Percentile Rank in the Breed
LOT Performance EPDs Carcass EPDs Animal Info PEDIGREE
85 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
0 6% 14% 34% 31% 22% 24% 1% 2% 1% T7714 1/22/07 1A Mrm 1431 8611 9109
11 -2.0 35 62 20 37 17 .29 .60 Registration # BROWN REVELATION P7021
Brown Ms Vicila M7799 Bjr Make My Day 981
Rabs Ms Vicila H7553
Projected 12 -2.5 36 68 20 38 16 .42 .41 1209043 BROWN MS REVELATION T7714
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment Expected Due Date: 2/6/09 Lchmn Bandito Tres1781H Lman Robin Hood 1174B
Leachman Eleanor
Revelation ranks as the #1 bull for REA & #7 bull for marbling in the entire sire summary and his semen is
not available on the open market so buying his offspring is the only way that you can bring him into your BROWN MS B3 LADY N7838
program. This heifer has a super set of numbers that rank her high for calving ease with excellent growth Brown Ms Lady H7566 Beckton Julian Gg B571
and in the 1% or 2% for Stay, Marbling & Muscle. She has a Commitment baby due in February. WOW. Jhl Lady G7007
85 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Beckton Julian Gg B571 Bkt Julian 7526 G
1 30% 30% 45% 45% 40% 40% 1% 45% 5% 1A BROWN VACATION H7106 Bkt Marta 9A13 Jl
8 -1.0 33 58 18 35 18 .08 .36 Registration # Lchmn Flower C1161 Lman King Rob 8621
Leachman Flower 7140
5 Embryo Pregnancies Expected Due Date: 1/16/09 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
8 These four pregnancies are out of Revelation’s full sister in blood and sired by Brown Vacation - Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Mrm 1431 8611 9109
2 which consistently makes a super mating on this pedigree. This cow P7915 was the high selling cow BROWN MS CHEROKEE P7915
at the 2008 TX Red Angus sale going to Mary Dobry and she is a moderate framed, deep ribbed Brown Ms Make My Day K7 Bjr Make My Day 981
Rabs Ms Vicila H7556
5 easy fleshing female that will stay fat on little more than scenery. Her dam was the high selling cow
in our 2004 sale going to Rocky Vess with Winrock Farms in AR for $10,000. The high bidder will
have the option to take choice of all 4 of these pregnancies and the option to take as many of these
8 four as they want. Lot 581’s recip is a 2 year old Hotlander+ cow #A618. Lot 582’s recip is a 2 year
3 old Hotlander+ cow #A628. Lot 583’s recip is a 2 year old Hotlander+ cow #A638. Lot 584’s recip
is a 2 year old Hotlander+ cow #A647.
4 Embryo Pregnancies
Live Enjoyand think back, you’ll
an honorable life. Then when you get older
it a second time.
Lot 589 Red Angus Females
Lot 579 •
RED ANGUS Bred Heifers
Percentile Rank in the Breed
LOT Performance EPDs Carcass EPDs Animal Info PEDIGREE
85 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category 5L Direct Fire 1641-6443 C A Future Direction 5321
5 37% 73% 17% 12% 21% 14% 9% 11% 6% T6980 1/21/07 1A 5L DESTINATION 893-6215 5L Firefly 174-1641 Et
6 1.5 39 71 20 40 15 .17 .28 Registration # 5L Adina 525-893 Bon View New Design 878
5L Adina 293-525
Projected 6 .8 46 84 20 43 14 .15 .45 1209018 BROWN MS DESTINATION T6980
EPDs: Bred to: Pacific Pride Expected Due Date: 5/12/09 Brown Vacation H7106 Beckton Julian Gg B571
Lchmn Flower C1161
Destination tied the record as the highest selling bull in the history of the breed at $180,000 for half. This is
the first year for his offspring to sell and they have been some of the most sought after in sales earlier this BROWN MS VACATION P6837
year like 5L & Leland Red Angus. They are high growth cattle with excellent carcass and bring a whole Brown Ms Cherokee M6775 Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912
fresh new set of outcross genetics into the breed. Help yourself to some of his very first offspring with Brown Ms Rockin Robin J
these bred heifers. This one is really stout.
85 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category 5L Direct Fire 1641-6443 C A Future Direction 5321
6 48% 95% 4% 3% 3% 1% 19% 13% 15% T6986 12/31/06 1A 5L DESTINATION 893-6215 5L Firefly 174-1641 Et
5 3.5 45 80 25 47 14 .16 .20 Registration # 5L Adina 525-893 Bon View New Design 878
5L Adina 293-525
Projected 9 .3 41 77 23 43 15 .35 .21 1209123 BROWN MS DESTINATION T6986
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment Expected Due Date: 3/15/09 Beckton Lancer F442 T Beckton Lancer T A664
Bkt Suffeina A828 Dm
Here is an exciting mating - A Destination daughter due with a Commitment calf. Look at how well these
two sires complement each other as you evaluate the projected EPDs for the calf. Her dam has an outstand- COP H57 M514
ing MPPA of 108.9. Destination brings in outcross genetics from two of the most popular bulls in the Cop Ms 8621 H57 Lman King Rob 8621
Angus breed - Future Direction and New Design 878. Buf Crk Joan 2765
85 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category 5L Direct Fire 1641-6443 C A Future Direction 5321
7 27% 85% 12% 5% 6% 4% 22% 28% 15% T402 1/7/07 1A 5L DESTINATION 893-6215 5L Firefly 174-1641 Et
7 2.3 41 76 23 43 13 .10 .20 Registration # 5L Adina 525-893 Bon View New Design 878
5L Adina 293-525
Calf’s 7 1.2 47 87 21 44 13 .11 .41 1187936 BOLA LUCY T402
Projected Lman Robin Hood 1174B
Tassel Lana 15A
EPDs: Bred to: Pacific Pride Expected Due Date: 4/30/09 Tassel Robin Hood 78E
Lchmn Wide Load 1061C
Here is a Destination daughter that is an outcross to Cherokee Canyon, Lancer, Make My Day and many of Rabr Ms None Better 470
the most heavily used lines in the breed. Her dam has a fantastic production record on 6 calves with aver- BROWN MS LUCY K6654
age ratios of BW 94, WW 102, YW 104, IMF 109, REA 105. Rabr Ms Wide Load 754
85 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Ljc Lancer 806 Beckton Lancer T A664
8 61% 46% 12% 4% 10% 6% 10% 4% 2% T6991 3/9/07 1A Ljc Hb Lizzie 606
4 .1 41 77 22 43 14 .25 .39 Registration # LJC MISSION STATEMENT P27
Ljc Hannah 106 Holden Hi Ho 753
Ljc Kj Jamie 516
Projected 8 -1.3 37 67 25 43 15 .25 .16 1175144 BROWN MS MISSION T6991
EPDs: Bred to: Big Sky Expected Due Date: 3/2/09 Lcc Major League A502M Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912
Krn Reba’S Robin
This female has an amazing set of numbers that ranks her in the top 1% to top 12% in a total of 7 traits and
study her royal pedigree too. BROWN MS MAJOR LEAGUE P6877
Brown Ms Make My Day K6 Bjr Make My Day 981
Rabr Ms Queen H6532
Red Angus Females ChCamhapmiopniosns
Champion Grand Sire & Grand Dam: •
Rob & Peggy Brown
Trait1•7Lheaeadders on
RED ANGUS Bred Heifers
Percentile Rank in the Breed
LOT Performance EPDs Carcass EPDs Animal Info PEDIGREE
85 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Bieber Make Mimi 7249 Bjr Make My Day 981
9 48% 33% 33% 18% 14% 17% 10% 6% 41% T6982 1/20/07 1A Bieber Sirena 6708
5 -.6 35 67 21 39 14 .21 .08 Registration # NEO-SHO DIRECT TICKET M517
Ms Nsf Proof Positive J Lmn Proof Positive1305E
Ms Nsf Littlejohn G453
Projected 9 -1.8 36 70 21 39 15 .38 .15 1209020 BROWN MS DIRECT TKT T6982
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment Expected Due Date: 3/25/09 Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
Mrm 1431 8611 9109
This is a really long bodied, thick made fancy female that is out of our high selling cow from 06 who was
purchased by Ken Marquis for $15,000. Just like her full sister who sells as lot 573, she has a calf due in BROWN MS CHEROKEE N6808
