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Published by Matthews Publishing Group LLC, 2018-03-17 14:23:07

NT 2018 No 1 - DIgital

NT 2018 No 1 - DIgital

Volume 80 Number 1 | 2018

$3.95 Value

The Official Magazine of the Nebraska Trucking Association

Kent Grisham

NTA’s New President


MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: Issue 1, 2018 - Nebraska Trucker 1




800-642-1299 800-869-0353 800-550-6225 800-662-7990

2 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 1, 2018



VOLUME 80, NUMBER 1 • 2018


On the Cover: 14


Kent Grisham, new president &

CEO of Nebraska Trucking Association



Committed to clients’ success



American Trucking Associations’ vision and

plan for the future as it relates to NTA’s mission



Doug Donscheski is keeping us safe





John Putney, Greater Omaha Express

Juan Rodriquez Severin, Grand Island Express

Larry Sorenson, Orthman Logistics


Member Spotlight:  22


Romans Motor Freight,

a place for adventurers



President’s Perpective: by Kent Grisham ..........................4
Chairman’s Letter: by Scott Romans ..................................5
NTA New Members ............................................................10
Along the Route....................................................................21
Calendar of events ..............................................................26
Advertiser Resource Index ...............................................26

IMAGES ON COVER AND Issue 1, 2018 - Nebraska Trucker 3

PRESIDENT’S Nebraska Trucking Association
PERSPECTIVE Executive Committee 2017-18

Greetings from Lincoln! CHAIRMAN
First, I need to offer my thanks to everyone who has Romans Motor Freight
gone out of his or her way to make me feel welcome at
the Nebraska Trucking Association. Members and stake- VICE CHAIR
holders, friends and colleagues have really brushed off the CRYSTAL ANDERSON
welcome mat for me. In terms of my career path, I don’t Pitney Bowes Presort
believe I have ever felt more blessed or honored than now,
being given the opportunity to serve as your NTA President and CEO. TREASURER
Secondly, I must also offer words of thanks to the NTA and Truck Services Inc. Greater Omaha Express LLC
staff, and especially our Vice President, Sheila O’Connor. Through the past several CORPORATE SECRETARY
months of transition, and now my arrival, Sheila and the rest of the team have done a
great job to keep the NTA moving forward. TIM ASCHOFF
Crete Carrier Corporation
In this edition of Nebraska Trucker, you’re going to read about our vision, plans
and hopes for the NTA. You will read quotes from me in which I say that there is no AT-LARGE DIRECTORS
better time to be a member of our Association. I really mean it when I say that. TIM MCCORMICK

You have, by way of your membership to the NTA, the unique opportunity to Fremont Contract Carriers, Inc.
move our industry and your business forward through education, training, engage- TERRY MCMULLEN
ment, advocacy, access to services, business-to-business discount programs, network-
ing and comradery. We’re investing in technology and staff training so that we can AIT Worldwide Logistics
stay on the leading edge of the services you need from us. And we are driven to grow BOB WINTER
all those benefits, and add to them, in the months to come. Distribution Inc.

I made several commitments to the Executive Committee when it hired me. Most ALTERNATE STATE VICE PRESIDENT TO ATA
important among them is my personal promise to engage with each and every one of ERICH HELGE
you, the men and women who make up the Nebraska Trucking Association. In the
coming weeks you will all see invitations to join us for a cup of coffee or a meal, all Seward Motor Freight Inc.
for the purpose of listening to you. These listening sessions will be held around the PAST CHAIR
state because we want to know your vision for the NTA. So many forces are pull- MARY DAVIE
ing on your business and our industry, it is more important than ever that we stick
together like family. Flatbed Express

So, when your invitation arrives, I hope you’ll say yes to coming. After all, there’s BOARD OF DIRECTORS
never been a better time to be a member of the Nebraska Trucking Association!
Don Adams Chris Klotz *
Regards, Dean Aden * Tom Koenigs
Kent Grisham Steve Aherns Jean Kurtenbach *
President & CEO George Akerson * Heidi Loop
Nebraska Trucking Association Crystal Anderson Mike Maloley
[email protected] Tim Aschoff Jamie Maus
Blaine Batten Terry McMullen
4 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 1, 2018 Dennis Bauder Ron Mencl
David Billings Lloyd Mettenbrink *
Joanie M. Bogers Trey Mytty
Kurt Brown Scott Olson
Butch Brown * Tonn Ostergard *
Bob Clark * Dave Parker *
Eldon Dokter * Jack Peetz *
Eric Downing Dick Pierson *
Dwight Dunsworth * Tom Pirnie *
Dave Erlandson Gene Quandt
Brent Falgione Dick Reiser *
Ross Faubel Greg Reitmeier *
Corby Flagle Norm Riffel
Hugh Fugleberg * Scott Romans
Michael Galvin Ronald Romans *
Norman Geiken John Sahling
Rick Gomel Roger Schmidt
Tom Hastings Russell Stough
Mark Hauptman Danny Tompkins **
Erich Helge
Mike Herre * Nick Vuko
Dave Walde
Albert Hill Curt Werner
Phillip Holliday Jerry Wessel
Bob Winter *
Dan Hurt Brian Wood
Don Kaiser Rallen R. Zeitner
Larry Kersten
Jerry Kilthau


Nebraska Trucker is owned by Truck Services, Inc., and is CHAIRMAN’S
published bimonthly by Matthews Publishing Group. For LETTER
additional copies, to order reprints of individual articles
or to become a subscriber, contact Sheila O’Connor at Greetings from Omaha!
402.476.8504 ext. 105.
I’m pleased to welcome our new President and CEO
publisher of the Nebraska Trucking Association, (NTA,) Kent
Jennifer Matthews-Drake Grisham. Kent brings more than 30 years of marketing,
Matthews Published Group, LLC communications and organizational leadership to our
[email protected] organization. It is an exciting time for the NTA and we
believe Kent and the team are positioned to meet the
production editor needs of our members and help spread our message throughout the state, to elected
Sheila O’Connor officials, within our industry and to those outside of our industry. Please be sure
to read more about him and his vision for our organization in this edition of the
art director Nebraska Trucker.
Douglas J. Benjamin
[email protected] With Kent’s arrival, there’s a new energy, a renewed interest in the association,
associate art director and the opportunity to return to being member-centric. I’m confident we will see a
greater focus on relationship building, as well as keeping on course on what’s good
C. Waynette Traub for our industry.
[email protected]
Please join me in welcoming Kent to our organization.
Kristian Anderson I’d like to extend a big thank you to the search committee, Tim Aschoff, Crystal
Anderson, Brent Falgione and Bob Winter. Their commitment of time and talent in
Thomas Grady this process is a testament to the board’s ongoing commitment to the growth and
Callie Tuck Knapp success of our organization.

