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Published by PENERBITAN PELANGI SDN BHD, 2021-10-11 23:45:28

Success Model Essays 2022 - PT3

English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment

123 Itinerary for a Class Trip

Model Question Processes and Procedures

You are going on a class trip to Putrajaya. In about 120 words, explain to your
parents how you will be spending your day. You may use the notes below to help you.

Outing to Putrajaya

Time Activity

8.00 a.m. Assemble in school – attendance

8.30 a.m. Board the bus

9.00 a.m. Journey towards Putrajaya

10.00 a.m. Visit Agriculture Heritage Park, Putrajaya Botanical Garden

12 noon Lunch – Medan Selera Seri Teja

1.30 p.m. Putrajaya Mosque, drive through Putrajaya

3.00 p.m. River cruise

4.00 p.m. Shopping – Alamanda Shopping Centre

6.00 p.m. Board the bus and journey towards school

7.00 p.m. Arrival in school

Write your essay.

• 8.00 a.m. – assemble at school
• 8.30 a.m. – board bus


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment
• Journey towards Putrajaya – approximately one hour – arrive at Putrajaya at 10.00
• Visit Agriculture Heritage Park – plants that have contributed to the Malaysian economy
– rubber, cocoa and oil palm
• Visit Putrajaya Botanical Garden – canopy bridge and Sun Garden
• 12 noon – lunch – Medan Selera Seri Teja
• 1.30 p.m. – Putrajaya Mosque – drive through Putrajaya – PM’s Department and other
administrative buildings
• 3.00 p.m. – jetty – river cruise
• 4.00 p.m. – Alamanda Shopping Centre
• 6.00 p.m. – board bus – back to school

• Arrive back in school by 7.00 p.m.

Model Answer

On the day of the outing, we will assemble in school by 8.00 a.m. Our teachers
will take our attendance and we will board the bus at 8.30 a.m. The bus will leave
the school compound at 9.00 a.m. sharp. We will then proceed the journey towards
Putrajaya, which will take approximately an hour.

Our first stop will be the Agriculture Heritage Park which showcases the plants
that have contributed to the Malaysian economy such as rubber, cocoa and oil palm.
Next, we will visit the Putrajaya Botanical Garden where we will walk along the canopy
bridge and visit the Sun Garden.
At noon we will have lunch at Medan Selera Seri Teja. At 1.30 p.m. we will
make our way to the Putrajaya Mosque. Next, we will drive past the Prime Minister’s
Department as well as the other administrative buildings in Putrajaya. At 3.00 p.m.
we will make our way to the jetty where we will board the boat for a river cruise. The
trip is expected to last an hour.
At 4.00 p.m. we will travel to Alamanda Shopping Centre where we will spend
two hours shopping. At 6.00 p.m. we will board the bus and head back to the school.
We should arrive at the school by 7.00 p.m.


sharp – exactly
canopy – the branches and leaves that spread out at the top of a group of trees forming a
type of roof


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment

124 How to Make Potpourri with Rose Petals

Model Question Processes and Procedures

In about 120 words, explain how potpourri is made with rose petals. You may use
the notes and pictures below to help you.

1. 2.

Spray fixative – add scents and
Dry the petals
rose essence

3. 4.

Place in sealed jar – mix well – Transfer to decorative jar or bowl
stand for 10 days and display
Write your essay.

• how to make a potpourri from rose petals
• when roses start to droop – use rose petals – potpourri
• use red roses – will turn into deep burgundy colour when they are dried


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment
• 1 – dry the petals – cool, dry area
• 2 – spray fixative – protect the petals – add scents and rose essential oil
• 3 – place in sealed container – shake to mix well – allow to stand for 10 days
• 4 – transfer to decorative jar or bowl

• Display – enjoy fragrance – add rose essential oil once every two weeks – retain

Model Answer

Roses are lovely when they are in full bloom. However they become lacklustre and
start to droop after a few days. Instead of throwing them out, use them to make a jar of
potpourri for your room. If you want to pluck fresh roses for a potpourri, pluck them
when they are at their peak in fragrance, that is when they are about halfway open.

