Lesson 10: Exporting Reports 301
Exercise 10-2 Exporting Crystal Reports to Microsoft Excel
This exercise will give you experience with exporting a report to an external file and opening the exported
data in Microsoft Excel for viewing and further manipulation.
1. With the E10-1 Export Report file form the previous exercise, click the Export button on the
Standard toolbar.
2. Select Microsoft Excel (97-2003) from the Format dropdown list.
3. Select Application from the Destination list.
4. Click OK
5. From the Excel Format Options dialog box, click OK.
6. The Excel application should open to display the finished product.
Figure 10-15 Exercise 10-2 Results
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302 Lesson 10: Exporting Reports
7. Close Excel without saving the file.
8. Leave the Crystal Reports file open for the next exercise.
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Lesson 10: Exporting Reports 303
Exercise 10-3 Exporting the Report Definition of a Crystal Report
This exercise will give you experience with exporting a report’s structural statistics for documentation
1. With the E10-1 Export Report file form the previous exercise, click the Export button on the
Standard toolbar.
2. Select Report Definition from the Format dropdown list.
3. Select Application from the Destination list.
4. Click OK
5. An application for reading text files (i.e. Notepad) should open to display the finished product
Figure 10-16 Exercise 10-3 Results
Tip: You can add to or update the information in this if you wish – it’s simply a text file - and save it as
documentation for the report.
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304 Lesson 10: Exporting Reports
6. Close the text file application without saving the file.
7. In Crystal Reports, close the E10-1 Export Report file without saving.
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Index Index 305
Background Color ....................................64, 241, 259 Box ................................................................... 141
Chart Sort Order ....................................................284 Charts ............................................................... 299
Charts Currency............................................................. 65
Date and Time.................................................... 67
Axes Tab............................................................289 Graphic............................................................. 147
Color Highlight Tab ...........................................292 Line................................................................... 136
Data Tab............................................................282 Numbers........................................................63, 69
Expert................................................................277 Section ..............................................239, 246, 248
Formatting ........................................................282
Group ........................................................282, 287 Formula....................................95, 161, 172, 173, 182
Layouts..............................................................277 Formula Workshop .. 15, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 182
Options Tab.......................................................291 Functions .......................104, 105, 173, 176, 178, 206
Text Tab ............................................................293 Grand Total ........................................................... 105
Type Tab............................................................282 Group ...............................................................82, 104
Column ..................................................................136 Filtering .............................................................. 92
Comments .............................................................211 Footer................................................................. 82
Concatenate ..........................................................180 Header................................................................ 82
Conditional Formatting............ 22, 238, 255, 256, 262 Summary ............................................................ 15
Data Date...............................................................160 Totals................................................................ 105
Data Source .........................................26, 29, 30, 243
Data Time ..............................................................160 Group By ............................................................76, 83
Database..........................................................29, 217 Group Expert....................................15, 75, 76, 77, 83
Group Options .......................................77, 78, 79, 80
Linking ...............................................................226 Group Sort Expert ..........................119, 120, 121, 285
Smart Linking ............................226, 227, 228, 229 Group Tree.............................................................. 81
Guidelines ............................................................... 40
Database Expert........... 15, 29, 90, 225, 226, 227, 230 Help Reference ..................................................... 212
Design Tab .........................................................23, 32 Hyperlink..........................................64, 299, 306, 308
Details Section .........................................................35 Join.................................................................220, 227
Export ......................................................15, 302, 311
Field Explorer.....................................15, 33, 160, 175 Inner Join...................................................220, 222
Fields.......................... 29, 32, 173, 176, 178, 217, 322 Left Join .....................................................220, 223
Outer Join..................................................220, 221
Add to Report ...................................33, 34, 35, 36 Right Join...................................................220, 224
Align ..............................................................47, 48
Browse ................................................................43 Keep Together ...................................................... 240
Move .............................................................38, 41 Null.........................................190, 191, 192, 195, 196
Resize ............................................................38, 41 Operators.........................................95, 173, 176, 180
Selecting..............................................................46 Preview Tab .......................................................12, 24
Print Date.......................................................161, 163
Formatting .................................................61, 62, 141 Print Time ......................................................161, 163
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306 Index String formulas ......................................................205
Record Sort Expert .............................. 85, 86, 88, 119 Subtotal ...................................................................23
Refresh ........................................................ 16, 53, 56
Report Comments ......................................... 161, 162 Suppress .................. 63, 137, 142, 240, 250, 253, 266
Report Wizard ............................................. 26, 27, 28
Ruler ............................................................ 38, 39, 50 Syntax ............................................ 172, 175, 181, 194
Save data with report.............................................. 53
Section Expert ................................. 15, 239, 240, 243 Text Object ........................................ 50, 51, 155, 156
Sections ................................................... 32, 239, 246
Select Expert.................90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 99, 100 Toolbars............................................................. 12, 15
Sort .................................................................... 77, 87
Special Fields ......................................... 160, 161, 163 Experts ................................................................15
Start Page .................................................... 12, 13, 14 Formatting ..........................................................15
Formula Workshop ...........................................176
Insert................................................................... 15
Navigation..................................................... 16, 56
Standard .............................................................15
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Glossary 307
Column Data Source
Data that runs down the page or table. The way to connect to a database or file.
Database Design Tab
Collection of related information. Building of the report takes place on the design tab.
Detail Section Drill-Down
The main section of the report that displays the Allows the user of the report to see more
detail. information information on what makes up a total
on a report.
Export Field
Create the report in a different format such as A single piece of data. Fields are displayed in
PDF. Allows easy distribution to users. reports and stored in databases.
Field Explorer Formula Workshop
Repository of database fields, formulas and Tool used to build formulas to be used in reports.
special fields. Fields are added to reports using Contains built in functions that can be used.
this tool.
Graphic Group
A picture or image.
Logical collection of records. Grouping allows
Guidelines totals and subtotals to be calculated.
Lines displayed in the Design tab. Allows
designer to align objects. These are not printed. Null
No data is present in the field. Not the same as 0
being in the field.
Page Footer Page Header
Contains information that is only displayed at the Contains information that is only displayed at the
bottom of each page of the report. top of each page of the report.
Preview Tab Report Footer
Display of the report on the screen. Appears as it Contains information that is only displayed one
will when printed. time at the end of the report.
Report Header Row
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308 Glossary Data that runs across the page or table.
Contains information that is only displayed one
time at the beginning of the report.
Special Fields Start Page
Information about the report, such as page numbers, Page that displays when Crystal Reports is
print date and time. launched. This is where you begin all reports.
Subtotal Text Object
A total for a group of records.
Allows designer to add text to a report such as a
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