March by Brown Commitment. This female is very complete in every way. Brown Ms Mmday K6664 Bjr Make My Day 981
Rabr Ms Little John H65
95 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
0 27% 38% 26% 12% 5% 7% 12% 4% 28% T6976 2/3/07 1A LCC CHEYENNE B221L Mrm 1431 8611 9109
7 -.3 37 71 24 42 14 .25 .13 Registration # Hxc 701G Lman Robin Hood 1174B
Hxc 555E
Projected 10 -1.6 37 72 22 40 15 .40 .17 1209024 BROWN MS CHEYENNE T6976
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment Expected Due Date: 1/8/09 Beckton Julian Gg B571
Brown Vacation H7106 Lchmn Flower C1161
Cheyenne adds tremendous length to his offspring and this is no exception. The popularity of Brown Com- BROWN MS VACATION P6841
mitment has continued to increase since he topped our sale here last fall. His semen production continues
to be fantastic and he passes on to his offspring his strengths of outstanding disposition, deep, thick, high Brown Ms Make My Day K6 Bjr Make My Day 981
volumed, level topped and very sound in his feet & legs. Rabr Ms Queen H6532
95 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Brown Vacation H7106 Beckton Julian Gg B571
1 37% 44% 38% 27% 48% 42% 14% 32% 1% T7695 2/2/07 1A BROWN SIESTA R6424 Lchmn Flower C1161
6 .0 34 64 17 34 14 .09 .47 Registration # Brown Ms Cherokee N6800 Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912
Brown Ms Chateau J6644
Calf’s 6 -.3 41 76 18 39 15 .16 .53 1209089 BROWN MS SIESTA T7695
Projected Expected Due Date: 1/9/09 Beckton Lancer F442 T Beckton Lancer T A664
Bkt Suffeina A828 Dm
EPDs: Bred to: Affirmed
Lman King Rob 8621
Brown Siesta was one of our top prospects from our 05 born bulls. He is a Vacation son out of a highly Rcra Samantha
productive and vey feminine Cherokee Canyon daughter. She is due in January to the AbiGrace son at Joe BROWN MS F442 P7918
& Connie Mushrush’s that has a super set of EPDs and muscle mass like no other. Hcfa Samantha’S Queen
95 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Brown Vacation H7106 Beckton Julian Gg B571
2 37% 44% 38% 27% 48% 42% 14% 32% 1% T7701 2/10/07 1A BROWN SIESTA R6424 Lchmn Flower C1161
6 .0 34 64 17 34 14 .09 .47 Registration # Brown Ms Cherokee N6800 Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912
Brown Ms Chateau J6644
Calf’s 9 -1.5 36 69 19 36 15 .32 .34 1209155 BROWN MS SIESTA T7701
Projected Beckton Lancer T A664
Bkt Suffeina A828 Dm
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment Expected Due Date: 3/12/09 Beckton Lancer F442 T
Lman King Rob 8621
Here is a full sister to the female above. Their pedigree is full of highly proven animals that continue to add Rcra Samantha
value to the breed today including her great grand dam who is also the mother of the tried and true growth BROWN MS F442 P7918
sire from Accelerateed Genetics: Monu 4X. She is safe in calf to Brown Commitment that shows every Hcfa Samantha’S Queen
indication of becoming one of the most popular and influential bulls in the breed.
95 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Bjr Make My Day 981 Bjr Easy Rider 781 Red Angus Females
3 72% 52% 22% 21% 54% 37% 14% 17% 3% T6965 3/5/07 1A RABR MADE RIGHT H6001 Bjr Tow Kana 117-710
3 .4 37 66 16 35 14 .14 .33 Registration # Rabr Ms None Better 682 Lman None Better 9604
Bb 8 Bbred 5947
Projected 4 -.1 42 77 18 39 15 .19 .46 1209013 BROWN MS MADE RIGHT T6965
EPDs: Bred to: Affirmed Expected Due Date: 1/9/09 Brown Vacation H7106 Beckton Julian Gg B571
Lchmn Flower C1161
This heifer is sired by Made Right - the first Red Angus bull we ever sold to Alta Genetics in Brazil. He
has proven to be one of the top growth bulls in Brazil. There is very little semen left here in the U.S. and
we sure like his calves. This heifer stacks highly proven sire after highly proven sire - Sires that consistenly Brown Ms Cherokee M6775 Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912
produce the type and genetics that the industry wants. Look for the 3/4 sister to this heifer in the very suc- Brown Ms Rockin Robin J
cessful showstring of Solution Genetics. Cassie Johnson has already put a ribbon on her pen from the Iowa
State Fair. •
163 •
Percentile Rank in the Breed
LOT Performance EPDs Carcass EPDs Animal Info PEDIGREE
95 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Leachman Cowboss 1129G Lman Robin Hood 1174B
4 34% 60% 3% 1% 24% 6% 49% 37% 57% R7516 1/8/05 1A LCC VAQUERO 1412J Lman Abigail B1174
6 1.1 45 84 20 42 11 .05 -.05 Registration # Park Miss Wideload F648 Lchmn Wide Load 1061C
Park Mercedes C235
Projected 9 -.9 41 79 20 40 13 .30 .08 1069535 BROWN MS VAQUERO R7516
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment Expected Due Date: 1/30/09 Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
Mrm 1431 8611 9109
This female leads off a group of larger framed females with lots of growth. This Vaquero daughter carries
on the traits of her father with nice birth weight and breed leading growth with lots of volume and LCC PRINCESS LA035
beautiful teats. Her dam, LA035, resides at Little Creek Farms, as a donor for Mikell Davis. Take a Leachman Princess H1041 Lman Robin Hood 1174B
look at the projected EPDs of her Commitment calf due in January. Lchmn Princess F1029
95 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Leachman Cowboss 1129G Lman Robin Hood 1174B
5 12% 13% 24% 10% 45% 33% 8% 14% 88% R7513 1/13/05 1A LCC VAQUERO 1412J Lman Abigail B1174
9 -1.9 35 69 16 34 15 .14 -.18 Registration # Park Miss Wideload F648 Lchmn Wide Load 1061C
Park Mercedes C235
Projected 11 -2.4 36 71 18 36 15 .34 .02 1069532 BROWN MS VAQUERO R7513
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment Expected Due Date: 3/4/09 Bjr Easy Rider 781
Bjr Make My Day 981 Bjr Tow Kana 117-710
This Vaquero daughter is extra long bodied and boasts a fantastic, light BW to high YW spread. Her
Commitment calf is due in March and look at the EPDs it will have. Her full sister sells as lot 554 and their BROWN MS MAKE MY DAY K7
dam is a full sister in blood to the dam of Revelation who ranks #1 in the entire Sire Summary for REA & Rabs Ms Vicila H7556 Beckton Julian Gg B571
#7 for Marbling. Her dam was also the high selling cow in our 04 sale going to Winrock farms in AR for Leachman Vicila 7709
95 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Leachman Robust 7222 Rcn Dynamo 614
6 77% 17% 39% 9% 5% 9% 2% 24% 21% P416 12/12/03 1A LMAN KING ROB 8621 Leachman Duchess6463
2 -1.5 32 70 24 40 17 .09 .09 Registration # Leachman Eleanor Jtl 9004 King Kong
Prf Eleanor L015
Calf’s 4 -.7 42 84 22 43 15 .11 .36 936165 CCF LAKOTA MMD 8621 P416
Projected Expected Due Date: 3/25/09 Bjr Make My Day 981 Bjr Easy Rider 781
Bjr Tow Kana 117-710
EPDs: Bred to: Pacific Pride
King Rob is one of the first Red Angus bulls to be able to break the antagonisms and allow us to pro-
duce cattle with breed leading growth and light birth weights. She and her dam were our picks out of the ATKN CCF LAKOTA MMD ET
Chicken Creek dispersal. Take a look at the projected EPDs of her calf due in March by Pacific Pride who Bjr Lakota 319-6269 Bjr High Ho 5112-23L
has all indications of being a big spread bull himself. We co-own this bull with McPhee Red Angus and Bjr Lakota 355-364
market his semen through ABS.
