1. Read the question carefully
2. Know the FORMAT
3. Use all the points given in the task. Do not miss anything in bold, bullets given and
key words. Your mark for Content lies in the question paper.
( Count how many given points, if there is fewer than 12 points, you have to add
new points of your own)
4. Write the points using simple and clear sentences.
5. Pay attention to grammar (eg: tenses) and mechanics of writing
6. Write in paragraphs ( more than 3 paragraphs) with introduction , body and
7. Use appropriate linkers, conjunctions and transition signals.
8. Complete the last sentence to show the closing.
FORMAT: 3/2 ,
CONTENT: 12/13,
TIME: 45 minutes
Task successfully fulfilled
Is the format correct?
Well developed and well organized main ideas and supportive details
Does the essay have :
i. an introduction- give background information, attract the reader’s attention,
a thesis statement- state clearly the main idea for the whole essay.
ii. Body – Does it has a topic sentence,
good development with supportive details
unity-one idea per paragraph
coherence-logical organization and transition words
order of importance used to organize the paragraphs
iii. Conclusion- Does it restate the thesis statement or summarize the main point
give final thought.
Accurate language
Accurate mechanics of writing
Sentence structures are varied and used effectively- Does the essay contain a
variety of patterns: simple, compounds, complex and quotation/direct speech.
Sentence structures are varied and aptly used
Vocabulary is wide and aptly used- sophisticated and precise ( idiomatic
expression, proverb and sophisticated words)
Punctuation is accurate
Interest of reader aroused
1.1 Article:
1. Title (Top, mid position) - F1
2. Written by ( Name) (Below the title) - F2
3. More than 3 paragraphs - F3
Ending (wish /hope)
Healthy Eating Habit
Written By: Mohd Fawwaz Bin
Topic Sentence 1
More 3 paragraphs Supportive
Topic Sentence 2, 3,
.................. wishing you all the best for taking
measures to lead a healthy lifestyle.
1.2. Report Date: 12th AUGUST 2013
To: (Name)
1. Title (Top, Mid position)
2. More than 3 paragraphs
3. Reported by: ( Signature and Name)(end of
essay, on the left)
To: The Principal
A Visit to An Orphanage
-Topic Sentence 1
More than 3 Supportive statements
Topic sentence 2,3,4
and supportive statements
Reported by:
1.3 Speech/talk
1. Greeting
2. Purpose( Title)
3. Closing (Thank you)
Good morning to the honourable Principal, respected teachers and all my fellow
friends ( F1). I am Dr Wan Hamiah Wan Mahmud, a medical officer of Seremban General
Hospital . It gives me great pleasure to give a speech on how to maintain healthy
lifestyle (F2). (Introduction )
6 Topic sentence 1,2,3,4
Supportive statements
More 3 paragraphs
In conclusion, we should plan our schedules so that we will have time for everything
especially for ourselves by practicing healthy life style. Thank you ( F3)for your attention
and cooperation.
1.4 Informal Letter/ Friendly
1. Address ( sender)( top, right position)
Date ( Below the address)
2. Salutation ( Dear Amir, ) –Left position, 1 line
3. Signing off (Your friend,) and Signature *** DO NOT USE Yours faithfully
Ahmad Bin Jidin
No.1231,Jln 28,
Taman Empangan,
12th August 2013
Dear Amirul,
More 3 paragraphs How are you?.........
Topic sentence and supportive statements
I hope to hear from you soon.
1.5 Formal Letter Your friend/ Yours sincerely,
1. Address ( Sender’s name and address) ( Top, Left position)
Address ( recipient’s post and address)
The last address write in all
capital letters)
Date ( 8th AUGUST 2013)- Right position
2. Salutation ( Dear Sir, )
Heading/ Title (underlined)
3. Signing off ( Yours faithfully- USE ONLY, )- (Bottom, Left position)
State your Name, Post
Aqilah Bt Sabri,
No 123,Taman Puri
The Chairman, 2nd JUNE 2016
Seremban Health Council,
2, Jalan Merah,
70400 Seremban
Dear Sir,
Dengue Outbreak in Taman Puri
With reference to the above matter, I wish to bring to your notice the seriousness of
the disease in Taman Puri.
