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Created by:
KHOR JING YOU (143939)

for PET 225 under the instruction of Dr Jafre

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Published by Yao Yao Khor, 2020-07-05 14:21:15

English Grammar CEFR B1 FORM 4

Created by:
KHOR JING YOU (143939)

for PET 225 under the instruction of Dr Jafre

Keywords: Grammar,CEFR B1,FORM 4


Complete the sentence using present perfect continuous.

1. We are tired. We _____________________ hard all day. (work)
2. Lia Bahasa Melayu is good. She _____________________ the language

for ten years. (study)
3. I am sorry I came late. ___________ you____________ long? (wait)
4. I don kno London ell. I _________________ he e fo e long.



Create sentence based on the words given. It could be positive, negative or
question. (Present Perfect Simple)

1. You-keep a pet for three years.

2. You-eat Western food before?

3. It-rain all day?

4. She-steal all the chocolate

5. Amalin-leave her phone in a taxi.




Action may be finished or Finishedaction
not finished
She has done her
She has been doing her homework.
Permanent actions
Temporary actions
He has always lived there.
He has been living there for
few months. Emphasisontheresult of the
action I have walked six kilometers so
far this morning.
I have been walking all
morning. Indicate howmuch/many has
hasbeenhappening It has taken six years to write
this book.
I have been studying English
for two months.



Circle the correct answer.

1. (They have been repairing / The have repaired) the road all this week,
but they have not finished yet.

2. I am very sorry, but I (have been breaking he chair/ I have broken) this

3. Anna (has been saving/has saved) nearly RM10000 this year.
4. What is the matter? (Have you been losing/Have you lost) something?
5. I (have always been working/ I have always worked) in the music

6. Someone (has been eating / has eaten) my chocolates. There are not

many lefts.
7. (Have they been arriving / Have they arrived) already?
8. I (have cleaned/have been cleaning) all morning- I am fed up!
9. The students (have finished / have been finishing) their exam. They are

very happy.
10. She is a good dancer. She (has won/has been winning) two awards



The following verbs are usually only used in Present Perfect Simple (not in the
continuous form).

State: be, have (for possession only)
Example: We have been on holiday for two weeks.

Senses: feel, hear, see, smell, taste, touch
Example: He has touched the painting.

Brain work: believe, know, think, understand
Example: I have known him for 3 years.

Ongoing states and actions

For, since and how long is used with the present perfect simple to
talk about ongoing states.
Example: How long have you known each other?

We've known each other since we were at school.

Use for, since and how long is used with the present perfect
continuous to talk about ongoing single or repeated actions.
Example: How long have they been playing tennis?

They've been playing tennis for an hour.
They've been playing tennis every Sunday for years.

Sometimes the present perfect continuous can emphasize that a
situation is temporary.
Example: I usually go to the gym on the High Street, but it's closed for repairs
at the moment, so I've been going to the one in the shopping Centre.



Choose the correct answer.
1. My neighbour __________________ his lawn for the last two hours.
A. Have been mowing
B. Had been mowing
C. Has been mowing

2. I ________________ your book all day. It is very interesting, but I am
only on Chapter 3.

A. Read
B. Have been reading
C. Has read

3. Can you help me? I ___________ my wallet.
A. Has lost
B. Have been losing
C. Have lost

4. My grandparents are coming to see us next weekend. They ________ us
for two years.

A. Has not visited
B. Have not been visiting
C. Have not visited

5. ______________ the dustbin yet?
A. Has you emptied
B. Have you been emptying
C. Have you emptied



Fill in the correct form. (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous)

1. Mimi: Mother, Amira ____________ (just/call) to ask if I can go to a talk about
zero-waste with her. May I?

2. Mother: ________________(you/do) your homework yet?
3. Mimi: Well, I ____________ (do) it for about 2 hours, but I

_____________(finish/not) it yet.
4. Mother: If you _____________(complete/not) your homework you cannot go the

talk. Remember, you _______________ (promise) me to study harder this year.
5. Mimi: But mother, I _______________(work) hard all this year and I

_____________(improve/already) in Additional Mathematics and Physics.
6. Mother: But that is only because I ______________(push/always) you to do

7. Mimi: But I also need a break. I ____________(be/not) out with my friends for so

long. May I go?
8. Mother: Okay but you need to promise me to study harder this year.
9. Mimi: Sure mother. Thank you.




Grammar Content:

i) Intensifier
ii) Indefinite Pronoun
iii) Linking Words

At the end of lesson:

i) Students able to identify intensifier,
indefinite pronoun, and linking words

ii) Students able to differentiate the usage
of intensifiers and use it in the sentences

iii) Students able to list the indefinite


unit 4.1 Intensifier

An intensifier is used to emphasise words and phrases in a sentence. They perform the same
function as adverbs and adverbial phrases. If we want to add emphasis to an adjective in a

sentence an intensifier will allow us to do that.
Example : I m really grateful for this opportunity to meet. I m very interested in this role.

Example 2: I am very angry.


Example 3: I am fairly angry.


Intensifier: Too Intensifier: Too many Intensifier: Too much

The intensifier too can You can use the intensifier In a similar way, too
be used to emphasise too many to modify much can be used to
that there is a lot of modify uncountable
something, often in a countable nouns. You can
place it in front of a noun nouns and verbs.
negative context. Ex:
that can be counted to
Ex: signify an excessive There is too
much salt in the
I am too sick to number of something. soup.
go school. I have been
I am too lazy to Ex: missing out too
do my much sleep
homework. Siva bought too lately.
many drinks.
There are too 56
many people in
the conference

Exercise 4.1.1

Fix the mistakes with intensifiers in the sentences.

