The Official Magazine of Nebraska Trucking Association Terry & Lori
AIT Worldwide
Volume 79 Number 3 | 2017 | $3.95 Value
Issue 3, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 1
2 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017
VOLUME 79, NUMBER 3 • 2017
On the Cover:
Terry & Lori McMullen of
AIT Worldwide Logistics
Kenneth White, Transportation Specialists, Ltd.
Tim Anderson, ABF Freight
Tom Galvin, American Ag Transport, LLC
Happenings around Nebraska and beyond…
Member Spotlight: 28
Mark Gillam and Floyd’s Truck Center
DEPARTMENTS Issue 3, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 3
From the President: Larry Johnson.....................................5
From the Chairman: Bob Winter .........................................6
Calendar of Events...............................................................15
Along the Route....................................................................26
Advertiser Resource Index................................................30
2017 Nebraska Trucking
Management Conference
September 21-22 at the Courtyard Marriott, Lincoln
This event delivers great information for any size of trucking Courtyard Marriott
company in a very friendly format. Select what you want to 808 R St., Lincoln, Nebraska
attend from a menu of programs, social events and sporting
events. Hear from Nebraska trucking’s respected leaders and
national speakers on today’s key industry topics.
Silver Sponsorship
Silver Sponsorships are still available for $250. Allied Members —
get your company name in front of the largest trucking industry
leaders and decision makers of the state, and show your support of
this annual event. If trucking companies do well, so do you!
Contact Sheila O’Connor.
Submit your nominations for our annual awards which will be pre-
sented during the 2017 Nebraska Trucking Management Conference,
September 21-22.
The nomination forms are available online:
• 2017 President’s Safe Driver Club Nomination Form
• 2017 Dispatcher of the Year Nomination Form
• 2017 Maintenance Supervisor of the Year Nomination Form
• 2017 Technician of the Year Nomination Form
• 2017 Safety Director of the Year Nomination Form
• 2017 Professional Service Award Nomination Form
• 2017 Fleet Safety Contest Nomination Form
You may access all nomination forms here:
4 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017
Nebraska Trucker is owned by Truck Services, Inc., and is PRESIDENT’S
published bimonthly by Matthews Publishing Group. For PERSPECTIVE
additional copies, to order reprints of individual articles or to
become a subscriber, contact Becke Galarza at 402.476.8504. Greetings, from my hotel room in
Lexington, Nebraska!
Jennifer Matthews-Drake Doug Doncheski our Director of Safety, Training
Matthews Published Group, LLC and Membership Development, Ellyse Mueller our State
[email protected] Director of the FMCSA, Sgt. Nick Plate, the Nebraska
State Patrol’s Carrier Enforcement Training Officer
executive editor and myself, just completed our second stop in our joint
Larry Johnson partnership meetings that will over a two week period, visit 8 different cities and
production editor more than 300 people across our state to help members of our association and
Sheila O’Connor our industry better understand the upcoming Electronic Logging Device (ELD)
regulations that will go into effect on December 18, 2017.
art director The town hall meetings are not a new concept but rather, a new model
Douglas J. Benjamin partnership between our enforcement agencies and the Association. Town Hall
[email protected] meetings, actually began over 9 years ago when the Nebraska State Patrol Carrier
Enforcement Division leadership began holding anywhere from 8-12 stop tours
photographers across the state every year to inform our industry of important changes that would
Kristian Anderson be implemented in coming months. This proved to be a very valuable and effective
format to meet and inform our very mobile trucking industry people of anything
Thomas Grady that would affect us from a regulatory or compliance standpoint. While in the past
Callie Tuck Knapp we supported their efforts and helped promote our member’s attendance, we have
contributing writers been comfortable being in a “support” position.
Due to changes in our state budgets, the Association has had the opportunity
Steve Brawner with the cooperation of the NSP and FMCSA, to begin sponsoring, executing the
Renee Miller operations and promoting this year’s Townhall tour. After just two stops, (tonight
Jennifer Barnett Reed we have over 40 trucking individuals joining us in Sidney) all the partners and
Derek Reymant participants are agreeing that continuing these annual meetings should occur and
John Schultz we hope that you as members will continue to support and attend them when we
Angela Thomas come to your area.
Todd Traub With the Association leading the partnership now, it is another means for us
to help you understand the sometimes confusing and complex matters of new or changing regulations and issues of the industry. With the advent of new technology
president heading our way that not only helps improve our productivity but in some cases
how we are recording our compliance of regulations, it is becoming increasingly
Larry Johnson more important that we become more proactive about finding affordable and easily
[email protected] accessible ways of keeping you informed and help you meet your safety goals.
The creation of Truck Services Safety Consulting and hiring Doug Doncheski is
vice president another way of creating an affordable, accessible and certainly more in-depth level
Sheila O’Connor of assistance than we’ve provided in the past. Be sure to call him if you feel you
[email protected] need some help. In the meantime, thank you to our partners for highway safety
Office Administrator at the Nebraska State Patrol and FMCSA, as well as our members who supported
Becke Galarza these town hall meetings across the state. Until next edition!
[email protected]
Larry Johnson
Nebraska Trucking Association is a statewide trade President
association for commercial truck and bus operators and
affiliated businesses. It is a not-for-profit association Nebraska Trucking Association
governed by a board of directors elected annually. Nebraska [email protected]
Trucking is an affiliate of the American Trucking Association
(ATA). ATA serves and represents the trucking industry on Issue 3, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 5
a national level, influencing federal and state government
actions, advancing positive trucking industry image,
providing education programs and industry research, and
promoting highway safety and security.
For more information, contact
Nebraska Trucking Association:
1701 K Street
P.O. Box 81010
Lincoln, NE 68501
Phone 402.476.8504 Fax: 402.476.8570
CHAIRMAN’S Nebraska Trucking Executive Committee
Greetings members and friends! BOB WINTER
Distribution Inc.
I hope you all are having a great start to the summer
season. It seems this year continues to just speed by and CHAIR-ELECT
we’ll soon be celebrating the Fourth of July. I can’t believe MARY DAVIE
that it seems just like yesterday we were at the annual State Flatbed Express
Truck Driving Championships in Grand Island the first
weekend in June! VICE-CHAIR
It was great to enjoy lunch with all the volunteers and contestants at the opening Romans Motor Freight
luncheon. From all reviews it sounds like it was another fantastic year. Many thanks
from your Executive Committee members and staff to our many sponsors, drivers, TREASURER
and volunteers that turn our every year to make this one of the most successful and CRYSTAL ANDERSON
organized competitions in the country. Pitney Bowes Presort
I would also like to share with you that I and 11 other members of our Associa- SECRETARY
tion, made this year’s “Call on Washington” from June 5 - 8. It was a very fast paced, BRENT FALGIONE
but very worthwhile event. I was with a great group of people that made it not only Greater Omaha Express LLC
productive, but fun and friendly.
