Dear Friend,
Welcome to the Torah Academy annual dinner, our biggest fundraiser of
the year. Your generosity and support of this evening’s event is
instrumental in the continued success of the school. Tonight, we honor
Kim and David Robbins and Ita and Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz.
The theme of tonight’s dinner is “Blossoming in Excellence”- celebrating
the school’s continued growth as a direct result of the tireless work of
these two extraordinary families.
In a world of conflict and divisiveness, Jacksonville’s Jewish community
continues to shine as an example of unity and mutual support for all our
important Jewish institutions. We are grateful to the Jacksonville Jewish
Federation for the generous support we continue to receive. We are also
very grateful to Rabbi Yaakov and Henny Fisch for being our spiritual
leaders and setting the example of true Jewish unity in our community,
where all people are valued and respected. We are also very grateful to
Rabbi Hauptman, Ms. Boyce and Mrs. Hauptman for their incredible job
running our school. In addition, I am personally extremely grateful to my
wife, Emily Rosenbaum and to Yocheved Hauptman for chairing this
beautiful dinner.
And tonight, we are especially grateful to you, for supporting Torah
Academy so that we can continue to “blossom in excellence” in delivering
the very best Torah and General Studies education to our students.
With much gratitude for your friendship and support,
Dr. Elliott Rosenbaum
President, Torah Academy of Jacksonville
Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz has been a Judaics teacher at Torah
Academy for the past 14 years and is affectionately known
throughout the school as “Rebbi” – a term of endearment and
respect given to him by his students meaning “My Teacher.”
However, it’s not only the students who call him “Rebbi” - parents
do so as well, as so many have enjoyed the brilliant classes he
teaches to adults throughout the community every week.
Ita Rabinowitz, in addition to being a mother par excellence of
their 11 children, also works full-time as the principal of the
Jacksonville Torah High School, which is thriving under her
We are honored and privileged to present Ita and Rabbi Mayer
Rabinowitz with the Keser Torah Award this evening.
Kim and David have been instrumental in helping the school
develop into a thriving institution since its inception 16 years ago.
David is both a founding board member and a former president
who works tirelessly as an ambassador of the school. His dedication
and passion have led many others to become supporters of the
school, and his leadership is largely responsible for where Torah
Academy is today.
Kim has been a visionary dinner chair multiple times, always
bringing her artistic flair to every event and transforming ordinary
spaces into beautiful venues. She is also a resident artist at Torah
Academy, responsible for several creative projects with students of
all ages throughout the years.
We are honored and privileged to present Kim and David Robbins
with the Pillars of Jewish Education Award this evening.
David and Kim,
Rabbi Mayer and Ita,
Mazel Tov on your much deserved honor.
We look forward to seeing Torah Academy
continue to flourish.
Mark and Iris Kraemer
Kim & David,
Ita & Rabbi Mayer
As we culminate this month the 16th successful year of
Torah Academy, our whole community looks to you as
daily leaders in the life of our school.
Your contributions have been many and your reach broad.
You have introduced the school to people who care about
education, fundraised and planned dynamic events like tonight,
guided the school’s growth as caring parents and taught Torah
day by day--instilling academic rigor, compassion and respect,
and a love of learning.
Thank you,
Alex and Scot Ackerman
Rabbi Mayer and Ita Rabinowitz
We are honored to stand beside you as
Torah giants in our community. Your devotion
to Jewish education will reverberate in our
children's lives for generations to come.
Kim & David Robbins
We are so proud
to be a part of
Torah Academy's
growth and success!
Fran and Russell Selevan
Warmest Congratulations
Kim and David
Howard Serkin and Family
I am consistently awestruck by your
relentless dedication to the Jewish people.
You live and breathe your commitment to
these children, and our community is
made brighter for it.
All my love,
Kim, David,
Ita & Mayer
Thank you for your outstanding and extraordinary
dedication to Torah Academy and the Jacksonville
Jewish community. Your vision, generosity and enduring
passion has been invaluable in making Torah Academy
a warm, successful and inspiring place to learn.
All our respect!
Lisa & Barry Ansbacher
Mazal Tov to
Kim and David
Ita and Rabbi
on this well-deserved honor.