Kaylie Sirek And last, but certainly not least, thank you to, Vice President, Sheila O'Connor
contributing writers and the staff. Throughout the presidential search, they continued to operate at and
above capacity to ensure our members continued to receive a high level of service.
Steve Brawner
Renee Miller I can speak for the Executive Committee when I say, thank you for your service,
Jennifer Barnett Reed thank you for your membership and together we look forward to the continued
Derek Rayment growth and success of our association.
John Schultz
Angela Thomas We look forward to hearing from you, our members, with your ideas,
Todd Traub suggestions, comments and improvements, on how we can continue to grow and
engage our members. The opportunities are truly endless and by working together, having open and meaningful conversations, we are positioned for growth and
president success of not only the Association but our individual businesses as well.

Kent Grisham If you have any questions, contact Kent at [email protected],
[email protected] (402) 476-8504 ext. 103 or me at [email protected] or (402) 301-8505.

vice president Until next time,
Sheila O’Connor Scott Romans
[email protected]
Business and Human Resources Manager Romans Motor Freight
Chairman, Nebraska Trucking Association
Angela Ryba
[email protected] Issue 1, 2018 - Nebraska Trucker 5

Nebraska Trucking Association is a statewide trade
association for commercial truck and bus operators and
affiliated businesses. It is a not-for-profit association
governed by a board of directors elected annually.
Nebraska Trucking is an affiliate of the American Trucking
Association (ATA). ATA serves and represents the trucking
industry on a national level, influencing federal and state
government actions, advancing positive trucking industry
image, providing education programs and industry
research, and promoting highway safety and security.

For more information, contact
Nebraska Trucking Association:

1701 K Street
P.O. Box 81010
Lincoln, NE 68501
Phone 402.476.8504 Fax: 402.476.8570

6 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 1, 2018

Truck Services Incorporated

Committed to clients’ success

BY RENEE MILLER companies. According to Garcia, “TSI is to their families when they are home.” 
Contributing Writer the only truck service bureau in Nebraska Incorporated in 1971, TSI has vast ex-
that is a member of the North American
Whether you’re the owner of a Transportation Services Association, a perience in assisting their clients with regu-
micro-fleet (a company with five or fewer professional organization of transportation lations, licensing, authorities, tax reporting,
trucks), or a well-established and thriving compliance professionals serving the motor title work and other related services. With
carrier, the amount of paperwork, com- carrier industry throughout the United just one phone call and an initial consulta-
pletion of tax filings, and compliance with States and Canada.” With over 800 clients, tion, a trucking company can begin to rest
DOT and FMCSA rules and regulations TSI works to help new truck owners get easier, even while their eighteen wheels are
can be daunting! As if the actual work everything right in the beginning, so they turning. “TSI has brought together experts
of trucking isn’t difficult enough, there’s can get on down the road. At the same directly from regulatory and enforcement
still all the administrative, safety, and risk time, they make it possible for experienced agencies to work on behalf of our clients,”
management elements of the business that drivers to pick up and deliver freight says Grisham. “We have decades of experi-
require attention. “Operating a commercial without wondering about their renewals ence and expertise in every facet of truck-
truck places the owner under the jurisdic- and tax filing deadlines. With the proven ing industry regulations under one roof.
tion of multiple state and federal taxing skills of the staff of TSI, clients can even That’s a powerful and effective advantage
authorities,” says Diana Garcia, Director of approach state and/or federal audits with for our clients.”
Truck Services, Inc. (TSI). All the rules and confidence and ease.
regulations of those authorities can feel And, if you’re wondering about the
cumbersome to trucking companies large Kent Grisham, President of NTA, shares cost – Garcia stated, “We respect our
or small. his thoughts about why small companies, clients’ time and money and watch for
especially, can benefit from the services opportunities to save them more of both.”
TSI, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the of TSI. “The greatest risk that I want to With all that genuine care and experience,
Nebraska Trucking Association (NTA), is help our small fleets and owner-operators it just makes sense to have a consultation
a transportation service bureau that serves avert is letting bureaucratic ‘stuff’ distract with TSI to see how their resources can be
the needs of Nebraska-based trucking them from what’s most important – the utilized to keep your company growing
running of their business.” Making a and successful. Not to mention,
business successful requires not only hard making it easier to sleep at
work, but savvy as well. “Working smarter, night.
not harder,” as Allan F. Mogensen coined
in the 1930’s. For Grisham that means,
giving clients relief of their “worries over

regulatory filings and other compli-
ance issues so that they can focus
on marketing, selling, booking
freight, driving, and tending Issue 1, 2018 - Nebraska Trucker 7

Clear Roads Ahead

Regional, local leadership encouraged J. Donohue, said the economy is being held

about the industry’s future back by a lack of quality infrastructure in
a statement he issued in January. Business

leaders like Donohue believe now is the

BY DEREK RAYMENT President Trump’s call for a large invest- time to tackle the project of rebuilding
Contributing Writer ment in infrastructure during the State of American’s roads with a strong economy

the Union address in January. Dave Man- being the potential beneficiary.

In late 2017, American Trucking ning, chairman of ATA, was encouraged by When many industries across the
Associations CEO Chris Spear called on what he heard. United States are strong, the trucking
the federal government to invest more in industry is typically strong. Manning says
infrastructure if the trucking industry was “[road] Congestion costs our industry all indicators are trending in the right
going to keep pace with today’s economy $63 billion per year. The time drivers sit direction; consumer spending is strong,
and its growing needs. Those economic idle in traffic is equivalent to 362,000 housing is strong, manufacturing is strong,
needs illustrate the importance of Ameri- drivers sitting idle for a year,” said Man- and inventories are slightly low.  Manning
can trucking companies and the vital role ning. “88 percent of all congestion is on says this bodes well for freight for 2018
they play in keeping the country running only 18 percent of our national highway and beyond. 
system. Freight bottlenecks can be elimi-

and moving forward. The future is bright,

which is one reason Spear told the Senate

panel that highways need improvement. “When our industry is growing, it is good
“The United States spends less than

half of what is necessary to address these for ATA in growing members. It also will
needs. As the investment gap continues to