The ATA staff and our Congressional and Senate members’ staffs were all very TIM ASCHOFF
professional, informed and truly made us not only feel welcomed, but also that our
input was valued. With this being my first trip, I also enjoyed being able to squeeze Crete Carrier Corporation
in some great historical sites and enjoy some of the fine local cuisine. I was surprised
and proud to be one of the only 41 states that have participated in the Call on Wash- AT-LARGE DIRECTOR
ington this year and was able to meet with all five our our representatives in person. TIM MCCORMICK
Many states’ representatives are not as accessible as ours and we felt genuinely Fremont Contract Carriers, Inc.
that they were interested and concerned with our issues. One of the highlights of the
trip was attending the weekly Nebraska Breakfast that brings together all of our rep- STATE VICE PRESIDENT TO ATA
resentatives and a wide variety of Nebraskans that are visiting the Capitol together DANNY TOMPKINS
for a briefing of what is going on with issues that affect us back home. It is now a
tradition that is in its 71st year and still going strong. Nebraska Transport Company
If you haven’t been, I would highly recommend scheduling a trip on your own or ALTERNATIVE STATE VICE PRESIDENT TO ATA
think about joining our next group in 2019. It is definitely an experience that you ERICH HELGE
won’t forget.
Seward Motor Freight
I know it has been a busy few months for the Association staff with these events
and the upcoming Town Hall meetings partnership with Carrier Enforcement and the PAST CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD
FMCSA. Please remember to support the NTA when you can and if you haven’t been BOB CLARK
in awhile - think about attending this year’s annual Fall Management Conference in Chief Carriers
Lincoln this year. Until then—thank you!
Bob Winter
President & CEO, Distribution Inc. Don Adams Chris Klotz
Chair, Nebraska Trucking Association Dean Aden Tom Koenigs
Steve Aherns Jean Kurtenbach
6 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017 George Akerson Heidi Loop
Crystal Anderson Mike Maloley
Tim Aschoff Terry McMullen
Blaine Batten Ron Mencl
Dennis Bauder Lloyd Mettenbrink
David Billings Trey Mytty
Joanie M. Bogers
Kurt Brown Ron Nolte
Butch Brown Scott Olson
Bob Clark Tonn Ostergard
Tom Coffey Dave Parker
Mary Davie Jack Peetz
Eldon Dokter Dean Petersen
Dwight Dunsworth Dick Pierson
Dave Erlandson Tom Pirnie
Brent Falgione Gene Quandt
Ross Faubel Dick Reiser
Corby Flagle Greg Reitmeier
Hugh Fugleberg Norm Riffel
Michael Galvin Scott Romans
Norman Geiken Ronald Romans
Rick Gomel John Sahling
Tom Hastings Roger Schmidt
Mark Hauptman Russell Stough
Erich Helge Danny Tompkins
Mike Herre Nick Vuko
Albert Hill Dave Walde
Duane Hobscheidt Curt Werner
Phillip Holliday Clarence Werner
Dan Hurt Jerry Wessel
Don Kaiser Bob Winter
Larry Kersten Brian Wood
Jerry Kilthau Rallen R. Zeitner Issue 3, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 7
If You Build It, Will They Come,
and Will They Pay the Tolls?
BY STEVE BRAWNER the political climate could always change. growth. Governor Pete Ricketts and Ne-
Contributing Writer Indeed, President Trump’s proposed 2018 braska Department of Roads Director Kyle
budget pledges to “eliminate or significant- Schneweis have said a roadway’s economic
Conceived in 1988, the Nebraska ly revise regulations that create unneces- development potential will be considered
Expressway System was supposed to sary barriers to infrastructure investment when projects are prioritized. Johnson
connect all major Nebraska communities by all levels of government and the private would rather see roads based on transpor-
to the interstate via four-lane highways sector.” If that’s a little vague, a “Fact tation needs and American Association of
by 2003. Sheet” accompanying the budget is more State Highway and Transportation Offi-
direct, saying that the government’s restric- cials principles. After all, there’s no actual
It’s now 2017, and 200 of the planned tion on interstate tolling “prevents public guarantee that, if you build it, they will
600 miles aren’t connected. and private investment in such facilities. come.
We should reduce this restriction and allow
With that kind of lack of progress, the States to assess their transportation “The concern is that we’re getting away
people might start looking for other an- needs and weigh the relative merits of from building roads based on sound statis-
swers, and NTA President Larry Johnson is tolling assets.” tics, engineering practices, onto (decisions)
concerned one of those eventually could be more driven by politics and public opin-
public-private partnerships, which means Moreover, Johnson fears roads will be ion,” he said.
tolls. built for the wrong reason – vague expec-
tations that they will generate economic The upside of public-private partner-
Nebraska has a history of rejecting tolls, ships funded by tolls is that sometimes they
but history doesn’t always repeat itself, and can gain public support where other forms
of funding cannot. After all, they are the
8 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017
ultimate “user fee” in that the person using taxpayers. The financial entities that own bankruptcy in 2013, and now another
the government service pays for exactly the roads often own them only as long as Australian company owns it. The Spanish
that service. is necessary to break even and then sell and San Antonio-based owners of Texas
them for a profit – or they end up declaring State Highway 130 filed for Chapter 11
Unfortunately, there are only so many bankruptcy. When the South Bay Express- protection while owing $1.6 billion. They
dollars available for highways, and tolling way didn’t reach expected traffic volumes, still operate and maintain the road.
strategies waste a lot of them. Accord- the San Diego Association of Governments
ing to Stephanie Kane, spokesperson for had to buy out the contract. The Indiana Kane said efforts to toll existing inter-
the Alliance for Toll-Free Interstates, 30 Toll Road’s rights were bought for 75 states could run into political problems be-
percent of a toll road’s revenues can go to years by Australian and Spanish firms that cause public opposition is strongest when a
administrative costs. That number falls to formed another company that declared tolling project appears possible.
12 percent with electronic tolling, but the
administrative costs for motor fuels taxes Continues
is only 1 percent. That extra 11 percent re-
duces money for highways and adds costs We’re Almost there
for consumers.
Our new facility is coming together on the southeast corner of
Other problems? Tolls create an incen- I-80 and Highway 50 in Omaha!
tive for trucks and passenger cars to avoid
those roads and instead clog up ones built This new 180,000 square-foot facility boasts 60 service bays including six dedicated
for local travel. Ultimately, townsfolk pay to Express Assessment, as well as a full-service body shop. We’ll be sure to have
for damage caused by out-of-state drivers.
Tolls also can be evaded, or the technology the parts you need with our 34,000 square-foot parts warehouse. Our new site also
can lead to errors. includes a six-bay training center for diesel technician employees. Keeping our techs
“Between the traffic diversion and the up-to-date with the current technology is key to quick repairs and
economic impacts on local communities, keeping our customers on the road.
it’s not a very business-friendly venture
except for the tolling companies who are Growth in our customer demand means it’s time for a monumental upgrade.
running the road and making a profit off
of it,” said Kane in an interview first pub- Set to open late summer.
lished in Arkansas Trucking Report maga-
zine. Her coalition includes the American Follow our social media to track our progress.
Trucking Associations, all 50 state trucking
associations, and the Owner-Operator
Independent Drivers Association.