Red roses are the best for potpourris as they turn to a rich, deep, burgundy colour
when they are dried. Pink and white roses will turn brown and are less attractive if
you wish to display the finished potpourri.

The first thing to do is to dry the petals. Scatter the rose petals on a tray and
leave them in a cool, dry area. Do not expose them to moisture. When they are dry
they should be brittle and no longer leathery.
Spray the petals with fixative to preserve and protect the petals. Add scents which
will complement the scent of roses, if you prefer. Some good choices are vanilla beans,
citrus peels or cloves. Add a few drops of rose scented essential oil to enhance the
natural rose oils in your potpourri.

Place the potpourri mixture in a sealed container and shake to mix well. Let the
potpourri stand for 10 days to allow the scents to blend and settle. Shake every other
day to distribute the scents throughout the mixture.
After ten days, remove the potpourri from the container and transfer it to a
decorative jar or bowl. Display the potpourri in the living room or the bedroom and
enjoy the fragrance. Add rose essential oil once every two weeks to retain the fragrance.

lacklustre – dull and unattractive
fragrance – a pleasant smell
moisture – small drops of water that are present in the air, on a surface or in a substance
fixative – a substance that is used to prevent colours or smells from changing or becoming
scent – a pleasant smell or a liquid that has a pleasant smell


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment

125 How to Make a Centrepiece with Eggshells

Model Question Processes and Procedures

The pictures and notes below illustrate how to create a centrepiece by using eggshells.
In about 120 words, write an essay describing this process.

1. 2.

Pierce small hole at pointed end Wash eggshells – soak in water –
– remove contents add vinegar – help clean eggshells
3. 4.

Egg carton – holes upwards – Paint eggshells white
dry in the sun
5. 6.

Draw patterns with pencil Paint with vibrant colours

7. 8.

Place eggshells in beautiful basket
Apply a layer of varnish
on coffee table

Write your essay.


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment

• Save 10 eggshells – decorate – make a centrepiece
• Pierce small hole at pointed end – allow contents to flow out
• Wash eggshells thoroughly – soak in water – few drops of vinegar – help clean whites
and yolks – prevent rotten egg smell
• Place in egg carton – holes facing upwards – dry in sun
• Once dry – paint eggshells white – allow to dry
• Draw patterns on eggshells using pencil
• Paint with vibrant colours
• Apply a layer of varnish
• Place eggshells in decorative basket and display it on coffee table

Model Answer

Whenever you use eggs for cooking, save the eggshells as they can be turned into
a lovely centrepiece. In order to make this particular ornament, you will need 10
eggshells and a decorative basket to display them.
First of all, do not crack open the eggs in half as you usually do. Instead, use a
pin or the tip of a knife to pierce a small hole at the pointed end of the egg. The hole
must be just big enough for the contents of the egg to flow out.
Wash the eggshells and then leave them to soak in a bowl of water. Add a few
drops of vinegar to help clean the remaining whites and yolks so that the eggshells
are free from any rotten egg smell. Next, drain the water and place the eggshells in
an egg carton with the holes facing upwards. Leave the carton in the sun until the
eggshells dry completely.
Once the eggshells are dried, you can start decorating them. First, paint all the
eggshells white. Allow them to dry. Next, use a pencil to draw patterns on the eggshells.
Then, paint them with vibrant colours. Finally, apply a layer of varnish to give the
eggshells a glossy finish.
Place the eggshells in a decorative basket and display them on your coffee table.

centrepiece – an ornament for the centre of a table
decorative – intended to look attractive
pierce – to make a hole in something with a sharp object
vibrant – dazzling or radiantly bright
glossy – a smooth and shiny surface


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment

126 Suggestions for Excursion

Model Question Charts and Graphs

A survey was carried out among the Form Three students of SMK Tanjung Bidara
to find out where students would like to go for an excursion after the year-end
examination. In about 120 words, write a report on the findings.

