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Omaha South High School Tooter yearbook for the 1924-1925 school year.

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Published by Omaha South High Alumni Association, 2020-11-16 20:18:24


Omaha South High School Tooter yearbook for the 1924-1925 school year.

Thanks to the


for sponsoring the


South High P rintery
Omaha, Nebraska
23rd and J

Page Two




Pace Three

I - - - ------


Permit me in behalf of the Tooter Staff, the student body I
and the faculty of our high school, at this promising period
in our history, to extend to yon our sincere greeting. I

As the time draws near when we are to be privileged to i
occupy our new "Temple of Learning ," we wish to inform a ll
who have any part in making our progress possible that we I
hereby dedicate ourselves anew Lo the work of good c itizen-
ship and service to community, s tate and nation and trust you
will see reflected in these pages some evidence that we a re
moving toward this ideal.

To a ll who have contributed to our success m g e neral
and the Tooter in particular we are very grateful.



Page Fou r


P RINCll' .\L R. ~I. :\L\RHS

P ogc Fi\'e


on c omple tin _f! tli eir c ourse of trahiing

S o u TH H1c 1-1 S c 1-10oL
w isli to exp1·ess their sincer e appreciation
of th e assistance and f! uidance 1tive11 th e m

by their sp onsors




Page Six

J anuary 192 5

Jun e 1925

Pag<> Seven

Jo.11uary i927

Ju11e 192J



~cllool U/e


Page Eig h t



S11peri11te11de11t of Schools


A ssistn11t S11pe,·i11te11de111

Pa ge Nine



Not ancient halls and ivy rnantled to w ers ,

Where dull traditions rule
With heavy hand youth's lightly springing pow:::rs;

Not spacious plec~u,·i: courts , 0
And lofty temples of athletic fame ,

Where devotees of sport
Mista~e a pastime for life's highest aini;

Not fashion , nor renown
O j wealthy patronage and rich estate;

N o, none of these can crown
A school with light and make it truly great.

But mast ers, strong and wise,
Who teach because they love the t ?.ac/'s tasl{,

And find their richest prize
In eyes that open and in minds thaL ash.:

And boys with hearts aglow
T o try their yo1tt hful vigor on their wort

Eager to learn and grow,

And quic~ to hate a coward or a shir~;

T hese constitute a school,
A vital forge of weapons ~een and bright,

Where living sword and tool
A re tempered for true toil or noble fight !

But let not wisdom scorn
The hours of pleasure in the playing fi elds:

T here also strength is born,
And every manly game a virtue yields,

Fairness and self-control,
Good humor, pluct and patience in the race

Will ma~e a bad heart whole
'To win with honor , lose without disgrace.

Ah, w ell for him who gains
In such a school apprenticeship for life;

With him th e joy of youth remains
In later lessons and in larger strife'


Page Ten

M iss Be 11s o n, Mr. Pat to n , G u nde rman, Miss SpP.a rs , Ha r vey

M iss Mu llen, i'vl r. H a ig ht, Mr. D eave r, M iss H ansen

Miss T aylor, Copeland

Miss C raven, M r . Stri mple, C lark , H ill , Premer, Mrs. H avs
Miss W a te rs. Bia nchi, E lme r, R as m u ssen, Landale

Pa.,:c E leven

Mrs. In g raha m, M r. Smith, C. E . Coo k, Miss Ship h e rd, M o rris
M r. McCon n ell. Miss Mac kin, Dur:,s, C ha ffee, Mr. Schlossin

Miss H ub be ll. Mr . J ohnson, Miss D e nnett. Mr. Lowry. M rs . Forbc·s
Mr. K u rtz. fVl:s~ Chase. H orsfal l, Mr. iVI. A . , _u""

Pa ge Twelve

M :ss M::i hon cy, l',;aughtin, Mr. S h e lley , Miss Rush, Mrs . K a va nag h
f, 1:c.:; G rah a :-:, , Abra h a m, Mrs . Hi c ks. Nl:ss \'✓al ke r, Mrs . H a n coc k

Miss S!, :-i!fcr, Garris o n M r . P::.u l u s , Miss M c;La i n

M r . W e is b eck e r, M:ss D c nn iso:1

Miss R em le y, M rs . Be rry. M r . H e il ig-so . M :ss E. :1ric!: , \✓c h r;;

P a ~e Thirteen


Mr. R. M. Marrs, Principal

Miss Stella Abraham, Mathematics
Miss Hilma Benson, Shorthand, Typewriting
Miss Lucille Bianchi, Dramatic Art, Office Training
Mi -c; Lola Chaffee, Physical Science
Miss Celia Chase, History

Mr. S. E. Clark, Journalism , History

Mr. C. E. Cook, English
Mr. M. A . Cook, Orchestra

Miss Josephine Copeland, Latin
Miss Viva Craven, Latin

Mr. W. H. Deaver, Business Relations
Miss Edith Dennett, Art
Miss Laura Dennison, Nurse
Mi11s J osephine Duras, English
Miss Zella Elmer, Typewriting

Miss Mildred Emerick, Cooking
Mrs. Ruth Forbes, Normal Tra ining
Miss Alta Garrison, Cooking, Sewing
Miss Myrtle Graham, English
Mr. Stuart GunderlT'an, English

Mr. C. A Haig ht, Telegra phy

Miss Mary A. Hanse n, English
Miss Alice G . Harvey, Shorthand
Mrs. Clara Hays, Eng lish
Mr. M. N. Helligso, Mechanical Drawing

Mrs. Myrtle Hicks, English

Mr. L. R. Hill, Bookkeeping

Miss H elen Horsfall, Sewing, Cooking
Miss Mina Hubbell, T ypewriting

Mr. R. H. J o hnson-, Office Training

Pa ge Fo urlee n

Mrs. Katharine Kavanagh , English

Mr. J. W. Kurtz, Manual Training

Miss Jea n Landale, English
Mr. Leo Lowry, Boys' Physical Training
Miss Grace McLain, Normal Training

Mr. R. E. McCo nnell, Mechanical Drawing
Miss Clara Mackin, Librarian
Miss May Mahoney, Modern Languages
Miss Mildred Morris, History, Ma thema tics
Miss Patricia Naughtin, Botany

Mr. J. M . Patton, Mathematics, Commercia l Law, Athletics

Mr. W . F. Paulus, P enmanship
Mr. C. L. Premer , History, C ivics
M iss Mabel Rasmussen, Dramatic Art
Miss Winifired Remley, Girls' Physical Training

Miss Florence Rush, Commercial Geog raphy
Mr. W. A. Schlossin, Printing
Miss Arla Sha ffer, R apid Calculation, Bookkeeping
M r. E. H . Shelley, Manual Training
Miss Mabel Shipherd, Music

Mr. L. E. Smith, General Science
Miss Edna Spears, Mathematics
Mr. Cecil Strimple, Public Speaking
Miss Darle T aylo r, T ypewriting, Office Training
Miss lvae Walker, Assistant Librarian

Miss A nne Waters, H ome Economics
Miss Amelia Wehrs, C hemistry
Mr. A. A. W e isbecker , Salesmanship. Bookkeeping

Mrs. Lydia Berry, Office Secretary
M rs. Marg ue rite H ancock, Office Assistant
Mrs. A lice Ing raham, C horus Assistant
Miss Helen Mullen, Library Assistant
Miss E lsa Smith, Bookroom Assistant

Page Fifteen


Boys' Glee ...... ............. . Miss Shipherd
Commercial ...................... Miss Elmer
Dramatic .... .. ............ .. Miss Rasmussen
Emanon ..... . .................. Mr. D eaver
Girts· Glee .. .......... . . .... .. Miss Shipherd

H. £ . C. . . . .......... ..... .... Miss Garrison

Honor Society .................. Miss Mahoney
Manual Arts .......... .... ...... Mr. H elligso
Minerva ................... . ...... Miss Ru::h
0. Club ........................... Mr. Hill
Portia . . ........................ Miss Wehrs

R. C lub .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . ... Mr. Lowry

Science ....................... Miss Naughtin

Senate .. .. ............. .. ... Mr. C. E. Coo'.:

Student Council ... . .......... . .. Mr. Premer

S. T. L. ...... .. • . • • • • • • • • • • .... Miss McLain

Trailers ... . . .. ...... • • • • ....... Miss Remley
Vellum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mis;; Graham


Senior B .. .... . .... . • • . • • • .... Miss Copela nd
Senior A . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • . . . . . . . Miss Duras
Junior B ............... • ..... Mrs. Kavanagh
Junior A . . . . . . . . . . • . • . • • • • .. ... Miss Sh a ffer
Sophomore B . .... . . . . . . . .. . ... . Miss Harvey
Sophomore A .. ........ ...... ... Mr:;. Forbes
Freshman B ... ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mi:..s Ta:,·ior
Freshman A ................... . . Miss Emrick

Pag e Sixte en


P resident, Ulysses S. Urb a n; Secreta ry, Lucila G. Belding; Vice.P res., Ralph E. Murray ;

T r easu rer, Be ss Ne,vman; 1'oote r Reporte r , Is ado r e Bern s tei n.


A dvertising for p lay C lass Ban quet
G ilbert Kurtz Bess Newman

Senio r C lass P lay L uella Belding
G lad ys Mattingly
U lysses Urb an , Ch airm a n Class Breakfast
G ladys Mattingly G ilbert K urtz
Fred H ill J ohn F leming
Theater P arty
L uella Belding Bess Newman
J ean J a hn
Bess Newm a n G ertrude Baust
H e len Suchy


Bayard V eiller
Presented By The Seniors cf January, 1925


Aud itorium
J a nua r y 20th a nd 2 1s t, 1925

Cast of Characters

H ele n O'Neill .. . ... . Bess Newm a n Philip Mason . ... .. . J ohn F leming

W ill Crosb y . . . . . C ha rles S tra n gle n E lizabeth Erskin e . .. Ger trude Baust

Mrs. Crosby ..... . ..... J ean J ahn Grace Stan dish . . . . . . H ele n S uc h y

Roscoe Crosby . .. .. ... . Fred Hill Pollock .. . . . . ... H a rry Merriman

E d ward \l'/ales . . ..... Earl H a nsen Madame Rosalie LaGrange .. . . .

Mary Ea, twood . ... . L u ella Beld ing . .. . . . ... . . . Gladys Mattin gly

H e len T re n t ... . .... Mild red J etter Tim Don ahue . . . . . . . H arold C la rk

Braddi~h Tre n t .. Theid ore K ala m aja Sergeant Dunn ..... Rayner English

H oward S:an d ish ... Carl A n de rso n D oohrn . ...... . . William H ogarth


Act I
The lt·a lia n Room in Roscoe Crosby's H ouse.

T ime : Evening
Act II

Same Scene-Te n minu tes late r.
Act IJl

Same S cen e -H a lf a n H o ur late r.