2. The residents here have put up with the outbreak since three weeks ago……
I would be grateful if my request for help is given consideration.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
(Aqilah Bt Sabri)
President , Residents Association of taman Puri
2.1 Sentence Structures
1. Correct sentence structure.
A sentence must - contain at least one subject
- and one verb My brother entered a writing competition
- Express complete My brother and sister entered and
Thought won the writing competition
( has meaning) The children are very excited
She and her family have enough money
A non-sentence -might not have a subject Was very good.
-Might not have a verb The lady beautiful
-Does not express a complete Last night at about seven o’clock.
thought The thief steals
Although he was old
A simple sentence, also called an independent clause. It contains:
i. a subject /s
ii. a verb/s,
iii. it expresses a complete thought.
1.Some students like to study in the mornings. (SVC)
2. Jagurah and Arturo play football every afternoon. (SSVC)
3. Alicia goes to the library and studies every day.
(SVC conjuctions NBOYS) VC)
The simple sentence pattern:
A compound sentence contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator.
The coordinators are as follows: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. (Helpful hint: The first
letter of each of the coordinators spells FANBOYS.)
1. I tried to speak Arabic, and my friend tried to speak English.
2. Aleja played football, so his wife went shopping.
3. Aleja played football, for his wife went shopping.
What are FANBOYS
For Cause (because)
And Addition ( same idea)
Nor CHOICE ( NOT THIS, NOT THAT )- join 2 negative sentences. The
sentence after nor is like a question: She did not talk, nor did she
But Opposite ideas/contrast
Or Choice (either this or that)
Yet OPPOSITE IDEA-same as but- the second part of sentence says
something unexpected or surprising
So RESULT-the second sentence describe the result of the first
i. Use a Comma and a Joining Word/ Conjunctions.
[For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, and So] – as examples above.
1. The teacher lectured for over an hour, so his students slept soundly.
2. The old man spent all his money, for he wanted his children had comfortable
3. The student had a test the next day, but she did not study all night long.
ii. Use a Semicolon ( ; )
1. The teacher lectured for over an hour ; his students slept soundly.
2. The old man spent all his money ; he wanted his children had comfortable life.
3. The student had a test the next day ; she did not study all night long.
Pattern: SVC ; SVC
iii.Use a semicolon and a transition signal
1. The students worked very hard in the science project; however, they failed to
convince their teacher.
2. Larry studied for the test all weekend; therefore, he expected a good grade
on the test.
Patterns: SVC ; Transition signal , SVC
What are transition signals?
Transition signals are connecting words or phrases that act like bridges between
parts of your writing. They link your sentences and paragraphs together smoothly so
that there are no abrupt jumps or breaks between ideas.
Transition signals act like signposts to indicate to the reader the order and flow of
your writing and ideas. They strengthen the internal cohesion of your writing. Using
transitions makes it easier for the reader to follow your ideas. They help carry over a
thought from one sentence to another, from one paragraph to another, or from one
idea to another.
Transition signals
To join similar intelligent ; in addition , hardworking
ideas/ introduce
additianal ideas ; moreover, his words are
/information harsh
; furthermore,
; besides,
To join He is a good ; however ,
contradict man
; nevertheless,
; on the other hand/on the
; meanwhile/ whereas,
To indicate a It rained ;therefore, they had to
result/ effect ceaselessly
postpone the
;thus/thereby/hence/henceforth, football match
;consequently/as a result,
To give He failed the ;because he did not
reason/cause test study
;since /as
To introduce The school ;for example there are an
an example has many air-conditioned
facilities for ;for instance library, a
students mosque, big
and a student
to add similar Narita seldom ;similarly/likewise she locks
idea/repeat talks with her herself in her
information sibling room when she
is at home.