Suggestions for Excursion after Year-End Examination

Neighbouring Country

National Park
Island Resort
Hill Resort

Write your report.

• Survey – Form Three students of SMK Tanjung Bidara – excursion after the year-end
• Island resort – 48% – swimming, snorkelling and fishing – Pulau Tioman, Pulau Pangkor
and Pulau Langkawi
• Hill resort – 25% – cool weather and beautiful scenery – flower nurseries, strawberry
farms and tea plantations – Cameron Highlands, Genting Highlands and Fraser’s Hill
• National park – 22% – camping and jungle trekking – Taman Negara, Endau-Rompin
National Park and Bako National Park
• 5% – visit neighbouring countries – Thailand and Singapore – not many students
interested – cost – distance – passport


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment
• Based on feedback – majority decision – likely to plan trip to island resort

Model Answer

A survey was carried out among the Form Three students of SMK Tanjung Bidara
to find out where the students would like to go for an excursion after the year-end

The pie chart shows that 48% of the students suggested a trip to an island resort.
These students enjoy swimming in the sea and taking part in aquatic activities such
as snorkelling and fishing. Among the places suggested were Pulau Tioman, Pulau
Pangkor and Pulau Langkawi.
25% of the students would like a stay at a hill resort to enjoy the cool weather and
beautiful scenery. They also expressed interest in attractions such as flower nurseries,
strawberry farms and tea plantations at a wonderful hill resort like Cameron Highlands.
Genting Highlands and Fraser’s Hill were also on their list.
22% of students expressed a preference for a visit to a national park. These
students are always over the moon about activities such as camping and jungle trekking.
Many of those who opted for such a destination were also nature and animal lovers.
Taman Negara, Endau-Rompin National Park and Bako National Park were their
favourite choices.

The remaining 5% of the students suggested visiting a neighbouring country
such as Thailand and Singapore. To their disappointment, not many students were in
favour of this suggestion due to the cost involved as well as the distance from home.
Furthermore, most of the students would incur the additional cost of applying for
international passports.

Based on the feedback from the students, the school would most probably go
along with the majority and organise a trip to an island resort.

aquatic – connected with water
opted – make a choice from a range of posibilities
incur – to experience something as a result of actions you have taken
feedback – advice, criticism or information about how good or useful something or
somebody’s work is


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment

Model Suggestions for Improvement in
127 Neighbourhood

Model Question Charts and Graphs

A survey was recently carried out by the residents of Taman Amansuria to find out
the areas that require improvement within the neighbourhood. In about 120 words,
write a report. You may use the information below to help you.

Suggestions for Improvement in Taman Amansuria




Number of Residents (%) 25





Security Greenery and Waste More Street Other
Public Parks Disposal Lights Issues
Areas That Require Improvement
Write your report.

• Survey – residents of Taman Amansuria – improvements needed in neighbourhood
• 42% – main concern – security – break-ins and petty thefts – construction workers –
suggestions – voluntary patrol or employ guards


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment
• 30% – lack of greenery and public parks – need for landscaping and beautification
projects – promised by developer
• 14% – waste disposal system – unsatisfactory
• 8% - more street lights needed
• Remaining 6% – other issues – speed bumps and indiscriminate parking by residents
• Hope for action to be taken to resolve issues

