Q3 FALL 2018
Meet NCTA’s
JERRYNew Chairman
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NCTA Chairman and Vice President
of Cargo Transporters Jerry Sigmon,
Jr. Wants to Bridge Trucking’s
Generational Gaps
Q3 FALL 2018
FEATURES 14 Truckers Making Headlines DEPARTMENTS
Waddell Lifetime Volunteer Award;
7 “Build NC” & the Future 4 Chairman’s Message by Jerry Sigmon, Jr.
of North Carolina’s Infrastructure NCTDC and Top Tech Participated at 4 NCTA Board of Directors
Nationals; 2018 Driver of the Year; and 5 President’s Letter by Crystal Collins
2017 Drivers of the Month 30 Calendar of Events
11 Combating Surcharge 30 Advertising Resource Index
in Trucking Insurance BY DANA COCHRAN
North Carolina Trucking Association
isn’t taking recent surcharges lying 28 Member Spotlight:
down, taking action on members’ Larry Tysinger,
behalf Triad Freightliner,
NCTA Allied Chairman
From the Chairman
Trucking Intelligence and More with NCTA North Carolina Trucking Association
I’m honored to be selected as the NCTA Chairman OFFICERS OF THE BOARD
for 2018-2019. Reflecting on the approximately seven
years I’ve been involved in the Association, it amazes Chairman
me at the number of “trucking intelligent” people I’ve Jerry Sigmon, Jr.
had the privilege to meet. Talking and interacting with Cargo Transporters, Inc.
fellow members has increased my knowledge about First Vice Chairman
our industry. It has also provided valuable friendships
as well. Frank Morris
During my time as Chairman my mission is to
continue the growth of the Association. There is always Vice Chairman
more to learn, and the Association has the potential Ryan Chambers
to offer more to its current and future members. My Chambers Transportation Services, Inc.
objective is to foster the sharing of knowledge between Vice Chairman
our experienced members and the future leaders of
our industry and NCTA. As we compete with other Keith Barnes
industries for high quality talent, we need to showcase Barnes Transportation Services, Inc.
all the wonderful opportunities trucking has to offer.
ATA State Vice President
Being a member of the Association is a good start. But, participation is the key Ron Drogan
to receiving value and giving back to the Association. Active participation in the
Councils, training seminars, TDC and Top Tech competitions and conferences is Red Classic Transportation Services, LLC
where you and your employees can learn and engage with other members. These Allied Chairman
interactive events allow new attendees to speak to and learn from experienced Larry Tysinger
veterans of the industry. I challenge all members to attend at least one new event this
year to broaden your experience of what the Association has to offer. Let’s all support Triad Freightliner of Greensboro, Inc.
and encourage others (drivers, technicians, customer service, operations, safety) in Secretary
our companies to get involved as well.
Crystal Collins
I want to thank all of our active members for their time and dedication to the North Carolina Trucking Association
Association. We will continue to move our industry forward, just as our members
have been doing since 1929. It takes all of us (carriers, allied members and staff) Treasurer
working together as a team. And, I can say, I’m proud to be a part of this team. Luke Mangum
Mangum‘s, Inc.
Jerry Sigmon, Jr.
Executive VP, Cargo Transporters BOARD MEMBERS
NCTA Chairman
Mark Berry Scott Lassiter
4 •TARHEEL WHEELS Q3 FALL 2018 Unifi Manufacturing, Inc. City Transfer and Storage Company
Bree Bryant David Leik
Eagle Transport Corporation Epes Transport System, LLC.
Tony Capps David Locke, Jr.
Carolina Tank Lines, Inc. McMahon Truck Centers
Brett Clausen Brooks Long
Volvo Trucks North America Longistics Transportation, Inc.
Lance Collette Luke Mangum
Eagle Transport Corporation Mangum's, Inc.
Roy Cox Thomas Moriary
Best Cartage, Inc. Special Event Transportation
Ben Cox Scott Murray
Thermo King Central Carolinas BBT Insurance Services & McGriff
Steve Currin Insurance Services
CRTS, Inc. Gerald Myers
Steve Davis
Edwards Wood Products Inc.
SE Davis & Associates Transportation
Lora Dedmon Mark Patterson
A. V. Dedmon Trucking, Inc. All State Express, Inc.
Dennis Dellinger Tony Rankin
Harris Teeter
Cargo Transporters, Inc.
Herb Evans Ronald Rogers
L. J. Rogers Jr. Trucking Co.
Eagle Transport Corporation
Grover Ezzell Kevin Sherritze
Joe Morten & Son, Inc.
Ezzell Trucking, Inc.
Scott Farwell Jason Smith
Southland Transportation Co.
Teague, Campbell, Dennis, &
Gorham, LLP Ralph Stanley
Sam Faucette Brown Trucking Company
Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc. Mike Stevens
Al Ganey Red Classic Transportation Services,
Ezzell Trucking, Inc. LLC
Ben Greenberg Marc Tucker
Goldberg Segalla Smith Moore Leatherwood, LLP
Jonathan Greer Ken Tyree
Excel Truck Group
Eagle Transport Corporation Gordon Underwood
Warren Hall Mineral City Transport LLC
Badger Underwood
Deihaize America Transportation Underwood & Weld Co., Inc.
Michael Hamilton John Williams
Tidewater Transit Co., Inc.
Epes Transport System, Inc. Donny Wilson
Richard Hepler Swing Transport, Inc.
Best Cartage, Inc. Jeff Wilson
Kennan Hill Wilson Brothers Milling
& Trucking Co.
Chief Express, LLC
Chris Hill
Hale Trailer Brake & Wheel, Inc.
Clyde Kerns David Yarbrough , Jr.
Kerns Trucking, Inc. Yarbrough Transfer Company
From the President
Association Matters. Our Association Matters.
NORTH CAROLINA TRUCKING ASSOCIATION And Your Participation in Our Trucking Association Matters.
Tarheel Wheels is owned by the North Carolina Trucking Association It has been a busy year and was an extremely busy
and is published quarterly by Matthews Publishing Group in the summer. We have just returned from the Annual
Councils Conference in Asheville and are already
form of three editions of Tarheel Wheels and one edition of NCTA’s planning next year’s conference. We had a strong
Annual Membership Directory & Buyers’ Directory. For additional attendance this year and an exhibit hall with 26
vendors. Our speakers shared industry updates,
copies, to order reprints of individual articles or to become a took our attendees through a mock trial to better
subscriber to Tarheel Wheels, please contact Dana Cochran prepare the trucking industry for what they may
face, a panel talked about the benefits to the bottom
at [email protected] and for information line of trucking companies with a strong telematics
about advertising please contact Jennifer Matthews-Drake program, and we were inspired by Steve Gilliland to
“Enjoy the Ride.”
at [email protected].
Our membership continues to grow. We have
Publisher Jennifer Matthews-Drake welcomed 41 new members so far this year. But
we have the potential for so much more. In the
[email protected] coming year we plan to update our website, develop
a branding campaign, providing latest topics at the councils regional meetings and
Executive Editor Crystal Collins continue working each day representing you, our members, promoting highway safety,
and educating policymakers and the public about the crucial role trucking plays in the
[email protected] economy – especially North Carolina’s.
Managing Editor Dana Cochran This year marks NCTA’s 89th anniversary. To celebrate the milestone, we rolled out
a new logo. In the coming year we will work with you to not only embrace the new
[email protected] brand, but to add our logo to your website – as a proud member of the North Carolina
Trucking Association. Be on the lookout for our enhanced website. We want to make it
Art Director C. Waynette Traub easier for you to see what we are doing and get involved.
