany Virginia Philip
Palm Beach residents Bob and Gudrun Cuillo bask in a mutual love of • Master Sommelier at
wine at their Italian wineries. The Breakers in Palm Beach
by Virginia Philip • Virginia Philip Wine Shop &
Academy, West Palm Beach
Bob and Gudrun Cuillo, GC: I grew up in Austria. We all make
residents of Palm our own wine in our cellars! My parents • 2 012 James Beard Award Nominee
Beach, are known actually owned a brewery south of Styria.
for their classic style, friendly My grandparents built wine cellars. It came GC: I do all of the blending of the wines.
approachability, and mutual naturally. While I did not go to formal school or training
passion for both food and
wine. The owners of Amici VP: What was the most difficult obstacle to do this, I made a point of learning as much
Market in Palm Beach are to overcome? as I could. It was my business, and I needed
also proprietors of wineries to learn every facet of the job — including
Casalvento and Livernano in GC: The language barrier — trying to wine sales. Whatever God gives us — whether
Radda in Chianti, Italy. learn Italian in six months. We had permits fruit or vegetables — we make something
that had to be approved and land to convert out of it. I am excited that our wines will be
Located in the heart of into plantable vineyards. labeled as “organic,” beginning with the 2015
Tuscany, both wineries demonstrate the beauty of vintage. We do all organic farming and have
the classic Sangiovese grape, as well as the non- (VP: As a matter of reference, it takes three our own vegetable garden, too. We are also
traditional varieties of cabernet sauvignon and years, at a minimum, for new vines to produce fruit growing our own truffles, and make grappa,
merlot. Bob, a former car dealer entrepreneur, is worth making into wine.) olive oil, and jams.
of Italian descent. He grew up in the Bronx, New BC: And we make our own honey.
York. Gudrun is a native of Austria. The pair met BC: I wanted to make a wine that was GC and BC: Our motto is: “Life is too
in Palm Beach in 1997 and later married in 2002. not just good, but the best.
short to drink bad wine.” We believe in living
I sat down with Bob and Gudrun to discuss the VP: When did you purchase Livernano, and our lives in this way.
success of the winery and their wines. how did that opportunity come up?
The wines are featured at the American Embassy
VP: What came first — the winery or the GC: Casalvento had never actually made wine in Italy, first class service on Lufthansa Airlines,
marriage? before. So nobody knew us. Bob thought we boutique wine shops such as Amici Market in Palm
ought to look for an opportunity to purchase an Beach, Virginia Philip Wine Shop & Academy in
GC: The marriage. existing winery. By pure luck, a neighboring estate West Palm Beach, and top restaurants: The Breakers
VP: How did each of you become interested that actually borders Casalvento was for sale. That in Palm Beach; Lowes Hotel, Miami Beach; Table 26
in the wine business? property was Livernano. We purchased it in 2002. and Café Sapori, West Palm Beach; NYY and Sorrisi
BC: I have been a member of the Chaine des Liverano is a 1,500-year-old borgo (hamlet). Restaurant at Seminole Casino, Coconut Creek; Vic
Rotisseurs for over 40 years and was the Bailli of the & Angelo’s, Delray Beach; and more.
Chaine des Rotisseurs East Coast/Caribbean for over BC: Tuscany only allows you to use or renovate
20 years. I have been collecting wine for over 40 existing buildings. We built a state-of-the-art wine Visit Bob and Gudrun in Tuscany, and share
years and have a passion for wine. As a child of two cellar — allowing gravity flow — three stories high. their passion. Or meet them at Fisher Island when
Italian immigrants, I promised my parents that if I We used only local tradesmen and utilized stones, they pull up in their yacht, Livernano. Livernano is
made it from “rags to riches,” I would buy property gravel, and building materials to make the façade also available for private cruises.
in Italy. Starting the winery was a way of going of Casalvento.