Finally, privatization results
in less accountability and trans-
parency. Leases with private
operators can last many de-
cades and include noncompete
clauses forbidding roads from
being improved. Instead of
pushing the risk to the private
sector, the contracts instead
push it back onto the
Parts and service open 7 days • Total parts inventory over $10,000,000 • Body shops
Parts delivery • Order parts online • Service for all makes and models • Fully certified technicians
Issue 3, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 9
“I would give words of caution to those associate professor of economics at the careful and really carefully study, is the de-
who think tolls are the silver bullet to our University of Nebraska - Lincoln, says mand there? Is the need sufficiently great?
transportation problems and are going to tolling can be useful because it is a user Particularly in a state where we typically
be able to attract this wide-scale private fee. The challenge is making sure it can don’t have toll roads.”
investment,” she said. “There’s just no be profitable – especially in a state like
appetite from the public for widespread Nebraska where drivers are unaccustomed In addition to tolling, the NTA’s John-
use of tolls, and the negative impacts of to paying tolls. son worries about the state’s new emphasis
tolls makes them the absolute worst public on potential economic development for
policy that you can use for transportation “If we can charge the users for it rather projects such as four-laning Highway 275
funding.” than the general public for upgrading the from Norfolk to Omaha. Johnson isn’t
road, then that would potentially make against improving roads, of course, but
Dr. Eric Thompson, W.W. Marshall sense,” he said.” I just think you have to be he wants them built for the right reasons,
especially when other projects are more
HUB International Transportation pressing. There is some congestion on that
Insurance Services, Inc. highway, in large part due to trucks, but he
doesn’t believe the traffic counts justify pri-
Customized trucking insurance solutions, national oritizing the project, and he doesn’t want
coverage, local operations and dedicated people it funded by fuel taxes or tolls paid largely
are what set HUB International apart. by truckers.
Je Dillon, Senior Account Executive “There’s only a certain number of
[email protected] trucks that go to that area for a reason,” he
(888) 365-0923 said. “It’s sparser populated. It’s 120 miles
off the interstate. … Truckers don’t make any more money or make any less money if
they’re on a two-lane or a four-lane.”
10 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017
Dr. Thompson likewise urges caution in
betting on local economic development as
a motivation for building roads.
“We need to expand our four-lane
highway system through tolls or otherwise
in the regions of the state that have a great
need, and if we do that, then I think then
it will benefit economic development,” he
said. “If we just expand the system in a
variety of places hoping for economic de-
velopment, then I think that’s a lot riskier.”
Sheila O’Connor, NTA’s vice president,
agreed that the economic impact of road
building can be uncertain. Building roads
can change a community’s economic tra-
jectory, including generating more truck
traffic and road congestion, for example.
Because of the unknowns, O’Connor
said the smarter play is simply to base
road construction decisions on knowable
transportation needs and concrete consid-
erations, such as traffic counts.
“We invite people to be careful for
what they wish for. … You can make a
lot of assumptions, but until you’re in it
for a while and see some data, it’s really
hard to say what that’s going to look
like,” she said.
NTA/ATA members and prospects met with Linden Lundgren, ATA Regional Vice President on Wednesday, May 18 at the Nebraska
Club in Lincoln. Lundgren provided an update on the American Trucking Associations and an ‘insider’s perspective’ on what’s happen-
ing in Washington, DC. For more information on joining the ATA, visit
Chad Adams of Sterling
Transportation and Larry
Johnson, NTA president
Linden Lindgren, ATA
and Erich Helge of
Seward Motor Freight
and NTA’s Alternate State
Vice President to ATA
Tim Sayers with
RFG Trucking and
Ken Walker with
Customer Diesel
Driver Training
NTA Executive Committee members Erich Helge, Bob Clark with Chief
Carriers, Tim Aschoff with Crete Carrier Corporation, Danny Tompkins with
NTC and NTA’s State Vice President to ATA and Doug Donscheski, Truck
Service’s Director of Safety, Training and Membership Development
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Issue 3, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 11
2017 Nebraska Truck
Driving Championships
June 2 & 3, Grand Island, Neb.
BY SHEILA O’CONNOR Professional Excellence and Rookie of the Year written examination, personal interview,
NTA Vice President Awards winner Brent Turek, FedEx Freight, Inc. pre-trip inspection and driving test. Team
awards are also given to the company with
Once again the Safety Management these drivers. Many of these drivers have three or more drivers competing with the
Council proudly hosted Nebraska’s Truck competed year after year and are respected highest overall score.
Driving Championships. The event was as some of the best and safest drivers in
held June 2 and 3 at Fonner Park in Grand Nebraska. The 2017 overall grand champion is Ed
Island. Dave Dailey with Lyman-Richey
Corporation of Omaha served as the chair This annual event offers Nebraska’s Jerry Wessel Award winner
and was assisted by a committee and a best professional truck drivers a chance to Lonnie Starke, XPO Logistics
score of volunteers. demonstrate knowledge, talent and skills
in a competition highlighting what it takes Beins, ABF Freight System, Inc., Lincoln
It is here that the best drivers in Ne- to be a safe driver on today’s streets and The professional excellence award,
braska compete against each other for first highways. 102 drivers participated in this
place in their respective classes and an year’s championships in eleven classes. given to the highest score on the written
overall winner declared Grand Champion. Additional awards were presented based test, was presented to Brent Turek, FedEx
upon scores in the four separate test areas: Freight, Inc., Aurora
2017 overall grand champion Ed Beins,
ABF Freight System, Inc. Kurt Everett Vehicle Condition Award vwinner The Kurt Everett Vehicle Condition
Kenny Dillion, Lyman-Richey Corporation Award, named in honor of Everett, a long-
The winners of each class go onto to com- time championship committee member,
pete at the Nationals which will be held goes to the driver with the highest score on
August 9-12 in Orlando, FL. the pre-trip inspection. This year’s award is
Kenny Dillion, Lyman-Richey Corporation,
This competition is more than a con- Omaha
test of skill; it represents the hard work,
dedication and professional values of The Jerry Wessel Award, named in
honor of long-time committee member, is
awarded to drivers who have competed or
12 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017
volunteered at the Championships for at named in honor of Buchholtz, a former Neb. State Patrol Inspector Championships
least five years and are rated on profession- officer and long-time championship com- first place winner Patrol Trooper Kris Hunzeker
alism, industry knowledge and attitude. mittee member, goes to the driver with the
This year’s award winner is Lonnie Starke, highest score on the driving course. The hands-on inspections. Nebraska State Pa-
XPO Logistics in Aurora 2017 winner was Darin Hardwick, Crete trol Trooper Kris Hunzeker took first place
honors and Trooper John Hadaway re-
The Rookie of the Year Award is given The Bucky Buchholtz Top Driver Award winner ceived runner-up honors. A 13-year veteran
to a first-time participant for having the Darin Hardwick, Crete Carrier Corporation of the Nebraska State Patrol, Hunzeker is
highest overall score in all four parts of stationed in Nebraska City and assigned to
the competition. This year, Brent Turek of Carrier Corporation, Kansas City, MO the Carrier Enforcement Division. Hun-
FedEx Freight, Inc. received the award. Also, held during the championships zeker will now represent Nebraska in the
North American Inspector Championships
The first-place winner in each of the was the Nebraska State Patrol Inspector (NAIC) in Orlando, Florida, August 7–11,
first nine classes may advance to the Amer- Championships, consisting of a personal 2017.
ican Trucking Association’s (ATA) National interview, a table top exercise and various
Truck Driving Championships in Orlando,
Florida, while the mixer truck first place
winner advances to the National Mixer
Driver Championship.