1) You are driving too much fast.
2) Do not worry much too, I know he is safe.
3) I have too much problems to handle so please help me.
4) She has too much of absences.
5) I have missed out many too sleep because of my baby brother.
6) The calculation that Miss Swati taught me was hard too.


More to LEARN!

Intensifier: very
The intensifier very can be placed before adjectives and adverbs to add a greater
degree of emphasis. It is one of the most used intensifiers in English.

Our customers were very satisfied with the product launching.
She was very happy on her graduation day.

Intensifier: so

The intensifier so modifies adjectives and adverbs to signify the extent of
something. It can be casuall used than ver . It can often be used with that.
Like the intensifier too, so can be combined with much and many.

The classroom was so far from the canteen.
I have eaten so much food during lunch.

Intensifier: pretty

The intensifier pretty can be used to add emphasis in a similar way to quite and
very. This intensifier is used in a more informal context. It adds emphasis to a
similar degree as quite. Used as a modifier, it means almost.

She was pretty early to school.
He was pretty sure that he will pass all the exams.


Exercise 4.1.2

Fill in the blanks with intensifiers.

very quite so too too many

Last week, I had an interview with Mr Lee for my job application at his company. We

planned to meet at the Café A Laté. But on the day, it was busy due to the number

of customers. So, we went to another Café which was around the corner. I was

nervous beforehand, but I think it went well. Mr Lee was friendly, so it

made me feel more at ease and comfortable. Therefore, I managed to answer his questions

confidently without blunders or mistakes. After, the interview I thanked him and

went home with a satisfied smile.

Exercise 4.1.3

Intensifiers quiz: Pick the best answer.

1. I had much fun at the funfair last week
A. Too
B. Very
C. So
D. Pretty

2. She put too salt in the curry
A. So
B. Many
C. Much

3. The film was scary! I couldn t sleep after watching it!
A. too
B. much
C. so


4. Which sentence is correct?
A. Robert does not get enough sleep.
B. Do we have tea enough?
C. Paul is enough tall to reach the top of the cupboard.

5. Which sentence is NOT correct?
A. Please do not put too much sugar in my coffee.
B. Clara eats too many.
C. John drinks much too much!

6. She got ____ nice house with a large swimming pool!
A. such
B. such a
C. so

7. Roger is so rich that ____________
A. he can buy whatever he wants with all his wealth.
B. he works very hard every day.
C. I bought him a drink on his birthday.
D. he failed all his exam papers.

8. that I couldn t see a thing
A. It was too dark
B. It was so dark
C. It was dark enough
D. It was too much dark

9. I had much fun that I forgot about all the assignments
A. So
B. Vey
C. Too
D. Pretty

10. He is _______ naughty in the class and always cause too___________ trouble to his friends.
A. Too, very
B. Very, many
C. Very, much


unit 4.2 Indefinite Pronoun

Indefinite pronouns are those referring to one or more unspecified
objects, beings, or places.
They are called indefinite simply because they do not indicate the
exact object, being, or place to which they refer.
Indefinite pronouns include partitives such as any, anybody, anyone,
either, neither, nobody, no, someone, and some; they also include
universals such as every, all, both, and each; finally, they include
quantifiers including any, some, several, enough, many, and much.
Many indefinite pronouns can also function as determiners.

-thing some any no every
-body something anything nothing everything
-one somebody anybody nobody everybody
-where someone anyone no one everyone
somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere

1. The differences between something/somebody, etc and anything/anybody, etc is the same as
the differences between some and any.

2. In general, we use something, somebody, etc mainly in affirmation sentences and anything,
anybody, etc mainly in negative sentences and questions.

3. But we also often use something, somebody, etc in questions when we expect or want the
people to answer yes , for example in requests and offers.

4. These indefinite pronouns also serve as replacement where we use these pronouns instead
frequently using his or her , but indefinite pronoun so not specify the gender or exact number
of the person.


Exercise 4.2.1

Fill in the blanks using the words provided in the box.

something anything nothing everything
somebody anybody nobody everybody
somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere

1. There is in this box. It is empty!

2. Why don t we go out for dinner since we are free tonight?

3. The unfortunate man lost in the fire.

4. Mr Siva gave the prize to Lisa since else failed to answer his questions.

5. She wanted to buy for her parents, so she went to the nearest souvenir shop.

6. I was really busy with my homework that I hardly had all day.

7. It s a secret so knows about it.

8. She lost her English textbook so she has been looking for it . She cannot find it

9. There isn t ………… in the library at the moment.

10. There s ……….. waiting at the door but he didn t tell his name and he look suspicious.

11. They homeless have to live, so the Council are helping them as much as they can.

12. After I have done with all the homework I want to go ………… and do ……….. to release my



Exercise 4.2.2

The following exercises will help you gain greater understanding about how indefinite
pronouns work. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.

1. Does know what is going to happen tonight at the art exhibition?

A. Anybody

B. Somebody

C. Everybody

D. Nobody

2. My mom used to tell me that happens for a reason so we just need to keep moving

A. Something
B. Everything
C. Nothing
D. Anything

3. She failed the test because she forgot her teacher taught her
A. Everything
B. Something
C. Nothing
D. Anything

4. My friends are going tonight but they are not telling me the destination.
A. Anywhere
B. Nowhere Le s
C. Everywhere review.
D. Somewhere

5. She think is following her so she reported to the police A pronoun is a word that can
A. Anyone function by itself as a noun
B. No one phrase (e.g. I, you, he, they, it).
C. Someone An indefinite pronoun is a
D. Everyone pronoun that does not refer to
any person, amount, or thing.