[email protected] During the last months of the year, as I sit down with our Board of Directors and my
staff working to plan for the year ahead, it will be our goal to grow our organization
Photographers Clay Cook and to expand our reach in 2019. I would ask that while you are making your plans
Larry Kuzniewski for 2019, please consider increasing your involvement in the NCTA. You can do this
Caleb Shane Lollar through attending a conference, council and training events, providing sponsorships
John David Pittman for conferences and council events, being part of our various legislative and regulatory
advocacy efforts, and serving on the Board and working groups. Involvement will
Contributing Writers Steve Brawner help you develop lasting relationships with your industry peers, keep you informed on
Dan Calabrese the issues facing our industry, and will provide a seat at the table as we work to find
solutions to the challenges facing our industry.
Renee Miller
Derek Rayment It is my aim that each NCTA member feels the pride of membership and understands
Jennifer Barnett Reed the value of your investment. Each day when new issues present themselves, whether
it is a new mandate, legislative action, training need, new entrants to the industry, or
John Schulz simply connecting members to the resources they need, NCTA is ready to assist. Your
Todd Traub membership is an investment in our industry, your company, and most importantly an
investment in the future.
Ad Production Doug Benjamin
Trucking is a proud industry and one that is vital to North Carolina’s success and future prosperity. We are proud to represent and serve as your voice.
North Carolina Trucking Association Staff
President Crystal Collins
[email protected]
Director of Communications & Marketing Dana Cochran
[email protected]
Event Specialist Amy Ballard
[email protected]
Instructor & Regulatory Specialist Steve Massey
[email protected]
An affiliate of the American Trucking Associations
Since 1929, the North Carolina Trucking Association (NCTA) has Crystal Collins
represented the interests of the trucking industry. NCTA works to President
protect the interests of North Carolina’s trucking industry by working North Carolina Trucking Association
with state and federal regulatory and enforcement agencies. We are
also dedicated to providing excellence in Education, Training, and
Information. And promoting a safe, dependable and cost-effective
motor transportation infrastructure to the betterment of the trucking
industry in North Carolina.
For more information, contact NCTA at:
North Carolina Trucking Association
4000 Westchase Blvd, Suite 210
Raleigh, NC 27607
Telephone: 919-834-0387
Facsimile: 919-834-3926
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To meet the infrastructure needs Infrastructure Matters
of the next 20 years, The Build
NC Bond of 2018 was signed into Planning, building and maintaining infrastructure
law by North Carolina Governor Roy is the backbone of our economic competitiveness.
Cooper over the summer. The bond was A comprehensive infrastructure system enhances quality
introduced through the State Senate of life and provides access to healthcare, jobs and education.
in Bill 758, a piece of legislation that
the House passed 94-23 before being 32% NC is one of the fastest growing
passed unanimously by the Senate. The states in the nation and by 2035 will
bipartisan effort is a huge step forward increase be the 8th most populated state.
in securing funds needed to help North from
Carolina grow economically. NC needs a tool that can be utilized,
NC’s 2010 if necessary, to maintain a high level
Part of the goal of the new bond is population of project delivery.
to help the trucking industry, ensuring
trucks get in-demand goods delivered Key Components & Benefits
more efficiently without being tied up
in traffic and undergoing severe wear 1 NC State Treasurer must approve any issuance of debt
and tear by roads in poor condition.
The bond figures to greatly benefit 2 Would be backed by Highway Trust Fund
trucking and transportation companies
in the state by improving infrastructure 3 Projects must be vetted through existing STI process to
and its support systems. Keeping ensure projects are funded based on data and not politics
with the organization’s mission of
supporting its members, the North 4 Provides project delivery stability for industry partners
Carolina Trucking Association and its
president Crystal Collins supported 5 Accelerates delivery of projects in the STIP
and advocated for the bond. at the regional and division level
“The financing tool provided by Build 6 NC State Treasurer and NC Legislative oversight
NC will keep projects moving, which ensures appropriate checks and balances
is critical to a strong transportation
system that is the mainstay of North 7 Does not impact general fund
Carolina’s economic competitiveness
and the livelihood of our drivers along NC has benefited greatly from use of Federal GARVEE Program.
with the companies that they represent,”
said Collins. “The trucking industry Five GARVEE Bond sales have funded 54 highway projects valued at $1.2B.
is vital to our state’s economy as 86
percent of communities in the state = INCREASED = MORE
depend exclusively on trucks to deliver NUMBER OF JOBS
goods. To ensure communities and
businesses across North Carolina receive HIGHWAY
the goods they need, we reached out to (NCDOT), Build NC will allow the
our legislators and the North Carolina critical infrastructure that communities
Department of Transportation and across North Carolina have been waiting
showed our support for this important for to be delivered sooner than they
piece of legislation and worked on behalf would be if Build NC was not available.
of our members to get it passed.” Also, the private sector businesses across
the state that build North Carolina
According to the North Carolina
Department of Transportation CONTINUED
“The trucking industry is vital to our state’s our quality of life,” says Transportation
economy as 86 percent of communities in Secretary Jim Trogdon. “Build NC is a
the state depend exclusively on trucks to tool that will allow us to continue strong
project delivery.”
deliver goods.” ~Crystal Collins
Build NC doesn’t exist without
roadways will see a stable industry over only be used if the department is able opposition, however. The Civitas
the next few years, allowing them to to maintain its strong project delivery Institute believes the bond isn’t the best
grow capacity to meet market demand pace, which increases expenditures way to address infrastructure needs.
with less risk. and decreases its cash balance. If that The nonprofit public policy organization
balance reaches a certain level, NCDOT based in Raleigh, North Carolina, says
“This benefits communities, the can ask the state treasurer to issue up the bill authorizes debt without voters
traveling public and our industry,” to $300 million in bonds annually over having a say. Opposition says the results
Collins said. “And the most important the next 10 years to maintain project of conservative fiscal management has
piece of this level of project delivery delivery levels. produced positive results for the state
by the NCDOT is allowing for safe and Build NC goes against that.
roadways.” “Transportation is the backbone of
our state’s economic competitiveness and Steve Abbott with NCDOT’s
NCDOT says the new bond will Communications team says they have
had major support for the initiative
from local governments, business
organizations and the transportation and
construction industry.
“They all know how important a
continually improving transportation
network is for a growing state such
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as North Carolina,” says Abbott. most critically, fatalities attributable to North Carolina Governor Roy
“Better roads mean better access for inadequate roadways,” said Spear. Cooper’s office says that under Cooper’s
transportation and the delivery of goods direction, NCDOT has accelerated 350
and services.” The ATA says that when industries highway projects and made room for an
across America are strong, the trucking additional 144 projects in the current
Abbott also says the Build NC bond industry is typically strong. The 2018-2027 transportation plan. NCDOT
will provide a better quality of life ATA says all indicators are trending hopes Build NC is an added tool to
through access to jobs, schools and in the right direction; consumer expedite more infrastructure project
healthcare. He points to other positives spending is strong, housing is strong, improvements, delivering on both small
such as attracting new residents, which manufacturing is strong and inventories and large projects that will benefit North
in turn creates new opportunities and are on the low end. The ATA says it Carolina citizens, businesses and freight
a growing market for trucking and bodes well for trucking, highlighting the carriers.
transportation companies. infrastructure improvement need.
“[Build NC] is an added tool to help Albemarle, North Toll Free
us continue our accelerated project Carolina 28001 1-800-438-2260
delivery schedule, bringing important
projects to local communities on a Visit Our Website:
regional and local level,” Abbot explains.
“[The projects] will in turn help their Sales • Parts • Service
residents get to work and school faster
and safer, and allow businesses to get “Quality New and Used Trucks Since 1945”
goods to their growing customer base.
That in turn will enable the state to We buy trucks and trailers too!!
better handle its rapid growth and
attract opportunities for its residents and Richard Almond at [email protected]
for new businesses.”
NCDOT says Build NC bonds
will be applied to projects consistent
with the Strategic Transportation
Investments Law that requires projects
be selected through data-driven scoring
processes and are projects in the
regional and division tiers. Repayment
of any bonds sold will come from
within the state Highway Trust Fund,
not the General Fund.