grow, so too will the number of deficient serve to highlight the importance of two of
bridges, roads, bottlenecks and, most crit-

ically, fatalities attributable to inadequate our key issues, infrastructure funding and
roadways,” said Spear. “ATA’s proposed

solution is the Build America Fund. The workforce development.”
fund would be supported with a new,

indexed, 20 cent per gallon fee built into - Dave Manning, ATA Chairman
the price of transportation fuels collected

at the terminal rack, which will generate

nearly $340 billion over the first 10 years. nated and must be eliminated to improve “When our industry is growing, it
This proposal will stabilize the trust fund the productivity of our drivers. We antic- is good for ATA in growing members,”
for many years and provide the resources ipate the driver shortage to be 176,000 in explained Manning. “It also will serve to
necessary to reduce the project backlog.” 10 years. Improving congestion can be highlight the importance of two of our key
a major step in addressing the driver issues, infrastructure funding and work-
Spear also encouraged the panel to fo- shortage. We applaud President Trump’s force development.”
cus infrastructure improvements on freight bold call.”
movements and to play a role in managing New Nebraska Trucking Association
highway projects. The message was clear Manning and Spear aren’t the only president Kent Grisham echoes the posi-
and displays some of the plans that ATA national leaders calling for an infrastruc- tivity shared by the ATA. He points to a
has for a bright future as well as initiatives ture improvement. United States Chamber growing economy and how a large demand
the organization will push for. of Commerce president and CEO, Thomas for goods creates a strong outlook within

Spear’s testimony came shortly before

8 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 1, 2018

the industry. “As the new president of the NTA, it’s state level,” Barna said. “If your company
“There is every reason to celebrate my job to make sure the organization is is already active, make sure all of your
ready and able to grow and be as loud employees know about those activities.”
and be optimistic about the economy as we can be as the voice of Nebraska
and its positive impact on our industry,” trucking companies,” said Grisham. “I Barna points to activities and events
said Grisham. “In nearly every way, a have been in Nebraska politics, marketing such as committees, Day at the Capitol
growing economy leads to a growing and public relations for 30 years and I and calling their local officials. She says
demand for goods, which of course leads know the landscape. I count my years as legislators want to hear from real people,
to a growing demand for our industry to an allied member of the NTA as some of especially those who provide jobs in their
deliver those goods.” the best ever. I know how hard everyone district, deliver essential goods and pro-
in Nebraska trucking businesses work mote safety.
But, he too, sees challenges that have and how important their efforts are to
to be tackled in order to seize upon the building an even greater state with even “Trucking companies should not feel
opportunities presented. better lives for everyone. I’m no coach nervous to invite a local elected official
Scott Frost. But I plan to bring some of or member of the media out to a termi-
“There are challenges that come with that same kind of winning spirit and great nal to talk about trucking,” said Barna.
that growth. Our already tight driver mar- leadership to the NTA.”  “By building relationships, you become a
ket will become an even greater concern resource for the legislator or reporter and
as we get closer to the “full employment” Elisabeth Barna, chief operating officer when a relevant issue arises, they will turn
mark. Our focus on transportation infra- and executive vice president of Industry to you to answer questions. That’s what
structure must become a higher priority,” Affairs at ATA, says companies small and grassroots activism is all about.”
Grisham said. large can play a role in shaping the future
of their industry politically. There are other ways to go a step
Grisham, who has taken over the reins further, Barna says. She encourages com-
at NTA, has spent time in Nebraska poli- “Trucking companies of all sizes can panies to get involved in social initiatives
tics and understands the political climate build relationships with legislators and such as human trafficking awareness
within the state. He also spent years as an regulators and become more active at the
allied member of the NTA and recognizes Continues 
the needs of the industry. Issue 1, 2018 - Nebraska Trucker 9

and participate in campaigns. One cam- scholarship programs. We want to break the trucking industry and see it as our duty
paign is the Man to Man campaign that down every barrier possible for students to make jobs available to them.”
the Truckers Against Trafficking orga- to earn their CDL licenses, or to complete
nization has at ATA’s Washington, D.C., their diesel tech training,” Grisham said. From infrastructure to workforce and
office. The campaign is an effort to reduce “We’re always working with Nebraska social initiatives, leadership in the trucking
demand for human trafficking by encour- schools to find more ways to attract more industry will be tackling the issues in 2018
aging men in the trucking industry to have young talent to these vital programs.” and beyond.
conversations with other men about the
dangers of trafficking. Barna goes a step further and mentions “There are so many critical issues about
it as a way to improve families and neigh- which we will aggressively represent our
On the NTA front, Grisham says they borhoods in the inner city. members’ interests at the state and national
are proud to be involved in efforts like levels,” Grisham said. “We want our voice
fighting human trafficking and is a part- “We also think that workforce devel- to be heard on everything from transporta-
ner with organizations such as the state’s opment is a social issue. Giving people tion infrastructure to NAFTA, from taxes
Demand an End campaign. the tools and opportunity to have a to ELDs. But right here at home, we intend
good job and provide for their families to be more focused on our members than
“We have been involved in Truckers improves the overall welfare of society ever before. We hope to help everyone
Against Trafficking since the beginning. and has lasting effects on neighborhoods in NTA, from the owner-operator to the
Look for a lot more to come from the NTA and outcomes,” said Barna. “A lot of our largest fleet, connect with the resources,
and both of those great organizations,” workforce development initiatives are go- suppliers, partners and support systems
said Grisham. ing to focus on making trucking a viable they need. We want 2018 and into 2019
opportunity for individuals in urban com- to be known as the best time ever to be a
The new leader of NTA also brings up munities who may not consider trucking member of the NTA.” 
other social and nonprofit initiatives that an option at this time.” 
the organization has their hands in. Grisham intends on putting his finger
Another segment of the population that prints on the organization and bringing it
“We’re excited to leverage our mem- has an opportunity with trucking are veter- to new heights.
bership on behalf of several charities and ans. Grants and tuition reimbursement are
social initiatives. One such example is the available from various organizations and “The NTA is focused on reaching the
check presentation we made at our Safety institutions for current and former mem- highest level of engagement in its history
Summit to the Make-A-Wish Founda- bers of the U.S. Armed Forces. Sometimes with state and local leaders on infrastruc-
tion. Our members made it possible for us the grants are even good for spouses of ture issues,” said Grisham. “Nebraska
to write a check for more than $6,000,” current and former military members. A isn’t afraid of tackling the tough questions
Grisham said.   great place to start a new career is in truck- when it comes to roads. Whether the issues
ing says Barna. are safety, capacity or economic develop-
Both Grisham and Barna with the ment, we have leaders in Nebraska who
ATA consider workforce development “We want to make sure veterans are know the vital link our highways play in
to be a social issue. Locally, the NTA is aware of the opportunities in trucking and living a good life here. We are part of that
involved with workforce solutions as streamline their access to trucking jobs,” team and we’re making it clear we intend
well as training programs and schools said Barna. “Since veterans serve our coun- to be super engaged and active.”
like Metropolitan Community College in try with honor and responsibility, we know
Omaha, Nebraska. that they can be standout professionals in

