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Published by PENERBITAN PELANGI SDN BHD, 2023-11-01 06:23:26

Kuasai PBD 2024 English Form 4

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Nor Afifah Basri Sarah M. English FORM 4 MODUL PENTAKSIRAN BILIK DARJAH PBD KSSM QR CODES for all Listening trackS Grammar Notes Formative Assessment DSKP-based Practices Textbook Tagging HOTS & i-THINK Civic Literacy Summative Assessment SPM-based Practices Final Year Test QR Code Answers QR Code PDPC-FRIENDLY FEATURES Digital-FRIENDLY FEATURES Info Weblink Audio Video Teacher’s Edition PDF e-RPH Interactive PowerPoint SPM Question Bank TE-i INTERACTIVE TEACHER’S EDITION with the button for ANSWERS BONUS FOR TEACHER Supporting Materials PdPc Extra! and many more! Exclusive Exclusive PELANGI ONLINE TEST PELANGI ONLINE TEST TEACHER'S EDITION

KSSM 4 MODUL PENTAKSIRAN BILIK DARJAH PBD To assist Classroom Assessment (PBD) To boost students’ Performance Level To support Digital-friendly Pembelajaran dan Pemudahcaraan (PdPc) To evaluate Formative and Summative Assessment FORM Nor Afifah Basri Sarah M. English FORM 4 MODUL PENTAKSIRAN BILIK DARJAH PBD KSSM QR CODES for all Listening trackS Grammar Notes Formative Assessment DSKP-based Practices Textbook Tagging HOTS & i-THINK Civic Literacy Summative Assessment SPM-based Practices Final Year Test QR Code Answers QR Code PDPC-FRIENDLY FEATURES Digital-FRIENDLY FEATURES Info Weblink Audio Video Teacher’s Edition PDF e-RPH Interactive PowerPoint SPM Question Bank TE-i INTERACTIVE TEACHER’S EDITION with the button for ANSWERS BONUS FOR TEACHER Supporting Materials PdPc Extra! and many more! Exclusive Exclusive PELANGI ONLINE TEST PELANGI ONLINE TEST TEACHER'S EDITION Nor Afifah Basri Sarah M. English FORM 4 MODUL PENTAKSIRAN BILIK DARJAH PBD KSSM QR CODES for all Listening trackS Grammar Notes Formative Assessment DSKP-based Practices Textbook Tagging HOTS & i-THINK Civic Literacy Summative Assessment SPM-based Practices Final Year Test QR Code Answers QR Code PDPC-FRIENDLY FEATURES Digital-FRIENDLY FEATURES Info Weblink Audio Video Exclusive Exclusive PELANGI ONLINE TEST PELANGI ONLINE TEST SPECIAL FOR TEACHERS English TEACHER'S EDITION Notes PBD Practices DSKP-based Practices SPM-based Practices Final Year Test Answers Digital Materials TEACHER'S DIGITAL RESOURCES Varieties of digital contents are specifically prepared to support PdPc for teachers on ePelangi+ FREE PACKAGE FOR TEACHERS TE-i SUPPORTING MATERIALS PdPc EXTRA! PRINTED VERSION Teacher's Edition Student's Edition TE-1

4 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Listen to the phone conversation between Eliyana and her older sister, Aisyah. Write ‘T’ for true statements and ‘F’ for false statements. LS 1.1.1 (Lesson 3) 1. Aisyah was outside her classroom went Eliyana called. F 2. Eliyana needs help to create a Google Account. F 3. Eliyana signed in to her Google Account first. T 4. Eliyana has to click on ‘create an account’ before she fills in her details. F 5. Aisyah asked Eliyana to post a comment on a video. T 6. Eliyana can create a channel when she tries to post a comment. T B Listen to people talking in three different situations. For questions 1 – 6, choose the best answer A, B or C. LS 1.1.2 (Lesson 9) TRACK 1 Situation 1 TRACK 2 1 Why does the girl like to watch the videos? A They are funny. B She likes to laugh to relax. C It’s a good free-time activity. 2 Why couldn’t the boy share some videos immediately? A He was doing his homework. B His phone was being charged. C He was about to go skateboarding. Situation 2 3 What does Deen want the man to do? A Pick up his package B Buy an Amatoon gift card C Make another order from Amatoon 4 Which of the following probably alerted the man to the scam? A Money had already been deducted from his account. B He knew Deen wasn’t a staff of Amatoon. C Amatoon had already delivered his order. Situation 3 5 What is true about ‘Grammar Town’? A It writes essays. B It gives detailed grammar rules. C It spots spelling and punctuation mistakes. 6 What has the girl decided to do? A Use ‘Grammar Town’ at least once. B Continue to use a grammar book. C Refer to it occasionally. LS 1.1.1 Understand independently the main ideas in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics LS 1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics LISTENING SKILLS Textbook page: Unit 1, P.11, 16 PBD DSKP Practice LS 1.1.1, LS 1.1.2 English Form 4 Unit 1 CONTENTS Rekod Pentaksiran Murid iii – vi DSKP-BASED PRACTICES Let’s Chat 1 UNIT 1 Tutorial Enrolment key Practice Notes Ready for Anything 2 UNIT 7 Let’s Review 1 14 Enrolment key Practice Notes Buy It 3 UNIT 15 Enrolment key Practice Notes Being A Teen 4 UNIT 21 Let’s Review 2 27 Civic Literacy Enrolment key Practice Notes Globetrotting 5 UNIT 29 Tutorial Enrolment key Practice Notes Time Out 6 UNIT 36 Let’s Review 3 43 Tutorial Enrolment key Practice Notes Mother Nature 7 UNIT 44 Enrolment key Practice Notes Image 8 UNIT 53 Let’s Review 4 63 PAK-21 Enrolment key Practice Notes SPM-BASED PRACTICES Reading Part 1 – Short Texts (MCQs) Tutorial 66 – 77 Part 2 – Multiple-Choice Cloze 78 – 84 Part 3 – Longer Texts 85 – 97 Part 4 – Gapped Texts 98 – 105 Part 5 – Matching & Information Transfer 106 – 117 Writing Part 1 – Short Communicative Tutorial Messages 118 – 125 Part 2 – Guided Essays Tutorial 126 – 129 Part 3 – Extended Writing Tutorial 129 – 142 Listening 143 – 146 Tapescript ?u=KuasaiPBDEngF4Tapescr Final Year Test ?u=KuasaiPBDEngF4Test Answers ?u=KuasaiPBDEngF4Ans ii iii UNIT 1: LET’S CHAT Theme: Science & Technology Content Standards Learning Standards Pages SoW Week Date PL Teacher’s Signature & Date 1.1.1 Understand independently the main ideas in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 2.1.1 Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read and hear 2.1.3 Explain advantages and disadvantages of plans and ambitions 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 3.1.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by context on a wide range of familiar topics 4.2.4 Use formal and informal registers appropriate to the target audience in most familiar situations Reading Skills (3.1) 3.1.1, 3.1.3 1 Grammar (LA) Present Simple & Present Continuous, Past Simple, Stative Verbs 2 – 3 Listening Skills (1.1) 1.1.1, 1.1.2 4 Speaking Skills (2.1) 2.1.1, 2.1.3 5 Writing Skills (4.2) 4.2.4 6 UNIT 2: READY FOR ANYTHING Theme: People & Culture Content Standards Learning Standards Pages SoW Week Date PL Teacher’s Signature & Date 1.1.1 Understand independently the main ideas in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics and some unfamiliar topics 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft and modify this appropriately independently Reading Skills (2.1, 3.1) 2.1.4, 3.1.1 7 – 8 Grammar (LA) Defining Relative Clauses, Non-defining Relative Clauses, Past Simple & Past Continuous 9 Listening Skills (1.1) 1.1.1 10 Speaking Skills (2.1) 2.1.4 11 Writing Skills (4.2) 4.2.3 12 – 13 Name: Form: Rekod Pentaksiran English Murid Form 4 A B C USER GUIDE TEACHER'S EDITION (Printed Version) DSKP-based Practices 1 Based on Learning Standard (LS) and Textbook. 2 Textbook page references are provided for easy cross-reference. 3 Digital Resources like Audio, Video & Info are provided in QR codes. Rekod Pentaksiran Murid Table to record students’ achievement based on the Performance Level obtained. Contents Contents include cross references of digital resources in the book. 1 2 3 TE-2

USER GUIDE Skilled-based Practices Continuous Assessment SPM-based Practices SPM-based Practices based on each part of the assessment are provided to familiarise students with real SPM format. 1 Questions are classified into 6 Performance Levels (PL). Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) questions are incorporated. 2 Questions are set based on 4 basic skills i.e Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing with Grammar and Language Arts. 3 Questions are created based on the DSKP to assist teachers to carry out PBD. 4 Space to record students’ Performance Level at the end of each page. 1 WebLink- Provides additional insights on certain topics 2 Tutorial Video - Deliver concise lessons on certain topics 1 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 LS 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics LS 3.1.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by context on a wide range of familiar topics A Read the texts. What’s your opinion about Chat GPT? Aiman, 17 years old I’ve been hearing a lot about it. I did a little research to understand what it’s all about. Basically it’s an AI chatbot. It’s a tool that allows users to create texts based on their requests. I don’t like the idea of using technology to create human-like text. It can stifle and ultimately kill creativity. Writing is not only about stringing words together. The choice of words to tell a story is a powerful way to express human emotions which no AI can replicate. Jessica, 16 years old One area that this technology can benefit students is that it can generate practice questions. It can help students work on questions based on topics they are struggling or don’t understand. But that’s as far as I’d recommend it to students. Though it can summarize study notes and help form ideal essays answers, it’s robs students from the chance of honing their critical thinking skills when studying. Tasha, 17 years old It’s a language processing tool that can answer questions and help you write essays or emails. It can’t be denied that it can save time and sounds like a good learning tool. For example, it can remind you of grammar rules, help you know the difference between two commonly confused words or suggest good writing structures. But there’s a chance you’ll become too reliant on it. Soon your writing gets stale and lacks originality. READING SKILLS Textbook page: Unit 1, P. 8, 9 PBD DSKP Practice B Whom do these opinions belong to? LS 3.1.1 (Lesson 1) ChatGPT … 1. … produces practice worksheets on any topic you want. Jessica 2. … cannot create content that reflect human emotions. Aiman 3. … can give responses to your questions quickly. Tasha 4. … is a helpful aid to check vocabulary and grammar. Tasha LS 3.1.1, LS 3.1.3 English Form 4 Unit 1 Let’s Chat 1 UNIT Theme Science and Technology 1 2 4 3 D F E Extra Materials on QR code English Form 4 KSSM Part 1 Short Texts (MCQs) MODUL PENTAKSIRAN BILIK DARJAH PBD ENGLISH READING 66 Short Texts (MCQs) PART 1 78 Multiple-Choice Cloze PART 2 85 Longer Texts PART 3 98 Gapped Texts PART 4 106 Matching & Information Transfer PART 5 WRITING 118 Short Communicative Messages PART 1 126 Guided Writing – Essays PART 2 129 Extended Writing PART 3 LISTENING 143 Questions 1 – 7 PART 1 144 Questions 8 – 15 PART 2 145 Questions 16 – 20 PART 3 146 Questions 21 – 30 PART 4 SPM-BASED PRACTICES KSSM FORM 4 65 Tips and Techniques 1. Read each question to understand what is being asked. 2. There is a total of 8 multiple-choice questions. 3. You will be required to study various kinds of reading materials. 4. Study the stimulus carefully. Pay attention to all information found in the stimulus. 5. Some questions test your interpretation of given information. 6. Go through all the options given. 7. Check each of the options against the information given. SPM MODEL QUESTION AND ANSWER Part 1 Questions 1 – 8 are based on the given stimuli. Study the information carefully and choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, mark your answer on the answer sheet. 1 Understand the gist of the text. 2 Identify what is required in the question (True statements in the text) “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a famous saying which conveys the meaning that the eating of fruit maintains good health. It is probably because apples are loaded with important nutrients, including fibres, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, take note that apples are not the only nutritious fruit you should eat. There are many other types of food like blueberries, broccoli, almonds and grapes. Which of the following statements is true? A People must eat only apples for good health. B People should vary the food they consume. C A doctor will keep you away if you eat an apple a day. Its meaning An idiom Some nutrients in apples Eat other food although apples are good for health 3 Understand the options provided. A People must eat only apples for good health. * ‘must’ means compulsory. *‘only’ means nothing else. As nobody is forced to eat only apples in order to be healthy, option A cannot be an answer. B People should vary the fruits they consume. *’vary’ means differ/introduce modifications *text mentions that there are other fruits to eat besides apples. Therefore, option B is possibly the answer. C A doctor will keep you away if you eat an apple a day. There is no reason for a doctor not to see someone just because he/she eats apples. Option C is not the answer. 4 Choose the best option as an answer. So, B is the best option. 1 Short Text (MCQs) PART SPM-BASED PRACTICES READING 66 Clauses of Purposes • so as not to/in order not to They have to record the distance so as not to/in order not to lose their proof for running. • so that They have to record the distance so that they would have their proof for running. 8. Teachers are asking parents to be more understanding during this challenging time. Parents are being asked by teachers to be more understanding during this challenging time. B Complete the sentences by matching them with suitable sentence parts. • so that their staff can work from home. • that many virtual runs have been organised. • in order not to put on more weight. • in spite of being planned months before the pandemic. • people still put in effort to exercise. • so that he can have some form of exercises during the implementation of the MCO. • so sophisticated that there are devices which can be used to track one’s steps. 1. Many sport events have been cancelled in spite of being planned months before the pandemic. 2. Despite being restricted by the Movement Control Order (MCO), people still put in effort to exercise. 3. Many companies rely on the Internet so that their staff can work from home. 4. The modern technologies are so sophisticated that there are devices which can be used to track one's steps. 5. The use of the device offers such a good opportunity that many virtual runs have been organised. 6. My father only goes for brisk walks around our residential area so that he can have some form of exercises during the implementation of the MCO. 7. My sister prefers the use of the stationary bicycle in order not to put on more weight. Common Mistakes Although he has registered, he is still waiting for the details of the run. Although he has registered but he is still waiting for the details of the run. The public must stay at home so (that) they will avoid the risks of being infected. The public must stay at home because they will avoid the risks of being infected. Web Link For more information on passive voice, log on to: For more information on clauses, log on to: 1. https://www.englishpractice. com/improve/adverb-clausesresult/ 2. https://www.myenglishpages. com/english/grammar-lessonconcessions.php Info Info Info English Form 4 Unit 6 39 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Look at the pictures and use the phrases given to take turns to talk about the pictures. LS 2.1.1 (Lesson 4) B In pairs, talk about what you like or dislike about each type of gadget. Use the notes and the text given to help you. You may add your own information to expand on your points. LS 2.1.3 (Lesson 10) HOTS Evaluating • More and more young people are into … • This group activity is just for me because … • I’m really interested in … because … • This activity is new but it’s gaining popularity because … • I’d love to try … at least once because … LS 2.1.1 Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read and hear LS 2.1.3 Explain advantages and disadvantages of plans and ambitions PBD DSKP Practice SPEAKING SKILLS Textbook page: Unit 1, P.12, 17 * small/large * screen sizes: 10 to 20 inches/5 to inches * portable because lighter/less portable because heavier * can handle difficult tasks/entertainment, watching movies & browsing * powerful/not very powerful * battery deteriorates with age/longer battery life * more storage/less storage * comfortable keyboard/slow digital keyboard Laptops/Tablets are … One of the advantages of laptops/tablets is … Another thing I like about laptops/tablets is … However, one feature I don’t like about laptops/tablets is … PAK-21 ACTIVITY Group work PAK-21 ACTIVITY Collaboration mobile computers used to create content handheld gadgets used to enjoy content Tutorial Video 1 LS 2.1.1, LS 2.1.3 ESCAPE ROOM English Form 4 Unit 1 1 2 TE-3