P roperties Committee . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Farrell,

Fran ces Hawley, Bessie K u ncel. Marguer ite P latt. Lillian Sch oessler.
Adver :ising .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ... Gilbert Kurtz
U 3he rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 A's
P romoter ......... . ........ . ... . . . .... . ........... . . . V era P echa

S :a..,..:!· Commit tee . . . . . . . . . . .. .... - - • • • • • • • • • · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · ·
· .. C lifford K in sley, De Loss Ridley. William Mahoney, Edw ard Ly:..:1 m

E le c~rician . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ...... • • - .... . .. Ra lph J oos
Ma;,._c-u :i Committee ... . . . . . . . . . . . . J osephin e Enright,. Babe Norris.

z ;ta T ate A llingham, Clifford Kinsley, Bla nche Braun. Cecelia S~illm?ck
Bu :iness Ma nage r ... . . . ..... . .............. ... Mr. A. A. We1sbec l

Pil r:c Se v e n tee n

l fl .YS ST'.S S. U fl. l~A N
7 5 2: So. l ": r d Str eet.

Edwnr d Roscw n · c r Sc hnol ; P ocntcllo l rlaho Hi n h
School; S c ic n l ific Co u rse; C !nss Prcs ir1cn t 4
( 1) : Dm- atic ;\ rl Clu b 4 ( 1-7 1 : G le e Cl u b 4
( 1-21 : ..0 .. Club 3- 4: Hi -Y 1-2-3-4 : f'ool boll
2-3- 4 ; Bas eball 3- 4: Bas ketb.i ll 3. S i:< p 1.:ws
a n d opc r cllas . Hobb y - D ra mnt ic Art. \V iii
n llcnd I' n ivc r oi' y .
"The rcnth c:- 1T· at nr!o r n s the r o ya l bird
Suf')por:s h is nig: hl."'

R,\L Pl I E UUflR '\Y . ··:+-a.'

4 12 1 So. 22nd S t red
.St. O r id r,cts S c ho o l ; C r,·h-::h ton H ig h: S a icsn,,•,11:,hip

Co ur~c ; Pre s iden t uf S t. :J rirl 0 .,.t :, r:1ul, ( I, ;
Vicc•p r e~ide:il (2 ' : Visilinc lor.,-· , :- - ( 1):
Ckt s~ Vic e•prcs idc nt JO A, JOB, f'Zi; ; H ono r
~ -:-cicty (2 ) ; C la:.ts Bns kc!.b :, i) (2 ) : ~om n"c r caul
Lon t ::sr ~ ! ::! l : f-".-,o tb..?. IJ t c nm !J ). H obb~·-
At h ic • 1r ~ . \ '(lilt n lle nd Notr e Dn n• c .

"There ht ever ,...... u ~ic ia ~ is s oul
And s mi sh i:1...- i:1 h is s m ile:·

L UELL A C. BE L D ING , ..S is..
14 I 5 Je ffe rson Street

i\1fadi s on Sc'1ool : l-lo u s e~o H A ri ~ Cours e: C la s s
Se c reta ry 4 ( 2J; Drn~mtic C lub 4 ( I ) (2 ) :
Portia 4 (I ) (2 1: .~ c icncc 4 ( 2 ); H ono r So -
cie l y 3 (I ) ( 7.l : T h r c~ f.' ra :,m' ic A rl Plilys ;
Pa gca n l 2 (2 ) : T h irlccnlh Chai r 4 (2 ) .
H o bby- H o , s c -b;,cl, ridin g . Will attend O rn"h"
Univc-ci i : y in Sep l c :--:1bcr.
"flt.' i t "V"r RO hu:11blc - n ol h in n b c u t s n
t,::o od j o k e . ··

5 -147 S o. 24th Street

IJro wn P a rk School ; I lu1..1s c ho lci A rt s Co u r se: Cl ~r: ~

T rca 0 u :cr ; S t u dc n l Cou nc il ( P r <-s ic"cnl l ; Prf"~i •

d~nt o r P o r ti n ( l t ; l lo n,· r .:5,1c i-c•~y (i) 12 1 :

S c ie n ce C lub : D r amH t ic Art C lub \ I J ( l ): G lc•f•

C luh : Thre e o r n Kmd ( 2 ) : The T e m p t:l to n

T , upot (2 ): T h i,1.,e n th C h a i, CL I : .'\ II al Se:i:

P <'.!geu n t .:. l ( I ) 13 1; P n s ~111u Show ( I ) (2l.
F ut u r e - U n ci._•(".1dc-d . ...

She0 R h e re w ith n sm ile

\nd th e re , ,.. i ~'1 a s m ile

\'Ve m u s t con fcs!\

She"s ou r B...·s•..

" O n e r) f Lhc G old D u Rt T wins··

523 I So. 24th S treet
So u t h Centra l S cho o l : f;n lc :1· ,• n s bip Co u r s e: Viet!

pre s iden t o f .. H.. Clu b 4 ( 2 ) : 6 C lass O ffi c e rs:
Co:"1111c rc m l C lu b •l I I J t l ) ; Re s e r v es 3 ( I I:
Foolb a 11 -l ( I L I lo hby /\ ~l: h! ! ic s .

" \t/hos c l~sy , 1--,fl v, ! ~s y Yo u r s o r Issy
Mim• ~"· "i\li nc," r e p lie d J o e.

P,, ~e I· 1$.! h l c c n

3224 So. 23rd Street

Vinton School: Scientific Course; Vinton Grade
School Club 1-2-3-4; Thirteenth Chair; Pa s-
cant Nebraska ( I ) (2): Boys \Veek (4) (I):
Hobby- Rending and Tennis. Future--Un-
dc:cided .
"Andy, is it Cump or An derson,,..

4426 So. 18th Street
Garfield School: Stenographic Course; Gar field
Grode School Club: Commercial Club (3) (I);
Trailers (4) (I); Pageant (3) (I); Operetta
(3) (2). Hobby- Readin g. Future -\Vork.
"She's qui te a bit above the rest of us
Come down lo earth, Al."

11 IS Drexel Street rfj qru, Sc1•ool : S·cno~rnp'1ic C o urse; Friendship

Club (I ) (I); P o rlias (2) (I): May Festivals
'22-'23-'24: The Head o f Romulus '24: Passini,
Show '24. H obby- Dancing and playin g
bridg e. Future- Undecided.

""She's qu ite a g irl :it dancing
She c an do mos t anything
For you see s he"s from our Senior Class
And so s he's bound lo win."


S23 No. 16th Street

Mason School: ComP1c rcial Hig h ; S c ientifi c Course:
Trailers Club (ll: Girl's Glee Club (I ) ( 21
(3) (4 ) ( ;); Student Counci l ( I ); In Old

Louisiann ; Passin~ Sho w (I ) ( 2 ); A ll nt Seo .

l-lobby- Bas kc:.bnll. Mus ic. Phys ical Truinin t!
nt St. J oseph's Hos pital.

"Love all, lTUsl few, do \",'To n.-. to n o n e .
H ow come, Rosie ,·· ....

S324 So. 3 2nd Street
\Ve~l S ide School. Mnnual Tn1inin g CouTsc: Trea -

s urer Wes t Side School Club 3 (l); Manuul
Arts Club 2 ( II. Pageant Nebraska I (I) .
Will enter b11si,1cs~ world.

"A boy's a boy for n' thn t."

Pnge Nineteen

HI O So. 18th Street

C:nrfie ld School: Stenographic Cours e; Glee
Club 4 (2): Nebraska I (2); Pocahontas 2
I! } : In Old Louis iana 2 (I): A ll a t Sea 4
( I): Thirteenth Chn!~ 4 (2 ). l-lobby-Da n ~-
inP Sin ging, Sw immmg, and Rowing. \V1ll
c:1tl;nd Omaha University.

".". C h:::Jlc:-fie!d a mon g the Ladies .''

4535 So. 24th S tre et

Sot.· t h c~ntrn l Schoo l ; Normn l Trainin g Cour se: S .
T . L. .1 ( 2) 4 1 I ) 4 ( 2 ). I-lobby- Violin. \Viii
l\ t: •nd Northwestern Uni ver s ity.
..! .sicpl und d reamed thnt life was Beauty
I w a nd found tho t, life w a s Duty."

D!\LE M. DEVORE, 'Trenc hv"
2008 Vinton S treet ·

V inton Scho ol; Manual Trainin g Co11rs e. Hobbies
- Tennis , Skatin g , Swimmin s-, Danc ing a n d
Trup·shooting . WilJ a tte nd Onrn.lrn Univers ity.
..Jus t at the a ge twixt boy anc\ youth
\Vh e n th o u g ht is s peech and Rpeech is

43 10 Ca m d e n Avenue
Edwn rd Rosewater Sch oo l : His to ry E n gl ish Cou rs e ;
Tool er R e porte r ; Gra d e Scho o l Pres iden l I
( I l ; Hi Y C lu b ; Orc h estra : " R" C lub ; F ooL-
b n lJ Reser v e s ; T e nnis To urnamenl. H o bbies
- Dramo li cs and m u s ic. FuL ure- C ood hard
w c- rk .
"'Asked from whaL counlry he came. h e
rt-plie d , ..I an, u c iLi:z.en o i l h e w o rld."

Ro ule 5

Sou lh Lincoln; S cicnLific Course : T oole r Rc po rle r ;
D eba t in H C lub f. ma n on: H o b by- \Vor k . F"u -
ture--P . C. Cvu1 , e .
H e 's a w fuz tn chqmislry.

P age Twe nt y

2517 C Street

St. Brid get'• S choo l ; H o u s ~h old A rt• Course ;
H o nor Society , H . J:"__ C., Vellu m ; Scie n ce, P e r •
lia. H o bb y-Cr o:,."• w o rd pu2z lll!"s . Fut ure--
Atte nd Ce ciur FaJ!.:s Co!lege, Cedar Falls , Iowa..
..Q u iel and soft s p o ken, we wjs h s he
w o ul a c xpr e:.b h erself.··

2 4 19 V alley S t.
Vinton School : Scient ifi c Cours e; Ch eer Leade r ,
"R'" C lub, Presiden t ; Vinto n Cradc S c h ool
Club: H i-Y ( I ); E ta Be ta Phi; 2 P a geants:
T he T h i rteent h C h a i r ; P r i m r ose Path. H o bby
--O u tdoor spor ts a nd m u sic. Future-- P . G.
Co urse. Nickname-"Jo hnn y.··
..Stu dyi n g n e ver b o th e r e d o u :- ..j o hn n ie ."