“We also are committed to growing our

Acuity Insurance NEW MEMBERS Blue Ox
Sheboygan, WI Pender, NE
Sedona Trucking, Inc.
Pierson Wireless Leoti, KS Foodliner Tank Wash
Omaha, NE Blair, NE
Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital
Lincoln, NE

Frankel Zacharia, LLC
Omaha, NE

10 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 1, 2018

Another Way to
Think About Safety

BY RENEE MILLER in that educational endeavor: He took the Before taking on his current position
Contributing Writer
typewritten text of the information that at NTA, if a member of NTA had safety
Not many people care as much about
safety as Doug Donscheski. He cares so Carriers needed, and literally glued it on compliance questions, there was no where
much that he has given his entire adult life
to it. Since 2016, Donscheski, has served pages to design and develop the first Ne- for them to go. Donscheski wanted to
as the Director of Safety, Training and
Membership Development for the Nebras- braska Truck Information Guidebook that change that. Because the educational com-
ka Trucking Association (NTA). Before
that, he retired from the Nebraska State summarized many of the rules and regu- ponent of his role is so important to him,
Patrol, Carrier Enforcement Division after
40 years of service. In a highly regulated lations concerning the operation of any he developed what he calls, “a mock audit
industry like the transportation industry,
the word safety, though important, can vehicle transporting freight. That Guide- program similar to what a motor carrier
cause motor carriers to cringe. Compli-
ance means research. Research means book evolved over the years and today the would go through in an investigation by
extra monitoring, forms and paperwork.
As Donscheski says “A safe operation is Nebraska State Patrol has a committee of either the Nebraska State Patrol or the
an assumed standard for any business,
especially in the trucking industry.” But, for officers that not only reviews the rules and FMCSA.” This allows the motor carrier
motor carriers under load deadlines, all the
ins and outs of regulatory compliance can regulations but tries to make travel into to prepare in advance, and feel the safety
seem like an impossible maze to navigate.
and through Nebraska safer
Safety is an interesting word. It comes
from a Latin word meaning to be free from and less complicated than it
danger and in good health. Donscheski
began his career trying to keep people might otherwise be.
free from danger and in good health. He
sold Workmen’s Compensation to the In the 80’s, Donscheski
members of NTA as an insurance agent
with Great West Casualty Company. From administrated the Motor Car-
1975 onward, he moved into the Carrier
Enforcement Section of the Nebraska State rier Safety Assistance Program
Patrol. At first glance, that might seem like
someone who is simply going to be a rigor- (MCSAP) that assisted mo-
ous, relentless, watchdog regulatory agent.
In fact, Donscheski used his role to serve tor carriers in creating safety
the members of the NTA by energetically
educating members and making it easier standards by giving them tools
for them to create safe environments for
their companies and the motoring public. to easily incorporate safety into

Imagine one of his first creative tasks their daily work. Donscheski Doug Donscheski (center) with Chad Burdick
realizes how important a good (left) and James Loop (right) of Constructors, Inc.

safety rating is for Carriers

and Drivers. “A sound safety

record,” he says “keeps a company’s insur- themselves, of having a resource that is

ance costs lower, helps protect the motor familiar with investigations. Donscheski

carrier in legal disputes, and often opens lists several areas that can be included

the door to the best business opportunities in an audit; Driver Qualification, Driv-

available.” But, this requires having safety er Investigation History, Alcohol/Drug

benchmarks in place that help companies Testing, Log Book & Time cards, Vehicle

to preserve and enhance the safety of their Maintenance, Accident Register and Proof

workers. To this end, Donscheski was a of Insurance. While an audit can feel over-

member of the original committee that whelming to a motor carrier, Donscheski’s

developed the Safety and Fitness Electronic availability and expertise is of invaluable

Records (SAFER) System that creates a assistance to NTA members. His goal is

concise electronic record of vital infor- to make it possible for NTA members

mation regarding a company’s safety. All to have “a single-source solution for all

of Donscheski’s prior work in safety and regulatory and compliance needs.” In the

education has now translated into a major complicated web of a regulated industry

initiative he has launched for the NTA and such as ours, that is no small thing!

her members. Issue 1, 2018 - Nebraska Trucker 11

Nebraska Trucking Hosts 3rd
Annual Safety Summit & Exhibition

BY SHEILA O’CONNOR also counsels transportation companies vendors and more than 120 attendees
involved in catastrophic accident claims for the two-day summit. The second day
This year’s summit and exhibition, held to protect the companies’ assets. Mr. included sessions on Spoliation with Mike
January 30 and 31 at the Marriott Regency Schulte also has a wide range of experi- Moran of Engles, Ketcham, Olson and
in Omaha, was themed “Legal Defense,” ence as a trial lawyer handling matters Keith, PC; Workman’s Compensation
and featured a mock deposition of a Safety involving construction defects, toxic tort, Issues with Jenny Panko, Baylor, Evnen,
Manager and mock trial administered and product liability claims. Curtiss, Grimit and Witt, LLP; Negligent
by Tom Schulte, partner with Scopelitis, Hiring with Elizabeth Culane of Fraser
Garvin, Light Hanson and Feary, P.C. “Attendees were very impressed with Stryker PC and Media Training with Fred
“Holly Goodnight vs. Big Rig Produce, the mock trail, deposition, speakers and Clark of Clark Creative Group.
Inc.,” was a case involving a rear-end-col- vendors,” said Raul Soria, Safety Man-
lision between a tractor-trailer unit and a agement Council Chairman and Safety Thank you to our attendees, vendors
motorcycle on a five-lane interstate. The Director at Hill Brothers. “Comments and sponsors. The committee has started
accident occurred on I-680 in Omaha, NE. from the post-event survey included ‘very working on next year’s event. If you have
The witnesses included the Plaintiff, Defen- informative, I always walk away with ideas, suggestions or comments, please
dants, Investigating Officer, eye witnesses new knowledge or refreshed knowledge, send them to [email protected].
and Safety Director of Big Rig Produce. and this is a good networking opportu-
The actors in this case were students in the nity.’” This year’s summit included 14
Criminal Justice program at Metropolitan
Community College, representatives from
the Nebraska State Patrol and NTA’s Safety
Management Council.