POT POT (Pelangi Online Test) Online grammar and vocabulary practices are provided in the form of objective questions. POT icon is available on the last page of each unit, along with the Enrolment Key. I 6 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Complete the email with the following statements and questions. LS 4.2.4 (Lesson 11) What do you think? I have more exciting news! I’ve got to go now. Would you like to stay over? I really hope you can come. I haven’t heard from you in months. Hello Syukri, How have you been? (1) I haven’t heard from you in months . I’m writing to invite you to my birthday party. It’s on the first Sunday of June. (2) I really hope you can come . (3) I have more exciting news ! Since the following day is a public holiday, my parents have agreed to let me have a few friends stay over after the party. (4) What do you think ? We haven’t had a chance to spend time together since you moved to a new neighbourhood. (5) Would you like to stay over ? Amar and Roshan have already agreed to come. (6) I’ve got to go now . I’ll be waiting eagerly for your reply. Your friend, Farid B Imagine you are Syukri. Write a reply to Farid. Respond to the questions and statements in (A). Add your own information to write a complete reply. LS 4.2.4 (Lesson 11) HOTS Applying Hi Farid , I’m doing well, thanks for asking. I’m sorry I haven’t written for months but I’ve been occupied settling in to my new house and neighbourhood. Thank you for the invitation, Syukri! You can count me in. That’s fantastic news! I think it’s a wonderful idea to stay over so we can catch up. Thanks for asking me to join you, Amar and Roshan. The four of us haven’t done anything since I moved so I’m really excited. That’s all for now . I’ll see you soon at the party. Your pal, Syukri LS 4.2.4 Use formal and informal registers appropriate to the target audience in most familiar situations PBD DSKP Practice WRITING SKILLS Textbook page: Unit 1, P.18, 19 Extra Practice 2 LS 4.2.4 KuA$aiE!4 Enrolment key Happiness: Communicate courteously Do you think being courteous helps create a happy environment? Why? Give reasons with examples. Civic Literacy English Form 4 Unit 1 14 English Form 4 Let’s Review 1 ET'S REVIEW 1 A Grammar Underline the correct word. 1. Encik Johari (agrees/agreeing) with our choice of holiday destination. 2. Isham (attended/is attending) a workshop on Friday evening. 3. The students (had/are having) a group discussion tomorrow morning. 4. My grandmother, (who/whose) is 85 years old, goes dancing at least once a month. 5. When Hisham (climbed/was climbing) the hill, he (injured/injuring) his ankle. 6. They (were cruising/cruises) down the river when their raft (was overturning/overturned) suddenly. 7. While I (chatted/was chatting) with my online friends, the power (goes/went) out. 8. This is a free gift (that/where) came with the new washing machine I bought. B Vocabulary i. Rearrange the letters to form complete words. Then, match with the correct meanings. ableremark efam edretir dgeple tigiouspres 1. very much respected and admired prestigious 2. stopped working permanently retired 3. a serious or formal promise pledge 4. unusual or special so it’s worth mentioning remarkable 5. known for having or doing something important fame ii. Underline the correct word or phrase. 1. Mrs Ling (signed in/signed up) to her account to check if she had received an email from her son. 2. When you (click on/subscribe to) a channel, any new videos from it will pop up on your feed. 3. Encik Farid had several questions about his flight booking so he communicated with a (chatbot/ user) on the website. 4. I enjoyed the content of the video so much, I (prompted/posted) a comment to share my similar experience. 1 PAPER 1 1 HOUR 30 MINUTES “The Malaysian Government is offering humanitarian assistance to people in Turkiye affected by the recent earthquake. Hospital Medan Malaysia (HMM) is to be set up to help struggling people in Adiyaman area by providing them the necessary medical aid and health services. The hospital which can accommodate up to sixty patients is equipped with wards facilities, operating rooms, intensive care units, radiology services, and laboratories”, said the spokesperson. (Adapted from extract: my/news/nation) 1. Which of the following statement is true? A The hospital can provide treatment to people impacted by natural disaster in Turkiye. B The Malaysian Government is not committed in helping victims of earthquake. C Injuries that require operations on patients cannot be done at the hospital. “Whether you choose a rose, jasmine, lavender, apple, honeydew or lemon scent, you will still breathe in the sweet and fresh air around you. Let the smell lingers in any place you go to - the car, the bedroom, the washroom , the living room or the office.” 2. The purpose of the advertisement is A to introduce a new signature perfume into the market. B to let customers know each fragrance provides fresh, long lasting smell. C to capture the interest of people who like flowers and fruit. Accidents on the road are common, whether they are minor, major or fatal. Let’s try the following tips so you can avoid accidents from happening. • Follow the speed limit especially on busy roads • Check that your car or motorcycle are in good condition • Be cautious during heavy rains or at night • Never use phones without hands free device • Avoid driving/riding if you are tired or sleepy 3. Which of the following statements is true? A Being exhausted can lead to an accident. B It does not matter if you drive/ride fast or slow. C Driving at night is the same as diving during the day. Part 1 Questions 1 to 8 are based on the given stimuli. Study the information carefully and choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, mark your answer on the answer sheet. Final Year TesT Unit 1 READING SKILL B 1. Jessica 2. Aiman 3. Tasha 4. Tasha C 1. reliant 2. honing 3. replicate 4. stifle 5. stale 6. stringing GRAMMAR (LANGUAGE AWARENESS) A 1. did, go; went, watch 2. is chatting 3. believe 4. are helping 5. surf; spent 6. think 7. did, wake up; wanted 8. are paying, is saying 9. don’t understand; is helping 10. likes; was B 1. slimmer than 2. as costly as 3. more … than 4. easier and faster … than 5. The most affordable C 1. used to send 2. isn’t used to paying 3. got used to studying 4. used to call 5. is used to walking 6. am not used to eating 7. get used to navigating 8. Are … used to shopping LISTENING A 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. T B 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. A SPEAKING (Suggested answer) A 1. More and more young people are into team sports such as football because it is fast paced and a lot of fun. 2. This group activity is just for me because I like playing in a team. It helps foster teamwork and I can meet people who share similar interests. 3. I’m really interested in hiking because I get to be outdoors. I like being close to nature, looking at the beautiful natural surroundings and breathing in fresh air. 4. This activity is new but it’s gaining popularity because it allows people to share their interests, observations and ideas with other people. I’m talking about vlogging. 5. I’d love to try doing an Escape Room at least once because it is thrilling to solve puzzles and complete challenges to escape within a time limit. B Laptops are mobile computers used to create content. One of the advantages of laptops is they have more storage. I can work on all my assignments, make notes or write essays and save all the information in my laptop. Another thing I like about laptops is they have a keyboard so I can type my work easily. However, one feature I don’t like about laptops is they are large and heavy so I can’t carry them around easily. Tablets are handheld gadgets used to enjoy content. One of the advantages of tablets is they are small and light. I can carry my tablet anywhere I go. Another thing I like about tablets is they are easy to hold in my hand when I watch movies, read or surf the Internet. I can hold it while sitting on the sofa, standing or lying on the carpet. However, one feature I don’t like about tablets is they have a slow digital keyboard which makes typing a lot inconvenient. WRITING A 1. I haven’t heard from you in months. 2. I really hope you can come. 3. I have more exciting news! 4. What do you think? 5. Would you like to stay over? 6. I’ve got to go now. NSWERS Unit 1 A1 9 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Choose the correct word. 1 Taman Negara, (which/that) is the oldest park in the country, is home to many species of flora and fauna. 2 She just returned home after a week in Ipoh, (which/where) her cousins live. 3 Last month I met my pen pal, (whose/who) enjoys extreme sports just as much as I do. 4 The Mossy Forest Park, (where/that) we used to visit when we were young, has added many facilities to accommodate the growing number of visitors. 5 The woman (that/whose) I was introduced to earlier is a stage actress. 6 These are the retired emergency rescue workers (whose/who) volunteered to rescue villagers trapped in the floods. 7 Izham, (whose/that) brother is a famous actor, has just won the Best Director award at the Malaysian Film Festival. B Write the correct past tense form of the verbs in brackets. (Lesson 21) 1 While I was watching (watch) TV, I fell (fall) asleep. 2 She injured (injure) her ankle while she was skateboarding (skateboard). 3 When my cousins arrived (arrive), I was having (have) a bath. 4 We were walking (walk) in the field when it started (start) to rain. 5 As I was riding (ride) the bus this morning, I met (meet) my childhood friend. 6 Hisham saw (see) a sloth while he was trekking (trek) up a rocky trail. 7 They were cruising (cruise) down the river when their raft overturned (overturn) suddenly. GRAMMAR NOTES Notes Defining Relative Clauses These clauses give us information about the person or thing that is mentioned. Example: • This is the spot where I saw a tapir the last time I visited the park. • Mrs Nathan whose son teaches at SMK Batu is the best Science teacher I have ever had. • That is the house where my grandmother lived all her life. Non-defining Relative Clauses These clauses give us extra information about someone or something. This information isn’t important to understand the person or thing we are talking about. Example: • My grandmother, who is 85 years old, goes Salsa dancing at least once a month. • The Best Director award was given to Ashok, whose lowbudget movie impressed members of the jury. Past Simple & Past Continuous 1 We use past simple to show that an action happened in the past. 2 We use the past continuous to show that the action was already in progress at a certain time in the past. 3 When we use the two tenses together, they show that the past simple action happened in the middle of the past continuous action while it was still happening. Example: • She was cycling along the bicycle path when a car swerved in front of her. • While my father and I were gardening, my cousins paid us a surprise visit. GRAMMAR (LANGUAGE AWARENESS) Textbook page: Unit 2, P.25, 29 PBD Defining Relative Clauses, Non-defining Relative Clauses, Past Simple & Past Continuous Extra Practice 3 English Form 4 Unit 2 USER GUIDE Let's Review Revision practices after every 2 Units Final Year Test Final Year Test (in QR code) is included on Contents page. ANSWERS Complete answers (in QR code) is included on Contents page. J K L Grammar Notes Provide supplementary grammar materials to facilitate students' comprehension of particular grammatical concepts. G Audio Tracks (Listening) Tracks are provided in QR code for Listening skill practices in each Unit. H Scan the QR code or visit the link on book cover to create new account. Check your email to activate the account. Log into your account. Insert the Enrolment Key. Start your Test! 1 2 3 4 5 HOW TO ACCESS (Objective Questions Portal) 4 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Listen to the phone conversation between Eliyana and her older sister, Aisyah. Write ‘T’ for true statements and ‘F’ for false statements. LS 1.1.1 (Lesson 3) 1. Aisyah was outside her classroom went Eliyana called. F 2. Eliyana needs help to create a Google Account. F 3. Eliyana signed in to her Google Account first. T 4. Eliyana has to click on ‘create an account’ before she fills in her details. F 5. Aisyah asked Eliyana to post a comment on a video. T 6. Eliyana can create a channel when she tries to post a comment. T B Listen to people talking in three different situations. For questions 1 – 6, choose the best answer A, B or C. LS 1.1.2 (Lesson 9) TRACK 1 Situation 1 TRACK 2 1 Why does the girl like to watch the videos? A They are funny. B She likes to laugh to relax. C It’s a good free-time activity. 2 Why couldn’t the boy share some videos immediately? A He was doing his homework. B His phone was being charged. C He was about to go skateboarding. Situation 2 3 What does Deen want the man to do? A Pick up his package B Buy an Amatoon gift card C Make another order from Amatoon 4 Which of the following probably alerted the man to the scam? A Money had already been deducted from his account. B He knew Deen wasn’t a staff of Amatoon. C Amatoon had already delivered his order. Situation 3 5 What is true about ‘Grammar Town’? A It writes essays. B It gives detailed grammar rules. C It spots spelling and punctuation mistakes. 6 What has the girl decided to do? A Use ‘Grammar Town’ at least once. B Continue to use a grammar book. C Refer to it occasionally. LS 1.1.1 Understand independently the main ideas in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics LS 1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics LISTENING SKILLS Textbook page: Unit 1, P.11, 16 PBD DSKP Practice LS 1.1.1, LS 1.1.2 English Form 4 Unit 1 Exclusive Exclusive PELANGI ONLINE TEST PELANGI ONLINE TEST TE-4

