Is your business ready
for the journey ahead?
How we can help you use real-time market
data to turn the pressure of disruption into
your competitive advantage.
JJAATTOO LTroarnesmfoIrpmsuinmg DAoultoormotive
10.35 am, 16 July 2025
Transforming Automotive JATO
Sharon is about to
e-sign for her new
EV and she couldn’t
be happier.
A lot has changed since her mum bought the
family’s petrol-fuelled car from the salesman
at her local dealership all those years ago.
Sharon did it all online.
She used product finders, feature
comparison tables, social media ratings
and reviews, virtual reality test drive,
special edition customisation tools, stock
locator with delivery estimator, an online
finance calculator, ID scan and fast credit
checker – all from the comfort of her sofa.
Within 24 hours
This will be her First Car, delivered to her
doorstep ready-programmed with her most
frequent journeys and driver preferences
- from roadtrip playlists to drive-through
snacks among a host of other digital driver
on-demand services.
And, of course, for Sharon – as for every
smart Gen Z-er – her wheels will also be
a nice little side hustle (she’s already
auto-filled the App Form for her local
rideshare service).
Good for Sharon, good for her
community, good for the planet!
JATO Transforming Automotive
This isn’t science fiction.
It’s an inevitable moment
already on its way.
But who will it belong to?
Tomorrow’s customers will turn to the mobility
marketplace expecting a convenient, frictionless,
controllable, customisable and shareable experience,
from browse to drive to arrive, with on-demand
satisfaction of their every need on the way.
It’s easy to imagine this future.
But who is going to make it happen?
Because you can be sure someone will.
Will it be Amazon? Will it be Uber? Will it Why shouldn’t it be you?
be Google? After all, they’re lean, agile,
digital and – as the custodians of rich, Together, you are the pioneers of motoring.
deep and invaluable customer data – are You invented the car. You evolved a
already conquering adjacent categories, plethora of makes, models, variants and
geographies and economies of scale. Fast. options. You created customer desire.
And, with JATO’s data and expertise,
Yes? you used the right data to take the right
decisions, to drive the right actions, to
No. create value throughout the supply chain.
Not if the automotive players of the
past become the mobility players of
the future.
Transforming Automotive JATO
The automotive industry will be
disrupted more in the next ten years
than it has been in the last century.
Three key technologies will drive
transformation at a pace and scale that
would astonish even the likes of Henry
Ford, Kilchiro Toyoda and Ferdinand
Porsche: electrification of vehicles (EVs);
connected and autonomous vehicles
(CAVs); and Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS).
And out of this tumult will emerge the
mobility marketplace.
It’s time to change. And change brings pressure.
Time to change what game we’re in, We at JATO can help you beat that
how we play and who we play with. pressure.
Above all, time to change our number Because ‘Precision under pressure’ isn’t
one rule to this: if the customer wins, just our motto. It’s how we work with you.
we all do.
So let’s prepare your business for
So it’s no surprise that in their ‘Future the future – no matter what the
of Mobility 2030’ white paper, KPMG future looks like.
declared, “Data will be the fuel for the
future business model of automotive
To arrive at that future, we’ll all need
to change.
JATO Transforming Automotive
JATO helps
beat the pressure.
Top 5 pressures you’re facing
01 You’re under pressure to forecast
your customers’ changing needs
in a market that has been reset.
02 To choose where to focus your Our specifications service enables you
investment: electrification or to compare your models and trims with
mobility, sharing economy or your competitors’ models. So you have
autonomy. the confidence of more informed pricing
03 To make sense of the data
flooding in from too many Our incentives service gives you
different sources. a complete view of the tactical support
activities in the marketplace.
04 To comply with ever more
complex environmental Our value analysis service helps you
legislation that differs by region. price your products appropriately in the
05 To make accurate pricing
decisions and avoid the cost of Our WLTP service enables you to serve
getting it wrong. complex emissions-based data to the retail
market. And our WLTP products take the
JATO can help you beat guesswork out of the new homologation
these pressures regulation.
Our real-time market data enables you Our transactional analysis product helps
to forecast which products will sell, and you understand what’s selling and what
where. After all, our sales forecasts cover options are trending in the retail network.
97% of the global market.
JATO News gives you real-time alerts
Our analysis and reporting service gives about any competitor’s actions.
you answers to the questions you ask With news covering prices, launches
every single day, with reports tailored to and specifications.
your needs.
And JATO Net gives you a quick and easy
comparison and overview of specific
models – all on your mobile devices.
TransfLoormreimngIpAsuutommDootilvoer JJAATTOO
At a time when manufacturers are under
pressure to create not just your next bestseller,
but the next mode of mobility, you can trust
JATO to fuel your innovation.