The Build NC initiative comes a year
after American Trucking Associations
(ATA) president and CEO Chris Spear
called on levels of government to invest
in infrastructure if the trucking industry
was going to keep pace with today’s
strong economy and its growing needs.
Spear told a United States Senate panel
that the future is bright, which is why
highways need improvement.
“The United States spends less than
half of what is necessary to address these
needs. As the investment gap continues
to grow, so too will the number of
deficient bridges, roads, bottlenecks and,
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North Carolina Trucking Association
isn’t taking recent surcharges lying down
orth Carolina motor carriers
were notified in late 2017 with
unwelcome news of a surcharge
which threatened to put pressure on their
budgets by adding significantly to their
insurance costs.
The North Carolina Trucking
Association (NCTA) responded
immediately in opposition. Its action
is believed to have contributed to
the reduction in the assessment. The
Association staff is monitoring the
collection of the reduced assessment as
well as any discussions on the need for
additional assessments.
The surcharge was announced as a
way to restore fiscal stability to the North
Carolina Reinsurance Facility (NCRF), a
nonprofit organization created to make it
possible for high-risk trucking operations
to still obtain insurance and remain on
the road. Access to insurance has been
essential for trucking firms who would
have otherwise ceased doing business in
North Carolina.
NCRF has been hit hard by the surcharge was not only excessive, but which NCRF blamed on too many
economic realities of the industry in extremely difficult for our members high-risk policies at premiums too low
recent years. In October 2017, NCRF to budget for,” said Crystal Collins, to cover the resulting claims.
announced a 14.61 percent surcharge President of the North Carolina
on motor carriers domiciled in North Trucking Association. Terry Collins, CEO of NCRF, said
Carolina (effective October 1, 2018). the current efforts to improve the
This surcharge applies to commercial Unfortunately, the surcharge facility’s performance are nothing
liability coverages including bodily reduction is only the first step. NCTA new, but are part of a longstanding
injury liability, property damage has been in constant touch with NCRF commitment to achieve the best
liability, medical payments, uninsured and the NC legislative leadership operational and fiscal practices.
motorists and underinsured in an effort to oppose additional
motorists’ premiums. Collision and assessments especially if other revenue “We’ve brought in more people into
comprehensive coverage policies are options are not being considered to the organization to help with this and
not subject to the surcharge. Carriers stabilize NCRF. make sure we add the right resources
who face the surcharge include motor to communicate and educate,
carriers, coach operators, taxi owners, "Based on available information, especially the member companies,
logging truckers and dump truck we believe that there is a reasonable because they’re the ones having to do
operators. likelihood that the current the programming work, but also to
stakeholders will successfully facilitate make sure we’re transparent to trade
In response to this surcharge change at the NCRF and eliminate the groups like the Trucking Association,”
announcement, the NCTA members need for any future surcharges against Terry Collins said.
and staff took action and were proud commercial liability policies,” Crystal
to applaud NCRF’s decision to reduce Collins said. Terry Collins emphasized that
the surcharge. NCRF remains fiscally strong and
The objective of the surcharge is to stable, and that it would be a mistake
“The originally announced restore the NCRF’s fiscal soundness to make knee-jerk changes due to a
after four years of sustained losses, recent challenge.
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“Obviously the focus shifted comparable to other operators, losses carriers were well represented.
last October when the board from such policies have imposed a "We have also been in contact
made the decision to implement mounting burden in recent years as
the recoupment,” Terry Collins NCRF has lacked sufficient funds to with other elected officials, including
said. “We had to shift our focus to cover claims and expenses related to leadership within the North Carolina
communication and education, and these policies. General Assembly, to educate them
how we’ll be making sure the right on the surcharge issues and to open
monies are coming in the door, and NCRF now faces a shortfall of $96 channels of communication in order
are not doing too much or too little.” million. to facilitate future change,” Crystal
Collins said. "We are pleased that
NCRF was originally created NCTA and other industry leaders Rep. Bumgardner is continuing to ask
in 1973 to serve as a backstop for remain hopeful that, due in some questions to ensure that additional
traditional insurance carriers looking degree to their efforts, the focus is surcharges are not necessary."
to mitigate risk from high-risk shifting away from a large or long-
carriers. NCRF itself does not sell term surcharges on motor carriers and No announcement has been
policies, but traditional insurers can toward fundamental changes to the made concerning an extension of
choose to cede a certain percentage of policies and operations of NCRF that the surcharge beyond September
their policies to NCRF, which means would both reduce the shortfall and 30, 2019. NCTA will continue to
the insurer can bill the Facility for make future shortfalls less likely. monitor the collection of the reduced
claims or other expenses. surcharged as well as rate increases to
Part of NCTA’s effort was the ceded policies.
Profits and/or losses of NCRF are facilitating a meeting hosted by the
shared by all licensed auto insurers in NC Insurance Committee co-chair NCTA will keep its members
the state. Dana Bumgardner. NCTA played updated on the ultimate outcome of
a significant role in that meeting these efforts.
Because NCRF is designed to and made sure the perspectives and
insure high-risk operators at rates interests of North Carolina motor
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Truckers Making Headlines BY DANA COCHRAN
Waddell Lifetime Volunteer Award
Jerry Waddell, Safety highways and to this Championship. Gillette and to recognize
Director for Cargo Sam Gillette volunteered at the state another worthy volunteer,
Transporters in Claremont, and national level for more than 20 the NTDC Committee
N.C., and longtime coordinator years. Sam passed away in 2016, recognizes one person
of the North Carolina Truck and the NTDC Committee fittingly or couple to receive the
Driving Championship named this annual award to honor Sam Gillette Lifetime
was honored recently at the him and his contributions to the Volunteer Award. As its
National Trucking Driving Championships. As an honor to Sam title suggests, this award
Championship with the Sam honors those volunteers
Gillette Lifetime Volunteer who have given a
Award. significant amount of time
and spirit in service to the
Each year, the NTDC National Truck Driving
honors a special volunteer, Championships and the
someone whose contributions National Step Van Driving
to these Championships Championships.
over the course of their careers is “This year, the National TDC
unquestionable – whose heart and soul recognized an individual who
– time and resources - have ensured embodies the spirit of selfless giving,”
this Championships program and this Crystal Collins, president of the North
event is a huge success. Carolina Trucking Association said.
The award is named after a Lifetime
Volunteer Award Recipient who
dedicated his life to the safety of our
NCTDC and Top Tech Participated at Nationals
More than 170 truck drivers and in the Truck Driving Competition at Michael Bills
40 technicians competed in the 79th the North Carolina TDC was Michael FedEx Express
Annual North Carolina Truck Driving Bills, with FedEx Express. Michael TDC Grand Champion
Championship and Top Tech Challenge lives in Fuquay-Varina and has been
in May with the winners going on to in trucking for 26 years. He has been
compete at the national level. employed with FedEx for three years
and has 1,000,000 accident free miles.
Following the two days of
indoor and outdoor competition in These three represented
Charlotte, awards were presented the North Carolina Trucking
to the Top Student Technician, Top Association at the 2018 ATA
Overall Technician as well as a Grand TMC SuperTech competition in
Champion in the Truck Driving Orlando, Fl. and the National Truck
Competition. Technician winners Driving Championship held in
included Hunter Byrd, a student at Columbus, Ohio. At the National
Johnston Community College and TDC competition, Michael Bills
John Winstead, with Old Dominion was a finalist in the straight truck
Freight Line. The Grand Champion competition.