Thank you to the
Torah Academy teachers and staff
for all you do for our children every day.
Sara & Lon Smolensky
With love to
Kim and David
We are always
so proud of you!
and Mom
Kim and David
"As a tree is known by its fruit,
so man is known by his words." --The Talmud
Through love, generosity and commitment,
your work at the Torah Academy sustains
our community and transforms lives.
Thank you and Mazel Tov,
Caren and Larry Appel
In honor of
David and Kim Robbins
Rabbi Mayer and Ita Rabinowitz
Thank you for being pillars
of our community.
With great admiration
Elliot Friedman
Mazel Tov to our dear children,
The way you live your lives testifies to your devotion
to all you hold dear:
Devoted parents to your children and
devoted children to your parents
Devoted family members to grandparents, siblings,
nieces, nephews and extended family
Devoted members of the Jacksonville Jewish Community
who have become your extended family
Devoted adherents to Torah laws, values and ideals
Devoted advocates of Torah education
Devoted to the growth and success of
Torah Academy for well over a decade
ITA and MAYER, we are so proud of you!!
Mazel Tov too to Kim & David Robbins,
true pillars of the Jacksonville Jewish Community.
And, in recognition of all who contribute their time, talents and resources
to Torah Academy of Jacksonville, which has played such an important
and integral role in our grandchildren's’ education.
Harriet and Jack Sonnenschein
Mazel Tov to
Kim and David
for your outstanding commitment
to Jewish education.
The DuBow Family
Rebbe, Ita, David & Kim,
Mazal Tov to you on this much deserved honor;
for you have truly built up this community with
your integrity, loyalty, perseverance, generosity,
courage, strength and love.
Thank You,
The Rosenbaum family
Mazel Tov to
Kim and David
Ita and Mayer
for their dedication and devotion
to the children at the Torah Academy.
Marilyn Margol,
Lonnie Margol,
Rodney & Lee Margol,
and Fred & Wendy Pozin
Yasher Koach
Kim and David
Ita and Rabbi Mayer
May Torah Academy continue
to grow and flourish!
Gary and Nancy Perlman
Mazel Tov to
Kim and David Robbins
on a well deserved honor.
The Jaffe Group
at Morgan Stanley
,Congrats Rebbe
we appreciate all you have taught us
over the years!
Thank you
Mr. & Mrs. Robbins and Mrs. Rabinowitz
for all you do for Torah Academy!
Zev, Ita, Feivel
and Calev Shapiro
Congratulations to
Special Friends!
Debra and Leonard Setzer
Mazel tov to
David and Kim Robbins
Rabbi Mayer and Ita Rabinowitz
whose tireless dedication on behalf
of Jewish education continue to inspire us.
Rabbi Yaakov and Henny Fisch
I want to congratulate
David and Kim Robbins
for being loyal supporters
of Torah Academy!
Michael De Santo
Mark, Nancy and Michael
Mazel Tov
Kim & David Robbins
Ita & Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz
Thank you for your support of the
Torah Academy and commitment
to Jewish education in Jacksonville.
Adrian & Sherri Goldfarb
Gail Halpert
Chairman and Board of Directors, Duos Technologies Group, Inc.
Mazel Tov
David and Kim Robbins
Ita and Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz
Thank you for your dedication to enriching
Jewish life in Jacksonville.
Stacie and Larry Wilf
Jeff and Debbie Parker
Mazel Tov to
Kim & David Robbins
Kimberly and Richard Sisisky
Mazal Tov to
David and Kim Robbins
and Rabbi Mayer and Ita Rabinowitz
on a well deserved honor!
Thank you
Torah Academy
and your wonderful staff
for everything you do to keep
Jewish education alive in Jacksonville!
David and Rise Pearl
With deep appreciation to the many
individuals who spend countless hours
to ensure the success of Torah Academy.
David and Kim Robbins:
We stand in awe of your selfless dedication and love
for Torah Academy. We hope to bring you much
nachas as Torah Academy continues to blossom!
Rabbi Rebbi and Ita:
Our sincere hakaras hatov for the chinuch
instilled in our own children and in so many children
who have passed through the TA doors over the years.
