The Official Magazine Volume 79 Number 5 | 2017
$3.95 Value
of the Nebraska Trucking Association
Bob Wynne
Wynne Transport Service
2017 FALL
RDO TRUCK CENTER Issue 5, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 1
2 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017
VOLUME 79, NUMBER 5 • 2017
On the Cover: 16
A visit with Bob Wynne and the
story of Wynne Transport Service
Why your employment
application may not help you
NTA’S 2017 FALL 12
Truckers gather in Lincoln to learn, network
and celebrate award winners
Aaron Schreckengost, Fremont Contract
Carriers, Inc.
Brian Allen, Grand Island Express, Inc.
Member Spotlight: 28
From the Interim President: by Sheila O’Connor..............4
From the Chairwoman: by Mary Davie ..............................5
NTA Board of Directors.........................................................4
NTA New Members.............................................................23
Along the Route....................................................................26
Calendar of Events...............................................................30
Advertiser Resource Index................................................30
OF BOB WYNNE BY THOMAS GRADY. Issue 5, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 3
PRESIDENT’S Nebraska Trucking Association
PERSPECTIVE Executive Committee 2017-18
Greetings from Lincoln! CHAIRWOMAN
On behalf of your Nebraska Trucking Association staff, Flatbed Express
we are grateful and thankful for the support of everyone
who makes the Fall Management Conference work – CHAIR-ELECT
sponsors, speakers and presenters, attendees, guests, award SCOTT ROMANS
nominees and winners, venue staff and the NTA/TSI staff Romans Motor Freight
– each of you play a major role in the success of our events.
We cannot do it without you! We do not take your support and attendance lightly; VICE CHAIR
we know we compete for your advertising and membership dollars daily and are CRYSTAL ANDERSON
committed to providing the best value and service available for your continued sup- Pitney Bowes Presort
port. If you have ideas on speakers, topics or anything else related to the conference
or other events, please let us know. Together, we can continue to create meaningful TREASURER
events for our Association. BRENT FALGIONE
Greater Omaha Express LLC
Congratulations to Mike and Karen Herre, Fremont Contract Carriers, Inc., CORPORATE SECRETARY
longtime members and supporters of the Association on winning the James E. Ryan
Golden Deeds and Woman of the Year awards for their passion and vision to create TIM ASCHOFF
a favorable image of trucking industry in Nebraska. Please join me in congratulating Crete Carrier Corporation
our ‘Of the Year’ honorees. These outstanding individuals and organizations exempli-
fy excellence, dedication and commitment to our industry. Congratulations to all the AT-LARGE DIRECTORS
nominees. To be recognized through a nomination is an honor that should not be tak- TIM MCCORMICK
en lightly! You should be very proud of your recognition. To the nominators – please
keep nominating! It is our goal to be overwhelmed in nominations next year! Fremont Contract Carriers, Inc.
Your NTA staff continues to work on programming for the upcoming year. We
held our first Safety Management Council Lunch and Learn, ‘How to Survive a DOT AIT Worldwide Logistics
Audit,’ in late September. This committee continues to work on industry-focused STATE VICE PRESIDENT TO ATA
programming for a dynamic and vibrant schedule. Be sure to check our calendar of
events for more information on these and other events. Again, if you have ideas or DANNY TOMPKINS
suggestions for programming, let us know. We are interested in what is important to Nebraska Transport Company
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. Through our Executive Committee, ERICH HELGE
Board of Directors, Council Leaders, volunteers and sponsors, it is our honor and Seward Motor Freight Inc.
pleasure to provide service and support for you, the champions of our industry. We
stand ready to serve; please let us know how we can be of assistance. PAST CHAIR
Wishing you and yours a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. Distribution Inc.
Sheila O’Connor Don Adams Jerry Kilthau
Interim President Dean Aden * Chris Klotz *
Nebraska Trucking Association Steve Aherns Tom Koenigs
[email protected] George Akerson * Jean Kurtenbach *
Crystal Anderson Heidi Loop
4 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017 Tim Aschoff Mike Maloley
Blaine Batten Jamie Maus
Dennis Bauder Terry McMullen
David Billings Ron Mencl
Joanie M. Bogers Lloyd Mettenbrink *
Kurt Brown Trey Mytty
Butch Brown * Scott Olson
Bob Clark * Tonn Ostergard *
Mary Davie * Dave Parker *
Eldon Dokter * Jack Peetz *
Eric Downing Dick Pierson *
Dwight Dunsworth * Tom Pirnie *
Dave Erlandson Gene Quandt
Brent Falgione Dick Reiser *
Ross Faubel Greg Reitmeier *
Corby Flagle Norm Riffel
Hugh Fugleberg * Scott Romans
Michael Galvin Ronald Romans *
Norman Geiken John Sahling
Rick Gomel Roger Schmidt
Tom Hastings Russell Stough
Mark Hauptman Danny Tompkins **
Erich Helge Nick Vuko
Mike Herre * Dave Walde
Jerry Wessel
Albert Hill Bob Winter *
Phillip Holliday Brian Wood
Rallen R. Zeitner
Dan Hurt
Don Kaiser
Larry Kersten
Nebraska Trucker is owned by Truck Services, Inc., and is CHAIRWOMAN’S
published bimonthly by Matthews Publishing Group. For LETTER
additional copies, to order reprints of individual articles or to
become a subscriber, contact Becke Galarza at 402.476.8504. Greetings from Bellevue!
publisher I’m writing this in the afterglow of our son’s
Jennifer Matthews-Drake wedding and on the heels of the 2017 Fall Management
Matthews Published Group, LLC Conference. I feel like I’ve gained two families this
[email protected] month! Our son married a wonderful young lady and we
welcomed her and her family into ours. At the conference,
production editor as I accepted the gavel from this year’s esteemed chair, Bob
Sheila O’Connor Winter, I was welcomed as your Chairwoman for the upcoming year. It was terrific
to be surrounded by family and friends at two events which have such impacts of
art director my life. Thank you, Bob, for your service and continuing the tradition of passing
Douglas J. Benjamin the gavel with a strong foundation for the next chair, (me!) to build upon. It is with
[email protected] much gratitude and humility I accept this leadership role in an organization which
associate art director has supported me for many years.