back to my roots. (Editor’s Note: Virginia Philip and Gudrun Cuillo
GC: The property in Radda in Chianti was VP: Was Livernano already producing wines will be introducing a low calorie wine — Livernano Lo
purchased in 1997. It was just a house at first. of reputable quality? Cal Chardonnay, Rosé and Tuscan Red. The wines will
While in the process of restoring the home, we
received a call from an attorney in Florence. He GC: Yes. It was a very small be available in December at Virginia
basically told us we had rights to 7.5 hectares winery, only producing 12,000 bottles, Philip Wine Shop & Academy and
(one hectare = 2.47 acres) of our land that but the ratings were high. Amici Market. They are looking to
had the rights to the appellation of Chianti expand distribution to Miami and Fort
Classico. Those rights were grandfathered in. VP: When did you feel like you Lauderdale.) fi
He said that he had a buyer who would buy really had a success on your hands?
that portion of our land. We immediately
said no. We knew at that moment that we GC: When we were voted by
were going to make our own wine. Wine & Spirits Magazine as one
VP: Did either of you have previous of the “Best 100 Wines” made
winemaking or vineyard experience?
BC: My father and I would make our in the world and “Best Chianti.”
own wine behind our house in Brooklyn. Decanter magazine awarded us
“Best Winery to Visit” while in
VP: Who creates the labels?
BC: I found an ancient Estruscan coin
from 300 BC while walking through the
grounds at Casalvento. I had the coin cleaned
up. We replicated that coin for the label of
Janus, our super Tuscan blend.
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Revved and Ready
Formula E is racing electric cars in cities across the world, including a stop in March in Miami.
It’s a whole new way to watch motorsports.
“Many people think T he cars purred around a temporary a stop in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Formula E kicks
electric vehicles won’t race track near Beijing’s iconic Olympic off its first U.S. stops in Miami for Round 5 in March
“Bird’s Nest” Stadium. In September and in Long Beach for Round 6 in April. Monte
work for them or will 2014, motorsport history was made Carlo hosts Round 7, while Round 8 heads to Berlin,
be too slow. People in China. This marked the successful Germany, with the finale on a street circuit in London
don’t know the truth, completion of the world’s first-ever, fully in June 2015.
electric single seater FIA Formula E Championship,
and we want and the buzz hasn’t died down since. Miami fans can watch the FIA Formula E
to show everyone Championship on March 14, 2015, along an eight turn,
what electric cars “To see 20 fully-electric cars racing towards the 2.17km circuit around Biscayne Bay and the streets of
first corner was a very special moment for me. It felt the American Airlines Arena. For now, spectators can
can really do.” amazing,” recalls Alejandro Agag, chief executive watch the race for free. For those who want a closer
officer of Formula E. While the Spaniard and veteran look, VIP and Premium seating can be purchased.
European Parliament politician, who also worked in
both Formula One and GP2, has been mistaken for “We really wanted Miami to be one of our cities
being the brain behind Formula E, he doesn’t take because it’s a city that represents what we want to
the credit. The idea for Formula E came from the achieve. We like that it’s so dynamic and that’s it’s really
FIA (Federation Internationale de l’Automobile). showing how open it is to change for the future,” says
“Two years ago, the FIA had a vision of creating a Agag who mentions the appeal of the city because of
championship, which has racing, entertainment, and its crossroads status to Latin America. He also reveals
sustainability at its heart. It was their idea, but it was that the intention is for Miami to be a permanent stop
our job to make it real.” on the Formula E circuit for “years to come.”
For the inaugural season, which continues through Formula E differs from the well known Formula 1
June 2015, ten teams are competing — each with and GP2 racing, not only because of the 100-percent
two drivers — in city centers across the world. The electric cars going around the track, but also because of
races began in Beijing, and then headed to Malaysia the race venues selected. “We race around city centers,
in November. In December, Round 3 will be held in not existing racetracks,” says Agag.
Punta del Este, Uruguay; in January, Round 4 makes
Organizers hope that Formula E will become a
draw to the cities in which they are racing, offering
travel tips on their website such as where to stay and
what to do. For its first race, about 75,000 spectators
showed up in Beijing.
