Official Magazine Q2 Summer 2016
of the Tennessee $4.95 Value
Trucking Association
2016 Annual
TTA Fleet Safety Grand Champion Convention
Stan Pitch, Beacon Transport, LLC
September 11-13, 2016
New ATA Leadership Destin, Florida
Spotlight on
Jim Briggs
of Advanced
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Cover Story Letter from the Chairman:
Wayland Thompson, FirstFleet, Inc....................................7
2016 Annual Convention....................................... 18 Letter from the President:
September 11-13, 2016 in Destin, Fla. Dave Huneryager, Tennessee Trucking Association..........9
By Dave Huneryager Advertiser Resource Index...................................................33
New TTA Members ...............................................................33
Other STories Calendar of Events................................................................33
What you really need to know about PC-11.... 11 Q2 Summer 2016
By Ken Humphries
Highlights, Traps and Silver Linings................. 15
New overtime regulations and how to prepare
By Stuart Jackson and John DAvis
Changing of the Guard......................................... 15
New American Trucking Associations president Chris
Spear talks trucking leadership in Washington
By Stuart Jackson and John DAvis
Member Spotlight:
Jim Briggs....................................................................30
Advanded Ergonomics, Inc.
By Todd Traub
Q2 Summer 2016 Tennessee Trucking News 5
Official Magazine of the Tennessee Trucking Association Letter from the
Tennessee Trucking News is owned by the Tennessee Trucking
Association and is published quarterly by Matthews Publishing Chairman
Group. For additional copies, to order reprints of individual
articles or to become a subscriber to Tennessee Trucking News, Welcome!
contact Carol Foster at [email protected]
This will be the first of looks like eight magazine articles you will get from
Publisher me as I take over the reigns as your Chairman of the TTA for the next two
Jennifer Matthews-drake years. I would like to start off by thanking our past Chairman John Ross for
[email protected] his leadership over the last two years. He has been, like all our past chairmen,
a great leader with insight and a tireless work ethic. I would also like to thank
Executive Editor all the executive committee members that pour back into the industry by
Dave Huneryager attending the meetings and continue to give their time and resources to the
[email protected] TTA. Lastly thanks to the great members of the TTA that continue to pay your
dues and participate in this great organization.
Art Director
Jon D. Kennedy We had a great TTA convention in September and couldn’t have asked for
[email protected] better weather. It was a great meeting with great speakers, CIA agents, TTA
Photographers road team, sponsors, and record attendance. The Road Team presentation
Jon D. Kennedy was probably my favorite, it gave us members a review of what actually is
Larry Kuzniewski presented to the schools and young people of the state of Tennessee. Those 14
Caleb shane lollar professional drivers take the honor to serve as road team captains seriously
Tiffany Thrasher Lyles and represent us all well.
John dAvid Pittman
Catherine Stuart I would also like to again encourage all members that have not already looked
Contributing Writers at this year’s election cycle and not sent your PAC donations in to urgently
Steve Brawner consider doing so. Every election year is important. That being said, PAC is
Kelly Cargill Crow important to keep our elected officials in tune to what the trucking industry
needs. Let’s face it, politicians understand what it takes to get re-elected and
Sam Eifling the support it takes from folks like us and the PAC fund gets their attention.
Eric Francis We don’t care if they are Republicans, Democrats, or Independent. We just
Jennifer Barnett Reed want them to understand our needs as a trucking industry and fight for our
john schulz causes and no better way to do that than have a healthy PAC fund.
Todd traub
The last item I would like to comment on is membership. We have a new TTA
Illustrator membership coordinator, Donna Tomlinson. We have over 10,000 trucking
Brent Bennett companies registered in the state of Tennessee. TTA has a little over 550
[email protected] members half of those are allied members. Donna has already made a
Ad Production positive impact on new membership but we at TTA would like to enlist our
deah Chisenhall members to help solicit new members. I would like to request everybody that
[email protected] has a recommendation of friend, associate, competitor, or supplier that is a
potential member to reach out for the TTA to ask them to become a member. If you don’t feel like closing the deal send them to Donna and trust me she will
Tennessee Trucking Association Staff encourage them to the finish line.
President & CEO Thanks to all!
Dave Huneryager
[email protected] Wayland Thompson
Director of Safety Vice President
Edmond Sorrell FirstFleet, Inc.
[email protected]
Membership Coordinator
[email protected]
Foundation Coordinator
Catherine Stuart
[email protected]
Administrative Coordinator
Carol Foster
[email protected]
An affiliate of the American Trucking Associations
Tennessee Trucking Association (TTA)
has served as the voice for Tennes-
see’s trucking industry since 1930. TTA is a trade association
dedicated to the furtherance of the trucking industry’s goals and
interests in Tennessee and the United States. Our membership
is a diverse group comprised of motor carriers, both public
and private, and companies providing products and services
to the industry. TTA serves these companies as a governmental
affairs representative before legislative, regulatory and executive
branches of government on issues that affect the trucking in-
dustry. The organization also provides public relations services,
operation services and serves as a forum for industry meetings
and membership relations.
For more information, contact TTA at:
Tennessee Trucking Association
4531 Trousdale Drive
Nashville, TN 37204
Telephone 615-777-2882
Facsimile 615-777-2024
Q2 Summer 2016 Tennessee Trucking News 7
Letter from the
Tennessee Trucking Association
Chairman of the board
Wayland Thompson
FirstFleet, Inc.