Sou th Side Rou te No. J
Dis : l"ic- · !'k'•ool 16; S alesman ship Course.: Scien c e
Club Committee (2'; V ice-presiden t ; Scie n ce
C lub ; Odds a n d E n ds; H o n o r Society ( 4 ) ;
C.., 1,1crc inl Cl ub 2 ( 2 ); Scien ce C lu b (2); H i-
y (2); Repor te r for School E x posit io n ; Eta
13...: a P.!i; ·r hi r teen t h Ch~ ir. H obby Hu n tin g
a11d k eeping slor e. Fut u re- Un dec ide d.
" My ~!fe is rlcvoted to Sout h Hi~h s t ore-
r oom.

290 I H onsco m B lvd.
As:lb 'ld P 3rk :.,c .ool: Man ua l Trai ni ng o r A r ts
Cou rse: P residen t 3 (2): Secrc~ory 2 (2 ) :
!:>c..a e; I.Jra • a t ic Club: i\1an u a l A r ts Club ;
Ash land Grnde School Club; Student Coun c il ;
Senior Play; Decln111alory Con~csls; Deb ating.
H obbv - Ath le ti cs. Fu ~u r U n dec ided.
..H e's some s peaker
Tne pride of the school."


292 1 S St reet
\Ve~t Sic1e S c hool : B o okkeepm1: Cou rse: Commer -

cial Club: Manual A r ts Clu b: H i ,Y ; C::·, c,J., .
lion M ana g er of the Tooter. H obby- Swim -
, :i.t~ 3 11d fixin g l·or:•s. Fu t ure \Viii cn
b u siness.

··cood th in gs s hould be praised."

Pnge Twenty-one

422S So. I 8th SLreel
F ield School : Sa lesmanship Course:; Manual Arts
(I) ; Oclcls and E n ds ( I ) ( 2) (3) ( 4); Oper -
ella 3 (2): Pass ing Show (3) (2) ( I ); The
Thirteenth Chair. I-lobby-Talking lo girls.
Futu re- \Vill attend Univers ity of Nebraska.
"My o w n thoughts a re 1ny companions ."

2327 So. B rei S t reet

Vinton School; Allencled Tech High; Stenographic
Course: Distric t Commercial Contes ts; Com-
mercial Cl ub: Mny Fe s lival: P assin g Show.
H obby- Dancing and readin g . Future -B us i -
ness pos ilio:-..
"A mer-ry heart maketh a cheerful smile."

Fran, are y o u happy]

4609 So. 20th Stree t
Hawtho rne Sc hool : Manual A r ts Club I (I); I (2);
Hnwthorne Cl ub. Hobb;•- Hiking . Futu re-
Und e cide d.
"Fro m a litt le s park may b urs t a mig hty

JEA N JAHN (Johnnie)
4609 So. 20th Street

H awtho rn S chool ; Vice-pres ident S. T . L. 4 ( 2);
Girls Glee Cl ub 4 (2); Hawtho rne Club: Too l•
e r Staff; Senior P lay: Pa s s in i< Show ·24, H o b-
b y - Mus ic , outdoor s po rt s . Future- l' nclecided.
"'An intell i gen t fri e nd l y lass and a mos t

dependable pe r son."'

43 20 So. 23rd Street

Z ion"s Luth e r a n School ; S t enographic Course: Sec•
re tary a nd Treasure r of Z ion "s and Cross
Grade S c hool C. lub (2 1 : Comme rcial Contest
nt Columbus : PaRsing Sh o w (I) (2 ) ; Opere tta
(I); Commercial Contc :il al Oma hn ond Frc •
m o nl. H o bby- Ic e s ka tin g and mus ic . Future
- Take up st cnot;:: rn.phi c work .
..\Ve il worth he r w e ig ht in gold ."

P a g"e Twcnty- lwo

3824 So. 24th Street

lrnmaculnte Conception : Crei g hton Prep; President
of Grade School Club 4 ( 2) ; Manual Arts
Club 4 (2): Pageant 2 (2) ; Operetta 3 (2) ;
Thirteenth C h air (2). H obby- Drawin g. Fu-
lure--Ar c hitect un l Course a t Nebraska Univer-
si t y.
"Great thou g hts. like deeds, need no

526 Crover Street

Edwa rd R oscw ntcr Sch ool : S tenog raphic Course ;
Co·:i mer c ial Club (I): The Enchanted Year
( 1) . Future \V iii enter Univers ity o f Nebras-
'"No ma.n p r ovokes me with irnpun ity."'

BESS IE A . KUNCEL , "Bess··
4518 So. 17th Street

Garfield School; Stenog ro phic Co urse ; Commercial
Club 3 (2), 4 ( ll. No definite plans for
futu re.
"\Vhen she h ad passed i t s eem ed
Like the ceas in g- of CAquisitc mus ic ."

41 19 So. 26th Street

S o u ~h Franklin School; Scientific Co urse ; Stu:-!ent
Counc il (21 : H onor Soc iety (2) (3) (4): "O"
C lub ( I ) (21 131 (4): Football ( I ) (3 1 ( 4 ) :
T rack (3 I ( 4 ) : F ire Chief I 3). I-lobby- 1-lunt•

in, ~. Fu · ure - Neb ra s ka Un iversity.
Shick of Shicks
Guess who?
G ilbert Kurtz
How do you do?

47 14 So. 19th S t reet
Hnwt hornc S c hoo l: Centra l l-lifd1 Sch ool: His t o r y
E n g lis h Cou r se. H o bby - Dancing . F uture
Nurse:-. Troinin g Co u r se Un ive r sity H ospilnl.
Jul1 y n s we would expt:c l he r to be.
Smart in her C~US!JC ~ n n cl yc l COHt• rree

Pa ge Twenty- three


i\ ll CI P, EL F. ~1.-\ K OVI TZ t/,likcl
30 19 S S trr.d

S teno g ra ph ic Course in 2 ':· y~ars : \Ve sl S ide
School: Comme r cial Club. I-lobby- Hu n lin g ,
fi s hin g a n d s wimming. Fu l ure -\Vill e nter
lhc bus iness wo rld.
"I des ire l o sec th ost: thin gs whi c h arc
abo v e:·

4030 So. 24t h Slrecl

S t. Brid g e l· ~ School: Trinil~' College, S io ux C ity ;
S:dcs m<lns hip Course. Fulure - \Vill e nter Ku n -
sus Un iversity.
"If I cun' L be seen , I will be hc:\r d."'

GLADYS ~I ATTINCLY (Gl ad o r i\lal)
2839 So. 32nd S treet

511..·n o ~ rn;,hi c Cour.,..c; I lonor Socit?ty ; T oote r Re-
porter: Cla ss Prc~idcnl 2 ( I ,; Studen t Coun -
ci! I 12 1: Dr.1111nlic." Club I 12 > : H ead of
R om ulus (2): T he I lo use Brcnkers (2) : Dear
Depdrlc:.I: The 7hi r lecnt h C hair: Pa gcn nt:
P .,ssin !{ S how ( I ) ; ~Inv Festival ( 11. I lo bby

D:"1c1,l{ ond dr~m -di c~.' Fu · u rc- \Vi lt nttend
~l 1s ncr's School.
"\V/,1rn1 l y pur-· a n d s weet ly sl r o n g."

110\V\R O F. 1\I ATTOX ( T a ll
3924 So. 3 9!1, S treet

ro , r i 1: n11 School: \'V, t; l Des ri. Ioincs Hig h School ;

Sl'lt:nlific C-uur~.~: Orc:-hestra {I ) (2): Corri -
~~.1n G r ndc Scht,ol C lu b . I lobby- Rudio. Fu -
~u rc Pl,u, -. t o ,~JI · ( r coll cJ.,!c.

·· 1 h ,, .,.,!! ,1 t.e,,rl w i th r oom £o r eve r y joy.'"

4Lo1.; S, ,. I I th ~trcct

r.r1w,1rd Rosewate r Sch•>t I ; Manua l Tra inin g Cours~.
H o bby - I luntin la(. l~!.-hin l,!, and ba s eball. F u -
lun:- Unckc:1d'!cl.
"'For some n1...1s t fc.,llow and s ome must
,·~rnrn~nd. '' Cmnrn and- Bill.


5618 So. 19th Street

llrown Pnrk School; Manual A rts Course; Manu a l
Arts Club (1 J i2); Grnde School Cl ub; Thir•

lecnlh Chair. H obby-Swimminc, fi sh ing and
camping. Future--\Vill enter bu ~ine~-- w0r)d.

"Good "to fo r 1:ivc
Best to forget.·•


5626 So. 20th Street

Mnnuc;1l TraininR Course : Cl1.."'e Club (2): Pa gennl

"Neb raska" and ''Enc.hantcd Year" Coronado in

Quivcrn, In O ld L o uisiana: Track (I). Hobby

- Athletics. Fut\1rc--Undccided.

He's some boy

,,,e a 11 admit •

Good luck ""Ed:·


5237 So. 19th Street
Stenogmp~ic Co urse; Girls G lee C lub (2) (I):

Pussing Show (I) (2); Commercial Club:
May Festiva l (2l; Enchanted Year. H obby-

H 1km1:: and s wimming. Future-• ( "ndccided.
"'A Jillie health. a Jillie wealth

/\ li lt lc ho\1se nnd frccdorn
\Vith sorne few friends for certain ends

But little cause lo need "ern."

3426 Deer Park Boulevard
Edward Ro~cwatcr School : History English Course:
S. T. I.. \I ) (2): Portia (I): Girls Glee Clu b
( I ) ( 2): Trysting Pluce (3): In Old Louisiana
(2): Decla:-,1ntory Contest (2); f•assini:: Show

(I) nn-1 (4). l-lobby- Swi1"~1m in;,. \Viii al•

tend Univers ity o f Nebrasko.
"One c roweled hour of g loriou:-- li fc
ls w orth i\ n age without a name:·


5609 So. 19th Street

Brown Pnrk School : Mnnunl Trninin~ Course:

B rown Purk Grndc School C lub. I lobby I lunt -

m ~. firs!Hccn'.Ew_!. ncicxnplcrEi1n~1~ei.,n:icnct,r..:. Fu ture - Plnns lo
be n

\Vork i ~ h is miclc'lc nn:-:1c.

Pn•,:c Twent y-fivc

3 63 0 W Streel

Corri qnn School : Stenog r aphic Cour se: _ V i si lini:_:
Comm ittee : Commercia l Club: P assing S how
3 ( I ) , 4 ( I ). Future- Undecided.
L ike a good opr. ra sent- reserved.

2 7 IO H oward S t.

O g nllaln Grade S c h ool : Normnl Trnining Cou rse ;
S. T . L. ( I ) (21; G irl Reserves (I) (2); Honor
Societ y (I) (2) ; played on firs t bas k e tball

- Untdeencmidnedl . ORnllnl n. H o bby - B a ske tba l l. Futu re
She is studious , s he is sweet.

A cornb inntion both a ve r y good t rea t.