C. Waynette Traub Thank you to everyone who supported the conference—through sponsorships,
[email protected] attendance and awards submissions—each of you played a major role in making
this year’s conference one of the best attended in recent years. We can continue
photographers this trend if each of us commits to inviting a prospect member (or two!) to attend
Kristian Anderson an upcoming event with us. Growing the association through membership is very
important to all of us. The need for qualified drivers are great and the opportunities
Thomas Grady to introduce the younger generations to what a great industry we have are many. By
Callie Tuck Knapp working together, all of us can grow and prosper!
Kaylie Sirek Take advantage of all that the NTA has to offer its members. Doug Donscheski,
contributing writers Director of Safety, Training and Membership Development, continues to help
companies prepare for DOT audits by providing mock audits, safety consulting
Steve Brawner and answering questions on everything from ELDs to licensing. Our NTA and TSI
Renee Miller staff are knowledgeable and friendly—just give them a call if you have questions
Jennifer Barnett Reed or need assistance! Monthly events are a great way to stay involved, learn what is
Derek Rayment happening in our industry and meet other members. It’s also a great opportunity to
John Schultz invite prospects to learn more about our organization.
Angela Thomas
Todd Traub Feel free to contact me at [email protected]. I stand ready to serve our
organization this year. I look forward to meeting you at events and learning how we, in working together, can grow our organization to be the very best! Thank you
Interim President for your continued support of the Nebraska Trucking Association.
Sheila O’Connor
Mary Davie
[email protected] Flatbed Express, Bellevue
Business and Human Resources Manager Chairwoman, Nebraska Trucking Association
Angela Ryba Issue 5, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 5
[email protected]
Office Administrator
Becke Galarza
[email protected]
Nebraska Trucking Association is a statewide trade
association for commercial truck and bus operators and
affiliated businesses. It is a not-for-profit association
governed by a board of directors elected annually. Nebraska
Trucking is an affiliate of the American Trucking Association
(ATA). ATA serves and represents the trucking industry on
a national level, influencing federal and state government
actions, advancing positive trucking industry image,
providing education programs and industry research, and
promoting highway safety and security.
For more information, contact
Nebraska Trucking Association:
1701 K Street
P.O. Box 81010
Lincoln, NE 68501
Phone 402.476.8504 Fax: 402.476.8570
6 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017
NDOT: Nebraska Drug and
Alcohol Testing Program
Contributing Writer
Some partnerships just make sense. Ne- dent of the Nebraska Trucking Association. ant business partnerships during his time
braskans helping Nebraskans. Profession- “We are committed to providing afford- with the company and thinks his organiza-
als helping Nebraska Trucking Association able, accessible and value-added goods tion can provide the association a valuable
members maintain a high level of safety and services to our members. We created service.
standards. Those actions are demonstrated a partnership with Essential Screens which
in the newly formed partnership between provides all three for our members.” “The Nebraska Trucking Association
the Nebraska Trucking Association and reached out to Essential Screens after iden-
Essential Screens, a full-service background Travis Powell, who founded Essential tifying that many of their members were
screening and drug testing business. Screens after years of experience in the not being provided quality screens in a
industry, is one of the key players in the timely manner,” says Powell. “We were told
Background checks are an important partnership that was formed between Es- that members struggled getting answers
piece in keeping Nebraska roads safe sential Screens and the Nebraska Trucking from their current provider when they had
while maintaining the good reputation of Association. Powell has developed import- questions. We provide
trucking and transportation companies,
but it needs to be done efficiently. Continues
That’s why the Nebraska Trucking
Association has partnered with
Essential Screens to provide com-
prehensive background checks and
drug screening in an efficient and
timely manner.
Members of the association
may take advantage of this part-
nership by submitting their request
to the Nebraska Trucking Associ-
“NTA members can contact
a dedicated team at Essential
Screens to handle their drug and
alcohol testing needs, follow-ups
and any questions they may have.
Pre-negotiated discounts are
available for NTA members,” says
Sheila O’Connor, interim presi- Issue 5, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 7
“Customer service is our focus and our priority background screens, drug screens and ver-
regardless the size of our client. All clients can ification services to companies throughout
count on working with a knowledgeable member the United States. Through a completely
of our staff to get their questions answered.” automated technology allowing simplifica-
tion for everyone.”
- Travis Powell, Essential Screens
Headquartered in Grand Island, Ne-
HUB International Transportation braska, Essential Screens prides itself in
Insurance Services, Inc. being a Nebraska-based company. Essential
Screens supplies organizations with back-
Customized trucking insurance solutions, national ground screening services and drug screens
coverage, local operations and dedicated people in all 50 states. One of the things that
are what set HUB International apart. Powell thinks sets his company apart from
others is that when customers call for as-
Je Dillon, Senior Account Executive sistance, they are able to speak with a live
[email protected] person that can provide detailed service.
(888) 365-0923 This comes into play with the partnership formed with Nebraska Trucking Associa-
tion. Members will also be able to call for
- service and speak to a fellow Nebraskan,
not an agent across oceans or an automat-
“Customer service is our focus and our
Ask about our Choice Plus Coverage Endorsement which includes priority regardless the size of our client.
towing and rental reimbursement. All clients can count on working with a
knowledgeable member of our staff to get
Corporate Office Regional Office their questions answered. They will never
3311 Daniels Lane 1719 South Locust Street reach a call center and not get answers,”
South Sioux City, NE 68776 Grand Island, NE 68801 says Powell.