Schulte, a partner in the Indianapolis
office, is regularly involved in state and
federal trial court litigation involving
truck accident claims, cargo claims,
insurance coverage litigation and com-
mercial and business disputes. Schulte

12 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 1, 2018

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Issue 1, 2018 - Nebraska Trucker 13

Meet the NTA’s
New Sheriff

Contributing Writer


There’s a new sheriff in town at the roles and responsibilities. From the larger “I want to be able to demonstrate to
Nebraska Trucking Association. Actually, companies to the owner-operators and ev- everyone, whether they’re a member
he’s a police officer. eryone in between needs to join whatever today or they become a member to-
association, whatever representative groups morrow, very real benefits to them,”
He’s also a public relations profession- they can to make sure that the industry is he said. “I want being a member of
al with experience in the transportation being well represented and heard.” the NTA to mean that you have
industry and in Nebraska politics. And an access to things that you wouldn’t
ordained minister. And his goal is to make Grisham said growing the membership otherwise be able to reach. I want
the NTA so indispensable that every li- starts by making the NTA more relevant one member to say to another,
censed carrier in Nebraska would be crazy and useful to its members and those who ‘Man, I really got a heck of a deal
not to join. are not yet members. It’s not enough to using my NTA membership for this,’
simply represent the industry’s interests whatever that may be.”
Kent Grisham, NTA’s new president among policymakers, and then guilt-trip
and CEO, started in his new position trucking firms into paying their dues. He Grisham said he will be “barnstorm-
Jan. 5. He has numerous plans for the wants to make membership a no-brainer ing” the state visiting with trucking com-
700-member association. One wish is to because of its many benefits. panies in their offices, warehouses and
reach 100 percent membership among yards. He intends to completely under-
licensed Nebraska carriers. That’s a high To get there, he’s looking at ways to stand the industry’s needs so he can better
bar to reach, but why not? Achieving that expand services to help carriers deal with represent it whether he’s at the Capitol,
percentage, or at least coming closer to their everyday challenges such as the driv- working with the Chamber of Commerce,
it – would give members a louder voice er shortage. He and the NTA’s leadership or anywhere else. As lawmakers discuss
and allow the association to provide an and staff members are brainstorming taxes and infrastructure, Nebraska motor
ever-growing menu of services. ways to bridge the gap between service carriers must band together to make their
providers and the industry– “throwing voices heard.
“In many, many ways there’s never spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks,”
been a better time to belong to the NTA,” in his words. The day of the interview “With everybody that becomes a mem-
Grisham said. “And I don’t just throw that with Nebraska Trucker, he had been ber, and with everybody that stays a mem-
out flippantly or anything like that. I really considering a new way for NTA members ber, and everybody that gets more engaged
mean it because there’s so much happen- and its subsidiary, Truck Services, Inc., to and more active in this process, our voice
ing in the marketplace. There’s so much interact. Truck Services, of which he also as an industry gets louder and louder and
happening politically. There are so many is president and CEO, is a fee-for-service louder, and that’s what I want,” he said.
ways that the trucking industry needs to be company that helps carriers deal with
loud, present, active and engaged, and part regulatory authorities. Continues 
of that involves companies realizing their

14 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 1, 2018

Kent Grisham, NTA’s New President & CEO Issue 1, 2018 - Nebraska Trucker 15
and Scott Romans, NTA Chairman of the Board

Grisham wants the NTA to be involved answer questions. In the coming years, the technology and things that the staff needs
– in fact, a “thought leader” – in all major NTA can be a clearinghouse of informa- to move that forward.”
Nebraska transportation, infrastructure tion as automated trucks become more
and economic initiatives. That way, the commonplace throughout the industry. Grisham, 54, a native of Wichita,
industry can both prepare itself and also Kansas, has a long and varied profession-
offer its expertise to policymakers and “We may not have the answers, but we al and personal history that has prepared
planners. For example, a large Costco have to help our members find the answers him for this new role. His late father, Bill,
chicken plant is being developed in the to what these issues mean for their compa- was a car dealer, and his late mother, Pat,
Fremont area. Grisham offered to help the ny,” he said. was one of the first women to work as a
Department of Transportation during the draftsman for Boeing. Grisham started his
planning process because the huge traffic Another goal is to equip the NTA’s career in radio as a teenager and started
increase will affect both motor carriers and staff members with the tools and technol- college at Friends University, a Quaker
the state as a whole. ogy they need to cost-effectively serve the school in Wichita. In 1988 he moved to
membership. For example, the association Omaha, where he was the weekend news
“If it’s good for our industry, it’s going currently is using a database system with anchor at KMTV and then became the
to be good for the state and vice versa,” an expiring license, and he wants to replace main anchor at KPTM. Along the way, he
he said. it with something affordable and efficient. earned his bachelor’s degree in manage-
Ideally, the NTA eventually will move to a ment at Bellevue University at Omaha,
Grisham says the NTA can play a cen- paperless environment. later earning a master’s degree in organi-
tral role in helping motor carriers navigate zational leadership from the same school.
regulatory and other changes in the indus- “I see everybody from owner-operators
try. He pointed to a recent series of elec- to big fleet people come in these offices, His experiences in those jobs taught
tronic logging device town halls organized and the people who work here know them him how to work with the media. If ever
by the NTA across Nebraska. The meetings by name,” he said. “They know about their the need arises, he’ll be comfortable in
attracted both large and small motor car- kids. They know about their grandkids, front of the camera. Meanwhile, he’ll make
riers, and both members and nonmembers. and it really proves over and over again sure the NTA offers assistance to motor
Representatives the Federal Motor Carrier that Nebraska trucking is one big family. carriers in pre-planning for crisis manage-
Safety Administration were on hand to But in the meantime, the time has come for ment and in media relations.
us to invest in the kinds of processes and


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16 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 1, 2018

In the mid-1990s, he left the news THE INSIDE SCOOP
business to become a marketing and public
relations professional for Taylor and Mar- First job? Technically I was a lot boy at my father’s car dealership from about the 3rd
tin, a Fremont-based nationwide trucking grade on up. But my first job outside the family businesses was that of a clerk at a high-
and equipment auction company. There, end men’s clothing store in Wichita.
he worked with customers ranging from
owner-operators to Walmart. In fact, he First car? 1971 Volkswagen Beetle off my father’s used car lot.
remembers his first meeting in Bentonville,
Arkansas, with Walmart’s fleet manager. Best part of being a news anchor? Having the opportunity to see and do so many things
to which most people never have access. One such example is getting to fly with some
That six-year span gave Grisham great veteran and current Air Force pilots. I’ve flown in a P-51 three times, KC-135s, and
valuable experience working for an allied the Thunderbirds’ F-16s to name a few.
member of both the NTA and the Amer-
ican Trucking Associations. It made a Last time someone recognized me as an ex-anchor? Just last week when I was picking
lasting impression. up something for the NTA holiday party.