Shaya and Yocheved Hauptman
Mazel Tov
to most deserving honorees!
Judy & Stephen Silverman
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Kim and David Robbins
AIPAC National Council Members
AIPAC Jacksonville Chairs
Mazal tov on this well-deserved honor!
Thank you for your leadership and all you do
on behalf of the U.S.-Israel relationship
and the pro-Israel community.
Mark Kleinman Lesli Rosenblatt
Southeastern States Director Florida Deputy Director
Evan Philipson Mark Sachs
Florida Political Director North & Central Florida Area Director
Kim and David Robbins, it is a true honor for us to be
standing together with you tonight. Torah Academy is David’s baby
which he has nurtured through infancy, childhood, and now into its
teenage years. We have watched over the years as David has helped
the school with his advice and his wisdom, his support and his encouragement
of others to support as well. Our children always enjoyed his visits to school
on Fridays when he interacted with the students. Kim has also worked
tirelessly over the years helping in many ways including sharing her artistic
flair with the students. For many years, this dinner had her creative stamp
written all over it.
When we joined the school 14 years ago, Torah Academy was like a one
room schoolhouse. Rabbi and Mrs. Hauptman have brought
professionalism to our appearance and manner. They ensure we have the
resources we need to be successful in the classroom. Thank you for all that
you do and for being a friend.
Torah Academy is the creation of Robbie Roth z”l. He set out to prove that
Jacksonville can provide for the needs of a growing Orthodox community.
Robbie, I wish you could be here today to shep nachas and see what you
have created.
Elliott, you are quiet and behind the scenes, but you keep our school running.
Thank you for supporting me, and being there when I need someone to listen
to me. Emily, your endless devotion to Torah academy is rivaled only by
your dedication to Jacksonville Torah High School. Thank you for your tireless
efforts to bring Torah Academy yet another stellar dinner.
Thank you all so much,
Mayer and Ita Rabinowitz
Jewish Family & Community Services
extends a very special heartfelt
Mazel Tov to honorees
Kim and David Robbins
Ita and Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz.
May you continue to be a source of strength
and leadership to the community!
Jacksonville Torah High School
extends our heartfelt Mazal Tov to
David and Kim Robbins
& Rabbi Mayer and Ita Rabinowitz
for your consistent commitment to
Jewish education in the Jacksonville community.
To Ita Rabinowitz,
our esteemed Principal,
we are grateful for your contribution
to our students and our school.
ותורת חסד על לשונה,פיה פתחה בחכמה
She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching
of kindness is upon her tongue.
!חזק וברוך
We are proud to once again count the
Torah Academy of Jacksonville
among our family of recipient organizations
within the community.
We applaud the excellent work and steadfast
dedication of this year’s honorees:
Kim and David Robbins
Ita and Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz
in addition to the volunteers, educators and staff.
Mazel Tov on another great year
and here’s to many more!
The Board of Directors and Staff of the
Jewish Federation of Jacksonville
To Yocheved & Emily,
thank you for the selflessness that brought this beautiful
evening to life! We are humbled to be a part of it.
To Tzippy,
thank you for tireless efforts, your delicious
and elegant meal, and kind spirit.
To my sister Wendy Pozin:
organizer, gatherer, weaver, and friend - I love you.
To my friends who always step up to the plate,
thank you for sharing in our commitment to
the Torah Academy and to the
children of our community.
All my love,
Mazel Tov to
David & Kim Robbins
Rabbi Mayer and Ita Rabinowitz
on this most worthy honor
Mazal Tov to
Kim and David
on this special honor!
Richard and Sharon Browdy
Mazal Tov
Kim and David Robbins
and Ita and Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz
Thank you for your outstanding commitment
to the Torah Academy of Jacksonville
Harriet and Ernie Brodsky
Mazel Tov
Kim and David Robbins,
Ita and Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz
for a well deserved honor
Sima and Barry Chefer
Kim and David, Ita and Rebbe
Over these past years, your dedication to
Torah Academy has helped build our school
into a loving and learning environment.
With thanks and appreciation for all you do
for our school and our community.