GEORGE J. PLOKE, " H u s ky"
39 10 \V S t reel

St. Ma ry's School: Crei{!'h ton Prep.; Sales manship
Cou rs e; Commerc ial Clu b ( I ). I-lo b by-Swim-
m ing. F uture-- \Vi ll a tt end \ Ves te rn U n io n
School al Missou ri.
"A man he s eems or cheerful yesterdays
ond confident tomorr ows."

3 428 So. 14th Streel
Edward Rosewater Scuool : Techn ical H igh (3
years ); Salesn ,ans hip Cou rse ; H i- \' (4 ) (21.
H obby- Radio. \V iii nl lend Rad io College.

r"nTehne." wo rld knows no t hin g o f its g reatest

5025 So. I8th Streel

Jun School: Scientific Cou r se; J un r man School
Club; Pa geant 2 (2). I-lo bbies - Skating and
ba seboll. No d efinite p lan s for future.
'T o know o thing is n o thin g ,
Un less others know you know it."

Page Twcnty•six


6613 Railroad Ave.

Maciis,1n School ; H ouseho1d A rts Course ; H . E. C.

3 ( 1-2 1 4 (1-2): Declamatory Contes t 3 (2).

Hobby- Baseball, Lennis and volley ball. Fu-

ture- or\VAiJgJ r n t tcnd Ncbrus ka U n iversity Col•
legc icull ure.

"She will be a farmere lle

And never a gain will have lo fret."


2606 Jefferson Stree t
Hi;:!1land School; Steno:;:rap'1ic Course: P o rtia 3

( I,: H. E. C. 4 ( I l. H obb y- Readin r,. Fu-
ture Undecided.

"Oh, the heart is n free and fcllerless
thin i,

/\ wave of the ocean, a bird o n the win g ."


J3 28 So. 16 th St reet
Gnrfield School : Stcnogrnph ic Course: Ga r field

.'.:c·:ool Club Trcns u r cr -l (I ' . \Y/ill en~er busi•
ncs5 world.

"He 's like a cocoon- \V raps hi~sclf up
in n t ypewri te r nnd riisa ppca r s for a yea r:·

LI '..Ui\N C'.)NST/\NC E SCI IOESSLE!1 (Jac k o r Lil l

3;05 So. 20· h s·reel

Cn,: ehn :'c' •ool ; Stcno,::raphic Course ; Co:-- ne rcia l
Cl ub (3' . ( 4 l: Porlin Club (3), ( 4 ): Pagean t
3 ( I ) : Glee Club (3). (4 ) : Passing Show 4

( I ' . I lo bby- Plnyini: pinno and dn n cinl?. Fu-

1u:e - \V ill b e s tenogrn p'•cr fo r Polar Trnding
& Tanning Co.

J\ v o ice like hcr's is rare

Cnlli C u rci couldn' t c ompnre.


;514 So. 21st St reet

Dro"1n P.lrlc Sc'.lool : His~or y En glish Course: Boost-
e r C'o u ·1it~ee: H onor Societ y 3 (2) : Poca-
',on·as 2 (2): Mny Fesliv,i l 3 (2): P ageant 3
( I \ . I lobby- Christian Social Setllc,,ent \Vo rk.
\Vill n'tend /\r crican Baplist Missionary Col-
lcs;c, C 1, icng:o, Ill.
"On one she sm ile d, nncl he wns blcs t."

Cl 1-\RLE.S E. STRANC L EN. ""Chuck""

Chanc'lc r R. F. D. No. 5
Riverview Srhool: Bellev ue 1-li g;, School; Mnnual

Trainin g Co uri-.c; Odds n n cl Ends C lub: "Th ir -

t e ent.h. r ,C: ha ir." H as a job in v iew.
ra~hc bt.. 1~a:1''son1c than 1:or.icly;

I'd rather be you'hful tha n old :

ii I can't I nvc a bus· c l o f silver

1"11 do with a barrel of gold.""

Paµ:e Twenty-seven

4733 So. I8th Street

H awthorne School; Social Committee 3 ( I); H. E.
C. 4; Portin 4; Dramatic Art 4; "The Thir•
tee n t h Chair." Hobby-Tennis and cookin g.
\Viii attend Nebraska University.
" H er a ir, her manners, all who saw ad-

26 I6 L Street

South Central Schoo ); Stenog raphic Course; Com-
mercial Club (I); Cha irman o f Booster Com -

m ittee of South Central Club; All nt Sea ( I );
Spring Festival (2); Passing Show (2 ), I-lob-
by- Rending and lessons. Future- \Vo rk
until spring la ter a trip to Canada.
"Behold the brig ht countena nce o f truth."

4430 So. 16th Street

Garfield School; Scientifi c Course; President Man-
ual Arts Club 3 ( I); Trac k 1-2-3-4; Football 3

(I); P ageant 3 (I). No definite p lans for fu-

Speaking of a th letics h e can 'e be beat,
\Vhcn J ohn plays it's n ot a defeat.

2209 C Street

South Lincoln School; Scien tific Coursei S c ience
Club (2) , (3), (4) : Commercial Club ( I );
Portia (l) (2); Girls ' Glee Club (I) and ( 2 );
Nebr~scka Pagean t, Enchanted Y ear; Oper-
e tta 24; Passing S how '24. F ulure -Unde~
c ided.
'The ha ppiest gi d and Lhe swee test
That e'er lhe sun shone o n ."

5604 So. 3 1s t. S tre et

Zion Lul he ran Crade School; Normal Training

Course; Vice pres ide nl o f C ross and Zion
Sc hoo l Club ( I); S. T. L. 3 ( I ) , I (2) , I ( I );
May _ Fes tival ( I ) (2 ) . Future-Omaha Uni -
v e r s 1Ly.

"'She's e verybody's sweethea rt i s our

23 I I E Street

Hawthorne S chool; His tory En glis h Course.
definite plans for future.
'"To look up a n d not down

To look forward and not bock,

To look out and n o t in, and
To lend a hand."

PaRC Twenty- e ig ht

~ -------.,

(1-~ )

l' ( '---)-
\ '(__- ~~ ,~





President ........... . ..... . .. . . ...... . ... J oe Reeves
Vice President .. . . . .... . ............ . ... Henry Smith
Secretary ............................ . Walter Sturek

1 reasurer . ........... ...... ... . . ...... . Ernes t Raven



H enry Smith

Joe Reeves Ernest Raven

Walter Sturek Henry Smith

Zeta Allingham Jo Enright

Babe Norris PLAY COMMITTEE Ralph Kingston
Ralph Kingston Play Selection Babe Norris

Alice Nystrom


Stage Manager
George Magrane


Ernest Raven Ida Newman

Lillian Simon Lee Hannify


James Hanley Joe Bernstein
Virginia Jensen Amelia Mangan



Zeta Allingham Alice Nystrom

Louise McDonald Charles Dunn

Merle Bell William Cleary


Elwin Alexander Clarence Buscher
Mary Smith Ethel White


Joe Reeves, Chairman

George Votava H elen Koutsky

Mary Basset Marjorie Gran

Luree Combs Irene Fitch


Jo Enright Byron Reed


Isabell e Dohan Irene Hay hurst

Hertha Bratke

Friday, June 5 ... . ...... . ..... Senior Mass Meeting
Sunday, June 7, 2 :30 P. M...... Practice for Baccalaureate

7 :30 P. M...... Ba::calaureate Exercises
Monday, June 8, 12 :30 noon ..... Dress Rehearsal for Play

7 :00 P. M..... . Senior Banquet-Lacoma
Tuesday, June 9 ............... Matinee Party- Afternoon

8: 15 P. M... . .. Senior Play-"Rejuvenation of Aunt

Wednesday, June 10, 10 :30 P. M. . Breakfast at Elmwood Park
8: 15 P. M.. Tea Dance-Afternoon
Senior Play

Thursday. June 11, 9 :30 A. M.... Practice Graduation March a t Technical
High School

8 :00 P. M.... Graduation at Technical High School
Friday, June 12, 1:00 P. M...... Report Cards
Saturday, June I 3 . . ...... . .... . A lumni Banquet-Rome Hotel

P age Twe nty-nine

r JOSEPH R EEVES, ..Dode..

L 220 I Deer P a r k Boulevard
Vinto n S choof ; Scientific Cours e : V ice•presidc:nl

4 (I ); President Hi- Y 2 -3- 4; " O "" Club ; Presi-
dent .; ( 2 ); l>r<1matic Club 4 (2) ; Footba ll

Capta in 4 ; Baskelbnll Ca pta in -I ; F o ur lette r
m a n, Bo y Mayo r o f Omaha "24 ; Prcs iclent Hi •
Y 4 ; Pa geant "Nebras k a." H o b by--Y. M. C.
A . work. \Viii a t tend Nebras ka U nive rsity.

0 Born for s u ccess he see med
\Vith g ra ce lo win, with hco rl lo hold
\ s h in ing g ift!-- t h•tt t ook a ll eye s:·

H EN RY I. SMITH, "'Hank ..

221 4 F S trcc:

South Lincoln S c hool : S cien lifi c Course; Class

Secre t a ry I ( I ); V ice- president I (2 ) ; S tu-

d en t Counc il 3 · 4; Presidcn t 3 ( I ) , 4 ( 2 l ;

H onor Society 3-4: Prc (sIi<)';en·t·o3·· ( 2 ): Drama t ic
Club. V ice-president 4 Club ; Bas ket•

b a ll 3 - 4 ; Baseba ll 1-2-3- 4; Hi - \' Club; "The

Two Dicks:" ..Sevcn tce,1."' \Viii a tte nd Ne-

bra s ka Univers ity.

"Tell me, whnt w o uld Sou th High he,

w i thout our Hank) ""

43 I6 So. 28th Street
St. Francis School: Scientific Course: P residen t o f
Gra d e S c h o ol Club 3 2) ; V ice- presid e nt 4 ( 1 1,
Baseball 3. \V iii a tte nd U n ive rs it y of Ne, .
b raska.
""A l oyol a n d t rusted man,
He will a ttempt l o show the wo rld .
\V ha l one tries lo do, he con...

E R NEST L OUIS R A V EN, ..E rnie..
3333 So. 24t h Stree t

South Lincoln School ; College Pr-eparotor y Cou rse :
C'1eer Leader 4 (I ) ; Hi-Y 2-3-4; Sena te 4;
Pep Club 4 ; S t u dent Cou ncil 2 ; Drama t ic Club
4 ; "The Sta r Ca ke, ·· .. Red Lam p."' P assing
S how" 3 ( Z) ; ··s e venteen... P lans to n t lend
A r mour T ech .
A lwa y s a Rave n
Nev e r h c- havin'."