“The trucking industry is one of those Favorite song in church? Pretty much any song by Casting Crowns or MercyMe.
that stays with you, whether it’s in your
blood or it’s under your skin, you never re- Favorite song not played in church? The song that my wife and I call “our song” is
ally get rid of it once you’re in it,” he said. “God Bless the Broken Road.”

Grisham then became a marketing and A guilty pleasure few people know about? A glass of good Scotch and a good cigar.
public relations manager for Blair-based
Great Plains Communications, a telecom- A skill few know you have? I’m a trained singer. I’ve even been paid for it in the past.
munications company, and then started
working for Omaha-based Kiewit, the huge What’s the one thing you wish people understood about police work? That anything you
construction and engineering firm. see on TV or in social media doesn’t even scratch the surface of what really happened.

Continues  Favorite part about working with the NTA? There really is a sense of “team” among
both the members and the staff. Everyone truly believes it when we say, “We’re all in
this together.”

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That position gave him an appreciation for engagement; advocacy; day-to-day organi- back to being member-centric, whether
infrastructure issues. From there, he owned zational and financial leadership; and the that’s truckers or allied members,” he said.
a public relations and political affairs con- ability to serve the NTA’s affiliate partners. “I just think there’s going to be a much
sulting firm, Grisham Communications and Grisham’s varied experiences with the greater focus on relationship building, as
Media Service, which allowed him to work trucking industry, communications and well as keeping the course on what’s good
for several statewide, legislative and local politics checked all the boxes. for our industry.”
candidates. That’s where he was working
when he applied to lead the NTA. Aschoff said the NTA must evolve with Romans said Grisham’s experiences
the membership as the trucking environ- with the media will benefit the truck-
Grisham’s background helped him ment also evolves. That means “being real- ing industry.
stand out from almost 100 applicants, said ly engaged with our membership and really
Tim Aschoff, president and chief operating focused on issues that matter to trucking,” “We’re just going to become more
officer of Crete Carrier Corporation, who such as the electronic logging device man- media savvy and be able to get our
was a member of the search committee. date, safety concerns, and workforce issues. message out there, whether it’s internally
The committee of four members inter- between the membership, or even exter-
viewed 12 candidates, narrowing it to a NTA Chairman Scott Romans, CEO nally,” he said.
few finalists who then were considered by of Romans Motor Freight, said Grisham
the 10-member executive committee. was impressive during his interview – that Along with his professional activities,
he is personable and outgoing and that he Grisham has been a busy man with plenty
“He had the right personal skills, but had obviously done his homework on the of other outside activities. At various
then (he) had the right well-rounded back- industry. Romans believes Grisham’s skills times, he has been active in the Nebraska
ground as well. We had some candidates in team building and communication will Chamber of Commerce & Industry and a
that really shone through in one area or create a more informed, involved member- couple of local Chambers; in the Nebraska
another. His being that well-rounded is ship. He expects Grisham to reach out to a Diplomats economic development group;
kind of what set him apart,” he said. whole new group of nonmembers as well and in chairing the Salvation Army’s public
as old members that have drifted away. relations and development committee in
Aschoff said the search committee was Omaha. He’s been actively involved in
looking for someone who could excel in “There’s a new energy, great focus the Knights of AKSARBEN (“Nebraska”
four areas: membership development and going on, and I think we’re going to get spelled backwards), which raises money for

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18 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 1, 2018

scholarships and promotes agriculture. couples in their first marriages, families in vice to them, and it brings out my faithful
Meanwhile, he leads a ministry for crisis – but not many for blended families. side. It gives me an opportunity to serve
So, they started one. them as I think Jesus would serve them,
blended families with his wife, Tracey, and all the while serving and protecting the
at Relevant Community Church in Elk- That ministry has been a meaningful rest of the community. It draws on my soul
horn. The ministry’s roots stretch back to one for Grisham. But perhaps the service in a way that nothing ever has.”
January 2005, when Grisham’s first wife, opportunity that’s meant the most to him
Suzie, died after a long illness at age 37, through the years has been serving as a Grisham said his outside activities
leaving him to raise his daughter, Kali, part-time law enforcement officer for the won’t detract from his work with the NTA.
and son, Will, as a single dad. For them, city of Fremont, a job he’s had for about In fact, they will enhance it. He has the
he tried to “be their concrete post,” a task 20 years. Being a police officer takes his same passion for it as he does for them and
he managed with a lot of help from his ministry outside of the church walls, will pour the same kind of energy into the
mother. Seven years ago, he married Tracey and despite his commitment to the NTA, work. In fact, he said, he’s “raring to go.”
after “proposing” to her daughter, Jordan, he doesn’t intend to give it up and still
asking her to be his stepdaughter. His two plans to work for the department when “If nothing else, all of those activities
oldest daughters have given him six grand- he’s needed. After all, he said, Jesus said that I’m involved in in my off hours are
children with another one on the way, in the Book of Matthew, “Blessed are the part of making me a more well-rounded
while son Will is studying to be a pastor. peacemakers, for they are the children of person, a more grounded person, a more
God,” and he experiences that oppor- centered person, and a people person,” he
Several years later, the Grishams were tunity to be a peacemaker each time he said. “Ultimately this is about the people.
at a marriage retreat and asked the leaders puts on the uniform. Ultimately this is about the NTA being a
for wisdom for how blended families like family, and all of these experiences and all
theirs could navigate their unique chal- “I don’t want to give it up,” he said. of these things that I do shape my soul and
lenges. The organizers did not have many “It’s too meaningful. It’s too fulfilling. I mold my heart to be that kind of leader of
answers and didn’t seem enthusiastic about love being a member of the thin blue line. a family. And that’s kind of where I see us
searching for them. The Grishams realized As a police officer, you see people who are as a group.”
that many types of ministries are available often at life’s absolute lowest moments,
to help singles, single parents, married and it gives me an opportunity to be of ser-