Scenes from
the 2018 TDC/
Top Tech Event
NCTA’s chairman and vice president
of Cargo Transporters Jerry Sigmon, Jr. wants
to bridge trucking’s generational gaps
At age 44, Jerry Sigmon Jr. is one of the have and grow our businesses but also grow
youngest chairmen ever to lead the NCTA in its the association and grow leaders, the up-and-
nearly 90-year history. And with the industry coming leaders of the association as well?”
always needing young executives and definitely
needing young drivers, this may be the perfect Sigmon wants NCTA meeting formats and
time for a leader his age to emerge. agendas to foster open dialogue about issues
facing the trucking industry. Among those issues
“What I want to try to do within our are increasing the membership of NCTA, which
organization is make sure we foster the growth represents the entire industry’s interests. Sigmon
of the younger generation, and get them would like to see more smaller carriers become
talking with the older generation so we don’t involved. Other issues include improving
lose all that knowledge, and see how we can highway infrastructure while making sure the
bring those two groups together,” the vice industry pays no more than its fair share, hours
president of operations at Claremont-based of service rules in the wake of the electronic
Cargo Transporters said. “Because you’ve got logging device mandate, and transportation’s
this younger generation coming up with all introduction to autonomous technologies. He
this technology, whereas you’ve got the older wants trucking to have a voice as that happens.
generation, they were really the ones who made
this industry and made this country. And how “The more we can get folks talking about
can we take what they learned and what they issues and explaining their viewpoints, that’s
know and mesh it with all this technology we where that information exchange is going to take
place,” he said.
“We try to understand that the Bridging the gap between
generations is as important for drivers
drivers are the lifeblood as it is for executives. The American
of our company. There’s three Trucking Associations says the median
age of over-the-road truck drivers is
things you need in a trucking company: You need 49, and it’s 52 for private fleet drivers.
equipment, you need drivers, and you need At the same time, the industry faces
customers. Without any one of the three, you’re not a shortage that could equal 174,000
going to be in business very long.” ~Jerry Sigmon, Jr. drivers by 2026.
Workers’ Compensation Insurance NCTA members plan to travel to
Washington, D.C. to speak to lawmakers
Service, innovation and experience about rules changes allowing 18-20-year-
is the Midwestern advantage. olds to drive heavy-duty trucks across
Let it work for you. state lanes. Currently, such travel is
prohibited for anyone under age 21,
Arthur J. Gallagher which shuts the door on many potential
Greensboro - (336) 217-5480 drivers coming out of high school.
According to Sigmon, “If we can get
Southeastern Agency Group BB&T - McPhil Bray them started early before they get their
Greensboro - (336) 218-7470 Charlotte - (704) 954-3000 foot in the door somewhere else, that
might be an inroad for us to bring people
Benton & Parker, Co. ARMS Inc. into our industry.”
Charlotte - (704) 845-2949 Burlington - (336) 229-0429
Sigmon said experienced drivers can
B & H Insurance Services RDR Insurance Services, Inc. share their wisdom with young ones,
Winston-Salem - (336) 896-0800 Charlotte - (704) 553-1617 helping them understand how to thrive
in a cyclical industry.
Ascension/Transure Timmermann Ins. Service, Inc.
Greensboro - (336) 217- 6911 Winston-Salem - (336) 765-5940 “Things are going great, but we
Whitsett - (336) 584-9494 know that it will not continue like that
forever,” he said. “There will be another downturn. What we need to do is learn
from the previous generations how to
18 •TARHEEL WHEELS Q3 FALL 2018 prepare and weather that downturn
when it gets here.”
Sigmon first became involved in
the organization six or seven years
ago when given the opportunity by
his company’s president, Dennis
Dellinger. He soon joined the board
of directors and became treasurer and
then vice chairman. He moved up to
chairman at the end of July.
NCTA President Crystal Collins
said, “Jerry brings a wealth of
experience and knowledge to the
association, and his leadership is
vital in furthering the association’s
mission of protecting and promoting
the state’s trucking industry. For many
years, Jerry has been among our most
active members. His experience and
dedication will serve us well. I am executive was available to Sigmon Jr. At Sigmon Jr. graduated from the
confident his leadership will be a great first, though, he didn’t want to take it. University of North Carolina at Chapel
asset.” Hill in 1996 with a bachelor’s degree in
“I kind of wanted to make my own industrial relations. During his college
John Pope, Cargo Transporters’ way,” he said. “When you’re a junior career, he attended almost every Tar
chairman, said the company governs sometimes, everybody thinks, ‘OK, Heels home basketball game and many
itself through consensus and education. well, the only reason you’re here is football games. The Tar Heels won the
Sigmon shares that philosophy as an because of your dad, and I really didn’t 1992 NCAA national championship his
executive, and Pope expects his vice want that to happen. I wanted to kind freshman year.
president of operations’ leadership style of get out and say, ‘OK, I’ll make my
to be effective at the NCTA. own way’ and then ended up working CONTINUED
here with Senior as well.”
“Jerry generally is not one to go out
and just dictate that, ‘Hey, I need A,B, Your “One-Stop-Shop” for all your semi-trailer needs. New and used
C and D done,’” he said. “It’s normally semi-trailer sales, service, parts with six convenient locations to serve you.
trying to seek that input, and I think
that the people that work around him Raleigh, NC Statesville, NC Mt. Airy, NC 1-800-662-7026
and in operations probably appreciate Columbia, SC Ashland, VA Roanoke, VA
the fact that they get asked for their
input rather than just given a directive. MGS
“He tends to seek that input, and I Millberg
think in a diverse organization, like,
say, the trucking organization where Gordon
you’ve got a lot of different thoughts
and ideas about how things should Stewart
operate or how things should run or
what key topics or concerns of the Millberg Gordon Stewart PLLC defends client in The firm practices in the fields of transporta-
industry should be, I think that will civil litigation throughout North and South Car- tion litigation (rail and trucking), employment
work well in trying to bring all those olina. Since its establishment in 1994, MGS litigation, product liability, and general
out, and get that feedback, and then use has built a reputation for handling its clients’ commercial litigation.
that in decision making.” legal affairs with skill and vigor. The firm’s attor- MGS has been recognized by a Class
neys are experience trial lawyers who regularly I railroad as its “Go-To” Law Firm for tort
Sigmon grew up in the trucking defend and try cases for target defendants, defense; has been honored as Product Lia-
industry but didn’t intend to become often against the best of the plaintiffs’ trial bar. bility Law Firm of the Year in NC; and has
a part of it. Cargo Transporters was been listed among the Top Rated Lawyers in
formed in 1982 after the trucking PERSONAL ATTENTION. Transportation Law and Employment Law by
industry was deregulated. It was an A PROVEN TRACK RECORD WITH The American Lawyer/Martindale-Hubbel.
outgrowth of Catawba Truck Rental, a LEGALLY SOPHISTICATED CLIENTS.
truck leasing company that still exists
as a sister company. Catawba had ESSE QUAM VIDERI
been started in 1966 by Jack Brown, 1101 Haynes Street, Suite 104, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604
Forrest Pope, and Pope’s sons, Charles
and Tony, who was John Pope’s father. P: 919.836.0090, F: 919.836.8027
The four had bought out a business
that leased six trucks to a furniture
manufacturer and then expanded
it. Sigmon’s dad, Jerry Sigmon Sr.,
had been a civil engineer living in
Claremont when he joined Catawba
and helped start Cargo Transporters.
He’s now executive vice president.
With those family connections, a
path to becoming a trucking industry
“I wasn’t at the game, but I was on station, so it’s not uncommon for him he does four or five times a year. He’s
campus, and I was on Franklin Street, to drive one of the first or second trucks helped revive people who then made
and it was a very, very fun time,” he to arrive at the scene of a fire. it to the hospital and ended up fully
said. “Franklin Street was fun any time recovering. He’s also tried to rescue
we beat Duke as well.” He also volunteers with the people who didn’t survive, including
Claremont Rescue Squad. Between children.
His first job after graduating college the two, sometimes calls for help will
was driving a fire truck for the city of occur in the middle of the night, and He’ll discuss his experiences if
Conover. While he left that full-time sometimes they’ll be in the middle of pressed, but he’s obviously reluctant to
position 18 years ago, he’s remained a the day. If it’s an emergency, he’ll leave share many details.
volunteer firefighter with the Oxford work to fight a fire, extricate a person
Fire Department. He lives close to the from a wreck, or perform CPR, which “If you talk to most anybody in that
service, it’s what we do,” he said. “We
HMP Diagnostics, LLC provides don’t do it for the recognition. It’s just
comprehensive Ambulatory Sleep something we do to help folks.”