On the platform, teachers who adopted the Kuasai PBD KSSM series are given one year exclusive access to TE-i and Extra PdPc Teaching Aid: USER GUIDE TEACHER'S DIGITAL RESOURCES TE-i is the digital version and online interactive KUASAI PBD Teacher's Edition. This version will optimise technology use in teaching, maximise PdPc benefits and encourage a fun and enjoyable atmosphere in the classroom. 1 What is TE-i ? Sample Pages TE-i 1 B Write the verbs which have changed into nouns. e.g. clean -> cleaner. 1. teach - teacher 2. foreign - foreigner 3. travel - traveller C Change each dialogue into sentences using Reported Speech. You can make use of the given word for each sentence. 1. sister: (told) Daniel's sister told him to stop watching the YouTube and instead focus more on his studies. 2. Daniel: (stated) Daniel stated that he was looking for information to complete his school project. 3. sister: (requested) Daniel's sister requested to know about the project that Daniel had to do. 4. Daniel: (explained) Daniel explained that his teacher wanted them to compile notes and pictures about Malaysian food. 5. sister: (said) Daniel's sister said that there would be a lot of delectable dishes. 6. Daniel: (confirmed) Daniel confirmed his sister's opinion by asking whether she knew about the kinds of noodles. 7. sister: (declared) Daniel's sister declared that she only knew about her two favourite noodles which were 'char kuetiau' and 'laksa'. Common Mistakes • wrong choice of tenses, word-order and pronouns when changing from Direct to Reported Speech. • inaccurate use of reporting verbs. “You must not be late,” said the teacher to her students. The teacher said that you must not be late. The teacher warned her students that they must not be late. The teacher told her students not to be late. *The man said, “I heard someone screamed.” The man said that she screamed. The man said that he had heard someone screamed. Web Link For more information on Reported Speech, log on to: Info Examples: • They told their mother that they would be late. • The police informed the residents about the precautions they need to take. • She said that she preferred to have spaghetti for dinner. English Form 4 Unit 5 32 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 ANSWERS Click ANSWERS button to show or hide answers during PdPc. Choose page display (single/double page) through Setting. Support Tools provided: Pen Ruler Sticky Note Calculator Unit Converter Bookmark Click QR code to access the materials such as Video, Tutorial Videos and UPSA. TE-5

USER GUIDE EXTRA PdPc SUPPORTING MATERIALS! The following teaching and Learning materials can be downloaded on platform. EXAMPLES OF PAGES IN TEACHER'S EDITION WITH BONUS PdPc MATERIALS 2 11 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 Look at the pictures and questions. In groups, talk about the following professions. LS 2.1.4 (Lesson 17) LS 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view PBD DSKP Practice SPEAKING SKILLS Textbook page: Unit 2, P.26 Extra Practice 4 • As an executive assistant/a fire fighter, I have to … • I think I’d be a good executive assistant/fire fighter because … • To be an executive assistant/a fire fighter, I believe it’s important to … * administrative tasks * technology savvy * master organiser * resourceful * multitasker * good verbal and written communication skills * respond to emergencies * physical stamina and strength * compassion * courageous * make fast and good decisions under pressure * good at staying calm * good communicator executive assistant fire fighter • What does an executive assistant/fire fighter do? Explain. HOTS Evaluating • Would you make a good executive assistant/fire fighter? Why? • Does an executive assistant have to be a master organiser? Why? • Is it important for a fire fighter to be fit? Why? HOTS Analysing You may use these sentences and the phrases that follow to talk about the professions. Add your own words to make your description interesting. English Form 4 Unit 2 16 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 GRAMMAR NOTES Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple 1 We use the present perfect simple when the time of an action is not important or specified. • I have paid the bill. • Have you shopped at the new flea market? 2 We use the past simple when details about the time and place an action occurred are given. • My parcel arrived last week. • The sales assistant stocked the shelves yesterday. Present Perfect Simple 1 It is used for something that happened in the past and continues in the present. • She has lived in a small town for nearly 20 years. 2 It is also used to talk about your experience up to the present. • I have lost my wallet. • He has played basketball since he was a teenager. 3 This is how we use present perfect simple: • Affirmative: subject + have/has + past participle of a verb • Negative: subject + haven’t/hasn’t + past participle of a verb • Question: Have/Has + subject + past participle of a verb Present Perfect Continuous 1 We use this tense to talk about a past action that has recently stopped or past action that is still continuing. 2 We often use for and since in this tense. • She has been working in the bakery for two years. • I have been preparing for the interview since yesterday. • Karim has been packing since noon. A Fill in the blanks correctly. (Lesson 28) can’t need to could should must have to might not ought to would rather ought not had better 1. I might not join them at 1 p.m. I have to do some errands for my grandparents in the morning. 2. You can’t go shopping this month. You have already burst your budget. 3. Sandy has stuck to a strict budget for several months. She must have saved a lot of money. 4. Alice: I need to ask Jenny about our project. Mom: Why don’t you call her? She could still be awake. 5. You had better not spend all your money on comic books. You ought to borrow some from your friends. 6. I would rather not go to the mall at weekends. 7. You should make a list before you go shopping to avoid overspending. 8. He ought not shop on unsecured online stores. B Write the past simple or present prefect simple form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I have applied for five full-time positions so far. (apply) GRAMMAR (LANGUAGE AWARENESS) Textbook Page: Unit 3, P.39, 41, 45 PBD Present Perfect Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect Continuous Notes PAK-21 ACTIVITY Self assessment Extra PAK-21 ACTIVITY Self assessment Practice 5 English Form 4 Unit 3 A. Match the phrases with the paragraphs. You received an email from your friend, Gerry, who has moved into a new house. To: [email protected] Subject: My New House Hello Wei Kyen, (1) _____ are you? (2) ______ I haven't written for so long. I've some (3) ________ to tell you. My family and I (4) ______ to Taman Hijauan. We've been (5) ________ and then, unpacking our things. I've spent all my free time (6) _______ settle into our new house. After I decorated my room, I set up my desktop. Now, I've (7) _____ to send you an email. These past few weeks have been tiring but I'm glad I've finally settled into my new house. Here's more (8) ________! My family is having a (9) ________ at the end of the month. I'd like to (10) ______. Please let me know by Friday. That's all for now. (11) ________ soon with your news. I (12) _______ to my party. Bye! WRITE AN EM IL Paragraph 1: ____ Paragraph 2: ____ Paragraph 3: ____ Paragraph 4: ____ B. Fill in the blanks with the correct phrases. © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. a. State your news b. Offer your wishes c. Extend an invitation d. Give a friendly opening helping my parents interesting information busy packing How hope you’ll come moved Write back invite you exciting news housewarming party I’m sorry access to the Internet We use the following time expression with the be going to form: soon, tomorrow/tonight, next week/Thursday/month /July, this week/month/year, in a year/in an hour We use the following phrases with the future perfect tense: by, by the time,in/in a day's time/in two months' time/ in five tears' time Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. will be going to Future perfect simple: will/won't have + past participle 1 />z>ffi^^KEW>E΀hE/dϭ΁ ^h:ffid ffiŶŐůŝƐŚ>ĂŶŐƵĂŐĞ >^^ tffiffi< ŚŽŽƐĞĂŶŝƚĞŵ͘ z ŚŽŽƐĞĂŶŝƚĞŵ͘ dffi Click here to enter a date. hZd/KE ŚŽŽƐĞĂŶŝƚĞŵ͘ d/Dffi ŚŽŽƐĞĂŶŝƚĞŵ͘ hE/d ϭ >ffi^^KE ϭΘϳ D/E^</>>;^Ϳ &Kh^ ZĞĂĚŝŶŐ d,ffiDffi ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞΘ dĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJ dKW/ Let’s Chat ZK^^Ͳ hZZ/h>Z ffi>ffiDffiEd;^Ϳ /ŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶĂŶĚ ŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƚŝŽŶƐdĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐLJ >E'h'ffiͬ 'ZDDZ&Kh^ tŽƌĚƐͬƉŚƌĂƐĞƐƌĞůĂƚĞĚƚŽĨƌĞĞͲƚŝŵĞĂĐƚŝǀŝƚŝĞƐ͖ƉŚƌĂƐĞƐĞdžƉƌĞƐƐŝŶŐůŝŬĞƐĂŶĚĚŝƐůŝŬĞƐ͖ƉŚƌĂƐĞƐĞdžƉƌĞƐƐŝŶŐ ŽƉŝŶŝŽŶ KEdffiEd ^dEZ DĂŝŶ^Ŭŝůů ϯ͘ϭhŶĚĞƌƐƚĂŶĚĂǀĂƌŝĞƚLJŽĨƚĞdžƚƐďLJƵƐŝŶŐĂƌĂŶŐĞŽĨĂƉƉƌŽƉƌŝĂƚĞƌĞĂĚŝŶŐƐƚƌĂƚĞŐŝĞƐ ƚŽĐŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŵĞĂŶŝŶŐ ŽŵƉůĞŵĞŶƚĂƌLJ ^Ŭŝůů Ϯ͘ϭŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƚĞŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ͕ŝĚĞĂƐ͕ŽƉŝŶŝŽŶƐĂŶĚĨĞĞůŝŶŐƐŝŶƚĞůůŝŐŝďůLJŽŶĨĂŵŝůŝĂƌ ƚŽƉŝĐƐ Ϯ͘ϯhƐĞĂƉƉƌŽƉƌŝĂƚĞĐŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƚŝŽŶ ƐƚƌĂƚĞŐŝĞƐ >ffiZE/E' ^dEZ DĂŝŶ^Ŭŝůů ϯ͘ϭ͘ϭhŶĚĞƌƐƚĂŶĚƚŚĞŵĂŝŶƉŽŝŶƚƐŝŶĞdžƚĞŶĚĞĚƚĞdžƚƐŽŶĂǁŝĚĞƌĂŶŐĞŽĨĨĂŵŝůŝĂƌ ƚŽƉŝĐƐ ϯ͘ϭ͘ϯ'ƵĞƐƐƚŚĞŵĞĂŶŝŶŐŽĨƵŶĨĂŵŝůŝĂƌǁŽƌĚƐĨƌŽŵĐůƵĞƐƉƌŽǀŝĚĞĚďLJŽƚŚĞƌǁŽƌĚƐ ĂŶĚďLJĐŽŶƚĞdžƚŽŶĂǁŝĚĞƌĂŶŐĞŽĨĨĂŵŝůŝĂƌƚŽƉŝĐƐ ŽŵƉůĞŵĞŶƚĂƌLJ ^Ŭŝůů Ϯ͘ϭ͘ϰffidžƉůĂŝŶĂŶĚũƵƐƚŝĨLJŽǁŶƉŽŝŶƚŽĨǀŝĞǁ Ϯ͘ϯ͘ϭŽŶĨŝƌŵƵŶĚĞƌƐƚĂŶĚŝŶŐŝŶĚŝƐĐŽƵƌƐĞͲůĞǀĞůĞdžĐŚĂŶŐĞƐďLJƌĞƉĞĂƚŝŶŐďĂĐŬǁŚĂƚĂ ƐƉĞĂŬĞƌŚĂƐƐĂŝĚ >ffiZE/E' K:ffid/sffi^ LJƚŚĞĞŶĚŽĨƚŚŝƐůĞƐƐŽŶ͕ƉƵƉŝůƐǁŝůůďĞĂďůĞƚŽ͗ ŝ͘ ƌĞĂĚƚĞdžƚĨŽƌŵĂŝŶ ƉŽŝŶƚƐ ŝŝ͘ ŐƵĞƐƐƚŚĞŵĞĂŶŝŶŐŽĨƵŶĨĂŵŝůŝĂƌǁŽƌĚƐĨƌŽŵĐůƵĞƐ;ďLJŽƚŚĞƌǁŽƌĚƐĂŶĚďLJĐŽŶƚĞdžƚͿ ^hffi^^Z/dffiZ/ LJƚŚĞĞŶĚŽĨƚŚŝƐůĞƐƐŽŶ͕ƉƵƉŝůƐǁŝůůďĞĂďůĞƚŽ͗ ŝ͘ ƵŶĚĞƌƐƚĂŶĚƚŚĞŵĂŝŶŽƉŝŶŝŽŶƐŵĂĚĞďLJĂŶŝŶĚŝǀŝĚƵĂů ŝŝ͘ ŝĚĞŶƚŝĨLJƚŚĞŵĞĂŶŝŶŐŽĨǁŽƌĚƐŝŶ ƚĞdžƚĐŽƌƌĞĐƚůLJ WZffiͲ>ffi^^KEͬ ^dZdffiZ dĞĂĐŚĞƌĂƐŬƐƉƵƉŝůƐƚŽƐŚĂƌĞƚŚĞŝƌŬŶŽǁůĞĚŐĞͬƚŚŽƵŐŚƚƐŽĨůĂŶŐƵĂŐĞĂƉƉƐ͘ŽƚŚĞLJŶŽǁĂŶLJ͍ͬ,ĂǀĞƚŚĞLJƵƐĞĚ ĂŶLJ͍ >ffi^^KE ffisffi>KWDffiEd ĐƚŝǀŝƚLJ ϭ͘ dĞůůƉƵƉŝůƐƚŽƌĞĂĚƚŚĞƚĞdžƚ͘ Ϯ͘ dŚĞŶ͕ƚĞůůƚŚĞŵƚŽ ƌĞĂĚƚŚĞƐƚĂƚĞŵĞŶƚƐŝŶ͘ ϯ͘ WƵƉŝůƐŵƵƐƚŐƵĞƐƐͬŵĂƚĐŚǁŚŽƚŚĞŽƉŝŶŝŽŶƐďĞůŽŶŐƐƚŽ͘ ĐƚŝǀŝƚLJ ϭ͘ ƐŬƉƵƉŝůƐƚŽƌĞĂĚƚŚĞƚĞdžƚƐĂŐĂŝŶĂŶĚƉĂLJĂƚƚĞŶƚŝŽŶƚŽƚŚĞǁŽƌĚƐŝŶďŽůĚ͘ Ϯ͘ dŚĞŶ͕ƉƵƉŝůƐĐŚŽŽƐĞƚŚĞĐŽƌƌĞĐƚŵĞĂŶŝŶŐĨŽƌƚŚĞǁŽƌĚƐŝŶďŽůĚ͘ WK^d>ffi^^KEͬ W>ffiEZz 'ŝǀĞƚŚĞ ŵĞĂŶŝŶŐŽĨŽƚŚĞƌǁŽƌĚƐĨŽƵŶĚŝŶƚŚĞ ƚĞdžƚƐĂŶĚƉƵƉŝůƐŐƵĞƐƐ͘ TEACHER’S Zffi&>ffid/KE ^ƚƌĞŶŐƚŚ;ƐͿ ͗ tĞĂŬŶĞƐƐ;ĞƐͿ ͗ ^ƵŐŐĞƐƚŝŽŶ;ƐͿ ͗ Extra PdPc supporting materials are tagged on pages in Teacher's Edition with the icon. e-RPH (Microsoft Word) Teacher's Edition pdf Interactive PowerPoint PAK-21 Civic Literacy Extra Practices Question Bank Grammar Notes Teaching Materials Learning Materials Can be downloaded Notes Extra Practices Notes Concise grammar and extra notes presented in colourful graphics Extra Practices Reinforcement exercise based on units eRPH (downloadable & editable) Suggested activities for teachers to plan daily PdPc sessions in line with the PBD Module activities of this book TE-6