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November 2017:
John Putney

Greater Omaha Express

John joined Greater Omaha Express in 2015; he is an over the road driver,
but first and foremost John is a team member. John started his driving career
in 2011 and have more than one million accident free miles and John makes
it a priority to maintain and display a positive image of the professional truck
driver to his employer, the customers he services and the public with whom he
shares the roadway each day. John is an annual recipient of Safe Driving Awards
from Greater Omaha Express. Pam Hook, Safety Director at Greater Omaha
Express said, ‘John is always willing to help with any project we are working on
where a driver’s opinion and or expertise would be beneficial.’ In October, John and
his finance’ Heather made a special stop in Las Vegas where they were married, the next
day found them back in the truck and heading to California! Congratulations, John.

December 2017:
Juan Rodriquez Severin

Grand Island Express

Juan has 15 years of commercial driving and three years with Grand Island
Express. He has a total of 1.75 million accident free miles and more than one
million with Grand Island Express. Juan is always willing to help in all areas of
the company – dispatch, coworkers and other drivers. He runs great miles and
does it all with a safe and courteous attitude and a lot of passion for the job.
Tim Wilson with Grand Island Express said, ‘Juan is a true professional. He places
safety first and is always encouraging to other drivers.’ Juan enjoys spending time
with his family, loves to BBQ and going to the zoo with his children and grandchildren.

February 2018:
Larry Sorenson

Orthman Logistics

Larry has more than 26 years commercial driving and nearly three years with
Orthman Logistics. He has more than 312,000 total career miles, as an over the
road driver with no accidents or traffic violations. Nominated by Angela Werner,
‘Larry has been on the road for many years and knows his way around. He is
always safe and is always willing to help anyone out who needs a hand.’ Larry is
very devoted to his family and his hobbies include restoring old cars and tractors
and woodworking. Congratulations, Larry!

20 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 1, 2018

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Romans Motor Freight

A place for adventurers

BY STEVE BRAWNER drivers, and you line them up. Some people
Contributing Writer just stop there.”

PHOTOGRAPHY BY THOMAS GRADY He tries to make sure his company
doesn’t do that, that it always remembers
If you see a lime green truck with an that drivers are human and have human
adventurer behind the wheel, it’s a Romans needs. The company offers health, dental
Motor Freight truck. and life insurance, along with paid vaca-
tion and a longevity bonus. At Romans,
Scott Romans, 51, is a fourth-gener- executives know the drivers and their
ation CEO who accepted the company’s families.
reins from his father, Ron, about nine
years ago. Drivers, he said, have many skills.
They must be problem solvers, navigators,
Romans said the company makes driv- weather watchers and public relations
ers a priority. It calls them “adventurers” specialists. After all, their attitude when
on its website. dealing with dock workers could determine
how long they sit and wait on their loads.
“Without drivers, I’m not needed,” he
said. “My bookkeeper’s not needed. My “They have the toughest job,” Ro-
dispatchers aren’t needed. This whole mans said. “They’ve got to wear about
driver-centric thing, I just believe that 20 different hats, and a lot of times we
we probably got in on it earlier than get overwhelmed by wearing two or three
hats, but these guys are out there every day
some, but I think more people are away from home, away from family trying
leaning that direction now.” to navigate the minefield.”

The Omaha-based refrigerated While it treats its drivers well, it also
carrier hauls primarily food prod- tries to be choosy as to those it selects. Its
ucts with about 30 trucks as far as qualified drivers are 23 years old with a
California. Its biggest customers are minimum of 12 months’ driving experience
Nebraska-based Rotella Italian Bakery and no DOT-preventable accidents in the
and James Skinner Baking. A sister com- past year.
pany, Alpha Mail Carriers, hauls mail with
about 25 trucks. It was owned for many Recently, the company changed its red
years by Scott Romans’ brother, Dave, and trucks to a lime green and black color
late brother, Jeff. scheme to differentiate itself from its larger
Romans, NTA’s new chairman of the competitors, and to attract drivers. The
board, said it’s easy for motor carrier trucks all have GPS, bluetooth radios,
executives to focus on the numbers and refrigerators, collision mitigation systems,
the technical side of the trucking but then and automatic transmissions. Trailers are
“take the humanity out of it. You just all 2011 models or newer. The company
know you have five loads, you’ve got five tries to have new trucks on hand.

22 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 1, 2018

“Honestly, they’re so hard to work on Another major change occurred about wanted to retain our own identity, yet still
now,” he said. “You have to have new, or a year ago when the company entered into get some economies of scale on whether it’s
you’re going to spend all your time in the a partnership with Iowa-based dryvan fuel purchases, whether it’s tire purchases,
repair shops, and then that gets back to hauler Don Hummer Trucking, another customer sales,” Romans said. “They have
not keeping the drivers happy because their family-owned firm. The partnership means a lot of that framework already in place,
wheels aren’t spinning in the repair shop.”
The company takes pride in its historical 99
The company is planning much bigger percent on-time rate – a record achieved
changes than a new color scheme. It has al- by being sure the company keeps its word
ready placed deposits on 25 Nikola hydro- by not overcommitting.
gen-fueled trucks and hopes to be among
the first fleets to have them delivered in Romans Motor Freight will be able to so we were able to just tap into that, bring
two-and-a-half years. Romans believes the haul goods such as office furniture using our customers, help grow theirs, help them
trucks will give Romans a competitive ad- Hummer’s trailers while still maintaining grow ours.”
vantage by being more driver-friendly and its individual company status.
reducing fuel stops. They supposedly will Continues 
have a range of 1,000 miles, so they should “In this world of acquisitions, we still
be able to go wherever Romans goes now.

“It’s something new and exciting, and
if we’re trying to attract the next genera-
tion of drivers, I just thought it was worth
investing in the next generation of trucks,”
he said.