President & CEO ATA Vice President Thank You!
Dave Huneryager Scott George
Tennessee Trucking Association As another terrific Tennessee Trucking Association Annual Convention concluded in
TCW, Inc. September our appreciation would not be complete without several thank yous! Thank
you to all those companies who provided different levels of sponsorship and for your
Immediate Past Chairman TruckPAC Co-Chairman continued support of the Association’s work towards improving our industry. Eighty five
John Ross Dave Manning of our member companies contributed to this year’s event, the most in our history!
Milan Supply Chain Solutions TCW, Inc. Thank you to all the record number of member attendees and their families; it would not
have been the success it appeared to be without you. Thank you to all our new member
Chairman Elect TruckPAC Co-Chairman attendees, and first time attendees, we hope you learned some things and enjoyed the
Wayland Thompson Terry Minor event enough to come back next year.
FirstFleet, Inc. Cumberland International Thank you to our Road Team Captains; Tim Arthur of Goggin Warehousing, Thomas Bell
Trucks, Inc. of UPS Freight, Mark Copas of FedEx Freight, Robert Crabtree of Averitt Express, William
Secretary Dillard of Titan Transfer, Scooter Fleenor of Walmart Transportation, Raymond Hall of
Jim Mosby TTF President Big G Express, Jimmy Honeycutt of Danny Herman Trucking, Scott Lambert of FedEx
Tommy Hodges Freight, Barry Morrison of Milan Supply Chain Solutions, Gary Richmond of Danny Her-
FirstBank man Trucking, John Sherow of Covenant Transport, Beth Smith of Old Dominion Freight
Titan Transfer, Inc. Lines, and James Warren of Titan Transfer. Thank you for the example you set and the
Treasurer confirmation of why we are so proud of the work you do.
Scott Schumpert Allied Vice Chairman
Carr, Riggs & Ingram CPAs Troy Dickens Thank you to all of the Tennessee Trucking Foundation Auction donors and to all of you
who so generously bid on those items. Your support of our effort to educate motorists
Rush Truck Center, Nashville young and old about how to safely share the road with commercial vehicles is very much
appreciated. Thank you especially to Greg Shipman from Vertical Alliance Group for
board of Directors heading our Convention Committee and to all the members of his committee for putting
together a class event and an incredible auction.
Advanced Ergonomics, Inc. Thanks to Mark Brown for his exhilarating keynote address that kicked off a terrific con-
Brad Allen vention. To Jim Olson for a presentation many members will be talking about for years
Venture Express, Inc. Joe Nacarato to come. To ATA President and CEO Chris Spear for his exciting remarks at Tuesday’s
Nacarato Volvo Trucks, Inc. breakfast. To Road Team Captains Scooter Fleenor and Scott Lambert for the actual pre-
Mike Elmore sentation they do all across our state teaching students how to safely share the road with
Cummins Crosspoint Eddie Wayland commercial vehicles. To our Road Team panelists; Mark Copas, Robert Crabtree, Jimmy
Beth Franklin King & Ballow Honeycutt, John Sherow and Beth Smith. Your insight into the issues of the day were very
Multi-Task Solutions, LLC Bill Tirrill well received! Finally to Michael Pasternak; aka Lt. Columbo, thanks for leaving us laugh-
Steve Franklin Fleetco, Inc. ing at the end of another great event!
Multi-Task Solutions, LLC
Jerry Hampton SOUTHEAST On behalf of our Director of Safety Edmond Sorrell, our Administration Coordinator
TENNESSEE Carol Foster, our Membership Coordinator Donna Tomlinson, our Foundation Coordi-
Pinnacle Bank nator Catherine Stuart, and me, thank you for all that you do in support of our Annual
Steve Jones Connie Vaughan Convention and the Tennessee Trucking Association throughout the year, we appreciate
Ike Transportation McKee Foods Transportation, LLC each one of you!
Larry Lefkovitz
McLeod Software Max Fuller Dave Huneryager
U.S. Xpress Enterprises, Inc. President & CEO
Rob Rhea
FedEx Freight Joe Smith Tennessee Trucking Association
Joe Scattergood Kenco Transportation Services [email protected]
Peterbilt Motors Company
Joe Sharp Lisa Pate
Western Express, Inc. U.S. Xpress Enterprises, Inc.
Shiela Shoun
Shoun Trucking Company Tommy Thaxton
Wayne Weaver Best One Tire & Service
Rapid Ways Truck Leasing Nathaniel Goggans
Bob West Justitia Law Firm PLLC
R.E. West, Inc.
Clarke Power Services, Inc.
Jason Higginbotham
EAST TENNESSEE Ozark Motor Lines, Inc.
Mark George
Jeff Reed
Skyline Transportation Intermodal Cartage Co., Inc.
Bruce Campbell Tommy Ross
Forward Air Corp. Milan Supply Chain Solutions
Bill Reed, III Tim Gatlin
Skyline Logistics, Inc. Empire Express, Inc.
Jeff Allen Cathy Phillips Coats
Great West Casualty Company H.B. Phillips, Inc.
