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Published by Matthews Publishing Group LLC, 2020-11-06 14:36:35

Behind the Wheel Q4 Winter 2020 ~ MMTA Members Show Trucking IS Essential

The Official Magazine of the Maryland Motor Truck Association

Keywords: trucking,safety,politics,regulation,association,business

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16 Building Beltway

New MMTA Chairman draws on business
experience with plans to further grow
Maryland Motor Truck Association



9 Highway Robbery |BEHIND THE WHEEL Q4 WINTER 2020 3

Excessive towing invoices and what you
can do about them


15 Maryland on the Move

Annual Boosting Your Business Meeting

27 Maryland's New
Transportation Secretary
Greg Slater

‘I’m a big believer in collaboration’



5 Chairman's Message
Jack Saum
30 New MMTA Members
30 Advertiser Resource Index


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The Official Magazine of the Maryland Motor Truck Association CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE
Behind the Wheel is owned by the Maryland Motor Truck
To support and advocate for a safe, efficient,
Association and is published by Matthews Publishing Group. and profitable trucking industry across all sectors
To request additional copies, order reprints of individual articles and industry types, regardless of size, domicile,
or to become a subscriber to Behind The Wheel, please contact or type of operation.

Selena Griffin at (410) 644-4600. To inquire about advertising, As the new Chairman of Maryland
please contact the publisher at (501) 690-9393. Motor Truck Association, I want to express
Publisher my gratitude to the members, Nominating
Jennifer Matthews-Drake Committee and Board of Directors for their trust
Matthews Publishing Group in my leadership as we continue meeting the
[email protected] mission statement above. I commit to working as hard as my predecessors did to
Executive Editor promote our industry and the association. It is as much an honor for me personally
Louis Campion as it is for Beltway Companies, as we have been an allied member of MMTA since
[email protected] 1984. Thank you for this privilege and for this opportunity.
Managing Editor
Selena Griffin While this year has dramatically challenged all of our businesses in unpredictable
[email protected] ways, it has also created a unique opportunity. Rarely viewed in a positive light,
Creative Director trucking is now getting the recognition it has long deserved for its crucial role in
Fran Sherman the supply chain and the economy. I have seen messages of thanks to truck drivers,
[email protected] freight companies, technicians, and the like, supporting our essential services. Trying
Graphic Designer to convey my own appreciation would pale in comparison.
Barbara Negron
David Sinclair I look forward to working with MMTA President Louis Campion and the
Contributing Writers Board of Directors to take advantage of the circumstances we find ourselves in and
strengthen this message. Our goal for the coming year is to map out a five-year
Maryland Motor Truck Association strategic plan to expand upon and enhance MMTA’s great foundation of supporting
our vital industry. We aim to spark new life into our Councils and Chapters, drive
Louis Campion member growth through value add, and increase overall participation.
President & CEO  
[email protected] With the legislative session in Annapolis resuming in January, there are also
Dottie C. Duvall many important policy issues on the table that will have long-lasting effects
Vice President - Administration on transportation. Our top priority in the year ahead is to change Maryland’s
[email protected] Preventive Maintenance (PM) Program requirement. Current Maryland law
requires a PM annually or every 25,000 miles, whichever comes first. This is the
Brenda Tharp strictest law in the country where an overwhelming majority of states and federal
Director of Safety law only require an annual PM inspection. Maryland has created a disincentive
[email protected] for companies to register their commercial tractors in the state when they should
Selena L. Griffin instead reward companies that are purchasing safer, more environmentally
friendly vehicles. For that reason, last year MMTA pursued legislation to change
Controller the frequency of a Maryland PM from every 25,000 to every 35,000 miles for
[email protected] tractors that are five years old or newer. While this unanimously passed in the
Margie Anne Bonnett House of Delegates, it did not receive a hearing in the Senate due to the premature
Marketing & Communications Director adjournment caused by COVID-19. We will make this happen in 2021.
[email protected]
Kathy Norris
Administrative Assistant |BEHIND THE WHEEL Q4 WINTER 2020 5
[email protected]

Maryland Motor Truck Association is an affiliate of the
American Trucking Associations. MMTA is a Maryland
corporation of trucking companies, private carrier fleets
and businesses which serve or supply the trucking industry.
MMTA serves these companies as a governmental affairs
representative before legislative, regulatory and executive
branches of government on issues that affect the trucking
industry. The organization also provides public relations
services, education services, operational services and serves
as a forum for industry meetings and membership relations.

For more information, contact MMTA at:
Maryland Motor Truck Association, Inc.
9256 Bendix Road, Suite 203 - Columbia, Md. 21045
Phone 410-644-4600 | Fax 410-644-2537


Please visit
to see the digital version of GETTING THE RECOGNITION
Behind the Wheel a complete
with “live” links to our advertisers’ ITS CRUCIAL ROLE IN
websites! And...pass it along!

Q3 FALL 2019 Our second major issue stems from continued concerns about greenhouse gas
THE OFFICIAL MAGAZINE OF THE MARYLAND MOTOR TRUCK ASSOCIATION emissions from the transportation sector. These concerns have led to two recent
developments that could change the trucking industry as we know it. Alongside
AFNOREERXYTFOMMUCASRNAED’ASADTYE? several other states (primarily in the Northeast), Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has
committed Maryland to dramatically reducing carbon emissions from transportation
INSIDE: SEtcaotenoomf tyhe FC&MleACalSrciAonhgDohrlouugse R&aotKySieudrpdTeaSrkTceeoscrehTsDC sources and phase out the use of fossil fuels through initiatives such as:

• Participation in the Transportation Climate Initiative, which is developing a plan to
cap carbon emissions from on-road diesel and gasoline.

