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The Official Magazine of the Nebraska Trucking Association

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Published by Matthews Publishing Group LLC, 2019-07-18 09:49:39

Nebraska Trucker Issue 3 2019 -- NTDC

The Official Magazine of the Nebraska Trucking Association

Keywords: trucking,safety,politics,regulation,business,association,networking

Volume 81 Number 3 | 2019

$3.95 Value

The Official Magazine of the Nebraska Trucking Association



FedEx Courier Tina Gaines took SPECIAL EDITION
first place in her professional
driving class. Story Page 10 2019 NEBRASKA TRUCK DRIVING CHAMPIONSHIPS


Issue 3, 2019 - Nebraska Trucker 1

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2 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2019


GREAT PEOPLE HONORED Drivers looked for defects planted
by judges during the pre-trip
NTDC was built by great passion and ideas from long- inspection competition.
time volunteers like Jolene Jankowski, left, who was
honored along with other retiring board members Jerry Issue 3, 2019 - Nebraska Trucker 3
Wessel, Corby Flagle and Alan Roberts.

VOLUME 81, NUMBER 3 • 2019


PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE: BY KENT GRISHAM............................. 4
NTA BOARD OF DIRECTORS .................................................................. 4
CHAIRMAN’S LETTER: BY SCOTT ROMANS........................................ 5
NTDC WINNERS..................................................................................... 12
TROOPER IN A TRUCK........................................................................... 19
THANK YOU, NTDC SPONSORS!......................................................... 20
ALONG THE ROUTE................................................................................ 25
CALENDAR OF EVENTS......................................................................... 26
ADVERTISER RESOURCE INDEX.......................................................... 26

PRESIDENT’S Nebraska Trucking Association
PERSPECTIVE Executive Committee 2018-19

Turn on the television and you’ll often find a celebrity Romans Motor Freight
craftsman who takes a difficult job and makes it look like
second nature. For the rest of us, that same job involves VICE CHAIR
stripped bolts, lost parts, a bruised thumb and a humbling CRYSTAL ANDERSON
call to a real expert. Donald D. Anderson, Jr. Trucking

The Nebraska Truck Driving Championships feel the TREASURER
same. How in the world do these people drive a 65 foot, five-axle truck with 12 gears BRENT FALGIONE
and 600 horsepower and then stop that beast on a line the size of a dollar bill? And Greater Omaha Express LLC
how in the world did a group of volunteers, scattered across the state the rest of the
year, come together like a well-oiled machine and make it all happen? CORPORATE SECRETARY
They did, and I enjoyed every minute of it.
The Nebraska Truck Driving Championships at Fonner Park was a great Crete Carrier Corporation
experience for trucking fans this year. The NTDC Steering Committee did an
awesome job coordinating volunteers, course design, and testing events so that our AT-LARGE DIRECTORS
state, once again, provides a quality competition for our drivers. TIM MCCORMICK
For our drivers. Those three words are probably the simplest way to state the
mission of the NTDC. It’s about the excellence we see behind the wheel every day, Fremont Contract Carriers, Inc.
keeping the motoring public safe, while efficiently delivering freight. It’s also about TERRY MCMULLEN
capturing the attention and the enthusiasm of the next generation of professional
drivers. AIT Worldwide Logistics
Case in point - this was a special year as Werner Enterprises Rookie Driver Eric BOB WINTER
Stein won not only his class, but the Grand Champion prize. Eric beat legends and Distribution Inc.
former champions as if he had 20 competitions under his belt, all of whom joined BOB WYNNE
in cheering him on. We can wait to see how Eric and all the other class winners
fare at the National Truck Driving Championships in August. With such a great Wynne Transportation Services, Inc.
showing at our event, this could be the year for a new kind of Cornhusker national
2019 was also special because we were able to honor our long-time truck driving ERICH HELGE
championships volunteers Jerry Wessel, Jolene Jankowski, Corby Flagle and Allen
Roberts. These are some of the legends of our championships, and their contributions Seward Motor Freight Inc.
to our history, as well as their impact on our future, cannot be overstated.
Welcome to the annual edition of Nebraska Trucker focused on the drivers, ALTERNATIVE STATE VICE PRESIDENT TO ATA
volunteers and leaders who make our truck driving championships great. We hope TREVOR AIDEN
you enjoy the ride!
Brown Transfer Company LLC
Kent Grisham
President & CEO PAST CHAIR
Nebraska Trucking Association MARY DAVIE
[email protected] Flatbed Express