To summarise in brief/all in all /in conclusion/in I hope you
or conclude a nut shell/ to conclude/ in have gained
other words, some insight
into the
problem of
obesity among
youngsters and
learnt way to
control your
Fill in the blank with correct transition signals
Homeless Adrian was able to lead a relatively normal life;-------------
---------------------------, (1) Mr. and Mrs Smith rescued him from the 1.To show
street. The Smiths set about teaching Adrian how to behave in the cause
society ; -----------------------------------(2), they taught him to speak
2.To give
English. They thought him living skills; 3.To add idea
------------------------- (3), they taught him to read. Finally, they sent 4.To show the
him to a school for the Arts; -------------------------------- (4), Adrian result
quickly became a talented guitar player, -------------------- (5) he
decided that he could be a professional musician. Ultimately, 5. To add idea
6.To show
Adrian met some fellow musicians who, ------------------------------ (6),
were as talented as him, and they soon formed a band that
became a huge success.
Complete the paragraph with transitions below:
Major ideas: first, second , for one thing, for another thing, finally,
Examples: for example, for instance,
Additional examples: in addition, also, additionally, moreover Conclusions: all in all,
on the whole, as one can see.
Topic Sentence: Students can draw on a variety of sources to help them with
writing assignments.
I. Personal experiences
A. conversations with others B. electronic communications C. college skills
II. Experiences of others
A. interviews B. overhead conversations C. television shows
III. Research
A. articles and books B. internet C. librarian
Sources for Student Project Writing
Students can draw on a variety of sources to help them with writing assignments.
_____________________, they can draw on personal experiences.
__________________, for an assignment about communication skills, a writer might
think about the way he or she communicates through conversations with others while
at work or at home. _________________, a writer might look at ways he or she
communicates with others electronically via email or texting or Facebook. Students
might _________________ find examples of written communication skills by looking
at skills they’ve learned for previous writing assignments.
_________________________, student writers can look for ideas from other
people’s experiences. _______________________, writers can interview other
students or even family members. ______________________, a writer may have
heard others talk about this topic, maybe in class. __________________ source
would be television shows on the topic of communication. __________________,
school writers may find that they need to
do some research to complete an assignment. __________________, lots of experts
have written articles or books on the topic of communication skills.
______________________, a search of “communication skills” on the internet might
provide useful information; __________________, reference librarians can help
students find research materials in special collections or databases.
__________________________, student writers need to be able to draw on a
combination of personal experience, observations of others, and research materials
to develop their written assignments.
Join the simple sentences to construct compound sentences using : SVC,
FANBOYS SVC / SVC; SVC / SVC; Transition signals, SVC . Link
paragraph with suitable Transition signals.
My Ideal School
School life is one of the most important times of our lives.
It is a place where we learn ABC.
It is a place where we learn to get along with other people.
It is a place where we learn to differentiate between wrong and right.
It is a place where we learn to live within community.
My ideal school would have environment that is conducive to teaching and
The classroom would be air-conditioned especially during hot climate.
Classroom is equipped with state-of-the art facilities such as electronic white
board and a huge screen with projector.
Students will have their own lockers.
We do not have to lug around heavy bags anymore.
My ideal school must have passionate teachers.
Teachers are knowledgeable.
Teachers have the know-how to teach the students effectively.
They know how to teach in a way that students understand.
The teachers will constantly improve themselves.
They will find new ways to make lessons fun.
Most of all, the teachers realize that they do not just teach the subjects.
They are teaching about life itself. There are helping students to be
independent, to prepare life after school.
Every school needs rules and regulations.
My school encourages students to be responsible for their actions.
Student is given 100 points to start off.
Every misdemeanor will get a demerit point.
Every good deed is given merit point.
At the end of a term, students with high point will be awarded.
My ideal school focuses on building wholesome individual.
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5 (Conclusion )
A complex sentence is a sentence with an independent clause ( IDC) and at least
one dependent clause (DC). The dependent clause is introduced by either a
subordinate conjunction (such as although, while, or because) or a relative pronoun
(such as who or which).