USER GUIDE 57 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 3. If the students had listened to their counsellor teacher , they would not have to take the test a second time. 4. If the shop had been opened, we would buy ourselves new attire. 5. If the man had changed his rude personality, his company would have succeeded in getting more customers. 6. If he had agreed to a haircut, he would look smarter. C Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence. 1 I wish weaving using ‘mengkuang’ leaves from my late grandmother. A I could have learnt B I would have learnt C wouldn’t have learnt 2. If only more interest in learning traditional arts and crafts. A the girls showed B the girls would have shown C would show 3. He wishes traditional dances to his children. A he taught B he could have taught C he could teach 4. If only more allocation for the students to learn pottery. A we gave B we were given C we would be given 5. They wish with their preparation for the exhibition of the traditional handicrafts. A they would interfere B she had interfered C she did not interfere 6. If only the opportunity to visit the new art gallery. A they has got B they got C they would got PAK-21 Common Mistakes She had the clutter thrown away. She had the clutter throwned away. If it hadn’t rained, I would have finished fixing the roof. If it doesn’t rain, I would have finished fixing the roof. If only I hadn’t overslept. If only I hadn’t oversleep. Web Link For more information on grammar topics, log on to: *https://www. grammar/ causative *https: //english4 grammar Info Info • He wished his mother could see how successful he is now. Wish/If Only+Would +Infinitive Examples: • We wish the teacher would give us another chance to do the test. • If only the old man wouldn’t allow just anyone to clean his house. Wish/If Only+Past Perfect Simple Examples: • They wish they had won the game. There was only a difference of one point. • If only she hadn’t eaten at the stall. English Form 4 Unit 8 23 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 dangerous nor strenuous. Zero conditional 1 Used to talk about things that are generally true. 2 We use: If/When + present simple, present simple Example: • If you exercise regularly, you can increase your stamina. Conditional sentence type 1 1 Used to talk about future situations we believe are real or possible. 2 We use: If/When + present simple, will/won’t + verb Example: • If I feel better later, I will go out for dinner. Conditional sentence type 2 1 Used to imagine present or future situations that are impossible or unlikely. 2 We use: If + past simple, would/could + verb Example: • If Joey spoke French fluently, he could apply for an internship in France. Civic Literacy 1. Mary: Do you like gardening or cleaning your room? Andy: Neither . I don’t like to do chores. 2. I like reading both e-books and physical books. 3. Both courses were interesting but I didn’t sign up for either of them. 4. All the inns were fully booked. None of them were accepting reservations for up to six months. 5. Are you sure either student was interested in computer studies? 6. Neither Samuel nor Vincent studied for the quiz so both students received low marks for it. C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. (Lesson 47) 1. If you don’t speak a new language often, you will never get fluent in it. (not speak/get) 2. When the temperature falls below 0 degrees Celsius, water freezes . (fall/freeze) 3. I would buy a sports car if I were rich. (will/be) 4. If I sleep early, I feel rejuvenated the next morning. (sleep/feel) 5. If we had more people, we could play football. (have/can play) 6. If you perform well in the Inter-school Maths quiz, you could represent the school in the Maths Olympiad. (perform/can represent) both … and neither … nor either … or Web Link For more information on Zero and Conditional sentences, go to: grammar/b1-b2-grammar/ conditionals-zero-first-second Info PAK-21 Activities Various types of activities and project-based learning in imparting good values to students Civic Literacy Learning activities that develop creativity, critical thinking, team work and communication skills Interactive PowerPoint PPT slides are available to complement and reinforce related topics Question Bank Extra SPM -based practices VERBS (MODALS, PRESENT PERFECT, PAST CONTINUOUS AND PAST SIMPLE) Unit 3 • Modals • Present Perfect VERBS Past Continuous Past Simple • • • • • • MODALS USAGE EXAMPLES could/may/ might • • • cannot (can’t) • must • should • MODALS English Form 4 Question Bank 1 1 READING Use this hygienic, efficient machine to change your food waste into clean, garden compost within hours. The smart and sleek look enables you to place it in the kitchen where it is most suitable. ‘Ryzer’ makes you enjoy your gardening and helps in sustaining the environment! 1. Which is the following is true? A The machine takes a long time to process the waste. B The best place to put the machine is outside the house. C People who love gardening can make their own fertiliser. FOR ALL PASSENGERS OF SUNRISE AIRLINE You can check in online by yourself from 24 hours before departure. You can save time and avoid the long line! 2. The purpose of the notice is A to remind passengers about their coming flight. B to get passengers to come early before the crowd starts. C to inform passengers that doing online check in is more convenient. Part 1: Short Texts PRACTICE 1 Questions 1 to 8 are based on the given stimuli. Study the information carefully and choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, mark the correct answer on the answer sheet. Question Bank 1 English Form 4 PAK-21 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. TE 1 PEMBELAJARAN ABAD KE-21 (PAK-21) ACTIVITY 1 Role Play UNIT 1 LET’S CHAT Aim To be familiar with modern ways of communication Task To prepare a dialogue for a conversation via video call or zoom. Procedures 1. Teacher divides the students into groups of three or four. 2. Teacher provides situations which students can relate in order to prepare a conversation. • asking for advice from friends or siblings • describing a new living place to parents • providing details of a process to parents/ friends 3. Each group is required to prepare suitable dialogues that they can present during the video call. Teacher can make use of the computer laboratory for the lesson. 4. At the end of the lesson, everyone listens to the conversation made via the video calls. Teacher may also discuss about the codes required to form or to join a meeting when using a platform like zoom or google meet. TE 1 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. CIVIC LITERACY CIVIC LITERACY Topic: Technological advancement and ethics in usage of gadgets Learning Standards: 2.1.1 Lesson Plan: Lesson 4 Core Value: Responsibility Learning Objectives Knowledge: Explain the ethics when using technology Socioemotional: Feeling happiness in using technology Action: Practise ethical behaviour when using technology in every day life Introduction: (Suggested for Unit 1) Technology advancement means many positive things for people and businesses. Gadgets can make it easier and faster to communicate. They make communication more effective. Technology advancement enables people to access information easily through gadgets. People can save a lot of time and do their work fast with the help of gadgets. In other words, they make work and daily life convenient and comfortable. Activity 1 Work with a partner. Explain ethical practices you should observe when using the following gadgets. Use the questions to help you get started. laptop mobile phone drone night-vision binoculars • What is each gadget used for? • Give one ethical practice you should observe when using each gadget. Follow the example. Laptop is a computer. It can be used for word processing and to conduct business, store data/information, do online banking, play games, surf the Internet and to send and receive emails. When we use laptops, we must keep the information safe. We shouldn’t copy, transfer or share information that don’t belong to us. Activity 2 Read the statements. Match these ethical practices with the gadgets. • Don’t steal personal details. • Protect other people’s online privacy. • Don’t speak loudly on the phone in public spaces. • Don’t use it to spy on other people or their property. • Switch it off after using it. • Don’t share personal photos of other people without their permission. • Don’t use other people’s photos without their permission. • Make sure your message is true and isn’t offensive before you send it. TOPIC 1 Using Gadgets Ethically 1 Time Hour PAK-21 Civic Literacy How do I access ePelangi+ materials? ANSWERS REGISTER ACCOUNT For new ePelangi+ users, scan the QR code below or visit plus. to create a new account. Check the registered email and click the link given to activate your account. STEP 1 ENROLMENT Log in to the ePelangi+ account. Search for book titles at Primary SK [Full Access]. Enter Enrolment Key to enrol. Please contact Pelangi Representative to get Enrolment Key. STEP 2 * Pelangi representative contact list is provided on page TE-8. ACCESS DIGITAL RESOURCE Click the material to download or play. STEP 3 TE-7

