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Siti Nur Raffela
Mohammad Yassin

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Published by MOHAMMAD YASSIN, 2024-01-26 10:25:18

RecordHub Magazine (GROUP 6)

Siti Nur Raffela
Mohammad Yassin

RECORDHUB In the world of business, organized records are your compass OCT 23 - FEB 24 Special Edition What Do You Mean by ISO 15489? Challenges of Digital Records Preservation Page 13 Page 17 - 18 Secret to a Successful Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) Page 24

CONT ENT S 1 What is Business Records Management? 2 - 3 Types of Business Records 4 Key Stakeholders in Business Record Management 5 - 6 The Implications of Mismanagement of Business Record 8 Records Lifecycle 9 What is Record Lifecycle’s Important? The Challenges of Record Lifecycle 10 - 12 A Comprehensive Analysis of Digital and physical Type Records Lifecycle Management Methods 13 What do you mean by ISO15489? It is Important to the Records Management? iv - v The Author Team iii Editor’s Note i - ii Contents i

CONT ENT S 14 Criteria that Needs to be in Records Management 16 5 Factors of Customer Quality 17 - 18 Challenges of Digital Records Preservation 20 - 22 Solutions to the Challenges of Digital Records Preservation 24 Secret to a Successful Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) 25 A Guide to Vital Records Management 26 - 27 Recovery & Restoration Plan 28 - 29 References ii

Editor'sNote Welcome to the latest edition of RecordHub, where we delve into the intricate world of business record management—a critical facet of organizational success often overlooked in the fast-paced business landscape. In this issue, our team has meticulously curated content to address the evolving challenges and opportunities surrounding record management. As businesses continue to navigate a digital era characterized by unprecedented data growth, the importance of robust record-keeping practices cannot be overstated. Our feature articles explore the cutting-edge technologies reshaping the landscape of record management. From blockchain applications ensuring the integrity of financial records to advanced data analytics tools optimizing information retrieval, we uncover the tools and strategies that are propelling businesses into a new era of efficiency. The world of compliance and regulatory requirements is ever-shifting, and our dedicated section provides insights into the latest updates. Navigating the complex web of data protection laws and industry regulations is paramount, and we aim to keep you informed and empowered in this dynamic environment. In addition to technological advancements, we highlight the human element in record management. Interviews with industry experts shed light on the skills and qualities that make effective record managers. As we embrace automation, the role of the human touch in ensuring the accuracy and relevance of records remains irreplaceable. We are excited to feature success stories from businesses that have mastered the art of record management. Learn from their experiences and gain valuable insights into how effective record-keeping can drive operational excellence and foster strategic decision-making. As we embark on this exploration, we encourage you, our readers, to actively engage with the content. Share your thoughts, experiences, and challenges in the realm of business record management. The exchange of ideas is the fuel that propels industries forward, and we are committed to fostering a community of knowledge-sharing. Thank you for joining us on this journey through the intricacies of business record management. As technology continues to evolve and businesses strive for greater efficiency, the importance of effective record management will only intensify. We invite you to explore, learn, and be inspired by the stories and insights within these pages. Here's to a future where businesses not only keep pace with the data deluge but thrive by mastering the art and science of record management. Best regards, Siti Nur Raffela binti Allias Graphic Designer RecordHub Raffela Allias iii

Mithiana Jinap Anak Tinggom Editor Dear readers, I am happy to show you guys our e-magazine where you can gain a new knowledge about Business Record Management. I can ensure you guys that there are a lot of information that you can gain and relate to. So, enjoy its. Siti Nur Raffela binti Allias Graphic Designer Dear RecordHub Readers, Unlock efficiency and peace of mind with effective record management. Learn how streamlined organization can save you time and reduce stress in our latest issue. Embrace the power of order today! Mohammad Yassin Bin Ahmad Yani Designer To every readers, It will be a pleasure for me to provide this magazine relating to Business Records Management. Therefore, I hope you enjoy every contents as you turn the pages. iv