4 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2019 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Don Adams Brett Kleier
Dean Aden * Chris Klotz *
Trevor Aden Tom Koenigs
Steve Aherns Jean Kurtenbach *
George Akerson * Heidi Loop
Crystal Anderson Mike Maloley
Tim Aschoff Jamie Maus
Blaine Batten Terry McMullen
Dennis Bauder Ron Mencl
David Billings Lloyd Mettenbrink *
Joanie M. Bogers Trey Mytty
Kurt Brown Scott Olson
Butch Brown * Tonn Ostergard *
Bob Clark * Dave Parker *
Eldon Dokter * Jack Peetz *
Eric Downing Dick Pierson *
Dwight Dunsworth * Tom Pirnie *
Dave Erlandson Gene Quandt
Brent Falgione Dick Reiser *
Ross Faubel Greg Reitmeier *
Corby Flagle Norm Riffel
Hugh Fugleberg * Scott Romans
Michael Galvin Ronald Romans *
Norman Geiken John Sahling
Rick Gomel Roger Schmidt
Tom Hastings Russell Stough
Mark Hauptman Danny Tompkins **
Erich Helge Nick Vuko
Mike Herre * Dave Walde
Curt Werner
Albert Hill Jerry Wessel
Phillip Holliday Bob Winter *
Brian Wood
Dan Hurt Bob Wynne
Don Kaiser Rallen R. Zeitner
Larry Kersten
Jerry Kilthau


CHAIRMAN’S Nebraska Trucker is owned by Truck Services, Inc., and
LETTER is published bimonthly by Matthews Publishing Group.
For additional copies, to order reprints of individual
GET INVOLVED. VOLUNTEER.  articles or to become a subscriber, contact April Tilden at
PASS ON YOUR TALENTS! 402.476.8504 ext. 105.

As I wind down my term as NTA Chairman, I want to publisher
thank some great people and ask for the next leaders to Jennifer Matthews-Drake
step in and help guide the NTA. Trucking is vital to our Matthews Published Group, LLC
country, our state and to our communities. Trucking is [email protected]
people, and we are fortunate to have great ones. 
I’ve been very fortunate to be surrounded by visionaries on the board during art director
my term. We have folks, busy in their companies, that are making the time to Douglas J. Benjamin
set the foundation for a very successful association now and into the future. [email protected]
The board leadership is in great hands for the foreseeable future. The next three contributing writers
Chairmen are Crystal Anderson, Brent Falgione and Tim Aschoff (and even more
studs in the bullpen). They have all worked tirelessly during our time of transition Dave Zelnio
and are great inspirations for everyone associated with the NTA. If you consider
joining the board now, you will have a great chance to see them in action. I truly
learned a lot from them, as well as the previous members, that guided me when I President & CEO
first started this journey. Kent Grisham
Our President, Kent Grisham, has been at the helm for about 18 months and the
NTA is definitely in a much better position. It’s hard to hit the ground running in [email protected]
a forest. There are many items we never see that need adjusting. It’s the same way Director Operations & Communication
in all of our businesses. I feel confident that Kent has assembled the right team, has
instilled the right culture and has a great vision for Nebraska Trucking Association David Zelnio
and Truck Services Inc. [email protected]
I’m very excited that during my time on the board we are forming the Allied
Member Council and creating a voting position on the board. Allied members are Executive Assistant
a vital cog to the success of the NTA and should never feel like they don’t belong. April Tilden
We have work to do to build that relationship back up and we are committed to do
that. Allieds, we ask that you pass on your many talents!  [email protected]
Make plans on attending the Fall Conference, Safety Workshop, Truck Driving Director, Safety & Training Services
Championships and the Holiday Party! (Yes, it’s back!) We are better when you
are involved! Barb Aude
[email protected]
Happy Trails!
Scott Romans Nebraska Trucking Association is a statewide trade
Romans Motor Freight association for commercial truck and bus operators and
Chairman, Nebraska Trucking Association affiliated businesses. It is a not-for-profit association
governed by a board of directors elected annually. Nebraska Trucking is an affiliate of the American Trucking
Association (ATA). ATA serves and represents the trucking
industry on a national level, influencing federal and state
government actions, advancing positive trucking industry
image, providing education programs and industry
research, and promoting highway safety and security.

