The Mayfair Magnate
Your daily shot of what’s hot
Monday 6th October 2027
Stonehaven Charity celebrates
10 years
Stonehaven vision.
International On this day however, little did he
know that earlier in the week he’d
celebrates saving unleashed a chain events that would
drastically change the course of one
lives through rugby man’s life and alter the landscape of
the whole rugby world forever.
The 6th October 2017 started like any Simon was an astute and vigorous
other day for Simon Hall of negotiator having been credited with
Stonehaven International. After doubling global revenues for the FIG
waking at 4.45am and taking his practice of Heidrick & Struggles in
double espresso, he hit the treadmill just 4 short years.
for his morning 10k. Earlier that week Simon had been
Simon’s life had been a scintillating tweaking a deal with his personal VIP
story of success and after ground event advisor, Oliver Pimblett of The
blazing flashes of recruitment Hospitality Broker.
brilliance during his early stints with Oliver helps company directors,
respected market leading firms such including Simon, deepen
as The Whitney Group and Heidrick &
Struggles Simon set up Stonehaven in
2008 with a clear and inspiring
Other headlines
Sport-The RFU change name to FUR
Music-Madonna marries Ed Sheeran
Culture-Chelsea Flower Show moves to Tottenham
relationships with key clients through 3. Cleaning the boots of all players
professional, fun and exceptional before, at half time and after
value corporate experiences to major each game for 2 years
musical, sporting and cultural events.
Simon only found out about this fact
England versus Australia and England after seeing Oliver on a televised
versus Wales were two of the most London Welsh game on BT Sport
desirable, sought after and least cleaning rugby player’s boots at the
available tickets in world rugby at the side of the pitch.
time and were demanding serious
premiums in the market place. That’s when Simon decided to set up
the now famous charity; The
Oliver had sourced some exceptional Stonehaven Charity for Hospitality
seats through his trusted network of Broker’s Who Have to Clean Rugby
rugby clubs on Simon’s behalf and Boots which has just celebrated 10
agreed them at a seriously discounted years, raised over £8 million and has
rate. been directly responsible for supplying
over 200 tonnes of free dubbin to
Simon was a busy businessman and grass roots rugby clubs.
with shrewd directness had
hammered out an even greater Oliver no longer had to purchase his
discount leaving one of the most own dubbin to clean the boots and
incredible value offers the rugby the rest is rugby history.
world had ever seen.
What Simon didn’t know was that in If you would like to make a donation
order to get such superb rates for or book you places for England versus
these premium rugby tickets Oliver Australia or England versus Wales
had had to personally promise the please go to
rugby clubs several additional terms
1. Supplying the clubs with brand
new rugby kits for their entire Log in; SimonH7
first team squads.
2. Purchasing tables for all their
end of season charity events.