402-494-4251 308-382-2280 Powell founded Essential Screens more
than seven years ago when he saw the inef-
WWW.JOEMORTEN.COM ficiencies other screening companies had.
“I thought I could make the process
8 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017 more affordable, quick and accurate,”
explains Powell.
Powell’s company is also one of the few
accredited members of the National Associ-
ation of Professional Background Screeners
(NAPBS) in the state. To become accred-
ited, Essential Screens had to undergo
extensive on-site auditing and testing. The
NAPBS is a non-profit organization that
helps its members promote a high standard
of ethics and has members ranging from
Fortune 100 companies to small businesses
similar to Essential Screens. In fact, Essen-
tial Screens is a small business much like
a lot of companies across Nebraska that
make the state tick.
In addition to his duties at Essential
Screens, Powell is on the board of directors
for the Central Nebraska Human Resource director of safety and membership at the days.
Management Association and is chair of Nebraska Trucking Association. “Drug and alcohol testing is a critical
its workforce readiness committee. His
involvement with the committee gives Essential Screens says you can find out element of safety in our industry,” says
Powell insight into what a lot of Nebraska a lot about your prospective employees O’Connor. “Safety is our highest priority
Trucking Association members go through through their services, gaining insight to and we are committed to working with
to hire skilled employees. their work history and necessary creden- industry to inform and identify services
tials. The company points to saving time and programs which bring value to the
The small pool of qualified drivers is and money down the road with use of their organization.”
nothing new to the industry. However, each services. Essential Screens estimates that
year it gets more difficult to hire qualified background checks with them can take Interested parties can call 888-949-918
drivers according to a recent analysis done anywhere between one and three business or visit
by the American Trucking Association
(ATA). While low unemployment rates moving forward.
sound nice, it can make finding quality em-
ployees tough. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Our Omaha facilities have combined and are now located
Statistics estimates Nebraska’s unemploy- on the southeast corner of I-80 and Highway 50 in Omaha!
ment rate to be at 3 percent, lower than the
national average of roughly 4.4 percent. Our new, modern, 180,000 square-foot Omaha facility is up and running with
The ATA points to other reasons for a 60 service bays – six dedicated Express Assessment bays, a full-service body
driver shortage. Things like regulations, shop, and a 34,000 square-foot parts warehouse. We’ll have you back on the
demographics and job satisfaction within road in no time.
the industry could be problems. Despite We want you to feel at home while you are here, so we installed a theater,
the difficulty of finding qualified drivers, an arcade, laundry facilities, and a quiet workspace with charging stations
safety remains a major concern among and complimentary WiFi. We even included an Eat Fit Go for you to grab a
companies. healthy meal when you’re hungry. It’s all a part of the way we work, to exceed
your expectations.
“Pre-employment alcohol and drug
testing must be done before permitting Follow us!
a CDL driver to operate a commercial
motor vehicle; drug and alcohol tests may
be required after crashes and CDL drivers Parts & Service Open 7 days • Service For All Makes and Models • Body Shops
must be randomly tested throughout the
year under the guidelines of the FMCSA,” Parts Delivery • Online Parts Ordering • Fully Certified Technicians
says O’Connor.
Trucking and transportation companies
have strict safety procedures similar any
industry. However, much like the airline
industry, it becomes even more important
to have qualified, reliable operators when
your company depends on maintaining a
good reputation and avoiding accidents on
the road.
“The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Ad-
ministration and the State of Nebraska re-
quires anyone with a Commercial Driver’s
License (CDL) that operates a commercial
motor vehicle more than 26,000 pounds,
anyone who operates a vehicle with 16 or
more passengers, or anyone transporting
hazardous materials to enroll in a drug and
alcohol program,” adds Doug Donscheski, Issue 5, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 9
The Employment
Why your employment intent to obtain a background check is in
application may not help you a “stand-alone” document separate from
the application in accordance with the
BY JACK L. SHULTZ asking whether an applicant is disabled Fair Credit Reporting Act. Also, employers
AND KRAMER L. LYONS during the application stage, as this type of should consider including language inform-
question runs afoul of the Americans with ing applicants how to request a reasonable
Guest Writers Disabilities Act (“ADA”). accommodation in order to apply or par-
ticipate in the interview process.
Employment applications are a useful It is also inappropriate for employers
screening tool for employers. However, to ask what year an applicant graduated Part Two
keeping up with federal, state and local from high school or college. The concern is
laws can be difficult, especially if you that employers are attempting to discover Ban the Box regulations have become a
hire employees in several different states. the applicant’s age, and therefore may be popular issue on the state and local levels.
Periodic review of your application and found to have discriminatory intent on the These regulations generally prohibit em-
keeping up with the changes in applicable basis of age under the Age Discrimination ployers from asking about an applicant’s
laws can help keep your application in in Employment Act (“ADEA”). This is criminal history on employment appli-
compliance. Part One of this Article will particularly true if the applicant’s gradua- cations. Over half the states and a large
discuss some of the federal requirements tion date is not relevant to the position or number of cities and counties have adopted
and general issues that employers and hu- required qualifications. Lastly, employers some form of Ban the Box regulations. It
man resource managers must consider with should not ask for a photograph, ask about is important to note that many of the Ban
their employment applications. Part Two of the marital or familial status of an appli- the Box regulations differ, and what may
this Article focuses on laws that differ from cant, or ask about an applicant’s citizen- be an acceptable practice in one state may
state to state and may require employers ship on an employment application. make your application illegal in another.
who hire in different states to use different For example, some states allow inquiries
employment applications. While there are several inquiries into criminal histories after the employee
employers should not ask on their employ- has been granted an in person interview,
Part One ment applications, there are several other or a conditional offer of employment has
items that employers should make clear on been extended, while others never allow
A mistake employers commonly make their applications. Employment applica- this type of questioning.