For more information, contact
Nebraska Trucking Association:

1701 K Street
Lincoln, NE 68501
Phone 402.476.8504 Fax: 402.476.8570

Issue 3, 2019 - Nebraska Trucker 5

6 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2019

History Made at 2019 Nebraska
Truck Driving Championships

GRAND ISLAND – A rare win by a ner Park to highlight the best professional Terry Durham, Werner Enterprises
rookie and a champion performance by the truck drivers in the state. Competitors
competition’s only female driver brought demonstrated knowledge, talent and skills took home the Professional Excellence
the crowd to their feet at the 2019 Nebras- which focus on what it takes to be a safe Award (highest written test) and the Rook-
ka Truck Driving Championships (NTDC). driver on our streets and highways. ie of the Year Award (first-time participant
The Grand Champion Award went to Eric with the highest overall score in all four
Stein of Werner Enterprises. Christina Eighty-five drivers participated in this parts of the competition).
Gaines of FedEx Express took first place in year’s championships in nine classes of
the straight truck competition. trucks. Drivers competed in pre-trip inspec- NTDC has a long positive working
tions, written exams, oral interviews with relationship with the Nebraska State Patrol
The Nebraska Trucking Association the Nebraska State Patrol and they finally Carrier Enforcement troopers. The Bucky
organized the May 31-June 1 event at Fon- tackled a challenging driving course. In one Buchholtz Top Driver Award, named in
such challenge, drivers had to back a 65-
Eric Stein, Werner Enterprises foot long, 8-and-a-half-foot wide truck and Continues 
trailer all the way through a 10-foot alley
marked by barricades.

Awards were presented based upon
scores in the four separate test areas:
written examination, personal interview,
pre-trip inspection and driving test. Team
awards are also given to the company with
three or more drivers competing with the
highest overall average score.

The 2019 overall grand champion was
Eric Stein of Werner Enterprises. Stein also Issue 3, 2019 - Nebraska Trucker 7

Kevin Zelasney, ABF Freight Continued from page 7 time championship committee member,
goes to the driver with the highest score on
honor of Buchholtz, a former Trooper the pre-trip inspection. This year’s award
and long-time championship committee winner went to Kevin Zelasney of ABF
member, went to the driver with the high- Freight.
est score on the driving course. This year’s
honoree was Terry Durham from Werner The Jerry Wessel Award, named in
Enterprises. honor of a long-time committee member,
is awarded to drivers who have competed
The Kurt Everett Vehicle Condition or volunteered at the Championships for at
Award, named in honor of Everett, a long- least five years and are rated on profession-
alism, industry knowledge and attitude.
HUB International Transportation This year’s winner was Terry Durham from
Insurance Services, Inc. Werner Enterprises.

Customized trucking insurance solutions, national The first-place winner in each of the
coverage, local operations and dedicated people nine classes advances to the American
are what set HUB International apart. Trucking Associations National Truck
Driving Championships in Pittsburgh,
Je Dillon, Senior Account Executive while the mixer truck first place winner
[email protected] advances to the National Mixer Driver
(888) 365-0923 Championships. Also held during the championships
were the Nebraska State Patrol Inspector

Protection You Need With Service You Expect Nebraska State Patrol Trooper
Ben Schropfer with NTA’s Barb Aude
With Joe Morten & Son, Inc. teamwork and service start, not end, with the issuance of
your insurance policy. Serving over 40 states with seven office locations, Joe Morten & Championships, consisting of a personal
Son has a national presence. Advantages you will receive when you insure with Great interview, a tabletop hazardous materials
West Casualty Company through Joe Morten & Son include: exercise and various hands-on inspections.
Nebraska State Patrol Trooper Ben Schrop-
• Custom-tailored insurance policies fer of Nebraska City took first place hon-
• Proactive safety tools ors and Trooper John Hadaway received
• Quick and responsive claims service runner-up honors. Schropfer will now
• Knowledgeable, service-minded agency teams that are relationship driven represent Nebraska in the North American
• And many more Inspector Championships, also held in con-
junction with the National Truck Driving
Corporate Office Regional Office Championships.
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8 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2019