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CONTENTS Rekod Pentaksiran Murid iii – vi DSKP-BASED PRACTICES Let’s Chat 1 UNIT 1 Tutorial Enrolment key Practice Notes Ready for Anything 2 UNIT 7 Let’s Review 1 14 Enrolment key Practice Notes Buy It 3 UNIT 15 Enrolment key Practice Notes Being A Teen 4 UNIT 21 Let’s Review 2 27 Civic Literacy Enrolment key Practice Notes Globetrotting 5 UNIT 29 Tutorial Enrolment key Practice Notes Time Out 6 UNIT 36 Let’s Review 3 43 Tutorial Enrolment key Practice Notes Mother Nature 7 UNIT 44 Enrolment key Practice Notes Image 8 UNIT 53 Let’s Review 4 63 PAK-21 Enrolment key Practice Notes SPM-BASED PRACTICES Reading Part 1 – Short Texts (MCQs) Tutorial 66 – 77 Part 2 – Multiple-Choice Cloze 78 – 84 Part 3 – Longer Texts 85 – 97 Part 4 – Gapped Texts 98 – 105 Part 5 – Matching & Information Transfer 106 – 117 Writing Part 1 – Short Communicative Tutorial Messages 118 – 125 Part 2 – Guided Essays Tutorial 126 – 129 Part 3 – Extended Writing Tutorial 129 – 142 Listening 143 – 146 Tapescript ?u=KuasaiPBDEngF4Tapescr Final Year Test ?u=KuasaiPBDEngF4Test Answers ?u=KuasaiPBDEngF4Ans ii

iii UNIT 1: LET’S CHAT Theme: Science & Technology Content Standards Learning Standards Pages SoW Week Date PL Teacher’s Signature & Date 1.1.1 Understand independently the main ideas in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 2.1.1 Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read and hear 2.1.3 Explain advantages and disadvantages of plans and ambitions 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 3.1.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by context on a wide range of familiar topics 4.2.4 Use formal and informal registers appropriate to the target audience in most familiar situations Reading Skills (3.1) 3.1.1, 3.1.3 1 Grammar (LA) Present Simple & Present Continuous, Past Simple, Stative Verbs 2 – 3 Listening Skills (1.1) 1.1.1, 1.1.2 4 Speaking Skills (2.1) 2.1.1, 2.1.3 5 Writing Skills (4.2) 4.2.4 6 UNIT 2: READY FOR ANYTHING Theme: People & Culture Content Standards Learning Standards Pages SoW Week Date PL Teacher’s Signature & Date 1.1.1 Understand independently the main ideas in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics and some unfamiliar topics 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft and modify this appropriately independently Reading Skills (2.1, 3.1) 2.1.4, 3.1.1 7 – 8 Grammar (LA) Defining Relative Clauses, Non-defining Relative Clauses, Past Simple & Past Continuous 9 Listening Skills (1.1) 1.1.1 10 Speaking Skills (2.1) 2.1.4 11 Writing Skills (4.2) 4.2.3 12 – 13 Name: Form: Rekod Pentaksiran English Murid Form 4

iv UNIT 3: BUY IT! Theme: Consumerism & Financial Awareness Content Standards Learning Standards Pages SoW Week Date PL Teacher’s Signature & Date 1.1.1 Understand independently the main ideas in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 2.1.3 Explain advantages and disadvantages of plans and ambitions 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics and some familiar some unfamiliar topics 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 4.2.2 Spell written work on a range of text types with reasonable accuracy 4.2.3 Produce an extended plan or draft and modify this appropriately in response to feedback or independently 4.2.4 Use formal and informal registers appropriate to the target audience in most familiar situations Reading Skills (3.1) 3.1.2 15 Grammar (LA) Present Perfect & Past Simple, Present Perfect Continuous 16 Listening Skills (1.1) 1.1.1, 1.1.2 17 Speaking Skills (2.1) 2.1.3, 2.1.4 18 – 19 Writing Skills (4.2) 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4 19 – 20 UNIT 4: BEING A TEEN Theme: People & Culture Content Standards Learning Standards Pages SoW Week Date PL Teacher’s Signature & Date 1.1.3 Recognise independently attitudes or opinions in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 1.1.5 Understand independently more complex questions on a wide range of familiar topics 2.3.1 Confirm understanding in discourse-level exchanges by repeating back what a speaker has said 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 4.1.5 Organise, sequence and develop ideas within a text of several paragraphs on familiar topics Reading Skills (3.1) 3.1.2 21 Grammar (LA) All, Both, Neither, None, Either 22 – 23 Listening Skills (1.1) 1.1.3, 1.1.5 24 Speaking Skills (2.3) 2.3.1 25 Writing Skills (4.1) 4.1.5 25 – 26 UNIT 5: GLOBETROTTING Theme: People & Culture Content Standards Learning Standards Pages SoW Week Date PL Teacher’s Signature & Date 1.1.1 Understand independently the main ideas in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics and some unfamiliar topics 1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 2.1.1 Explain information on familiar topics from diagrams, charts, tables, graphs or other visuals 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view 2.1.5 Express and respond to feelings such as amusement, anger and regret

v 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts 3.2.1 Read a variety of suitable print and digital texts to investigate and analyse national issues 4.1.4 Express and respond to opinions and common feelings such as amusement, anger and regret 4.2.3 Produce a plan or draft and modify this appropriately independently Reading Skills (2.1, 3.1) 3.1.1, 2.1.4, 2.1.5, 3.1.2, 3.2.1 29 – 31 Grammar (LA) Idioms, Reported Speech 31 – 33 Listening Skills (1.1) 1.1.1, 1.1.2 33 Speaking Skills (2.1) 2.1.1, 2.1.4 34 Writing Skills (4.1, 4.2, 3.1) 4.1.4, 4.2.3, 3.1.1 35 UNIT 6: TIME OUT Theme: Science & Technology Content Standards Learning Standards Pages SoW Week Date PL Teacher’s Signature & Date 1.2.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by context on a wide range of familiar topics 1.3.1 Recognise with little or no support typical features at word, sentence and text levels of a range of spoken genres 2.1.1 Explain simple contents on familiar topics from what they read and hear 2.1.2 Ask about and explain advantages and disadvantages of ideas, plans, arrangements 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view 2.2.1 Use formal and informal registers appropriately in most familiar contexts 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 3.1.2 Understand specific information details in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 3.2.1 Read a variety of suitable print and digital texts to investigate and analyse national issues 4.1.3 Explain the main pointss of an idea or an argument 4.1.5 Organise, sequence and develop ideas within a text of several paragraphs on familiar topics 4.2.4 Use formal and informal registers appropriate to the target audience in most familiar and some unfamiliar situations Reading Skills (2.1, 3.1) 2.1.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2 36 – 37 Grammar (LA) Passive Voice I,II, Clauses of Results & Concession 38 – 39 Listening Skills (1.2, 1.3) 1.2.1, 1.3.1 40 Speaking Skills (2.1, 2.2, 3.2) 2.1.4, 2.2.1, 3.2.1 41 Writing Skills (4.1, 4.2) 4.1.3, 4.1.5, 4.2.4 42 UNIT 7: MOTHER NATURE Theme: Health & Environment Content Standards Learning Standards Pages SoW Week Date PL Teacher’s Signature & Date 1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 1.1.6 Understand independently longer simple narratives on a wide range of familiar topics

vi 1.2.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by context on a wide range of familiar topics 2.1.1 Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read and hear 2.1.2 Ask about and explain advantages and disadvantages of ideas, plans, arrangements 2.1.3 Explain and justify plans and ambitions 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view 2.3.1 Keep interaction going in discourse-level exchanges by paraphrasing and rephrasing appropriately 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 3.1.2 Understand specific information details in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 4.1.2 Explain causes and consequences of (i) actions (ii) events) or (iii) simple processes 4.1.4 Express and respond to real or imagined opinions and feelings 4.1.5 Organise, sequence and develop ideas within a text of several paragraphs on familiar topics and some unfamiliar topics Reading Skills (2.1, 3.1) 1.1.2, 2.1.1, 3.1.1, 3.1.2 44 – 46 Grammar (LA) Infinitive To, Infinitive without to, Gerund, Exclamatory Sentences, Modal Verbs 46 – 48 Listening Skills (1.1, 1.2) 1.1.6, 1.2.1, 2.1.1 48 – 50 Speaking Skills (2.1) 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3 50 – 51 Writing Skills (4.1, 4.2, 2.1) 2.1.1, 3.1.2, 4.1.2, 4.1.4 4.1.5 52 UNIT 8: IMAGE Theme: People & Culture Content Standards Learning Standards Pages SoW Week Date PL Teacher’s Signature & Date 1.1.6 Understand independently longer simple narratives on a wide range of familiar topics 1.2.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by contexts on a wide range of familiar topics 1.3.1 Recognise with little or no support typical features at word, sentence and text levels of a range of spoken genres 2.1.1 Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read and hear 2.1.2 Ask about and explain causes and consequences of actions, events, simple processes 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view 2.3.1 Confirm understanding in discourse-level exchanges by repeating back what a speaker has said. 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics and some unfamiliar topics 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics 4.1.1 Explain and evaluate visual, read, heard information 4.1.2 Explain causes and consequences of i)actions ii) events or iii)simple processes 4.1.4 Express and respond to opinions and common feelings such as amusement, anger and regret Reading Skills (3.1, 2.1) 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 2.1.1 53 – 54 Grammar (LA) Causative Form 55 – 57 Listening Skills (1.1, 1.2) 1.1.6, 1.3.1, 1.2.1 58 – 59 Speaking Skills (2.1, 3.1) 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.4, 2.3.1 59 – 60 Writing Skills (4.1) 4.1.1, 4.1.2, 4.1.4 61 – 62

1 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 LS 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics LS 3.1.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by context on a wide range of familiar topics A Read the texts. What’s your opinion about Chat GPT? Aiman, 17 years old I’ve been hearing a lot about it. I did a little research to understand what it’s all about. Basically it’s an AI chatbot. It’s a tool that allows users to create texts based on their requests. I don’t like the idea of using technology to create human-like text. It can stifle and ultimately kill creativity. Writing is not only about stringing words together. The choice of words to tell a story is a powerful way to express human emotions which no AI can replicate. Jessica, 16 years old One area that this technology can benefit students is that it can generate practice questions. It can help students work on questions based on topics they are struggling or don’t understand. But that’s as far as I’d recommend it to students. Though it can summarise study notes and help form ideal essays answers, it robs students from the chance of honing their critical thinking skills when studying. Tasha, 17 years old It’s a language processing tool that can answer questions and help you write essays or emails. It can’t be denied that it can save time and sounds like a good learning tool. For example, it can remind you of grammar rules, help you know the difference between two commonly confused words or suggest good writing structures. But there’s a chance you’ll become too reliant on it. Soon your writing gets stale and lacks originality. READING SKILLS Textbook page: Unit 1, P. 8, 9 PBD DSKP Practice B Whom do these opinions belong to? LS 3.1.1 (Lesson 1) ChatGPT … 1. … produces practice worksheets on any topic you want. Jessica 2. … cannot create content that reflect human emotions. Aiman 3. … can give responses to your questions quickly. Tasha 4. … is a helpful aid to check vocabulary and grammar. Tasha LS 3.1.1, LS 3.1.3 Notes English Form 4 Unit 1 Let’s Chat 1 UNIT Theme Science and Technology

2 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 GRAMMAR NOTES A Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (Lesson 2) 1. Where did (do) you go (go) last Saturday evening? I went (go) shopping. I usually watch (watch) TV at home. 2. Farid is chatting (chat) with his pen pal at the moment. 3. I believe (believe) ChatGPT may provide inaccurate information. 4. Tomorrow, Alice and her sisters are helping (help) their grandparents at home. 5. I usually surf (surf) the Internet for 30 minutes. Yesterday, I spent (spend) over 60 minutes on my computer. 6. I think (think) social media has the ability to connect like-minded people from all around the world. 7. Why did (do) the campers wake up (wake up) so early today? They wanted (want) to watch the sunrise on the hill top. Present Simple vs Present Continuous 1 Simple present tense is used to talk about things that we do all the time. 2 Present continuous tense is used to talk about things that are happening at the moment of speaking. Example: – We are spending the day at the beach tomorrow. We usually visit our grandparents. Stative Verbs 1 Stative verbs are related to: • opinions and thoughts (guess, mean, believe, agree, know) • senses and perceptions (feel, hear, look, see, smell, taste) • feelings and emotions (dislike, like, love, hate, prefer, want, wish) 2 These verbs are not used in the continuous tense form. Example: – Isham doesn’t know the answer. – The food smells delicious. Comparisons We use …er than, the most …, as … as or more … than to make comparisons. GRAMMAR (LANGUAGE AWARENESS) Textbook page: Unit 1, P.9, 11, 15 PBD Present Simple, Present Continuous, Stative Verbs & Past Simple Extra Practice 1 C Match the meanings with the words in bold. LS 3.1.3 (Lesson 7) 1. to depend on something reliant 2. making something perfect honing 3. copy or repeat something replicate 4. hold back stifle 5. no longer new, interesting or exciting stale 6. sequencing stringing LS 3.1.1, LS 3.1.3 English Form 4 Unit 1