L EE M. H ANNI F Y . ..H ann ig a n ..
4006 So. 24th Street

H if.(h land School ; Colle ge P re paratory; T ooter rle •
po rter 3 ( 2) . 4 ( l l; Senu te 2 (2) , 3 I l l;
G lee Cl ub 3 - 4 ; Pep C lub 4 (1 -2 J; .. , ,, O ld
Louisiana 2 (2); Passing S h ows 2 -3 - 4: ''J\11 a t
Sea·· 3 (2): De-clamatory Contest 3- 4 : Toote r
Ann ua l 2 (2): \Vo n Chri:-Jlmas Sea l Con~es:.
Lee is a good sint,;c r and will st u dy Jo urna l -
ism. He's ve ry fond of books and fooJ~,\1 1.

""\Vith his smile and humorous ~~!\\ or

Anot1~~~d~uch 'twill be ha r d lo fr.11d.:: .

4332 oS. 24th Street

South Lincoln Grade School: Manual Training
Course; M anua l Arts Cl ub ; Pocahontas 2 (2).
Hobby-Swimming and cam pin g . H e also is
a rodio "bug ."" Ex pe.:;ts lo s tudy Electrical
En i;ineering.
"If it is anyth in g abo ut Electricity E lw in
knows i t."

37 11 So. 25th Street

St. Bridge t's Crude School; Foreign L an g ua g e
Courne : Elected May Q u een of South in Fresh•
ma n yen r ; Studen t Council 3 (2); 4 (I ) ; Presi•
dent 4 ( 1) : Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Treasurer
3; Vellum 2, 3, 4; Girl Reserves I, 2, 3, 4 ;
Treasurer 2 (I) , 2 (2) ; Vice-pres. 4 ( 1 ) , 4
(2) ; Po r tia 4 (ll, 4 (2) ; Treasure r 4 (2 ) ;
D ra •:1atic Cl ub 3 . 4: S ecr etary and Treasurer
4 (2); " D iabol ical Circle;" "Sauce fo r t he
Gosli:1i:;s;" " Enc!,anted Year;" "'Passing Show
1924:"" "Seventeen.'" Univers ity of Nebra s ka,
ru!XL year .
"L.:ut to see her w a s t o love he r,
Love but h e r a nd love forever."

4S2 I L eovenwort h Stree t

i ·.••. ·, \ ... ..::~:e:ra~ed School; No r mal Cou r se; Vell u m
-t t2 1: Science Club, 2, 3, 4; H onor Society;
':irl r<er-1.• rves 3, 4; S. T. L . 3, 4; Odds and
E nd~; Mll.v F e~t ival 1922; Tooler Reporter I,
!. 1 'ob!.,i,:s- l-1ikin g and dancing. Futu re-
U n ae-c1ded.
·To those wlio know thee n ol, no words
can pa in, I
And Lhose who know thee, know a ll words
·" -~ It:.·, :

3606 V Street

~µc·,cer H i ...½ School. ~pe:iccr. Neb. ; Nor:~1al Trnin-
,!l~ <.:o u r.c ; S. T. L. 3 (2); 4 ( I) , 4 (2) ; Odds
anJ Ends 3 , 4. Fut ure-- Undccided.
Deeds not w o rds .

5333 So. 33 rel Stree,

\\/c:,.t S 1ci c School; Sccre: arin l T ra in in g Co urse ;
,'du.y Festival 1923. Fu:urc Undeci~:ed .

"\Vise lo renoh ·~ anci pa '.icn l lo perform."

PaE,:e Thirty-one

J 11)3 C re i g hto n A vc nle

St. J o hn·• Grnr'c Schoo l. St. J oh n ·• H in h School :
S tenogr a ph ic Cou rse ; Com mercial Club 3 ( 2 ) .
4 ( 1-21· Odds nnd Ends Club, Secret ory 3
( 2 ) : Cl~ss P rog ram Cor-,.-, i~t ce . . H o b by-
Dnnc i n:;. Pla n s t o ente r Un1vcrs 1ly o( N e -

bra ska .
.. Flo .. r. ~v c r puts P leas u re b e fo re A 111b i -


MERLE S . BELL. ••Din g- Do n g ..
H08 :;,,. 25th Street

Belle vue l-l i g h S, hool ; S u le s ma. ns h ip Cou rs e: Com_~
merc io l Club 3-4 : Scie n ce -l: S tuden t Counc il
-I : Emnno n -I ; Odd., o nd Ends 3 - -l: Boske t Ba ll
Res e r ves 3 , R,·gulo, s 4. Merle·• hobby is Ba s -
ke t Bo ll.

..Ye s , w e·1 c b o ys -ulwn y s p la y in g wi th
ton gue o r with p en,

A n d I s omet imes have a s ked. Shall we
e v e r be men

J O E B E R N STE IN, ··Go ld Dus t T w in ..

5 231 South 24th S treet

··o··South Cc ntrn l School : Sn lc sm unsh ip Course ; C fo ss
Trcos ure r 3 (2): Club; Commerc ial Club ;

Sou th Cent rnl Grade School Club ; ··Pe p" s o -

ciet y , and Mo rn le Club; Ba seba ll 3 ( 2 ) , -1 ( 2 );

Footba ll Res e rves 3 ( I ), 4 ( I ) ; Bo s ke'.boll

Res e rves 2 ( 2 ), 3 ( 2 ), -I (2J, T ruc k T e a m

··R- 2 (2) , -l (2 ). H o bby- Athle t ics. W ill

ente r Ne bras ka Un iv e rs ily.

..Now here we a r e f n o w her e we a r e I

] U$l w atch us g o ro lling u p t he s core: ·

SE LMA BINGH A M. ··sa n y ··
3 820 J S treet

Sou th Fra n k l in Grode S c h ool : No rmal T ra ining
Cours e : G rllde Schoo ( B o o s lin g and Vis i tin g
Committee; S. T . L . 3-4 ; Co mme rcial Club -l
( 2): Coro nado in Quive ro 2 ( I ): P ocaho nla s
I (2 ). H o b b y - Swim ming. P lans to teach

When g ood g ra des w e re passe d o u l s he
w as Lhcre.

J OSEPH J. B LA HA. ··Ma jo r ·
l 410 Arc h e r Ave.
Edward Roscw ole r School: Solc s montt h ip Cou rs e::

Senale 3 ; H i - Y -4; Commerc ial Cl u b 3 - 4; A n li •

Smokin f,t Cl uh 4 ; Edward Rosewater Gra d e

Schoo( Club ; Boost er Co mmi llee 2. Pla na to
go into t h e p rinli:ng l rade.

rcw""i.1njo r"· lht: b oy wh om everybody knew
L u! Wl d e rs t ood.

Pat,:c Thirl y- lwo

43 I 6 S o. I3th Street

Edwa rd Rosew a te r G rade School ; Normal Tra inin g
Cours e; Mn y Fes tival I (2 ) ; S. T. L. 3-4.
P lane to en te r \Vayne N o rm o.l.
"Delig ht ful Las ki T o rear t h e len de r
thou g ht,
T o t each the youn g idea how to s hoot.''

ST EPH ANIA E . BUDZ IK, " ' S tepJ,"
44 2 1 S o . 32nd S treet

S L F ra n cis Grade School ; Atte nded SL J o hn' s H igh
School; No rmal T rain ing Course; S. T. L . 3 . 4.
l-lo bbic:s- P inno p layin g. s k a t in g and h ik in g .
P Ju n s Lo e nt e r Omahn Un ivers ity .
..S he escape d up the h ills by n ever turn ·
in g back ."

3906 S S t.

Corrico n C rnde School : Solc s mo.n s hip Course ;
P residen t o f Corri ga n Grade Sch ool Clu b 4:
Member o f Ju nio r Ca rnival Committee: Glee
Club: "R'" Cl ub : Capt a in o( S w imming T eam
3 ; Memb e r of Swimming Team 2-3- 4 : Cla ss
Baske t ball 3 ; School poper 4 . Bob by- Swim-
m ing. Future--Undecided.
" L ife a s bus hce' sees it is j us t o ne
thin g o f t e r ano the r, ond ulways with a big
smile l o g ree t the pusser •h y ."

20 12 N St reet

Jun grnan n Grnde School; S te nographic Cou rs e ;
Pussinµ Sho w ; Scie n ce Clu b: Vellum: a n d Glee
Club. H obbies- Bn s ketboll n n d s in g ing. P lnns
to s t u dy n urs ing.
"' Larks hnve no l hing o n A l een w hen it
comes to s in g ing.'"

1114 Miller S t reet

Beals School; A tten ded Fon tenelle H igh Sch ool ;
Nornrn l Trninin g Cours e; P o rt ia 2.3. 4; Port in
Secretory 4 ( I ): Poster Chnir man 3 ( 2 ); S.
T . L. 3-4 ; Odds and Ends 2-3-4 ; May Fcsti·
vol 2 (2); The Enc han ted Y en r 3 ( 1). Ex•
peels to teach.
\Vere s ilence golden,

Grace would be a millionai ress.

Polle Thirt y- th ree

12 t I Blairt e Street
E':!·.vard P.osc·.va· er Sc!100I ; Stenog: r,1ph ic Co urse ;-
Presi•lcn t Vcllu., 4 (2 ) ; H . E. C. Treasu re r 4
( 11; Co·--ir,c ,cial Club 4 (I): Operetta 3 (2):
May Fe5•ival I (I\. 3 (2': Pu::,sin u Show f
(2\. 4 (I}; Gfee Club. \Vifl c:1'.cr business:
wo~·l 1
" ! • ' .; nice ·o be n.:i· ural
\:"/..c..~ you~:-c n a'u::-i ry nice:-

C"Tl·l/\R!Nr. G[/\SE. ··1~.. -ic"
:iilfi tlnr'.h 21 s!. Strcc.

Oi5lric ' No. 6 S.1rpy Cou.:1ly ; Nor mal Tra ining
Cou:-:;c; Vcll u .:i 3-4: S . T. L . 3-4; Por: ia 4;
Girl f!cocrvcs 3: H. E . C. 3-4: Scic:,ce Club 3:
May Fe-; iva r 1 (Z}; Dt.."'C'.ama ' o r y Co:1 lest 4
(2 . H o ".,bil'.!s- D.:,,:ici:1~ . le:1nis a!l.:.I hiking.
\-✓ ill :l: · e"' 1 Univcrsi y o f Cali fo rr:i:l.
...l ,. i:[ tn:!:e 1:~ y ti..--:-: c n;1d do as I please....