Independent clause : - contain at least one subject and one verb
- Express complete thought ( has meaning)
- Can stand alone
Dependent clause: - ( a group of words with a subject and a verb)
- Does not express a complete thought.
- Cannot stand alone.
- Must be connected to an independent clause to make a complete
Pattern : IDC ( subordinating conjuctions/ relative pronouns ) DC
( subordinating conjuctions/ relative pronouns ) DC , IDC
Subordinating conjuctions
TIME/WHERE After/ before/while/until/when/whenever/since/as soon as/
CAUSE & EFFECT Because / since/ as/ in order that / in case (that)
OPPOSITE Though/ even though / Although/ whereas /while/Despite/
CONDITION Inspite of
even if/ if / unless/ only if/ whether or not
Relative pronouns
Person Who/whom
Thing/Animal Which
Person/thing/animal That (is used only in restrictive clause* - in place of who and
Example: Dependent Clause
that I wrote in the examination
Independent Clause when I looked into the mirror
My teacher admired the essay although you may not believe it
I saw an old man until he attended Medical College.
It is true
Jusoh had no focus in life
Pattern: IDC (subordinating/ relative pronouns) DC
Dependent Clause Independent Clause
Because the teacher gave such hard many students failed.
When I looked into the mirror , I saw an old man.
Although you may not believe it, it is true
Until Jusoh attended Medical College , he had no focus in life.
The company uses robot, which can work twenty four hours
Pattern: (subordinating/ relative pronouns) DC , IDC
Rules to write complex sentence with relative pronouns clause (clause begins with :
who, whom, which and that).
2 kinds of relative clause:
1. Restrictive (necessary) to identify the noun
2. Non-restrictive(unnecessary) to identify the noun-merely gives extra
Restrictive clause: NO COMMA
Non-restrictive: USE COMMA
My son who/that is studying at University of Minnesota won the Nobel Prize
(necessary to identify which son)
My youngest son , who is studying at University of Minnesota won the
Nobel Prize. (unnecessary-there is only 1 youngest son- give extra
Every culture in the world has special days that people observe with
traditional food, custom and events ( necessary- identify which days )
One of the important event in Malaysia is Natioanal Day Celebration, which
is celebtated on 31st of August.(unnecessary to identify National Day; it
merely gives extra information).
Use subordinating conjunctions to connect the sentences into one complex
Henry needs to learn English. I will teach him.
It was raining outside. We went for a walk.
Jenny needs to ask me. I will buy it for her.
Yvonne played golf extremely well. She was very young.
Franklin wants to get a new job. He is preparing for job interviews.
I'm writing a letter, and I'm leaving. You will find it tomorrow.
Marvin thinks he will buy the house. He just wants to know what his wife
Cindy and David had breakfast. They left for work.
I really enjoyed the concert. The music was too loud.
Alexander has been working sixty hours a week. There is an important
next week.
I usually work out at the gym early in the morning. I leave for work at eight
The car was extremely expensive. Bob didn't have much money. He bought
the car.
Dean sometimes goes to the cinema. He enjoys going with his friend Doug.
visits once a month.
I prefer to watch TV by streaming over the internet. It allows me to watch what
I want
when I want
Sometimes it happens that we have a lot of rain. I put the chairs on the patio in
garage when we have rain.
__________________________________________________________________ _
Writing passive voice is another way to add variety to sentence structures.
Passive voice is commonly used in writing article and report.
When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:
the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
the finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence
(or is dropped)
Examples of Passive
Tense Subject Verb Object
Simple Present Active: Rita writes a letter.
Passive: A letter is written by Rita.
Rita wrote a letter.
Simple Past Active: by Rita.
A letter was written a letter.
Passive: Rita has written by Rita.
has been written a letter.
Present Perfect Active: A letter by Rita.
Rita will write
Passive: will be written
A letter
Future I Active:
25 Active: Rita can write a letter.
Passive: A letter can be written by Rita.
1. Many people speak English. -English by many
2. . Dangerous drivers have caused many accidents. -Many
accidents by dangerous drivers.