95 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Beckton Lancer F442 T Beckton Lancer T A664
7 34% 49% 35% 16% 95% 83% 34% 22% 4% R7967 1/31/05 1A LJC JAVELIN M08 Bkt Suffeina A828 Dm
6 .5 33 65 6 23 12 .10 .27 Registration # Ljc Logan E56 945 Glacier Logan 210
Buckeye Charlotte
Calf’s 9 -1.2 35 69 13 31 14 .32 .24 1069540 BROWN MS JAVELIN R7967
Projected Lman Robin Hood 1174B
Cfld Rebella 803-009
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment Expected Due Date: 1/30/09 Cfld Rebellas Robinhood
Red Kbj Sam’S Prospector
This is a long bodied, level topped Javelin daughter that is angular in her design and has excellent teat and Rcra Ms Carrousel
udder structure. Her dam was Tucker Brown’s first show heifer and went on to be one of our high sellers in VSV SAMANTHA 109L
05 going to Sam Toliver for $7000 to raise club calves with. Her Commitment baby is due in January and Rcra Samantha
could be really nice.
Red Angus Females 95 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Beckton Lancer F442 T Beckton Lancer T A664
8 34% 54% 28% Bkt Suffeina A828 Dm
14% 91% 74% 34% 28% 7% R7100 1/31/05 1A LJC JAVELIN M08
6 .7 34 Registration # Ljc Logan E56 945 Glacier Logan 210
66 8 25 12 .08 .22 Buckeye Charlotte
Calf’s 6 .4 43 1069537 BROWN MS JAVELIN R7100
Projected Pacific Pride 82 14 35 12 .10 .42 Lman Robin Hood 1174B
Expected Due Date: Exposed Cfld Rebella 803-009
EPDs: Bred to: Cfld Rebellas Robinhood
VSV SAMANTHA 109L Red Kbj Sam’S Prospector
This is a full sister to the female above. Rcra Ms Carrousel
Rcra Samantha
• •
RED ANGUS Females Estimated Sale Time for this page: 5:30 pm
Percentile Rank in the Breed
LOT Performance EPDs Carcass EPDs Animal Info PEDIGREE
95 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Leachman Cowboss 1129G Lman Robin Hood 1174B
9 25% 15% 42% 13% 42% 40% 16% 2% 98% R6920 1/2/05 1A LCC VAQUERO 1412J Lman Abigail B1174
7 -1.8 31 67 17 32 14 .33 -.29 Registration # Park Miss Wideload F648 Lchmn Wide Load 1061C
Park Mercedes C235
Projected 7 -1.4 32 69 17 32 12 .23 -.15 1069526 BROWN MS VAQUERO R6920
EPDs: Bred to: Epic Expected Due Date: 2/27/09 Bjr Make My Day 981 Bjr Easy Rider 781
Bjr Tow Kana 117-710
This is a very well balanced, deep bodied Vaquero daughter. Her mother held the record as the highest mar-
bling animal in the entire breed for years and was a high seller in our 04 sale going to Steve Linkowski’s BROWN MS MAKE MY DAY L6
Link Farms and Shamrock Nook for $9,000. Rabr Ms Little John H65 Lchman Lttle John 1509D
Rabr Ms 161
06 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
Mrm 1431 8611 9109
0 85% 30% 35% 45% 15% 20% 15% 1% 30% 1A LCC MAJOR LEAGUE A502M
2 -.9 35 58 22 39 15 .43 .16 Registration # Krn Reba’S Robin Lman Robin Hood 1174B
Krn Rebella 805/314
Embryo Pregnancy Expected Due Date: 1/16/09 Bjr Make My Day 981 Bjr Easy Rider 781
Bjr Tow Kana 117-710
This pregnancy is sired by the most popular bull in the breed and out of the elegant Make My Day daugh-
ter that held the record as the highest marbling animal in the entire breed for years. Embryos from this
Rabr Ms Little John H65 Lchman Lttle John 1509D
mating have sold for $1500 each at the Mile High Sale in Denver. The recip is a 2 year old cow that is 3/4 Rabr Ms 161
Embryo PregnancyAngus and 1/4 Senepol her ID# is 8613s.
06 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Bkt Julian 7526 G
1 25% 28% 43% 25% 27% 30% 4% 72% 1% R6901 1/8/05 1A Beckton Julian Gg B571 Bkt Marta 9A13 Jl
7 -.7 31 61 19 35 16 -.03 .49 Registration # Lman King Rob 8621
Lchmn Flower C1161 Leachman Flower 7140
Calf’s 6 -.2 38 77 21 40 15 .12 .58 1069508 BROWN MS VACATION R6901 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
Projected Expected Due Date: 1/29/09 Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Mrm 1431 8611 9109
EPDs: Bred to:Mission Statement
Here is the first of two full sisters by Brown Vacation who continues to be one of the high customer
satisfaction bulls in the breed. He earned his way to be called a “Masterpiece” sire for Genex with his solid BROWN MS CHEROKEE M6760
and balanced EPD proof and added muscle. One of the reasons I believe he continues to be so popular is Brown Ms Lucy K6654 Tassel Robin Hood 78E
because he works so well on Cherokee Canyon daughters. It continues to be one of the most consistent Rabr Ms Wide Load 754
matings we have.