Global market covered by our sales forecast
JJAATTOO LTroarnesmfoIrpmsuinmg DAoultoormotive
At a time when dealers are under pressure
to anticipate how, what and when
customers will buy in the new normal,
you can trust JATO to help you make the
right decisions for them and your business.
Place your order here
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Transforming Automotive JATO
JATO helps retailers
beat the pressure.
Top 5 pressures you’re facing
01 You’re under pressure to have
the right vehicles in stock to meet
your customers’ needs (because
if you don’t, another retailer will.)
02 To know which models, trims and JATO can help you beat
options are most likely to sell, so these pressures.
you’re not burdened with the cost
of unsold vehicles. Our transactional analysis product gives
you the intelligence you need – from price
03 To serve your customers on their to features, technology to emissions - to
terms, online, in-store, even at make more informed inventory ordering
home, 24/7. decisions.
04 To offer your customers deals Our incentives service gives you
and incentives that win their a complete view of the tactical support
business, over bigger competitors activities in the marketplace.
with greater buying power.
Our specification service gives you the
05 To pivot your business model, confidence you’re configuring the right
so you continue being valued by vehicles with the right options to meet
new, younger and more savvy your customers’ needs.
customers in a world where
mobility doesn’t necessarily Our datafeed service gives you timely
mean ownership. and accurate automotive intelligence that
integrates into your own systems to give
you a more complete picture.
City-cars And our analysis and reporting service
helps you deep-dive into your data and
€13,170 answer difficult questions with certainty,
accessing reports tailored to your needs.
JATO Transforming Automotive
JATO helps fleet
and leasing
providers beat
the pressure.
Top 5 pressures you’re facing
01 You’re under pressure to JATO can help you beat
02 understand how value and volume these pressures.
03 shifts between brands and
geographies. All JATO’s services bridge brands and
04 geographies so you have an overview of
To keep up to date with changes to every brand and country you serve.
05 model variations, specifications
and prices. Our car specification service lets you
accurately build every car configuration
To deliver real-time vehicle at option level.
specifications for B2B and B2C
configuration across brands and Our datafeed service gives you timely
geographies. and accurate automotive intelligence that
integrates into your own systems to give
To stock your fleet using the you a complete picture.
most accurate information about
the models that appeal to your Our analysis and reporting services gives
customers most. you the answer to the questions you ask
every day, whether you want to benchmark
To comply with constantly updating against the competition, understand the
and new regulations, like the impact of new trends or optimise your
Worldwide Harmonised Light price and positioning strategies.
Vehicles Test Procedure (WLTP).
Our WLTP service gives you real-time
manufacturer values at option level.
So you can provide a frictionless consumer
experience. It even gives you a single point
of contact for retrieving and extracting
data from multiple manufacturers across
multiple geographies.
TransfLoormreimngIpAsuutommDootilvoer JJAATTOO
At a time when fleet and leasing providers are
under pressure to innovate your usership and
commercial models, you can trust JATO to
help you unlock the opportunities of a radically
different economy.
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
JJAATTOO LTroarnesmfoIrpmsuinmg DAoultoormotive
There’s a reason we’re so trusted.
Transforming Automotive JATO
We’ve been helping
the automotive industry
make decisions under
pressure for thirty years.
Our insights help businesses like yours drive
growth from each emerging era of disruption.
In fact, that’s why we started JATO.
Our journey began in 1984 when our Each is a dedicated expert.
Founder, Jake Shafran, was one of
the early pioneers to appreciate the Each is fascinated by the shift in
transformative power of information. behaviours, technologies and models.
Then, the automotive industry was And each is passionate about using
facing a tipping point: globalisation. powerful insights drawn from real-time
market data, and unique data science
Now, 35 years later, the industry is facing algorithms, to help customers like you
its biggest disruptors yet: EVs, CAV and do what no one before has done.
Transform the automotive industry
And, every single JATO employee shares into a new mobility marketplace.
that original entrepreneurial JATO spirit.
Create a convenient, frictionless,
controllable, customisable and shareable
mobility experience for your end-
And take your share of a global
opportunity that’s predicted grow to a
value of more than $1 trillion by 2030.
One data set, one decision,
one change at a time.
After all, with hindsight, insight and
foresight at your fingertips, we believe you
can turn pressure into your competitive
Right now, millions of consumers like Sharon,
in diverse markets across the world, are waiting
for you to make the mobility landscape of the
future real.
Are you ready?
Phone: +44 (0)20 8423 7100
Email: [email protected] Our Knowledge is Your Power
Registered in England NO: 2262299.
Email: [email protected] Registered Office: Hunton House,
Twitter: @JATO_Dynamics Oxford Rd, Uxbridge UB8 1LX, UK