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Published by PENERBITAN PELANGI SDN BHD, 2020-12-02 02:31:46

Top Class KSSM English Tingkatan 4

English Form 4 KSSM Answers

Therefore, just move on and continue despite these bad
things. We must understand that bad things will not hold SPM-based Practices
us back. Instead, they should make us stronger. They build
resilience and can help us develop new skills and discover Reading Part 1 - SHORT TEXTS
strengths we never knew we had. Practice 1
You must know a certain aspect of yourself and what
you are capable of doing. Why let low self-esteem interfere 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. B
with your life now? You play good netball and you won a 6. B 7. A 8. A
public speaking competition, once. Do start to get involve in
the curricular activities so you won’t have time to worry about Practice 2
being lonely and other negative thoughts. 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C
Finally, I know it’s not easy but I believe you can do this. 6. A 7. C 8. A
Without a doubt, it’ll be water under the bridge when we meet
again. Goodbye and good luck! Practice 3
Your cousin, 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. C
Cynthia 6. B 7. B 8. A
B Practice 4
To : Puan Zubaidah bt Hashim 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. B
(Advisor of English Society) 6. C 7. C 8. A
Title : English Fun Day
Date : 13th May 2020
The English Society organised an English Fun Day for Reading Part 2 - MULTIPLE--CHOICE CLOZE
its members last Saturday, 9th May, 2020. The objectives of
the programme are to encourage students to use English Practice 1
Language and for them to learn the language outside the 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. A
classroom. 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. A
There was a lot of preparation involved before the big
day and the Principal and the Co -curriculum Senior Assistant Practice 2
did an excellent job as the judges for the Chef in the Making 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C
event. The participants turned out to be good at cooking even 6. D 7. A 8. A 9. B 10. C
though they were given limited ingredients. Nevertheless, the
winners had been chosen not only for their tasty dishes but Practice 3
they outdid the others with their creativity of preparing ‘chicken 1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C
fingers’. 6. D 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. D
The game, Musical Chair with A Difference was aimed at
providing opportunity for participants to talk in English. When Practice 4
a participant was without a chair, he/she was asked to take a 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C
card and carried out the instruction given before being allowed
to leave. However, the game took quite some time until only 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. D
one participant was left and announced as the winner. Next Practice 5
time, either reduce the number of participants in each game
or a participant should be allowed only one chance before 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. B 5. A
leaving. 6. C 7. D 8. A 9. D 10. B
There were six groups taking part in the treasure hunt.
The winner was based on the time taken to find the treasure Reading Part 3 - LONGER TEXTS
and the number of correct answers asked during the hunt.
Participants had to cooperate in looking for all the clues and Practice 1
then sat together to think of answers before submitting them 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A
to the teacher in charge. 6. A 7. B 8. C
The programme, aptly called English Fun Day was
definitely enjoyed by everyone. It was indeed a successful Practice 2
activity and all the participants have been talking about it since. 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B
It is hoped that the society will be able to organise similar 6. A 7. D 8. A
activities in the future. The objectives have been achieved and
students who took part gain not only confidence but also social Practice 3
skills as well as some extra knowledge. Congratulations to all 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C
teachers, committee members and everyone involved who 6. C 7. D 8. A
had worked hard to make them a success of the programme.
Special thanks and our appreciation to all contributors and Practice 4
sponsors, too. Without them, it would not be possible to carry
out the programme . 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A
6. A
8. D
7. D
Prepared by,
Adlin Azhar Practice 5
(Secretary of English Society) 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B
SMK Sri Serindit 6. D 7. A 8. B
© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A12

English Form 4 KSSM Answers

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. A Practice 1
6. D 7. C 8. B 1. D 2. A
Practice 7 3. E 4. C
1. A 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. B 5. investment 6. personalised
6. C 7. D 8. B 7. treasure 8. chocolates

Reading Part 4 - GAPPED TEXT Practice 2
Practice 1 1. A 2. C
3. F 4. B
1 C 5. alleviate 6. drugless
2 E
3 H 7. meditative 8. effectiveness
4 B Practice 3
5 D
6 F 1. B 2. C
3. E 4. F
Practice 2 5. tracksB 6. trails/terrains
7. spectacular 8. skill
1 H
2 A Practice 4
3 C
4 E 1. A 2. E
3. F
4. C
5 F 5. harrowing 6. hurricane
6 B 7. tornado 8. relaxation
Practice 3
Practice 5
1 A 1. B 2. D
2 H 3. A 4. E
3 D 5. surrounded 6. extreme
4 E 7. beaches 8. serene
5 C
6 G Practice 6

Practice 4 1. E 2. B
3. C 4. F
1 C 5. exercises 6. chronic
2 B 7. demeanour 8. polite
3 D
4 H W riting Part 1 - Short Communicative Message
5 E
6 G Practice 1

Practice 5 To : [email protected]
1 A Subject : Preparing Dinner for Your Little Brother
2 E Dear Arshad,
3 H How are you? I would like to give you some suggestions
4 C about preparing dinner for your little brother. You may
5 G consider getting a takeaway from the hawker centre a
6 B stone’s throw away from your house. The hawker centre
is famous for its wide range of food. I’m sure you will be
Practice 6 spoilt for choice when you get there. If you have a transport
problem, you may consider ordering a takeaway online with
1 F the apps such as Food Panda or Grab Food. The service
2 H providers will have your dinner delivered to your doorstep at
3 D only RM 5 delivery fee. I hope my suggestions are helpful.
4 A Bye!
5 E
6 C