GRAND CHAMPION experience was a day and a half of practice Family Dollar, said he needs to squeeze his
ERIC STEIN before the event. He usually drivers a 28- trucks into some challenging spaces.
foot sleeper.
Werner Driver Eric Stein drove an About this year’s course, Stein said he’s
unusual path towards his impressive wins “The entire event was a big surprise,” glad he practiced at Werner in Omaha. He
at the Nebraska Truck Driving Champion- Stein, a native of Rome, New York, said. said the scale challenge and backing chal-
ships. lenges were the most challenging.
He’s driven for Werner Enterprises for
About ten years ago, Stein was a lead- seven years after re-starting his career at Stein married his wife Jennifer last year.
ing chef in a Long Island, NY restaurant. age 41. As a driver trainer, Stein said he They met at a truck stop where Jennifer
He decided to start his own wholesale can easily relate to others starting their was a manager and Stein was the hungry
meat company complete with two refriger- trucking career at an older age. “These driver with lots of ideas on cooking. To-
ated box trucks. folks are really receptive to learning. gether they have seven children.
They’re patient and take direction.”
“I never thought things would turn out Werner is assigning a special Operation
the way they did,” Stein said. “I fell in love For Werner, Stein serves as a team cap- Hero 2020 Freightliner Truck to Stein who
with driving. I found Werner and they are tain and providing input to Werner execu- requested it as a way to honor firefighters
just a fantastic company. I’m blessed.” tives to work together on enhancing driver and law enforcement personnel. “I’m not
experience. He also attends trucking school a veteran, but being from New York, after
Stein’s arms were full June 1 after the events as an ambassador for the company. 911, those guys are close to my heart,” he
NTDC Awards Banquet. He took first said.
place in 3-Axle Class. He won the Profes- “Getting on the championship team
sional Excellence Award, Rookie of the was great,” he said. “Tim Dean, Larry Derr “Trucking is great, and I tell everyone
Year Award and the Grand Champion and Terry Durham taught me what needed that,” Stein said. “You get the freedom of
Award. Stein said his only 3-Axle truck to be done. You can’t beat knowledge like the open road, see different people, you see
that.” beautiful things. I love it.”

Stein, who runs doubles delivering for

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1ST PLACE WINNER She starts her truck at 3 a.m. and ends the ing you can do that, you must be strong,’
STRAIGHT CLASS, day before noon. I’m proud of what I do and I say this is
TINA GAINES a great industry for anyone looking for a
Growing up in rural Hershey, Nebras- career.”
Transporting goods from Lincoln to ka, Gaines started driving on a school
Omaha for FedEx Express Courier Tina permit at the age of 14. She said she Gaines recently helped launch an NTA-
Gaines practiced precision. She sought per- learned her work ethic from her father based group to empower women in the
fect lines on straightaways. She stopped at who worked for a nearby power plant. She transportation industry in Nebraska.
nearly every dock inches from touching. drove many miles for school, work, grocer-
ies, just about everything. Out of the driver’s seat, Gaines enjoys
This practice and her eye for detail time with her husband, Jeremy and their
helped Gaines earn top honors for the This marked her fourth competition. four bulldogs. She loves all kinds of crafts
straight truck competition at the Nebraska She placed second or third for the last from woodworking to painting.
Truck Driving Championships June 1. three years. Gaines said she was inspired to
join the competition from her supervisors
“The course is different every year,” Tom Greitens and Travis Minnick who she
Gaines said. “The pre-trip was tough. We said provided great advice on competing
had to use very precise language with those in the pre-trip inspections. Minnick earned
defects. I was shocked when I won, espe- rookie of the year honors.
cially with the competition in that class.”
Gaines said FedEx as a whole is a re-
Gaines holds 21 years of driving ex- spectful company that promotes diversity.
perience with FedEx Express in Lincoln, As a female driver, she said people have
logging more than 600,000 miles. Her been very supportive. “In the past, you’d
route takes her from Lincoln to Omaha. get the random person talking about how
this is a man’s job, or some say, ‘it’s amaz-




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10 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2019