• Signing a Memorandum of Understanding this past July that commits Maryland
to a goal that all medium and heavy-duty trucks sold in the state by 2050 be zero
emission vehicles, with a preliminary target of 30% by 2030.

Although plans for how Maryland will achieve these goals are still being developed,
these targets are ambitious to say the least. Electrification, hydrogen fuel cell, and other
zero emission vehicles (ZEV) garner huge headlines in the press from companies like
Nikola and Tesla, but the reality is, for most of the trucking industry, ZEV vehicles are
nowhere near implementation. New fuel options may become viable in the future, but,
for now, the industry relies on ultra-low sulfur diesel. For fuels of the future:

• There must be no negative operational impacts on equipment.
• The fuel supply must be reasonable in cost and marketplace ready.
• There must be no disruption in availability of supply.

MMTA will continue to participate in this discussion to ensure the industry has
access to a readily available, affordable, and reliable fuel supply so that we can continue
delivering the essential products Marylanders need.

For more information on how to grow your Thank you again for the opportunity to serve as your Chairman for 2020-2021.
market share, please contact
Jennifer Matthews-Drake at Jack Saum Jr., Beltway Companies

[email protected] or MDTRUCKING.ORG
(501) 690-9393.





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Highway Robbery

Excessive towing invoices and what you can do about them

F BY RENEE BOWEN, ESQ. one example, we saw two separate invoices
ollowing a commercial motor vehicle from the same towing company in which
(CMV) accident, motor carriers are often GUEST WRITER the services provided by the company were,
held responsible for the cleanup, towing for all intents and purposes, identical. The
and storage costs. Often, the towing and both the state and local levels maintain lists first invoice, dated May 18, 2019, was for
recovery efforts are “nonconsensual tows”, of towing companies that are approved $24,559.00 and was based on hourly billing.
i.e. the tow is performed at the direction by the agencies to provide nonconsensual The second invoice, dated August 28, 2020,
of law enforcement without the consent or tows in their jurisdictions. While there are from the same company and for identical
authorization of the owner or operator of some local law enforcement agencies in services, was for $144,975.00 and was
the vehicle. Maryland that establish permissible rates based on per-pound billing. By switching
for nonconsensual tows, the majority of from hourly to per-pound billing, this tow
While there are many reputable towing jurisdictions, including the Maryland State company managed to increase the cost for its
companies, the cost of nonconsensual towing Police (“MSP”), do not have rate regulations, services by almost six times the amount in a
and recovery services has skyrocketed, leaving towing companies free to set their period of just over a year.
largely as a result of a shift in billing own rates.
practices within the towing industry. This Compounding the emerging issue of
article will provide a brief background of Historically, charges for nonconsensual excessive invoices, many of these towing
the issues motor carriers face with respect towing have been by the hour based on companies are seizing the vehicles and cargo
to nonconsensual tows leading to excessive the type of equipment and number of until the motor carrier pays the exorbitant
bills; best practices to avoid excessive towing individuals needed to perform the services. bills. This tactic is designed to force motor
and recovery bills; and information as to Recently, in jurisdictions that do not have carriers to quickly and quietly pay the
how to challenge excessive tow bills and price regulation, towing companies have excessive invoices to secure a return of
other illegal practices. developed new formulas where they charge their equipment. The towing companies are
for their services by the pound based on the
Background of the Issues weight of the vehicle and cargo. The shift to CONTINUED 
Maryland law enforcement agencies at per pound billing has led to some outrageous
tow bills. |BEHIND THE WHEEL Q4 WINTER 2020 9
At Franklin & Prokopik we have seen
many examples of this abusive practice. In

leveraging the vehicle owners’ need to obtain driving up costs since the charges are Best Practices to Avoid Excessive Towing
a quick return of the vehicle and cargo by typically based on an hourly rate for each and Recovery Bills
holding them hostage until the bills are piece of equipment and the number of
paid. Tow companies also typically continue personnel responding. It is always better to be proactive than
to charge daily storage fees as additional reactive. Having a predetermined plan for
leverage to secure payment. In most The billing and business practices of when one of your drivers is involved in an
instances, however, towing companies do not companies performing nonconsensual tows accident is the best way to avoid getting hit
have a legal basis to assert a lien on vehicles is not unique to Maryland. It is a problem with an excessive tow bill.
or cargo subject to nonconsensual tows. In facing the trucking industry nationwide.
fact, holding a CMV hostage, Although law enforcement agencies have
unless and until the invoice is paid, violates
both Maryland and federal law under
most circumstances.