Nebraska Trucking and the champion-
ships have a long tradition of a positive
working relationship with the Nebraska
State Patrol Carrier Enforcement troopers.
The Bucky Buchholtz Top Driver Award,
2017 NTDC class winners:
Straight Class
Ed Beins, ABF Freight System Inc., Lincoln Shawn Harms, FedEx Freight, Inc., Lincoln Christina Gaines, FedEx Express-Lincoln, Lincoln
Three-axle class
Sam Wilson, XPO Logistics, Aurora Larry Derr, Werner Enterprises, Omaha Joe Busch, ABF Freight System Inc., Omaha Issue 3, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 13
2017 NTDC class winners continued
Four-axle class
Terry Durham, Werner Enterprises, Omaha John Poppen, FedEx Freight, Inc., Jeff Tomlinson, Fremont Contract Carriers, Inc.,
Grand Island Fremont
Five-axle class
Tom Hopkins, Walmart Transportation, LLC, Toby Kort, FedEx Freight, Inc., Aurora Kent Wood, Fremont Contract Carriers, Inc.,
North Platte Fremont
Five-axle sleeper class
Darin Hardwick, Crete Carrier Corporation, Eric Bauman, Grand Island Express, Inc., Paul Smith, ABF Freight System Inc., Omaha
Kansas City, MO Grand Island
Tank truck class
Ian Franck, Hunt Transportation, Inc., Omaha Jay Burmeister, FedEx Freight, Inc., Grand Island Phillip DeLauder, Werner Enterprises, Omaha
Flatbed class
John Fogo, Red & White Market & Transfer, Inc., Joey Martel, ABF Freight System Inc., Omaha Daryl Johnson, YRC Freight, Omaha
14 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017
Twin-trailer class
Brent Turek, FedEx Freight, Inc., Aurora Rick Larch, Grand Island Express, Inc., Tim Dean, Werner Enterprises, Omaha
Grand Island
Step van class
Adam Stroup, FedEx Express-Omaha, Omaha Travis Minnick, FedEx Express-Lincoln, Lincoln Chris Cherry, FedEx Express-Lincoln, Lincoln
Mixer truck class
Kenny Dillon, Lyman-Richey Corporation, Omaha Dan Zeibig, Beatrice Concrete Company, Inc. Tom Inzuaro, Lyman-Richey Corporation, Omaha
Truck and Pup
Mitchell Helmuth,
Paulsen Inc., Lexington
Bob Duff, Lyman-Richey Corporation, Omaha Jennifer Kastens, Lyman-Richey Corporation,
Team winners
XPO Logistics, Aurora Walmart Transportation, LLC, North Platte Fremont Contract Carriers, Inc., Fremont Issue 3, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 15
Partners in
Partners in
16 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017
Life Terry and Lori McMullen
of AIT Worldwide Logistics
BY STEVE BRAWNER needs from beginning to end. companies who work as a team to make
Contributing Writer “Our customers feed to all of the com- the event possible. This was the 14th
straight year they have been involved.
PHOTOGRAPHY BY THOMAS GRADY panies because we can handle the whole …
picture,” Lori said. “A week before the event … we’ll
Terry and Lori McMullen employ more move 40 truckloads of material in there
than 30 people, set up the United States When the CenturyLink Center opened and start setting it up. … We have a week
Olympic Swimming Trials, and manage in 2003, the McMullens won the contract to set it up, and we have a day and a half
Omaha’s foreign-trade zone. And it’s all to serve as its transportation provider. In to get it all back out of there,” Terry said.
happened thanks to a rekindled romance that role, they have a hand in many of “So logistically, that’s where we play the
with help from a dog named Mac. Omaha’s biggest events, including Berk- role – convention services, basically. In and
shire Hathaway’s annual shareholders out transportation support, logistics set up.
The couple are co-branch owners and meeting. The Omaha-based company We manage all the product moving into
independent agents for AIT Worldwide owned by Warren Buffett has a portfolio the exhibit site and all the product moving
Logistics. They operate three compa- of investments across the economy, and the back out.”
nies: freight forwarder T.L.K. Air Care, McMullens arrange the inbound receipt,
Inc.; a small trucking company, T.L.K. provide storage at their warehouse, and The McMullens, both 57, have built a
Transportation, Inc.; and Cargo Zone, a help set up the 250,000-square-foot show- successful business and a successful mar-
250,000-square-foot warehousing op- room. Three trailers of Fruit of the Loom riage in a high-stakes, high-stress environ-
eration, part of which is designated as a products took up 10,000 square feet of ment. They say their arrangement works
foreign-trade zone. space. Steve’s Candy brought three trailers. because each knows their role. He’s in sales
Coca-Cola, Justin Boots, Geico and Orien- and operations; she does the financials and
The three entities, all operating under tal Trading Company are among the many human resources. He’s the risk taker;
the umbrella of AIT Worldwide Logistics, other companies with a presence.
enable the McMullens to meet shippers’ Continues
Terry said theirs is one of many local Issue 3, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 17
she plays it safer. Even though their offices broke up seemingly for good and went in any accidents,” he said. “It’s a very lone-
are adjacent, they’ll often go hours without their separate ways. She went to work for ly life. That life was not for me. It’s more of
seeing each other as they each take care Commercial Federal Bank in the mortgage a solitary life, and I love people and being
of their own responsibilities and trust the lending department and became a loan around people, so I discovered very quickly
other to take care of theirs. They joke that underwriter, eventually moving to Southern that wasn’t the job for me.”
their board meetings occur while they are
brushing their teeth in the morning. “We each have our area of expertise and our
area of decision making. We don’t overrule
“We each have our area of expertise each other hardly ever. That I think is the most
and our area of decision making,” Terry important part. We have such a good balance
said. “We don’t overrule each other hardly of what we do, and then we don’t step on each
ever. That I think is the most important other’s toes.” – Terry McMullen, CEO of AIT
part. We have such a good balance of what
we do, and then we don’t step on each California. He left Airborne to drive over Terry went to work in operations for
other’s toes.” the road for an independent contractor, CF Airfreight, a division of Consolidated
quickly realizing the job wasn’t for him. Freightways, ending up in Kansas City
The partnership began when they were as a manager, then Wichita, then back in
high school sweethearts at Omaha North- “I was the most dangerous, uneducated Kansas City. In 1984, he took a job in sales
west High School. He had been born in driver on the road, and gratefully never got
North Dakota and then moved from place
to place growing up, while she was born,
raised and grounded in Omaha. While still
a 17-year-old, he became a van driver in
1977 for Airborne Express, later purchased
by DHL. They agree that, at the time, she
was more mature while he was “winging
it” and always late for dates.
