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Published by Rithin Skaria, 2019-06-04 04:50:17

Aficionado (1)

Aficionado (1)

May 2019 / Volume 1 / Issue 1

Ku ber n et es M on t h ly


ToolKit s

Git h u b pr oject : Pen sieve
Creates a development environment within a Kubernetes cluster by replacing one of your
deployments with a docker container built for development, and gives you back a shell you can
run any commands you'd like.

Gih u b pr oject : Gar den er
Kubernetes API server extension and controller managing the full lifecycle of conformant
Kubernetes clusters as a service on Alicloud, AWS, Azure, GCP, and OpenStack with minimal TCO

Popeye - a Ku ber n et es clu st er san it izer
Popeye is a utility that cruises Kubernetes cluster resources and reports potential issues with
your deployment manifests and configurations. By scanning your clusters, it detects
misconfigurations and ensure best practices are in place thus preventing potential future

NGINX an n ou n ces In gr ess Con t r oller f or Ku ber n et es r elease 1.5.0
NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes provides enterprise?grade delivery services for
Kubernetes applications.

Boost in g you r k u bect l pr odu ct ivit y
Learning how to use the kubectl and more efficiently.

2 Kubernetes Monthly | May 2019


Fin d & Con t in u ou sly M on it or You r Ku ber n et es En vir on m en t f or Un w an t ed Dock er
Im ages
Finding and continuously monitoring unwanted Docker images in your K8s environment by
using CodeNotary and its CLI tool, vcn.
In t r odu cin g DevSpace Clou d: Tu r n Ku ber n et es in t o a Pow er f u l Developer Plat f or m
A short note on DevSpace Cloud which is available in beta now.
Oper at or Hu, a Pu blic Regist r y f or Ku ber n et es Oper at or s
Red Hat, in collaboration with Microsoft, Google Cloud, and Amazon Web Services, recently
launched is designed as a public registry for finding services
backed by Kubernetes Operators.
IBM Open Sou r ces Razee CD Tool t o Su ppor t M ega Ku ber n et es Scalin g
IBM open sourced its Razee continuous delivery (CD) tool that allows developers to manage
applications in their Kubernetes-based cluster deployments.
M icr oser vices M esh ? ?Par t III? ?Ist io Advan ced
A deep dive to demo the features of Istio and what Service Mesh is capable of. Previous blogs
are available in the site.

3 Kubernetes Monthly | May 2019

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