A13 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

English Form 4 KSSM Answers

Practice 2 Practice 5
To : [email protected] To : [email protected]
Subject : Advice to Help Your Brother Subject : The Local College or The College Abroad?
Hi, Hi,
How are you? I know it’s heart-breaking to see your How are you? I know it’s hard to choose which
brother taking the wrong path in his life. I would like to give college to go to after SPM. I would like to put in my two
you some advice to help your brother to get back on track. cents. Both local colleges and colleges abroad have
More often than not, teenagers pick up negative habits to their pros and cons. For local colleges, the tuition fees
seek attention. So, I think your family and you should spend are affordable. Besides, you can go back to your home
more time talking to your brother so that you can understand easily and frequently. However, you might feel bored as
what is going on in his life. Besides, you should organise your surroundings are not much different and your life is
more family activities such as a day trip or a dinner in a pretty much the same. On the other side of the coin, the
restaurant to develop a close rapport among your family tuition fees are exorbitant if you choose to study abroad. In
members. In this way, your brother is more likely to listen addition, the living expenses are high too. However, you will
to your advice as he knows his family loves him more than get to experience foreign cultures when you are studying
anyone else in the world. I hope my advice is helpful. abroad. This unique experience will broaden your horizons
Bye! and enrich your life. Therefore, I think I would choose to
study abroad if I were you. I hope my opinion is helpful.
Practice 3 Bye!
To : [email protected] Practice 6
Subject : A Joint Venture
To : [email protected]
Hi, :
How are you? I’m impressed that you plan to start a joint Subject English Writing Skills
venture with your cousin. In my opinion, this is a good idea Hi,
as it will expose you to the world of business. Therefore, How are you? I would like to give you some suggestions
you will learn how to control costs while maximising your on how to improve your writing skills. As the old saying
profits. This set of skills are very important and useful when goes, all roads lead to Rome. You can improve your writing
you grow up in future. Besides, while doing business, you skills through a number of methods. First, you should pick
will learn how to communicate and interact with different up the habit of reading. Reading allows you to widen your
customers. As a result, your communication skills will be vocabulary. Besides, you will learn different expressions
improved. In addition, you will brush up your language skills through reading. This knowledge will come in handy when
too as you need to write and speak clearly when you are you are writing. In addition, you should always practise
promoting certain products to your customers. I hope my writing, then show your work to your teachers for feedback.
opinion is helpful. When your teachers are giving you their feedback, you
Bye! should take note of your mistakes in grammar and sentence
structures. In this way, your linguistic accuracy will improve
Practice 4 slowly. I hope my suggestions are helpful to you.
To : [email protected]
Subject : Physical Tuition Class or Online Tuition Class? Practice 7
Hi, :
How are you? I know you are now caught between a To [email protected]
rock and hard place because both physical tuition class and Subject : Stay Safe
online tuition class have their pros and cons. I would like Hi,
to put my two cents in. If you join online tuition class, you How are you? Covid-19 is an extremely contagious
can avoid other students and therefore social distancing disease. I would like to give you some advice on the
will not be a problem anymore. However, you will feel necessary precautions. First, we must always wear a mask
frustrated when the internet connection is unstable. On the whenever we go out. The masks can shield us from the
other hand, although practising social distancing is difficult floating virus in the air. Besides, we must make wash our
for physical tuition class, you can reduce the risk by joining hands with soap and sanitiser constantly so that we can
a tuition class with fewer students. Besides, it is more avoid contact with virus in the surroundings. In addition, we
convenient for teachers to give you their feedback as they should avoid crowded places. If we go to crowded places,
can observe you directly in physical class. So, I think you it is difficult for us to practise social distancing. Therefore,
should continue going to your physical tuition classes as we will be exposed to the deadly virus easily. I hope my
they are more effective than online tuition classes. I hope advice is helpful. See you later.
my opinions are helpful. Bye!

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A14

English Form 4 KSSM Answers

social networking sites is growing day by day that they have
W riting Part 2 - Guided Writing (Essay)
become almost indispensable in our life.
Practice 1 Social networking sites are essential and they allow us
to stay connected with our friends. Even if we live far away
Last year, my father suggested that we went to Sarawak from our friends, we can keep them updated about our life by
for school holidays. My sister and I were over the moon when posting photos on social networking sites. Besides, almost all
we heard it. We booked the flight tickets and hotel room online. newspapers have official accounts on social networking sites.
Then, we set off to the land of hornbills happily. By following these official accounts, we can receive reliable
We flew to Sarawak from Penang Airport. The journey news happening all over the world in a blink of an eye.
took two hours. Before we made our landing, we saw the However, social networking sites are a double-edged
meandering Rajang River from the sky. After we reached the sword. We have to compromise on losing privacy if we want
airport of Sarawak, we headed to the hotel directly. The hotel to build extensive social relationships. For example, if we add
was beautiful and comfortable. We decided to take a rest too many people, especially those we are not familiar with,
before we explored Sarawak. into our friend lists, we run the risk of exposing too much
The next day, we went to Annah Rais Bidayuh Longhouse. personal information to strangers. In addition, there are a lot
The longhouse is the settlement of the Bidayuh clan. The of fraudsters on social networking sites. If we are not alert, we
people there were very friendly and gracious. My family and may lose our money easily. In short, social networking sites
I got to experience their unique but fascinating culture. Next, are an amazing innovation which can bring benefits to our life
we went to the Wind Cave. The cave got its name from the if we use them carefully.
constant wind blowing through the cave. There were a huge
number of bats and swiftlets in the cave. My family and I had Practice 4
to tread carefully in the cave so as not to step on the faeces
The recent emergence of online food ordering service
of the animals. has changed the landscape of economy in Malaysia. Online
We spent three days and two nights in Sarawak. The trip food ordering service refers to the service in which customers
was an eye-opener as I learned a lot of new things during the can order their food online. Then, the food will be delivered to
trip. I hope I will have the chance to visit this amazing place their doorsteps by the deliverymen. The online food ordering
again in future. service providers available in Malaysia are Grab Food and
Food Panda.
Practice 2 Online food ordering service has benefited our life one
What is a real friend? A real friend is the one who walks way or another. Nowadays, we can enjoy a wide variety
in when the whole world walks out. A real friend is the one of delicious food with just a few clicks on the laptop or the
who hates getting wet but will definitely go through the storm smartphone. With online food ordering service, we can save
with you. A real friend is the one who is always close to your a lot of time as we do not have to travel all the way to the
heart even if you are thousands of miles apart. restaurants for a few takeaways. In addition, online food
Friends are important in our life. As the old Chinese ordering service also allows some people to generate extra
saying goes, friends are the mirror in our life. In other words, income as they can work as part-time deliverymen after work.
true friends will give us a reality check. They will bring the Online food ordering service providers are facing a
harsh truth in front of us so that we will not repeat the same number of challenges. First, the safety of their delivery crew
mistakes in future. For example, a real friend will not hesitate is at risk as sometimes they have to rush through the traffic
to point out the flaws in our personality so that we can be a in order to deliver the food on time. Apart from that, the
better person in the long run. quality of the food will be somehow compromised during
We should treat our friends like how we would like to be the delivery process. The drop in food quality might affect
treated. First, we should accept our friends for who they are. the service providers’ good reputation. In brief, online food
We need to realise the fact that no one is perfect in the world. ordering service is an innovative service which contributes to
the progress of the society as a whole.
Therefore, we have to be tolerant when conflicts happen. After
all, a real friendship is the one that can withstand the ups and Practice 5
downs in life. In addition, we must respect the privacy of our
friends. There are things that we can share with others and My friends and I plan to sell burgers at the night market.
there are things that we would like to keep to ourselves. As We decide to try out this business idea as selling burgers is a
a result, we must not force our friends to share their secrets relatively easier business to venture into. First, we have to buy
with us if they are uncomfortable with it. In brief, real friends ingredients such as cabbage, tomatoes, meat patties, sauces,
are the people who love us as much as our family members. cheese slides and burger buns. Then, we have to fry the meat
Therefore, we must appreciate them in our life. patties. Lastly, we stack them up with some vegetables and
sauces between two pieces of buns. These steps are easy
Practice 3 to master. All it takes is just a few days of training.
We unanimously agree that our targeted market is the
What is a social networking site? Social networking night market in our neighbourhood. We believe that the night
sites are the online platform which people use to build social market will be a good starting point for our business due to
relationships with other people who share similarities such the huge crowd it attracts. In other words, we will have a lot
as interests, occupations and backgrounds. The examples of potential customers if we sell our burgers there. Besides,
of social networking sites are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, it is easier for us to get our ingredients as we can buy them
Tik Tok, YouTube, WhatsApp and WeChat. The influence of directly from other sellers at the night market.