Soon after they graduated in 1978, they
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*Offer good for first-time PrePass customers only and does not include the tolling payment service. Service HELP Inc. is proud to support NTA and its members
contingent upon application approval. Carriers and operators must meet the minimum Inspection Selection
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within 30 days to PrePass or a $100 hardware fee will be assessed.
18 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017
with BAX Global and was transferred to moving product door to door by air, by helped sponsor a meeting with Team Air
San Francisco. ground or by ocean, and choosing the se- Express’ corporate officials, and they were
lected options that you have from Lufthan- given the opportunity in 1991 to own an
Through his various jobs, Terry had sa to Werner Enterprises and figuring out independent agency office in Omaha under
earned a complete education in transporta- what the discount is.” the name T.L.K. Air Care, the first initials
tion and logistics – as a driver, by working standing for Terry, Lori and Kirsten.
in operations and operations management, Meanwhile, as often happens to people
and working in sales and sales manage- after age 17, he’d grown up. He and Lori “I told her it’d be easy,” Terry said.
ment, all for large multibillion-dollar had kept in contact through the years In many ways, Terry and Lori were well
global transportation companies. His through letters and occasional visits but prepared to open an independent agency.
work had required him to travel overseas, were dating other people when they at- He had a background in just about all
giving him a global perspective. But in San tended their 10-year high school reunion. phases of the transportation industry, while
Francisco, he lost out on a chance to be a There, those old feelings were rekindled. A she had a strong foundation in finance and
regional vice president because he didn’t year-and-a-half later, she took a mortgage accounting. Meanwhile, they came from
have a degree, and he felt like a number banking job in San Francisco and moved an entrepreneurial background. Her father
working for a large corporation. Ready for in with an aunt who had three cats, which had started a printing company, while his
a change, he joined an independent agency meant there was no place for her puppy grandfather was an entrepreneur and his
owned by Jim Andrews for a domestic dog, Mac, to stay. Terry said he offered uncles had owned grocery stores. But start-
freight forwarder, Team Air Express. to keep Mac, and “we were never apart ing any new company can be challenging,
since.” and this was no different. With $5,000 in
Independent agencies pay fees per load savings, they made $80 their first week and
to work alongside large corporations, tak- Both of them had good jobs in San were living with family.
ing advantage of those companies’ scale, Francisco, but when Lori became pregnant With Terry running operations and Lori
branding operations, sales opportunities with their daughter, Kirsten, they decid- in charge of finance, the company began
and purchasing discounts, but they are also ed it was time to return home to Omaha building momentum, largely thanks to a
independent. As a freight forwarder, the where their families were, where housing
focus was on service, not assets. As Terry was more affordable, and where they felt Continues
described it, “It’s a travel agent for boxes they could best raise a family. Jim Andrews
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hugely successful partnership from 1991 to tractors, one straight truck and a sprinter, At that point, the McMullens decided
2006 with Gateway, the Sioux City maker plus multiple trailers and other pieces of they needed to diversity into ocean and
of personal computers. When Gateway equipment. truck transportation. They were importing
went public in 1993, T.L.K. Air Care had a lot of cargo from Asia, Europe and Latin
eight employees. That soon doubled to It’s through that company that the Mc- America, but with only 5,000 square feet
16 and then increased to 24. As Gateway Mullens’ operation has its membership in of warehouse space they were then hand-
grew, so did T.L.K. For a few years, Gate- the Nebraska Trucking Association, which ing it off to warehouses profiting from the
way had established itself as an industry last year awarded her its Nebraska Truck- domestic distribution. At the same time, the
leader and was setting up standalone stores ing Woman of Distinction Award and him Omaha Chamber of Commerce was shut-
across the country thanks to what Terry the James E. Ryan Golden Deeds Award. ting down its long dormant foreign-trade
said was a “Midwest mindset and work Terry is a current board member. The two zone building and seeking another ave-
ethic in Sioux City.” Then the bottom say the NTA provides an invaluable service nue to reactivate it. Over the course of
dropped out. with compliance issues, tax reports and 2004-06, the McMullens worked with
licensing. the Chamber to provide that service. With
“We helped them open over 200 coun- partner Jeff Gray, who owned the proper-
try stores around the country to sell their “A small company like ours, we can’t ty, they founded Cargo Zone in 2004 and
Gateway box computers, and then sadly, afford to have somebody doing all of our moved into 250,000 square feet of ware-
we helped them close 200 stores the next licensing for this tiny little fleet,” he said. house space. The entire space is designated
year,” Terry said. as a foreign-trade zone, but only 6,000
Another major expansion occurred in square feet were activated in August 2006
Thankfully for the McMullens, they 2004 with the opening of the company’s through the U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones
had long since diversified their offerings. third entity, Cargo Zone, a full-service, Board in Washington, D.C.
In 1995, they had founded T.L.K. Trans- third party logistics warehouse. At the
portation, a small trucking operation that time, most of their business was in air The 6,000-square-foot zone is a fenced
now has four full-time drivers, a part-time cargo, but when the September 11 attacks and secure facility operating under the
driver, and manager Tim Quance, a 40- occurred, they and their 30 employees were guidance of U.S. Customs. Legally, it’s in-
plus year veteran of the trucking industry shut down for a week. When the planes ternational soil, which means no duties are
who also drives. The company has three returned to the air, there were many new
rules with which to contend.
Put the new logistics to work for you. © 2012 United Parcel Service of America, Inc. UPS, the UPS brandmark, and the color brown
20 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017 are trademarks of United Parcel Service of America, Inc. All rights reserved.
imposed on imports until they are with- The Inside Scoop
drawn into U.S. commerce. In one case,
SKB shotguns were imported from Japan, Terry and Lori McMullen
outfitted in the warehouse with scopes
produced in the United States, and then Their company: The McMullens own an independent agency for AIT Worldwide
exported to Great Britain, with no export Logistics composed of three companies: T.L.K. Air Care, Inc.; T.L.K. Transportation,
duties ever paid. The rest of the facility is Inc.; and Cargo Zone.
designated as a U.S. bonded warehouse,
which also defers duties but doesn’t allow Number of employees: 32-35
the product to be re-exported and doesn’t How they got together: They were high school sweethearts who rekindled their
allow any adjustments to the product. romance at their 10-year reunion.
Both services are only a small part of Their roles: He’s the risk-taker and deal-maker; she does the finances..
what the company does. Most of what
the McMullens receive from overseas is Their biggest early client: Gateway Computers
distributed throughout the United States.
Meanwhile, the company distributes goods Recent awards:
made from Nebraska manufacturers to AIT’s independent contractor of the year, 2014
domestic and overseas locations. Lori - Nebraska Trucking Woman of Distinction Award, 2016
Terry - James E. Ryan Golden Deeds Award, 2016
The diverse offerings ensure a steady
cash flow despite the ups and downs of Hobbies: Lori - Growing flowers
the economy and the trucking industry. As Terry - Golf, Cornhusker football
Terry explained, “When things are selling,
inventories grow and warehouse need Other outside activities: A big one – their daughter, Kirsten, is getting married in
grows and transportation typically goes November, and Lori is planning the wedding.