Even in the few Maryland jurisdictions
that have rules governing rates for
nonconsensual tows, motor carriers
can still receive excessive bills. Usually,
a law enforcement agency responding to
a CMV accident does not know what
type of equipment is needed for the
cleanup. This may lead to the towing
company bringing improper or excessive
equipment and personnel, thereby




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a list of “approved” towing companies, they THE BILLING AND BUSINESS
will usually allow a motor carrier to use its PRACTICES OF COMPANIES
own towing company if the company can PERFORMING NONCONSENSUAL
make it to the scene quickly. As such, motor
carriers should select a reputable and trusted TOWS IS NOT UNIQUE
tower that it intends to use in the event of an TO MARYLAND.
accident. Upon notification of an accident,
the motor carrier should immediately contact cargo involved and the nature of the accident tow to assert a lien and hold the vehicle
its selected towing company to (1) request so that the towing company can bring the pending payment of its invoices, a company
that the company respond to the scene to necessary equipment and personnel. performing those services at the request of a
perform the towing and recovery services, motor carrier does have a statutory right to
(2) determine the time it will take for the Assuming that your selected tower can assert a lien on the vehicle pending payment.
company to arrive at the scene, and (3) arrive at the scene within the same time period It is therefore incumbent upon motor carriers
have the towing company contact the law as the law enforcement agency’s approved to understand the tower’s rates and billing
enforcement agency involved to advise that towing company, the agency will typically practices before requesting that it perform
the company is on the way at the request of allow your tower of choice to perform the any services.
the vehicle owner and provide the estimated services. However, it is important to note
time of arrival. The motor carrier should also that while there is no authority that allows a CONTINUED 
instruct its driver to inform the responding towing company performing a nonconsensual
police officers that a towing company has
been called and is already on the way. This
will also allow you to communicate with
the towing company the type of vehicle and





The practice of identifying a reputable
towing company in advance can be difficult
when traveling out-of-state or across the
country where a pre-established relationship
may not exist.

Best Practices When Faced with an of the vehicle and/or cargo, a motor carrier to assess storage fees after a demand for
Excessive Bill for Nonconsensual Tows should immediately demand the return of the return of the property. If a towing
the vehicle and/or cargo. This is a critical company refuses to return the vehicle and/
As stated above, although some towing first step not only because the towing or cargo, a motor carrier should consult with
companies are attempting to assert liens company’s refusal to return the property an attorney. While it may be necessary to
over vehicles and/or cargo subject to after a demand for its return is usually a initiate legal action, we have seen that many
nonconsensual tows, there is no authority clear violation of applicable law, but also towing companies will fold quickly once
by which the towing company can continue because a towing company cannot continue our office becomes involved. Generally, they
to hold a vehicle or cargo pending payment
of its invoices. To do so typically violates
both Maryland and federal law. This is
particularly true when the subject vehicle
is operating in interstate commerce as
such practices violate the Hobbs Act and
the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations (RICO) Act.

When faced with an excessive bill and
the towing company is still in possession

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WHILE IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO has a process in which a motor carrier
INITIATE LEGAL ACTION, can fill out a complaint form against a
tower, leading to an investigation and,
WE HAVE SEEN THAT MANY potentially, to that company’s removal
TOWING COMPANIES WILL FOLD from the MSP list. If you have experienced
issues with a towing company performing
QUICKLY ONCE OUR OFFICE nonconsensual tows at the direction of the
BECOMES INVOLVED. MSP, you should fill out a complaint form
so that an investigation and appropriate
will immediately release the property and with law enforcement, and it is important action can be taken. If you have
significantly lower their invoices to avoid for motor carriers to make their voices experienced similar issues with a towing
legal proceedings. heard. Many agencies have procedures company in another jurisdiction, you
for communicating and investigating should contactthat particular jurisdiction
In addition, it does not appear that complaints against their approved towing to determine its complaint process and
law enforcement agencies are aware of companies. Law enforcement agencies also follow its specific procedures.
the scope of the issues motor carriers have disciplinary procedures, which can
are facing with respect to nonconsensual lead to removal of a towing company from Renee Bowen, Esq. is an Associate
towing services. Maryland Motor Truck the agency’s list. For example, the MSP with Franklin & Prokopik, which serves as
Association has had several meetings General Counsel to Maryland Motor Truck
Association. If you have had any issues
surrounding nonconsensual tows, please
contact Renee at 410-230-3943 or rbowen@


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Annual “Boosting Your Business” Meeting


On Thursday, Sept. 24, Jack Saum was • Secretary: Jonathan Kuentz, COVID Doesn’t Stop Golf Outing
named the 79th Chairman of the Board Ross Contracting One thing COVID apparently doesn’t
of Maryland Motor Truck Association at
the organization’s annual “Boosting your • Treasurer: Maria Wittmeyer, Burris Logistics stop – a dedicated group of golfers! On
Business” meeting. The event was held • Immediate Past Chair: Armand Patella, Wednesday, Oct. 14, members joined
virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions. MMTA at Waverly Woods Golf Course in
Preferred Services Marriottsville to play in the Association’s
Saum is the dealer principal of Beltway Attendees were treated to a presentation annual golf tournament. The pandemic
Companies, which operates several new and quarantine has clearly created a lot of pent
used truck dealerships in the Mid-Atlantic from Bob Costello, Chief Economist of up demand to play as the event was sold out
and provides leasing services through its the American Trucking Associations. In with 124 registered golfers. This is a primary
Idealease of Baltimore location. Saum has addition to the impacts on various segments fundraiser for the MMTA Political Action
been a member of the Board of Directors of the trucking industry, Bob shared data Committee. Tournament winners included:
since 2013. He replaces 2019-2020 Chairman on the effects of COVID-19 on the retail, • Top Foursome – Evan Transportation
Armand Patella of Preferred Services. manufacturing and housing sectors. He • Closest to the Pin – Brian Berry, United
noted that, at least for most of the trucking
Also elected at the annual meeting were industry, this was the shortest recession Brokerage Packaging
MMTA’s new Board of Directors and the ever seen and expressed optimism for the • Longest Drive – Shahin Yousefi,
Association’s Officers. The 2020-2021 industry’s future.
Officers are: ASR Solutions
• Chair: Jack Saum, Beltway Companies A full list of the 2020-2021 Board of Many thanks to all of our players!
• Vice Chair: Eric Baumgart, Carroll Directors is available at www.mdtrucking. For more pictures of both events, visit
org. Many thanks go out to all who virtually
Motor Fuels attended the meeting. We hope to see you all MMTA’s Facebook page at www.facebook.
in person next year! com/mdmotortruck.