6. It was dark in the room so saw the murder
A. Someone
B. No one
C. Everyone
D. Everyone

7. The guidebook shows that there is a museum around here
A. Somewhere
B. Anywhere
C. Nowhere
D. Everywhere

8. Since it was so boring and to do we decided to watch a horror movie
A. Anything
B. Something
C. Nothing
D. Everything

9. She knows about the human structure since she is really interested in the topic
A. Nothing
B. Something
C. Anything
D. Everything

10. Ever since, I joined the company I enjoyed myself with the jobs that is given to me and in
the company are friendly.

A. Everyone
B. Someone
C. No one
D. Anyone


Exercise 4.2.3

Complete the following sentences with suitable indefinite pronoun.

1. I had a bad dream I think bad is going to happen

2. This restaurant is dirt and smell can e go else

3. She put in box since she is not coming back.

4. li es in the house but at night we can still hear some strange sounds.

5. Danial is reall glad because is going ell e en though he lost his job

6. Does seen m books I can t find them

7. I there in the classroom

8. I kno in the compan It s m first da here

9. The kind-hearted girl lo es to help no matter ho the are

10. We ere stuck in the middle of

11. Do ou ant to eat I kno ou are hungr

12. I hope happens to the patient.

13. Siti was late to the class so she didn t bring to eat

14. The teacher asked us to e plain she taught us

15. Li ing alone is hard but I cannot depend on so I tr to do m self


unit 4.3 Connecting words

Linking words in English (also called 'connective' or 'transition'
words) are used to combine two clauses or sentences presenting
contrast, comparison, condition, supposition, purpose, etc. They

enable us to establish clear connections between ideas.

Sometimes we want to link two ideas that are different from each
other (for example, one is a positive idea and one is a negative idea)
or we want to link one idea to another one which is surprising or
unexpected. We can use linking words like 'however', 'although' and
'despite' to do this.


We can use 'although' at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence. It is
used in front of a clause (a clause has at least a subject and a verb that
agrees with the subject).

a) Although he did not do his best in the interview, he still managed
to get the job.

b) He got the job, although he did not do well in the interview.


We use 'although' and 'despite / in spite of' to connect two clauses in the
same sentence. On the other hand, 'however' isn't used to connect two
clauses. Instead, we usually put the two ideas in two separate sentences. We
put 'however' in the second sentence, and we can put it at the beginning, at
the end, or after the subject.

a) He loves to stay there. However, the weather is not suitable for him.
b) He loves to stay there. The weather, however, is not suitable for him.
c) He loves to stay there. The weather is not suitable for him, however.


Despite/In spite

We use 'despite' or 'in spite of' before a noun or a gerund. It can also go in the
middle or at the beginning of a sentence. 'Despite' and 'in spite of' mean the
same thing. You can choose whichever one you like! If you want to use
'despite' or 'in spite of' before a clause, you need to add 'the fact that'.

a) I love London despite the bad weather.
b) I love London in spite of the bad weather.
c) Despite the bad weather, I love London.
d) In spite of the bad weather, I love London.
e) Despite the fact that the weather is bad, I love London.
f) In spite of the fact that the weather is bad, I love London.
g) I love London despite the fact that the weather is bad.
h) I love London in spite of the fact that the weather is bad.


Exercise 4.3.1

Rewrite the sentences so that they have the same meaning
1. In spite of being a top student he didn t get the job.
2. Although they are best friends, they still argue a lot.

3. Despite the fact that I was late the boss wasn t angry

4. In spite of being the managing director he goes to work by bike.
Even though

5. Although I forgot to submit my work Miss Siti didn t scold me

6. Despite being an excellent student, he is still searching for a job.


Linking Words (Reason)
We use linking words to join ideas together when we're
talking or writing. Sometimes we want to show that one thing
happened because of another thing. We can use linking words
like 'because' or 'since' or 'due to' to do this.

a) We ran to the bus stop because we were late.
We use as to mean because before a clause
a) We cancelled the tour as it was raining.
We cancelled the picnic since it was raining.
b) Since she as doing her home ork e didn t disturb

Due to
Due to must be followed by a noun.

a) Due to the number of assignments e couldn t atch
the movie.


Exercise 4.3.2

Rewrite the sentences using the word in bold.

1) Sally did not want to go to her Chemistr class She didn t finish her home ork
due to
Sall did not ant to go to her ........................................................................ .

2) Sarah refused to eat dinner. She was not hungry. ...... .
Sarah refused to eat dinner

3) She decided to attend extra classes. She needed to do well in her exam.

reason why

to attend extra classes was the fact that she needed to do well in her


4) I wanted to stay longer in Miss Marsal s class. I enjoyed her class.
I anted to sta longer

5) She was absent. She needs to take her sick brother to hospital.
She as absent


Exercise 4.3.3

Choose the correct word or phrase to fill the space.

1. We sta ed inside the storm because because of

2. I wanted to stay longer I was really enjoying the party. (since / because of)

3. It as Si a s birthda e decided to bu him a present so because

4. all the seats on the bus are taken, we had to stand. (As a result/Since)

5. Amanda stayed at home her illness. (as / due to)

6. Lucy was very tired; she went to bed early. (because / due to)

7. the terrible weather, we decided not to walk home from school. (as /

due to)

8. Alan helped his friends to complete their homework he already done with

his homework. (due to / since)

9. I didn't want to leave the school I was having a great time. (because of/ as)

10. She had the best qualification among the candidates she got the job

(so, as)


Linking Words (Result)
We use linking words so, as a result and therefore to introduce
result of something in a sentence.