While the drivers are not yet the draw, big names,
who have made investments in Formula E as team
owners, have signed on to Formula E — including
Sir Richard Branson and Hollywood star Leonardo
DiCaprio. The E-teams have familiar names, too, like
Virgin Racing (Branson’s team), Audi Sport, Andretti, technology into everyday electric vehicles. In short, The inaugural Formula E
Renault, and Venturi — DiCaprio is co-founder of this we want people to believe in electric cars. One of the Beijing ePrix took place on
team, which is based in Monaco. There’s also China biggest problems EVs face is image. Many people
Racing and Dragon Racing. think electric vehicles won’t work for them or will be Sept. 13, 2014. Top: Audi
too slow. People don’t know the truth, and we want Sport ABT’s Lucas di Grassi
For season one, each team is equipped with four to show everyone what electric cars can really do.”
Spark-Renault SRT_01E Formula E cars, two per won the Beijing race.
driver. The massive battery pack that powers the race Agag says that he hopes the Formula E schedule Below: Qualcomm
car weighs about 772 pounds, but can accelerate a will eventually grow to 18 races, a much bigger docket
car past 150 mph at top speeds. The duration of the than the 10 races that the series will visit this year. Formula E race car on
batteries lasts between 25-30 minutes. Drivers then display at the news
make a mandatory pitstop during the race in order “We have two growth avenues for Formula E —
to change cars. geography and technology. Geographically, we would conference in Miami.
like to be racing all over the world. We have about 50
“In a perfect world, the series would use just one cities that have contacted us since Beijing. We won’t TRILLIONAIRE 129
car. However, today’s current battery technology is be able to race in all of them.” fi
not sufficiently advanced to allow a one-hour race at
full speed without recharging,” explains Agag. They
are now working with the world’s leading engineers
from Formula One, IndyCar, NASCAR, Le Mans, and
the world’s leading automotive road car developers, to
dramatically accelerate the development of battery
Perhaps the welcoming of Formula E to city
centers by mayors and officials is due to the calming
whirr of the engines — the electric cars are quieter
than typical gas-engine racers. The motor produces just
80 decibels, far more hushed than the 130 decibels F1
cars emit around the track.
“That is a big advantage for us to be able to race
in cities,” he says, and then tells a story about a recent
stop in London where the city made them test the
cars at night to see if anyone was disturbed. “They
weren’t,” he beams.
For season two, Formula E will become an “open
championship,” allowing teams to design and develop
their own cars — in accordance with the technical
specifications set out by the FIA — and showcasing
their electrical energy innovations in a competitive,
racing environment.
But there’s more than a push for electric motor car
racing — Formula E organizers are trying to further
the cause of electric vehicles in daily living. “We want
Formula E to accelerate the early adoption of this
Throughout automotive history, no other
The Bugatti manufacturer has as deep family roots than those carbon-fiber dashboard trim. The final blending of the finest
Chiron has an of ugatti. ttore ugatti was the grandson of leather and metal trim is the perfect balance of elegance,
iovanni ugatti, a respected architect and sculptor function, and modernism. ike a fine wine, uality can portray
exceptional in both metal and wood, who also expanded into the finest. ut design is what can set an interior apart and make
pedigree. tool making. e made his home on the outskirts of ilan, it original. erhaps the digital displays inside the climate-control
dials can be likened to the udi TT, but they are far more
By Richard Kollins taly — one of the most notable places for craftsmanship. sophisticated on the ugatti. The digital readouts can easily
ttore’s father, Carlo, was an architect, engraver, be changed from climate controls to driving data — fluid
temperatures, fuel, gear selection, and speed information. nd
cabinetmaker, painter, and sculptor. This lineage of skills there are no clumsy infotainment centers to clutter your space.