3 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 8. The pupils are paying (pay) close attention to what their teacher is saying (say). 9. We don’t understand (not understand) this problem. Kevin is helping (help) us solve it now. 10. Sam likes (like) watching YouTube videos. He was (be) on his laptop moments ago. B Use the correct form of the adjectives in brackets to make comparisons. (Lesson 2) 1. TV screens in the market now are slimmer than (slim) the ones sold 10 years ago. 2. Mobiles phone can be as costly as (costly) laptop computers. 3. YouTube has more (many) active monthly users than TikTok. 4. TikTok videos are easier (easy) and faster (fast) to create than YouTube videos. 5. The most affordable (affordable) computer for writers cost about RM1200. C Use the phrases ‘used to’, ‘be used to’ or ‘get used to’ and the words in brackets to complete the sentences. (Lesson 8) 1. Rishan used to send (send) emails to his friends. 2. My father isn’t used to paying (not pay) bills online. 3. My sister got used to studying (study) in a boarding school quickly. 4. We used to call (call) each other every other day. 5. Kiran is used to walking (walk) to school on his own. 6. I am not used to eating (not eat) instant noodles every day. 7. This payment app is user-friendly. You will get used to navigating (navigate) it soon. 8. Are you used to shopping (shop) online? Example: – Physics is the most interesting subject. – Talking on the phone is as convenient as communicating by email. Past Simple Tense Past simple tense is used to talk about events that have already happened. Example: – An AI research company named Open Ai created ChatGPT. It was a nonprofit company in 2015 but became a for-profit company 4 years later. used to ‘used to’ + infinitive’ talks about a past situation that is no longer true. Example: – When it first began, TikTok videos used to last 15 seconds. – Samad used to live just 5 minutes from school. be/get used to 1 ‘be used to + -ing’ means accustomed to or familiar with. Example: – Hisham is used to travelling in crowded public buses. – She is used to watching movies on her laptop. 2 ‘get used to + -ing’ talks about the process of becoming familiar with something. Example: – It took my mother a few weeks to get used to paying bills using an app on her phone. – She got used to living in a bustling city in just a few months. English Form 4 Unit 1

4 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Listen to the phone conversation between Eliyana and her older sister, Aisyah. Write ‘T’ for true statements and ‘F’ for false statements. LS 1.1.1 (Lesson 3) 1. Aisyah was outside her classroom went Eliyana called. F 2. Eliyana needs help to create a Google Account. F 3. Eliyana signed in to her Google Account first. T 4. Eliyana has to click on ‘create an account’ before she fills in her details. F 5. Aisyah asked Eliyana to post a comment on a video. T 6. Eliyana can create a channel when she tries to post a comment. T B Listen to people talking in three different situations. For questions 1 – 6, choose the best answer A, B or C. LS 1.1.2 (Lesson 9) TRACK 1 Situation 1 TRACK 2 1 Why does the girl like to watch the videos? A They are funny. B She likes to laugh to relax. C It’s a good free-time activity. 2 Why couldn’t the boy share some videos immediately? A He was doing his homework. B His phone was being charged. C He was about to go skateboarding. Situation 2 3 What does Deen want the man to do? A Pick up his package B Buy an Amatoon gift card C Make another order from Amatoon 4 Which of the following probably alerted the man to the scam? A Money had already been deducted from his account. B He knew Deen wasn’t a staff of Amatoon. C Amatoon had already delivered his order. Situation 3 5 What is true about ‘Grammar Town’? A It writes essays. B It gives detailed grammar rules. C It spots spelling and punctuation mistakes. 6 What has the girl decided to do? A Use ‘Grammar Town’ at least once. B Continue to use a grammar book. C Refer to it occasionally. LS 1.1.1 Understand independently the main ideas in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics LS 1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics LISTENING SKILLS Textbook page: Unit 1, P.11, 16 PBD DSKP Practice LS 1.1.1, LS 1.1.2 English Form 4 Unit 1

5 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Look at the pictures and use the phrases given to take turns to talk about the pictures. LS 2.1.1 (Lesson 4) B In pairs, talk about what you like or dislike about each type of gadget. Use the notes and the text given to help you. You may add your own information to expand on your points. LS 2.1.3 (Lesson 10) HOTS Evaluating • More and more young people are into … • This group activity is just for me because … • I’m really interested in … because … • This activity is new but it’s gaining popularity because … • I’d love to try … at least once because … LS 2.1.1 Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read and hear LS 2.1.3 Explain advantages and disadvantages of plans and ambitions PBD DSKP Practice SPEAKING SKILLS Textbook page: Unit 1, P.12, 17 * small/large * screen sizes: 10 to 20 inches/5 to inches * portable because lighter/less portable because heavier * can handle difficult tasks/entertainment, watching movies & browsing * powerful/not very powerful * battery deteriorates with age/longer battery life * more storage/less storage * comfortable keyboard/slow digital keyboard Laptops/Tablets are … One of the advantages of laptops/tablets is … Another thing I like about laptops/tablets is … However, one feature I don’t like about laptops/tablets is … PAK-21 ACTIVITY Group work PAK-21 ACTIVITY Collaboration mobile computers used to create content handheld gadgets used to enjoy content Tutorial Video 1 LS 2.1.1, LS 2.1.3 ESCAPE ROOM English Form 4 Unit 1

6 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Complete the email with the following statements and questions. LS 4.2.4 (Lesson 11) What do you think? I have more exciting news! I’ve got to go now. Would you like to stay over? I really hope you can come. I haven’t heard from you in months. Hello Syukri, How have you been? (1) I haven’t heard from you in months . I’m writing to invite you to my birthday party. It’s on the first Sunday of June. (2) I really hope you can come . (3) I have more exciting news ! Since the following day is a public holiday, my parents have agreed to let me have a few friends stay over after the party. (4) What do you think ? We haven’t had a chance to spend time together since you moved to a new neighbourhood. (5) Would you like to stay over ? Amar and Roshan have already agreed to come. (6) I’ve got to go now . I’ll be waiting eagerly for your reply. Your friend, Farid B Imagine you are Syukri. Write a reply to Farid. Respond to the questions and statements in (A). Add your own information to write a complete reply. LS 4.2.4 (Lesson 11) HOTS Applying Hi Farid , I’m doing well, thanks for asking. I’m sorry I haven’t written for months but I’ve been occupied settling in to my new house and neighbourhood. Thank you for the invitation, Syukri! You can count me in. That’s fantastic news! I think it’s a wonderful idea to stay over so we can catch up. Thanks for asking me to join you, Amar and Roshan. The four of us haven’t done anything since I moved so I’m really excited. That’s all for now . I’ll see you soon at the party. Your pal, Syukri LS 4.2.4 Use formal and informal registers appropriate to the target audience in most familiar situations PBD DSKP Practice WRITING SKILLS Textbook page: Unit 1, P.18, 19 Extra Practice 2 LS 4.2.4 KuA$aiE!4 Enrolment key Happiness: Communicate courteously Do you think being courteous helps create a happy environment? Why? Give reasons with examples. Civic Literacy English Form 4 Unit 1

14 English Form 4 Let’s Review 1 ET'S REVIEW 1 A Grammar Underline the correct word. 1. Encik Johari (agrees/agreeing) with our choice of holiday destination. 2. Isham (attended/is attending) a workshop on Friday evening. 3. The students (had/are having) a group discussion tomorrow morning. 4. My grandmother, (who/whose) is 85 years old, goes dancing at least once a month. 5. When Hisham (climbed/was climbing) the hill, he (injured/injuring) his ankle. 6. They (were cruising/cruises) down the river when their raft (was overturning/overturned) suddenly. 7. While I (chatted/was chatting) with my online friends, the power (goes/went) out. 8. This is a free gift (that/where) came with the new washing machine I bought. B Vocabulary i. Rearrange the letters to form complete words. Then, match with the correct meanings. ableremark efam edretir dgeple tigiouspres 1. very much respected and admired prestigious 2. stopped working permanently retired 3. a serious or formal promise pledge 4. unusual or special so it’s worth mentioning remarkable 5. known for having or doing something important fame ii. Underline the correct word or phrase. 1. Mrs Ling (signed in/signed up) to her account to check if she had received an email from her son. 2. When you (click on/subscribe to) a channel, any new videos from it will pop up on your feed. 3. Encik Farid had several questions about his flight booking so he communicated with a (chatbot/ user) on the website. 4. I enjoyed the content of the video so much, I (prompted/posted) a comment to share my similar experience.

53 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 Read the text and answer the questions that follow. IMAGE AND PERSONALITY Our image can be defined as the way how you are being thought of by other people based on your behaviour. In other words, it is an impression made by others or a picture of yourself that you have created in the society. That image of you may be true or false. On the other hand, a personality is the way that you present yourselves outwardly. It is a person’s true character based on their different traits, attributes and qualities which can include thoughts, feelings and behaviours. It is believed that these characteristics make a person unique. An individual’s personality can be the result of both nature and nurture. One of the factors that influences a personality is genetics. You may inherit your physical and mental capabilities and other hereditary traits such as the colour of your skin, your height or your talent. Yet, the genes that are being passed down differ from one sibling to another. For example, Mozart was a child prodigy in music but his sister although skilful in music, was not so astounding at the same age. Other factors that strongly affect a personality are environment and experiences. The way children are being raised by their parents most probably plays a big role in developing a person’s personality. The environment can be the one that the child shares with his siblings and his parents or another place where he is on his own. What he encounters in both places can be considered as his experiences. Therefore, being at home and going to school offer different experiences which influence the child’s personality as he grows up. Wish to have a new personal image? Here are a few suggestions: *Join competitions such as singing contests and debates. This can improve your interpersonal skills. *Meet a counsellor who can help you to identify your strong and weak points so you can make use of your potentials. *See an image consultant for a make-over of your appearance to boost your self-confidence. LS 2.1.1 Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read or hear. LS 3.1.1 Understand the main points in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics from what they read and hear LS 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in extended texts on a wide range of familiar topics Notes English Form 4 Unit 8 READING SKILLS Textbook Page: Unit 8, P.112-113,118-119,124-125 PBD DSKP Practice Image 8 UNIT Theme People and Culture

54 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 Having a positive personality is important so we can present our good self-image. It is not easy to create a personal image that people expect to see in us. However, despite being difficult, a person can achieve it. It requires great effort, but with focus and practice, we can find great potentials into reaching our goals. A Locate the relevant information and write the answers. A definition of how an individual perceives another person. 1. image This word described that all individuals have their own character traits which are not similar to another even among siblings. 2. unique A fixed and established factor that influence the personality of a person. 3. genetics He was renowned in classical music. 4. Mozart The two major aspects that can determine a personality. 5. environment/ nature 6. experiences/ nurture Doing this change for your physical outlook helps you to achieve this trait. 7. self-confidence What do you need during the process of changing to a new personal image? 8. great effort B Choose the best answer. 1. An image of a person that the public can see is A always right. C not always correct. B what he/she wants. D similar to his/her personality 2. Having this character trait can affect the image as well as the personality of a person. A Loyalty C Grateful B Generosity D Arrogant 3. Which one of the following is not genetically influenced? A Ability to sing and act. C Good in sports B Fair skin colour. D Being helpful Vocabulary • hereditary: passing of genes by parents to children • prodigy: genius/highly talented • potentials: unrealised abilities Ref: LS 2.1.1, LS 3.1.1, LS 3.1.2 English Form 4 Unit 8

55 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 4. Annie and Angie are twin sisters. Annie is quiet while Angie is talkative. What can be the reason? A Annie and Angie have inherited different genes from their parents. B Annie and Angie have been brought up separately. C When she was a baby, Annie had been very sick. D Their parents do not take care of them well. 5. How does participating in contests improve social skills? A Participants need to meet and mix with other contestants. B Participants must perform on stage on their own. C Participants often contact their families and friends. D Participants may have to face their audience. 6. In achieving our goals for a better self-image, we need to A be strong and healthy. B concentrate and keep on training ourselves. C plan and carry it out. D get help from friends GRAMMAR NOTES A Rewrite the given sentences using causative form. 1. Her personal assistant has arranged everything for the image make-over of the rich lady. The rich lady has had her personal assistant arranged everything for her image make-over. 2. Her image consultant has chosen the clothes she wears. She wears clothes chosen by her image consultant. 3. The lady needs a new wardrobe. The consultant asked a famous designer to create the clothes. The consultant had a famous designer created clothes for the lady's new wardrobe. 4. The lady cut her hair to shorter length. She has asked a stylist to do it. The lady had her long hair cut to a shorter length by a stylist. GRAMMAR (LANGUAGE AWARENESS) Textbook Page: Unit 8, P.113,115, 119 PBD Wish/If Only+Would+Infinitive Causative Form A causative verb is used when we want to talk about something that someone else did for us or for another person. Examples: • My mother often has the laundry done by the maid. • Did he get the workers moved the boxes that were blocking the entrance? • Mary isn’t having his son driven to school as she has the time to do it herself. • We shall have all the food catered for the birthday party. Conditional Type 3 When we use third conditional, we refer to a situation in which the condition is impossible to fulfil because it refers to the past. In other words the result of a certain situation did not happen. Examples: • If I had known there was a long queue, I would have come on another day. • If the branch hadn’t been brittle, the boy would not have fallen from the tree. English Form 4 Unit 8