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Family owned and operated Shell distributor – serving the Midwest since 1958! Issue 3, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 21
down, and when things are rocketing and company in 2013, they felt another move McMullens to manage projects such as the
the economy’s cranking, transportation is was necessary. They researched the top U.S.A. Olympic Swim Trials, which have
up and warehouse inventories go down.” five freight forwarding operations serving occurred at the Century Link Center in
independents like them and chose AIT 2008, 2012 and 2016 and will occur there
The McMullens remained with Team Worldwide Logistics because of its brand, again in 2020. The million-gallon pools
Air Express until 1998, when it became leadership, and global presence. Their are temporary – imported from Italy to the
increasingly clear that it was time for a company doubled its revenue in 2014 and East Coast in four ocean containers and
change. Team Air was primarily a domes- was AIT’s independent contractor of the trucked to the McMullens’ Omaha ware-
tic operation, while their business was year. It’s now one of AIT’s top 10 offices in house every four years. From there, their
growing dramatically internationally. terms of revenues produced. trucks carry them to the convention center
They moved their agency to another large about 20 days before the event. When the
freight forwarder, Target Logistics Services. Having the capability to freight for- trials are over, the pools are removed and
When it was bought by a publicly traded ward, transport and warehouse enables the shipped back to the McMullens’ ware-
house and then to various swim programs
HEY, ARE YOU The Official Magazine of Nebraska Trucking Association | Volume 78 Number 6 | 2016 | $3.95 Value for a permanent home.
Chad AdamsSterling Transportation Services “USA Swimming and the Omaha Sports
Yeah, advertising works. Commission are just wonderful, wonderful
ATRI’s Top 10 ConcNeEBrnRsAS–KAImTRpUrCoKvEiRng —TrucIkSiSnUgE’s6,I2m01a6ge—– Mwewmw.bneebrtSrupcokitnlgig.chomt: Alex Clark, ORDP people to work with. … We’re just another
For more information on advertising in Nebraska Trucker tiny little partner in that cog,” Terry said.
contact our publisher, Jennifer Matthews-Drake,
at [email protected]. Another recent major project was the
first ever FEI World Cup Jumping and FEI
1 World Cup Dressage Finals, which were
held in Omaha at the end of March. The
- Omaha Equestrian Foundation helped the
city beat out Paris and Hong Kong for the
WHEN YOU’RE STUCK ON THE SIDE OF THE event. The McMullens managed the inflow
ROAD, WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED. of material for more than 140 exhibitors
and helped with the setup and takeaway.
Ask about our Choice Plus Coverage Endorsement which includes Their trucks greeted a Qatar Airways 777
towing and rental reimbursement. plane packed with horses from Europe
and transported eight pallets of underbelly
Corporate Office Regional Office cargo, including saddles, brushes and other
3311 Daniels Lane 1719 South Locust Street gear.
South Sioux City, NE 68776 Grand Island, NE 68801
It was one of many adventures Terry
402-494-4251 308-382-2280 and Lori probably could not have imag-
ined they would experience back when
WWW.JOEMORTEN.COM they were dating at Northwest High, or
WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/JOEMORTENANDSON when he offered to keep her dog, Mac.
Somehow, they’ve made it all work because
it all fits together – their business and mar-
riage partnership, and their three compa-
nies that occupy each place in the logistics
“We have worked with each and every
one of the Fortune 500 in Nebraska in lo-
gistics in some way. … But nothing makes
us more happy than the fact that we’ve got
a client base of over 300 active customers,”
Terry said. “We enjoy working with the
smallest companies and those companies
that are just getting into exports or just
getting into imports or new entrepreneurs
in Nebraska.”
22 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017
April 2017: May 2017: June 2017:
Kenneth White Tim Anderson Tom Galvin
Transportation Specialists, ABF Freight, Inc. American Ag Transport,
Limited LLC
Ken started driving professionally Tim has been a driver for ABF for Tom has 42 years of commercial
in 1975 at the age of 21. He drove almost 23 years and has accumulated driving and two of those years are with
over-the-road with straight truck and three million miles in that time – all American Ag Transport and includes
tractor-trailer reefers. He started at of which are accident free. Tim is a 90,000 miles. In his nominations,
TSL in 1990 with almost 500,000 former NTDC champion in the Tank- Marcus Dennis said, ‘Tom is a driver’s
miles under his belt and in driving er Class. In his nomination, Trevor driver. His professionalism in driving
locally has reached almost 1.8 million Wilson, said, “Tim is passionate about and customer service is unparalleled.
career miles in 2016! Ken is extreme- our industry and is always willing to He has an exceptional safety record
ly safety conscious and has a 13-year do his best for the organization and and has driven all types of commercial
membership in the President’s Safe his fellow drivers.” Tim is passionate vehicles nationwide.” One of Tom’s
Driver Club! This year he will receive about things that drive – outside of points of pride on the job is his inter-
his 24th annual safe driving award work he enjoys dirt bikes, jet skiing action with fellow drivers and clients.
from TSL. and snowmobiling. Tom and his wife are active in their
church and in his spare time he enjoys
In his nomination, Lindsey Boe, restoring an old pickup.
Director of Driver Recruitment said,
“Not only is he extremely reliable, Ken Congratulations to Ken, Tim and Tom on being the Nebraska Trucking Association – Safety
also has great relationships with allof Management Council April, May and June 2017 Drivers of the Month! We encourage mem-
the customers he services and many bers to nominate drivers for consideration as Driver of the Month.
of them request him to take care of
their loads, including a major account Visit
in Omaha. That’s music to the ears of
Ken’s dispatcher! Issue 3, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 23
NTA’s Call on Washington
BY NT STAFF year, NTA president Larry Johnson and wide variety of issues including transpor-
attendees were able to meet with all five tation funding, interstate commerce work
June 5 – 8 marked NTA’s trip to Wash- congressional offices. While meeting with rule barriers, tax reform, the driver short-
ington D.C., for Call on Washington. This each representative, the group discussed a age and industry regulations.