on their employment applications is asking tions should include a statement that the
questions related to whether a possible fu- position is at will and indicate there are no Some states, such as New York, have
ture employee has any medical conditions contract rights or guaranteed employment passed laws prohibiting employers from
or is disabled. The Equal Employment Op- if the applicant is hired. Employers should asking about an applicant’s salary history
portunity Commission (“EEOC”) prohibits make sure that the disclosure of their during the hiring process. In New York, it
was already illegal to discriminate against
10 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017
a person in compensation or in terms of Conclusion in your hiring practice, not be the source of
employment on the basis of gender. Now, unwanted claims.
it will be illegal to ask about an applicant’s Employers that are hiring in one state
salary history. Employers may still, without have both that state and federal law to deal Editor’s Note: This article is not intended
inquiring into salary history, discuss the with. When employers start hiring employ- to provide legal advice to our readers. Rather,
applicant’s expectations regarding salary, ees in multiple states, compliance becomes this article is intended to alert our readers to
benefits and other compensation. more complicated but the employer has a new and developing issues and to provide
few options on how to proceed. Employ- some common sense answers to complex
Employers hiring employees in dif- ers could design an employment applica- legal questions. Readers are urged to con-
ferent states should review each relevant tion for each state they hire employees, sult their own legal counsel or the authors
state’s Ban the Box law, as well as any or they could design their employment of this article if the reader wishes to obtain
city or county in which they will be hiring application to comply with the strictest a specific legal opinion regarding how these
employees. Employers should also consider law from any location in which they will legal standards may apply to their particular
whether other laws, such as the prohibition hire employees. Even after an employee circumstances.
against inquiring into salary history, are is hired, laws regarding minimum wages,
applicable to the state in which they are payroll direct deposit, medical leave and The authors of this article, Jack L. Shultz
hiring. certain employee notification requirements and Kramer L. Lyons may be contacted at
vary from state to state. Employers and (402) 434-3000, or at O’Neill, Heinrich,
You should also be aware that some human resource managers should carefully Damkroger, Bergmeyer & Shultz, P.C., L.L.O.,
local ordinances and state laws may offer a review their applications for each state P.O. Box 82028, Lincoln, NE 68501-2028,
broader array of protected categories such and discuss with their attorney options on [email protected] and
as marital status. Some ordinances and how to avoid lawsuits stemming from their [email protected].
state laws specifically protect applicants of employment application. Remember, your
the LGBT community. The federal EEOC employment application form should assist
deems discrimination based on LGBT
status to be sex discrimination. Issue 5, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 11
NTA’s 2017 Fall
Management Conference
Truckers gather in Lincoln to learn, network and celebrate award winners
“AOwfatrhdeWYeinanr”eArsward Winners
Driver of the Year James E. Ryan Golden Deeds and Woman of Distinction
Richard Boyd Mike and Karen Herre
Crete Carrier Corporation Fremont Contract Carriers, Inc.
Maintenance Supervisor Dispatcher Professional Service Award
Kenneth Chapp, Tammy Teske Sharon Ohlman
Grand Island Express, Inc.
Crete Carrier Corporation Lyman-Richey Corporation
12 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017
Safety Director Technician
Ann Dostal, Matthew Logan,
Fremont Contract Carriers, Inc.
Fremont Contract Carriers, Inc.
Fleet Safety Award Winners
Ag Commodities Fleet Safety Grand Champion Contract Carriers
Dan Adams, Craig and Lesa Dixson, Kasey Wessels,
Midwest Express, Inc. Chief Carriers, Inc.
Platinum Xpress, Inc.
Heavy Haulers Household Goods Movers Truckload Carriers
Heath Richards Jeff Nogg Lucas Mowery
Hunt Transportation, Inc. I-Go Van and Storage Co. Grand Island Express, Inc.
Issue 5, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 13
Truckload Carriers 1 2
Dwight Dunsworth 3
Bernard Pavelka Trucking, Inc. 1. Inspirational speaker Mark Brown
Tank Bulk Carriers left the audience entertained,
uplifted and inspired with his
Cheryl Dillon presentation.
Triple C Transportation, LLC
2. Rhonda Hartman, of America’s
Road Team for 2017-18 shared her
story of 34 years of professional
3. Marie Davie, 2017-18 Chairwoman
of the NTA Board, presents
outgoing Chairman, Bob Winter,
a plaque with appreciation for his
service as 2016-17 chair.
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14 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017
1. Craig and Lesa Dixson, Midwest Express, Inc., 2017 Fleet
Safety Grand Champion with Great West Casualty Company
2. The Fremont Contract Carrier, Inc. team celebrating Mike and
Karen Herre’s honors.
3. Dave Osiecki, President of Scopelitis Transportation
Consulting LLC was the luncheon keynote and business
program speaker.
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Issue 5, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 15
A visit with Bob Wynne and the story
of Wynne Transport Service
Contributing Writer
Bob Wynne doesn’t think it’s remark- treat the drivers well and surround yourself Elkhorn high.
able that, as a company president and with good people,” Bob Wynne said. “It was kind of out there in the middle
CEO, he sits down to sign anniversary and
birthday cards for all his employees. Omaha-based Wynne Transport Inc. of nowhere. We had horses and a small
is one the country’s largest liquid and ranch and that was kind of what we did
After all, Wynne Transport Service compressed gas transport fleets, with 110 out there,” Wynne said.