Building Beltway

New MMTA Chairman draws on
business experience with plans to further grow

Maryland Motor Truck Association



hen Jack Saum took experience building Beltway since he was a teenager.
over as the 2020-2021 Companies into the successful As Saum has seen Beltway
chairman of the Maryland dealer it is today. through growth, acquisitions,
Motor Truck Association new facility construction and
at the organization’s annual The 53-year-old Saum has new lines of business, he’s
meeting in September, his been CEO of the Baltimore- discovered that capacity and
thoughts on expanding based International/Navistar diversification are crucial for
the association’s influence dealership since 2009, but an organization’s success.
drew heavily from his own has been involved with the
company almost nonstop CONTINUED 

MMTA already has significant capacity, company full-time heading up its rental contacted a Kenworth dealer in Denver.
of course, with more than 1,000 members. and lease department. “They were very interested,” Saum
It gives the association lobbying power in
Annapolis, and considerable critical mass Or perhaps we should say: Being the recalls. “They flew me out and I spent a
to strengthen the industry in Maryland rental and lease department. weekend there. The company offered me a
and beyond. job. I came back after the weekend and, as
“It was me and like five trucks,” Saum you can imagine, I put my big-boy pants on
Yet Saum wonders: “Imagine if our recalls. “Over a period of time I grew it to and told my father I was going to go out to
numbers were 1,500 – how significant our 150 to 200 trucks.” Colorado to sell trucks for a competitor.”
voice would be in Annapolis.”
How did he do that so soon out His father’s reaction is not fit for us to
If you look at the career of this St. of college? Saum gives credit to the publish in this family-friendly magazine,
Mary’s College of Maryland graduate, it’s educational opportunities that were but Saum was convinced this was what he
no surprise he’s thinking that way. Building available at the time. He soaked up needed to do.
more critical mass has been his approach everything he could learn, worked hard
at Beltway since early in his days at and things started to take off. “Working for your father, people look
the company. at you and your last name as the reason
But it’s one thing to prosper in an you have the job,” Saum said. “I wanted to
Going back to the early 1980s, you’ll environment you know well, at the pursue other opportunities.”
find 15-year-old Jack Saum washing company where your father is a top
trucks, pumping fuel and doing whatever executive. After about three years working The Colorado sojourn became even
else he could to contribute. His father was full-time at Beltway, Saum wanted a further complicated when, upon arriving
the sales manager at the time, and young different challenge. He also wanted there, Saum decided to take one more shot
Jack felt at home helping out at Beltway. to go fly fishing and spend time in the at that International dealer.
He also came back to help the company mountains. So, he contacted a major
during summers in his college years, and International dealer in Denver to see “The day before I was supposed to
when he finished school, he joined the if there were any opportunities. There start at the Kenworth dealer, I put on a
weren’t, but he was determined. Next, he


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jacket and tie and went to the International “WORKING FOR YOUR FATHER,
dealer,” Saum says. “I spent four hours PEOPLE LOOK AT YOU AND YOUR
there and came out of it with a job.” LAST NAME AS THE REASON YOU

So, after irritating his father and HAVE THE JOB,” SAUM SAID.
disappointing the Kenworth dealer, Saum “I WANTED TO PURSUE OTHER
finally had what he wanted – a job in
Colorado selling International trucks. The OPPORTUNITIES.”
only problem was that he didn’t sell many,
at least not at first. call from his father that would bring his interested,” Saum recalls. “I asked, ‘Have
career trajectory back where it started. you ever spent a summer in Colorado? It’s
“In the first six months I sold two really nice. I’ll call you after Labor Day.’”
trucks,” he recalls. “In the second six Beltway’s owner, Jack Murray, was
months I sold 40 to 50 trucks.” nearing retirement age and was interested But the opportunity brought Saum
in letting the Saums acquire an equity home, and when he returned, he resumed
During those lean early months, when position within the company. They were, control of the company’s rental and
he didn’t have any connections in the although those mountains weren’t that leasing operation. Now 28, Saum saw
Denver area, Saum put 25 to 30 business easy to say goodbye to. the operation take off like never before,
cards in his pocket every day. moving toward what is now 500 trucks in
“My dad called me and asked if I’d be
“I promised myself I wasn’t going to go
home until they were all gone,” he said.