supported ttore as he became interested in mechanics and was
followed by his building of winning rand rix cars and luxury The company’s policy is that if customers have special
classics. Surviving orld ar , ugatti production declined wishes concerning colors or materials — which is rather the
and ultimately ceased. The ugatti name was resurrected, rule than the exception at ugatti — the designers and engineers
eventually becoming part of olkswagen, and the eyron model will do everything in their power to take these re uests under
was commissioned as being the fastest road-going car ever built. consideration. f a customer specifies carbon neutral lcantara
trim, or gold-plated adornments, ugatti will make it happen
t was the new ugatti Chiron — which made its world
premiere at the 8 th 201 eneva nternational otor Show new carbon-fiber chassis has been developed for the
in arch — that’s turning heads as the replacement for the Chiron that meets 1 ( e ans prototype racing) structural
outgoing eyron models, who had been committed to a ten- standards. hen married to the carbon-fiber outer-body panels,
year production run. hile both cars are named after famed the result is the strongest street cockpit available, while retaining
its alluring design features. Such overkill engineering features
ugatti racing drivers — ierre eyron and ouis Chiron, may seem meaningless until you realize the results of the whole
respectively — the differences start to unfold. package — power and speed.
ven at first view, the front end stares you down with its or power, ugatti took the outgoing eyron’s overly
aggressive uad headlamps and business-like grillwork, rambunctious, 8.0-liter 1 engine, massaged every part, and
then seduces your attention to the voluptuous side view. The increased the power output to 1,480 horsepower in street trim.
exaggerated C-shaped curve that starts at the -pillar, then
gracefully falls to the rear wheel before circling back to the front es, you are reading this correctly. That is perhaps 10 times
wheel, is obviously inspired by the famed ugatti Type 57SC the power output of an average small sedan. ike the eyron,
the massive engine is mated to a fast-shifting seven-speed
tlantic — perhaps that transmission. oad holding is controlled by full-time all-wheel
C’ is an added homage drive and bespoke ichelin tires.
to Chiron.’ The must-
have two-tone color or speed, ugatti has kindly limited you to 2 1 mph
scheme softly embellishes for tire durability in top speed power mode. nconfirmed
Chiron’s compound whisperings of 285 unrestricted top speeds are obtainable, yet
curves. don’t take my word for it. There is also a handling mode —
which limits you to 2 mph — with stability wings operating
Once inside, the for better control at speed.
ugatti Chiron features
minimalistic design, with There are only 500 Chirons destined to be built. f you are
dials and controls that lucky, perhaps a special enhanced version might arrive with
are both futuristic and even more power and speed. es, there are other hyper-cars
aesthetically proper. The on the market, yet none are appointed with the grandeur that
gauge pod is accessorized only ugatti can offer.
with a carbon-fiber flat-
bottom steering wheel The entry fee for the ugatti Chiron is 2. million, a car
that matches the exposed that can make you feel like you’re piloting your own jet and
driving almost faster than the speed of sound. TM
social scene.
Meg Daly, Stephen Owens, & Brandi Reddick AJ Meyer & Mitch Bierman
Yolanda Berkowitz & Aimee Owens Ed Joyce, Mark Trowbridge, & Ken Krasnow
Carole Sikaly, Oscar Seikaly, & Friends Sean Weinstock & Claire Laverty
Danny Jelaca & Jeffrey Kljajich Bhakti Baxter, Brandi Reddick, & Anthony Spinello
Jeffrey Kljajich, Soledad Lowe, & Matthew Liberman Carlos Rosso & Arden Karson Carlos Jimenez & Jeff Berkowitz
Credit: World Red Eye Greta Pininfarina & Jairo Vives Michael Berkowitz, Jeff Berkowitz, & Jose Felix Pepi Diaz
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Design Miami/
Project Gallery: Robert Rauschenberg Charles Aznavour drienne rsht Center for the
une 17 October th erez rt useum October 25 - 7 0
erforming rts
iami amed ntertainer of the Century by C in 1 88, Charles
This exhibition presents a series of works by znavour has a career spanning 70 years. Over 100 million
record sales, 1,200 songs, 80 movies, 2 4 albums, hundreds of
merican master artist, obert auschenberg gold, platinum, diamond records and thousands of concerts
(b. 1 25, ort rthur, Texas; d. 2008, in 4 countries.