Model Answer

A survey was recently carried out by the residents of Taman Amansuria. The
purpose of the survey was to find out the areas that require improvement within the
The main concern voiced by 42% of the residents is the lack of security in the area.
The cases of break-ins and petty thefts have increased drastically since the developer
began construction on the second phase of the housing estate. Many residents suspect
the construction workers of committing the crimes. Some residents suggested a
voluntary night patrol organised by the residents. Others suggested paying a nominal
fee to employ security guards to patrol the area.
Another major concern among the residents is the lack of greenery and public
parks in the area. 30% of residents expressed the need for landscaping and beautification
projects to be carried out as promised by the developer. Some of the residents also
voiced their dissatisfaction with the inadequate facilities at the children’s playground.
14% of the residents highlighted the unsatisfactory waste disposal system in the
area. They strongly recommended that the frequency of waste collection be increased
to at least three or four times a week from the current twice-weekly collection.
8% of the residents highlighted the need for more street lights, especially along
the main road leading to the housing estate and the playground area.
The remaining 6% mentioned minor issues such as the need for speed bumps on
the roads and indiscriminate parking by the residents.
The residents hope that the developer and the relevant authorities will take the
necessary actions to resolve these issues.

drastically – in a way that has a sudden or serious effect on something
patrol – make rounds to check on something
inadequate – not enough
indiscriminate – done without thought of what the result may be


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment

128 A Disappointing Visit to a Beach

Model Question Descriptive/Narrative

You and your family recently visited a popular beach in Penang but were disappointed
with the condition the beach was in. In about 120 words, write an essay describing
the condition at the beach and the problems you encountered.

• Illegal business operators – rude and aggressive – competing for business
• Cordoned off prime areas of beach – jet-skis, beach buggies and horse-riding
• Beach buggies racing along beach – people unable to relax
• Horse riding activities – horses’ excrement left behind
• Jet-skiers – dangerously close to swimmers

Write your essay.

• Family disappointed with outing at popular beach in Penang
• Illegal business operators – rude and aggressive – competing for business
• Cordoned off prime areas of beach – jet-skis, beach buggies and horse-riding
• Beach buggies racing along beach – people unable to relax
• Horse riding activities – horses’ excrement left behind
• Jet-skiers – dangerously close to swimmers
• Family cut short outing – left early
• Will not be coming back unless peace is restored

Model Answer

My family and I were extremely disappointed when we visited a popular beach
in Penang last weekend.
We had hoped to have a pleasant picnic by the beach but we were not prepared to
be rudely interrupted by the illegal business operators along the beach. The operators
of these businesses were rude and aggressive in competing for customers. They


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment
cordoned off prime portions of the beach for their illegal activities, thus preventing
the public from access to these areas.
The activities, namely jet-skiing, beach buggy rides and horse-riding were
dangerous, annoying and noisy. The beach buggies were racing up and down the
beach preventing anyone from relaxing. The horse-riding operators did not bother to
clean up the excrement left behind by the horses. We also witnessed inexperienced
jet-skiers coming dangerously close to swimmers.

My family and I decided to cut short our day trip and we left the beach in the
early afternoon. Needless to say, we will not be returning to that particular beach
unless the authorities restore the peace to the area.


aggressive – behaving in a determined and forceful way in order to succeed
prime – most important
buggy – a small car, often without a roof and doors
excrement – waste material discharged from humans or animals

129 An Expedition to Taman Negara

Model Question
You recently went on an expedition to Taman Negara with the prefects. In about
120 words, write an essay describing your activities during the trip. You may use
the notes below to help you.

• Jungle cruise – Tembeling Jetty to park headquarters at Kuala Tahan – 2½ hours
• Reached campsite – put up tents – realised – challenging trip – survive on limited
food and water – endure weather conditions – determined to make the most of
the trip – no one complained
• Activities:
– Jungle trekking expedition – lookout point – Gunung Tahan – spectacular
– Canopy walkway – longest in world
– Scenic boat ride to Lata Berkoh – cascading waterfalls
– Visited settlement – indigenous people – the Batek – Kampung Yong

Write your essay.