Our Beloved Readers, Welcome to RecordHub Magazine, your go-to destination for all things record management. Uncover the art of organizing, preserving, and celebrating the essence of records. Let's flip through the pages together as we explore the rhythm of efficient record-keeping practices. Your journey into the heart of organized information starts here! Juriah Binti Kusugan Writers Hey there, fabulous readers! Welcome to our Business Records Magazine! This edition is all about records management and guide. Whether you're a pro or a newbie, we've got insights tailored just for you. So, grab a cup of coffee and dive in! I promise, it's not as dull as it sounds. NazatulFatihah Binti Abdul Yazid Editor-in-Chief Miss Nor Hayati Bte Kassim Advisor v Hello RecordHub Readers, I extend a warm welcome to the pages of RecordHub Magazine. Navigating the intricacies of record-keeping is an art, and I'm here to guide you through every beat. From mastering the melody of efficient organization to staying in tune with the latest industry harmonies, our journey together begins now. Let's turn the volume up on effective record management!

What is Business Record “Systematic organization, retention, and control of an organization's records throughout their lifecycle to ensure accessibility, compliance with regulations, and efficient business operations”. Records serve as proof of the organization's actions. Organizations record everything of its business dealings and operations, including financial records, personnel files, business correspondence, and contract negotiations. Business Record Management 1 by Mohammad Yassin Bin Ahmad Yani

Legal records encompass a comprehensive collection of documents and information pertaining to legal matters, serving as a formal documentation of legal proceedings and decisions. These records typically include court documents, case files, judgments, and other relevant materials, providing a detailed account of the legal actions taken in a particular case. The term "administration records" describes an organized and thorough set of records and information that show the day-to-day functioning and management of a company or organization. These documents contain a multitude of information, such as financial transactions, personnel records, communication logs, and operating procedures, among other things. Financial records encompass a systematic and comprehensive documentation of an entity's monetary transactions and financial activities, providing a detailed account of its economic health and performance. These records typically include income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and other relevant documents that enable stakeholders to assess the organization's profitability, solvency, and liquidity. ADMINISTRATION RECORDS FINANCIAL RECORDS LEGAL RECORDS 2 by Mohammad Yassin Bin Ahmad Yani

3 Operational records refer to detailed and organized documentation of an organization's day-to-day activities, transactions, and processes. These records serve as a comprehensive and chronological account of business operations, capturing crucial information such as financial transactions, inventory movements, employee activities, and customer interactions. Historical records encompass a diverse array of documents, artifacts, and information that provide insight into past events, cultures, and societies. These records include written documents such as manuscripts, letters, and official government records, as well as visual materials like paintings, photographs, and maps. Electronic records refer to digital information stored in electronic format, replacing traditional paper-based documentation. These records can include text, images, audio, and video files, providing a more versatile and accessible means of storing and retrieving information. OPERATIONAl RECORDS HISTORICAL RECORDS ELECTRONIC RECORDS Personnel records encompass comprehensive documentation pertaining to an organization's workforce, maintaining critical information about individual employees throughout their employment lifecycle. These records typically include personal details, employment history, training and development records, performance evaluations, and any relevant disciplinary actions. PERSONNEL RECORDS

01 Employees can carry out managerial, supervisory or other functions. They typically expect benefits like incentives, career growth and job satisfaction. Suppliers are people or businesses who sell goods. Suppliers are also often concerned with safety, since their products can directly impact business’ operations. Customers are the people who buy business products. Customers expect to buy the best quality from that business but at a fair price. Creditors are reimbursed through sales of goods or services at your company. In case of a company closure, creditors receive payment ahead of investors. They supply capital or equity to the business and have a say in how everything runs. There can be multiple owners at a business, and each owner would have equity in the business. OWNERS CREDITORS EMPLOYEES SUPPLIERS CUSTOMERS 02 03 04 05 4 by Mohammad Yassin Bin Ahmad Yani

Security Risks By leaving confidential and sensitive information exposed to illegal access. Besides only having financial consequences, the incident might result in fraud, theft of information, or other security concerns. Clients and business associates may lose confidence in the business's ability to protect their information as a result of a compromised security violation, which can have implications for the organization's image. Delays in Auditing For both internal and external audits to be effective, proper record management is necessary. Due to improper record-keeping, failing audits may have negative effects on reputations and legal implications. Since audits are one of the most important instruments for ensuring compliance, financial credibility, and general transparency, the implications of audit mistakes are very serious. Lack of Integrity Data The integrity of an organization's data is greatly at risk from the improper handling of business records. Important information may lose its reliability and accuracy due to fraud, missing information, or illegal updates. These affect the credibility of operational data, financial reports, and other important records, making it more challenging for the business to make wise decisions and losing stakeholder trust. 5 By Siti Nur Raffela binti Allias