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English Form 4 KSSM Answers

To attract customers, we did a survey among our friends Practice 8
to find out what they like about a burger. The result was that
most teenagers prefer burgers with a lot of cheese. Since On 19th October 2020, water pollution in Sungai Selangor
our main targeted customer group is teenagers, we decide has forced four water treatment plants to shut down. Therefore,
to come up with “lava burger”, a burger with melted cheese the water supply service in Kuala Lumpur, Petaling and Klang
trickling down the base. Apart from that, we will sell the was disrupted, affecting 1.2 million users in the areas. In
burgers in different packages along with fries, fried chicken addition, a growing number of residents living around the river
and drinks so that we can maximise our profits. Doing were showing symptoms of diarrhoea and skin diseases. In
business is a noble way of making money. We hope that this view of these dire consequences, it is clear that water pollution
experience will be the springboard that projects us into our is a pressing issue which needs to be addressed immediately.
future success. Water pollution is caused by an array of problems. The
most common problem that causes water pollution is untreated
Practice 6 sewage and wastewater. Sewage and wastewater are dirty
Money management refers to the process of tracking and harmful substances. If they are channelled into the rivers
and planning how we use our money. The process involves directly, they will contaminate the water, jeopardising humans
budgeting, spending, saving and investing. For example, a and other living creatures. Moreover, industrialisation can also
man who knows money management will spend half of his cause water pollution. During the manufacturing process, a lot
monthly salary paying bills while putting the rest of it into his of toxic chemical wastes will be produced. Some unscrupulous
saving account and investing account. manufacturers will throw the toxic chemical wastes into rivers,
Money management is a set of essential skills. With polluting the water and the environment.
money management skills, we are more likely to achieve There are many ways to prevent water pollution. We must
the long-term goal in our life as we can break our goal into be careful about what we throw down the sinks or flush down
shorter-term milestone. For instance, Peter wants to buy the toilets. Everyone is encouraged to use environmentally-
a house. With the knowledge of money management, he friendly household products such as washing powder and
consistently accumulates his wealth by putting a portion household cleaning agents so that we won’t contaminate the
of his monthly salary into his saving account and investing environment when the waste water passes through the drains.
account. Gradually, the money in the accounts will increase Other than that, we must not overuse pesticides and fertilisers
and eventually he will have enough money to pay for the to prevent runoffs of these substances from contaminating
deposit. nearby water sources. Clean water is an important commodity
It is important to instil the awareness of money that all of us can’t live without. Therefore, all of us must do
management in students. We can teach students to master the our part to protect water from pollution.
skills of money management by encouraging them to make a
shopping list whenever they go shopping. With a shopping list, W riting Part 3 - Extended Writing
students will be able to differentiate between their needs and Suggested Answers
their wants. Other than that, parents may give their children
a monthly allowance so that their children will learn to budget Practice 1
their spending. As the old saying goes, a fool and his money Dealing with Stress
are soon parted. We must teach students the skills of money by Darren Chin
management so that they can live independently when they
grow up. My days can be hectic when I squeeze in too many
activities into one day. Every Wednesday, I stay back to attend
Practice 7 cocurricular activities. After that I have a football practice and
then rush home to get ready for my tuition class. It can be
A healthy lifestyle is the way of life that helps people to more stressful if I have homework to be handed in the next
maintain and improve their well-being, including their mental day. This only happens when teachers give the tasks only that
health and physical health. Healthy lifestyle is an important Wednesday morning.
issue that is affecting the society as a whole. Therefore, many
I have a few ways to overcome stress. I ensure that every
governmental and non-governmental organisations have made activity must go on its planned schedule. Time management is
it their priority to promote healthy lifestyle among citizens.
The golden rule to leading a healthy lifestyle is starting important because I do not want time wasted. While waiting for
our day with a big glass of water. Drinking a glass of water a club meeting to start, I will do my homework. I become less
stressful since I consider my football practice as an exercise
in the morning will help wake us up and hydrate our cells.
Therefore, we will feel energised in the morning. In addition, routine. After practice, my sister usually comes to fetch me so
I do not have to wait for the school bus. After tuition class, I
we must have sufficient sleep. With enough sleep, we can
boost our immune system. As a result, we are less likely to just listen to music or watch television for a short while before
fall sick. going to bed.
Leading a healthy lifestyle can bring a number of benefits Weekends are the time for me to focus on homework
to our life. First and foremost, we will feel better mentally and and revisions. However, I take breaks from studying. I love
have a positive self-image. In addition, we will be able to save to cook and have fun learning new dishes from my mother. I
money by leading a healthy lifestyle. Smoking. junk food, also spend time surfing the Internet and watch travel videos.
sugary drinks and alcohol cost a bomb. If we can get rid of Sometimes my family and I go for picnics at beaches or
these unhealthy food in our life, we will save a lot of money. waterfalls.
In brief, how we live and what we eat will determine who we I know stress can lead to depression which is bad to
are in future. Therefore, we need to lead a healthy lifestyle the mind. Hence, it is important to take care of our health
so that we can be a healthy person. physically and mentally.