Sandi Roth
Mazal Tov to
Kim and David Robbins
and Ita and Mayer Rabinowitz
From the Finkelsteins
Neal, Leah,
Aharon, Nechama, Yehudis & Rivka
Mazel Tov to Kim and David!
Thank you for all you do for our community.
We love and appreciate you both!
Harris and Meryl Rittenberg
Mazal tov to all
on this special occasion.
Our community flourishes thanks
to your continued commitment.
Mitchell and Susan Levine
Mayer and Ita,
We are all so proud of the two of you,
what you have accomplished and who you are.
Much love and nachas from your beautiful family!
Saba and Savta, Dod Paul and Doda Kreindel,
Yehoshua and Devorah, Binyamin and Shani,
Zev and Batsheva, Shea and Shira, Menachem
and Ayelet, Shmuel and Shuly, Yitzi and Rena,
Moshe and Shainy, Nachum and Liora, Yisroel
In honor of
our grandchildren
at Torah Academy,
Yehoshua, Shalom, and Rina Fisch
Avrom and Esther Schiffer
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rabinowitz,
In tremendous appreciation of your
dedication, varmkeit, and avodas Hash’m
in building Klal Yisroel.
Mazel Tov! M’Chayil L’Chayil
Dr. Lew and Betsy Romer
David and Kim,
Thank you for your lifetime of
caring and generosity.
From your friends at
Mazal Tov to
Kim and David Robbins
and Rabbi and Mrs. Rabinowitz:
two couples whose efforts positively influence Klal Yisrael!
Daliah and I have the greatest amount of love and respect for
each of you, as you have personally inspired us through your
actions. There are no 4 people more deserving of this honor.
May you continue to be a driving force in Torah Judaism
for Jacksonville and beyond. Mazal Tov!
Meir and Daliah Cohen
Mazel Tov!
Thank you for everything
you do for the community.
From the Rubenstein Family
Dan, Mindy,
Ariella, Alex, Dalia and Dovid Tzvi
Mazal tov to Rebbe and Ita Rabinowitz
on this well-deserved honor.
May you continue to sanctify G-d's Name
always and in all ways.
Congratulations to Kim and David Robbins
who care so much for Torah Academy and Etz Chaim.
Thank you to TAJ for teaching our grandchildren with love.
Chana and Chanina Rabinowitz, Jerusalem, Israel
Love from
Yehuda and Dina, Yossi and Nomi,
Shuey and Erit and families
Mazal tov to our honorees
Kim and David Robbins
In appreciation for providing the foundation, and the continual
love and devotion that maintain the Pillars of Torah Education
Rabbi and Ita Rabonowitz
Our teachers in the classroom and in our homes.
You shine the light of Torah and mitzvos throughout the
community and raise all of us to new heights in Kesser Torah.
Bonnie Hardy
Kol Hakavod to
Kim and David Robbins and Rebbi and Ita Rabinowitz
on a very well deserved honor!
Thank you for all you do to support our school
and the entire Jewish community.
Congratulations to Torah Academy on another successful year!
Thank you to the dedicated teachers and staff
for the love and care given to our girls.
Avi and Tzippy Zaguri
Noa, Shira, Yael, Abigail and Avital
Mazal Tov In honor of the
Rebbe and Mrs. Rabinowitz! Hauptmans
Thank you so much for for their dedication to
all that you do for the Jewish education.
community and for us!
Shlomo and Elisheva Storch
With much hakaras hatov,
Binyamin and Margalit Levin
and Doda Shana
The Law Firm of Dear Mr. and Mrs. Robbins
Harris, Guidi, Rosner & Rabbi and Rebbetzin Rabinowitz,
congratulates Words cannot express how appreciative
I am to have had Torah Academy in my
Kim and David Robbins life. Because of you, I was able to have
a proper education and build a strong
on being honored for their foundation to my Yiddishkeit. The amount
great contributions to of Torah I have gained over the years
Jewish education. would not have been possible without the
passion and love you instilled in me from
a young age. It is because of you that I
retained my Torah knowledge and yearn
to learn more and for that alone I am
forever grateful. Mazel Tov on your well
deserved honors and may you merit to
instill Torah and love for Yiddishkeit into
many more students!
Eidel Pearl