Poor Operations Routine tasks are complicated by insufficiently maintained records. Employees could find it difficult to find or obtain the information they need, which might cause delays, mistakes, and increased operating costs. Inefficiencies could occur in the use of electronic document management systems as well as in the procedures for physical storage and retrieval. The organization's total productivity and competitiveness may be directly impacted by all of these inefficiencies. A Lack of Decision-Making Decision-making processes face obstacles by wrong or inadequate data taken from poorly maintained records. Managers may make poor judgments that have an impact on distribution of resources, strategic planning, and the performance of the entire business if they depend on insufficient information. Poor decision-making may make it more difficult for the business to stay competitive and deal with new market dynamics. 6 "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently." - Warren Buffett By Siti Nur Raffela binti Allias “Mismanagement of records is like navigating a ship without a compass – you may have the data, but without direction, you're destined to drift into uncertain waters”

R e c o r d Jan 15, 2024 / Vol 16 L I F E C Y C L E What is Record Lifecycle? The steps that every record must go through and be managed during its existence are referred to as the record lifecycle. Creation or reception, distribution and use, and position are the three main stages of a record's life cycle. There are distinct policies and processes for every step. Other than that, the process that governs the creation, usage, and disposal of records is known as the records lifecycle. In another way, it starts when a record is made and ends when it is destroyed. The lifespan of a record vary based on its type, but the creation, usage, and disposal phases are common for all records. Phases of Record Lifecycle 8 By Mithiana Jinap Tinggom

Whatis Record Lifecycle’s Importance? Strong records management practices improve the overall efficiency of an organisation by simplifying and optimising the handling of records. Increased effectiveness is the result of increased efficiency. A records lifecycle ensures that all records are properly preserved and protected, which makes records management considerably easier. The cycle further states when certain data should be archived or disposed of in order with their retention strategy, assisting in an organization's compliance with regulations. Data Capture: The issue here is that organisations have to handle the massive amount of digital records created on a daily basis. Many organisations find it difficult to strike a balance between employing traditional storage methods and keeping digital information in an easily accessible manner. The Challenges of Record Lifecycle Data Storage: The organisation finds it difficult to locate digital data in a way that preserves their information without taking up excessive space on traditional storage systems. Data protection: This is a problem that organisations frequently face. They need to use such information for corporate operations, but they also want complete privacy and data security. The challenge is to figure out how to do both at the same time. 9 By Mithiana Jinap Tinggom By Mithiana Jinap Tinggom

Physical records are often created through manual processes involving handwritten entries, printed documents, or other tangible forms. Then, Manual Data Entry like an information which manually entered into physical records, emphasizing the importance of accuracy in the initial stages. Electronic records are often generated through automated systems, capturing information at the moment of creation or receipt. This ensures real-time documentation and minimizes the risk of data loss. Besides, metadata tagging, providing essential contextual information, is attached to electronic records during their creation, enhancing their organizational value. Electronic records are easily distributed through digital transmission methods, fostering quick and efficient information sharing. With encryption and security protocols can make a robust security measures, such as encryption, are implemented to safeguard electronic records during distribution, mitigating the risk of unauthorized access. Physical records may be distributed through traditional means, involving physical delivery mechanisms such as mail or courier services. Then, by manual tracking systems, such as log books, help monitor the distribution of physical records, ensuring their safe and accurate delivery. 10 By Siti Nur Raffela binti Allias A Comprehensive Analysis of Digital and Physical Type Records Lifecycle Management Methods

Access to physical records is controlled through physical means, such as locked cabinets or restricted access areas. Physical records are organized in a manner that facilitates manual retrieval, emphasizing the need for efficient filing systems. Access to electronic records is governed by role-based access controls, ensuring that users have permissions commensurate with their responsibilities. With detailed audit trails are maintained to track user interactions with electronic records, facilitating accountability and compliance. Automated tools assist in the appraisal of electronic records, evaluating their significance, authenticity, and compliance with organizational policies. Data analytics may be employed to analyze patterns within electronic records, informing decisions regarding their long-term value and relevance. The appraisal of physical records often involves manual processes, requiring individuals to assess their significance, historical value, and compliance with retention policies. Some physical records may be earmarked for archival purposes, preserving them for historical or legal reasons. 11 “Information is a source of learning. But unless it is organized, processed, and available to the right people in a format for decision-making, it is a burden, not a benefit." - William Pollard