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A16

English Form 4 KSSM Answers

Practice 2 I would like to make a number of recommendations to
Our Beautiful School the school in order to make the school library more conducive
to learning. First, the librarians should be strict when they are
by Zarina Zarul dealing with noisy students as they will disturb other students
A school should have clean and beautiful environment in the library. Besides, the school should add more individual
where students can learn more effectively. Besides school seats in the library for students who prefer studying alone. In
administration staff, teachers and students can contribute brief, a library is the place where learning apart from classes.
more towards enhancing the school and its surroundings. Therefore, the school should improve it so that all students
Having flowering and colourful plants around the school will look forward to going there after class.
is a way to make the school looks more cheerful. The school
should assign every class to a designated area and let the Practice 4
students design their own landscape for the particular section.
Each of the students in the class is in charge of a plant. My Dream City
Students can help the school by sponsoring a plant or a pot by Loh May Qi
or both. I came across a Facebook page recently on which people
It is wise if the plants to be planted are chosen by a group were complaining about the problems they face in the city
of people who has knowledge on outdoor plants which can every day. A number of problems, such as traffic jam, clogged
withstand the rain and the sun. Plants with colourful leaves drains, stray dogs and crimes, have been raised on the page.
like caladium or flowering plants such as bougainvillea and It is undeniable that the local council has done an excellent
marigolds can be considered. The school can buy the plants, job in city planning. However, the residents’ dissatisfaction on
the pots and the soil but get the students to plant and care the page has clearly shown that city planning of my current
for each pot to be placed in their own garden. city still has room for improvement.
Plants with the same colour arranged together will look nice In my opinion, good city planning has a number of
and neat. features. The city planners must take the sustainability of the
The presence of extra plants is beneficial to physical and environment into consideration when they are planning for
mental health. The view can be calming and soothing to the the city. For example, the city planners must not obliterate
eyes. During the process of photosynthesis, the leaves of the the woods for development because natural disasters such
plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, providing as flash floods might happen during monsoon seasons. In
fresh air to the environment. Students have to water their own other words, we will shoot ourselves in the foot if we sacrifice
plant or check their plants and the extra walking is good for the nature for development. Besides, the city planners must
them. consider residents’ convenience during the planning too. For
Furthermore, in taking care of the plants, each students instance, the bus station must not be built
should also learn about responsibility. So, let us support too far from the city centre so that residents can use the public
in sustaining the Earth by planting more plants around our transport easily.
school. In my opinion, good city planning has a number of
features. The city planners must take the sustainability of the
Practice 3 environment into consideration when they are planning for
My School Library the city. For example, the city planners must not obliterate
by Muhammad Azim the woods for development because natural disasters such
as flash floods might happen during monsoon seasons. In
A school library is the place where students can study other words, we will shoot ourselves in the foot if we sacrifice
independently. Besides, it has the perfect study environment the nature for development. Besides, the city planners must
as it is quiet and comfortable. The library is equipped consider residents’ convenience during the planning too. For
with air-conditioners. Therefore, students from poor families instance, the bus station must not be built too far from the city
can do revision there as their houses are usually hot and centre so that residents can use the public transport easily.
uncomfortable in the afternoon. If I were given the chance, I would improve the city by
Despite the benefits, the school library has its fair building a huge public library for the residents of the city. In
share of shortcomings. The main problem is its limited book my opinion, a library is important as this is the place where
genres. Most of the books available in the school library are important knowledge can be passed on from generation
practice books of different subjects. Therefore, many students to generation. Moreover, I would also build a train system
do not have the motivation to go to the school library after that connects every part of the city so that everyone can
examinations. I would like to suggest that the school can commute easily by train. In short, my dream city is a city that
increase the book genres in the library. For instance, in incorporates every aspect of life in its planning. I hope it can
addition to practice books, the school can also include some be realised one day in future.
storybooks, memoirs, comic books, novels, science journals
and magazines in the library so that students of different Practice 5
interests will go to the library.
Other than that, I think the school library should provide I have the chance to browse a few books on wild animals
the facility of free internet access for all students. Therefore, last Sunday. The book that caught my attention is The World
all students regardless of their financial backgrounds can of Wild Animals. It was written by Linda Lee, a
have the same chance to access information online and excel wildlife veterinarian, who is now working with the National Zoo.
in their studies. Moreover, I suggest that the school library The book features more than 1000 species of wild
prepares a discussion room for students so that they can animals which has colour photographs, amazing animal
study together in groups in the room after school. facts and various other information about the animal kingdom.

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English Form 4 KSSM Answers

The author has divided the book into sections based on the language. Besides, there are many interesting examples in
different classes and categories of animals. She includes the book that can make a real impact in our life. For example,
animals with backbones such as fish, birds, mammals, the author explains how he managed to turn his son, who was
reptiles, and amphibians as well as creatures like worms and a slow learner, into one of the top students at school. In the
snails. Indirectly, children can learn science because there early stage of his attempt, the author noticed that there was
is information on animal homes and habitats, their young not much progress made by his son. Both the author and
and their life cycles, their movements, the way they defense his son were frustrated. Later on, he realised that his own
themselves and also animals that are endangered. perception of success had put a lot of stress on his son and
In addition, there are also some facts about certain that caused his child’s learning progress to stall. Therefore,
animals such as the fastest, the largest, tallest, the smallest, he changed his own perception of success and let his son
among others. Notes about dinosaurs and mammoth and learn at his own pace. Surprisingly, his son began to excel
a few other animals which have become extinct are also and became one of the top students at school. After reading
included. This general knowledge can be useful to young this book, it dawns on me that it is important to explore our
readers, adding its educational value. subconsciousness as it will affect our behaviours as well as
This is one of the best books about animals that I have the people around us.
read. The author is able to convey the readers about the I will definitely recommend this book to my friend as this
history and science of each animal in the most interesting way book has benefited me a lot. After reading this book, I realise
as the English Language used is easy to understand. As that who we are will affect what we do. In other words, our
such, the book is just fun and exciting to read. Despite the subconscious personalities will dictate our behaviours or
colour photographs and thick cover, the book is worth buying decision-making. This book also offers a number of methods
because the cost is only RM39.90. that can help us transform our subconscious personalities to
become a better person. In brief, this book is an interesting
Practice 6 piece of writing. I hope everyone should add it to your reading
I have stayed in Pearl Beach Resort in Redang Island
with my parents last month. It was during the school holidays Practice 8
and the resort was booked to the maximum. You could see
people anywhere you go! I have played an interesting game recently. The name of
The beach is like paradise and it seems to be one the game is Harvest Moon. It is developed by Yasuhiro Wada,
of the most beautiful places on the island. The fine, sandy a Japanese video game designer. This game is an agricultural
beach with clear water is perfect for swimming. There are simulation role-playing video game. The storyline of the game
also snorkelling and boat rides for those who wish to go involves a teenager who took over an abandoned farm from
on such trips. Unfortunately, the beach was a bit crowded his aging uncle. The player of the game has to grow crops,
and as a result, some of them left behind their rubbish. The raise livestock, make friends with the town folks and finally
management should be concerned about the situation as it set up a family.
would affect the view of the beach and also the environment. I enjoy playing this game as it involves only easy
If you do not want to go to the beach, you can play indoor missions. For example, the player has to grow a certain
games like ‘congkak’, chess, draught or monopoly. amount of corns or talk to a number of people in the town
The rooms were very simple, equipped with only within a period of time. These missions are easy to accomplish
basic facilities which include the beds, a small table and a and won’t give me the heebie-jeebies. In addition, this game
chair. There was no fridge, kettle or television. It was a bit is non-violent. The missions involve day-to-day tasks on a
disappointing but everything was kept clean and tidy. farm like milking the cows and harvesting the crops. I like
the relaxing and pleasant atmosphere prevailing in the game.
However, the food was outstanding and very fresh. We Furthermore, the game also exposes me to the daily routine
were provided breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner provided in of a farmer and that increases my knowledge on agriculture
buffet style and there was a variety to choose from-seafood, drastically.
chicken, beef and also vegetables. In addition, there is a
supply of plain water as well as buns or local cakes available I will definitely recommend this game to my friends as I
at all time. think this game is inspiring. For example, the player has to
transform an abandoned farm into a successful farm. The
To sum up, we did enjoy a very warm atmosphere as sense of achievement that we get after winning the game
the staff was very friendly and helpful. The place would be is indescribably satisfying. Apart from that, while playing the
recommended to those who wish to spend leisure time doing game, we can connect our farms to that of other players
nothing as well as enjoy delicious local food. across the world and exchange crops and livestock with each
other through the internet. Therefore, we can practise our
Practice 7 English while talking to other players from other countries in
I have read an interesting book lately. The title of the book order to strike a deal. In brief, Harvest Moon is an interesting
is “7 Habits Of Highly Effective People”. The book is about game which every gamer should give it a try once in their life.
how we can turn our life around. It explores the subconscious
side of us that we are unaware of. It aims to shed light on Practice 9
how our subconsciousness affects our behaviours. The author My Embarrassing Experience
of the book is Stephen R. Covey. He is a teacher and an
It is undeniable that everyone has embarrassing
organizational consultant. experience at some point in life. I can still remember my
The book is enjoyable reading as it is written in simple