56 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 Wish/If Only+Past Simple Examples: • I wish I took care of my bicycle well. • If only his sister did not forget to buy the extra cakes. Relative Pronouns A relative  pronoun is a word used to refer to nouns to describe more about people, places, things, animals, or ideas. It can also be used to join two sentences. The words “who”, “which”,” that”, ”whose”, “whom”,” whomever”,  and  “whoever” are commonly used. Points to remember: • We use “who’, “whose” and “whom” for people. • Whose” is meant to show belonging. Examples: – The man who talked to me just now was my uncle. – The girl whose books were stolen is my classmate. – I want to introduce you to the boy whom may have the same interest as you. – The food bank is set up for whoever needs help in their daily expenses. – You can select whomever you think you can work together with. • We use “which” and “that” for things, animals and ideas. Examples: – The little child was saved from the house which suddenly caught fire. – It was the barking of the dog that alerted the firemen about the trapped victim. • Sometimes, the words “what”, “ when”,  and  “where”  can be used as relative pronouns. Examples: – The teacher told us what kind of essay she wanted us to write. – Winter is the only time when there will be snow all around here. – We went to the beach where we had an enjoyable picnic. Wish/If Only+Could +Infinitive Examples: • If only we could not want to win the match. 5. She has learned how to apply cosmetics effectively. She invited a make-up artist. She had a make-up artist taught her how to apply cosmetics effectively. 6. A dietician prepares for her daily food intake. She has a dietician prepares her daily food intake. 7. A personal trainer plans her exercise schedules which she follows every day. Every day, she follows her exercise schedules planned by a personal trainer. 8. Finally, the lady wanted her new image to be photographed. She has asked for a photographer. Finally, the lady asked a photographer took pictures of hew new image. B Match the sentence parts. 1. If they had left the house earlier , they would arrive in time to register for the course on building personality. 2. If he had joined his friends who smoke , they could influence him to start smoking, too. • his company would have succeeded in getting more customers • If the students had listened to their counsellor teacher • he would look smarter • we would buy ourselves new attire. • If they had left the house earlier, • If he had joined his friends who smoke English Form 4 Unit 8

57 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 3. If the students had listened to their counsellor teacher , they would not have to take the test a second time. 4. If the shop had been opened, we would buy ourselves new attire. 5. If the man had changed his rude personality, his company would have succeeded in getting more customers. 6. If he had agreed to a haircut, he would look smarter. C Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence. 1 I wish weaving using ‘mengkuang’ leaves from my late grandmother. A I could have learnt B I would have learnt C wouldn’t have learnt 2. If only more interest in learning traditional arts and crafts. A the girls showed B the girls would have shown C would show 3. He wishes traditional dances to his children. A he taught B he could have taught C he could teach 4. If only more allocation for the students to learn pottery. A we gave B we were given C we would be given 5. They wish with their preparation for the exhibition of the traditional handicrafts. A they would interfere B she had interfered C she did not interfere 6. If only the opportunity to visit the new art gallery. A they has got B they got C they would got PAK-21 Common Mistakes She had the clutter thrown away. She had the clutter throwned away. If it hadn’t rained, I would have finished fixing the roof. If it doesn’t rain, I would have finished fixing the roof. If only I hadn’t overslept. If only I hadn’t oversleep. Web Link For more information on grammar topics, log on to: *https://www. grammar/ causative *https: //english4 grammar Info Info • He wished his mother could see how successful he is now. Wish/If Only+Would +Infinitive Examples: • We wish the teacher would give us another chance to do the test. • If only the old man wouldn’t allow just anyone to clean his house. Wish/If Only+Past Perfect Simple Examples: • They wish they had won the game. There was only a difference of one point. • If only she hadn’t eaten at the stall. English Form 4 Unit 8

58 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Listen to the different texts, identify the genre and write the relevant answers to each. LS 1.1.6, 1.3.1 Genre 1: Talk/Speech Genre 2: Conversation/Dialogue Topic: Fashion Speaker/Participants 1. Sara Bennet What can you learn? - Be prepared for anything - Self-confidence is important - Save money Topic: Being fashionable/Good image Speaker/Participants 1. Linda 2. Kate What can you learn? - Be friendly/Have reliable friends - Good appearance is important - Equip yourself with knowledge B Listen to the narrator and choose the correct answer for each of the text. 1. What is the meaning of the phrase ‘a diversified range’ as mentioned in the text? A consisting a large variety B objects produced by various artists C showing a different kind of work D using specific types 2. Which of the following may not be considered under visual art? A Pottery B Cake decoration C Ipoh railway station D Novels and poetries 3. The phrase ‘slowly wrapping up’ can best be replaced by A gradually closing B gently concluding C little by little settling D leisurely completing LS 1.1.6 Understand independently longer simple narratives on a wide range of familiar topics LS 1.2.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other words and by context on a wide range of familiar topics LS 1.3.1 Recognise with support typical features at word, sentence and text levels of a range of spoken genres LISTENING SKILLS Textbook Page: Unit 8, P.115, 120,121 PBD DSKP Practice TRACK 11 TRACK 12 LS 1.1.6, LS 1.2.1, LS 1.3.1 English Form 4 Unit 8

59 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 4. Circle out the craft not mentioned in the text. A C B D A Teacher provides students with some articles on various traditional clothes of the different ethnic in Malaysia. Then, discuss about the traditional clothing as daily attire and how clothes can help in boosting the personal image of a person. • vibrant • shimmering • intricate • flora and fauna • glory • motifs • exclusive • patterns MUTUAL RESPECT: • Organising a small exhibition on traditional arts and crafts • Collect things for exhibition by asking students to bring them • Classify the items accordingly-brassware/ woven cloths/pottery/ batik/etc. Civic Literacy LS 2.1.1 Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read and hear LS 2.1.2 Ask about and explain caused and consequences of actions, events, simple processes LS 2.1.4 Explain and justify point of view LS 2.3.1 Confirm understanding in discourse-level exchanges by repeating back what a speaker has said PBD DSKP Practice SPEAKING SKILLS Textbook Page: Unit 8 P.116,120 English Form 4 Unit 8

60 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 B Role Play Understand the given situation and talk with your selected partner. You can switch the role afterwards and substitute the ‘Nyonya kebaya’ to other traditional attire that you prefer. Situation You need to attend a formal function where the dress code is traditional attire. Explain that you have chosen to wear the ‘Nyonya kebaya’ for the day. Ask your partner’s opinion about your choice or if he/she thinks that other traditional attire will be more suitable for the formal occasion. You can make use of the words/phrases provided. Responsibility: Working hard in one's profession Discuss why working hard is just as important as working smart. How does hard work benefit you and your chosen profession? Civic Literacy WORDS PHRASES style elegant semi-transparent embroidery brooches • It’s certainly ….. • I think it would be … • You may consider….. • As for me, I shall….. • Thanks. You’ve been great/ helpful. LS 2.1.1, LS 2.1.2, LS 2.1.4, LS 2.3.1 English Form 4 Unit 8

61 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 A Study the information about the kinds of arts that students in your class have decided to learn during extra co-curriculum activities, organised by the Arts Club. As the class monitor, write a report to the teacher advisor of the club. LS 2.1.3, 4.1.1 In the report, write about: • the chosen arts-photography, drawing and theatre. • requirements to join the class • the reasons for their choices • expectations to achieve goals Date : 3rd Feb 2024 To : Encik Kamarul Azim bin Abdul Aziz From : Syamsul Razmi bin Razali Subject : Choice of Arts made by Class Form 4 Bakti This report is to inform you that all the students in my class have voted for three out of the five choices given to us. We have agreed to select photography, drawing and theatre. The choice for photography is obvious because we would like to learn the techniques in photography by using the cameras on our phones. At the moment, most of us simply click the button just for the sake of taking photographs. Many of us are interested in taking up drawing because we cannot draw well. If we can learn basic drawings, at least we can use the skill in making notes or in class such as during Biology lessons. We chose theatre because we can learn to express ourselves, build self-confidence and there are a few who are interested in script-writing. As you probably know, most of us do not have much knowledge in the selected area. As there is no specific requirement needed, everyone is looking forward to the extra activities. We hope that by the end of the courses, we would at least gain some knowledge that we can apply in everyday life. Lastly, on behalf of the students in my class, I would like to thank you for the opportunity given to us to venture into this new field. Prepared by, Syamsul (Class Monitor 4 Bakti ) LS 4.1.1 Explain information from (i) diagrams, (ii) charts (iii)tables (iv) graphs or other visual LS 4.1.2 Explain causes and consequences of (i) actions (ii)events or (iii) simple processes LS 4.1.4 Express and respond to opinions and common feelings such as amusement, anger and regret PBD DSKP Practice WRITING SKILLS Textbook Page: Unit 8, P.117,122-123 Extra Practice 14 LS 4.1.1, LS 4.1.2, LS 4.1.4 English Form 4 Unit 8

62 PERFORMANCE LEVEL 1 2 3 4 5 6 B A girl wrote the letter below. Imagine you are the editor of an advice column of a magazine. Write a reply to advise Annika on the appropriate clothing for her to wear to the occasion. LS 3.1.5, 4.1.2, 4.1.4 Dear Libra, I ‘ve just moved to this country with my family. My father works at one of the foreign embassies. I’m attending an International School where most students are also from other countries. My problem is that I don’t have much knowledge of the local culture concerning dressing or attire, especially for teenagers like me. My mother insists that I should wear dresses all the time but I’m wondering whether I could put on jeans and T-shirts to attend occasions like birthday parties or small gatherings. For your information, my family has been invited to ‘Hari Raya’ open house at the end of the month. I’m afraid that I’ll offend the host if I turn up in an unsuitable attire. So, could you give me some guidelines on what to wear for the gathering. I’d appreciate your advice very much. Thank you. Yours sincerely, Annika Dear Annika, I hope it's not too late to welcome you to our beautiful country. As you probably know it is a multi-racial country with Malays, Chinese, Indians and many indigenous people. As such, we have a few traditional clothing of the different races. As a teenager you must have loved your jeans and T-shirts which I think you know are casual wear. So, they are safe to wear if you go out with friends for outings or shopping. You may team up your jeans with blouses or longsleeved shirts for parties and small gatherings among friends. If there are elderly people, it will be adequate if you replace the jeans with a skirt or a pair of trousers. Anyway, you specifically ask my advice on what to wear for the open house. “Hari Raya” is a Muslim festival. The open house is not always formal but guests usually turn up in traditional clothes. Wearing a dress is also appropriate but it is not advisable to wear casual clothes to such occasions. My advice is for you to buy baju kurung which is versatile and can be worn to any formal or informal function. Just shop around and you may get a good bargain because the celebration would be around the corner. Good luck! Libra KuA$aiE!4 Enrolment key LS 4.1.1, LS 4.1.2, LS 4.1.4 English Form 4 Unit 8

63 English Form 4 Let’s Review 4 A Circle the correct answer. 1. We have to how to solve this problem as soon as possible. A figure out B keep off C break into D put up 2. As siblings, we argue and fight with each other but we always at the end of the day. A keep on B make up C look out D hold onto 3. The skate-boarders often try to their new skills to friends who do not join the sport. A run off B show off C get off D take off 4. It is not easy to a sickness unless one goes for a treatment and takes a good rest. A back up B run out C get over D keep from 5. My sister tried to but she still could not find a place to stay during the internship. A ask around B walk around C see around D stand around 6. We were delayed because the car we were travelling in . A fell apart B came off C let down D broke down B Complete the following sentences with one correct statement. A Everyone was exhausted! B Many wish to participate in future ventures. C It was easy to follow the track. D It is not beautiful at all. E My feet hurt. F However, it was closed that day. G It looks so magnificent! H Most of us were not experienced hikers! 1. The restored castle is on the hill. G . 2. We wish we could see the interior parts. F . 3. The journey up was quite a challenge. H . 4. E . If only I had not worn my new shoes for the hiking trip. 5. It took us almost an hour for the trip down the hill. A . 6. The trip was also a learning experience. B . ET'S REVIEW 4

64 English Form 4 Let’s Review 4 C Rewrite the given sentences. 1. I could not swim with my friends. If only I could swim with my friends. 2. I could not help. The matters turned out to be all wrong. If only I could have helped out in putting the matters right. 3. He would not listen to what I’d told him. If only he would listen to what I’d told him. 4. My car is so small. I wish I have a bigger car. 5. I didn’t get good results. I didn’t study hard at school. I wish I had studied harder at school and got good results, 6. I want to travel abroad. I don’t have enough money. I wish I have enough money to travel abroad. D Match the sentence parts to form correct sentences. 1. The manager decided not 2. The man wanted 3. They must get someone 4. The singer made the audience 5. We had better stay 6. The teacher helped her a. wait for almost an hour. b. pupils read the large prints on the board. c. to repair the leaking roofs of their house. d. to sponsor the prizes for the spelling contest. e. at home for our own safety. f. to argue with the angry customer.