Physical records that have reached the end of their lifecycle are physically destroyed through methods such as shredding or incineration.By archiving with certain physical records may be transferred to archival facilities for long-term preservation, particularly when historical significance is involved. 12 Automated processes identify electronic records reaching the end of their lifecycle, facilitating secure disposal in accordance with predetermined retention schedules. Formal workflows for the review and approval of record disposal ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. As Heraclitus said, 'Change is the only constant.' Embracing this truth is key to navigating the intricate dance of records management in a dynamic digital and physical landscape. In the digital age, where the volume of data is staggering and the pace of information flow is relentless, record management emerges as the guardian of clarity and order. It is the bridge between chaos and understanding, transforming raw data into actionable insights. Through meticulous organization, thoughtful analysis, and ethical stewardship, record management empowers individuals and organizations to navigate the complexities of our data-driven world with confidence and purpose.

International Standard: ISO 15489 Establishing a Records Management Policy Regular Audits and Reviews ISO 15489 is an international standard that provides guidelines for records management within an organization. Specifically, it outlines principles, policies, and procedures for the effective management of records, regardless of the format in such paper or electronic . The full title of the standard is ISO 15489- 1:2001 - Information and Documentation - Records Management. “Adopting ISO 15489 transforms records into valuable assets, supporting decision-making and preserving organizational memory” The establishment of an explicit records management policy is the basis for ISO 15489 compliance. This policy serves as a guide, providing roles, practices, and standards throughout the whole life cycle of records. A well-written policy guarantees continuity and accuracy, establishing an environment of integrity and accountability inside the organization. Organizations should regularly audit and evaluate their records management systems to ensure their effectiveness. Through insights into the data management system's efficiency, audits help organizations make decisions that are well-informed and continuously improve their operations.. Organization can implement ISO 15489 as a landmark to help organizations build strong records management processes. Basically, the standard emphasizes the creation of a comprehensive records management policy, establishing the scope of records, and their life cycle. Recognizing all of this is crucial for implementing an efficient records management policy into practice. Decoding ISO 15489 ISO 15489 : 2016 13 WWhhaattddooyyoouummeeaann bbyyIISSOO1155448899?? IIttiissiimmppoorrttaannttttootthhee RReeccoorrddssMMaannaaggeemmeenntt?? Risk Managementin ISO 15489 The risk management strategy for records management is encouraged by ISO 15489. Organizations are encouraged by the standard to evaluate and manage record-related risks, such as reputational, operational, financial, and legal risks. Through the integration of risk management within the framework of records management, organizations can foresee potential constraints and minimize their negative effects. Employees Awareness Human capital are significant element to the organizations that must allocate profits on training initiatives that convince employees of the value of records management and establish them with the rules and processes that were recently built into action. A personnel that is knowledgeable adds to the records management strategy's efficiency in general. By Siti Nur Raffela binti Allias January 2024

Reliability Usability Integrity CCRRIITTEERRIIAA TTHHAATT NNEEEEDD TTOO BBEE IINN RREECCOORRDDSS MMAANNAAGGEEMMEENNTT Authenticity refers to the trustworthiness and reliability of a record as a true and genuine representation of the facts, activities, or transactions it documents. Authentic records provide a credible and accurate account of an organization's business activities. It ensures that the information in the records is genuine and has not been altered or tampered with. Authenticity Reliability involves the accuracy and consistency of the information contained in records. Reliable records can be depended upon to represent events, actions, or decisions as they occurred. Reliable records support informed decision-making, audit trails, and legal compliance. They contribute to the overall trustworthiness of an organization's records. Usability refers to the accessibility and usefulness of records. Usable records are easily located, retrieved, and understood by authorized users. Usable records contribute to operational efficiency, productivity, and knowledge sharing within an organization. They are readily available to support ongoing business activities and decision- making. Integrity ensures that records are complete, accurate, and unaltered throughout their lifecycle. It involves protecting records from unauthorized changes or deletions. Maintaining the integrity of records is crucial for preserving their reliability and authenticity. It helps safeguard against intentional or unintentional alterations, ensuring that the information in records remains trustworthy. 14 By Siti Nur Raffela binti Allias January 2024