06 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Beckton Julian Gg B571 Bkt Julian 7526 G
2 18% 27% 38% 26% 16% 20% 4% 80% 1% R6902 1/5/05 1A BROWN VACATION H7106 Bkt Marta 9A13 Jl
8 -.7 32 60 21 37 16 -.05 .46 Registration # Lchmn Flower C1161 Lman King Rob 8621
Leachman Flower 7140
Projected 7 -.2 39 76 22 41 15 .11 .56 1069509 BROWN MS VACATION R6902
EPDs: Bred to:Mission Statement Expected Due Date: 2/23/09 Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
Mrm 1431 8611 9109
Full sister to the female above and they look just alike - dark red, deep ribbed, level topped, sound struc-
tured and easy keeping. Their mother was one of our high sellers in our 05 sale going to Mikel Davis’
Little Creek Farms for $10,000. When you look at them it is obvious why they both rank in the top 1% of Brown Ms Lucy K6654 Tassel Robin Hood 78E
the breed for muscle. They will both calve to one of the fastest rising stars in the breed Mission Statement - Rabr Ms Wide Load 754
that should be very good. Red Angus Females
Genius Lot 602
is 1%
and 99%
•Lot 601 perspiration.
Percentile Rank in the Breed
LOT Performance EPDs Carcass EPDs Animal Info PEDIGREE
06 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Beckton Julian Gg B571 Bkt Julian 7526 G
3 34% 36% 22% 29% 41% 29% 3% 87% 6% R6890 1/28/05 1A BROWN VACATION H7106 Bkt Marta 9A13 Jl
6 -.2 36 59 17 35 16 -.07 .23 Registration # Lchmn Flower C1161 Lman King Rob 8621
Leachman Flower 7140
Projected 6 .1 41 76 20 40 15 .10 .45 1031076 BROWN MS VACATION R6890
EPDs: Bred to:Mission Statement Expected Due Date: 2/23/09 Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
Mrm 1431 8611 9109
This is the third female in a row with the excellent mating of Vacation and Cherokee Canyon, plus have a
Mission Statement calf on the way. BROWN MS CC LJ N6791
Rabr Ms Little John H65 Lchman Lttle John 1509D
Rabr Ms 252
06 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Beckton Lancer F442 T Beckton Lancer T A664
4 75% 75% 15% 10% 80% 50% 20% 50% 3% 1A LJC JAVELIN M08 Bkt Suffeina A828 Dm
4 1.6 40 74 13 33 14 .06 .41 Registration # Ljc Logan E56 945 Glacier Logan 210
Buckeye Charlotte
6 Embryo Pregnancies Expected Due Date: 1/15/09 Beckton Julian Gg B571
0 Here are four embryo pregnancies from one of our really good Vacation daughters that is out of Brown Vacation H7106 Lchmn Flower C1161
5 a powerful Hi Ho 574 dam that goes back to the dam of the big time spread bull Monu 4X. Her
production record shows her offspring with tremendous ratios of: BW 100, WW 106, YW 107, IMF Hcf Samantha 041 Of 303 Holden Hi Ho 574
Rcra Samantha
119, REA 115. She is a beautiful cow with super nice teats and udder structure. If you are looking to
6 add power to your program that take advantage of one or more of these pregnancies by the king of
0 muscle mass - Javelin. Here is a great opportunity to get some outstanding proven genetics that are
6 a total outcross to Cherokee Canyon, Major League, Cheyenne, Make My Day, Make Mimi, Big
Sky, etc. The high bidder has the option to take any or all of these 4 lots. Lot 604 recip is a 4 year
6 old Brangus cow #88. Lot 605 recip is a 7 year old Simmental cow #L2359. Lot 610 is a 7 yr old
registered Red Angus cow Reg # 755493 and ID# 250. Lot 607 is out of a 7 year old registered Red
0 Angus cow Reg# 964138 and ID# L6780.
7 Embryo Pregnancies
06 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Bkt Julian 7526 G
8 34% 22% 32% 27% 16% 17% 2% 42% 1% R7990 1/7/05 1A Beckton Julian Gg B571 Bkt Marta 9A13 Jl
6 -1.1 34 60 21 38 17 .04 .41 Registration # Lman King Rob 8621
Lchmn Flower C1161 Leachman Flower 7140
Calf’s 9 -2.0 36 67 21 38 16 .29 .31 1069521 BROWN MS VACATION R7990 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
Projected Mrm 1431 8611 9109
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment Expected Due Date: 1/30/09 Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912
A long bodied Vacation daughter with a Commitment calf due in January. This should be a very nice mat-
ing. We have very high hopes for Commitment. He continues to pass every test we put in front of him. COP 4912 BONNEBELL M004
Cop 753 Bonnebell 922J Holden Hi Ho 753
Jr Bonnebell 700G
Red Angus Females
•Grand Dam of Lots 615-616 Brown Lonestar T7279
166 3/4 brother to dam of Lots 615-616
Percentile Rank in the Breed
LOT Performance EPDs Carcass EPDs Animal Info PEDIGREE
06 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Beckton Julian Gg B571 Bkt Julian 7526 G
Bkt Marta 9A13 Jl
9 25% 40% 40% 30% 40% 40% 10% 60% 2% A630 1A BROWN VACATION H7106
8 -.5 34 64 18 35 16 .02 .42 Registration # Lchmn Flower C1161 Lman King Rob 8621
Leachman Flower 7140
6 Embryo Pregnancies Expected Due Date: 2/12/09 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
1 The mating of Cherokee Canyon by Vacation is a fantastic mating that continues to works so Mrm 1431 8611 9109
Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912
0 consistently. The dam is a very long bodied and fancy fronted female that Fred Schutze of Buzzard BROWN MS CC VICILA N7842
Hollow Ranch bought in our 06 sale with outstanding progeny ratios on 3 calves of: BW 99, WW Rabs Ms Vicila H7533 Beckton Lancer T A664
Leachman Vicila 7709
104 & YW 108. The high bidder will have the option to take their choice of 1 or up to all 5 of these
6 pregnancies. The best way I know to make the most consistent and dependable genetic improve-
1 ment is by selecting the very best cows and mass multiplying them generation after generation by
1 using the very best bulls in the breed. This pedigree reads like the who’s who of the breed: Vaca-
tion x Cherokee Canyon x Lancer x Julian B571. Refer back to page 145 for the full explanation of
6 the advantages of investing in these pregnancies and remember you have the option to either take
the pregnant recipient now or we will keep her here and raise the calf for you and have it weaned
and ready for you at our sale next year for no additional out of pocket expense. Lot 609 recip is a
1 4 year old Brangus # 86. Lot 610 is a 4 yr old Hotlander+ ID# A/419. Lot 611 recip is a 3 yr old
2 Hotlander+ ID# A/505. Lot 612 recip is a 2 yr old Hotlander+ ID# A626. Lot 613 recip is a 2 yr
6 old Hotlander+ ID# A630.
1 Embryo Pregnancies
61 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Beckton Lancer T A664 Beckton Lancer 9380
4 56% 93% 7% 18% 59% 28% 80% 20% 1% R7956 3/7/05 1A BECKTON LANCER F442 T Beckton Coca 9119 Tj
4 3.5 42 64 14 35 8 .11 .39 Registration # Bkt Suffeina A828 Dm Beckton Dominor 9455
Bkt Suffeina 9493 Tt
Projected 5 1.8 47 81 17 40 10 .12 .51 1031106 BROWN MS F442 R7956
EPDs: Bred to: Pacific Pride Expected Due Date: Exposed Lman Robin Hood 1174B Lman King Rob 8621
Leachman Prilark
This is a good looking Lancer F442 daughter out of a really high performance Robin Hood daughter that
Mark Elmore bought in our 06 sale for $3250. The Robin Hood daughter goes back to one of the early RABS MS ROBINHOOD 4016H
powerhouse Angus donors at Gardiner Angus Ranch - a daughter of Traveler 6807. This moderate milk G A R Evas 6807 Traveler 773 D H D Traveler 6807
female has been a donor for us both last year and this year. She has a super set of Commitment babies on G A R Evas Tonto 91
the ground.