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment

• Principal announced – prefects’ camp – Taman Negara – excited and surprised
• Trip started – jungle cruise – pod-shaped motorboat – Tembeling Jetty to park
headquarters – 2½ hours – spotted monitor lizards swimming
• Reached campsite – put up tents
• Realised – challenging trip – survive on limited food and water – endure weather
conditions – determined to make the most of the experience – no one complained
• Jungle trekking expedition – lookout point – Gunung Tahan – spectacular view
• Canopy walkway – longest in world
• Scenic boat ride to Lata Berkoh – cascading waterfalls
• Visited settlement – indigenous people – the Batek – Kampung Yong

• An adventure for all – many expressed desire to return – explore the rest of the park

Model Answer

When the principal announced that the prefects would be sent for a three-day
camp, we were all excited. We were all surprised when we were told that we would
be going to Taman Negara, instead of the usual campsites.

Our trip started with a jungle cruise on a pod-shaped motorboat from Tembeling
Jetty to the park headquarters. The boat ride took approximately two and a half hours
up the Pahang River. We spotted some monitor lizards swimming alongside the boat
in the murky river.
When we reached our campsite, we put up our tents. We knew that the trip was
going to be a challenge for us and would be unlike any other school trip we had made.
We had to survive on limited food and water. We also had to endure the scorching
sun and occasional downpour. Yet we were all determined to make the most of the
experience and none of us complained.
We went on a jungle trekking expedition, which took us to a lookout point. We
were lucky as it was a clear day and we could see the peak of Gunung Tahan. The
view of the mountain was truly spectacular. Although none of us was spared from the
leeches, we all agreed that it was worth the effort.
One of the highlights of the trip was the canopy walkway. It was about 40 feet
above the ground and 460 metres long, one of the longest in the world. We also took
a scenic boat ride to Lata Berkoh, a magical place with hidden pools of clear water
and cascading waterfalls.


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment
We also visited a settlement of one of Malaysia’s indigenous people, the Batek.
The settlement we visited was Kampung Yong, where we got to see how forest dwellers
live and work.

On the whole it was indeed an adventure for all of us. Not surprisingly, many of us
expressed the desire to return to Taman Negara and explore the rest of the beautiful


cruise – a journey on a ship for pleasure
murky – dirty and difficult to see through
canopy – a layer of something that spreads over an area like a roof
cascading – falling downwards in large amounts
settlement – a place where people come to live and set up their homes

130 A Holiday in Cameron Highlands

Model Question Descriptive/Narrative

In about 120 words, describe a holiday that turned out to be more enjoyable than
you expected. You may use the notes given to write your essay.

• State why you were initially unenthusiastic about your holiday – change of
• Describe your holiday – Where you stayed
– The places you visited
– How you spent your time
• Describe your feelings when your holiday ended

Write your essay.

• Usual holiday – beach resort – look forward to trips

• This year – father suggested highland resort
• Initially disappointed – father adamant – packed bags – Cameron Highlands
• Bungalow – spacious, well-equipped, fireplace – own rooms


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment

• Visited – the tea plantations, the flower nurseries, the strawberry farm and the fresh
• Long walks – cool weather – pleasant change
• Indoors – board games and cards
• Sad to leave – enjoyed the holiday – quality time with the family
• Learnt from trip – not to be afraid of change

Model Answer

My parents make it a point to take the family to a beach resort for a holiday at
least once a year. My siblings and I look forward to these trips as we love swimming
in the sea.
This year, however, my father suggested that we go to a highland resort instead.
When he mooted the idea to us, there were groans of disappointment from all of us.
A holiday without a beach was unheard of in our family. How would we spend our
time? We would be bored to death!
Nevertheless, my father was adamant that we try something different for a
change. So, reluctantly we packed our bags and made our way to Cameron Highlands.
We arrived there and checked into the bungalow my father had booked. It was a
pleasant surprise to us that the bungalow was very spacious and well-furnished, and
there was even a fireplace! We were thrilled to have rooms of our own.
We visited the tea plantations, the flower nurseries, the strawberry farm and the
fresh markets. We also took long walks and enjoyed the cool weather, which was a
pleasant change from the scorching sun in Kuala Lumpur.
We also spent a lot of time indoors enjoying each other’s company. We also played
card and board games. It was nice to see my mother taking a break from the kitchen
and relaxing with her storybooks.
On the fourth day, we were rather sad to leave. All of us had enjoyed the break
immensely. Although it was not the holiday that we had expected, it turned out to
be one of the most enjoyable trips as the family had enjoyed quality time with each
other. We had definitely changed our tune about highland holidays.
What did I learn from the trip? The answer is obvious – we should not be afraid
of change. It may do us good.