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English Form 4 KSSM Answers

embarrassing experience when I was in Form 2 vividly. My Practice 11
memory flashed back to the classroom at the end of the long For: Ms Lee Yi Xuen, the teacher advisor of the school prefect
school corridor. board.
It was a quiet morning and the final exam was around From: Low Lin Hui, the head of school prefect board.
the corner. The teacher was teaching us some answering Subject: A Visit By the International Students
techniques in the class. Out of the blue, I had an upset
On 23 July 2020, a group of international students
stomach. The urge was getting stronger and stronger as the from Thailand visited our school. The duration of the visit
clock on the wall was tick-tocking. However, I refused to skip
the class as I did not want to miss the important lesson. Finally, was 2 days and 1 night. There were a total of 20 of them.
the recess bell rang and the teacher wrapped up the lesson. Their ages ranged from 15 years old to 17 years old. Their
At that moment, I could feel that the pain was almost beyond accommodation was the student hostels.
my endurance. The visit of the international students was arranged with
I made a beeline for the toilet. Unfortunately, I was the purpose of establishing healthy international relations
unaware that I had rushed into the female toilet. Once I between Malaysian students and Thai students. Besides,
pushed the door open, I was shocked to see some girls mutual communication between students can be improved
standing in front of me. The blood drained from my face and during the visit.
I did not know what to do. After a few seconds of silent and The visit was filled with a number of interesting activities.
awkward pause, the panic-stricken girls shouted loudly. Their On the first day, an ice-breaking session was held in the
shriek could be heard from every nook and cranny of the school hall in the morning. During the session, students from
school. At that moment, I just wished that the ground would Thailand and Malaysia had to play some fun games to break
open up and swallow me. down the barriers. At night, a cooking lesson was held. Both
I quickly apologised to them and went to the male Thai students and Malaysian students cooked their traditional
food, then they shared it with each other. The next day, we
toilet hurriedly. For the next few months, I could hear
giggling behind my back. Nonetheless, I joined my friends took the international students out
in laughing at my awkward experience too as I believed for a tour around the city. We visited different interesting places
facing the problem head-on was the best solution. From this such as the floating mosque, the temple on the mountain and
experience, I learn that we need to be brave when we find the old town, which is the World Heritage Site.
ourselves in a predicament. On the third day, all of the students gathered in the school
hall to bid farewell to the international students. During the
Practice 10 farewell speech, the representative of Thai students invited us
to their school next year. The principal accepted the invitation
An Inspiring Man readily as he believed this trip would be an eye-opener for the
Mr Bakri was a responsible policeman. Although he students and broaden their horizons. Overall, the visit of the
looked fierce and stern, he was actually a very helpful man. international students was a huge success as students from
He always volunteered to take care of his neighbours’ houses both sides had acquired a lot of new knowledge. It is hoped
when they were away for holidays. Besides, he always that similar programmes will be organised again next year.
organised many activities to foster a close rapport among the
residents in the neighbourhood. He was like the magnet that Practice 12
pulls everyone together. Therefore, everyone in the community For: Ms Look Yen Ting, the teacher advisor of Environment
respected him. Club.
One day, Mr Bakri was driving home after work. It was From: Lim Jia Chien, the president of Environment Club.
raining cats and dogs. Mr Bakri stopped his car at the traffic Subject: A Clean-up At School
light, enjoying the pitter-patter of the rain on his car. An A clean-up was organised at school on 12 May 2020.
unusual sight caught his eyes. An old woman with an umbrella The participants of this programme included all teachers and
was crossing the road. The old woman was so feeble that students. The clean-up was from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m. The
she was unable to walk properly in the strong wind. Out of clean-up was organised because the cleanliness of the school
the blue, there was a motorcyclist speeding down the road had been deteriorating recently. In addition, some stray dogs
from afar. The motorcyclist did not notice the old woman due were sighted in the school occasionally. The dogs had messed
to the heavy downpour. When the motorcyclist noticed the old up the school when they were looking for food in the rubbish
woman, it was already too late. The motorcyclist immediately bins.
hit the brake pedal, the tyres screeching loudly while leaving
The programme of the clean-up started with a speech by
a long back trail on the road. However, the motorbike failed the principal. In the speech, the principal thanked the teachers
to stop in time and rammed into the old woman. and students for dedicating themselves to keeping the school
The old woman was thrown into the air before hitting the clean. Then, the teachers divided the students into a number
road with a loud thud. Within minutes, blood oozed out from of groups. Each group was tasked with cleaning different
her head. Despite the critical situation, many people refused locations of the school such as the corridor, the library, the
to give the old woman a helping hand. Without dilly-dallying, classrooms, the canteen, the garden and the field. In the
Mr Bakri carried the old woman into his car and rushed to the meantime, some students were given the job of planting trees
hospital. Although the old woman succumbed to her injury and flowers in the garden while others were painting murals
in the end, her family still thanked Mr Bakri for his help. Mr on the walls of the classrooms.
Bakri’s selflessness had put many people to shame. He was
indeed an inspiring man. The teachers and students put all the rubbish in plastic
bags. Then, they took the plastic bags to the dumpsite by