61 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Bieber Make Mimi 7249 Bjr Make My Day 981
5 3% 10% 60% 55% 15% 30% 20% 25% 25% 700V 1A FEDDES BIG SKY R9 Bieber Sirena 6708
13 -2.7 30 54 22 37 14 .18 .18 Registration # Feddes Lakina 310 Lchmn Grandcanyon 1244G
Feddes Lakina 730
6 Expected Due Date: 2/12/09 Beckton Lancer F442 T
1 Embryo Pregnancies BROWN MS F442 R7975 Beckton Lancer T A664
The dam of these pregnancies is a very moderate framed, feminine, dark red female with a super Bkt Suffeina A828 Dm
6 udder and fantastic feet & legs. Her maternal brother was one of our sale highlights last year going Lcc Sereola Na449
to Carl Detering for $8,250 and last year’s breeder of the year - Croissant Red Angus is using his Bon View New Design 1407
Lcc Sereola La070
semen in their A+ program. Another maternal brother is a highlight in this years sale as lot 261. You
should look him up - he is a very impressive moderate framed dark red bull - much like the dam
of these embryos. Notice that the grand dam of these pregnancies is daughter of one of the most Red Angus Females
influential bulls in the history of the Angus breed - New Design 1407. Lot 615 recip is a commercial
Embryo PregnanciesAngus cow # 700V. Lot 616 recip is a commercial Angus cow #92.
Champion Goat Ropers & Muggers:
Will McCartney, Menzi Spiller,
Chastain Spiller, Lanham Brown,
Caroline McCartney, & Ben McCartney
•2008 Tx Ranch Roundup
RED ANGUS Bred Heifers
Percentile Rank in the Breed
LOT Performance EPDs Carcass EPDs Animal Info PEDIGREE
61 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
7 72% 57% 5% 7% 33% 10% 3% 59% 2% T7697 1/6/07 1A Mrm 1431 8611 9109
3 .7 45 74 19 41 16 .03 .36 Registration # LCC MAJOR LEAGUE A502M
Krn Reba’S Robin Lman Robin Hood 1174B
Krn Rebella 805/314
Projected 6 -1.2 38 68 21 39 15 .08 .12 1209159 BROWN MS MAJOR LEAGUE T7697
EPDs: Bred to: Direct Ticket Expected Due Date: 1/18/09 Bjr Monu 4X-303 Red Sss Monu4X 237C
Rcra Samantha
This female is a real beauty who has fantastic EPDs and a royal pedigree. In fact there in not a bull in the
Sire Summary that can match her EPDs for BW, WW, YW, Stay, Mrbl & REA. She is sired by the #1 bull BROWN MS MONU P7931
in the breed and is out of one of our sale highlights from last year going to Tony Tolar of A1 Land & Cattle Rabs Ms Vicila H7552 Beckton Julian Gg B571
for $12,000. She ranks high in the breed for Growth, TM, Stay & Muscle. Talk about depth of quality in a Leachman Vicila 7709
sale offering, this is the 78th female in the order - she will make lots of friends.
61 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Beckton Lancer F442 T Beckton Lancer T A664
8 61% 48% 29% 31% 69% 52% 32% 17% 4% T6961 2/4/07 1A LJC JAVELIN M08 Bkt Suffeina A828 Dm
4 .2 36 62 14 32 13 .14 .31 Registration # Ljc Logan E56 945 Glacier Logan 210
Buckeye Charlotte
Projected 5 -.2 42 75 17 38 14 .19 .45 1185875 BROWN MS JAVELIN T6961
EPDs: Bred to: Affirmed Expected Due Date: 1/9/09 Lcc Major League A502M Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912
Krn Reba’S Robin
Here is a moderate framed, thick made Javelin daughter and take a look at the projected EPDs of her
Affirmed calf that is due in January. Remember - Affirmed is an AbiGrace son - so her calf will have a BROWN MS MAJOR LEAGUE P6864
royally stacked pedigree on the sire side as well as two of the most famous cows in the breed - AbiGrace & Brown Ms Make My Day K6 Bjr Make My Day 981
Reba’s Robin. Rabr Ms Queen H6532
61 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category 5L Direct Fire 1641-6443 C A Future Direction 5321
9 6% 48% 20% 18% 28% 19% 3% 9% 28% T409 1/19/07 1A 5L DESTINATION 893-6215 5L Firefly 174-1641 Et
11 .2 38 67 19 38 16 .19 .13 Registration # 5L Adina 525-893 Bon View New Design 878
5L Adina 293-525
Calf’s 9 -.4 35 69 18 35 13 .16 .06 1187981 BOLA MS JULIAN T409
Projected Beckton Julian Gg B571 Bkt Julian 7526 G
Bkt Marta 9A13 Jl
EPDs: Bred to: Epic Expected Due Date: 4/21/09
Lman None Better 9604
If you are looking for a moderate framed, deep bodied female that is an outcross to Cherokee Canyon, Bb 5098 Bbred 5510
Major League, Cheyenne, Make My Day, Make Mimi, Lancer and more - this is a great option. She is RABR MS JULIAN H6528
sired by the $180,000 5L Destination and out of a daughter of Julian B571. She is bred to either Epic or Rabr Ms None Better 470
Pacific Pride and we will pay for the DNA test to confirm the calf’s sire.
62 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category 5L Direct Fire 1641-6443 C A Future Direction 5321
0 65% 95% 4% 3% 15% 4% 15% 30% 10% 941 1A 5L DESTINATION 893-6215 5L Firefly 174-1641 Et
5 3.1 46 81 22 45 15 .16 .34 Registration # 5L Adina 525-893 Bon View New Design 878
5L Adina 293-525
6 Embryo Pregnancies Expected Due Date: 2/12/09 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
2 These two pregnancies are due in February and are out of Grand Cherokee’s sister who was one of Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Mrm 1431 8611 9109
1 our high sellers last year going to Mikel Davis - Little Creek Farm for $8000. Grand Cherokee is
one of the largest REA bulls in the breed and also has a great spread from light BW to high growth. Sunr Grand Tilly 006 Lchmn Grandcanyon 1244G
Bjr Tilly 2476-6285
The pregnancies are sired by one of the highest selling bulls in the history of the breed, 5L Destina-
tion. If you want big, stout high performance cattle then you need to bid on these. Destination was Embryo Pregnancies
Red Angus Females held off of the market for two years to give his new owners some genetic lead time. Take advantage
of this opportunity and own one or two for yourself. Lot 620 Recip is an Angus cow #941. Lot 621
is an Angus cow #915.