Diagnostic testing and treatment to
He was working at the fire
the transportation industry. department and doing fire inspections
part-time when he was approached
By teaming with HME providers we by his dad about working for Cargo
can provide evaluation, testing and Transporters. After an interview with
treatment to meet DOT guidelines. his dad and Tony Pope, he was offered a
job as a rate and pricing administrator.
A Sleep Apnea Program can be customized for your company to include: The money for that one job would be
• Sleep testing with chain of custody & professional interpretation better than what he was earning at his
• OSA treatment & supplies full-time and part-time jobs combined.
• Compliance monitoring So he said yes.
• Access to a network of board-certified sleep physicians
• 24-hour customer support “I thought, ‘OK, well, I’ll give this a
try,’ and here it is 18 years later and I’m
3125 Arrowcrest Pl. still here,” he said.
Winston Salem, NC 27107
P: 678-727-2009 • F: 866-314-6722 When he joined the company in
August 2000, Sigmon didn’t know
anything about the business. Despite
his dad’s long-time involvement, all he
knew was that “they had trucks and
they moved freight.” But he soon began
to learn the ropes.
What did he learn from his dad?
“Just that things change,” he said.
“What we’re doing today, we may need
to reevaluate tomorrow. And one of
the biggest things is, you never burn
any bridges. Customers or drivers may
come and go, but the way you exit a
relationship will be remembered, and
if you treat everybody with dignity and
respect, then the next time you meet,
the encounter will always be positive.”
In 2008, Dellinger approached
Sigmon about moving into operations,
where he eventually became vice
Inside Scoop: Jerry Sigmon, Jr. CONTINUED
First car: “Chevrolet Z24 was my first car.” Q3 FALL 2018 TARHEEL WHEELS • 21
Favorite hobby: “My favorite hobby would be
messing around on the farm.”
Favorite movie: “I don’t know that I have a favorite
movie. I don’t watch a lot of TV. I like to be outside.”
Favorite unhealthy food to eat: “Chocolate.”
By itself? “Yeah, I can eat chocolate all day long.”
Who’s the most famous person you’ve ever
met? “I haven’t really met anybody famous, I don’t think.”
You went to Chapel Hill. Did you know Dean
Smith or any of the Tar Heels? “I had classes
with several of the basketball players. (Center) Serge
Zwikker was one. I had multiple classes with him. … Vince
Carter, I used to hang out some with Vince Carter.”
Well, he’s really famous! “Yeah, but he couldn’t
tell you who I was now.”
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Photo: NASA
president. John Pope said he brings a lot trailers. The company, which is based
to his current position. in Claremont and also operates a
facility in Rocky Mount, services
“He’s got a good rounded knowledge the continental United States. Its
of how we price our business, how primary lanes are on the East Coast
we operate the fleet, how to work and into the Midwest, though it does
with drivers and the staff, and there’s run teams to the West Coast. It hauls
just a lot of key components that he grocery products, furniture, building
possesses,” he said. materials, glass bottles, automotive
parts and other products.
Cargo Transporters operates 520
tractors, all company-owned with The three Popes who started the
employee drivers, and 1,800 dryvan
Southern Truck Call today for
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Serving Virginia, Tennessee, Call, Email, Facebook or Stop By for a Free Quote! company, Forrest, Tony and Charles,
North Carolina and South Carolina. (800) 742-3881 • Email: [email protected] have all passed away, but Jack Brown
still stops by every day with the
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to makeYOU our top priority. access to executives and the president
25 years of trucking • 25 years of insurance hangs out in the driver’s lounge.
THERMO KING PRODUCTS “We try to understand that the
drivers are the lifeblood of our
CENTRAL CAROLINAS • Trailer units company,” Sigmon said. “There’s
• Truck units three things you need in a trucking
AIR MANAGEMENT Providing new and pre-owned temperature • TriPac APUs company: You need equipment, you
(Inside & Out) control units for trucks, trailers, rail cars, • TK Heaters need drivers, and you need customers.
buses, ocean-going containers, and • Truck A/C Without any one of the three, you’re
SMART TRUCK innovative products such as the TriPac not going to be in business very long.”
APU. We also offer trailer rentals. SERVICES
Under-Tray Systems Cargo Transporters uses only
• Open extended hours company employee drivers and no
• 24/7 coverage owner-operators. While that does
• Mobile service limit the driver pool at a time when
• Factory-trained the industry is facing a shortage,
Sigmon said the arrangement works
technicians well for it. It’s a selling point for
• We work on all types customers because they know a
company driver and a company piece
of reefer units of equipment will be hauling their
(PrimAir Solutions) • Comfortable waiting
lounges (A/C,
Learn more about what we can do for you. TV, comfortable
• Clean shops
• Close to eateries
–––––––––––––––––––––– FOUR LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU ––––––––––––––––––––––
Charlotte, NC Greensboro, NC Roanoke, VA Charleston, WV
800-532-0085 866-317-1467 800-476-2893 800-361-2003
Three mobile UpTime trucks (Hickory, NC; Gaffney, SC; Monroe, NC)
All locations are close to major interstate highways with easy access.
22 •TARHEEL WHEELS Q3 FALL 2018 9/4/13 1:25 AM
655123_Thermo.indd 1
Jerry stands inside the operations someone is watching us, we may
center where Cargo Transporters behave differently than if we’re not
operates a technologically enhanced being watched,” he said. “If we’re
fleet of over 500 tractors and 1800 driving down the road, if you’ve got
trailers connected through a mobile a state trooper driving behind you,
communications network in the 48 you’re probably not going to be driving
continental United States with special erratically or anything like that. But
emphasis on lanes east of the Rockies. if you don’t have that state trooper