A19 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

English Form 4 KSSM Answers

truck. The clean-up took place for almost 4 hours. The school 1. I shall visit my grandparents this coming holiday.
became clean and tidy after the clean-up. The participants 2. His pet cat will jump excitedly when it sees another cat.
enjoyed the lunch prepared by the school before they went 3. Father will not tolerate his children’s bad behavior when
back home. Overall, the clean-up was a success. It is they are outside the home.
recommended that this programme can be organised annually 4. We shall arrive in the morning on the day of the event.
as it can maintain the school cleanliness while improving the 5. The students will help to clean the school compound.
relationship between teachers and students at the same time. 6. The Government will encourage a lot more people to
7. The SPM results will be announced on Monday at the
LANGUAGE FOCUS end of month.
8. The project will involve the cooperation between teachers
and parents.
GRAMMAR Exercise 9
Exercise 1 1. taught 2. sent 3. beaten
1. D 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. B 4. laid 5. spread 6. fought
6. C 7. D 8. B 7. shone 8. repaired
Exercise 2 Exercise 10
1. Afiq proudly showed everyone the trophy he had won at 1. a, a, the 2. the, the
the elocution contest. 3. the, an 4. -, the
2. We completely forgot about bringing food for the potluck 5. a, the, the, the 6. -, the, the
8. a, an, the, -
dinner. 7. a,- 10. the, -, the, the, -
9. -, -, the
3. The chocolate bar was divided equally among the six
children. Exercise 11
4. The driver of the sports car sped off recklessly when he 1. any, some 2. some, any
saw the policeman. 3. any, some 4. any, some
5. Please ensure that everything is in order as the guests 5. Some, any 6. Some, any
8. some, any
7. any, some
will be arriving shortly. 9. any, some 10. any, some
Exercise 3
1. towards 2. into 3. from Exercise 12
4. above 5. to 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. D
1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C Exercise 1
Exercise 5 1. The car was stationary the whole time.
1. crew 2. residents 3. family 2. Aini did not listen to her parents’ advice and got into
4. jewellery 5. mansion 6. furniture trouble.
7. flight 8. houses 9. tulip 3. Salman was asked to join the debate club because he
10. news was a good speaker.
Exercise 6 4. He fell asleep in class while the teacher was teaching.
5. Success does not come without patience and hard
1. The Agricultural Department held the orchid exhibition work.
last June. 6. Mei Lyn is a member of the Girl Guides in her school.
2. Customers enjoyed the good food and ambience of the 7. I had difficulty in choosing between French and Italian
cafe during the official opening. to study.
3. Teachers celebrated a special day for them last Monday. 8. The dog hid its bone in the garden.
4. It rained heavily yesterday evening because of the rainy 9. Everyone thought Jayamani would lose the match but
season. she won instead.
5. My mother preferred shopping to other activities when 10. We were all ready to go when our cat started yowling
she went for a holiday last year. for no reason.
6. I taught my little sister to read last night.
7. The man baked bread for his bakery yesterday. Exercise 2
8. He drank black coffee, without sugar and milk this 1. advise / advice 2. stationary / stationery
morning. 3. succeed / success 4. lose / loose
Exercise 7 5. between / among 6. join / joint
8. already / all ready
7. its / it’s
1. He always sleeps like a log each night. 9. friend / member 10. felt / fell
2. Mother cooks our favourite dishes for dinner every
Monday. Exercise 3
3. The famous singer often performs a few songs during 1. a 2. c 3. j 4. h 5. b
his concert. 6. g 7. f 8. e 9. D 10. i
4. We travel to different destinations for our holidays every Exercise 4
year. 1. He was unanimously voted in as President of the
5. The tenant always refuses to pay the rent early every month. foundation.
6. The workers stop for lunch just for half an hour every 2. I make it a point to take my dog for a walk every evening.
afternoon. 3. My father often goes for a swim early in the morning.
Exercise 8 4. The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest.

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A20

English Form 4 KSSM Answers

5. He was knocked out during the first leg of the tournament. Part 5
6. Yesterday I had lunch with an old friend from my 33. A 34. B 35. D 36. F
hometown. 37. aspects
7. My mother has diabetes. That is why she does not eat 38. sedentary
sweet food. 39. portions
8. There was a knock on the door just as we sat down to 40. adequate
have dinner.
9. When we reached home, we were shocked to see the
door ajar. PAPER 2
10. You were chosen to take part in the contest because you Part 1
are the smartest student in school. Question 1
Exercise 1 :
1. right/write 2. here/hear To [email protected]
3. wood/would 4. patience/patients Subject : Let’s Watch A Movie
5. ate/eight 6. sails/sales Hi Pushpa,
7. plain/plane 8. pale/pail
9. meat/meet 10. knew/new Count me in! I read about a new film and was already
Exercise 2 contemplating of going to the cinema this weekend. Have
you heard of the film Blade Man? Based on the synopsis,
1. Geologist 2. Lexicographer
3. Archeologist 4. Florist it’s an interesting Korean comedy. After that, we can take
5. Referee Geetha for a shopping trip at the new mall. Both of you can
help me to find a suitable present for my mother’s birthday.
Exercise 3 Dinner will be on me, of course!
1. c 2. e 3. j 4. h 5. i
6. d 7. a 8. g 9. b 10. f Can’t wait to see you!
Exercise 4 From,
1. kill two birds with one stone
2. good fences make good neighbours
3. hold your horses Part 2
4. get into deep water Question 2
5. don’t put all your eggs in the same basket THE INTERNET
6. fan the flames
7. take with a grain of salt The world is at a touch of your fingers by using the
8. don’t count your chickens before they hatch Internet, which is considered as the best technology ever
9. let grass grow under the feet invented.
10. the last straw Communication via the internet is certainly remarkable.
Exercise 5 Emails reach their destinations within minutes instead of
1. dates 2. opening 3. address days. We can see to whom we talk by having video calls.
4. opening 5. entrance 6. lead We can find almost anything we want to know as there is an
7. row 8. content 9. content abundance of information available. The best thing is online
10. dates 11. lead 12. entrance banking which enables people to shop online.
13. row 14. address 15. match However, there are some disadvantages. News travels
16. light 17. light 18. match fast but be cautious. Irresponsible people create fake news.
19. desert 20. desert Without checking its authenticity, some people unknowingly
spread it around, causing panic and confusion. Youngsters
spend hours playing games and others become victims of
SPM Year-End Assessment cyber bullies. Furthermore, hackers and scammers join in
cyber-crimes, too.
PAPER 1 To conclude, have a good discipline, be wise and you can
Part 1 use the internet safely because definitely it is here to stay.
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C
6. A 7. B 8. B Part 3
Part 2 Question 3
9. B 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. D My Ambition
14. B 15. D 16. A 17. C 18. C By Elly Farini bt Mohd Fuad
Part 3 Visiting the career exhibition held during ‘Career Week’
19. C 20. A 21. C 22. B 23. C made me realised that there are all kinds of jobs and
24. A 25. D 26. B profession for me to choose from for my future. However, the
Part 4 ideal profession will be a job that you love doing.
27. H 28. B 29. C 30. G 31. E When I was young, everybody would say that a doctor
32. A is a good job. As I was growing up, I was further inspired to