We do not have enough money. Therefore, we cannot afford to buy
the new car.


She is going to the Sport Festival in her school, so she is wearing her

As a result

As a result of lack of sleep, he falls asleep during our English class.

Let s Re ie
Connecting words expressing a
contrast: although, even though,
however, in case, despite, in spite of
Connecting words expressing cause:
because, because of, as a result of,
due to
Connecting words expressing an
effect: so, consequently, as a result,
thus, therefore


Exercise 4.3.4

Choose the correct linking word to complete the following sentences.

1. Dan sa s he on t accept the position the raise the salar
A. So
B. As
C. Although
D. Despite

2. Jack loves to play badminton __________ his parents want him to focus on his

A. Although
B. Since
C. As
D. Despite

3. Which word or phrase CANNOT complete the sentence?

The match as cancelled the lack of participants.

A. due to

B. because

C. because of

4. Which word completes the sentence?
Some scientists believe that global temperatures are increasing and ___ ice is
melting at the poles.
A. consequently
B. because
C. due to


5. In spite of ____, the team won the match.
A. their inexperience
B. they were inexperienced
C. their experience

6. she tried her best to sol e the question she cannot get the

ans er her teacher promised to help her

A. As, in spite of

B. Although, however

C. Since, although

D. Despite, but

7. Which sentence is NOT correct?
A. In spite of she prepared for her inter ie she didn t get the job
B. Although she prepared for her interview, she didn t get the job
C. Despite preparing for her inter ie she didn t get the job

8. He stayed up to do his revision __________ he was really tired.
A. however
B. even though
C. in spite of

9. He didn t start his essa until the last minute and he didn t manage to
finish it on time.
A. although
B. because of
C. consequent


At the end of this lesson, students will be able to :
Use either … or / neither .. nor correctly
Use will with the past verb correctly in a sentence
Use the reported speech correctly in a sentence.





1. Refers to any one of the two things or people.
2. Is considered singular in a sentence.
3. It is a correlative conjunction.
4. We can use it to emphasis a choice.
5. Connect things which are the same types, phrases, clauses, or words.

1. You can either write or phone to request a copy.
2. Do either of you smoke or drink heavily?
3. Either he or she cooks dinner.
4. Either Amira or Anna will go.


1. Is used as a conjunction
2. Makes negative statement about two people or things.
3. This structure “neither….nor”, is used to connect the same kind of
word or phrase in a sentence.

1. Neither Mark nor his wife is very tall.
2. Neither the boss nor the employees was at work.
3. Neither Susan nor her friends are going to the party tonight.

4. He has neither talent nor desire to learn.



Choose the correct version of the following:

1) Which is correct?
A. You can either go by bus or by taxi. They are both efficient.
B. You can neither go by bus nor by taxi. They are both efficient.

2) Which is correct?
A. If you need help you can either ask Danny or Chris.
B. If you need help you can neither ask Danny nor Chris.

3) Which is correct?
A. We can’t go swimming today or we can't we go to visit Peter.
B. We can't go swimming today nor can we visit Peter.

4) Which is correct?
A. Neither this driver nor the other one was going fast.
B. Either this driver or the other one was going fast.

5) Which is correct?
A. Sarah doesn't like pizza or pasta.
B. Sarah doesn't like pizza nor pasta

6) Which is correct?
A. If you get lost you can neither call me nor Sam. Here are our numbers.
B. If you get lost you can either call me or Sam. Here are our numbers.



Fill in the blanks with either … or / neither … nor to complete the
sentences below.

1. That’s enough! ___________ you pay your debt to me ____ I take you
to court.
2. They had ________ food to eat _____ money to go to a restaurant.
3. You should stop making excuses. _________ you study hard _____
you will fail in the Maths test tomorrow.
4. We have __________ bread _____ cheese so we cant make cheese
5. She can _______ buy a laptop _____ a tablet PC. She had enough
6. My baby sister likes ________ soup ____ spinach. She just likes milk.
7. We have some flour and eggs. We can ______ make an omelette ____
8. You can _______ grow corn ____ wheat here in this season.
9. I think I wont be able to come to the party. _________ my father ____
my mother gave me permission.
10. Jason can play _______ the guitar ____ the drums at the concert. He
can play them well.



Complete the sentences. Use: either, or, neither, nor.

1. I can’t find __________ of my pencils.
2. ________ tomorrow or the day after tomorrow is a good day to meet.
3. We can take a flight at _________ one o’clock _______ three thirty.
4. ___________ cats _______ dogs are allowed in the restaurant.
5. I don’t like _________ of those two coffee shops.
6. _________ of my classmates could come to the party. They were both
7. _________ of the movies were interesting. They were both boring.
8. The hat was __________ too large, _______ too small. I was the right
9. Either it will rain tomorrow, ________ it wont rain.
10. Let’s meet on __________ Friday _____ Saturday.


Combine the sentences using either…or / neither… nor.

Example : Maybe I’ll drink soda. Maybe I’ll drink juice.
Answer : I’ll drink either soda or juice.
1. I don’t eat candy. I don’t eat cake.

2. Maybe the doctor will help you. Maybe the nurse will help you.

3. The store owner isn’t here today. The store manager isn’t here today.

4. Maybe the team is practicing in the gym. Maybe the the team is
practicing outdoors.

5. I am not watching the movie on TV. I am not watching the movie on
my laptop.

6. Maybe my mom will be home. Maybe my sister will be home.



Wish is a powerful word for expressing dreams, hopes and desires.
We wish you the best.
I wish I had brought my camera.