English Form 4 KSSM Part 1 Short Texts (MCQs) MODUL PENTAKSIRAN BILIK DARJAH PBD ENGLISH READING PART 1 Short Texts (MCQs) 66 PART 2 Multiple-Choice Cloze 78 PART 3 Longer Texts 85 PART 4 Gapped Texts 98 PART 5 Matching & Information Transfer 106 WRITING PART 1 Short Communicative Messages 118 PART 2 Guided Writing – Essays 126 PART 3 Extended Writing 129 LISTENING PART 1 Questions 1 – 7 143 PART 2 Questions 8 – 15 144 PART 3 Questions 16 – 20 145 PART 4 Questions 21 – 30 146 SPM-BASED PRACTICES 4FORM KSSM 65

Tips and Techniques 1. Read each question to understand what is being asked. 2. There is a total of 8 multiple-choice questions. 3. You will be required to study various kinds of reading materials. 4. Study the stimulus carefully. Pay attention to all information found in the stimulus. 5. Some questions test your interpretation of given information. 6. Go through all the options given. 7. Check each of the options against the information given. SPM MODEL QUESTION AND ANSWER Part 1 Questions 1 – 8 are based on the given stimuli. Study the information carefully and choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, mark your answer on the answer sheet. 1 Understand the gist of the text. 2 Identify what is required in the question (True statements in the text) “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a famous saying which conveys the meaning that the eating of fruit maintains good health. It is probably because apples are loaded with important nutrients, including fibres, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, take note that apples are not the only nutritious fruit you should eat. There are many other types of food like blueberries, broccoli, almonds and grapes. Which of the following statements is true? A People must eat only apples for good health. B People should vary the food they consume. C A doctor will keep you away if you eat an apple a day. Its meaning An idiom Some nutrients in apples Eat other food although apples are good for health 3 Understand the options provided. A People must eat only apples for good health. * ‘must’ means compulsory. *‘only’ means nothing else. As nobody is forced to eat only apples in order to be healthy, option A cannot be an answer. B People should vary the fruits they consume. *’vary’ means differ/introduce modifications *text mentions that there are other fruits to eat besides apples. Therefore, option B is possibly the answer. C A doctor will keep you away if you eat an apple a day. There is no reason for a doctor not to see someone just because he/she eats apples. Option C is not the answer. 4 Choose the best option as an answer. So, B is the best option. Short Text (MCQs) 1 PART SPM-BASED PRACTICES READING 66

English Form 4 KSSM Part 1 Short Texts (MCQs) PRACTICE 1 Questions 1 to 8 are based on the given stimuli. Study the information carefully and choose the best answer A, B or C. For each question, mark your answer on the answer sheet. Looking for the best scones in Cameron Highlands? Come visit us at The Daily Joy Cafe. Our scones are fresh, made perfect for everyone. The moist scones with great taste, nice texture, and lovely aroma are served with clotted cream and strawberry jam. There are also other numerous desserts that include dainty sandwiches, fluffy carrot cupcakes and crispy pies. Experience a great afternoon tea in a delightful ambience with a cup of hot tea looking at the astonishing view of lush vegetation surrounding the café. 1. Which statement is true about the cafe? A It is a café that promote only scones and tea for its visitors. B Local food and sweet desserts are available there. C The café offers some great scones in a pleasant atmosphere. Weekly Meal Plan Need an inspiration of what you want to cook daily? Looking for ideas for your weekly or even monthly meal plan? If you are, you have found the right place! I will share simple recipes for you to make and guide you on how to prepare for the meals planned without spending so much time in the kitchen! You and your family can now enjoy healthy and delicious home-cooked food every day. Each new meal plan comes on Thursday, so be on the lookout! 2. Which of the following is true? A Having a weekly meal plan can hinder people from cooking at home. B Preparing for home-cooked dishes means labouring a lot of time in the kitchen. C The weekly meal plan assists in providing recipes and tips to make cooking easier. Georgetown - Penang residents and tourists can enjoy the new shuttle ferry service that will be operating between the island and the mainland beginning 7th August. Transport Minister Anthony Loke said Penang Port will provide a one-month free shuttle ferry service as a trial period to carry out various exercises. The ferry service operating from 6am to 8.30pm will take about 10 minutes for a one-way trip, compared to the 20 minutes taken by the old ferry. During peak hours, the frequency of the ferry will be increased to every 30 minutes. However, the new ferries can accommodate up to 250 passengers and 50 two-wheelers but not able to carry cars and other four-wheel vehicles. (Adapted from Tutorial Video 4 67

118 Tips and Techniques 1. You can use the following phrases for the beginning of your email/message: Greeting Friendly opening (You may use one of the following.) • Hi • Hello • Dear … • Ask after the sender (How are you?) • Say how you are feeling (I miss you./ Sorry I didn’t reply sooner.) • Say why you are writing (I’m writing to tell you about …) • Thank the sender (Thank you for your email.) • Respond to the sender’s news (I’m really happy to hear …/ Congratulations!) • Write a piece of news of you own (Guess what! I’m …) 2. In the middle of the email/message, you have to answer/respond to the sender’s question/s. Use the following phrases for different purposes: If you say ‘no’ to the sender’s suggestion, give another suggestion in your reply: • Do you want … • Shall we … • How about … • Let’s … instead. • Have you tried … If you need to decline an invitation or cancel plans: • I’m sorry, I can’t … • I don’t think I will make it … (date) • I don’t think I can make to … (the activity) If you are making a recommendation: • You can … • You should … • I’d recommend … • I wouldn’t recommend … • … is worth trying/doing/visiting/seeing/going to. If the sender wants your opinion: • I think … • If you ask me, I’d … • I don’t think you should … • I’m afraid … isn’t a good idea. • I believe … is the best idea. If the sender asks for your advice: • If I were you, I’d … • To be honest, … • Perhaps you should … • The best thing to do is … 3. For the conclusion of the email/message, you can use the following phrases for different purposes: Friendly ending (You may use one of the following.) Closing • Talk/mention about the future (I can’t wait to hear from you./ Let me know what you decide.) • Give some assurance (I’m sure everything will work out./ I’m certain you’ll make the right decision.) • Offer your wishes (All the best!/ I hope my suggestions are helpful./Good luck!) • Goodbye/Bye for now! • Keep in touch! • Write soon!/Do reply as soon as possible. • That’s all for now! • I’ll see you soon! PART 1: Short Communicative Messages Writing 1, 2 & 3 PART SPM-BASED PRACTICES WRITING

English Form 4 Part 1, 2, 3 Writing 119 SPM MODEL QUESTION AND ANSWER You received an email from your cousin, Darren, who has registered to a social networking site, is asking you to join one. Now write an email to your cousin in about 80 words. Write your answer below. Hi, I’ve just 1 signed-up for a social networking site and I enjoy spending my free time chatting with my online friends. I’ve 2 connected with many of my former classmates as well as love playing online games. 3 Why don’t you signup too? I hope to add you as a friend soon! Bye! 1. The beginning of the email/message gives general information from the sender. 2. This information includes news from the sender and it can be used/referred to later when you give your reply. 3. The email/message in the Part 1 of the SPM writing paper may: – ask for suggestions, advice or tips from the receiver – ask for ideas to make plans with the receiver – extend an invitation to the receiver To: [email protected] Subject: Registering for a social networking site Hi Darren, 1 It’s nice to hear from you! I’m 2 happy to hear that you’re enjoying your time on your chosen social networking site. 3 To be honest, I’m not interested in signing-up for any site at the moment. I think I’ll end up spending too much time on it. Besides, I’m afraid there are people who will leave unkind comments on my page. Moreover, I much prefer to have face-to-face chats with my friends. On that note, are you free to meet on Saturday evening? 5 Bye for now! Your cousin, Benny 4 ⎫ ⎪ ⎬ ⎪ ⎭ Model Answer Write an email address Give a short phrase that clearly states the main topic of the email/message Give a greeting Write a closing and sign off with your name. 1 . Start with a friendly opening. 2. Give a response to state how you feel or think about the sender’s news. 3. Give your opinion (or thoughts/suggestions/ advice/tips) to the question asked by the sender. 4. Give reasons or explain your point of view. 5. End with a friendly ending. Tutorial Video 5

English Form 4 Part 1, 2, 3 Writing 120 Read the email your cousin, Vicky. She is going to spend a few days with you during the school holidays. Now write an email to your cousin in about 80 words. Write your answer below. To: [email protected] Subject: An extreme activity To: [email protected] Subject: An extreme activity Dear Vicky, I think it’s a great idea to try something challenging. How about white-water rafting? There’s a company that takes visitors on rides. Their rates are affordable and there are instructors to guide us through the rapids. My friends have done it before and they say it’s an unforgettable experience. Pack a swimming costume or wet suit and an old pair of sneakers. You don’t want your new sneakers to get soaked. What do you think? Your cousin, Arun Dear Arun, I’m looking forward to my trip next month. I thought we’d do something challenging when I’m there. Are there any outdoor or extreme activity for us to do? Do you have a suggestion? What shall I pack? Please write and let me know. Bye for now! Vicky PRACTICE 1

143 PART 1 Questions 1 to 7 You will hear people talking in seven different situations. For questions 1 to 7, choose the correct answer (A, B or C). You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the questions. 1. The report cited that the most likely reason of the train crash was due to A faulty engine. B miscommunication. C damaged tracks. 2. When do you think the cake and pizza will be served? A At breakfast B At dinner C At tea 3. The girl has won a dance competition A in the traditional category. B at the national level. C for being a great choreographer. 4. How would you describe the mother’s personality? A Loving but strict B Caring and responsible C Helpful and selfless 5. Which of these traits will not help you in choosing a suitable occupation? A Values and personality B Interest and skills C Health and lifestyle 6. Why does the boy want to go scuba diving? A To try the breathing apparatus B To encounter fascinating marine life C To look for fun and excitement 7. Reading “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” by Sean Covey can A help a teenager to lead a meaningful life. B influence a teenager to read more books. C guide a teenager to do unusual things. Listening SPM SPM-BASED PRACTICES Listening TRACK 13 TRACK 15 TRACK 17 TRACK 14 TRACK 16 TRACK 18 TRACK 19

English Form 4 Listening 144 PART 2 Questions 8 to 15 You will hear Jessica talking about her visit to Malaysia. For questions 8 to 15, choose the correct answer (A, B or C). You will hear the recording twice. Answer all the questions. 8. Jessica’s father’s first visit to Malaysia was A work-related. B for a vacation. C to venture for food. 9. The hotel was A luxurious. B isolated. C noteworthy. 10. Why do you think none of them likes durian? It was because of A the expensive price. B the thorny skin. C its strong smell. 11. The family did not mention eating any A chapati and dhall. B dumplings. C burgers. 12. How did the family travel to Ipoh? A The family boarded a train. B Jessica’s father drove a rented car. C They flew to the city. 13. What caught their attention in Ipoh? A The enchanting sceneries. B The impressive buildings. C The delicious food. 14. How long did the family stay in Malaysia? A A day B A week C A fortnight 15. Jessica and her family A enjoyed their holiday in KL and Ipoh. B wished they had never come to Malaysia. C wasted a lot of time in the country. TRACK 20

W.M: RM13.50 / E.M: RM13.90 HC084024S ISBN: 978-629-470-295-0 MODUL PENTAKSIRAN BILIK DARJAH PBD TITLES IN THIS SERIES 1 2 3 4 5 FORM Subjek Bahasa Melayu English Matematik/ Mathematics Matematik Tambahan/ Additional Mathematics Sains/ Science Fizik/ Physics Biologi/ Biology Kimia/ Chemistry Sejarah Geografi Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi Asas Sains Komputer Pendidikan Islam Pendidikan Moral Pendidikan Seni Visual Ekonomi Perniagaan Prinsip Perakaunan SUBJECT English KSSM FORM 4 KUASAI PBD series is published in accordance with the textbook and Pentaksiran Bilik Darjah (PBD) requirements in school. The contents of this series are designed to fulfil the requirements of Formative and Summative Assessments as outlined by the Malaysian Ministry of Education. This series also incorporates digital contents to assist teachers and students in Pembelajaran dan Pemudahcaraan (PdPc) via online and offline methods making it PdPc-friendly. All these elements are integrated into the book to extend students’ understanding skills in mastering the subject learnt. Final Year Test Answers Tapescript SCAN THE QR CODES IN THE CONTENTS PAGE TO ACCESS: Scan the QR code or visit the link on book cover to create new account. Check your email to activate the account. Log into your account. Insert the Enrolment Key. Start your Test! 1 2 3 4 5 HOW TO ACCESS (Objective Questions Portal) Exclusive Exclusive PELANGI ONLINE TEST PELANGI ONLINE TEST PELANGI PelangiPublishing PelangiBooks PelangiBooks

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