Craig Kendall Jeff Reeves
The Peterbilt Store-Knoxville Reeves Brothers Trucking, Inc.
Jeff Earle
Thompson Power Corp.
Wayland Thompson Tommy Earl
FirstFleet, Inc. TAG Truck Center
Dick Sweebe
William Keith
FirstExpress, Inc. Summit Truck Group, Memphis
Nick D’Andrea
Pat Marsh James Barr
Big G Express, Inc. Ryder System Inc.
Brad Rahrer Mike Kelley
Portland Express, Inc. YRC Worldwide, Inc.
Allie Sharp Schwalb Hal Dowland
Sharp Transport, Inc. HELP, Inc., Provider of PrePass
John Walton Greg Shipman
Averitt Express, Inc. Vertical Alliance Group
Bill Bob West
R.E. West, Inc.
Q2 Summer 2016 Tennessee Trucking News 9
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By Ken Humphries sible for working alongside the Society Using this limit they established the PC-6
of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and the category which became the CE API Service
Guest Writer American Society for Testing and Materials Classification, effective in 1988. It provided
(ASTM) to develop the testing requirements an elevated level of engine protection for
There are a number of memorable for the performance levels of the engine turbocharged diesels while helping to keep
times in your life; graduation, marriage, oils. These performance levels started a limit of 6 grams/ HP-hour of NOx and 0.60
the birth of a child, and the next Proposed out focused on the fuel quality, mechani- grams/ HP-hour of Particulates. Since this
Category (PC) change in Commercial Engine cal changes, and the severity of engine time, the Environmental Protection Agency
Oils. And, since the first classification, “CA” operation. However, in 1987, the Federal (EPA), while enforcing the Clean Air Act of
set in 1954, there has not been such a sig- Government began regulating the emis- 1990, has continually reduced the amount
nificant change in diesel engine oil formu- sions coming out of the stack and gave the of NOx and Particulates allowed in the ex-
lations as the upcoming PC-11 API Service API a limitation for the amount of Nitrous haust of the engine. In fact, in the current
Classification due for licensing in December Oxide (NOx) and particulate matter (soot
of 2016. and other by-products of combustion).
The American Petroleum Institute
(API), founded in 1970, has been respon-
Q2 Summer 2016 Tennessee Trucking News 11
classification, the CJ-4 API Service Clas- harder than ever before and will have to called a Viscosity Index Improver (VII)
sification, established in 2007, reduced the stay in viscosity grade for the life of the is added. At higher temperatures and
limitations down to 0.50 grams/ HP-hour of fluid. And, in the midst of these more se- with higher speed engines, there is a
NOx and 0.01 grams/ HP-hour of Particu- vere conditions, some aspect of the oil has chance for this additive to shear down
late, which is more than a 98% reduction to help with improving the fuel economy. leaving a much lighter viscosity oil in
from the 1988 levels. This means oils of a much lower viscosity service.
to help reduce fluid friction and allow more
So, as you might guess, there was little miles per gallon. So these perceived weaknesses made
more room for the EPA to limit on emis- the chemists at the additive supply com-
sions but, a continuation in the growth But here is the rub. Lower viscosity panies go to work to formulate an additive
of the transportation industry meant means a number of potentially negative package that would help make the oil more
increased pollutants into the air. What to impacts to the oils based on the changes to durable yet allow for the required increases
do? After all, in many cases, the air coming the engines including: in fuel economy.
out of a serviceable truck with the current
emissions equipment is cleaner than the • Increased Foaming – Oils moving Now, one more major factor remained;
air going in the intake. How then could faster in the engine with less “rest” time if the fuel economy requirements levied by
we reduced the amount of material that is means more tendency to foam. the government were to be achieved, the
produced by burning the fuel? The answer, engines for 2017 and beyond were going
burning less fuel. Other than limiting the • Thinner Oil Film – Lower viscosity to have to change even more. That means
number of miles that a trucker can drive means more potential for metal-to- that a special formulation of oil would have
the best way to do this is to increase the metal contact which means potentially to be designed to effectively lubricate these
fuel economy. That, in a nutshell, is the more engine wear. engines. The result? A Proposed Category
reason for the next Proposed Category, that would have two separate oil classifica-
PC-11. • Increased Oxidation Potential – The tions, one for current and older models
higher temperatures and increased air (PC-11A) and one for the new, state-of-the-
Truck OEM’s have been tasked to make agitation means the oil can break down art models focused on substantial fuel
their equipment run more efficiently. This much faster. economy goals (PC-11B). Let’s look at both
means lighter units, tighter tolerances, of these oil specifications.
higher operating temperatures, faster run- • Increased Oil Shear – In order to make
ning engines, and smaller oil sump sizes. a multi-grade oil, a special additive PC-11A is a more robust version of the
It also means that the oil will be worked current specification and will be referred to,
after licensing, as the CK-4 Classification.