A21 © Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

English Form 4 KSSM Answers

work in the medical profession when I started watching the Question 5
medical drama ‘White’s Anatomy’ on television. Therefore, I One Saturday morning, I was on my way to jog at the
chose a doctor as my ambition. nearby park. Just past a few houses, I heard the soft mewing
Working as a doctor will definitely benefit other people. of a kitten and upon searching in the direction of the sound,
They are involved in helping to cure diseases or to treat there was a kitten lying immovable, partly hidden by the
injured or sick patients. I have read that being a doctor shrubs. Coming closer, I saw a thin kitten with limp legs and
means you get to learn a lifetime lessons because there are dried blood on its body.
continuous researches in the field which keeps the medicinal I cancelled my exercise routine and slowly picked up
field evolving all the time . the kitten. I went home and found a box and pieces of cloth
A disadvantage of this career is the expensive cost. which I used to line the box. I placed the kitten into the box
Graduating from a medical school will also take longer and then went to the kitchen to look for something to feed it.
than other courses. Then, there is the practical time to be I dared not clean it in case I might add further injury to the
completed before you can start practising whereas the stress kitten.
that comes with the job is surely high. In addition, doctors In the afternoon, I asked my older sister for help. We
seldom follow the normal working hours and they have to took the kitten to a veterinary clinic in town. The vet cleaned
be on standby as to be available for emergency situations. the kitten and bandaged its injured legs. He suspected that
Although there are disadvantages of being a doctor, helping it was a stray kitten which had been badly treated by naughty
others makes me happy. Furthermore, I love being surrounded children. On the way home, we stopped at a pet shop. We
by people and facing them in various conditions keeps me decided to take care of it as the kitten would take some time
alert of the unforeseen challenges. to walk again. After a week, the kitten seemed healed and it
was able to move around.
Question 4 We called the kitten ‘Soot’ because of its black fur. Now,
Here is my honest review of the school canteen. I am everyone in the family loves him. He was active, playful and
a frequent customer especially for morning breaks and after adorable. I was very proud that I had taken the time to save
school hours as I usually stay back for extra classes in the Soot.
I buy a drink and some local cakes during breaks but
I take something heavy for lunch. The canteen offers many
kinds of food for the students. There are buns, sandwiches,
fried rice, noodles and of course, nasi lemak. The menu for
lunch varies but I love biryani rice and chicken rice. The prices
are also reasonable and the food is very delicious. Some
menus are rotated so students will not be bored of having
the same food every day.
The canteen looks bright and cheerful as the walls
are painted with bright colours. Contrasting pastel colours
are used as table cloths and the walls are adorned with
motivational quotes in frames.
As you know, the canteen does need workers. From what
I see, they are all polite to the students and the teachers.
They are a bunch of actually nice people. A few older ones
are very friendly, treating the students like their own children.
As a whole, the canteen provides good efficient service with
a variety of food choices. The most important criteria I see
are cleanliness and taste of the food. The workers practise
good hygiene and although a few are a bit unfriendly, the fact
can be ignored. I would agree to have the same canteen
operator for next year.

© Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd. A22


dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 1 Anti-Bullying Time
1 1 Hour

Theme People and Culture
Core Value Love
PAK-21 i-THINK Maps

Learning 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view
Suggested Units to Chapter 1 : Let’s Chat
be incorporated
Knowledge : List the physical and mental effects of bullying
Objectives Socioemotional : Accept friendship without prejudice
Action : Practise saying ‘NO’ to acts of bullying.

1. Teacher asks students to collect a few articles on bullying.
2. Talk about similarities or differences in each case.
3. Discuss about mental bullying and physical bullying: PENDIDIKAN SIVIK
• How does it happen? How does one do it?
• Who does the bullying? Who are the victims?
• What can you do to prevent bullying?
4. List the effects of both types of bullying and list them into a double bubble map.

Unstable attempt Physical
emotions injuries

Prefers own Mental Low self Physical Often sick/
company Bullying esteem Bullying
Being alone unwell

Avoiding scared/
school Emotional
damage frighten

Teacher’s Notes



dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 2 Compassion towards human beings Time 1 1 Hour

and animals

Theme Nature
Core Value Love
PAK-21 Gallery Walk
Learning 2.1.1 Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read and hear
Suggested Units to Chapter 7 : Mother Nature
PENDIDIKAN SIVIK Objectives Socioemotional : Love animals
be incorporated
: Explain ways to show compassion towards human beings and

: Be kind to animals
1. The teacher divides students into small groups of 3 or 4 or 5.

2. Ask a representative of each group to choose a card. The
teacher needs to prepare the cards, each written with the
name of an animal usually chosen as a pet: cat/fish/bird/

3. Based on the animal each group has, discuss on what they
have to do in order to take care of the animal as a pet. Students
Activities can make use of a mind map.

4. Write the necessary steps that they have to do to be a responsible
pet owner on a manila card. Put up the results of each group
around the class/at stations.

5. Teachers can assign ways how each group can ‘visit’ the other
groups and find out about their imaginary pets. Can make use of
sentence structure “to-infinitive and infinitive without to” and
“ing form/gerund (page 99).

Teacher’s Notes



dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 3 Global Sustainability Time
1 1 Hour

Theme Health and Environment
Core Value Responsibility
PAK-21 Drawing Posters/Mind Maps

Learning 2.1.5 Express and respond to feelings such as amusement, anger and regret
Suggested Units to Chapter 7 : Mother Nature
be incorporated
Knowledge : Explain the importance of environmental sustainability for the
well-being of life
Socioemotional : Appreciate and love the environment
Action : Involved in protecting the environment
1. Discuss activities that bring 2. List activities that can provide for
negative effects to the environment. environmental sustainability. PENDIDIKAN SIVIK

Pollution of trees
Logging Littering Activities pollution
Activities which bring promoting
negative environmental
effect Clean sustainability Reduce
Open Excessive environment energy
burning land use

3. Suggest a ‘beach cleaning’ activity and get students to draw posters to promote
the event to other students.

Teacher’s Notes



dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 4 Financial Management Time
1 1 Hour

Theme Consumerism and Financial Awareness
Core Value Responsibility
PAK-21 Pair Work

Learning 2.2.1 Use formal and informal registery appropriately in familiar contexts
Suggested Units to Chapter 3 : Buy It!
be incorporated Knowledge : Explain the importance of being responsible towards personal
PENDIDIKAN SIVIK Action : Wise application of financial management Actual Amount
financial decisions.
Socioemotional : Express gratitude in managing finance wisely

1. The teacher can show an example of a budget and guide students to prepare their
own weekly budget.
JANUARY (Weekly Budget from 3rd January to 7th January)

RM 50.00
RM 50.00
Other sources
Total Income
RM 50.00
RM 50.00
Income Budget – Actual Amount –
Saving RM 5.00 RM 10.00
Activities Food RM 15.00 RM 15.00
Transport RM 10.00 RM 10.00
Phone RM 10.00 RM 10.00
Other expenses RM 10.00 RM 5.00

Total Income RM 50.00 RM 50.00

2. In pairs, students give comments about their partners’ budgets; either positive or
Examples: You spend very little on recreational activities which I think is good.
I suggest that you can reduce your expenses on food that is bad for your health.
3. Students work with their partners to list ways to manage their money wisely so
they can save more.