behind you, you may be more likely
to drive six or seven miles per hour
over the speed limit. With that event
recorder in there, the drivers know
freight. As for drivers, “To me, that Fifty-eight yeLaras inrtrheyindTuystrsy,ianndgneo prlans to retire ‘Buy NWorethlike to say,BCYOSNTTERIVBUETBINRGAWWRITNEERRtIarw’ivunoniIaepmcfdti“esfok’asnaseuiInptftatmTri’lrdhatsavthnwrwtinythrutwvtenoeilpaohgoHrcsr.aaeeiiasvcodtospeiaiyarifIynmcntcttlqnhpeeiuepta,rurlaafhosh”sjsfoTc“.wuigairdotyIteoshctlaIn.UngefaHmabilwstrheal,hyetyoodiaeabTaiitehinfvurneianfTleooendryryneeiilrtnnphgeotpetcnesftgldwhnyiseresdeas.fjeetioate.csnlkoteeeodedsakaereaivsN.aofuinJomlbnonii,crsydnermfoeuniepIipnnuoIsiedioidoyyfodplc’dcnntuesteswrtevInvSgglldn,oe.eit4huetdcoskmgvmoeaoetbeIcnbisoa“usf.4featAafuroesnp”elrunetIrluesrw.nbtltbr,ai”viriladl’tsoykoeisseh.navvmrtkeaetenhheeeesaisesmdmniwHhealenntnerhvtrsdreiedo,isasoe”otmsnooseecdyeerotinctrec,yamIathoceaiwrossots4hs’iNaieeehswyIssihhtea,efupbiif’6a,fnanveas,e.svsnnaetSoaeriaahtupausrhmtebeIdiatienlgiijtunnsrsahr’oreitrpiooepuscravtivaktmmntiosbttisna.nebonyedpttdoefhihsnsiandtehnnenod.enn“n,Iior..amesn”etrtolrnuCVdeadfcHtpstifHrtoenosse,shworentrhscatteneetsaalaeaeerctrehesephdwsidwnirmnjlrrretaaeyapkoleleyehaesotdsoy1vnyiceasnteyvseayvyat.asl9tieaihtycooneaiineiiinbIisd7do.entddemnlvsdgpaoegs2f.b.aee”asil.lteo“t.elnlaiFniIypnrTeoctomgrawnhle“nvhefaTnaaaueeeimilihhndgHtlorrstaT“smhiteaohenalteFtasseyothtntanhcgs.othrgIshcwltpcctewpnogueinaiseoeueataoonamniiretn1oscfhloi,vutgsnHnnrtpreaiScng9htaeoeatocohotnhtehretcitnsoeo7arcoervcnslrhashcrcroNcitstaorsrmedn7meomedeelouulftcmlieshsve.nchilauTreorssemmeuaelcynrleateeiTtooetcodgaadryiraeeptickiresreneahdeenvbtstalgrhoo.srncuir.esdwerrkhnnuenimedaityehnfe’heduTorsttnl-sisdtncidmdgoeerasttinCrsiuhfpth,agiokm2ehsh”csttgoasehsidobeineasmaooaapmhy,scceodwindahu0rtpsaeslprui.Trast2nsetdcrhentaeo0rpeuretMhsotbfleh0sessotoaeookeotsrlalhs0eerseoahd.eyi0eoignlirlsa”eecvruainelnaeotsexwmnat7amdunnltteasahirtcintsiagtyriuhdatidvhtmdgldosnveuheneottayahahnhrac,amooaneavu,grdlsptstwcieedooaccnic“rtiteaiginaieuplosdepoBvaeeavhmfnahocasntimgpvsssennelodnstiouetcanracdclttoeaprihkimdtp.ieeueshcriitetnoortnnonoasloassylatdegatitwcwbsatefns,hgutnt.hbhwlietB,nlnetfyloeannieheieeohtdteuttt”lnmtenhencssrlhraiswysba.emgnhesnyaeeaersnwvta.“hdetrheeseeeog“lhvialnilesuaIaen5t,oa”jvstmrcntdopdnewmithyhohtydmson,hrdTehfeinihesdmniidioelhedSvardtloLabfi’nseylhes“tureetonuyroauoathaWprrec.ddialTutw,”iigleoin’enhutdnlolcvo”yfe.edekeg.aNrole..ds2o,hiri‘gHeiicsHlPvmnn2nfrnnioeei.rHtenefkoge.wnoareguTgOofsdOgitetneojtTdwhrhianrhoahuOhrsedroctneiiyshoa:icodrttciCacoeCnshnfu.osehihwch.saOsnasgHeacdtgtanttimUeahroigo’dolvs,’svRoedyeften,wmeaT,Iiueke,l’crwElsioimshltymedere‘SmonyihBwmYasnnnnelonpaelakitTiupidog.n-nceRsltoatrenaPyrIs…iuhsxevA’gtgupnteon,ioisDorepNrotimsthuvdengstalwFiewnSveicteoRoehnfiu1cneriEsionoadrtb0tdtfcIud,tGgorlthos,hohchtaHkhctao8cfhrTabinkbuushLCitaasdIloNeosdnl.aEliluordnRrtdeognlina
gives us a way to be fair to everyone,” Q3 FALL 2018 TARHEEL WHEELS • 29
he said. “Everyone gets the same AGLNODASHTEACarolinAa FiRrst!‘ DE!2Ff8broMaIeedIrnCi•nncFoegFINaTHorahatnKThr1aomCeAwClreotiyTt9neaiirsoe&ilragnWs7R-reag…lrdinreltfiiarndshig7eirhnninhm“dTHaaoHhnsTero,emewtslIbtageadylsolWphiafrN’ClEdlrpoititvpreetiiiusiFnpninroeditFndnsaElFfecriaa“soojonAheyrlgn,aerouraeIahedodrLrrhtneg’oytfcrtergebuaortghntoFtyeoi.r’oFaeenaotisFigiehWil,lhoslegeHnidrigmeestnlripfrrnheahnaeemttnIhersuhCHcaeweeaw5eH-aniwtsegsRbeiovtaaRoigtrp4dlr’gk8halgls.oalhideef,hnmE1rooehia-ir0ihnaerL…thiernrrtsraenoy9tmayontciEptohlotektyvnhtyetaarcleleeiw6kebolyaluLslriweleiepnianaeriaisroin0fyTgoIyarfitngnsSnrdnoourlrlnd’aothopt-pbehooytev3oheebshMaepefngen6urfiheilesefn0,rytI,rarhnyanrAHeao6if,rG-ohlQaiGeiL-C.gosngiltddaoroansfg6e.tenepnbeit3ooauaturhgthfsnrafHwo8ref-hdnlreedepHrnett,ienCeufrlasFTatjualrreereiseorreeareoemACdvstcnhtssehutiryi?nraiirnny,evhlLelneivkatht,Mneeaincad3ssea.oLavehITdneSnlciadbkrnbm’5metennhbrni8vrey2&edtoioaelsmoiebe-sllndawe0gls0nImleynlpdel1seWrroisiys2a1egnygsonnyiagl.9e;b,wto5tna8eaoceaWen;6gahuebwy-enrooattnWle0;my,useemrie1tris.ei4irentsosns0nepashJis0ptosrhne-ltr.w-B”o.tyeaamslweiyednyeposinentsenxaeaf,ethrtssyaoaapwikemrh.r.ltetotrfAc.oesahoehnetn“i,hacn’”htlreaes,WTikaodnttretiyttehuytaeleiuOtsotahohesidntiiaohsnhdsmcehnnta“ktrdteMwietthtaseatsrteiPgonCldhGawaeihmthadaursAaneungiiasrogoeelkheyotorcrcanneeornaemreveum1urkoonnodebvdrob,uusodeeptg9gssmsewdrairaongnrcps,fa,fa.ot,t8hs”ivncoruokhhlgnsDdaaattta2hotooidahuikbhmmhganinlhd.cdcainunwCanleterorhlrvoyHdeodireaoetneeieeeuatorih.tndcs.eantril,etowl1iep2Fareoet,iysmetehwstc1gmdihe5rittrDnaw;lw.aoolfdeh7iasarseehaWaJlsmaehea.seaianhaUfcCopeliigmlGblrnsinccteeiiiompenphshstncolzhkahhrnishpiohihsslhteianteigtsalpvtaol,tlkohwiyylitheoeoiesoepsldtThtit,rnpeiaonterondyiyansMntCyeria.tssesymsne,vssmwhugsOfekSrbehbeoeaiairoi.wcntgae“alnosfhiennaeatatltnofso.erycehreoeisgatdistk.drSoloi,newsydtedrecunneirtFnsprrtnoCdatgusstoloatesctopCi.coorurtwdnherltaetmoibgiientiredomtertdepfosnaeeScrSripafn;dlooesfittiaf“naerftinlammodteWiemhsnytengrertcte,ceyepoheTdate1e2sStuTdanNailasa.u9r4Teneyswdk.erattHuk9ilstraFhsgHetpsyiwe“nolwetcdes0iatsrorecoPteranrhckiimdtceeegs“eeThcooscyaTaesoraoAbgdaCipesinaaevswerrnrpptwyhegarmeouearkuabkamrstusoautrrsbsaehdsvrabhuie.ikarclsuGoiic.soaesmlelyvoeateltnlAeehsoteetiktHoyvearanlnsFmnossirnaunnosdifgatsvvnbfiiilodnurstltldtdhewdtdtmeelstddeoaioeriteg,hwa.te’chre4rselererhwuneihobtiowdibMiereeveaelgmspest0itdhowcactae’aeooorhanhvsyilmhhbsa0dsckobeaessnsnyfsaeutgiisnEurtieneuhernaasuiposndegnocbserltitplctppln’risfitkeimtshaisnrtfwieianshamrheantsttowpdartmldveethomoyawcvmseseoiswinprfcoerotinsovitatmlmefaprycetmhaycomaoSlhiisipufaaesxmpobeovcr.nlhDnate’luase.seeresieeih.ypePheuupFodog”laidypmtr…rneemarefa.eUroeia’snlrpasiioinstApmddtenatbmerinnetrurssnhiehhoeunna,thomslslzigetIeors,meettgi,ybettatb,seidriefvsptp”oseyrtbwehunthainosty,aeeesayirrhbsgstoheCsetsngatmttetondnaevoneaefec1lhaafenpvplailo-iroeiuudcryiai3efrldacanewedalvhntsmu.ucuepr’5leonyrnrwhaeasrisiisornrdsettacotfedpyrlytiaiahciiooreihden’,ter:
benefits. Everyone, they have access to We know we look good.