Saum spent three years in Denver,
gaining much more confidence after
proving that he could build a successful
sales effort without the benefit of his
father’s name or contacts. Then he got a


the company’s rental/lease fleet. locations. They would have to learn to convince his customers he could meet
The Saums were determined to see though, because the opportunities kept their needs.
coming. In 2005, Navistar International
the company grow larger, although they approached Beltway about buying out Dennis Morgan, CEO of Baltimore-
weren’t entirely clear at first how they a competing International dealer in the based Cowan Systems, challenged
wanted to do it. Frederick/Hagerstown area. Saum directly.

“We’re sales guys,” Saum said. “Sales “We got the deal done, but we didn’t “My worry was whether he would be
guys don’t think about things like strategy. really understand how to run these able to support us if we were to buy the
But we knew we needed to grow.” satellites very effectively,” Saum said. kind of quantities that we buy every year,
“When you take over a competitor, you which is in the neighborhood of 300 to
They decided they needed to build and have a whole different culture issue.” 500 tractors,” Morgan said. “I looked at
diversify their capacity, so they looked for his facility and had concerns that he
opportunities to do that. It started with The solution to the culture challenge, could support us as well as his current
a deal to take over an associate dealer in they discovered, was to combine the teams client base.”
Annapolis. Beltway took over the dealer’s and have one of their best people take on a
building, and the dealer came to work leadership role at the former competitor’s The way Saum responded to that
for them. location. That changed the perception of challenge cemented Morgan’s commitment
Beltway from a competitor taking over to to Beltway as a long-term customer.
“That was our first attempt at a satellite “just regular truck guys.”
location,” Saum said. “Pretty quickly we “He looked at me and took it from
purchased a piece of land in Elkton and In 2008, Beltway built another new there,” Morgan recalls. “He found a piece
built our first ground-up store.” store in Frederick, and that set the stage of land and remodeled what was there
for Jack Saum Sr.’s retirement in 2009. The and created a shop. It was truly just for us
Building the store went smoothly, younger Saum wanted to continue growing at that point. Because of the quantity of
but the Saums quickly found out they the business, but he had some work to do
knew more about building the structure CONTINUED 
than they knew about running multiple

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trucks we buy, it allowed us to grow and supplier of trucks for the past 10 years, a great service from a dealer point of view.
him to grow with us.” helping Cowan build a fleet of 900 I don’t think I could ask for a
International trucks. better partner.”
Morgan said Saum’s response to
his challenge is the reason Cowan “He obviously runs a very good Once Beltway had built critical mass
Systems has used Beltway as its primary organization,” Morgan said. “They provide that resulted from all those acquisitions
and expansions, it was in a position to
experience strong organic growth – and
has done so.

But Saum still keeps an eye out for
opportunities to expand. He has even
approached the owners of independent
shops to see if they’d be willing to sell to
Beltway. Another time, he took over a used
truck center and moved Beltway into the
used truck arena.

“Capacity and diversification of
revenue are the key,” Saum said.

But not everything has worked out.
A few years back, Beltway opened some
NAPA Auto Parts stores, thinking it could
be part of their diversification strategy.
What they found was small margins
didn’t fit with Beltway’s profile, and they

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considered it a lesson learned as they sold employee health care and cut turnover by strategic plan of how we can build on
the franchises back to NAPA. moving to a self-insurance model. He had this foundation and make it an even
to invest $350,000 to get the effort started, more critical piece of supporting the
“There’ve been some bumps along the but Saum figured he would more than transportation industry in Maryland
way, but we’ve learned a lot from them.” make it back if he could cut turnover. and nationally.”
Saum said.
It worked. Turnover fell from Saum’s vision for the organization
At the same time, Saum said he’s 47 percent to just 18 percent after includes stronger impact from its lobbying
discovered a great deal about the moving to self-insurance. He also set up efforts in Annapolis, as well as more robust
management of people. After going an effort to identify good candidates for participation within its councils
through a management course taught by career advancement and provided both and chapters. He thinks he has a good
UCLA, and supported by International, opportunities and recognition for those case to make in urging members to step up
Saum recognized that his employee who showed themselves to be their involvement.
turnover was way too high at 47 percent. good candidates.
Polling the employees, he found that the “First I’d point to the many successes
top concern was health care benefits. All these lessons serve as guideposts for we’ve had over the past five-to-10 years,”
Saum as he takes over as MMTA chairman Saum said. “Working with the current
“As our COO likes to say, it’s pay me for the next year following seven years as a administration on toll reductions, friendlier
now or pay me later,” Saum said. “I would board member. Much like Beltway, he sees regulations of the trucking industry, and
have paid the same amount of money and MMTA as a strong organization that can relocating the Association’s office, which
lost a lot of relationships in the process. find ways to get better. allowed us to expand our training programs
This allowed us to grow organically by for members. Now we can begin the
investing in our people.” “We’re in a great place financially and conversation around developing new value-
otherwise,” Saum said. “But considering
Saum wasn’t eager to spend more, but current events, it makes sense to sit CONTINUED 
when he looked at options from his insurer, down and map out a three-to-five-year
he quickly realized he could improve


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SINCE 1956 RICE TIRE HAS added programs that MMTA can bring, plus

big RICE TIRE BEEN DEDICATED TO FLEET access to information and ultimately how we
o EXPERTS IN TIRE SOLUTIONS MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS can become more focused on lobbying and
IN MARYLAND & VIRGINIA. advocating for our industry.”
of WWW.RICETIRE.COM One thing Saum believes could make
a difference is to bolster support for
60k- YEARS FACEBOOK.COM/RICETIRE association president Louis Campion to

allow him to put more focus on what’s

and going on in Annapolis.