Teacher’s Notes



dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 5 Preserving Malaysian Heritage Time
1 1 Hour

Theme People and Culture
Core Value Mutual Respect
PAK-21 Three Stay, One Stray
Learning 2.1.2 Ask about and explain causes and consequences of actions, events, simple processes
Suggested Units to Chapter 5 : Globetrotting
be incorporated
Knowledge : State the diverse cultural heritage among races and ethnicities
Objectives Socioemotional : Express pride in unique and rich Malaysian cultural heritage
Action : Practise one’s cultural heritage

1. Students are divided into groups of four. The teacher assigns each group to ‘travel’
around Malaysia and find out information on the unique cultural heritage of a
2. Each group writes about the cultural heritage that they have to discover. Having PENDIDIKAN SIVIK
pictures will be a great advantage for them to provide explanations to others.
3. One member from each group is selected to be a ‘reporter’. He/She visits other
groups and finds out about other heritage. The other members stay to provide
explanation to visiting ‘reporters’.
• If you visit Sarawak, you can buy these unique pottery handicrafts as souvenirs.
• ‘Songket’ fabrics are usually worn for special occasions.
• Do you know any other cultural heritage in the state?
Activities • How is heritage preserved for future generations?

• Kelantan/ • Sarawak: Pottery • Melaka: Baba and • Perak: labu
Terengganu: Batik Nyonya Culture sayong pottery

• Pahang: Gold/Silver Thread Weaving/Songket
• Sabah: Sumazau Dance

Teacher’s Notes



dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 6 Peaceful World Time
1 1 Hour

Theme People and Culture
Core Value Mutual Respect
PAK-21 Round Table/Presentation

Learning 2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view
Suggested Units to Chapter 4 : Being A Teen
be incorporated Knowledge : State factors that contribute to a peaceful world
PENDIDIKAN SIVIK 1. Using the Round Table activity, teacher gives a topic to each group.
Socioemotional : Express gratitude for living in a peaceful world
: Abide by rules and regulations to ensure universal peace
Do you like living in Malaysia? Give your reasons.
(ii) State factors that contribute to a peaceful world.
(iii) How should you be grateful for living in a peaceful country/world?
(iv) List some rules and regulations for people to follow in order to have peace
around the world.
• Practise
(i) Like living in Malaysia:
people of different ethnics and
• It is peaceful.
religious beliefs.
• People are friendly.
• Maintain unity by respecting
• The country is a heaven for all (iii) Being grateful: tolerance among
kinds of food. other people
Activities • There are not many natural • Avoid issues that can provoke
disasters personal sentiments
• Become good citizens by
following all national principles
(ii) Factors that contribute to a peaceful (iv) Rules and regulations:
country: • Respect others
• Attitude of a person/leader • Have great patience
• The way a country is governed • Promote cooperation among
• High levels of tolerance among communities
people • Say ‘NO’ to violence
• Education

2. Select a representative from each group to present their topics to the class.
3. Teacher can also ask students to write a speech based on the topics that they have.

Teacher’s Notes



dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 7 Healthy Interactions Time
1 1 Hour

Theme People and Culture
Core Value Happiness
PAK-21 Role Play

Learning 2.1.2 Ask about and explain causes and consequences of actions, events, simple processes
Suggested Units to Chapter 1 : Let’s Chat
be incorporated
Knowledge : Explain the importance of courteous communication
Objectives Socioemotional : Express happiness when able to communicate courteously
Action : Communicate courteously

1. Have you ever listened to rude conversations? What is your opinion about the
tone and language being used?
2. Talk about other situations in which people can become rude. PENDIDIKAN SIVIK
• on the road – after a minor accident/during traffic jam
• when queueing to buy food/when commenting on a social media page
3. Discuss how to use polite/courteous communication in similar situations. Act out
various situations to practise courteous communication.
When queueing to buy food for quite some time:
Andrian : I wonder why the line does not seem to be moving at all.
Rob : Me too. We only have fifteen minutes for our break.
Andrian : One should decide what to eat. So he can buy the food straight away
when it is his turn.
Rob : I agree with you and right now, I feel like shouting about it to the
Activities person in front!
Andrian : Oh Rob, please be more patient. It will spoil your good image if
other students remember you as a person who is hungry and angry!
When refusing an invitation
Mei Mei : I’m going to have a small party for my birthday this Saturday. Will
you be able to come to the party?
June : Thank you for the invitation but I’m sorry that I cannot attend the
party. This Saturday will be my elder sister’s convocation day. I’ll be
going to KL with my parents for her convocation.
Mei Mei : It’s alright, then. It is surely going to be a memorable day for your
family. Do congratulate your sister on my behalf.
June : I’ll convey it to her. Wish you many happy returns of the day and I
hope that it will be a great birthday celebrations.

Teacher’s Notes



dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 8 Proud of the Malaysian Identity Time
1 1 Hour

Theme People and Culture
Core Value Happiness
PAK-21 Presenting Patriotic Poems/Songs

Learning 2.1.5 Express and respond to feelings such as amusement, anger and regret
Suggested Units to Chapter 8 : Image
be incorporated Knowledge : Explain the Malaysian identity such as the National Principles,
PENDIDIKAN SIVIK Socioemotional : Express pride of the Malaysian identity
Malaysian flag, National Anthem, National Emblem, and National
: Practise the National Principles
1. Listen to a song that refers to the country such as “Malaysia Truly Asia” or “Visit
Malaysia 2020.”
2. Talk about common Malaysian identities that students should know.

The Malaysian flag is called ‘Jalur Gemilang’. The flag has
four colours. There are fourteen alternating horizontal
red and white stripes with a yellow crescent and 14-point
star on top of a blue rectangle at the top-left corner.
The five Malaysian principles were formulated on 31st August 1970. We, as
Malaysian must know all of them and put in effort to remember them.
Activities Belief in God.
Loyalty to the King and Country.
Supremacy of the Constitution.
Rules of Law.
Courtesy and Morality.
Our Malaysian flower is the red hibiscus. It is called ‘ Bunga
Raya’ in Bahasa Melayu which literally means, the
“celebratory flower”. The beautiful flower is to reflect the
celebration of unity in a multicultural nation whereas the bright red colour
symbolises courage and vitality of the people.
3. Each group gets creative and writes out a poem or lyrics of a song referring to the
country. Present the poem/song.
Teacher’s Notes


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