A wish is a desire for different reality. In general, wishes express desires
that are unlikely to happen.

We use wish + past form verb to talk about things in the present we
would like to be different.

1. I wish I was better with money. I am always in debt
2. I wish I had a car, but I can’t afford one
3. I wish I could help, but I’m really busy now.

We use wish + past perfect verb to show that we regret something and
we want something in the past to be different.

1. I wish I had listened to my mum and studied harder.
2. I wish I hadn’t eaten so much.



Complete the sentences with the simple past form of the verb.

1. I wish she (tell) _______________ me about her party before. I already have plans.
2. Danny wishes he (finish) ________________ work earlier everyday.
3. My children wish that I (buy)__________________ them more presents every
4. I wish I (not fill up) ______________ on appetizers, because the entree looked
fabulous and I didn’t get to try it.
5. I wish I (get) _______________ paid twice a month instead of once a month.
6. Henry wishes he (go) _______________ to Harvard because he would have a
better job by now.
7. I wish I (have) _________________ my free time back.
8. I wish I had (find) _________________ one of those jobs.
9. I wish I had (choose) ________________ a job with better benefits earlier.
10. Are you serious? I wish I (can) __________ get paid extra for working on



Extra Notes :
There are three distinct types of I wish/ if only sentences:
1. Regrets with the PAST PERFECT
Example : I wish I hadn got so angry
2. Wanting change for the present or future with the PAST SIMPLE
Example : I wish I had enough money to go to New York this holiday.

3F. iClloimnptlhaeingtsapwsithusWinOgUtLhDe v+eIrNbFsIiNnITbIrVacEkets.

ERxeagmrpeltes : I wish you ldn arrive so late all the time.
1. I wish I ____________ her she’d put on weight. She hates me now. (tell
2. I wish it ___________ so much. The garden’s turned to mud. (rain NEGATIVE)
3. If only I ___________ there, I wouldn’t have got a fine. (park NEGATIVE)

Wanting Change
4. If only I ___________ more time for my hobbies. (have)
5. I wish it __________ more often in Thailand. (rain)
6. I wish I _________ to go to your nephew’s wedding. (have NEGATIVE)

7. I wish you ________ so much. You’re a complete idiot when you’re drunk. (drink
8. If only it ________ The garden’s as dry as a bone. (rain)
9. I wish Samantha ___________ her hair more often. It looks so easy all the time.

10. I wish you __________ so horrible to your brother. He’s really nice bloke. (be
11. I wish the council _____________ that beautiful old house. It was part of the
town’s heritage. (demolish NEGATIVE)
12. If only I _________ the money to go to John’s wedding in Australia. (have)
13. I wish you ____________ to your mother like that. ( speak NEGATIVE)
14. If only we ______________ a Hewlett Packard printer. The cartridges are so
expensive. (buy NEGATIVE)
15. I wish Malik _____________so fast. It’s only matter of time before he kills
someone. (drive NEGATIVE)



Choose the correct phrase a, b, or c to complete each sentence.

1. I wish I ____________ to him.

A. Have listened B. had listened C. had listen

2. If I had studied harder, I ____________ my exam.
A. Will have passed B. would have pass C. would have passed

3. If I ________ out last night, I wouldn’t have been late this morning.

A. Hadn’t gone B. hadn’t go C. had went

4. I wish I ____________ all my money last week.

A. Hadn’t spend B. haven’t spent C. hadn’t spent

5. If only I ___________ my homework.

A. Have done B. had done C. had did

6. If only they _______________ me.

A. Hadn’t seen B. hadn’t saw C. haven’t seen

7. I wish ___________ to my father.

A. I have listened B. had listen C. I had listened

8. I wish it _________ snowing. C. could stopped
A. Would stopped B. would stop

9. I wish I _______ so old.

A. Am B. was not C. had not

10. I wish I _______ the train.

A. Have took B. would taken C. had taken

11. I wish I __________ a day off.

A. Could take B. would taken C. could taken

12. I wish the prices ___________ so expensive.

A. Would not B. were not C. was not


A. Use the words to write complete sentences.

1. We / wish / have / car.

2. I / wish / not live / here.

3. Jenny / wish / have / more money.

4. Mike / wish / can / play the piano.

5. They / wish / not have / exams.

B. Write wishes for the situation.

1. I’m not a lawyer.

2. I don’t have a big house in the country.

3. I have to do lots of homework.

4. I’m afraid of snakes.

5. I’m so lazy.



Catherine is describing her boyfriend, Salman. Read the paragraph from her

My boyfriend, Salman, is not very handsome. He is
short and thin. He doesn’t like sports and he never
wants to go on a date with me. He spends a lot of time
with his friends at the Cyber Cafe to play games. He
doesn’t get on well with my friends, and they don’t like
him either. He doesn’t have much money. He is not a
romantic person. He never buys me flowers or
chocolates. So, why do I still go out with him? Well,
I’m not sure but I really love him. I believe he can
change if he wants to.

Write 8 things Catherine might wish for :

1. Salman is not very handsome.
Catherine wishes Kevin were more handsome.
2. He’s not tall.

3. He doesn’t like sports

4. He is not romantic.

5. He never wants to go on a date with her.

6. He doesn’t get on well with her friends.

7. He doesn’t have much money.

8. He never buys me flowers or chocolates.



We use a reporting verb like 'say' or 'tell'. If this verb is in the present tense, it's easy.
We just put 'she says' and then the sentence:
Direct speech: I like ice cream.
Reported speech: She says she likes ice cream.
We don't need to change the tense, though probably we do need to change the ‘person'
from 'I' to 'she', for example. We also may need to change words like 'my' and 'your'.
On the other hand, if the reporting verb is in the past tense, then usually we change
the tenses in the reported speech:
Direct speech: I like ice cream.
Reported speech: She said she liked ice cream.