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Now that's good bang for your buck!
“We tell all of our drivers that safety
is the number one priority,” he said. For more information on how
“There’s no load that we have out there to grow your market share, please
that’s more important than someone’s contact Jennifer Matthews-Drake
life and well-being.” at [email protected]
Trucks are installed with event or (501) 690-9393.
recorders. Sigmon said some drivers at Q3 FALL 2018 TARHEEL WHEELS • 23
first were concerned about these being
an invasion of privacy. However, the
technology has been invaluable as a
safety and coaching tool.
“Any time you and I, if we know
that if anything happens, they’re kind “Unfortunately in today’s society, road, he was not on a cell phone, he was
of being recorded, and I think that if a truck is involved in an accident, checking his mirrors, and he maintained
helps their safety mindset.” more than likely, it’s always assumed his lane or he did everything he could
to begin with that the truck is at to avoid an accident, and that the driver
The recorders have enabled the fault,” he said. “So our driver is of the other vehicle actually caused the
company to exonerate drivers and end guilty until proven innocent, and accident.”
lawsuits on the spot. Drivers who have these event recorders have helped us
been exonerated have become far more mitigate loss and also to exonerate The company is also proud of its
effective evangelists for the technology our drivers from accidents because environmental record. In 2016, it was
than any salesman could be. Now, they’ve shown that our driver was one of 43 carriers that received the EPA’s
some of the company’s drivers don’t being safe, he was attentive to the SmartWay® Excellence Award. Sigmon
want to get on the highway without it. said a commitment to the environment
is a selling tool for some shippers.
INTEGRATED When not helping run a trucking
POWER™. company, fighting fires, or performing
rescue operations, Sigmon has other
POWERTRAIN OPTIMIZATION FOR activities to keep him busy. He and wife
A WORLD THAT’S ALWAYS ON. Heather have two daughters, Hayley,
13, and Anna, 10. He’s active in his
Cummins is powering success with fully-integrated church, and he and his brother, Scott,
solutions and comprehensive support you need to optimize raise about 45 mostly Angus beef cows
your operation. Our state-of-the-art engines – including the on about 125 acres. It’s a nice way to
X12™, the lightest in its class, and the X15™, 2017’s slow down from his life’s hectic pace.
top-selling heavy-duty engine in North America – are setting
new performance standards. Both engines uniquely pair with After 18 years in the industry, he’s
the Endurant™ transmission to create the most advanced leading the North Carolina Trucking
powertrains in the industry. Cummins merges efficiency and Association.
power to keep you moving forward in a world that’s Always On.
Despite his initial disinterest in
Mobile Spindle Replacement Specialists trucking, he grew to love it. It offers
the excitement of fighting fires without
(800) 259-6622 all the downtime in between. It’s the
perfect business for a man who loves to
Gary Sensing P.O. Box 235 stay on the move.
Scott Sensing Thomasville, NC 27361
Steve Sensing “The industry’s unique,” he said.
Greg Marvin FAX (336) 475-4868 “It’s a job that it’s never the same each
[email protected] day. We’ve always got some different
opportunities we’re working on. There
are some cycles in the business, but
it’s not like, OK, every July it’s going
to be this. Every September it’s going
to be that. We know there’s peaks and
valleys, but with the economy changing
so much, it just seems like every day is a
different day.
“And it’s not like an assembly line
situation where I’m going to come in
here for eight hours, and I’m going
to make widgets, and I’m going to go
home. It’s something that’s always
going on, always different, and it’s been
a challenge, and I like a challenge.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 Truckers Making Headlines
NCTA 2018 Driver of the Year and 2017 Drivers of the Month
The safest drivers on the road were recognized at the North Maj. Freddy L. Johnson, Jr. with the NC State Highway Patrol;
Carolina Trucking Association’s Annual Councils Conference Driver of the Year Bobby Montgomery with Ezzell Trucking
recently. Taking home the top award of 2018 Driver of the Year and President of the North Carolina Trucking Association Crystal Collins.
was Bobby Montgomery with Ezzell Trucking who has 52 years
of driving experience. Bobby’s safe driving record spans 5.2
million miles. As one of the most tenured employees of Ezzell
Trucking, he leads the team in the number of miles driven
without an accident. His employer, Grover Ezzell, had this to say
about him, “Bobby is a true constant. He does his pre-trip every
day, he does not get into a rush, and he doesn’t speed. When
asked what has helped him achieve his safe driving record he
simply said, “I take my time.” Applications for the 2019 Driver
of the Year and to nominate a driver for the 2018 Drivers of
the Month will be available in January on the NCTA website, Pictured below and on the following
pages are the twelve Drivers of the Month for 2017 who were also
Cargo Transporters, Inc. Unifi Manufacturing, Inc. Wright Trucking Inc./ Cargo Transporters, Inc.
FedEx Ground
Cargo Transporters, Inc. Barnes Transportation Services, Inc.
Truckers Making Headlines
Waccamaw Transport Company, Inc. Cargo Transporters, Inc. Unifi Manufacturing, Inc..
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Truckers Making Headlines
Unifi Manufacturing, Inc.. Unifi Manufacturing, Inc. Ezzell Trucking, Inc.
MAY 9-11, 2019
Registration, sponsorship packages and volunteer positions will open online in January 2019
Join Us As We Look for the Best of the Best in the Truck
Driving Championship and Top Tech Challenge.
Larry Tysinger
Fifty-eight years in the industry, and no plans to retire
L arry Tysinger is 80 years old, he’s a customer, Daniels Construction about 400 employees total.
been in the trucking business for Company. Freightliner had split from Growing from one dealership to
58 years, and he has no intention the bankrupt White Motor Company,
of doing anything else. through which it had marketed its seven doesn’t happen by accident.
trucks, and was looking for partners Asked about his business philosophy,
And why would he? throughout the United States to become Tysinger has a simple, two-word answer:
“It’s a very fun, enjoyable business dealers. Daniels Construction Company “Customer service.” A big part of that
because of the people that I get to work owned four dealerships, including one is having parts available at all times in
with on a daily basis, and my employees,” in Greensboro which Tysinger started the service department, because that
said the co-owner of seven dealerships. as the original manager. Others were in reduces downtime. Parts and service
“I’ve got a lot of 30- and 35-year, 40-year Oklahoma City; Jacksonville, Florida; departments are open seven days a
employees here that have been with me and Amarillo. week. All seven dealerships are part of
a long time. … I’ve got more 25-year Freightliner’s Elite Support network that
employees probably than I’ve got 10-year. “Parts availability and the is committed to maximizing uptime
… We’re an employee-friendly company. service department. and provides customers a preliminary
We try to take care of our employees.” diagnosis within two hours of arrival.