Management of Business Record JANUARY 2024 Based on the gap model, SERVQUAL assesses the quality of services by calculating the difference between the actual performance perceived by the customer and the service they received. This measuring instrument, in its ultimate form, is composed of 22 quality components divided into five factors. “SPEND TIME WITH RECORDHUB” 16 5 FACTORS OF C u s t o m e r Q u a l i t y 1.Tangibles The staff's look, the equipment they use, and the physical facilities. 2. Reliability Capacity to deliver the promised service with accuracy and consistency 3. Responsiveness The staff's look, the equipment they use, and the physical facilities. 4. Assurance Capacity to deliver the promised service with accuracy and consistency 5. Empathy compassionate, tailored care that the business offers its clients. By NazatulFatihah Abdul Yazid

Challenges of PRESERVATION Lack of Legislation and Policy The policy framework should be improved by adding the digital records preservation component, as this can help to standardize the process of preserving digital records and educate employees in record management about how to preserve digital records for the company. Lack of Awareness & Training One of the difficulties in maintaining digital records is a lack of expertise in handling them. Enhancing training and awareness is necessary to accomplish the goal of preserving digital information. One hazard of the digital age is investing effort and resources on initiatives that are insignificant or inadequately performed. One issue that has emerged is the lack of knowledge regarding standards and best practices for the preservation of digital documents, which makes it difficult to get the appropriate information to the right people at the right time. Hard to Specify the Records Digital files are prone to frequent modifications and the short-term nature of the media on which they are produced, shared, or kept. They also heavily rely on support technologies, hardware, and software for replication, all of which quickly age out of use or sustain physical harm. 17 By NazatulFatihah Abdul Yazid

[Challenges of Digital Records Preservation] 2024 18 Integrity of Digital Records The custody of completeness and fixity, where metadata recording is essential for determining the origin and setting of the document's production and ongoing upkeep. Budgetary Since the advantages of digital preservation are primarily in the future, administrators may not immediately see the benefits of digital preservation due to its high cost. Budget constraints may result in funding for digital preservation being reduced or insufficient resources being available to satisfy long-term objectives for digital preservation. Technical Failure Unlike many tangible items stored in libraries and archives, digital objects are more fragile, and the information contained in or about them may be lost for a variety of technological reasons. These include the physical destruction of the storage medium on which the digital item was stored, the loss of software programs necessary to interpret the digital records, and the inability to read the medium due to inaccessible hardware and/or software. By NazatulFatihah Abdul Yazid

SOLUTIONS TO THE CHALLENGES OF DIGITAL RECORDS P r e S e r v a T i o N 2024 Approaches to address the issue of technology obsolescence include migration, switching to physical platforms, emulation, and technology preservation; alternatively, approaches to "take control" include adopting policies and procedures, recording and describing resources (metadata), forming alliances, and setting up infrastructure. S o l u t i o n s 19 By NazatulFatihah Abdul Yazid

Digital preservation can be less affected by technology obsolescence when open standards are adopted and followed, whether for digital document generation or maintenance. In order to determine lucrative methods and justify resource and expenditure investments, it is necessary to do a comprehensive assessment of digital preservation costs. The charges associated with digital preservation remain unclear, with the majority of research pointing to high costs and some suggesting that the procedure is less expensive than preserving traditional collections. 20 Adoption of open standards {Solutions to the challenges of digital records preservation] Budget & Cost of Digital Preservation Training and Personnel Development Identifies a set of competencies needed by teams of digital preservation experts in information units, including expertise in long-term digital data management and awareness of trends, policies, and the authenticity, integrity, and dependability of records. Short courses or full theoretical and practical programmes regarding digital preservation are alternatives for team training, development, and learning, as are information sharing and people exchanges with comparable organisations. Metadata for Digital Preservation One way to support the administration of archiving and maintenance of ongoing access to digital objects in informational environments like repositories and cloud services is through the successful adoption of standards or metadata schemes. By NazatulFatihah Abdul Yazid