NTDC Jensen, who still holds a CDL, to show how good these drivers
VOLUNTEERS worked 20 years in the industry logging are. Companies practice together.
2 million miles transporting goods Drivers help each other. It’s
What motivates a hundred people throughout the U.S. and Canada for nice to know that people
to devote their volunteer time and Fremont Contract Carriers. Today, she appreciate what you do
energy to the Nebraska Truck Driving works as a probation officer in Fre- every day.”
Championships? For Annett Jensen it mont.
means working elbow-to-elbow with The Jensens met in Stuttgart,
people who genuinely care about the “Annett has been out here volun- Germany, where Rob was
industry. teering for many years,” said Ann Dos- stationed as a driver for the
tal, NTDC volunteer co-coordinator. U.S. Army there driving
“I always try and get people to “She’s a character. Volunteering is a lot lowboys and other trucks
come down and support our drivers,” of work, but it’s a lot of fun too.” for the 37th transpor-
she said. “It might seem like the older tation group.
generations are better at giving time, Jensen learned the driving craft at
but I’ve seen some hard-working Southeast Community College in Lin- “He did two
younger ones out here too. Families get coln and from her husband Rob Jensen, stints in the Army,”
into it. I just love doing this.” who placed third in the 5-axle sleeper she said. “He was
class in this year’s competition. Rob has from Blair and said
Jensen has volunteers at Nebraska competed since 1998 and traveled to there’s no place
Truck Driving Championships for ten national competitions five times. like the Midwest
years. She knows the ropes having to raise a kid. I
worked as a den leader, pre-trip and “I’ve gotten to know a lot of the agree.”
course worker. guys, some we just see once a year at
the Roadeo (NTDC),” she said. “This is
one of the best things the industry does Issue 3, 2019 - Nebraska Trucker 11



Class Winners

Straight Class Three-axle class Four-axle class

Christina Gaines, Eric Stein, David Dye,
FedEx Express Werner Enterprises FedEx Freight

Shawn Harms, Chris Corbett, Kevin Zelasney,
FedEx Freight Old Dominion Freight Line ABF Freight

Steven Hays, James O’Neill, John Poppen,
Grand Island Express FedEx Freight FedEx Freight

Five-axle class Five-axle sleeper class Tank truck class

Thomas Rott, Tim Dean, Larry Derr,
Grand Island Express Werner Enterprises Werner Enterprises

Tom Canning, Jeff Tomlinson, Scott Stroup,
Old Dominion Freight Line Fremont Contract Carriers YRC Freight

Robie Jensen, Jonathan Bhatt, Tim Anderson,
Fremont Contract Carriers Grand Island Express ABF Freight

12 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2019

Flatbed class Twin-trailer class Step van class

Luke Beiermann, Terry Durham, Adam Stroup,
Lyman-Richey Corp. Werner Enterprises FedEx Express

Josh Howell, David Auger, John W. Peyton,
Sunrise Express FedEx Freight FedEx Express
George Chaney,
FedEx Freight Rich Boyd, Chris Cherry,
Crete Carrier FedEx Express
Mixer truck class
The Nebraska Truck Driving Championships Committee and the Nebraska Trucking
John Brezina, Association’s Safety Management Council organize the championships.
Lyman-Richey Corporation
The Nebraska Trucking Association (NTA) is the statewide trade association for commer-
Tommy Inzauro, cial truck and bus operators, and affiliated businesses. NTA delivers the essential knowl-
Lyman-Richey Corporation edge, contacts, services, political representation and partnerships that help our members
continue to deliver the goods to Nebraska communities and throughout North America.
Steve Kelley,
Lyman-Richey Corporation

Team winners

FedEx Freight Issue 3, 2019 - Nebraska Trucker 13
Werner Enterprises

ABF Freight


2020 NTDC Following tradition, next year’s NTDC Healthcare for Children — Twin Cities are
COMMUNITY chairman Derek Phillips of Crete Carrier determined to put children in the driver’s
has chosen the 2020 community partner - seat and set them on the road to indepen-
PARTNER Shriners Children’s Hospitals. dence.

The Nebraska Truck Driving Cham- ABOUT SHRINER’S Since 1923, Shriners Healthcare for
pionships was amazing in 2019. But, HOSPITALS Children — Twin Cities’ board-certified
that’s not enough. Like a double-dog dare, surgeons and staff have been providing
the NTA is determined to reach greater Every child dreams of being in the high-quality medical care to all children,
heights. Planning is already underway to driver’s seat. But not all children travel regardless of a family’s ability to pay. Our
enhance experience for drivers, volunteers the same road. For children faced with clinic specializes in treating children with
and fans. physical challenges, fulfilling the promise orthopaedic conditions in an environment
of a brighter tomorrow can be a long and designed to put children at ease. Every
The first order of business is to an- bumpy ride. The specialists at Shriners member of our team, from surgeons and
nounce next year’s community focus. therapists to nurses and prosthetists, work
together to ensure the best course of treat-
ment for each patient.

The staff at Twin Cities Shriners
Healthcare proudly serves children in Ne-
braska, Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota,
South Dakota, western Wisconsin and
into the Canadian provinces of Manitoba,
Ontario and Saskatchewan.