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The two firms do a lot of trailer inter- sacrifice more worthwhile.” done legally.”
changes. Hummer’s size means it has more The company takes pride in its his- Kent Grisham, the Nebraska Trucking
drop trailers that can be left unmanned,
meaning drivers aren’t spending as much torical 99 percent on-time rate – a record Association’s new president and CEO who
time waiting on shippers and receivers. achieved by being sure the company keeps has a background in public relations, has
its word by not overcommitting. taken notice of the company’s direction
“It comes down to driver hours utiliza- and its leadership.
tion,” he said. “These guys don’t get paid “When we take a load, they know it’s
a lot to sit at docks waiting to get loaded. going to get there,” he said. “We’re not “He may be fourth generation, but he
airlines where we just sell 105 percent of is certainly taking a contemporary eye to-
Brian, David, Ron, Scott and Dan Romans ward his company and its future,” he said.
the seats. When we say we’re going to be “I think it’s telling when you see somebody
They’re away from their families to earn able to get something done, we follow who is taking a company that has been
money, so the more we can help them earn through with it and we find a way to get it around a long time and is super founded in
money while being away, then it makes the his family, and yet he’s looking for creative
ways to reach new audiences. And the
whole superhero theme that he’s got to his
fleet, website and marketing, and his driver
outreach – that’s a guy who is pushing the
envelope forward with a company that’s
been around for four generations in his

The company was founded in 1927 by
Claude Romans. His son, John, known
to everyone as Jack, soon helped run the
company. Scott Romans remembers Jack
being a people person who also was a state


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senator and a public service commissioner. -
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knew where you stood,” he said. “People ROAD, WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED.
knew what was expected, but he definitely
was a hands-on leader. He would jump in Ask about our Choice Plus Coverage Endorsement which includes
there and do whatever was needed.” towing and rental reimbursement.

The company stayed in the family from Corporate Office Regional Office
generation to generation. Jack’s son and 3311 Daniels Lane 1719 South Locust Street
Scott’s father, Ron, grew up in the business South Sioux City, NE 68776 Grand Island, NE 68801
and moved the company’s headquarters
from Ord to Omaha in 1958. It also has 402-494-4251 308-382-2280
an office in Grand Island. Two fifth-gen-
eration family members, both nephews of WWW.JOEMORTEN.COM
Scott Romans, are part of the leadership. WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/JOEMORTENANDSON
Dan Romans is maintenance director, while
Brian Romans is Alpha Mail’s operations Issue 1, 2018 - Nebraska Trucker 25

Scott Romans was introduced to the
company as a youngster washing trucks on
Saturdays. At the time, the Omaha location
had a maintenance shop but not really
an office, so Ron took calls at a nearby
bar even though he didn’t drink. The staff
would just drag the office’s phone with its
long cord to the table.

“We probably had 10 trucks, so no, we
didn’t need a big fancy facility, and hope-
fully most of those trucks were out on the
road making the driver money and making
us money,” he said. “So, yeah, we didn’t
spend a lot on aesthetics.”

More important than the aesthetics was
the company’s commitment to drivers. Ron
was loyal and thoughtful.

“When you worked for Romans, you
were part of the family,” he said. “There’s
good days, there’s bad days, but you’re
always family, and drivers respected him
for that stance. They knew he wasn’t going
to throw them under the bus if something
went south, and because of that, there was
a great loyalty there.”

Even at age 80, Ron, a former U.S. mar-
shal, still comes into the office at least three
days a week to run a small company with
five or six trucks leased to FedEx Ground.

“We definitely pick his brain when sit-
uations arise,” Scott Romans said. “There’s
not a lot out there that’s happened in this
industry – well, short of technology – that
he hasn’t come across before.”


April Allied Oil & Tire..............................................19

Apr. 5 Safety Management Council Training Session, DOT Level One, ATRI.....................................Inside back cover

Norfolk Bauer Built Tire.............................................16

Apr. 12 Safety Management Council Lunch and Learn with FMCSA, Great West Casualty Co.............. Back cover

Lincoln HELP, Inc., Provider of PrePass..................21

May HUB International Insurance......................13
May 10 Safety Management Council Courtesy Safety Scale Check,
Waverly Interstate PowerSystems..............................9

May 17 Spring Conference, Ashland J. J. Keller & Associates.............................18

June Joe Morton & Son Insurance.....................25
June 8-9 Nebraska Truck Driving Championships, Grand Island
Nebraska Trucker.........................................26
July 12 July
Nebraska SuperTech Competition, Hastings Northland Insurance....................................17

August RDO Truck Centers............Inside front cover
Aug. 15 - 18 ATA National Truck Driving Championships, Columbus, OH
Sept. 4 - 6 Call on Washington, Washington, D.C. Taylor & Martin..............................................25

Sept. 9 - 15 National Truck Driver Appreciation Week Truck Center Companies..............................13

DNIGOIWTAAL VMAAILGAABZLIEN!E Truck Services, Inc.......................................23

Volume 79 Number 4 | 2017 UPS..................................................................24

$3.95 Value This edition of Nebraska Trucker was made
possible with the support of these corporate
You may view Nebraska Trucker The Official Magazine of Nebraska Trucking Association advertisers. They support the trucking
— complete with sound effects — industry by enabling Nebraska Trucking
online within a week of distribution. Bob ClarkChief Carriers Association to provide this publication to
Another awesome feature of this its members, prospective members, elected
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26 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 1, 2018

Sometimes People
Must Come Together
for a Mission


Since 1954, the American Transportation Research Institute and its
predecessor have been the trucking industry’s source for scientific data and
analysis on the many high priority issues facing freight transportation today.
The people and companies listed here are our core contributors, annual
donors who have come together in this mission to help the industry as a
whole. If you or your company has not contributed in the past, now is the
time to step up and do your part.
Step up and leave your footprint for the good of the industry.
Visit to explore your giving opportunities. Issue 1, 2018 - Nebraska Trucker 27

Photo: NASA

Values Drive Performance

800.228.8602 Shared Values Can Lead to Organizational Excellence We understand you are in business to make a profit. Our Value-Driven™
Company modules can help you reduce losses and increase profits by focusing on
influencing employee behavior, changing culture, improving communication, and
managing risk successfully.

We believe it is everyone’s job to do what they can to prevent losses. We have
developed a variety of training tools to help get all employees involved in safety. From
seminars and webinars to Self-Service e-Tools and FAQs, we have solutions to fit your

We see “Critical Crashes” as a risk to your company. Our Value-Driven™ Driving
program focuses on helping drivers do what they can to prevent these types of accidents:
rear-end, loss of control, lane change, and run under. All of our driver training programs are
FREE to our insureds and can be accessed 24/7 on Great West’s Online Learning Library.

GREAT WEST CASUALTY COMPANY – No matter where the road takes you, you
will discover that at Great West, The Difference is Service®.

28 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 1, 2018

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