Lot 617 • Lot 624
168 •
RED ANGUS Bred Heifers
Percentile Rank in the Breed
LOT Performance EPDs Carcass EPDs Animal Info PEDIGREE
62 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
2 19% 49% 6% 2% 16% 5% 8% 20% 11% T6978 2/27/07 2 LCC CHEYENNE B221L Mrm 1431 8611 9109
8 .3 44 83 21 43 15 .13 .23 Registration # Hxc 701G Lman Robin Hood 1174B
Hxc 555E
Projected 10 -1.3 41 78 21 41 15 .34 .22 1209065 BROWN MS CHEYENNE T6978
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment Expected Due Date: 2/11/09 Bjr Monu 4X-303 Red Sss Monu4X 237C
Rcra Samantha
This long bodied, fancy made female has super EPDs and a royal pedigree to go with it. Take a look at
the projected EPDs of her Commitment calf due in February. Her dam sold in our sale last year to Mikel BROWN MS MONU P7930
Davis’ Little Creek Farms in MS for $6000. Cheyenne does tend to produce a few black noses and as a Rabs Ms Vicila H7552 Beckton Julian Gg B571
result she is a Category 2. However when bred to 1A red bulls - all of her calves that don’t have the black Leachman Vicila 7709
pigment will be 100% 1A.
62 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Brown Vacation H7106 Beckton Julian Gg B571
3 37% 44% 38% 27% 48% 42% 14% 32% 1% T7700 2/15/07 1A BROWN SIESTA R6424 Lchmn Flower C1161
6 .0 34 64 17 34 14 .09 .47 Registration # Brown Ms Cherokee N6800 Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912
Brown Ms Chateau J6644
Calf’s 9 -1.5 36 69 19 36 15 .32 .34 1209154 BROWN MS SIESTA T7700
Projected Expected Due Date: 2/11/09 Beckton Lancer F442 T Beckton Lancer T A664
Bkt Suffeina A828 Dm
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment BROWN MS F442 P7918
Lman King Rob 8621
Here is a moderate framed, female that is very nice in her design. She has a full sister selling as lot 575. Rcra Samantha
Hcfa Samantha’S Queen
62 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Brown Vacation H7106 Beckton Julian Gg B571
4 37% 44% 38% 27% 48% 42% 14% 32% 1% T7694 2/9/07 1A BROWN SIESTA R6424 Lchmn Flower C1161
6 .0 34 64 17 34 14 .09 .47 Registration # Brown Ms Cherokee N6800 Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912
Brown Ms Chateau J6644
Calf’s 9 -1.5 36 69 19 36 15 .32 .34 1209088 BROWN MS SIESTA T7694
Projected Expected Due Date: 2/11/09 Beckton Lancer F442 T Beckton Lancer T A664
Bkt Suffeina A828 Dm
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment
Lman King Rob 8621
A full sister to the female above and both are due to have a Commitment calf on 2-11-09. Take a look at Rcra Samantha
her picture. She is really fancy. BROWN MS F442 P7918
Hcfa Samantha’S Queen
62 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Buf Crk Romeo L081 Beckton Julian Gg B571
5 19% 39% 25% 45% 32% 24% 34% 23% 20% T7643 2/5/07 1A Buf Crk Primrose 5679
8 -.2 37 57 19 37 12 .12 .17 Registration # DBL TREE ALFA ROMEO 442GD
Basin Primrose 442G Basin None Better 361E
Basin Primrose D587
Projected 10 -1.6 37 65 20 38 14 .33 .19 1185977 BROWN MS ALFA ROMEO T7643
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment Expected Due Date: 1/8/09 Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
Mrm 1431 8611 9109
This is a very well designed moderate framed female, much like her paternal sister that sold in the 07 TX
Red Angus Sale to the Tony, Carla & Crystal Clark. They took her to the National Red Angus show where BROWN MS CHER 6807 - P7935
she won her class and was Reserve Division Champion. Rabs Ms Robinhood 4016H Lman Robin Hood 1174B
G A R Evas 6807 Traveler 773
62 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Beckton Julian Gg B571 Bkt Julian 7526 G Red Angus Females
6 6% 7% 72% 50% 58% 69% 2% 59% 2% T7670 1/4/07 1A Bkt Marta 9A13 Jl
11 -2.9 27 56 16 29 17 .03 .39 Registration # BROWN-LSF CELEBRATION
Lchmn Flower C1161 Lman King Rob 8621
Leachman Flower 7140
Projected 12 -2.9 32 65 18 34 16 .29 .30 1209106 BROWN MS CELEBRATION T7670
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment Expected Due Date: 2/11/09 Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
Mrm 1431 8611 9109
Celebration has proven himself to be a fantastic calving ease sire who may very well re-define the look
of true calving ease cattle. They are born small and easy, then develop into great looking cattle with clean BROWN MS CC FLOWER N7878
fancy fronts, long thick tops that have lots of muscle when you get behind them. Her Commitment calf Rabs Ms Flower H7523 Lmb Golden Boy 719
could be very nice. Lchmn Flower C1161
• •
Percentile Rank in the Breed
LOT Performance EPDs Carcass EPDs Animal Info PEDIGREE
62 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Beckton Julian Gg B571 Bkt Julian 7526 G
7 2% 2% 76% 58% 59% 72% 1% 54% 43% T7652 1/30/07 1A Bkt Marta 9A13 Jl
14 -4.6 26 53 16 28 17 .04 .07 Registration # BROWN-LSF CELEBRATION
Lchmn Flower C1161 Lman King Rob 8621
Leachman Flower 7140
Projected 11 -4.2 27 58 17 30 15 .08 .13 1185988 BROWN MS CELEBRATION T7652
EPDs: Bred to: Ole’s Oscar Expected Due Date: 3/27/09 Lcc Vaquero 1412J Leachman Cowboss 1129G
Park Miss Wideload F648
Here is another good looking Celebration daughter with super calving ease and stayability. She is safe-in-
calf to the hot new sire from Canada Ole’s Oscar who brings a fresh new pedigree with proven calving ease BROWN MS VAQUERO R7513
and growth. Brown Ms Make My Day K7 Bjr Make My Day 981
Rabs Ms Vicila H7556
62 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Beckton Julian Gg B571 Bkt Julian 7526 G
8 6% 7% 72% 50% 58% 69% 2% 59% 2% T7674 1/4/07 1A Bkt Marta 9A13 Jl
11 -2.9 27 56 16 29 17 .03 .39 Registration # BROWN-LSF CELEBRATION
Lchmn Flower C1161 Lman King Rob 8621
Leachman Flower 7140
Projected 12 -2.9 32 65 18 34 16 .29 .30 1209110 BROWN MS CELEBRATION T7674
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment Expected Due Date: 2/13/09 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Mrm 1431 8611 9109
This is a well bred young heifer whose calf’s pedigree will read: Commitment x Celebration x Cherokee
Canyon x Golden Boy (Hudspeth’s Flower cow) x King Rob - the dam of Vacation & Celebration. She is BROWN MS CC FLOWER N7878
an embryo calf that was doggied as a baby and is small for her age. She should produce fine and carry on Rabs Ms Flower H7523 Lmb Golden Boy 719
these genetics even though circumstances out of her control didn’t allow her to express her full genetic Lchmn Flower C1161
62 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category G A R Maximum Payload 3674 G T Maximum
9 90% 95% 5% 3% 65% 30% 90% 1% 60% S7565 1/27/06 2-100% RAB-GAR LOAD UP 4049J G A R Traveler 168
1 3.2 45 82 15 37 8 .30 .02 Registration # G A R Ext 721 N Bar Emulation Ext
G A R Bando 338
Calf’s 4 1.1 39 77 16 35 9 .22 .01 1119925 BROWN MS LOAD UP S7565
Projected Bflo Cr Vc Chief 105
Glacier Rebalas
EPDs: Bred to: Epic Expected Due Date: 3/21/09 Glacier Logan 210
She is sired by the big-time spread and marbling Angus bull Load Up and out of a full sister to AbiGrace.