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12 Tennessee Trucking News Q2 Summer 2016
It is fully backward compatible down to Now, one more major factor remained; if
engines designed to run CH-4 through CJ-4 ettnhhgteeoingfeuohsevalfveoreecnrtomo2ne0noc1htm7aywannergredeeqebutveoiryeneobmenmedanoctwrhseie.elrveevTedihge,daottinbhyge
classes. Most oil manufacturers will have means that a special formulation of oil
CK-4 oils available in 15W-40, 10W-30, and would have to be tdheseisgeneendgitnoese.ffectively
could also have 5W-40, 10W-40, or 5W-30 lubricate
options. It will be a very viscosity stable
product with a High Temperature High ing, the FA-4 Classification. These oils will tween the two oils, and others. The answer
Shear (HT/HS), a measurement of the oper- be 10W-30 or 5W-30 (possibly a 0W-30 in the to some of these questions still hasn’t been
ating (High Temperature) viscosity of the future) and will have a much lower HT/HS fully answered. But, as the December 1,
product after subjected to the severe stress of 2.9 cP to 3.2 cP. This lower HT/HS allow 2016 licensing date approaches, the need to
of engine components (High Shear), of 3.5 the oils to impact the fuel economy target. have answers becomes more critical. We, at
centipoise (cP) or higher. This is a critical It will also have a specialized additive pack- Kimbro Oil Company, are dedicated to help-
factor because the new model engines (2017 age to help reduce the potential for wear ing you get the information you need. TTN
and beyond) will not effectively work with with the significantly lighter viscosity oils.
this higher HT/HS. Ken Humphries is technical service advisor
There are still a number of issues that at Kimbro Oil Company. For more up-to-date
PC-11B is a whole new type of oil spe- the industry are working through; the need information on the move to PC-11, Email
cially formulated to help fleets achieve the for more storage, the impact on off-highway [email protected] for more
substantially improved fuel economy goals engines, the cost differential between CJ-4 details.”
set by the new regulations. In fact some and CK-4/ FA-4, Synthetics vs. Synthetic
OEMs are factoring these oils combined Blends vs. Mineral Oils, differentiating be-
with mechanical changes to achieve up to
a 20% improvement in fuel economy. That
means for a fleet currently averaging 6.5
mpg, this rating can go up to 7.8 mpg. For a
fleet of 200 trucks averaging 100,000 miles
per unit (assuming Diesel Fuel at a cost of
$2.25/ Gallon), that is an annual saving of
over $1.1 Million per year!
The PC-11B will be called, after licens-
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Q2 Summer 2016 Tennessee Trucking News 13
2016 Annual TTA Convention
Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf and Spa Resort, Destin, Fla. – September 11-13, 2016
By Dave Huneryager The Tennessee Trucking Foundation 2016 Allied Professional of the Year - Gary
Auction and the Auction closing party spon- Davis, Clarke Power Services, Inc, John Ross,
Executive Editor sored by Occusure Workers’ Compensation Milan Supply Chain Solutions
was a tremendous success. We thank all the
The 86th Annual Tennessee Trucking companies who made donations to the auc- Captain Brandon Douglas, THP, 2016
Association Convention was held on Sep- tion and for all of you who generously bid Grand Champion - Stan Prichett, Beacon
tember 11-13, 2016 at the Hilton Sandestin on those items. Transport, LLC., John Ross, Milan Supply
Beach Golf and Spa Resort in Destin, FL. Chain Solutions
We welcomed numerous members and first The Chairman’s Banquet recognizing
time attendees. the two year service of John Ross to the
TTA was very well attended. The gavel was
While very warm, we had a beautiful passed from John to Wayland Thompson
evening for our opening reception, patrioti- from FirstFleet, Inc. as our TTA Chairman
cally commemorating the 15th anniversary for the next two years. All the Road Team
of the despicable 9/11 attacks. Captains were recognized and their profes-
sionalism in what they do every day to
Keynote speaker Mark Brown kicked move the goods that make our country go
off the Monday morning program with a makes us all very proud of them.
passionate presentation focused on our
Convention theme; Accelerating Improve- We recognized Gary Davis from Clarke
ment Through Better Performance. An Power Services with the Allied Professional
enthralling look into the world of the CIA of the Year, Jarit Cornelius from Sharp
by James Olson followed in what was one Transport with the Maintenance Profes-
of the most memorable beginnings to our sional of the Year, and Peggy Murphy from
Convention ever. Milan Supply Chain Solutions with the
Safety Professional of the Year. The Grand
The golf outing at the Baytowne Club, Champion of the Fleet Safety Contest was
while dodging a few rain drops and the Beacon Transport, and you can see Stan
occasional flash of lightning and clap of Pritchett accepting the
thunder, was another hit with those who award on this edition’s
participated. cover. The evening
concluded with a
We were honored to have the new ATA special visit from Lieu-
President and CEO Chris Spear address all tenant Columbo who
attendees at breakfast on Tuesday morning. had some interesting
His passion and drive as the head of our in- observations of sev-
dustry’s largest trade association will serve eral of our members!
us well, now and into the future.
We hope to see ev-
Tuesday morning was a highlight reel eryone in attendance
for our Road Team Captains. A Teens and at next year’s event to
Trucks presentation by two of our Cap- be held at the same
tains; Scooter Fleenor and Scott Lambert, venue on September
that they actually do in the classrooms all 17-19, 2017!
across Tennessee was followed by a panel
of five more of our Road Team Captains
focusing on numerous industry issues.