Tysinger with son Larry Tysinger Jr. My philosophy is if you Those dealerships must meet 135 criteria.
and daughter Leigh Abraham owns take care of those two
Triad Freightliner of Greensboro; West things, the sales take care “Parts availability and the service
Carolina Freightliner in Canton; West department. My philosophy is if you
Carolina Freightliner in Hildebran; of themselves.“ take care of those two things, the sales
and Triad Freightliner of Tennessee in take care of themselves. … If you have
Kingsport. He’s also partnered with Tysinger bought the Greensboro parts availability and you’d serviced the
H & H Freightliner of Hope Mills, location in 1982. He was not afraid to customer and do his warranty and all
North Carolina, to operate Carolina make the investment. that work you’re supposed to, they’re
Freightliner in Raleigh, Carolina going to buy trucks from you,” he said.
Freightliner in Rocky Mount, and “We had a good organization going
Carolina Freightliner of Greenville. at the time and a nice facility, newest Tysinger has been active in the
Tysinger has worked in trucking facility around,” he said. industry outside of owning the seven
dealerships on I-40 and I-68 since 1960. dealerships. He has been a member of
In his first job, he managed drivers at At the time, it had 25 employees. Since the National Freightliner Dealer Council
a now-defunct furniture hauler, S&W then, it has grown to 117 employees for 24 years and was its chairman four
Motorliners, from 1960-66. He then in that location alone, which has been times. He was serving as chairman in the
became a North Carolina fleet salesman expanded two or three times with late 1990s when he became Freightliner’s
for International Harvester. warehouses and additional shops and first SelecTruck dealer in the United
In 1977, he helped start his first another used truck center on the way. States. He built the country’s first
Freightliner dealership along with Between the seven dealerships, he has SelecTruck sales lot and office.
“We were able to market fleets to many
different locations, which spread out
We like to say,
‘Buy North Carolina First!‘
large numbers of inventory to all over the Tysinger has had PHOTO: COURTESY TRIAD FREIGHTLINER
United States,” he said. a front-row seat to
the changes that have “We like to say, ‘Buy North Carolina
Tysinger also has been actively occurred in the industry first,’” he said.
involved in the North Carolina over the past six decades,
Trucking Association. He has been including deregulation. Looking ahead, he expects
allied member chairman seven or He said technology “has manufacturers to continue focusing
eight times and is again serving in increased 2,000 times since on lowering costs, improving fuel
that position. He’s attended the annual 1977. Trucks today are actually mileage, reducing emissions, and
conference every year since 1972. This more technically advanced than driver comfort. He’s skeptical about
past year was his 46th. automobiles are.” the future for autonomous trucks.
“I enjoy the association,” he said. “I Some of those advancements have The Tysingers have two grandchildren
enjoy the people in it. I’ve made a lot not come easy. Much of that newer and three grandchildren ages 10, 8 and
of friends over the years and a lot of technology has been mandated by the 5 who all live in the same neighborhood
acquaintances that I enjoy spending time government to control emissions and as they do. He is actively involved
with. The conference is not really a place has created maintenance challenges in their lives. The family planned to
that I discuss business, but I enjoy being that have added to the cost of attend the North Carolina-Pitt football
with those folks, and I’ve known some of ownership. The 2007 engines were game Sept. 22. On weekends, he
them for a long time, and their wives.” especially troublesome, though the enjoys building wood furniture in his
engines have improved since then. shop, much of which he shares with
His wife of 44 years, Susan, attends his children. He doesn’t watch much
those conferences with him. He said In those and other situations, television and enjoys coming to work
their shared involvement is “Very Tysinger seeks to do whatever he can “every day.”
important. Not from a business to help his customers avoid downtime.
standpoint. Just from a friendship side He considers his dealerships to be “I don’t do ‘nothing’ well. … Sit
of it. I feel like I need to support my his customers’ representative to the around doing nothing, I don’t do that
industry, and I do.” manufacturer to make sure problems well,” he said.
are corrected.
Tysinger would like to see increased
participation by carriers in conferences. “Freightliner is super to work with
It’s already good, but he wants to see it along those lines,” he said, calling it
improve. He said allied members can “almost a North Carolina company”
offer valuable input into the industry. with two truck manufacturing plants
and a parts manufacturing plant in
“I’ve always felt I was a part of the the state, along with Thomas Built Bus
industry,” he said. “I’ve never felt like I plants.
was an outsider, you know, had to pay
an entrance fee. I’ve never felt that way. That connection is a selling point for
I’ve always been proud to support the Freightliner dealerships in the state.
trucking companies.”
Calendar of Events New 2018 Members
November 1-2 • 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Auto-Owners Insurance Company RESOURCE INDEX
NATMI Safety & DOT Compliance AY Logistics, Inc.
Training BBSI Q3 Fall 2018
Three Seminars: DOT Compliance & Bibby Financial Services, Inc. ATRI 21
Safety, Hours of Service and Driver Logs Blackberry Radar
and Controlled Substances and Alcohol Boller Transport, Inc. & Boller Logistics Battleground Tire & Wrecker Back cover
Mandatory Training Bright Force Logistics
NCTA Office,4000 Westchase Blvd., Cheney Brothers, Inc. BestPass 13
Ste. 210, Raleigh, NC Colony Tire & Service
Corcentric Carolina Axle Surgeons 25
November 6 • 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Dana, Inc.
NCTA Safety & Human Resources DEFDiesel Crook Motor Company 9
Council Mtg. DriverTech, LLC
Topic: Opioid Epidemic – The effect on the ECBM, Inc. CRTS 19
workplace and what employers can do. Environmental Air Systems, Inc.
Harris Teeter, 200 Distribution Drive Fred Smith Company - Construction Cummins 24
Greensboro, NC GR Mabrey Enterprises, LLC
Hall Booth Smith PC Excel Truck Group 15
November 7 • 11:30 am – 2:00 pm Highways & Skyways of NC
NCTA Technology & Maintenance HMP Diagnostics, Inc. Fred’s Towing and Transport 12
Council Fleet Manager Meeting – Panel Horton, Inc.
on Warranties IBERIABANK Great West Casualty Company 31
GTCC New Tech Facility, 6012 W Gate City Island Express LLC
Blvd., Jamestown, NC Mac's Premier Transport Service HELP/PrePass 8
Milestone Trailer Leasing
November 8 • 11:30 am – 2:00 pm ORBCOMM Inc. HMP Diagnostics 20
NCTA Technology & Maintenance Piedmont Natural Gas
Council Fleet Manager Meeting – Panel Pittman Trucking, Inc. Innovative Driver Services 20
on Warranties Prelipp Consulting
White's International Trucks 3353 US 70, SE Davis & Associates North Carolina Trucking Association 27
Goldsboro, NC Special Event Transportation
Summit Logistics Group Millberg Gordon & Stewart 19
November 13 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm T & S Consulting Group LLC (MGS Law Firm)
NCTA Technology & Maintenance The Hales Company
Council Technician Meeting The Kilpatrick Group, PA MHC Inside front cover
Topic: Brakes The Trailer Source, Inc.
Great Dane Trailers, 8011 Statesville Road, Transforce Inc. Midwestern Insurance Alliance 18
Charlotte, NC Vector Fleet Management, LLC
WABCO People’s United Equipment Finance 26
November 27 • 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
NCTA Heavy Haulers Working Group/ Southern Truck Insurance Brokers 22
NCDOT Meeting – Regular Meeting to
Discuss Industry Challenges with DOT Tarheel Wheels 10
NC Department of Transportation Thermo King Central Carolinas 22
Permit Office, 750 North Greenfield Pkwy
Garner, NC Volvo 6
DECEMBER This edition of Tarheel Wheels was made
December 5 • 10:00 am – 11:00 am possible with the support of these corporate
Quarterly Highway Patrol advertisers, all NCTA members. They
Conference Call support the trucking industry by enabling
Register for the call online North Carolina Trucking Association to
provide this publication to its members,
December 6 • 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm prospective members, elected officials and the
NCTA Safety & Human Resources business community at large. They deserve
Council Meeting your consideration and patronage when
Holt Lake BBQ & Seafood making your corporate purchasing decisions.
3506 U.S. Hwy 301 S. Smithfield. NC Thank you!
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