Inc. is built on a foundation of quality company owned tractors, 35 permanently
people and a management policy of leased owner operator tractors, 360 trailers Wynne had worked at and helped out
treating them well. and offices in Geneva and Houston as well around the family business, taking a year
as Omaha. With a presence in Iowa and off after high school to work as a mechan-
No, what’s remarkable to Wynne are a few trucks in Louisiana, the company ic, and there was always the possibility
the numbers next to the anniversaries. transports to all 48 states and into Cana- he’d make the company his full-time job
The years total 30, 40 in some cases, da and interlines to Mexico despite being at some point. But he started college at the
sometimes more. what Wynne describes as a medium-sized University of Nebraska in Lincoln, begin-
company. ning a somewhat winding path through
“I don’t know many companies where higher education.
you have drivers that have been here their “We’re particular. We really get it right
whole lives,” Wynne said. and train our people,” Wynne said. He married his sweetheart—he and
Patti are still married after 35 years—and
But even when Wynne Transport School Days switched to the University of Nebras-
consisted of a handful of drivers, includ- ka-Omaha. But he found himself soured
ing Wynne’s father and company founder Wynne, 54, grew up in the Omaha on what a four-year school had to offer
Don -- who died early this year -- it was suburb of Elkhorn, which in those days and left.
all about trying to find the best people and was still a small town, and graduated
taking care of them. Continues
“It’s never changed that you have to
16 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017 Issue 5, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 17
He was thinking of just going to work of the way I geared everything I did,” he School, Don worked for his father hauling
and not bothering with a degree, but said. fuel oil and installing heating systems in
Wynne’s mother would have none of that, the Omaha area. He recognized the coming
so he enrolled in Iowa Western and, based Pioneer Spirit demise of fuel oil and bought a tank truck,
on his experience in the family business, Bob said in Don’s obituary published in the
embarked on a degree in transportation Don Wynne, who died at 87 in Febru- Omaha World-Herald, and began hauling
management. ary, started Wynne Transport as a company gasoline to local service stations.
of one, with one truck, in 1954. At the
“I went to college for three years for
a two-year degree,” said Wynne, who “My dad’s philosophy was you just have to
had even considered the military before have good people. We always tried to hire what
getting married. we thought were the best drivers and the best
mechanics and the best managers.” - Bob Wynne
He liked Iowa Western because of its
more practical nature and applied learn- time of his passing the company had close “He was always a worker,” Bob said.
ing. The school would even hold classes to 170 and 140 company-owned tractors Even as he was able to hire a few more
at transportation sites like local railroad while contracting with another 85 driv- drivers Don was willing to do whatever it
offices. er-owners. took to keep the young company moving,
including working all day and then driving
“When I was at Lincoln and at Omaha A graduate of Omaha North High a load from Kansas at night.
I was one of many,” Wynne said. “There
were a lot of ‘empty’ classes.”
He enjoyed not having to mess around
with humanities and courses outside his
degree field and welcomed the chance to
focus on what he’d come to school for.
“I already knew that I was looking at
transportation management so that’s kind
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18 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017
“He was right in there with the first vice president of sales, vice president, and after founding Wynne Transport, Don was
four or five drivers he had, and he was one finally assumed the top job. stricken with polio, a disease that in the
of them,” Bob said. 1950s was either fatal or left the victim
“My dad’s philosophy was you just paralyzed.
Bob’s oldest son Joe is vice president of have to have good people,” Bob said. “We
operations and one of three Wynne sons always tried to hire what we thought were But in Don’s case the paralysis, which
with the company, “But he’ll truck when he the best drivers and the best mechanics and was located in his neck, inexplicably went
has to. It must run in our blood,” Bob said. the best managers.” away, and the only aftereffect was a mild,
lifetime difficulty swallowing.
Basically, Don was a good people per- When Don founded his company he
son who knew all aspects of his business. was one of a handful of Omaha trucking “I think the Lord came through for
pioneers who eventually became some of him. … It was just a miracle,” Bob said.
“That kind of went down to me,” said the biggest names in the business: Herman,
Bob, who became president in 2007, of his Ruan, Werner, Crouse. Ever hearty and hard-working, Don
dad’s work ethic and company know-how. continued to check in at work daily -- even
“When I moved into that role I already “It was a pretty tight group,” Bob said. if he didn’t stay the whole day -- well into
had some of those traits. College just fine Though technically competitors, the his late 80s, before finally giving in to
tuned it.” young company owners often banded declining health.
together, in the days before deregulation
But his family connection didn’t imme- to fight, sometimes county by county, for “He cared greatly for his family and
diately put Bob onto the executive track. necessary authority to transport goods. his employees as long as he was healthy
“It was so regulated. Everything had to enough to do that,” Bob said.
“He’d bring me down here. Dad always be controlled,” said Bob, adding that his
had the belief that if a family member was dad spent time at a lot of legal hearings. Ups And Downs
going to work here they had to start at the Along the way, Don Wynne also expe-
bottom,” Bob said. rience something of a medical—or likely As Don’s illness progressed late in life,
some other kind of—miracle. Not long Bob and his small, family ownership group
So he swept out the place, washed
trucks, fixed flat tires, worked a mechan- Continues
ic, in the office, worked dispatch, became
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had time to prepare for the transition. It Downtime for repairs and glitches gether to fight common challenges, Wynne
was difficult losing his father, to be sure, stemming from the new technology are Transport has plenty of friends in the
but Bob had already faced down plenty of problematic enough, and the ins and outs Nebraska Trucking Association to help roll
challenges on the job as president. of hauling liquid bulk present their own with the changes.
unique sets of problems. Throw in the
He’d witnessed the high times of dereg- ongoing driver shortage and working with “They keep up on regulatory changes
ulation in 1980, but 2007 was a different shippers to understand the drivers’ needs and different changes in the industry,”
story. Bob became president as the econo- and to work with them, and there are said Wynne, a board member and prod-
my cratered and revenues dropped 30 to headaches for any industry. uct of the association’s Emerging Leaders
40 percent. Program, describing the advantages of
“I don’t think it’s necessarily going to membership. “And just meeting with your
“We’ve always been a pretty conserva- get any easier. … The shortage is the real peers and going over changes that way.”