14 Tennessee Trucking News Q2 Summer 2016
t 2016 Tennessee Trucking
Association Road Team
2016 Clean Diesel Award - Phillip Edwards, Titan Transfer,
Inc., John Ross, Milan Supply Chain Solutions
2016 Maitnenance Professional of the Year - Jarit
Cornelius, Sharp Transport, Inc., John Ross, Milan Supply
Chain Solutions
Edmond Sorrell with “Columbo,” Michael
Pasternak, entertainer for the evening
2016 Safety Professional of the Year -
Peggy Murphy, John Ross, Milan Supply
Chain Solutions
Q2 Summer 2016 Tennessee Trucking News
t Jim & Susan Mosby,
Chris Spear, ATA President and CEO
Pledge of Allegiance by Parker Newman,
Jeff and Tonya Newman’s daughter,
16 Tennessee Trucking News Q2 Summer 2016
Opening Reception Joe Herman, Priscilla Herman, Jimmy
Honeycutt, Danny Herman Trucking
t Speaker Mark Brown, Jerry &
Andrea Luneke, ThermoKing
Q2 Summer 2016 Tennessee Trucking News 17
Wayland, Eddie
Wayland, King
and Ballow
Linda White, Greg Shipman, Vertical
Alliance Group, Billy White, Clarke Power
Auction Closing Event
Single-user solutions that electronically
and remotely test trailer electrical, brake, and
ABS systems with state-of-the-art technology
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maintain reports.
18 Tennessee Trucking News Q2 Summer 2016
Ray McGowan, People’s Capital & Leasing Corp; John Carr, Havco Wood
Products; Randy Hooper, Katz, Sapper & Miller LLP; Nick D’Andrea, UPS
t Robert Crabtree and John Walton, Averitt Express; Patrick
Mendenhall, Cumberland International
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Q2 Summer 2016 Tennessee Trucking News 19
Diamond Gold Bronze
Vertical Alliance Group
American Trucking Alley-Cassetty Truck Center
Platinum Associations Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell
Bendix Commercial Vehicle & Berkowitz, P.C.
Adams and Reese LLP Systems, LLC BancorpSouth Equipment Finance
Bridgestone Commercial Best One Tire & Service Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Clarke Power Services BMO Transportation Finance
Solutions Cummins, Inc. Carr, Riggs & Ingram CPAs
FedEx Freight Corporation Eaton Corporation Comdata Corporation
Freightliner LLC and TN Joe Morten & Son, Inc. Double Coin Tire/CMA, LLC
Kenworth Dealers in Driving Ambition, Inc.
Dealers Tennessee Electronic Funds Source LLC
Daimler Trucks North America / MHC Kenworth Elliott Davis Decosimo
Kenworth Truck Company Farris Evans Insurance Agency, Inc.
Freightliner Trucks PACCAR Financial Corporation FirstBank
Neely Coble Company, Inc. Omnitracs, LLC Fontaine Fifth Wheel Co.
Pilot Flying J Great Dane Trailers, Inc.
Nashville The Peterbilt Store – Knoxville, Jackson Truck & Trailer
Premier Truck Group of North Georgia J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc.
Johnson City Insurance Agency
Chattanooga Silver JOST International
Premier Truck Group of Katz, Sapper & Miller, LLP
Altria Client Services, Inc. King & Ballow
Knoxville Find A Trucker Love’s Travel Stops
TAG Truck Centers, Memphis & Fleetco, Inc. McNabb, Bragorgos & Burgess, PLLC
INA Towing Network, LLC Meritor, Inc.
Jackson Lytx DriveCam PeopleNet
Great West Casualty Company Mack Trucks, Inc. People’s Capital & Leasing Corp.
HELP Inc., Provider of PrePass McGriff Tire Company, Inc. Performance Peterbilt
Navistar, Inc. (Tennessee PeopLease Corporation Peterbilt Truck Center of Memphis
S&E Productions LLC
International Dealers) TAB Bank Pinnacle Bank
Cumberland International, TCI Tire Centers Pressure Systems International
Rand McNally
Nashville, Murfreesboro Regions Insurance Group, Inc.
Summit Truck Group, Memphis Rush Truck Center, Nashville
Lee-Smith International, Shepherd Insurance, LLC
Star Leasing Company
Chattanooga Trillium Drivers Solutions
Landmark International, Wells Fargo Equipment Finance, Inc.
Knoxville, Cookeville,
Tri-State International, Union City,
TN, Murray, KY, Oakgrove, KY,
Bowling Green, KY
Volunteer International, Jackson
Peterbilt Motors Company
Volvo Trucks North America/
The Tennessee Volvo
Nacarato Volvo Trucks, Inc.,
LaVergne, TN
General Truck Sales & Service,
Memphis, TN
Worldwide Equipment, Inc.,
Chattanooga, Crossville &
Knoxville, TN
20 Tennessee Trucking News Q2 Summer 2016
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Scooter Fleenor -
Walmart Transportation,
Road Team Presentation
James Olson Presentation
Mark Brown Presentation
22 Tennessee Trucking News t Mark Copas, FedEx; Robert
Crabtree, Averitt Express; Jimmy
Honeycutt, Danny Herman
Trucking; John Sherow, Covenant
Transport; Elizabeth Smith, Old
Dominion Truck Lines
Q2 Summer 2016
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New American Trucking Associations president Chris Spear
talks trucking leadership in Washington
By Bethany May Spear speaks at a
Contributing Writer
Q2 Summer 2016
The surprising rise of Donald Trump
and Bernie Sanders earlier in this year’s
presidential campaigns is evidence of
how much views of the establishment in
Washington in changed, and lobbyists are
finding a new strategy is necessary.