To It’s just an idea at this point, but Saum

has never been afraid of those in his years

of building Beltway. By the same token, he
g thinks that a more robust and influential
k- MMTA can bring in new members by

building on its existing record of success.

s “By focusing on the members’ needs,
diversifying our programs, and growing


if- BALTIMORE: 410-737-8010 FREDERICK: 301-695-9652 and increase participation,” Saum said.
“And ultimately you grow the number of

CUMBERLAND: 301-777-0400 GAITHERSBURG: 301-330-8473 members from your current 1,000, possibly

a getting to 1,500 in the next few years.”
FORESTVILLE: 301-736-8797 HAGERSTOWN: 240-420-0009 That’s an ambitious goal. Can MMTA

ust Virginia Locations: Manassas, Brandy Station, Harrisonburg, Winchester do it?

“I don’t think Jack Saum has ever shied

e away from ambitious goals or a desire
Maryland Mobile for continual improvement,” says MMTA
President & CEO Louis Campion. “We’ll

benefit from his drive and leadership.”
hy Saum will take all of this on while

Trailer Service, Inc.ou keeping a keen focus on family, which
• Since 1983 • includes his wife of 23 years and three
mis- children – a daughter who’s a senior
s COMPLETE TRAILER & TRUCK MAINTENANCE FACILITY in college, a son who’s a sophomore in
ng, college and a daughter who’s a freshman

n • Fleet P.M. Program in high school. Through it all, it’s safe to

• D.O.T. Indpections say he’s not afraid of challenges. In fact,

hat • MD State Inspections “Trailers” most of the time, he doesn’t even think the

im- • Road Service term applies.

• DuPont Certified Paint Facility / 60ft. Paint Booth “There are a lot of challenges that come

• R.V. Body Repairs from things that are out of your control,”

y • Maxon Liftgate Distributor Saum said. “We’ve had quality challenges

u • Interlift Liftgate Distributor that were out of our control from 2010 to

• Morgan Parts Distributor / Warranty 2015. And sometimes I sit with my directors

on- • Great Dane / Utility Warranty Facility in my conference room and complain about
things outside my control. But I prefer to
ent 6735 DORSEY ROAD, ELKRIDGE, MD 21075 focus on things in my control.”
That’s certainly where he’s made the
, 410-761-4884 410-379-6090
PHONE FAX most difference – for Beltway as well as

➥ for MMTA.






INSIDE: State of the FMCSA Drug Royer Takes TDC INSIDE: 2020 MMTA Highway Maryland's Driver
Economy & Alcohol & Kidd Scores Legislative Legend Myth of the Year is
at SuperTech Update John Nash
Behind the Wheel Q3 Fall 2018


WaynePersonof theYear

Lightning Transportation

INSIDE: Big Data/Telematics MMTA Driver Spotlight
in Trucking of the Year on KELLY 1/36


Each edition of MMTA’s Behind the Wheel and MMTA’s annual Membership
Directory & Buyers’ Guide reaches more than 8,000 leaders in transportation
throughout Maryland and beyond.That makes advertising in Behind the Wheel an

excellent business decision.
If you want to reach this highly targeted and influential group of industry decision-

makers and ask them to consider purchasing your products or services, then
you’ll want to place an ad in every edition of Behind the Wheel.

Please contact our publisher, Jennifer Matthews, at [email protected]
or call (501) 690-9393 — if she doesn’t call you first!


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Governor Larry Hogan MDOT Secretary Gregory Slater MDOT MPA Executive Director William P. Doyle

Maryland's New Secretary of Transportation

‘I’m a big believer in collaboration’



Maryland Secretary of Transportation communication, partnerships and oversees all aspects of transportation
Greg Slater started his career at MDOT collaboration; about the importance of in Maryland from our highways, toll
as a surveyor, and there’s been plenty to every step, especially the early phases, of facilities and transit systems to our
survey since he accepted the appointment the project delivery process; to embrace airports, port and motor vehicle facilities.
last December. innovation and technology. I was brought That’s more than 10,000 employees and
into that operation to integrate new a multi-billion-dollar budget. Luckily,
A few months after becoming technology and to see where that could serving so long in planning I had a lot
secretary, Slater was responding to take us as a department, and we did just of background in all of them in some
a once-in-a-century pandemic. The that as the program continued to grow. way. It’s all about the people and the
department protected its own employees Most importantly, what I found there transportation system.
while responding to significant revenue is proof that if you have a great work
shortfalls. In the meantime, it has environment and a team that loves what Instead, two months after you landed
worked collaboratively with the motor they do, you can have real success. the job, the pandemic struck. Had
carrier industry. MDOT been watching what was
When you first became secretary happening overseas?
The department must continue to of transportation, what were you
respond to the pandemic while planning expecting to be the biggest challenges Our core response team, led by
for an uncertain future. At the same time, you would face? Governor Hogan, was keeping tabs on
it’s working on challenging projects like the situation overseas months before
the I-495 and I-270 construction relief I knew it would be a challenge to the pandemic hit the U.S. I was with
project and the Howard Street Tunnel learn the ins and outs of all of MDOT’s
expansion. It’s also trying to address issues transportation business units. MDOT CONTINUED 
such as the state’s truck parking shortage.
Slater started his career at MDOT
working in plats and survey operations
before eventually spending nearly 10
years as State Highway Administration
director of planning. In 2017, he became
SHA administrator. Two years later, Gov.
Larry Hogan nominated him to serve as
secretary in December 2019. Slater said
he “never in a million years” thought he
would have that opportunity.