tive company,” Wynne said. “We had a lot deal and we both need to address it togeth-
of good support from our shippers. … We er,” Wynne said of the motor carrier-ship- “Bob is thoughtful and looks at all sides
were able to weather all that.” per relationship. of a situation,” said NTA interim president
Sheila O’Connor. “He listens to the conver-
These days Wynne and his fellow “We’ve been pushing this for over five sations and provides meaningful input.”
company owners are once again facing the years with our shippers,” said Wynne,
ongoing challenge of new government reg- anticipating new hours of service regs in Wynne is also on the association’s foun-
ulations regarding safety, hours of service, December. “We’ve been busier than heck.” dation board, and even if it leaves Wynne
emissions and, frequently, the new technol- Transport short-handed for a few days they
ogy required to get into compliance. Friends And Family are involved in the NebraksaTruck Driving
Championships, donating equipment and
“I think the regulations have [been the Just as his dad and the other Nebraska providing personnel to judge.
biggest challenge] because it’s forced the industry pioneers sometimes banded to-
truck builders to push out equipment that’s “Every year we figure out a way to do
not ready for prime time,” Wynne said.
Left to Right: Jennifer Franccini, Manager of Recruiting/Training; Kevin Jensen, Maintenance; Ray Jackman, Director of IT; Mary Hiller,
Director of HR; Joe Wynne, Vice President of Operations; John Lemonds, Manager of Operations; Bob Wynne, President; Teresa Pfeiffer,
Vice President; Max Dolch, Sales; Alan Roberts, Director of Safety; Julie Roberson, Controller; Marty Owens, Director of Maintenance
20 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017
it,” Wynne said, adding that it’s worthwhile Q&A WITH WYNNE DIRECTOR OF
for Wynne employees to build their skills SAFETY ALAN ROBERTS
and learn from others in the industry.
Nebraska Trucker: How long have you known Bob Wynne?
“He wants people involved in the
association,” said Wynne safety director Alan Roberts: I first met Bob Wynne back in, I believe it was 1987 at a Petroleum Market-
Alan Roberts. “He wants the company ers Convention.
represented. If it is feasible, he will donate
time himself, equipment or recommend NT: Can you describe your professional relationship?
individuals to cover the needs or wants of
the association.” AR: We have a close open professional relationship. We meet and discuss everything.
Sometimes our meetings are for a just few minutes long and other times we’ll sit down
Among Wynne Transport’s recent with each other for an hour or more. Sometimes we don’t see each other all week and
awards is the 2015 National Tank Truck then other times we’ll sit and talk daily. We’ll talk about current company issues, claims,
Carriers’ Outstanding Safety Performance drivers, equipment, new ideas. Just everything. We banter back and forth although at
Trophy, making the trip worthwhile. the end of the day, I believe we both come away mutually agreeing and respecting each
“That was a big deal because we’re just
a medium-sized carrier from the Midwest,” NT: How would you describe Bob Wynne personally?
Wynne said.
AR: Bob is a very personable individual. He always shows true concern for everyone’s
Of course such success has it roots in well being. He is constantly stopping and asking how people are doing. He goes out of his
the twin values of good people and high way to make sure the person knows he is concerned about them.
quality that Don Wynne instilled when he
founded the company in 1952. NT: What kind of friend has Bob Wynne been to the Nebraska Trucking Association?
“Even before it was popular I think we AR: Bob is always receptive to individuals getting involved in, attending to and doing vari-
had the best equipment out there,” Bob ous things with and for the Association. He has always allowed equipment to be donated
said. to Truck Driving Championships.
When not working, Wynne enjoys NT: How does Bob Wynne exemplify the positive aspects of a family run transport busi-
traveling with Patti, hunting fishing and ness?
boating, riding Harleys with his sons and
watching his grandson play football. AR: Bob has been able to introduce his immediate family members into the company. All
three boys (men) are currently active in the business. Joe Wynne is VP of operations,
“I think I’ve just been blessed with a Jake Wynne is a fleet manager and Kent Wynne is a mechanic. Periodically, other family
good family and good employees and I members will fill openings and cover needs that arise. Bob has always maintained a
don’t know necessarily what I’d change strong emphasis for non-family members in management and director positions.
there,” Wynne said.
NT: In what ways have you seen Bob Wynne handle challenges or problems or exhibit
Begun as a family business, Wynne leadership within the Nebraska Trucking Association and the industry in general?
Transport Inc. appears set to remain a
family business. While Wynne’s son Joe AR: I have seen very few father/son relationships that were as strong as what Don and
serves as vice president of operations, Jake Bob had. They shared a connection that was tremendously tight and solid. Don’s passing
is a fleet manager, Kent works as a me- earlier this year, put Bob in a position that challenged him to the maximum. He handled it
chanic, sister and co-owner Teresa Pfeiffer with patience, grace and thoughtfulness. The solid management and directors team Bob
is vice president and sister Sara Romans is had in place allowed him to concentrate on the needs of his family.
a co-owner as well.
Issue 5, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 21
While other family owned and operated
companies around the nation are selling
out in the face of the industry’s ongoing
challenges, the employees of Wynne Trans-
port Inc. can look forward to anniversary
cards for many years to come.
“We have remained in business for
65 years and we’re still here,” Wynne
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22 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017
July 2017:
Aaron Schreckengost
Fremont Contract Carriers, Inc.
Aaron drives for Fremont Contract Carriers. He has 26
years of commercial driving and more than three million
miles. Five of those years have been with Fremont Contract
Carriers, Inc. Aaron is an owner-operator and his attitude
is the key to his success in life and on the road. He has
received a six-year safe driving award with FCC and has
participated in the Wreaths Across America and The Wall
that Heals programs. Congratulations, Aaron!
August 2017:
Brian Allen
Grand Island Express, Inc.
Brian has 16 years of commercial driving with nearly two
million miles. Brian drives for Grand Island Express and is
considered a true ambassador of the industry. His profession-
al attitude and willingness to help other drives is outstanding.
Brian started as a company driver and became an owner/operator.