mooted – suggested something for discussion change our tune – changed
adamant – unwilling to change an opinion or a decision our ideas
scorching – very hot
immensely – extremely, very much


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment

131 A Community Effort

Model Question Pictorial Compositions

The pictures below shows a community effort in rebuilding your village that was
destroyed by floods. In about 120 words, write an article for the local newspaper.
1. 2.

Monsoon season – floods – Returned after floods – whole
villagers evacuated village destroyed

3. 4.

Had to rebuild homes – village Villagers agreed – all helped
chief suggested building longhouse to build

5. 6.

After one week – longhouse ready Change of lifestyle – villagers
– villagers moved into new homes happy with new concept of living

Write your article.


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English PT3 Part 2 – Theme: Environment

• Monsoon season last year – village hit by floods
• Villagers gathered personal belongings – evacuated to nearby village
• After floods subsided – returned to village – everything destroyed – had to rebuild
homes from scratch
• Village chief suggested building longhouse – faster – villagers agreed
• Men, women and children – worked on building longhouse
• After one week – moved into new homes
• Change of lifestyle – villagers happy with new concept of living
Model Answer

During the monsoon season last year, our village was hit by terrible monsoon rains
which unleashed floods and destruction throughout the village.
When the floodwaters started to rise beyond a metre, we knew we had to abandon
our homes. We salvaged the few personal belongings we could gather and evacuated
to a nearby district.
When the floods subsided, we returned only to find that our worst fears were
realised. The floods, which had lasted five days, affected all the houses, the mosque,
school and community hall. No one’s property was spared and all the villagers were at
their wit’s end as to how we would rebuild our homes from scratch.
The village chief then gathered everyone together. He advised everyone to be
calm and to devise a plan to rebuild the village. The villagers debated on how we
could rebuild our homes. Finally the chief had a suggestion. Instead of each family
rebuilding their respective homes, he suggested that we all work on building a longhouse
which could house the thirty-odd families. This would certainly be faster to complete
than building individual houses. The villagers were impressed with this suggestion.
We immediately got to work – men, WORDBank
women and even children, and we were
able to move into our new homes within unleashed – something that is released to
show its full effect
a week. Although it was a lifestyle change salvaged – saved something from being
for us, we were able to accept the change lost or destroyed
and we found that we quite enjoyed our devise – to plan a complex procedure
new concept of living. The effort also
fostered a greater camaraderie among the IDIOMS
villagers and we become more united as at one’s wit’s end – to be so worried that one
a result of the community effort. does not know what to do


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ESSAYS Form 1 2 3
• •
This book is designed to help pupils improve their writing SUCCESS MODEL
skills. From the interpretation of the planning and writing
process, the reader is guided step by step in the Model Essays.
Each Model Essay illustrates the process of developing ideas SUCCESS MODEL ESSAYS
into an essay by putting into practice simple yet invaluable ESSAYS
principles of essay writing. ESSAYS

This book also includes the latest PT3 format of the Writing
Section, which is divided into Short Communicative Message CEFR
and Note Expansion. Though aimed at Form 1 - Form 3 pupils, Form
• •
this book is also suitable for anyone who wants to write well. PT3 -Aligned PT3 1 2 3

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