3. Human activity will affect the environment. -The
environment by human activity.
4. You must not drop litter in the street. -Litter in the
5. Smoking can seriously damage your health. -Your
health by smoking.
6. Rising sea levels is increasingly threatening many atolls. -Many
atolls by rising sea levels.
7. Losing weight can improve your health. -Your
health by losing weight.
8. All drivers must respect the rules of the road. -The rules of the
road by all drivers.
9. People must not drink alcohol. -Alcohol by people.
10.Global warming has affected weather conditions. –Weather
conditions by global warming.
Change the underline sentences to passive voice
How To Keep Fit
There is a saying, 'health is better than wealth'. The saying is extremely true - a man
may be immensely rich, but without health, he can hardly enjoy his wealth. Since
health is so important, how does one keep oneself healthy?
One of the most effective ways to keep fit is through exercising. Doing
exercise reduces the risk of contracting heart diseases and getting stroke. Moreover,
it also decreases the risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure and colon
cancer. People who exercise regularly maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints.
Therefore, it is advisable to do exercise such as walking, jogging, swimming, cycling,
doing push-ups, skipping, playing sports, et cetera three to four times a week for
about half an hour per session to maintain good health.
Having a balanced diet is another key factor in ensuring a healthy life. It is
important to eat food that is rich in nutrients. Healthy people eat fresh fruits and
vegetables which are rich sources of vitamins and minerals that are essential in order
to keep fit. For strong bones and teeth, drink more yogurt and milk and eat more
cheese. Other food that includes fish, poultry, eggs, beef, beans, nuts and tofu
contributes to a balanced diet. We should avoid food that contains too much sugar as
it causes bad health. The same goes for junk food and also food made from refined
flour as a lot of nutrients are destroyed during the refining process. Unfortunately,
nowadays people make most bread from refined flour. It is best to increase the intake
of natural foods as they contain plenty of natural goodness which we cannot do
without to possess good health.
It is wise to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol, since they damage our lungs
and livers respectively, besides bringing forth other harmful effects to our bodies.
Taking drugs can be a serious problem as it usually causes addictions, diseases and
cancers. In serious cases, it may even cause deaths. Thus, we should stay away
from drugs.
Having sufficient sleep is also a vital factor. Every day, school children,
teenagers and adults should get 10 to 11 hours, 8 to 9 hours and 7 to 9 hours of
sleep respectively. The insufficiency of sleep can lead to serious heart problems, high
blood pressure, stroke, diabetes and obesity. To improve the quality of our sleep, it is
important to sleep in complete darkness, since artificial light interferes with the
production of hormones or chemicals that tells our body to rest. If we are unable to
eliminate the light in our room, then wear an eye mask.
Over-eating and under-eating can give rise to health problems as well. Therefore we
should eat the right amount of food each meal.
About 70 percent of our body is made of water. Since our body is constantly using it
up, we need to drink about 8 glasses of water daily to replenish it. We need water to
flush toxins out of our vital organs, carry nutrients to our cells and provide a moist
environment for our ear, nose and throat tissues. It also cools our body through the
process of perspiration. When sweat evaporates from our skin, it takes heat with it
and lowers our body temperature.
In conclusion, it is extremely vital for us to do everything in moderation. As long as
one cultivates good habits and leads a healthy lifestyle, it is not difficult to keep ones
__________________________________________________________________ _
- Introduction- back ground – thesis statement
- Body- Topic sentence-supportive details, use linkers to link ideas.
- Conclusion- summary-final thought.
Sample Question:
Obesity has been on the rise with more and more young people becoming obese.
Your school has decided to launch a Health Week to raise awareness among
students about the need to be more health conscious. As the president of the
school’s Health Club, you have been asked to give a speech on health
consciousness. You have made some notes on the reasons why young people are
obese and suggestions to reduce weight.
Improper eating habits Exercise regularly – three times a
- Eating too much junk food week
- Too many calories
Reduce food intake
Lack of exercise Reduce sugar and fat intake
Lazy lifestyle Change eating habit
Have fixed time for eating
Eat small meal
Write out the speech you would give. When writing your talk, you should:
Address your audience
Introduce the topic
Use all the notes
End the talk appropriately.