Captiva, lorida)— who lived in Captiva
sland, lorida, for over 5 years and whose Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show
legacy influenced artistic development of ovember rd - ovember 7th ort auderdale aterfront
South lorida. auschenberg is celebrated
internationally for incorporating mass media
to modern-day culture. The show will feature more than billion dollars worth of
boats, yachts, super yachts, electronics, engines and thousands
Rauschenberg Art and Design in the Modern Age: of boating accessories from every major marine manufacturer
Basquiat Selections from The Wolfsonian Collection and boat builder worldwide.
Ongoing The olfsonian
These galleries provide an overview of the museum s holdings Charles Aznavour
of merican and uropean artifacts from the late-nineteenth to Gil Shaham
mid-twentieth centuries. Culled from The olfsonian collection
are approximately three hundred works in a variety of formats,
ranging from books, posters, and postcards to decorative arts,
architectural models, paintings, and sculptures.
Basquiat: The Unknown Notebooks Miami City Ballet – Giselle
ugust 12 - October 1 erez rt useum iami ovember 11 1 ravis Center erhaps the most cherished of all 1 th-century ballets, iselle,
as uiat The nknown
otebooks is the first major created in 1841, has never lost its preeminence in the repertory.
exhibition focused on ean- ichel One reason among many very ballerina wants to dance it nd
as uiat’s notebooks, filled with just about every great ballerina in history has danced it from
poetry fragments, wordplay, sketches,
and personal observations ranging avlova to lanova, onteyn, lonso, irkland, akarova,
from street life and popular culture and so many more. iselle, with its own wonderful score by
to themes of race, class, and world
history. This exhibition features 1 0 dolphe dam, is the ultimate dance statement about the
pages of these rarely seen documents, centrality of dance to life.
along with related works on paper
and large-scale paintings. self-
taught artist with encyclopedic and
cross-cultural interests, as uiat was
influenced by comics, advertising,
children s sketches, op art, hip-hop, politics, and everyday life.
Italian Film Festival The Cleveland Orchestra: Gil Shaham Plays Barber
October 11 egal Cinema South each ovember 11 - 8 00 drienne rsht Center for the erforming rts
Once again Cinema taly returns to iami Superstar violinist il Shaham tackles arber’s gorgeous
with a strong lineup of the best talian films iolin Concerto, once thought impossible to play due to its
of the year. The 10 best films of 2015-1 fiendishly challenging finale. The program concludes with
season, in competition for the est ilm one of Shostakovich’s most popular works, his stunning ifth
Symphony, for a blockbuster opening-night performance.
ward, will be shown at egal Cinema South
each. This years film line up includes elli Florida Grand Opera: Carmen
di apa, ammi una ano, o Chiamavano ovember 12 1 drienne rsht Center for the erforming
eeg obot, on ssere Cattivo, orever rts
oung, a Scelta, oro Chi , a Che ella o opera is more re uested. o opera is so anticipated. nd
Sorpresa, li ltimi Saranno ltimi o, and
Che mo Solo Ti. The elano remains no opera is more beloved than eorges izet’s Carmen. The
the official hotel of the festival and will be performance begins as wild Carmen seduces na ve soldier on
hosting the Opening ight arty on October osé. is innocence uickly turns as Carmen’s manipulations
th. The restaurant, ianca, is the venue bring out the very worst in him. ntensely passionate melodies
for the exclusive closing night dinner and performed by world-class singers bring the desire and madness
award ceremony. or tickets and information from the stage directly into your heart.
contact ( 05) 8 4-0101.