Former President and CEO of Ameri-
can Trucking Associations, Governor Bill
Graves, and ATA’s incoming President and
CEO Chris Spear recently announced the
promotion of four long-time ATA staff to
members of ATA’s senior executive team:
Elisabeth Barna, in charge of communica-
tions and public affairs; Chief Economist
Bob Costello; Controller Rusty Duckworth;
and Kay Perkins, in charge of human re-
sources and operations.
In July, Chris Spear took the same title
as his predecessor, Governor Bill Graves,
but his job will be markedly different to
mirror these changing times. “Bill and I
have very different backgrounds,” Spear
says. “I have tremendous respect for his
time as governor, his public service, his
family history with the trucking industry.
It’s quite frankly exceptional, and he’s come
to the ATA at a time where we had a differ-
ent environment and flavor here in Wash-
ington D.C. Now he leaves this role, and the
environment has changed dramatically.”
To cope with the changing environ-
ment, fewer bills moving, fewer opportuni-
ties to tell the trucking story, Spear says
his mindset is grounded in his previous
experience legislating on the Hill and regu-
lating in the agencies in recent years.
Spear’s resume in government rela-
tions and economic development is long
and impressive—the kind of list you’d
want for an association that deals with
strict regulations and interstate commerce
24 Tennessee Trucking News
Before he worked in legislative af- RrsitfWeuosawpotepmeuotjuerthr,scetetlienlientjwnoiettdlbbehl’roevaoiotgenefhunhgdtrdtpoh,ad,steir.toitifrtoIiirntterte’hsgysia,t,ellayjiauelty.ngshrtWddoaigvbooweheyedthesad.n”asuoD’tvtsoienemrofgeyoarvtouaeatrnunenydrrd
fairs for ATA, Spear was vice president of
emerging markets for Honeywell Process —ATA president Chris Spear
Solutions, based in Bracknell, United
Kingdom and served as a board member egizing with Hall and Sullivan about how to go where the battles are and fight them
for two joint ventures in Libya and Nigeria. the ATA tells its story in Washington pub- at that level. If the state associations want
Spear was also vice president for Honey- lications, in social media and in national our help, we are going to be that resource.”
well Government Relations in Washington, media. “She has worked in all of those
D.C. and Brussels, Belgium, managing cor- venues extensively. I’m tired of conceding One state issue is at the top of ATA’s
porate and business interests in the U.S., message points to anti-truck groups that priorities this year. Language in the
Europe, Middle East, Africa, Central Asia basically give a one-line soundbite, and it Federal Aviation Administration Authori-
and Latin America. gets picked up by all these media outlets. zation Act of 1994 stated that individual
states could not institute rules governing
In 2001, he was nominated by Presi- “We need someone like Sue that can the trucking industry because the whole
dent George W. Bush and was unanimously make certain our side of that story is also industry should operate under a single
confirmed by the U.S. Senate as Assistant being told equally. Our media relations is federal system, rather than a patchwork
Secretary of Labor for Policy. Before his going to really up its game going forward,” of state laws. Recent lawsuits over meal
nomination, Spear worked as legislative Spear continues. and rest break state laws that contradict
director for U.S. Senator Tim Hutchinson the federal laws are threatening to create
(R-Ark.). Spear expects the advocacy and com- that patchwork regulation that the FAAAA
munications strategy of the Association should prevent.
Elisabeth Barna, recently appointed to change, to be more aggressive with the
COO at ATA, says, “[Chris is] well-rounded. new team. First, the approach to telling Spear says the ATA is advocating for
He brings both Capitol Hill experience, the trucking’s story is going to go beyond the one standard — a federal standard to su-
agency experience and the corporate ex- national-level, Spear says. Recent decisions persede state labor laws.
perience. He has been on the front lines in by California and Rhode Island have made
Iraq, and he has had to put teams together it necessary to take the message of truck- To ensure the efficiency of interstate
there.” ing’s economic impact to states that may commerce is protected in the trucking
be making regulations that interfere with industry, ATA is most focused on the
Teamwork the industry’s ability to grow. spending bill that funds the Department
of Transportation. “In that bill, we have
A new team at the American Trucking “We will add support of state associa- a permanent fix to the hours of service
Associations is already underway. Spear tions . . . if they have an issue that has rulemaking, as well as the FAAAA issues,”
has named four executives to the senior national implications, we will come in and Spear says.
leadership team. help advocate. We are seeing a lot more
states step up and do things in the absence The hours of service and FAAAA are
“We decentralized the leadership of the federal government taking role. the two big victories Spear says trucking
structure here,” he says. “The type of should expect this year, “probably around
people that I’m bringing in are folks that “Some of that can be good,” Spear the time frame of December is when we’ll
have not only depth and understanding says, “but we have also seen instances see that bill get wrapped up and sent to
of the industry like Elizabeth Barna, who where that can be really damaging to our the President.”
will be my new COO, but we have brought industry. We are interstate commerce. We
in Jennifer Hall from the House Transpor- would like to maintain one standard just
tation Committee, where she served as for the flow of commerce. . . So we need
deputy staff director and general counsel,
and had worked prior in the Department of
Homeland Security. She has the legislative
and regulatory experience and is a great
Spear also recruited Bill Sullivan to
lead advocacy efforts. Sullivan comes from
working with Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.)
on appropriations, prior to working at the
Department of Justice with Sen. Lamar
Alexander (R-Tenn.)