People Must
Come Together
for a Mission

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Photo: NASA
14 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2019


Empower Empower
EttEoommhhyeyheohlpopupluupumrSoomtrSdartTwdaawrnrTifarnvOfiefievecOfrikerPscrirknPsigyntogouhryehdolupruimvrStedarTarrnsifvOfiecrkPsingHuman trafficking incidents are on the rise,wHituhmmaornetthraanffi4c9k,0i0n0gciansecsidbeeinntgs are on the rise,withmorethan49,000casesbeing
STOP traffickingProject, 2017) Truck drivers are in a unique position to help because they frequent
to help humanrHPceorupomomjremtacentdo,nt2tor0tatr1haf7fefif)ciNTckakrtiuininocggnkaipdlnHlraciucivdmeesearnsndtuaTsrreaeaftfroiicnekthaoinenguirnHthjiooqetblui,rnesiesupeocov,hewsriaitttsihhotemrnupotcacProkseorthostm1htej0oeamlpcnpyetos4b,a,n92errs,e00ct.rs10a(aSt0u7foaf)scuireaTcerskrctaeuehisns:ce,Pbgkayoenpdlifanrdlrreagiigsqcveauesersdnstuatareteitooinntsha. euirnjioqbu,esupcohsiatsiotrnutcok
reported to the National Human Trafficking Hotline overretphoerpteadstto10thyeaNras.ti(oSnoualrcHeu: mPoalnarTisrafficking Hotline over the past 10 years. (Source: Polaris
help because they frequent
stops, rest areas, and gas stations.

common trafficking places due to their job, such as truck stops, rJe.sJt.aKreallse,ra’sndNgEaWs sHtautmionasn. Trafficking J. J. Keller’s NEW Human Trafficking
$$OONN33nnll9yE9yE5W5W $ON3nl9yE5WhApt2HJtor.or44w0aouJwa1tg.fmfhrrhtir7Ktdieehaouce)eecnamo:.mkhonelsnNTligoet444swaenirsnafnwtmriyuglfirt’lztosrrhtioihactretdoeehpraoesuukNfesctftDonafl:mfmhpaoniaiEcdsracecahtocigetWakvlrknisrennifnyeiimHinysigvostdirHnkgzrtsnuuoheardeagsrtuafmsurfrputdtfoiasmmcfhiperfiaainknicaervatnaiiktocnernnsroniigperTigindssgtrrtakgTriinaehannarfsnfdteaffeaoiitifcclrsffykukijcaiowinnnkrbhgiegiq,neasuonHgnuendoActphtwlhionaaesserirettoiri-souveecn,rkwttsohittoehhpepmlsap,osrDbterhee1sVo444tc0wtDahayrrhitutradeehPeoeusnescora:ameponosr4sogetsat,gi9nhnfnam(yr,dSie0naztohory0eadmasuup0tftfmgfhrrpaiIcecceanrataqekosnsrcsi:puiinslesgtPruetkgrsinoaaandsbfttltfaeioieocrclsfyiikno:nsiwsmngP.hgrmreoeanjnpoednoctr,ted
Awareness for Drivers training Awareness for Drivers training
program will teach your drivers
J. J. Kelleprr’soNgEraWmHwumillatneaTrcahffyicokuinrgdrivers

n4esrsefsopornDdtrahipvepeyrrossuprstipraateeicnlytiwnit’ghsetpnarkoinggrapmlacwe ill teach • 1t7h-eMyisnuuspteecVtidit’esotaking place
youtrhdeyrisvuesprsechtoitw’s tatoki:ng place • TDraViDnePrroGguraidmeIncludes:
DVD Program Includes: • Tra••inT1er7a-riMnTeionrouGtluseiVdUiedSeBo
DVrtim••••derD1T(T1aec1orr71Pfaa0on-sfrDiiMinnEotgtcrneegiiiannkfvrrgryuetT••••aGiliinroztmsurhe(1TT1Hhoe1girr71Vds,luaIaa0sn1-itkenDdiimMUhcnnEdSelrSneepbueioianBvrrgaodnuensTGoleiroitiksssugetHhso:hrinVd),laas1iensfdUfdSeoiSpbcofBAakohDnoi-niu5ks8gshm3)6a0annd those • 1(110••DET(1r1nr1ia0vgDineElrnierisvrgHheTliro,asH1hon,lasdS1nUpbdSSapboBanoonoiksiksshsh))