Dick Reiser, NTA lobbyist, Bob
Winter with Distribution Inc. and
NTA Chairman, Danny Tompkins
with NTC, Brett Holliday with
NTC, Ken Walker with Customer
Diesel Driver Training, and Larry
Johnson, NTA President in front
of the White House
Dick Reiser, Bob
Winter, Ken Walker,
Larry Johnson, Crystal
Anderson, Danny
Tompkins, Brett Holliday,
Senator Ben Sasse, and
Al Hill (hidden)
Al Hill, Bob Winter, Brett Holliday,
Crystal Anderson, Danny
Tompkins, Tim McCormick,
Dick Reiser, Ken Walker, and
Congressman Adrian Smith
Ken Walker, Al Hill with Hill Brothers and Crystal
Anderson with Pitney Bowes preparing for visits
with congressional delegation
Tammy Hill, All Hill, Crystal
Anderson, Laura McCormick,
Brett Holliday, Tim McCormick,
Senator Deb Fischer, Bob Winter,
Dick Reiser, Ken Walker, Larry
Johnson, and Danny Thompkins
Danny Tompkins, Crystal Anderson, Brett Hol- Dick Reiser, All Hill, Congressman Jeff
liday, Tim McCormick (hidden) with Fremont Fortenberry, Danny Tompkins, Crystal
Contract Carriers, Congressman Don Bacon, Anderson, Brett Holliday, James Spears
Al Hill, Ken Walker, and Larry Johnson with the American Trucking Association,
Bob Winter, Larry Johnson, Ken Walker,
24 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017 and Tim McCormick
NTA Town Hall Meetings
BY NT STAFF WHO IS REQUIRED TO USE AN ELD? FMCSA provides frequently asked ques-
tions (FAQs) on the ELD Rule at https://
More than 330 persons attended eight • Interstate CMV drivers currently
Town Hall meetings across the state to learn required to keep paper records of duty
about ELDs (Electronic Logging Devices.) status (RODS); subject to requirements If you have questions on ELDs, com-
Representatives from FMCSA, Nebraska in 49 CFR 395 and pliance or regulations , please contact
State Patrol, Truck Services and NTA were Doug Donscheski, Director of Safety,
on hand to discuss implementation and en- • Drivers of CMVs defined in 49 CFR Training and Membership Development
forcement of the upcoming ELD rule, which 390.5: less than or equal to 10,001 at 402-476-7671 ext. 113 or
will be enforced in December 2017. pounds, placarded hazmat vehicle or [email protected].
more than 8 or 15 passenger vehicles
Topics included:
The ELD rule in being implemented in three
• Who is required to use an ELD phases over a four-year period:
• ELD implementation phases – when 1. 12/16/2015 ELD Rule published;
ELDS must be used voluntary use of ELDs (Awareness and
Transition Phase)
• What is an ELD and the technical spec-
ifications 2. 12/18/2017 ELD Final Rule Compli-
ance date; mandatory use of ELDs
• Drivers responsibilities with existing AOBRD’s grandfathered
for two years, (Phased-In Compliance
• Motor carrier responsibilities Phase,) and
• Supporting document requirements and 3. 12/16/2019 Mandatory use of ELDs,
(Full Compliance Phase)
• Harassment Issue 3, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 25
Along the Route
Recent events and news from Nebraska Trucker advertisers
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26 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017
BAUER BUILT TIRE control costs with nationwide tire evalua- At Bauer Built Tire, we care about your
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MICHELIN TIRE CARE is performed age. tire performance. To enroll in this program,
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Floyd’s Truck Center
It runs in the family
BY DEREK RAYMENT Navistar, the opportunity came about Detroit, Cummins while offering trailers in
Contributing Writer for Mark to partner with his dad in the brands like Manac, CPS, Jet, Nuttall and
business. He took over the company Maurer.
PHOTOS COURTESY FLOYD’S TRUCK CENTER leadership from his father, Don, in 2000.
“It runs in the family” is said a lot Floyd’s Truck Center completed their
The next 17 years has seen enormous trio of locations in 2009 when they
about family-owned businesses. For the growth from the company. Floyd’s ex- branched out to Sidney, located 76 miles
Gillam family of Floyd’s Truck Center, panded in 2002 with the opening of their to the south of Scottsbluff and along the
detailed customer-service and a passion second location in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Interstate-80 corridor. The location gives
for their community runs through four The approach for Floyd’s is to provide Floyd’s an opportunity to serve Western
generations. It began in 1948 when Floyd customers with a one-stop solution for Nebraska as well as the transient custom-
Gillam opened up Floyd’s Sales & Service new and used commercial truck sales while ers traveling along the interstate, unlike
in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. offering parts and service to those who their location in Scottsbluff, which is made
need it. They offer full-service in their three up of primarily local customers.
The company went about their busi- locations; Scottsbluff, Sidney and Chey-
ness for many years, operating their only enne. Services offered by Floyd’s includes Four years after opening the Sidney
location in Scottsbluff. Floyd’s son, Don, new and used truck and trailer sales, truck location, the Gillam family ventured out
joined the business in 1968. In 1982, and trailer parts, truck and trailer ser- from Western Nebraska and Eastern
after graduating from the University of vice, equipment financing, mobile repair Wyoming when they expanded into South
Nebraska and working several years for service and body repair. Floyd’s is also an Dakota with the acquisition of Eddie’s
authorized dealer of both Freightliner and Truck Center in Rapid City, South Dako-
Jonathan, Mark, Don and Michael Gillam ta and Ft. Pierre, South Dakota in 2013.
Western-Star trucks. They also When Gillam family acquired Jack’s Truck
carry brands such as Cat- & Equipment in December 2016, the com-
erpillar, Eaton, Meri- pany expanded its services to three new
tor, Dana-Spicer, locations in Wyoming; Casper, Gillette and
Rock Springs. For a family company that
operated out of a single location in Scotts-
bluff just 14 years earlier, the acquisition of
Jack’s Truck & Equipment means that
the Gillam family picks up valuable
locations in regions of Wyoming
where it wasn’t previously, expand-
ing their reach westward and
bringing their total number
of locations to eight.
“Jack’s Truck &
Equipment exemplifies 35
years of successful service
to their customers, and
throughout that time they
have cultivated the values of
a family-owned business. We
run our business with the same
28 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017
family values and customer-first mentality,” parts availability, and quality repairs, while “I worked with Floyd’s Truck Center
said Michael Gillam, the general manager
of Floyd’s Truck Center in Cheyenne and maintaining regular communication. growing up as a kid but I never thought of
president of Jack’s Truck & Equipment.
“Every one of our employees has it as a career until after college,” said Jona-
The Jack’s Truck & Equipment loca-
tions represent brands in Freightliner, West- committed to being elite in all that they than. “Like every family and every busi-
ern Star, Autocar and Gehl. The locations
also include service and parts. The match- do. They are constantly looking for ways ness, we have our moments. But we always
ing family-owned business models have
been a recipe for success. Other partners in to continue improving every aspect of how talk it through and we maintain very good
the business agree.
we do business,” said Sidney general man- professional relationships and—more im-
“Our goal isn’t to run a truck dealer-
ship empire, but rather to be great at what ager Sid Johnston. portant—very good family relationships.”
we do, always keeping an eye out oppor-
tunities when they arise. The acquisition of These standards keep the customer Without trucks, America’s economy
Jack’s fit into that box, especially since they
share our morals and values,” said Michael informed during the repair process and comes to a halt. Without good service loca-
assures that they can get back on the road tions that Floyd’s, Eddie’s and Jack’s Truck
With Floyd’s Truck Center and Eddie’s
Truck Center having carried the Freight- as quickly as possible. Elite Support dealer- Centers provides, those trucks aren’t able
liner brand since 1977, Michael Gillam
is confident their customers in Casper, ships are annually as-
Gillette and Rock Springs will recognize
the brand’s progressive nature. sessed on 123 specific
“Freightliner has made great progres- criteria that covers 20
sions over the years. Their forward-think-
ing strategies make them the most pro- customer service areas.
gressive manufacturer on the planet,” said
Michael Gillam. Conversely, the Western “Our customers
Star brand also offers their customers a
reliable option. “Western Star is a rugged, demand service excel-
tough truck that is a great fit for our con-
sumers in the oil and gas industry.” lence and our team has
A strong company culture is more than really answered the
just a far-reaching goal for the Gillam fam-
ily, it’s something they feel their employees call. The Elite Support
live out daily. Some employees within the
organization are lifers, some having 30 to program has provided
40 years of experience with the company.
the framework for us
“What sets us apart is that people here
are focused on service, treating customers to deliver a top-notch
fairly and getting them back on the road,”
said Michael Gillam. customer service expe- Jonathan, Mark, Don and Michael Gillam celebrate the
rience,” said Michael aquisition of Eddie’s Truck Center with a fishing trip.