The executive vice president of com-
munications and public affairs role will be
filled by Sue Hensley.
“Sue has basically checked every box
you could want for this role. She comes
to the table with a tremendous rolodex,”
Spear says of Hensley. She will be strat-
Q2 Summer 2016 Tennessee Trucking News 25
“I’m very much looking forward to putting Long term leadership
mseommbeerws itnhsaot ntphtaehyirienhgboaoradfrfd-.e”aarnndedshdouwesinagre
—ATA president Chris Spear Beyond that, the American Trucking
Associations will be going into their an-
NATURAL GAS nual meeting in October to set the tenor
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talking connected vehicle, connected to in-
© 2016 Southern Company. All rights reserved. Do not reuse text or graphics without written permission. PLNG-14926 frastructure, what is the regulatory frame-
work? I don’t want that being designed and
26 Tennessee Trucking News handed to the federal and state regulators
by the auto industry,” Spear says.
“I want to be at the table and make
sure our industry has got a voice, and
whatever is adopted in the future is good
for our industry and not harmful. That
requires just stepping up our game and
focusing on what the trends are. Here is a
technology that could possibly deal with
safety, emissions and the environment. It
could deal with productivity. It could deal
with driver shortage. There are a lot of
defined gains from it, but we need to un-
derstand what that’s going to look like and
what is required of our industry to make
that happen. That’s not clear, so I’m not
quick to embrace that as the future, but I’m
quick to say that we need to be at the table
and drive the outcome.”
The regulatory front is always key for
trucking, but without a voting majority on
the Hill, Spear says, ATA has to exert some
push back on the agencies and try to find
some balance to work with regulators in a
constructive way and not in a way that’s
harmful or harbors an agenda.
Spear says the enemy isn’t regula-
tions; it’s bad regulations. “We don’t mind
regulations. We are used to them. We just
want very good, clear regulations. Things
that work and can be complied with. We
haven’t seen a lot of that lately, and that’s
an area of focus that we need to step up
and work with the agencies to really help
shape what that outcome is going to look
like and ensure that it’s not damaging to
the industry going forward.”
And of course, come November, the
strategy could change, but Spear says that
trucking’s story won’t.
“You’ve got a Senate here in D.C. that
could flip …And I’m not even going to be-
gin to guess who’s going to be in the White
House or what happens to the Senate. What
Q2 Summer 2016
I tell you would probably be wrong a week Go Ahead and Stare
later. Just a moving target. I don’t worry
about it. Largely because it doesn’t change We know we look good.
our story.
“We’ve won in both democrat-con-
trolled Senates as well as republican- For details about advertising, call Jennifer Matthews-Drake, publisher, Beth Dortch FranklinBeating Cancer Was Just a Start
controlled Senates. We just tell our story, at 501-907-6776 or e-mail
and we use every resource we’ve got. It’s a TruOocffktfihinceigaTlAeMsnsnaogecasiazsteinieoen
good story, and if we tell it right, it really [email protected].
doesn’t matter to me, in the end, if they
have a D or an R at the end of their title. We $4Q.S91p52rVi0na1gl2ue
have found support in both parties, just by
doing our job and doing it right.”
Return on investment
Elisabeth Barna predicts that one of
the biggest changes members can expect
is a defined return on investment. She says
after only two weeks on the job, Spear has
been on the road visiting nonmembers,
former members and current members.
“He has either been on the phone or on an
airplane trying to listen and learn and get
feedback,” she says.
Spear’s vision is to run the Association
like a business to give members something
in return for their engagement.
“We represent large and small com-
panies, and I think it is inherently respon-
sible to think like a business going forward
in order to tell that story effectively and
more broadly,” Spear says. “It’s nice to do
advocacy and gather and compare notes
and share information, but really what
I think our members are looking for is
a defined ROI, that legislative or regula-
tory win. And that takes us working with
all sectors of industry, all other coalition
Barna encourages members and
stakeholders to reach out with thoughts,
suggestions and ideas because the ATA is
all ears. “There’s no criticism from the last
14 years. I mean the governor did a great
job. The world is changing, and politics are
changing here in Washington. It’s a lot dif-
ferent from when he started,” she says.
Spear is optimistic about all the
changes and wants members to be as well.
“We have proven we can do it, and I think
going forward, if we keep looking for that
ROI, members will be excited to be part of
ATA. They will see the value and the pride
it gives to the industry, waving this banner
here in D.C. I’m very much looking forward
to putting some wins on the board and
showing members that their hard-earned
dues are paying off.” TTN
Q2 Summer 2016 Tennessee Trucking News 27
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CTaTlAenNdeawrm& eAmdbinerdse,x
Welcome October
New Members!