✔ respond appropriately when they
suspect it’s taking place

J. J. Keller and your State Trucking oroemr ea4mil0Taao24ti-ilo0l4Tadr7o2dteT6-ienol4o-rd8@r,7dc5eo6nae0neol-rrl48@,bdArc5etnparexe0ureltirl4mlc.b,1Aake0tctpiarn9xJa.urJgit.iKlllc.e.l1lclakear0oAtaintnm9dpyiogulrrd.StcaitleoeTraumnckitng@4n0e2obr-4etm7ruTMa64icl-0Ta8ko2t5i-ionl4d0r7dge64en.-rc8@,
AssJo.cJi.aKtieolnlearreanpdartynoeursr iSntacotemTprluiacnkcien.g Association are partners in compliance.
PACss2o03c7ia8t4ion are partners in compliance.

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16 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2019

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Issue 3, 2019 - Nebraska Trucker 17

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18 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2019 8630 F Street, Omaha, NE 68127 (402) 898-5600

Werner Enterprises, Nebraska Trucking Association Trooper in a Truck
and Nebraska State Patrol coordinated efforts before
hitting to road for Trooper in a Truck Sept. 27. The Nebraska Trucking Association,
along with Werner Enterprises and the
Nebraska State Patrol, participated in a
Trooper in a Truck event, June 28, travel-
ing from Werner headquarters in Omaha
south to Crete.

Nebraska was the first state to launch
Trooper in a Truck in 2017. Trooper in a
Truck put state troopers in the passenger
seat of semi-trailers and provides that
trooper, “above” traffic. From that vantage
point, troopers can identify risky driving
behaviors by others on the road then call
those violations into other troopers staged
to follow up with a stop.

Continues 


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Issue 3, 2019 - Nebraska Trucker 19

Nebraska State Patrol Sgt. Jeff Dunton rode with Werner Driver Continued from page 19 Traditionally, traffic stops are prompted by
Marvin Fielder during a Sept. 27 Trooper in a Truck event. changing lanes without a signal, following
The June 28 Trooper in too closely and texting while driving.
a Truck included one Wer-
ner truck supported by three Werner Driver Marvin Fielder, a 35-
other State Patrol vehicles. In year veteran, chauffeured Nebraska State
one case, the trooper spotted Patrol Sgt. Jeff Dunton.
a trailer with an unsecured
brake cable. In another case, a State Trooper Kevin Kern assisted Dun-
small car was driving errati- ton with three stops.
cally coming off an on-ramp.
“We’ll tell people they were observed
from a semi-truck,” he said. “They’re
always surprised. I think it brings a better
sense of awareness. We all ought to be
driving safe, whether a trooper is around
or not.” 

20 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2019 Werner Safety Specialist Mitch Weinman
coaches Nebraska State Patrol Sgt. Matt
Ramsey on methods for training on a trucking
simulator at Werner headquarters in Omaha.

Kern issued warning tickets. The 13-
year veteran said he’s able to quickly iden-
tify things like heavy loads by the shape
of a tire or even a small cable tie installed
incorrectly. “My grandfather was trucker
in Iowa,” Kern said. “I learned a lot from
him, and I learned a lot just being out here
on the highway every day. When I became
a patrolman I told him, ‘someday, I’m go-
ing to weigh your load,’ he told me, ‘you’re
going to have to catch me first.’ “

Uniformed troopers, assigned to six
troop area headquarters, patrol more than
10,000,000 miles of Nebraska roads.
Across the state more than 700 sworn
and civilian employees provide traffic,
investigative, administrative and support