LI DMILA OilZEK, '"Mila"
SSth and T Stree:s

As'.1!a, I Park Sc::ool; Norma r T raining Coun:e;
S .oryTelle:s L eague 3--1: J\ r lLst ~ ( I ); Too er
Hcp:n·.cr -~ 12) ; /\s1,b:,:I Park Sc~,oo1 c · u!>
3--~; May Fesliva l 2 (2 ); Honor Socic~y 4
(2'; r:loos · cr Co.,.,,:- it•ee 3 (I) , 3 (2) . I-lobb y
- Hikin "':. \Vi ii a ·.~c:1d P '! ru No r: nal.
UQWe'., soft spo ken, li ke an elf,
We , ·:bh s'.~c would he r self.-

Ra ls·o11. Nebraska

CJoo ,... r,.•.o"'1 Cou:,c(I fl luffs· At.t c•F'c~t "hrn hnnT
L inco'n l-li~ '.1; St. Johns Hi gh Sd,ool; S t eno-
nraph ic Course: \ on~mc r cial C lub 4 ( 1- 7. '· Rc-
n~r c: fo r \'/eekly Tooler 4 (1 -2 ). H o bhy-
Hikin q . Fu· urc~ Undeci rfcd.
''0epe.-,~nble. and full o f ru ---.
She is a friend of everyone.··

DONA LD O -IRISTI E . "Christie..
2807 Madison Street

H as•ings, Iowa, Sc!lool : A t· c:v!ccl f-l ast in as Hig h
Sctiool Bookkeeping Cou rse: Ca rrie--! ou'side
work durin G J u nior year '24; Came b:ick lo
sc!1ool Jan. 26, 192S; \Ve:1t to nig :at-school.
carrie; s ix cred i: s durin g senior year. \ViH
t;;:,,kc u p /\ccounta ncy .
...Quiet, so( t spoken is this lad
B ut wits: w e. know he cer!ninly had ."

p 0 ~c Thirt y-<our

;,--:0 v .• MARGARET CLEARY. "Marg"
3310 Madison St.

1-li~hland G rade School; Stenogr aphic Cou r se: Cirl s'
Glee Club 3-4; Constilu lional Committee 4 ( I ) ;
H. E. C. 3 (2); Portia 3 (I) ; Enchanted Year
Pageant 3 (I) ; Passin g Show 3 ( I ). 4 ( I ) ;
Ope retta 4 ( I ); AIJ al Sea; May Festival 2
( 2). I-lobbies- -Swingin g , hiking. Will atte nd
University of Ncbraskn.
..A true friend is foreve r u friend."

3320 Madi~on Street

J-l ighlond School; Manual Tro.ini n g Course; Class
SecretD.ry 2 (2): Glee Club 3-4: Secretary and
Treasure r 3 (I); "Nebras ka;'' "A)J nt Sea;"
"The Riddle of Is is ;" The Templeton Teapot;"'
"His Soul; " Class Baseball 1-2-3. \Viii take

P . C . Course then go lo the Univcrs ily.
' "\Vhile w e live, lct•s live in clover,

For when w e' re dend, we're d ead a ll over."

LUREC COMBS, "Dimples'
2306 E Street

Sou~h Lincoln School : Scienti fi c Course: Junior
C:'lrn ival Con"lm iltcc; Party Conuniltce; Science
C lub Secretary; Tooler Repo rter 4 ( 2); Veilu rn
l • 2• 3: Science 2 -4 : P o r tias 4 ; D ramatic Club;
Hono r Society 4 (2) :·· ·1Th1! Pri m r ose Path:"
" In The Doctor's Office:" "The Tem pleton
Teapot ;" "Sevent een;·· CJass Repo rler. Hob-
bies--0..lncing and clut>s. \Viii attend CoJlege.
" As merry as the day is long.
Smile, Luree , und let u s see your dimples."

43 15 So. 25th S treet

St. Bridge:s School; Stenog raphic Course: Tooter
Reporte r J (I): T reasure r of Science C lub 3
(2 1; Ba nq u et Committee 3 (I ): Commercial
Club 3 (2); Commerc ial Contests 3 (2): ..The
E nc:1an:cd Y ear.. 3 ( 1 ) . H o bbies -l s e ska t in g
and dancing. Fu t ure-Undecided .
'"The happiest g irl a :1d the swce :est gi rl,

·:, Tha t e·er the s un shone on. \'

5401 So. 49th Street

Ashland Pnrk School ; Stenographic Course Secre-
t ary o f Grode School Cl ub 3 ; T oo:er Hepor "cr
H . E. C . 2 ( 2): Vellum I . 2 ; CoP"ll!lC r ciaJ C lub; ·
Distri ct u.nd Stale Co:11r.-1crcial Contcs :s 3 (I ) ,

1-2 (2); Cbnirman of .Sociu l and Boos ·cr Co:1 -
mittee Crade Sc:100 I. Hobb y- !; i:l:,::i:1a . Fu -
ture - ·Undccidccl.

"A very ~entlc, modest, a:id t'.e...urc li ::le

Page Thirty-five

JAMES D ILLE, ..Prof..
2518 f Street

Ash l an-I Park School; ·Manu al T r aining Cou r3 e :
· ·· · Manual A rts Cluh 1-2-3--!: Pres ident 4: ..Th~
En c!lnntcd Year," "'All ot Sea:· Passing Show of

·25: Dccla•-:,atory Con test. Hobby - Science:.
\Viii n~lcnd Unive rs ity of Neb raska.

"Deep si g-hted in in•elJirc:icc~.
i c! ca s . a~o:--:1"-, infl u ences."'

IS.0.13F.LL E FHANCES DOHAN, "lzzic"

s·. 2i02 D Street
B ridi,:e~s School ; Normal Traininl! Course; Cirl
Reserves 1-2-3-4; Secretory 3 (2); Science
C!ub 2-3-4: 1-1. E. C. 3-4: Tooler Repo r ter 4
( 11: P ortia 4 : Vellum 1-2-3- 4 : S. T . L. 3-4:
1\foy Festivals I ( 2 I , 2 ( 2 l, l-lobbies- Danc-
i:,g, tennis a n d hiking. \ViJI u ll e nd \Vnyne
N o rm a l .
·•1 am sure. cure's an enemy l o life.!...


1423 Phelps S t reet
St. Roses School : S :enog raphic Course : Toote r Rc-

po r 'er fo r Commercial C lub -4 ( I ): Comme r-
cial Cluh 4: Odcls and Ends Club 3 (2): Drn-
malic Club 4 ( I ) 12>: Seventeen 4 (2): Prir.1
Rose Path 2 (2): Declamn:ory Contest 4 ( 2 I.
Hobbies--Dancinc and bridge. Plans to eater
0:1 eastern Uni v ~ r!.i ty.

"A loving hc:.rl is the beg innb:; of all
kn owlcd r;c."'

C H AR L ES F. DUNN, Jr....Chuck..

So. Side, Omnha, H. No. S
Ple..1 <1Jon t Hill School; Salesmanship Course; Class

P.-cs idcn t 3 (I) (2); Presiden t o f Comrrcrcial
C'ub 4 ( I l (2 I: Hono r Society 1-2- 3 -4: Treas-
u se r 4 (2l: l-li-Y Club 4 (2); ..R .. Club: 0
Cl uh : Passing Show; Baske :ball Res e rves: Bare -
ball 2-3-4. I-lobbies- Baseball and dnncing.
\;/iJI nttend Business Collcr{e.

··I will rreel you al second base.
I:,; what 'Charlie· tells thc::1:·

S3 ! 4 So. 2ith Stree t

St. Ag nes School: Fo reign Lan g uage Course; C lass
Secretary 3 (I). 3 (2): Tonstn.. istress o( Jun -
ior Senio r Reception 3 ( I ) VelJ u ~ 1-2- 3-4:
Girl Reserves 1-2 - 3 - 4; Portia 2-3- 4 ; H onor
Society 2-3-4: Science C lub 3 - 4; Dramatic
Club 3-4: Pocahontas I (2): Moy Fes tival I
(21; Pnssing Show 1923 J (21, 4 11): Seven -
teen 4 (2): Enchnnted Year 3 (I): We Dine
at Seven 4 {I )_ Hobby- Tennis.
··Though she isn't very tnll,
She certainly makes th e big nrac.!ell fall ."'

P:il,!c Thirly-s,x

L_ _ _ _ ______ _ _ _ _
J ___

T ..Pep..

H~~~r I) .JOSEPH Ffo~h. Street e· Student
; 2 17 So. . nlific Cou rs Too ter

ark School: Societ\_2 )\ Declan~h:
BrowCou~cil I I ( \ } / :' G)leeH~lbt!'ie:~[\t t2et~a!k~ ~ni·

Repog~~test 3 ( le~gineerin g at cab -
lory \~·11 study . his vo
ivnegrs. 1..~~h,e word impossibl e is not rn

u l ary.' '

FENTUN, ..Bun..

VERNON C L3A6R0EI NQCESdtrT"elch ·e nti fi c
c~~~mSt. Hig 'c1 t'3 ( 2):

hool · Allende de Sch,,ol u summer
Mary's _sPrcsidcnl of !,chool, a Plans to

CoursS.;,oker Club:__ l Police DutyCreig hton. • •.
SAcnhto,-oI P phlaarym: acSype.cainal\uMt edniuc• ttaalched t o an ..
s t udf.F l on feet, d hen ..

th·i~~ els e a roun

!RENE F ITC J·I. "dBlondy.. Cours,.• ..
Commii;~;:,eM. Ft Crook B_lv .Langua ge 3 ( I I:
. Grade Sch·o?l : F~~~'._l~' I 2 .(2 ) :
Riverview Society 3-4, -~:e 3 (2): 3\/e(2); Sc1en cd
Honor t Comm, ves E hanlc
MReifnreersvham1~)n. (I): Gi rl Re ; ,°;il (I ): ~): M a y
Stu den t Co,1 H4and 4 () 1-'ob -

Club 4 ( ' . The l-lelpm g how 2 ( . s un-
Year 2 (21) (2 ) : Pass in_p .s Future 1plan

bFieesst-iv1;-d1,k·1ni, and Dancun,, m~_rri. }, '.wink·

de c ,d~dh e winkable, _bll · ble eyes . 1
a [le~ssimply 1..mthm . a

IR E NE E f C HtE R Cour, e ..
414 6 U / ,tree Train in':' ol: S.
Ahosohll:andNo P.-.nM~a~ GFreasdteiva::l,chYl-e2a:
\ <h l a nd dPea3nrtk.( o·Sf c 4 ( 1-2 ) :Th YEnc h a n . e dlan s ,· I3n
.• • Pres 2) un ·

oT i d LL. ouis .~an'a S2I ow( 2)3: ( 2 le, Futur-, P

( I 1: P a ssin g l ·c fa ire r • ~ \ ..
~d ecid.Te.Hhdn.enr
s' ·mc r.i·vlesfroo rwnots RI ni a.. idc n s ct r .
1c r

FU .T U vl E Y ER oi,1 ·
C E3S9O0Rl8G SF.o . 3 , th SI tAreretts Cou r. se :c cCl1ool
eI·•1·'c"1,'.,\kl ,n c l.oJSokl I:aI tM\,.r..1I.n!.Suou,u·PllhtainmsF'1tnidnWkiorhm- ob~_uns,·' ~ai·~·
S o u thn1 C lu1b ran
ot fo

1i9C lu b . H ob 'YJ\ h o p c " ~o .. \'/h os ,.,., .., on

'nt\vhci~ei-i.. mpwraoonb·tl«c,..~_·lhvo bfeirsint ll•lc,ca rc • ll,e c u r fe w

:\I d r-. .