A. First and second person pronouns and possessive adjectives normally change to the
third person except when the speaker is reporting his own words. (I = he, she; me =
him, her; my = his, her; mine = his, hers; we = they...)

Direct speech : “He’s my son”.
Reported speech : She said that he was her son.
Direct speech : “I m ill”, she said.
Reported speech : She said that she was ill.

This used in time expressions usually becomes that.
Direct speech : “She’s coming this week”.
Reported speech : She said that she was coming that week.

This and that used as adjectives usually change to the.
Direct speech :“I bought this pearl/these pearls for my mother”.
Reported speech : He said that he had bought the pearl/the pearls for his mother.

This, these used as pronouns can become it, they/them.
Direct Speech : He came back with two knives and said, “I found these beside the
king’s bed”.
Reported speech : He said he had found them beside the king’s bed.
Direct Speech : “We will discuss this tomorrow”.
Reported speech : He said that they would discuss it (the matter) the next day.


Last day / week That day
Next week / year The following day
The day / week before
The next week /year


Change the pronouns from direct speech to reported speech.
Example : Direct speech : Mr. Smith said, “I need help with my luggage”

Reported speech : Mr. Smith said (that) he needed help with his luggage.
1. My roommate said to me, “You should call your brother”
My roommate said that _________ should call __________ brother.
2. Sarah said, “ I like sugar in my coffee”.
Sarah said that _________ liked sugar in _________ coffee.
3. Joe said to me, “I will call you”.
Joe said that ____________ would call _____________.
4. My aunt said to me, “ I want your new telephone number”
My aunt said that __________ wanted _______ new telephone number.
5. Sue and Tom said, “We don’t like our new apartment”.
Sue and Tom said that _________ didn’t like __________ new apartment.
6. Sam said to me, “I’ve lost my book”
Sam said that ________ had lost _______ book.
7. Paul said to me, “I want you to help me with my homework”.
Paul said that ___________ wanted _________ to help _________ with _________



Complete the reported speech sentences.

1. Direct speech : Sara said, “I need some help”
Reported sentence : Sara said that she needed some help.

2. Tom said, “I’m meeting David for dinner.”
Tom said that he _____________ David for dinner.

3. Ms. Davis said, “I have studied in Cairo”.
Ms. Davis said that she _____________ in Cairo.

4. Bill said, “ I forgot to pay my electric bills”.
Bill said that he _____________ to pay his electric bills.

5. Barbara said, “ I’m exhausted”
Barbara said that she ________________ exhausted.

6. I said, “I’ll carry the box up the stairs”.
I said that I _____________ the box up the stairs.

7. Jerry said to me, “ I can teach you to drive”.
Jerry said that he _______________ me to drive.

8. My sister said, “I have to attend a conference in London.”
My sister said that she ____________ a conference in London.

9. George said, “ I should Leave on Friday”.
George said that he ______________ on Friday.

10. Ed said, “ I want a CD player.”
Ed said that he ___________________ a CD player.



Change the direct speech to reported speech using the reported verb from

the given list. Use each verb from the list only one time.

advise invite remind

ask order warn

Example : encourage permit

1. My son said, “Could you help me with my homework after dinner?”

My son asked me to help him with his homework after dinner.

2. Jennifer said to Kate, “Would you like to have dinner with me?”
Jennifer ____________ Kate ___________ dinner with her.

3. Mr. Crane said to his daughter, “You should take music lessons. You already sing
very well. You would enjoy studying music. Wouldn’t like you to learn how to play
the piano?”
Mr. Crane _____________ his daughter ___________ music lessons.

4. Nicole said to Heidi, “You should call July to apologize. At least that’s what I
Nicole __________ Heidi ____________ Julie and _____________.

5. Professor Wilson said to Bill, “Yes, you may use my name as a reference on your
job application”.
Professor Wilson ____________ Bill ______________ her name as a reference.

6. Robert said to his dog, “Sit”.
Robert _____________ his dog ______________.

7. Kate said, “Don’t forget to order some more large envelopes”.
Kate ___________ her secretary ____________ some more large envelopes.



Change the direct speech to reported speech using the reporting verbs
from the list to complete the sentence.

Advise√ order remind

1. I saidetoncmouyradgaeughter, “You spheorumldit quit your job ifwyaornu are unhappy.”
I advised my daughter to quit her job if she was unhappy.

2. The rebel commander said to his army, “Retreat!”
The rebel commander __________________________________________.

3. My aunt and uncle said to my husband and me, “Why don’t you spend a week with
us in August?”.

My aunt and uncle ________________________________________________.

4. Mr. Gordon said to his teenaged son, “Don’t forget to make your bed”.
Mr Gordon _______________________________________________________.

5. The tour guide said to us, “Watch out for pickpockets in the marketplace.”
The tour guide _____________________________________________________.

6. The teacher said to the students, “You may not leave the room in the middle of the

The teacher didn’t __________________________________________________.