What also helps the company separate
themselves from the competition is the Gillam.
Elite Support certification status that each
location holds or is seeking. Being commit- Another thing that
ted to Elite Support, the company focuses
on maximizing vehicle uptime by providing sets the company apart from its competi- to deliver the goods to keep the economy
the customer a diagnosis within two hours
of the truck coming to the dealership, tion is its commitment to the community humming. Mark Gillam says that busi-
Jonathan Gillam says. Jonathan, younger ness success fluctuates with the regional
brother by three years to Michael, is the economies as well as with the energy and
general manager of the Eddie’s Truck agricultural industries. With changes to
Center location in Rapid City. Jonathan’s the transportation industry, Mark looks to
father Mark also points out the volun- organizations like the Nebraska Trucking
teer work that the company does, such as Association for assistance.
volunteering at and sponsoring events with “With us being so far out west, we
the Boys and Girls Clubs, Meals on Wheels appreciate the Nebraska Trucking Associ-
and other youth-based nonprofit initiatives. ation representing our industry’s initiatives
“We’re tied to our communities both in order to stay viable,” said Mark Gillam.
economically and emotionally,” said Jona- Staying viable in a competitive industry
than Gillam. will be helped by the company’s commit-
Jonathan, who joined the company in ment to its customers and products.
2012, began his professional career practic- Stated Mark Gillam, “it’s important
ing law in Colorado after graduating from to us to make a difference in the lives of
law school at the University of Chicago. our customers. We do it with integrity and
After a few years working in Denver, working through the issues with them just
Jonathan, Michael, and Mark spent some as my grandfather and father did starting
time discussing the family business, and back in 1948.”
they thought together they would make a
great team. Issue 3, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 29
Allied Oil & Tire..............................................21
ATRI.....................................Inside back cover July 13 July
Bauer Built Tire.............................................19
Great West Casualty Co.............. Back cover Nebraska SuperTech Competition, Central Community College,
HELP, Inc., Provider of PrePass..................18 Hastings, NE
HUB International Insurance......................10
J. J. Keller & Associates.............................27 Aug. 5 August
Joe Morton & Son Insurance.....................22
Nebraska Trucker...................................22, 30 13th Annual IA-NE Classic Truck Show and the NTA Working
Northland Insurance....................................11 Truck Show, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., Sapp Brothers, Omaha, NE
RDO Truck Centers............Inside front cover
TA/Petro............................................................6 Aug 6-12 CVSA and National Truck Driving Championships, Orlando, FL
Taylor & Martin..............................................10
Truck Center Companies................................9 September
UPS..................................................................20 Sept. 21-22 Fall Management Conference, Courtyard Marriott, Lincoln, NE
Oct. 22-24 October
ATA Management Conference & Exhibition 2017 (MC&E),
Orlando, FL
This edition of Nebraska Trucker was made You may view Nebraska Trucker — complete with sound effects — online within a
possible with the support of these corporate week of distribution.
advertisers. They support the trucking Another awesome feature of this great new technology is that websites in the
industry by enabling Nebraska Trucking digital magazine are “live.” So, viewers may click on a site featuring in an ad and
Association to provide this publication to be transported directly to an advertiser’s website.
its members, prospective members, elected
officials and the business community at Check it out:
large. They deserve your consideration and This is just one more service that we’re happy to offer
patronage when making your corporate
purchasing decisions. Thank you! on behalf of our NT advertisers
30 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017
AAA Cooper Transportation
Sometimes People Ability TriModal Transportation Services
Acklie Charitable Foundation
Alabama Trucking Association
Must Come Together American Moving and Storage Association
for a Mission American Trucking Associations
ArcBest Corporation
Arkansas Trucking Association
Bill Graves
Boyle Transportation
BR Williams
Bulldog Hiway Express
C.H. Robinson Worldwide
Canadian Trucking Alliance
Thank You Cargo Transporters
Colorado Motor Carriers Association
Since 1954, the American Transportation Research Institute and its
predecessor have been the trucking industry’s source for scientific data and Combined Transport
analysis on the many high priority issues facing freight transportation today.
Con-way Inc.
C.R. England
Cummins Inc.
Dupre Transportation
The people and companies listed here are our core contributors, annual Elliott Brothers Truck Lines, Inc.
donors who have come together in this mission to help the industry as a Estes Express
FedEx Corporation
whole. If you or your company has not contributed in the past, now is the Florida Trucking Association
time to step up and do your part. G&P Trucking Company
Garner Transportation Group
Georgia Motor Trucking Association
Step up and leave your footprint for the good of the industry. Gordon Trucking
Great West Casualty Company
Groendyke Transportation
Visit to explore your giving opportunities. HELP, Inc.
Idaho Trucking Association
Illinois Trucking Association
Indiana Motor Truck Association
Iowa Motor Truck Association
J & M Tank Lines, Inc.
J.J. Keller & Associates
Kansas Motor Carriers Association
Kentucky Trucking Association
K-Limited Carrier, Ltd.
Maine Motor Transport Association
Marcello & Kivisto, LLC
Maryland Motor Truck Association
Maverick Transportation
Minnesota Trucking Association
Mississippi Trucking Association
Missouri Trucking Association
Motor Carrier Service, Inc.
Motor Transport Association of Connecticut
Nevada Trucking Association
New Hampshire Motor Transport Association
New Mexico Trucking Association
New York State Motor Truck Association
Ohio Trucking Association
Oklahoma Trucking Association
Old Dominion Freight Line
Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association
Penske Transportation Components
Pitt Ohio
Prime, Inc.
Rhode Island Trucking Association
Schneider National
Shorty and Ro Whittington
South Carolina Trucking Association
Southeastern Freight Lines
Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association
TAEC Region II
Tennessee Trucking Association
Texas Trucking Association
Tommy Hodges
TransAm Trucking
TransSafe Consulting
Trimac Transportation
Usher Transport
Ventura Transfer Company
Vermont Truck and Bus Association
Volvo Trucks North America
Walmart Transportation
Watkins & Shepard Trucking
West Virginia Trucking Association
Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association
WTAEC Issue 3, 2017 - NebraWsykomainTgrTruucckkYinRegCArWssoo3rcldi1awtiiodne
Photo: NASA
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32 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 3, 2017