Pa Jc Th i rty-sev en

S6 13 So. Hth Strc,t

St. A1;ncs School: Ste n e g r a phic Course: 1-1. E. C.
3 (I ); Comme r ria' -) ( I ): May Fes' i va l I
!2): E nchante d Yc,,r 2 (21. Hobby- Hikin r,.
\V iJI enlcr b u si n cs·. world.
'"T h ~. only w :.y lo huvc a friend is lo be


JOSEPI I GIRThOFFl:'.R. " I is h G irthoITcr·
J 136 V S:re,:l

Corrigan Cra le Srnool; Salc!-rn"' 1nship Cou rse: 'o··

Cl ub 3 (21, -I (2); Co r :ign n Grade S chool
Club: Swm11 iin g T c;:,,:11 2 (2) . J (2), .; (21.
H obb ies- H, ckey ;rnd swh11111ng mil l c!1es. \'\"ill
enter bu:"111, 9"4 world .

..A fi s }- in t he ,..1.·atc· .
Bu t nc., on d r y l r11pl,"

~I \R IORi F. L. Gn '\N. "Ma r j"
4 ?0•1 \Villia :·, • S t rcct

Colu -n bun ~r'ioc ,! : '.\Jor1,al Training Cou rse: Vt:.•!lu:11
1- 2-3-·L Sc..~cn• :c,ry 4 flJ; Porl1,1 1·2-3-4 , [cc-
r eln:-y 3 I 1: f'j_ T. L. 3- 4: llono r Sot.·c1y
3 - .:: 5CiP'1 C · 3- 4 ; Pre 1c!cnl -I (2>: D r a t· ~,tit:
C lub ·l ( 71 Girl Re « n·c s 3- -1; "Hed L,r p:"
'* Prince er; r · in H • ln c;uc ra de;" Mdy Fcs: 1n1I.
I l obl,ics 5 ~., tin ;.! nn<1 clnncing. \Viii enter t.: n1 -
vcrs 1ty.
"\'l/1.." n ~rvel lo land :...o n1.1ny nccoi;, p1i ~h-
mcni.s i:1 ow s:.inll p:1ckc.u,.l·,

l:. vci:y L lll"II' rro ·, to1.•. duncinµ to n 1,. 1ft ot

r~IAI G ,\RL C IH'.l·.H. "M,d;:c"

42H J Street

South Fr;1nl;l1: Sch ool: No r mal Training Course:

S. r. L. 3 4; Ma· Fcst,v,d 2 (I). 1-lobb,es

Skating arcl dan 1 ;. nq. i\lnq.wre"l p lHns to tench
nl Rund .,choo1

"She is !'In oil. prctl;·. un<l i~ i,... •·-id to
:1iake a gof,d le:acher."

J ,\ME5 L. IIANLl~Y. "J1111"
fort rrook Blvd.

R1vc rv1ew Grade- School : H istory Englis h Cour~c:
Attended Cent ral Hi uh FreNhnwn Year. Presi-
dent or Sarpy County Crnc!e School Club 4
t 1- 2 1•
..And when a womnn·s in the case
You k:1ow n it othe r thin gs g ive place:·

Pa gL Thirty-eight

HARDING Presiden t
EA RLE G. b aska
. R alston. NAr;s Course~ ) . -l (I I:

ie:'.als~;lstS_ocnhoGoli,.~,'nIM~ iallnScuceahlo3o,l: :, C.ITl.uhbeMEa3nnucha( lanA,,erdt sY. Ce alur .~.
3V2i(s(2i1t-)i.2.n.H)g,eFuwta1u1sr)ca: -PvUncnir;r~a:y~i cpc•....drf.i ..,.,hl i;entil kni g ht.


L UC I1L<:L>·\SJt ernco1 gSratprehdic Course . Fu -
4 60 6

So ulIt'urLc,i .nPcLIonnlnunsghSunccluo;~, c~l idtchde. v:o r Id laug h s with y o u .

0 15 l lARPEH hie
H AZEL L Ncbrnska I Stenog rap ,al
P « l slon .H .nh S c h oo : . CommercE < .
So ul hCoLuirns ce o, l(,T1-o2oH\ t:oeo1M· p"Reyrc i h~o.I:~ltt"o(~g,,rdnIpIh(1_<2n2i1.,;.., 2 \\('i2l)l . e netner

11CJ·woly,ussb "w'4r\oeVa/rcdl1d.w1. 1ag'n a nd P wli.nkne' t<•·,-rl.I,. l. c n s a n l thou ~ht,
t t hee.
b u s

\V hc n s ue- Ii ilfC

I F 11 ,\V LIK I I. L

~I ~R S ;dc ~o._ 3 hie Coursc;1m1llce

1( 11,111: CSmc h: r' ·n5~Ie. : r cS"ia:cl gnCoologud~ 1,_ps Bk ao ot csrtear 1d an cer
-J;,1P le,lSnni k· , ow,

CS ( I l . M a ri e I b ut s he

Future - U~1~,~~~ n o t know 1cr,
"Mil n~ · ··
( :1o "s ) ma n y .

\1.:;:~nin g- D HAYH U RST. "Toot~·· T ool·
!RENE MILOf_r()q u . IS Co(t~rtt : P o~t 1.-~

j ·(p k S chooI: ". l,or.n,,S1ecret~., r yL 3-l ( 2 ) ., CFhcasilrl·
1ro wi~ ,~: p o rter br~s-i~~ n t S. .'2 J ; Ma(.,nds to

Club PIro2(g)I n) u: n Com m iHUtekci_n $? , 1I rc ne in
H o b 11 Y I oks

vtcnal c l!I; (I .fairest g :i rl,'etnh emwihsee,s t ob oC:, k s .
A~~e in h e r rn m c


P ::age Thirl y - 1. ine


H ERBER T A. HESTER. ""Bunnie··

3915 So. 26th S treet
South Lincoln; Manual Arts Course; Community

Center I ( I ) . 2 ( 1-2); Pres iden t Boys· Glee

Club 4 (2): Special Orches tra 2 (1-2). 3 ( 1-2),
4 (I); O r chest ra for Play, 1-2-3- 4: P ageant

Orcheslra. Hobbies- Cho r us and linotype op-
era t ing-. Intends lo be a linotypc operator.

'"T a ll and mig hty, meek an d kind
.-\.nother such will be hn rd, to find."

AGNES HI LL, "Do lly··
59 and P Streets , R. F. D. No. 4

-\~hland Park School; Norrnal Training Cours e;
Cla ss V ice- pres ide nt I ( I ) : S. T. L. Artis t 4
( 2•: S. T. L. 1-2-3-4 : Treas urer 4 (I) ; Chair- or Enterta inme nt Commit te e of Ashland
Park School (3- 4 ): S. T. L. 3 (I ) , 4 ( 1-2).

I-lobby- S w imming and s h e is in terested in a r t.

A i;:: nes inten ds to t each.
"' It is the glo ry a n d the goo d o r Ar t
That ;-\rt r ema in s t he one w ay possible

of speaking truth.'"

J AMES 1-1 . HOWARD, '" Cak e'"
I ?05 Miss ouri Ave nue

H awthorne School : Ma nual Arts Cours e; Man ual
Arts Club 2 ( 1-2 I, 4 ( I I. \V iii e nter Illinois
Un iversity. Favorile rec reatio n s are baseball
and fi s hin g .
"Never ha s muc h to ~ay until ca1led


25 16 So. 32nd Avenue
\Vind sor School; No rma l Tro ining Course. \Vilt
a tte nd Un iver s ilv of N ebraska.
"' A lic<;, hardly ever says much: but t hinks
i t lot.

1-IAROLr> 1\ . J A COBS. '"Jnkc'"
Si20 L Stree t

South F ra nklin S c hool ; Opportuni t y Course ; Scie n c e
C lub 3. Futu r e p la n s in definite .
.. Some s ay h e i s going to b e a farn1 e r.
0 1he r s an .-1. c t o r; b u t n o nwltc r whnl h e
l 1c kle~ he is ~ oin H to s uc c ee d."

P t t.· Fo rt v

BSON, "Jaky" .
LTF.R JACO i, Street . Wes t Side
\VA 5'24 So. 301 I ·c Course, F lure-
]. Stcno!,.!rup H ·on Club. u
\Ves lSSchidoeol SCclhuo\ou'ssion,·ess·s Ewxoprrlei;s°sti1on will some da y

Wi ll 1-lnle~erve and ~T.-ienl man.

,n~ske him a pro

Rt §~~}~. A NDA, "Ray" •

R. i ~' ~s~:l:j~~ r;~hei~l 'f3°u"J: :~
k S c hoo • F·nance a n Too ler
~BrowSnecprc~~. ryComI mIc)rc: i...t ji ·-C luHbun3t i.n(g2.) 'Futrure Pla n s
mi ttee, I) H obb} · th his falhe ·

-poTrtoe"SrAoi,2omyIoulluctt~hh btuos inwchsosmw!.vo s ug civheno,f he aven."
on m
ea r th, :,o

I lis lo ry F. SSE JA~lES

RJ\L~T1o0 ~;,,;00 Street d E n _,s C IDub:

'-it~·c1J:'es h3r>.JC•uobuprss:e,:;:~/Ol•d·SdhDso wraamn ati.c AEClnll ucabhta: nS_el eaec:l

Boys T•a m 3 : a d e r ll at: f Bea ujo hes .
balin g c . The W o n I s• B e lls o w ·11 allc n cl
Se vcnll~:~cl of Romu2 ~3.• Future-:- ~ n d D ra •

DYeecalra;ma t o r ySCc fH o bbyye-a r~lcuos iucrs e in two

the Mis ncComplelecl o ur >l rnlle l. "

nmnadlic,<s?N.~-nh~·'Ibf u·v! chnirlsll. f:.eIf c .·-rn b e his p ,

F R I T I O F19 0J2O HI NSS tOreNe.t "Fritz'" Gba r lTichlcel


Scg~h!·G·,rfi c ld 0 1 i\1 a. nun lt ~1/A~r l :nUln dAc cr ti s Clu .
Clu bF: ~I~ ~-su cce"
~~t, Grad e d Ye ar. · u u . to c omma it.' ·
E n c han _t e t in m o rtnls h ·' II d eserve
h:'?11 rlo mor e - c

Pa~~ Fo rty- o ne

' OURDAN. "Sue" o l•
fJ°SUSAN J V Street . Cou rse; T o o f
O~;. Stenogrnph,cCom mittet923.
Ev Luth. Sc (il; Boo~\ ~~ Fes tival S kat:
Zion:r Rc portc'. Sc hool Clubtiub. 1-lobbbus iness
Zions G rade Club; Pep - Will en ter

Commer c ,a~~ing . Future is g rea te r.
ing and s , • hut silence
w orl1.5pccc-h is r: rcut;

DELM A~7~7 Q S tree/ Cou rse; i\fo.'.'N; ~
I SS. hco1Sewennt1a1t1ec p aIA,,cekha-enS:t,a1ri-sBt rcyn.
Ce•cr:,b lSouth al o( _2( I; ) ;
' S2.ch3o_ ;I )

Artska ." Passmilobby- i\lus ,cu~'(;,crsity...
bpFr,ut.t"•:nt(·lis3WPi(;lilIr)a;.d,titsecnd.ts ClrheeigChthoennu.str y r oor.1.