He mentors new company drivers and has a strong work and safety
mentality. Congratulations, Brian!
Bennington, NE
Flat Creek Lean Staffing Solutions
Sunrise, FL Larry Peterson
Construction, LLC Construction
Valentine, NE Bennington, NE Issue 5, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 23
Continued from page 15
Management Conference
Golf Tournement Champions
Tom Tupper, Curt
Morehouse, Deanna
Morehouse and Jerry
Ryan McAlexander, Mike Maloley,
Jared McCracken and Chad Beazley
Micheal Easton, Drummond Crews,
Scott Robinson and Brad Burnett
November 7 at Firespring, 1201 Infinity Court, Lincoln, NE
• What is an ELD? Dinner begins at 6:00 p.m. and programs begin at 6:45 p.m.
• Does my vehicle require an ELD?
• How will NSP Carrier Enforcement enforce ELDs?
• Visit with NSP, FMCSA, NTA and
TSI representatives
This session is open to all interested parties.
Seating is limited by location!
Reservations required by Friday, Nov. 3
$30 per person
Register by emailing [email protected] or calling (402) 476-8504 ext. 109 and provide credit
card information. If you are unable to attend, you’re welcome to send someone in your place.
24 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017
J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc.
Allied Oil & Tire Company Jim Hawk Truck-Trailer Sales, Inc.
American Trucking Association Joe Morten & Son, Inc.
HELP, Inc. / PrePass
AON Risk Solutions
Bauer Built Tire Metropolitan Community College
MHC Kenworth of Omaha
Choice Transport, LLC
Cummins Central Power Nebraska Truck Center – Grand Island
Goldenrod Printing & Mail, LLC Northland Insurance
Great West Casualty Nationwide E&S / Specialty
Great Western Bank Truck Center Companies
AXA Advisors, LLC Mid States Utility Trailer Sales, Inc.
BMO Transportation Finance Midwest Peterbilt Group
Cornhusker International Trucks, Inc. RSM US LLP
Engles, Ketcham, Olson and Keith, P.C. SBT, Inc.
HUB International Transportation Insurance Services
IAT Group dba Whilshire Insurance Shoemaker’s Travel Centers
INSPRO Insurance – Omaha Silverstone Group
Mannings Truck Brokerage, Inc. Stirk CNG
Volvo Trucks of Omaha, Inc. Issue 5, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 25
Along the Route
Recent events and news from Nebraska Trucker advertisers
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26 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017
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BY NT STAFF line by purchasing Hall
RDO Truck Centers is expanding RDO Truck Center
its presence in Nebraska with a new
45,000-square-foot dealership in Omaha. celebrated their 20th
A ceremonial groundbreaking event year in business this
was held Oct. 11 at the facility’s future
location, which will be at 13924 Valley past September.
Ridge Drive off Interstate 80. The $10-$11
million project will replace the company’s Today, the company
current Omaha location. That dealership
currently employs 45 individuals. operates full service
The groundbreaking event included em- Mack/Volvo Truck
ployees, city officials and Papillion Mayor
David Black. dealerships in Fargo,
RDO Truck Centers group is a pro- Bismarck, Grand Forks,
gressive company with revenues in excess
of $150 million and 200 employees. The Dickinson and Willis-
company began in 1997 with the purchase
of Midwest Mack in Fargo, North Dakota. ton, North Dakota, and Justin Okeson VP of RDO Truck Center, Kenny Useldinger President
The next year, it expanded to the Volvo a full-service center in of RDO Truck Center, Bill McKay Service Manager RDO Truck Center
Minot, North Dakota. Omaha, Darin Anderson General Manager of RDO Truck Center
It also operates full Omaha, Bob Christensen Director of Sales Operations, Troy Schaff
service Mack Truck Director of Parts RDO Truck Center
dealerships in Omaha, Also part of the RDO Truck Centers
Lincoln, Norfolk, and Lexington, Nebras- group is RDO Truck Leasing, which
ka. It also sells new Fuso and Isuzu me- consists of a fleet of more than
dium-duty trucks, and it sells used trucks 180 medium- and
from various manufacturers.
28 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017
heavy-duty class 8 trucks. The company equipment for use in
offers short- and long-term leases as well
as daily rentals. It also sells trailers. their diesel labs. RDO
The company’s 81 service technicians Truck Centers also
have more than 100 certifications and
received original equipment manufacturer provides each school
training from Mack, Volvo and Isuzu. Thir-
ty-seven of them are master technicians. with the lease of a
RDO Parts has received the Million Mack truck and access
Dollar Club Award and the Quota Buster
Award from Mack and Volvo. RDO also to Mack online training
has received Isuzu’s Gold Level Award
for parts sales, the highest award in its so the students and
instructors are exposed
The company’s motto is “Customer fo-
cused. Quality Driven.” Its vision is to be a to the manufacturer’s
“leader in creating solutions for its custom-
ers” and “A great place to work, dedicated newest technology.
to energizing the creativity, talents and
entrepreneurial spirit of its people. Sheila O’Connor,
Its core values are: Nebraska Trucking Mayor of Papillion David Black, President of RDO Kenny Useldinger,
Association’s inter- AL Hanson Senior Vice President of First International Bank, Darin
• Partner With Employees im president, said of Anderson General Manager of RDO Trucks Omaha, Andrew Rainbolt,
the company, “RDO Executive Director of Sarpy County Economic Development Corpora-
• Build Customers for Life Truck Centers is a tion and Joe Favia Vice President of Mack Truck
• Create Opportunities great partner and customer-focused attention. We’re excited
service provider to our members. I had the for their growth in the greater Omaha area
• We Do What We Say opportunity to attend their open house in and look forward to future growth and
Lincoln earlier this year and really en- successes with RDO Truck Centers in the
• Play to Win! joyed the family-friendly atmosphere and years to come.”