My friends and I took myself (ourselves)
UNIT 1 to the beach in Langkawi, last Sunday.
EXERCISE 1.1.1 There were so many locals and tourists
1. Itself enjoying themselves at the beach.
2. Himself Calum, one of my friends went
3. Myself swimming by themselves (himself)
4. Herself while Nana and I went to the café.
5. Yourself “Please help yourself (yourselves) with
6. Itself the food”, the waitress told us as soon
7. Myself as we get to the café. We ate so much
that it feels like our stomachs were
EXERCISE 1.1.2 going to burst. We went back to the
1. b beach and build the sandcastle
2. c ourselves. Laila was busy carrying the
3. a pail with some water himself (herself) to
4. c build our sandcastle. While digging the
5. c sand, I found a small crab wondering by
6. b himself (itself). Before going back
home, my friends bought himself
EXERCISE 1.1.3 (themselves) some souvenirs for their
1. himself family and friends. I got ourselves
2. herself (myself) a stuffed crab as a memory of
3. myself the trip. We had so much fun and I
4. yourself always told myself that I will definitely
5. itself come again to this beach. When I reach
6. themselves home I was greeted by my mother who
7. ourselves was smiling at me and she told me,
8. yourselves “Next time bring us along and do not
9. ourselves have fun by ourselves (yourself)”. I
10. herself nodded and smiled back to her.


EXERCISE 1.2.1 8. would – used to 7. quietly
1. Not suitable 9. woke up – wake up 8. hardest
2. Not suitable 10. used to – would 9. more gracefully
3. would
4. would EXERCISE 1.3.1 UNIT 2
5. Not suitable 1. Terribly EXERCISE 2.1.1
6. would 2. Hurriedly 1. Yes
7. Would 3. Anxiously 2. No
8. Not suitable 4. Immediately 3. No
5. Loudly 4. No
EXERCISE 1.2.2 6. Angrily 5. No
1. used to 7. Nervously 6. Yes
2. used to 8. Desperately 7. No
3. would Secret word: 8. No
4. used to THAILAND 9. Yes
5. would 10. Yes
6. would EXERCISE 1.3.2 11. Yes
7. would 1. B 12. No
8. used to 2. C
9. would 3. B EXERCISE 2.1.2
10.used to 4. A 1. Ms. Nurul feels
5. C
EXERCISE 1.2.3 6. C angry if no one does
1. would her homework.
2. would EXERCISE 1.3.3 2. If mom eats too
3. used to 1. The loudest much at night, she
4. would 2. Harder does not sleep well.
5. would 3. More beautifully 3. If you don't water
6. would 4. The earliest your flowers, they
7. would 5. Faster die.
8. used to 6. More aggressively 4. Sarah takes a nap if
9. used to 7. Worst she comes back
10. would 8. Most quickly before 5pm.
11.used to 9. The best 5. If a customer sends
12.used to 10.More soundly a feedback, the
company responds.
EXERCISE 1.2.4 EXERCISE 1.3.4 6. Liya usually does
2. finished – finish 1. Dramatically well in exam if she
3. spent – spend 2. Longer prepares early.
4. used to – would 3. the noisiest 7. Anna's brothers
5. would - used to 4. slowly complain if she
6. would – used to 5. most farthest teases them
7. worked - work 6. seriously


8. Jake plays guitar if EXERCISE 2.7.1 8. has been robbed /
his family is not I used to use many managed
around. sites before settling
with Gmail. I used to 9. have watched /
9. You get orange if download a lot of watched
you mix red and applications to do one
yellow. specific thing. Since I 10.Have you been /
found that Gmail has all paid / was
10.Mira is excited if she the features, I have got
sees her dog. rid of them. 11.said / have not
I have always loved received
11.If a letter has a the reliability of Gmail.
wrong address, it is It is always ahead of its UNIT 3
regarded as a dead time. Gmail has EXERCISE 3.1.1
letter mail. provided me with free 1. Will call
space to store data. It 2. Will be
EXERCISE 2.2.1 has really stood the 3. Will write
1. will taste test of time. 4. Will not tell
2. drink Since then, I have 5. Will send
3. stay used Gmail for the last 6. Will get
4. will look 13 years. I am sure I'll
5. will break not switch to any other EXERCISE 3.1.2
6. return mailing competitor. 1. B: A prediction
7. Will you follow / go 2. A: A promise
8. buy / will it cost EXERCISE 2.7.2 3. D: An offer
9. will not graduate / 1. B 4. C: A decision
2. A.
are found 3. A EXERCISE 3.1.3 sent / will enter 4. A 1. Are you going to
11.are not shown / will
EXERCISE 2.8.1 wear
be required 1. has been / studied 2. Is not going to leave not sent / will be 2. Did you buy / were 3. Is she going to stay
3. has not forgiven / 4. Is going to spend
able ; is sent / will 5. Are they leaving
not be able did
4. rained / has been EXERCISE 3.1.4
EXERCISE 2.3.1 1. Are you going to
1. A sunny
2. A 5. has never cooked / library this
3. C weekend?
4. A did 2. Is he going to bake
5. A 6. lost / has been a cake?
6. B 3. Are the children
7. C found going to funfair
8. B 7. has been / was not tomorrow?
9. A 4. Is Mei Lin going to
10. C able buy a new dress?
5. Is she going to miss
95 the bus?