Discerning Gifts
For refined tastes
Nascar Ford Championship Weekend
ovember 18 20 omestead iami Speedway
xperience three thrilling SC championships in one weekend
in omestead. ie-hard race fans with a need for speed can head to the
omestead- iami Speedway to witness SC crown three champions
in the ord Championship eekend.
Art Miami
ovember 2 ecember 4 The iami rt avillion, idtown ynwood
rts istrict
nown as one of iami s premier anchor fair, rt iami kicks off the
opening day of rt eek — when thousands of collectors, dealers, curators
and artists descend upon iami. The stylish gallery-like décor showcases an
extraordinary variety of the best in modern and contemporary art from 125
international art galleries.
Art Miami
ovember 2 ecember 4 The iami rt avillion idtown ynwood
rts istrict
CO T T rt iami, along with the 27th edition of rt iami, its sister
fair, attracts collectors, curators, artists and connoisseurs from around the
world looking to ac uire important works of art from the leading international
galleries representing emerging and mid-career cutting-edge artists.
Design Miami/
ovember 0 ecember 4 djacent to iami each Convention Center
esign iami is the global forum for design. ach fair brings together the
most influential collectors, gallerists, designers, curators and critics from around
the world in celebration of design culture and commerce. Occurring alongside
the rt asel fairs in iami, S each ecember and asel, Switzerland each
une, esign iami has become the premier venue for collecting, exhibiting,
discussing and creating collectible design.
Design Miami/ University Town Center | Sarasota, Florida | (941) 702-9664
The Gardens Mall | Palm Beach Gardens, Florida | (561) 630-5866
last word.
MOROCCO Fusing the carefree lifestyle of a
gypsy with the sophistication of a
jetsetter, Camilla Franks creates an
artisan realm of color and beauty
inspired by global wanderings.
Celebrated designer and artist Camilla
Franks is a name synonymous with Australian
fashion. CAMILLA, her namesake line, is one of Australia’s most
loved fashion labels. Her luxurious and unconventional creations have
caused the CAMILLA line to rise to iconic status among the fashion and
design set, worldwide.
Franks’ gypsy spirit has made her the ultimate world traveller. “What
a year of insanity it has been,” she says. “India, Morocco, Africa, China
and Tibet, South America, and most recently, Wales and Scotland — and NIKE Tibetian Prayer
HIGH Beads by MUSA
now the U.S.!” TOPS
Her constant travelling provides her primary source of inspiration
— each CAMILLA piece is infused with the adventure of Camilla’s
travels. “The discovery of cultures, food, and artists fuels my
creativity,” she says. “The current Jambo, Jambo! collection
was inspired by my off-the-beaten-track experiences in
Kenya and Morocco with some of the most remote tribes in
the world, including Maasai, Pokot, Turkana, and Samburu.”
Taking cues from Africa’s
MAASAI TRIBE melting pot of colors and “I travel with a suitcase of VITAMINS to keep the racehorse
textiles, the collection fuses going and ESSENTIAL OILS to help me breathe a little
earthy hues, bold tartan better in this beautiful, crazy world I live in. Also, TIBETAN
PRAYER BEADS. And the incense to match.”
prints, and neon bursts, What she’s reading: Brené
Brown’s DARING
beautifully — unified as a GREATLY and
vibrant range of Africa’s color IMPERFECTION.
“Spending time in Africa “I never travel without my
with these tribes really electronic items. I always have
solidified the meaning of my IPHONE and an
belonging — we’re all IPAD PRO to sketch on.”
born to connect,” Franks says. “It
opened my eyes that everyone has a story, a talent, and a
purpose. The sentiment of that inspires me tremendously,” she says.
Here are the things that the global wanderer can’t leave
home without:
AKUBRA HAT: Her most unique item: “My
A classic Aussie bush ANTIQUE NATIVE-
hat with a wide brim AMERICAN ring that was once
that is worn in rural worn by a chief. I feel the power
136 TRILLIONAIRE through the ring.”
Sport Items:
swimsuit to hit the beach."