In 2016, the company announced a
partnership with Minnesota State Commu-
nity and Technical College. The company’s
$100,000 gift will support the college’s
new Transportation Center and Diesel
Equipment Technology program. The $7
million Transportation Center will educate
up to 150 students in the diesel program
and in an adjacent automotive technology
program. Because of the $100,000 dona-
tion, the larger of the Transportation Cen-
ter’s two diesel programs will be named for
RDO Truck Centers has also developed
partnerships with Southeast Community
College in Milford as well as Iowa West-
ern Community College in Council Bluffs.
With help from RDO, both schools have
been set up with various Mack heavy truck
components and computer diagnostic Issue 5, 2017 - Nebraska Trucker 29
NOV. 1 November Allied Oil & Tire..............................................27
NOV. 7 SMC Lunch and Learn: Recruitment and Retention, Omaha, NE
ELD Town Hall Meeting, at Firespring, Lincoln, NE ATRI.....................................Inside back cover
DEC. 14 December Bauer Built Tire.............................................19
SMC Lunch and Learn: Hazmat Overview, Lincoln, NE
Great West Casualty Co.............. Back cover
HELP, Inc., Provider of PrePass..................18
JAN., 2018 SMC Third Annual Summit and Exhibition: Legal Defense,
Omaha, NE HUB International Insurance........................8
FEB. 8 February Interstate PowerSystems............................11
SMC Lunch and Learn, Lincoln, NE
J. J. Keller & Associates.............................14
MAR. TBA SMC Lunch and Learn, Cargo Securement, Omaha, NE
APR. TBA SMC Lunch and Learn, DOT Level One, Norfolk, NE Joe Morton & Son Insurance.......................8
MAY TBA SMC Courtesy Safety Scale Check, Waverly, NE
Nebraska Trucker.........................................30
Nebraska Trucking Association.................24
Volume 79 Number 4 | 2017
RDO Truck Centers............Inside front cover
$3.95 Value
You may view Nebraska Trucker The Official Magazine of Nebraska Trucking Association
— complete with sound effects — Taylor & Martin..............................................29
online within a week of distribution. Bob ClarkChief Carriers
Another awesome feature of this Truck Center Companies................................9
great new technology is that websites DISTRACTED
in the digital magazine are “live.” So, DRIVING UPS..................................................................15
viewers may click on a site featuring NEBRASKA
in an ad and be transported directly SUPERTECH Verizon............................................................22
to an advertiser’s website. This is just WCOINMNPEERTSITION
one more service that we’re happy to This edition of Nebraska Trucker was made
offer on behalf of our NT advertisers MEMBER possible with the support of these corporate
SPOTLIGHT: advertisers. They support the trucking
industry by enabling Nebraska Trucking
BOSSELMAN Association to provide this publication to
ENTERPRISES its members, prospective members, elected
officials and the business community at
CHECK IT OUT: WWW.NEBTRUCKING.COM large. They deserve your consideration and
patronage when making your corporate
30 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017 purchasing decisions. Thank you!
AAA Cooper Transportation
Sometimes People Ability TriModal Transportation Services
Acklie Charitable Foundation
Alabama Trucking Association
Must Come Together American Moving and Storage Association
for a Mission American Trucking Associations
ArcBest Corporation
Arkansas Trucking Association
Bill Graves
Boyle Transportation
BR Williams
Bulldog Hiway Express
C.H. Robinson Worldwide
Canadian Trucking Alliance
Thank You Cargo Transporters
Colorado Motor Carriers Association
Since 1954, the American Transportation Research Institute and its
predecessor have been the trucking industry’s source for scientific data and Combined Transport
analysis on the many high priority issues facing freight transportation today.
Con-way Inc.
C.R. England
Cummins Inc.
Dupre Transportation
The people and companies listed here are our core contributors, annual Elliott Brothers Truck Lines, Inc.
donors who have come together in this mission to help the industry as a Estes Express
FedEx Corporation
whole. If you or your company has not contributed in the past, now is the Florida Trucking Association
time to step up and do your part. G&P Trucking Company
Garner Transportation Group
Georgia Motor Trucking Association
Step up and leave your footprint for the good of the industry. Gordon Trucking
Great West Casualty Company
Groendyke Transportation
Visit to explore your giving opportunities. HELP, Inc.
Idaho Trucking Association
Illinois Trucking Association
Indiana Motor Truck Association
Iowa Motor Truck Association
J & M Tank Lines, Inc.
J.J. Keller & Associates
Kansas Motor Carriers Association
Kentucky Trucking Association
K-Limited Carrier, Ltd.
Maine Motor Transport Association
Marcello & Kivisto, LLC
Maryland Motor Truck Association
Maverick Transportation
Minnesota Trucking Association
Mississippi Trucking Association
Missouri Trucking Association
Motor Carrier Service, Inc.
Motor Transport Association of Connecticut
Nevada Trucking Association
New Hampshire Motor Transport Association
New Mexico Trucking Association
New York State Motor Truck Association
Ohio Trucking Association
Oklahoma Trucking Association
Old Dominion Freight Line
Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association
Penske Transportation Components
Pitt Ohio
Prime, Inc.
Rhode Island Trucking Association
Schneider National
Shorty and Ro Whittington
South Carolina Trucking Association
Southeastern Freight Lines
Specialized Carriers & Rigging Association
TAEC Region II
Tennessee Trucking Association
Texas Trucking Association
Tommy Hodges
TransAm Trucking
TransSafe Consulting
Trimac Transportation
Usher Transport
Ventura Transfer Company
Vermont Truck and Bus Association
Volvo Trucks North America
Walmart Transportation
Watkins & Shepard Trucking
West Virginia Trucking Association
Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association
WTAEC Issue 5, 2017 - NebraWsykomainTgrTruucckkYinRegCArWssoo3rcldi1awtiiodne
Photo: NASA
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32 Nebraska Trucker - Issue 5, 2017