KI NGST0:-1, "Curly"
No. 17th Ns,11c, ct Foreii,Dn
fi 1:;;',:~7~l'V-\LPH2
Pender I e . ' I ) • r;\ .
P ender Pu~~\~r;e~hcf~l~heT+;~:i',i:~~114 T~apot. Fudlu re

ua ,:e I 4 ( I I; f san , a

mal ;;'Art Cl u 'tud y law. ilh p lenty o a su m.
\V!!Tlh~s yo_un i, cool head. as
tll t! T wrci~doer th<,:>\' J1izolon hainmcself...

HELEN LOU l9th Street . , Course ;

4532 SoN rnl Trnina,1g3--!; T ren.

( la wtho '."~e CSlcuhboo3l,;4: Pot'rl~ja. 42:; GVierllluRmei5e)r:vesH o3n· o4:r

SSs utcur,c,e!nrcn4t 4(CIo)u:l-nloScb:ilbT.,c-is-.- TSrkeaalisnuir,;eran4d hi2kin g:. Fu.

Sluorceic..tP)Ea~ne~r cuhnadrcmci1_1d1eg-d.c'ver ne·.v."


I1 ~MAH IE D.26th St ree t C'o urs c; Stu.
So ul LinCc o lunncS4,_I0c h02o4o(ISi)olb; g IF:u tHuor en o r to'1i

J (cleat2) . I tolli"c. u cannot pou~
'.c,1lldcyn"dHBapupsi.''nw.e,.sss•w.,isthao upte..rr~fuc lmtien gyo"t le a s t a fc"

od nr opo :-l1ht.o' n· y o , r sc lf.


Pag:e Fo rly• two

KRAGH. "Mick"

RU;)OLP t ~ I~- A St reel En g li s h Cotl'.l,~Y
Eclwarcl R.' ocsl ewRoasteerw-Salc~hroCSIh~·ahmHo1opslilooCnrlyu1b9 24I -··'2k-Ae3tlb-la4al;ll S3a.~;

CEcl"lwba2r . 3-'14 ·'nTleednnisYear,. -C l-aWssill Bwaosrk a :-,d later

THho~::ib.~, ~UTn i:vnenrissi.t y. F u tuirse court, b a II.. and ra cket
n l.c:-,.~Gi ve hi m a l_ehnfor no i,oor c.

il:id he will ·wis

-\ shland , , a G ER. "Sho rty"
GEORGE Kl,L'l5lh S treet urse; .\sh-

5424 s,o. Opportunity ~o Hike Com.:
i;.;,rrkk SScchhooool . C lu b·ClPuburly1- 2a-n3 ~- "PTarngcekan t4 .

. lma1nldlcc,."2~3l.anOupacl rc~\lrlnts 192l3h;lclGicolfs p o 1·.l s. f'u:.,rc

pI1l9ho2,b:21b~-.y'lf~lhnGcr f~c sclcri~~ner:cn:It.d o tfh e.r ru --accs~ . r o:-,sta:1cy ot
is .

pu rpO!'IC,

VY "Bert"

BERTI-I A K~BR r d 'str eel r Hc p o rlc r ;

C 3 (h o l3· 5 I~-3inSc.o'-u\r'A\sll CaoturSseea: ..T2o~(e2l 1I; P2as~i.;',"
Vinton Sc. 1 1; · ~~estiva l I Checkers .

1S-1h. oEw. 3C' ro( s2s1-;W~olrndy Puzzles . Playsd o not t1se.
Solves rl ' fo r but
Will .Cs.Cht ucrcdolsycscwar!o- r.Idsp hI vscnanrcel., hn le to lose.
' .


5f 1EDSW1~DSoK~ls t St ,~~l Coursc:Ce~~:';;

Browmne rpe.:, 1rkRC.lucob,r;otoc0dl : r eSlh9te2es-ntt.o:rag.Prno·tagozcmznmnoulrnchl1lc92~yL3r.·o. OWpc,r11•

cfcntcr.. ~ub\~icTlotnolse r19 _73~c2s4s.inthDtahinerccshltaiunnJ' \i·s, v·o in the



AVE RT Y· _'''t.\ ddic·· 3

h \!A RY jfi-1Ct_L22C~u;;;~cbr1 R~f~ rPl~p
. f'in e Arts cl Y ea r 3 <,
Linc. oVlne.ll um . F.ncOhma nalhea U ,iv t=vres 1sle) c· o t hdl•
Soul Iut ' oclc 1t1y c

11 - 21, W,11 ente r11I~~.' min g b nst no s
v, oln\ve sec he: down c
T he c!w n ~Js 011

ceal s.

P.., ;.:c Fo rty-three

JO VITCl-1. ··Luz" .

SE3P0H6 LSAoZ. A2 I.s t SCtroeuertse .. ComI m(eIr)c.iai

CarfiCI)dub:ScChnorofli4:c IdrBnosI'ckhk(oeIoe)lp,,Cnli.-u(•(blb·j n)O:ll:pMe~rnelnolnlno1n:eg~c•rToPootper•

I I ): Orches~ ( 2) : B,n•k.~ busincs,s. erformed
Ci rculnt~'::~ rn. Will l~~.t wh~n \~ell P
co rn "The humb~~s~o the n ul1on.

brin g-s crcd1


<\~:CI.SIE M .13th. S treet Art s Course:

3176 So.ol· Ho uscholt (1 - 2), 2
Edwnrd HosleewroSlccrhoSoctc. luPba: i,Vcaenll~nl923. Plane

ARousi:ei:w•eanlcd C h oru.s , condlc to thy mer it.
dcfin'ih~ modesty s n

TADT, ";\lari,ic"
MARCARF·..ITOAH. LAItN)nDls·SSJtreeneol;:rnp2hlc HCoobubrvs-e-::-

E dward E RoCs.ew3 nItIcrI,. \SV!\cifhiaioyotnla·kcsct,.vu,p·d n1u9r2sin·l-( n t Uni·

r~~: c1.H . · hikim:. he had
t ic hcnrl s ·•
Piano. I lospital.
ve rsi.~~ kind nnd and foes.
T o comfort

EY "Shorty"

MAR1IS\:-.1 ORmUTahIIa. LRIL...iiS/ teNnoo. i,3rapI."·cV C•loluumrseI:
.o Sj :n rpv Count} ·dent 4 (I), nd Ends:
_\itCl:i,rc;- ( 1-2 JC Con,:
o:,~:.,;~i:'ID,s t
tric t toc.

2~1(-1I.): ·coRrn,rnilcnrlcm2 ( I l.. dStnocle,ni, Oond sw1mmm g
~ l u s i c3 Skotini,, 0 get what
.~o~~\t\Vesiiti( ·bwu ;s~i!nlesfos.r oppor tunily,


you want .

LITE. "Donk"

S t. JOHN13J1A0MS°E·S 35th ~\ v e . . . ~lanunl Arts
t •fi c Course. Societ y
hool · Sc,en ' I \. 1 lono r Lincoln
e~a~ki cnc. ;c ornlutlebl~~tb\ b \ 11M': oAtobrr1'.n'h..'.:.,'"'c1onc,ng.

'I t,.:
'\zi. rB!Ir2idl(12:<c)St:sp

J::~~~~s:·Contest 3 I Notr e D,, mc ..r 1-(ood

Will ..'g~:n~h,n g Is
1·hnt thm 1< Is

~11\HJOR IE 1\1. LORD, ",\l arge"
2866 Frederick Street

\Vindtsor School: Stcnol,(raphic Course: Odds and
Ends; Glee Club 3 (2), 4 ( 1-2): Commercial
Club 4 (2 ); Operetta 3 ( 2); Pagcanl 2 ( I l;
Pass in[: Show 3 CI 1, ·I CI l. I lobby- Outdoor
sports. Co inlo bus iness.
··su~inc~s is i,.:ood, Thank you."

HAL l\l cCOY
S169 Jone, Street
\'t'ind ~or School : Attended Central Hi J: h Summer
School : Scientific Course. Hi-Y 1-2 -3-4, Science
Club 3- 4, C.mmnnon 4 (2 1. H obbies-Swim-
ming ond Tennis. \Vill Luke up C ivil En g in-
eering nt N ~.,rn!lka Uni.
··1 prai!I... th c,sc w ho can d o the risht
thin g i\l "'•-~ ri ~ ht time."'

3732 So. L41h Street
St. Bridl-,!cls Schoo l: Fore 1~ 11 Lnn r;uni::c Course :
Cla ~r, Vice President 3 11); Student Coun ci l
3 (1 - 21: Scr rct ury 3 12): Trea s urer 3 11 1:
Cirl R t.•sc rvcs I ( 1-2); Portrn 4 ( 1-2) : V i ce

Prc!liclcnl 4 (2) : Pua.:cnnt 2 ( I ).
"'She is prclly to wnlk with.
1-\nrl \'l,•itly t o talk with.
And plcasnnt, t oo, lo th ink o n ."

42 27 So. L3 r.! Street

St. 0rid ~!cl"s Sch ool : Sleno~rtt.,.~ic Course; Vellum
I (I): Coinmcrcinl Club 'f , : -2): Pep Club
4 (11 : t\lny F es tival I f2l. \\1 dl enter Ous i-
n est'I world.
""The re ' "' ah•1m y~ room ut the top,
But I like n ~ca l m the front row.""

L AUHETTA I\IAF. ~l c Hl·. YNO LDS, "Red"
422 1 So. 23 rd Street

Ln Pint le . Nel,r.. Crode Sch ool ; Ste n og raphi c
Course; 1-1. F.. C. 3 ( 2 l, 4. H obb,es- Rend1 n1=
nnd scwin t,t. \Viii e nter bus iness w orld.
'TII onl v knock wh ;:n I cu n kn ock t he
knoc ker~...

P ngc forty-li ve

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