Slater provided written responses
to questions submitted by Behind the
Wheel regarding the pandemic and other
challenges facing MDOT. Those answers
were edited for length and were lightly
edited for style and clarity.

You started off in surveying. What did
you learn there that you continue to
use today?

I learned about the power of strong


Gov. Hogan in Washington, D.C., in late • Motor fuel: $636 Million   due to things like increased telework. The
February as the situation was escalating • Titling tax: $190 Million  truth is that even before the pandemic, the
and then went to one of the first press • Corporate income tax: $183 Million  traditional planning horizon of 20 or 40
conferences at MEMA that afternoon. • Maryland Transit Administration years had been shortened to sometimes
We’ve had a great interagency response 3-5 years. Luckily our teams are nimble,
and leadership by Gov. Hogan throughout operating revenue: $174 Million  creative, and data driven. Technology-
the pandemic and are still in constant • Maryland Aviation Administration and community-focused solutions are
contact all these months later as a team our future. We have to focus on that and
and coordinating. But yes we were operating revenue: $146 Million  on an integrated network of roadways,
watching. Then we saw the supply chain • Other revenues: $100 Million  transit, highway and rail. These must be
impacted at the port and knew we had centered around development, job centers,
to be ready and help Maryland get We’re working closely with our Bureau and economic engines like distribution
through this. of Revenue Estimates on modeling what centers, the Port of Baltimore and the
recovery might look like, but there are still Maryland airports.
When the pandemic struck, how did many unknowns.
MDOT change its processes? As fuel prices have decreased,
MMTA President and CEO Louis Maryland’s sales tax on fuel passed
MDOT went virtual and focused on Campion said MDOT has been very in 2013 has not produced as much
our people. We instituted telework for helpful and collaborative with the revenue as expected. What have been
a significant portion of our workforce, trucking industry since the pandemic the effects of that shortfall?
which included finding ways to quickly began. Those included continuing to
digitize many processes historically done process truck registrations and license We’ve been lucky to be able to avoid
on paper. We also instituted social renewals, instituting a temporary things many other states have seen, like
distancing guidelines, distributed weight increase for emergency stopping active construction projects
PPE, alternated shifts for some of our supplies, and ensuring services were and layoffs. But we have had to make
maintenance forces, and took other safety available at truck stops for drivers. adjustments on the capital and operating
precautions for frontline workers. Can you talk about what went into sides, meaning we’ve slowed down or
those decisions, and why MDOT paused development work on some future
Additionally, we tracked travel chose to be collaborative with the projects and have shifted our highway
volumes and modified passenger trucking industry? operations to focus on safety efforts.
services according to the statewide level We’ve also had to scale back some
of emergency and other factors like I’m a big believer in collaboration. activities like corridor mowing and litter
operator shortages on our transit services. We all know the trucking industry pick up. But we are working closely with
Most importantly, we worked with key plays a critical role in the supply chain. stakeholders and communities to make
employment centers like hospitals to Our commercial drivers are delivering sure we’re focusing our limited resources
ensure frontline workers could continue to groceries to our stores, medical supplies wisely, such as still mowing intersections
get to work. to our healthcare facilities, and other to help with sight distance.
essential items to businesses across the
Our MDOT MVA went above state. It is MDOT’s job to keep our Do you have plans for how to make
and beyond to continue delivering transportation supply chain operating it up? Or just wait for fuel prices
commercial driver’s license services since smoothly and efficiently. They are real to increase?
the early days of the pandemic heroes in this pandemic that don’t get
and were able to help keep the supply enough recognition. I thank them and For now, we’re working hard to make
chain functioning. are grateful for our truckers. They really the best use of what we have. As part of that
showed up when we needed them most. process, we’re thinking of innovative funding
Has the pandemic led to a and project delivery solutions.
revenue shortfall? What kind of future is the department We have to do this together, think differently
planning for? Do you think life will go and forge partnerships with the private sector.
COVID-19 led to a decrease in back to normal, or are you preparing I think back to the recession when we forged
travel and revenue shortfall across our for something different?  a partnership with Ports America Chesapeake
transportation system. While travel when we were cutting our program to the
is gradually increasing statewide, our There are still many unknowns, but bone. That P3 today has a lot to do with the
Transportation Trust Fund took a major we are working to be prepared for any
hit, including:  outcome – including new travel patterns