EXERCISE 3.1.5 3. Have you been EXERCISE 4.1.2
1. Will have waiting 1. too
2. Going to hurt 2. quite
3. Going to miss 4. Have not been living 3. pretty
4. Will come, will be 4. really
5. Will attend EXERCISE 3.3.2 5. too many
6. Are going to walk 1. You have kept a pet EXERCISE 4.1.3
7. I will 1. C
8. Will affect for three years. 2. C
9. Am going to 2. Have you eaten 3. C
10.Will get 4. A
Western food 5. B
EXERCISE 3.1.6 before? 6. B
1. Will 3. Has it rained all 7. A
2. Am going to day? 8. B
3. Will 4. She has stolen all 9. A
4. Are going to the chocolate. 10. C
5. Is going to 5. She has left her
phone in a taxi. EXERCISE 4.2.1
EXERCISE 3.2.1 1. Nothing
1. You could have EXERCISE 3.3.3 2. Something
1. They have been 3. Everything
been right. 4. Everyone
2. She might win the repairing 5. Something
2. I have broken 6. Anything
race. 3. Has saved 7. Nobody
3. She may have 4. Have you lost 8. Everywhere,
5. Have always been
forgotten about the anywhere
meeting. working 9. Anyone
4. They might be 10. Someone
asleep. UNIT 4 11. Nothing
5. He may not know EXERCISE 4.1.1 12. Somewhere,
the answer. 1. You are driving too
6. They could have left anything
early. fast.
7. He might not come 2. Do not worry too EXERCISE 4.2.2
now. 1. A
8. I may see you much, I know he is 2. B
tomorrow. safe. 3. A
9. They could be on 3. I have too many 4. D
holidays. problems to handle 5. C
10.She may not catch so please help me. 6. B
the bus. 4. She has too many 7. A
of absences. 8. C
EXERCISE 3.3.1 5. I have missed out 9. D
1. Have been working too much sleep
2. Has been studying because of my baby
6. The calculation Miss
Swati taught me
was too hard.


10. A 2. Sarah refused to eat 3. B
dinner because she 4. A
EXERCISE 4.2.3 was not hungry. 5. B
1. Something 6. B
2. Someone 3. The reason why she
3. Everything decided to attend EXERCISE 5.1.2
4. Nobody extra classes was 1. Either … or
5. Everything the fact that she 2. Neither … nor
6. Anyone, anywhere needed to do well in 3. Either … or
7. Someone her exam. 4. Neither … nor
8. No one 5. Either … or
9. Everyone 4. I wanted to stay 6. Neither … nor
10. Nowhere longer in Miss 7. Either …. Or
11. Anything Marsal’s class since 8. Either …. Or
12. Nothing I enjoyed her class. 9. Neither …. Nor
13. Anything 10. Either …. Or
14. Everything 5. She was absent
15. Anyone, everything EXERCISE 5.1.3
because she needs 1. Either
EXERCISE 4.3.1 2. Either
1. Although he was a to take her sick 3. Either / or
4. Neither / nor
top student, he brother to hospital. 5. Either
didn’t get the job. 6. Neither
2. Despite arguing a EXERCISE 4.3.3 7. Neither
lot, they are best 8. Neither / nor
friends. 1. Because of 9. Or
3. Although I was late 2. Since 10.Either / or
the boss wasn’t 3. So
angry. 4. Since EXERCISE 5.1.4
4. Even though he is 5. Due to 1. I don’t eat neither
the managing 6. Because
director he still goes 7. Due to candy nor cake.
work by bike. 8. Since 2. Either the doctor or
5. Despite I forgot to 9. Because
submit my work 10. So the nurse will help
Miss Siti didn’t scold you.
me. EXERCISE 4.3.4 3. Neither the store
6. Although he was an 1. C owner nor the store
excellent student, 2. A manager is here
he is still looking for 3. B today.
a job. 4. A 4. The team is
5. A practicing either in
EXERCISE 4.3.2 6. B the gym or outdoors.
1. Sally did not want to 7. A
8. B
go to Chemistry 9. C
class due to her
unfinished UNIT 5
homework. EXERCISE 5.1.1
1. A
2. A


5. I’ll neither watch the 9. B 6. Catherine wishes he
movie on TV nor my 10. C got on well with her
laptop. 11. A friends.
12. B 7. Catherine wishes he
6. Either my mom or my had more money
sister will be home. EXERCISE 5.2.4 8. Catherine wishes he
EXERCISE A bought her flowers and
EXERCISE 5.2.1 1. We wish we had a chocolates.
1. Told car.
2. finished 2. I wish I didn’t live EXERCISE 5.3.1
3. bought here. 1. I … my
4. did not fill up 3. Jenny wishes she 2. She …. her
5. got had more money 3. He … me
6. went 4. Mike wishes he could 4. She … my
7. Had play the piano 5. They ….. their
8. Found 5. They wish they didn’t 6. He …. is
9. Chosen have exams. 7. He … me …. him…
10. Could his
EXERCISE 5.2.2 1. I wish I was a lawyer EXERCISE 5.3.2
1. Hadn’t told 2. I wish I had a big 1. Needed
2. Hadn’t rained house in the country 2. was meeting
3. Hadn’t parked 3. I wish I didn’t have to 3. had studied
4. Had do lots of homework 4. had forgotten
5. Rained 4. I wish I weren’t afraid 5. was
6. didn’t have of snakes 6. would carry
7. wouldn’t drink 5. I wish I weren’t so 7. could teach
8. would rain lazy. 8. had to attend
9. would wash 9. should leave
10. weren’t EXERCISE 5.2.5 10. wanted
11. hadn’t demolished 1. Catherine wishes
12. had Salman were more EXERCISE 5.3.3
13. wouldn’t speak handsome. 1. Asked ….. to help
14. hadn’t bought 2. Catherine wishes he 2. Invited …. to have
15. wouldn’t drive were taller. 3. Encouraged …. to
3. Catherine wishes he take
EXERCISE 5.2.3 liked sports 4. Advised …. to call / to
1. B 4. Catherine wishes he apologize
2. C were romantic 5. Permitted … to use
3. A 5. Catherine wishes he 6. Ordered …. to sit
4. C wanted to go on a date 7. Reminded …. to
5. B with her order
6. A
7. C 98 EXERCISE 5.3.4
8. B

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