October 20-21
ALLIED TTA Annual Fall Conference
October 26
Aerowall Dynamics Roadside Inspection, Portland Scales I-65 North
Auto Glass, Inc. October 29
Bose Corporation Holbrook - Hours of Service and Drivers Logs
C H Robinson
Crestmark Equipment Finance
Havco Wood Products November 2
Hope 80/20 NATMI – Transportation Risk Management
November 4
Lockhart Trucking Academy, LLC Roadside Inspection, Knoxville Scales I-40
Maxion Wheels November 16-17
Orbcomm Road Team Training
November 24-25
Premier Trailer Leasing Holiday - TTA Office Closed - Thanksgiving
RC Grace and Associates, LLC.
SafeFleet Insurance
SambaSafety December 13-14
NATMI – Safety & DOT Compliance
Signature Financial LLC December 22-23
Holiday - TTA Office Closed – Christmas
Dates are subject to change. Please refer to the monthly Newsletter
AMC Transport, Inc. for updates
Doyle Sims & Sons Trucking, Inc.
Advertiser Resource Index
Midstates Logistics, Inc.
TMG Transport, LLC
Adams and Reese LLP......................................................................12 MHC Kenworth........................................................Inside front cover
BorgWarner....................................................................................... 21 Neely Coble Company, Inc.................................................................6
Clarke Power Services......................................................................19 Pivotal LNG/AG Resources...............................................................26
Direct ChassisLink..............................................................................4 PrePass................................................................................................3
Drivers Legal Plan............................................................................. 17 Rush Truck Center..............................................................Back cover
Fleetco, Inc........................................................................................27 Sleep Access...................................................................................... 16
Great West Casualty Co.................................................................... 10 Southern Tire Mart...........................................................................23
Navistar/International.............................................Inside back cover TAG Truck Center/Freightliner..........................................................8
J. J. Keller & Associates....................................................................28 Trojan Battery ..................................................................................13
Lite-Check......................................................................................... 18
Q2 Summer 2016 Tennessee Trucking News 29
Jim Briggs
Advanced Ergonomics
By Todd Traub ministering the tests to determine just that. Tennessee Trucking Association, of which
Briggs said Advanced Ergonomics is unique he has been a 2015-2016 board member.
Contributing Writer because it tests for endurance, something
other consultants do not. “I try to be a resource to the associa-
If he had his way, Jim Briggs would tion,” he said. “If business comes out of that
spend just a little more time on the water. “We’ve been challenged 112 times [in all the better.”
26 years] and we have never lost a legal
But the multi-faceted vice president of challenge. … I don’t think anybody else out Born in Memphis and raised on his
business development at Advanced Ergo- there has that track record,” Briggs said. family’s farm located between Memphis and
nomics Inc. has a pretty full slate, meaning Greenfield, Briggs attributes his work ethic
he often has to leave his beloved sailboat Born in Memphis to the example set by his farmer grandfa-
tied to the dock. haisnfdamrailiyse’sdfaornm ther, which served Briggs well as he went
GlorMeceanetmfeipedlhdbis,etaBwnridegengs on to master a number of occupations.
“I’m the face of the company,” said attributes his
Briggs, in demand as an expert on the work ethic to He studied criminal justice and busi-
legalities of employer screening programs the example set ness law at the University of Tennessee-
that help companies evaluate and select gbyrahnisdffaatrhmeerr, Martin — starting college at 16 — and was a
applicants who can perform physically Bwrhigigchs served law enforcement officer for six years. While
demanding jobs safely. well as assigned to a hospital detail he picked up
he went on to an interest in occupational therapy and
In a varied career that began with moaf sotecrcuapnatuiombnesr. returned to school to earn a degree in the
Briggs, 59, serving as a law enforcement field in 1994.
officer, he has traveled the nation — far While not of all Advanced Ergonomics’
from his boat and home on the lake at clients, numbering close to 500, are motor Beginning in 1994 he held a number
Hendersonville — performing speaking en- carriers, Briggs points out that trucking of positions in or related to occupational
gagements and doing consulting work that often has an ancillary role, as with the gro- therapy at HealthSouth, including serving
touches almost all forms of transportation, cery, retail and soft drink distributors his as national director of employment testing.
including a stint with crab fishing boats on company assists. While helping return injured employees
the Bering Sea. to work at Roadway’s Nashville location in
“Of course all involve trucking at some 1996-1997, he was asked to perform the
“It doesn’t make sense does it,” Briggs point,” said Briggs, noting the importance company’s physical abilities testing, which
said of the winding path that began with of maintaining good relationships with and launched him on his current career.
him earning the Tennessee Sheriffs’ Asso- being a good member of organizations like
ciation Outstanding Officer Award when he the American Trucking Associations — of He moved on to Advanced Ergonomics
graduated the Tennessee Law Enforcement which he is a longtime member — and the in 2001.
Training Academy in 1982.
Married, with two grown children, two
However his time wearing a badge stepchildren and 11 grandkids, Briggs has
led him into his current field of work been published in a number of magazine
and eventually to Advanced Ergonomics, and peer reviewed publications and has
which conducts ergonomic consulting and served on a series of boards for different
performs physical abilities testing for its organizations as well as performing his
corporate clients. speaking engagements and consulting
Those clients include transportation
companies, who are understandably inter- “Whenever a person may have an
ested in knowing if employees can handle injury you may see me there,” Briggs said.
the physical stresses of loading docks and TTN
maintenance bays and if they are legally ad-
30 Tennessee Trucking News Q2 Summer 2016
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