She is a black red carrier who when bred to 1A Red Angus bulls will produce 1A red calves 50% of the BROWN MS LG ABIGAIL N7814
time. Her own record shows the strength of the AbiGrace line with WW ratio 111, YW ratio 119, IMF ratio Lchmn Abigail E1013 Lman Robin Hood 1174B
122, REA ratio 101. Lchmn Abigail C1037
6 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Bon View New Design 1407 B/R New Design 036
3 18% 41% 15% 5% 30% 18% 96% 84% 78% R7957 1/29/05 2-100% Bon View Pride 664
0 8 .1 38 74 19 37 5 -.06 -.13 Registration #
Mill Brae Balnorma Pm 0125 Plowman 1627 Of Millbrae Sar
M B 2Rt2 Balnorma 6019
Projected 7 .1 45 86 19 41 9 .03 .25 1069538 BROWN MS BLUE MOON R7957
EPDs: Bred to: Pacific Pride Expected Due Date: 3/25/09 Lcc Vaquero 1412J Leachman Cowboss 1129G
Park Miss Wideload F648
Bringing in new genetic lines from Angus cattle has become an ever growing more popular trend - espe-
cially since 5L Destination who came from 2 black parents sold for $180,000. This female is carrying on COP 1412J PINEMARIE MO49
the fine “female maker” qualities that we’ve come to know in Blue Moon. She is a black red carrier who Buf Crk Pinemarie 2123 Buf Crk Vaquero 1626
when bred to 1A Red Angus bulls will produce 1A red calves 50% of the time. Her own record shows the Buf Crk Pinmarie1769
Red Angus Females strength of the AbiGrace line with WW ratio 111, YW ratio 119, IMF ratio 122, REA ratio 101.
You’re going to love the eye appeal of the Celebrations.
They are easy to pick....angular, feminine and moderate.
CelebrationThe West Virginia State Fair recently named this one of
Cedar Hill’s as Grand Champion. Congratulations to Dan,
Alicia and Chelsea.
Black “Red Carrier” Females
Percentile Rank in the Breed
LOT Performance EPDs Carcass EPDs Animal Info PEDIGREE
63 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Beckton Lancer F442 T Beckton Lancer T A664
1 9% 16% 19% 5% 71% 49% 90% 7% 1% R7503 3/26/05 2-100% LJC JAVELIN M08 Bkt Suffeina A828 Dm
10 -1.7 37 73 12 31 7 .21 .40 Registration # Ljc Logan E56 945 Glacier Logan 210
Buckeye Charlotte
Projected 11 -2.3 37 73 16 35 11 .38 .31 1031113 BROWN MS JAVELIN R7503
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment Expected Due Date: 4/1/09 S S Traveler 6807 T510 D H D Traveler 6807
S S Miss Hi Spade A114
Check out the numbers on this long bodied attractive female and even better are the projected EPDs of her
Commitment baby due in March. This is a female we have flushed once this spring and she produced 14 BROWN MS T510 4770M
high quality Commitment embryos. Her dam comes from one of the most sought after lines in the Angus Rab-Gar Ms Precision 4015H G A R Precision 1680
breed that produced carcass and growth greats like Pinnacle, Paramount, Summit, Everest and famous G A R Ext 2114
cows like Precision 2536 and Precision 706.
63 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category G A R Precision 1680 Tehama Bando 155
2 6% 56% 45% 27% 36% 38% 36% 5% 4% R7986 1/7/05 2-100% 9J9 G A R 856
11 .8 31 60 18 33 12 .24 .27 Registration # C A FUTURE DIRECTION 5321
C A Mis Power Fix 308 S A F Power Fix
C A Lady Eight 1015
Projected 9 -.1 32 66 17 33 11 .19 .13 1069517 BROWN MS BIG FUTURE R7986
EPDs: Bred to: Epic Expected Due Date: 3/14/09 Holden Hi Ho 574 Bjr Hi Ho 916
Beckton Eola Z025 Cb
This is a really fancy female who is a total outcross to every bull that has made the top 10 list of most
heavily used bulls throughout the past 5 years. She produced a long bodied, attractive son by Lancer 806 HCF SAMANTHA 041 OF 303
that is one of our featured bulls selling as lot 268. Her dam is a High Ho 574 daughter back to the dam of Rcra Samantha Red Kbj Sam’S Prospector
Monu 4X. She is safe to the Epic bull that we bought from Becktons this year - again, more outcross genet- Rcra Ms Carrousel
ics. This is one of the black “red carriers” that we worked hard to produce and pull in the benefits of Angus
for the Red Angus gene pool. You get to reap the rewards of our years of work.
63 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category G A R Precision 1680 Tehama Bando 155
3 6% 66% 33% 27% 24% 24% 36% 5% 9% R7987 12/31/04 2-100% 9J9 G A R 856
11 1.4 33 60 19 36 12 .25 .19 Registration # C A FUTURE DIRECTION 5321
C A Mis Power Fix 308 S A F Power Fix
C A Lady Eight 1015
Projected 9 .2 33 66 18 34 11 .19 .09 1069518 BROWN MS BIG FUTURE R7987
EPDs: Bred to: Epic Expected Due Date: 3/27/09 Bjr Hi Ho 916
This is a full sister to the female above. Both are black red-carriers who will produce 100% 1A calves 50% Holden Hi Ho 574 Beckton Eola Z025 Cb
of the time when bred to 1A bulls. Her red Lancer 806 son sells as lot 338 and she produced him with a HCF SAMANTHA 041 OF 303
WW ratio of 109 & YW ratio of 104. Both of these females have good growth along with excellent calving
ease, marbling & muscle. They both excel in ME, HPG & CETM where so many cattle in the breed need Rcra Samantha Red Kbj Sam’S Prospector
help today. Rcra Ms Carrousel
63 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category S A F Focus Of E R S A F Fame
4 4% 15% 25% 20% 75% 50% 30% 60% 20% S7550 12/1/05 2-100% MYTTY IN FOCUS G D A R Forever Lady 246
12 -2.0 37 69 14 33 13 .05 .22 Registration # Mytty Countess 906 Sitz Alliance 6595
Baldridge Countess 357
Projected 9 -1.0 45 83 17 39 13 .09 .42 1139360 BROWN MS IN FOCUS S7550
EPDs: Bred to: Pacific Pride Expected Due Date: Exposed Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
Mrm 1431 8611 9109
This is a deep ribbed, easy keeping, medium sized female that has an excellent EPD profile from start
to finish. On the dam side she goes back to the powerful Flower cow that has worked so well for Greg
Hudspeth in AR. Rabs Ms Flower H7523 Lmb Golden Boy 719
Lchmn Flower C1161
Lot 633 is shown in the picture with her first calf, Red Angus Females
Lot 338 today. She has hit it big for us, having two
Big FutureRED bull calves. The full brother to lots 632 and 633
sold to Len Stokes in New Mexico last year....He was
one of our personal favorites in the entire 07 sale.