Investment and Assembly of Technological Infrustructure In order to maintain the flows, processes, and activities of digital material archiving, significant investments in technology infrastructure are necessary for factual digital preservation. considering the management of ever-larger data sets. {Solutions to the challenges of digital records preservation] Formation of Collaborative Networks Increased cooperation between professional teams, organisations, and those who create the digital items that need to be preserved is necessary to successfully overcome the obstacles associated with digital preservation. The benefits of knowledge and experience sharing as well as institutional strategy standardization in support of digital object interoperability across systems are two advantages of collaborative ventures. 21 By NazatulFatihah Abdul Yazid

By Juriah Kusugan Senior Management & Support 1.Top Management support A solid DRP needs ongoing support from top management, providing resources without expecting quick fixes. 2. Harmony with Big Goals Ensure the plan aligns with the organization's broader goals for maximum impact. 3. Special Team Setup A handpicked team by top management promotes teamwork across departments, tackling risks swiftly. 3. Top Management's Dedication and Regular Checks The continued dedication and routine checks by top management are vital for the plan's ongoing success. 23 In the world of managing records, keeping data safe needs a good plan. We have to decide which computer programs and services are most important and protect them first. Choosing the right place to keep a backup of our data is also important, so it's safe if something bad happens. Testing our plan often is like practicing for a real emergency. We use different tests to find and fix problems. Thinking of the plan like a document that's alive and needs regular updates is a smart idea. Also, making sure everyone in the team knows their jobs helps us avoid mistakes when a real emergency comes. Managing Data

1. Defining Vital Records Legally mandated records, documents protecting assets, and those vital to shareholders, employees, and overall well-being. 2. Locating and Protecting Vital Records Managers should conduct surveys and consult with departmental staff to identify records, which require secure storage away from threats like fire, flood, and unauthorized access. 3. Protection Strategies Strategies against fire, floods, environmental conditions, and unauthorized access by utilize secure storage, fireresistant infrastructure, and regular checks. Measures to mitigate environmental damage, such as controlled temperature and humidity also crucial. 4. Maintaining and Updating the Program Clear guidelines, responsible focal points in each department, and continuous communication are necessary. Regular updates, adherence to retention periods, and timely destruction of outdated vital records are essential. The comprehensive approach ensures businesses can face the unexpected and recover swiftly from any disaster, maintaining essential functions and long-term stability. A GUIDE TO VITAL RECORDS MANAGEMENT “Protectingvital records is crucial fordisaster recoveryplanning. Establishinga comprehensiveVitalRecordsProgramis essentialto ensure anorganization's resilience inthe faceofunforeseen challenges.”-AngelaKenny 24 By Juriah Kusugan

In the event of a disaster, a well-structured recovery plan is essential. This plan involves six key actions, ranging from ensuring immediate security and safety to the ongoing protection of critical records, all aimed at swiftly resuming operations while minimizing potential damage Prioritize safety by securing the building, addressing immediate dangers like fires and electrical issues, and using protective gear. Take precautions against health hazards from fungi and bacteria. Stabilize the environment by removing water, using air conditioning and dehumidifiers, and maintaining optimal humidity and temperature to prevent mold growth. Keep lights on for drying. 25 Assess the damage to records and facilities, compiling an accident report and seeking expert advice on treatments for damaged records. Rehabilitate the storage area and building by cleaning and sterilizing, repairing or replacing damaged shelving, and ensuring overall structural safety and security. By Juriah Kusugan

26 RECOVERY & RESTORATION PLAN Ensure ongoing protection of records by completing necessary treatments, monitoring for mold outbreaks, and promptly addressing any issues. Resume operations by analyzing the causes of the disaster, preparing incident reports, modifying emergency plans, and restocking and adding emergency supplies. Establish a program to restore the site and damaged materials, seeking conservator advice and determining restoration priorities. Develop a phased conservation program for large quantities of materials, remove items not worth retaining, contact insurers, and clean and reestablish the disaster file. This comprehensive approach ensures a swift and effective response, minimizing downtime and facilitating a smooth return to normal operations.

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R EC O R D H UB R EC O R D H UB In the world of business, organized records are your compass OCT 23 - FEB 24 Special Edition

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