success of the region and the Port of Baltimore achieve the 21 feet of vertical clearance long-range projections, establishes policy
in this pandemic. needed for double-stack within the positions and strategies, and identifies
existing tunnel. Since this approach has freight projects over the next five years to
Will the I-495 and I-270 congestion been utilized elsewhere, there aren’t any improve freight movement efficiency
relief project definitely happen, and if major engineering challenges that CSX and safety.
so, when will it be completed?  will face with implementation.
Maryland is one of the states that
On July 17, the MDOT and the What is the expected cost has signed to be a part of the
Maryland Transportation Authority and timeline? Transportation Climate Initiative,
(MDTA) announced a short list of highly and the governor recently signed
qualified private-sector teams eligible to The total cost of the Howard Street an MOU with 15 other states to cut
respond to a request for proposals to be Tunnel Project is $466 million. … CSX truck emissions using dedicated
the developer of the I-495 and I-270 P3 anticipates construction will be completed sales targets. What is MDOT doing to
Program phase 1. The shortlisted teams in 2024, at which time the Port of prepare for these proposed changes?
will respond to the RFP in early 2021. In Baltimore will finally have double-stack
the interim, MDOT, MDTA and the teams rail access. MDOT has long employed sustainable
will enter into discussions on key technical practices, so the TCI proposal is in
and commercial aspects of phase 1 to Coupled with the recent and planned line with what we were already doing.
improve the value and quality of proposals. investments in and around Seagirt Maryland has established goals for zero-
Progress of the I-495 & I-270 Managed Marine Terminal, we believe the Port emission vehicles, set up electric vehicle
Lanes Study and collaboration with local, of Baltimore will be well positioned for charging stations, and made other efforts
state and federal stakeholders during this growth in the coming years. This is really with our many partners and stakeholders.
time will play important roles in setting exciting because this project alone will bring
other key parameters for the RFP. 100,000 additional containers to the Port of Where do you see the transportation
Baltimore. Not all of these containers will industry going in the next 5-10 years?
MDOT and MDTA plan to select a go out by rail; some will be delivered by Will we see incremental change, or will
preferred phase developer and recommend trucks to the local market. So it’s a win-win there be major changes such as a lot
a phase 1 P3 agreement to the Board of all around for the port community. more electric vehicles?
Public Works for its review and approval
in late spring or early summer 2021. The State Highway Administration has As technology advances, so will our
a truck parking work group. Can you transportation system. While the future
Can you describe some of the describe what has been done so far?  is uncertain, it’s important to have a seat
engineering challenges the Howard at the table in many of these important
Street Tunnel expansion is facing, Truck parking is a major issue conversations that will impact future
and the innovative ways those are facing commercial drivers today. In infrastructure and policy.
being overcome? June, MDOT completed a statewide
truck parking survey. The survey took Some of the things I see as vital
The expansion of the Howard Street a comprehensive look at existing truck are harnessing the power of data,
Tunnel for double-stack rail is something parking locations and utilization. It also integration of fiber into our network
that has been a priority for the State of assessed truck parking needs based on more, integrating the network of rail and
Maryland and the Port of Baltimore for gaps in the system and truck parking highway, development focused around
a very long time. For decades, it was demand. We consulted with stakeholders, our transportation hubs, redevelopment
believed it would cost at least a billion including drivers and local officials, of commuter routes in urbanized areas
dollars to rebuild the tunnel or construct and identified new truck parking for safer environments, being open
a new tunnel on new alignment. Using opportunities statewide. At the same time, to innovation, building continued
lessons learned from other clearance we’re identifying funding opportunities partnerships with the private sector,
projects throughout their network, CSX including innovative options. … bringing new skill sets to the table,
now has a solution that confines work and most importantly recognizing that
to the existing tunnel envelope and Looking ahead, we’ll soon begin the last 50 years isn’t an indication
dramatically reduces the cost. So instead our Strategic Goods Management Plan, of the next 50 years. The world is
of building an entirely new tunnel, CSX which is done every four years to provide changing. Our job is to build the
has an option that uses a combination a comprehensive overview of freight foundation for a transportation system
of track lowering and tunnel notching to movement in Maryland. This multimodal that allows this changing world to thrive.
study examines existing conditions and


2C Transportation, LLC J & M Truck Repair, Inc.
A&D Auto Parts Inc KL & KJ Nau Inc. American Transportation Research
Affix Movers Institute (ATRI).......................................... 19
Martin and Taylor Auctioneers
Capitol Trucking & Logistics, LLC Maryland SAP Baltimore Freightliner.............................. 11
DOT Compliance Consultants
DOT Exam Express Nacarato Truck Centers Baltimore Potomac Truck Centers............. 13
Freyssinet, Inc. Ports America Chesapeake
International Longshoremen's Rodgers Brothers Custodial Behind the Wheel................................. 6, 25
Association Local 333
ISF Trucking, LLC Services, Inc. BFGoodrich Truck Tires....... Inside back cover
Up To Date Laundry
Brad’s Fuel Filtering.................................... 7
Duralene Heavy Duty Lubricants/
The United Oil Company............................ 4

Drydene/PPC Lubricants............................. 8

Great West Casualty Company......Back cover

Griffith Energy Services.....Inside front cover

Kelly.......................................................... 12

Maryland Mobile Trailer Service............... 24

Maryland Ports......................................... 26

Maryland Pump & Tank............................ 14

Medical & Aesthetic Dermatology............ 22

Rice Tire.................................................... 10

Scott B. Taylor............................................ 30

Truck Enterprises...................................... 21

Truckers Against Trafficking....................... 20

West End Service, Inc................................ 23

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Right now, fleets and drivers across North America are working harder
than ever to keep the economy running. And we couldn’t be more
grateful. There’ll be time to relax with friends and family soon enough.
Until then, thank you for driving and delivering—no matter what.


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