Percentile Rank in the Breed
LOT Performance EPDs Carcass EPDs Animal Info PEDIGREE
63 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Bfck Cherokee Cnyn 4912 Buf Crk Chf 824-1658
Mrm 1431 8611 9109
5 20% 45% 10% 10% 50% 20% 10% 60% 5% 1A LCC RIBEYE A133L
9 -.1 43 73 17 39 16 .02 .36 Registration # Lchmn Larkaba J1263 Red Cr Top 54D
Leachman Larkaba F-1275
3 Embryo Pregnancies Expected Due Date: 2/12/09 Red Sss Monu4X 237C
Bjr Monu 4X-303 Rcra Samantha
One of my lifetime goals is to produce the most efficient cattle in the entire world with superior BROWN MS JULIA M7788
6 eating quality. By studying this catalog it should become very evident that we are working very hard Beckton Julian Gg B571
to achieve this goal. We have been able to produce cattle that are in high demand because they help Rabs Ms Julian H7059 Lchmn Abigail E1013
make our customers money. We have been able to produce cattle that defy the trends and combine
6 superior levels of antagonistic traits, like calving ease & growth and marbling and muscle, that 10
3 years ago we didn’t even know were possible.
7 The dam of these embryo pregnancies has consistently produced some of the most powerful and
6 attractive cattle we have ever raised. She had several featured lots in the sale last year both bulls &
females. She produced the Grand Champion female at the richest junior heifer show in America (San
Antonio, TX) winning our youngest son - Lanham Brown a $10,000 scholarship. That heifer went on
3 to be Grand Champion at the only other major show we took her to this year and her full sister was
8 named reserve Grand Champion in that same show.
The more things change...Take a look at the outstanding EPDs that this mating has produced by Ribeye who has a fantastic light
6 BW to high growth spread and is one of the largest REA bulls in the breed. This female is a fantastic
3 The more they stay the same.embryo producer and so we have 7 pregnancies available in this sale and the high bidder has the op-
9 tion to take their choice of which ones they want and they may take as many of these 7 as they want.
We will have several from this mating born here too. I expect them to continue M7788’s tradition and
6 be very good.
Lot 635 recip is a 4 yr old Hotlander # 4/88. Lot 636 recip is a 4 yr old Hotlander # 446. Lot 637
4 recip is a 4 yr old Hotlander # 459. Lot 638 recip is a 3 yr old Hotlander # 522. Lot 639 is a 3 yr old
0 Hotlander # 548. Lot 640 is a 2 yr old Hotlander # 697. Lot 641 recip is an 11 yr old Hotlander # 713.
6 2008
1 Embryo Pregnancies 34th Annual Bull & Female Sale
Maternal sisters to the pregnancies above have been our
favorites throughout the last few years. Seeing a young man
Julia M7788win a $10,000 scholarship this past spring at the SanAntonio
Jr Livestock Show with one of them, sure made us proud.
Red Angus Females
•Julia M7788 x Cheyenne with a Celebration calf. Julia M7788 x Major League
172 •
Percentile Rank in the Breed
LOT Performance EPDs Carcass EPDs Animal Info PEDIGREE
46 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Holden Hi Ho 574 Bjr Hi Ho 916
2 95% 88% 6% 12% 36% 14% 2% 42% 4% R7971 2/28/05 1A Beckton Eola Z025 Cb
-1 3.0 42 67 18 39 17 .04 .28 Registration # CIRCLE A HIGH VOLTAGE 0473
Bjr Ms Stony 4X-516 Bjr Monu 4X-303
Bjr Ms Stony 1193-3124
Projected 2 1.7 44 80 20 42 16 .16 .47 1031092 BROWN MS HIGH VOLTAGE R7971
EPDs: Bred to:Mission Statement Expected Due Date: 3/5/09 Lchmn Bandito Tres1781H Lman Robin Hood 1174B
Leachman Eleanor
This is a high growth female that weaned her first calf with a 105 WW ratio. I expect her Mission State-
ment calf due in February to perform well also. BROWN MS B3 LADY N7837
Brown Ms Lady H7566 Beckton Julian Gg B571
Jhl Lady G7007
46 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Bflo Cr Vc Chief 105 Ok Double Chief 4430
3 77% 24% 65% 59% 26% 40% 2% 2% 46% N7884 4/7/03 1A GLACIER LOGAN 210 Md Madcap Rc237
2 -1.0 27 48 19 32 17 .34 -.01 Registration # Glacier Rebalas Creek Side Copper
Glacier Hi-Rb-Ls
Calf’s 4 -.5 40 73 19 39 15 .23 .31 934723 BROWN MS LG FLOWER N7884
Projected Expected Due Date: 4/21/09 Lmb Golden Boy 719 Lmb Golden Boy 5146
St Sara Rose 468
EPDs: Bred to: Pacific Pride RABS MS FLOWER H7523
Lman King Rob 8621
A Logan daughter out of the Flower cow at Greg Hudspeth’s. She has two natural calves with average Leachman Flower 7140
progeny ratios of BW 93, WW 105, YW 101, IMF 115. Take a look at the projected EPDs of the Pacific
Pride calves due in April. Pacific Pride is a high performance and high muscle outcross sire that we just Lchmn Flower C1161
bought an interest in from McPhee Red Angus. He is leased to ABS.
46 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Bflo Cr Vc Chief 105 Ok Double Chief 4430
4 77% 22% 78% 69% Md Madcap Rc237
56% 69% 2% 1% 51% N7881 4/9/03 1A GLACIER LOGAN 210
2 -1.1 23 45 Registration # Glacier Rebalas Creek Side Copper
15 26 17 .36 -.03 Glacier Hi-Rb-Ls
Calf’s 4 -.5 38 71 934720 BROWN MS LG FLOWER N7881
Projected 17 36 15 .24 .30 Lmb Golden Boy 5146
Expected Due Date: 4/21/09 St Sara Rose 468
EPDs: Bred to: Pacific Pride Lmb Golden Boy 719
RABS MS FLOWER H7523 Lman King Rob 8621
Leachman Flower 7140
Lchmn Flower C1161
46 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Holden Hi Ho 574 Bjr Hi Ho 916
5 45% 19% 87% 69% Beckton Eola Z025 Cb
84% 90% 2% 94% 88%
5 -1.4 20 44 R6880 2/15/05 1A CIRCLE A HIGH VOLTAGE 0473
10 20 16 -.10 -.18 Registration # Bjr Monu 4X-303
Calf’s 9 -2.2 29 59
Projected 15 29 16 .22 .02 1031126 Bjr Ms Stony 4X-516
Expected Due Date: 2/22/09 Bjr Ms Stony 1193-3124
EPDs: Bred to: Commitment Basin Hobo 215D Buf Crk Hobo 1961
Basin Gal 42D
Brown Ms Renee K6695 Bjr Make My Day 981
Rabr Wide Load 752
46 CED BW WW YW Milk TM Stay MBL REA Tattoo DOB Category Beckton Epic D404 Beckton Saga Kj B702 Red Angus Females
6 6% 2% 79% 50% Beckton Kuruba B508 Pc
36% 57% 48% 18% 23%
11 -4.5 23 51 R7504 3/30/05 1A BECKTON EPIC K F075 Beckton Kaiser Fd 9253
18 29 11 .12 .08 Registration # Beckton Belga D483 Kr Beckton Belga A036 Mb
Projected 9 -2.2 38 74 19 37 12 .12 .35 1069536 BROWN MS EPIC R7504
Expected Due Date: 4/21/09
EPDs: Bred to: Pacific Pride Beckton Cody C401 Beckton Clipper Jl A095
Beckton Scarlet A742 Rb
A rare Epic F075 daughter that we acquired from Beckton’s.
Beckton Larkaba C317 Cl Beckton Clipper J 9956
Bkt Larkaba 7596 Pn
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