Along the Route

News & tips from Nebraska Trucker advertisers

TA Truck Service TechOn-SITE keep your equipment in top shape. Call TRAINING
provides maintenance on your schedule. 440-808-3165 to create your scheduled
With highly skilled ASE and TIA certified fleet maintenance program with TechOn- Transition requires extensive training.
technicians, TechOn-SITE brings the SITE today. Errors made will lead to violations, extra
technical expertise needed to service work for drivers and support, increased
your vehicles right to your fleet yard or AOBRD TO ELD – exposure to violations.
distribution center—or anywhere you have NOT AS EASY AS IT SEEMS
a need. Changes will impact support personnel
By Dec. 16, 2019, carriers using in the following ways:
The TechOn-SITE team can create grandfathered automatic onboard • Assigning unassigned driving times
a completely customized preventive recording devices (AOBRDs) will need to
maintenance program to fit your specific switch to electronic logging devices (ELDs). to drivers with detailed comments.
business needs. Our fleet of over 200 While these devices (and associated • Transferring ELD records to
“bays on wheels” comes to wherever your back-office systems) are similar, there are
trucks and trailers are idle to perform differences to consider. investigators during investigation,
the preventive maintenance services and audit.
repairs needed to keep your vehicles road- DRIVERS • Updating in-house auditing methods
ready and less likely to break down. related to operating over hours,
When drivers log into ELDs, if the identifying falsification, misuse of
TechOn-SITE offers a wide scope device has recent driving records not editing, special driving categories.
of services and our technicians arrive previously assigned due to the vehicle • No generic (“ghost”) accounts,
equipped with the right tools, parts moving without someone being logged e.g. maintenance, yard driver. Each
and cutting edge equipment needed to in (or unassigned driving time), the time account must be assigned to an actual
keep your vehicles in good health and must be offered to the driver. If the driver person. Driver accounts must include
ready for their next shipment. Our accepts, that time is integrated into their individual driver’s license numbers.
mobile truck maintenance services records. If denied, the time will appear in
include DOT inspections, computerized the back office as an unidentified driver EXECUTION
diagnostics, tire services, brakes, wheel account and will be visible as unassigned
end, lighting, patching, lubrication, reefer driving time on that driver’s device. Installing devices or allowing existing
PM, conspicuity tape, wiring, trailer devices to update at the last minute
maintenance, used truck inspections and Unlike AOBRDs, an ELD must switch will cause chaos. A prime example is
more. to driving status when the vehicle reaches what some carriers experienced when
five miles per hour. Other changes include: transitioning from paper to electronic logs.
Whether your needs are 10 or 80 • When and how to use the special Carriers would benefit from using a
hours per week, TechOn-SITE brings change-management approach, such as
highly skilled technicians to wherever you driving categories (yard move and “plan, prepare, execute, evaluate.”
are to increase your fleet’s efficiency and personal use); • Planning – replacing hardware,
• When and how to use the editing
privileges the driver is provided considering other vendors, software
with under the ELD rules; and updates, driver and back-office work-
• How to transfer data directly practice changes.
to officers during a roadside • Preparing – training, developing
inspection, using either telematics policies, procedures.
or local transfer. • Executing – identifying when/how
change will happen, implementation.
• Evaluating – tracking, making
To determine a timeline, work backward
from the deadline and allow adequate time
for each step. Carriers should start the

process as soon as possible. Issue 3, 2019 - Nebraska Trucker 21


August Allied Oil & Supply Co..................................16

Aug. 14 - 17 ATA National Truck Driving Championships - American Transportation Research
The David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA Institute (ATRI)...............................................14

Aug. 3 Nebraska Logistics Council Golf Scholarship Fundraiser, American Trucking Associations’ MC&E
2019.....................................Inside back cover
Bauer Built Tire...............................................9
Brehmer Manufacturing Inc.......................13
Sept. 8 - 14 National Truck Driver Appreciation Week
Great West Casualty Co. ............ Back cover
Sept. 25 - 27 NTA Fall Management Conference - Convention & Awards
Holthus Convention Center, York HELP/PrePass................................................10

Oct.. 5 - 9 September HUB International Insurance........................8

ATA Management Conference & Exhibition - Interstate PowerSystems............................11
San Diego Convention Center & Marriott Marquis
J.J. Keller & Associates..............................15
Joe Morton & Son Insurance.......................8
You may view Nebraska Trucker
— complete with sound effects — Nebraska Trucker.........................................22
online within a week of distribution.
Another awesome feature of this RDO Truck Centers............Inside front cover
great new technology is that websites
in the digital magazine are “live.” So, TA/Petro............................................................6
viewers may click on a site featuring
in an ad and be transported directly Taylor & Martin..............................................20
to an advertiser’s website. This is just
one more service that we’re happy to Truck Center Companies..............................17
offer on behalf of our NT advertisers
This edition of Nebraska Trucker was made
22 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2019 possible with the support of these corporate
advertisers. They support the trucking
industry by enabling Nebraska Trucking
Association to provide this publication to
its members, prospective members, elected
officials and the business community at
large. They deserve your consideration and
patronage when making your corporate
purchasing decisions. Thank you!


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24 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2019

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