Good morning to………………………., the Opening: greet the important
Principal of …….. person first.: F1
Our school is organizing a Health Week ( Background: get from the rubric of
to……………………………………….. the question) :
As the president of the Health Club I would like (purpose: title from the question-
to give a talk on F2)
…………………………………..Therefore, I would
Thesis statement: the main idea of
the whole essay.
like to give reasons why many young people
are obese and suggest some suggestions to
help reducing weight.
There are many reasons why many people are Topic sentence
obese. One of the reasons of obesity is continuous 1
improper eating habits (C1). For example, youngsters Supportive Varied
who eat too much fast food or junk food (C2) such as statement: sentence
potato chips, crackers in between meals are putting on How structures:
weight nowadays. These food items contain extra What simple ,
calories (C3), which are not needed by the body; thus Compoun
are stored as fat. Why Use
Result signals.
In addition, most young people are lack of Topic sentence Transition
2 signals to
exercise (C4). They Supportive connect
statement: between
………………………………………………… paragraph
How s, showing
………………………………………………… to add
What idea.
Why ( Use
simple +
+ complex
( Complete the paragraph)
Moreover, some of young people have lazy Topic sentence Transition
lifestyle(C5)………………………………………….. Supportive signals: to
statement: add new
……………………………………………………. How idea and
What to show
Why result.
Hence, They tend to be less active, so they lose extra Result Use varied
weight slower or not all. sentence
However, there are many ways for people to Topic sentence Transition
lose weight. Exercise(C6) is the key to losing weight Supportive To
. We should exercise regularly at least three times a statement: introduce
week(C7) in order to burn extra fat that is stored in the How different
body. The easiest exercise is brisk walking, for it is Why ideas
simple, easy and cheap. All we have to do is walk Result simple,
around our neighbourhood, or we have to park our compound
vehicle far from the place that we are going to. complex
Therefore, exercise helps us to lose weight effectively.
We will also have to reduce the intake of Topic sentence simple,
How compound
food(C8) to have ideal body weight. For What and
instance,……………………………………………….. What complex
Furthermore, lowering the intake of food that is high in
sugar(C9) like,…………………………………………….
will help you lose weight.
Finally, changing eating habits will help us Topic sentence
control our weight (C10). We have to adopt balanced How
diet in order to lose weight. For
Eating three meals a day at a fixed time(C11) will also
help us to reduce our weight. Alternatively, instead of
having three meals a day, we can have more small
meals a day(C12) so as not to feel hungry.
Restate the Transition
signal to
All in all, I hope you have gained some insight thesis statement conclude
into the problem of obesity among youngsters and
learnt way to control your weight. Therefore, I hope my Final thought.
talk has been helpful to lead a healthy lifestyle without End with Thank
you (F3)
having obesity. Thank you.
Paragraph is unity: 1 paragraph on one common idea.
Coherence paragraph : ideas in paragraph and between paragraphs are
link logically and coherently.
__________________________________________________________________ _
The Health Club in your school is organizing a Health Campaign. As the president of the
club, you have been asked to write an article for the school newsletter on how to lead a
healthy life style. Using the notes below write out your article.
Eat healthily Bad habits
*fruit and vegetables *sleep late
*drink plenty of water *smoking
*never skip breakfast *neglecting personal hygiene
*20 minutes a day * take stairs
*short walks
When writing your article you should remember:
To give a suitable title
to write your name as a writer
to write in paragraphs
to use all the information given
that your readers are students of your school
Your school is organising a ceremony for your favourite teacher who is retiring. You
have been asked to give a farewell speech.
Use the notes below about your teacher to write your speech.
Number of years teaching at your school
Previous schools
- 100% passes English Language
- Innovative Teacher Award
Contributions to the school
- Head of English Panel
- Teacher advisor-debating team
- Organiser-charity events
Teacher’s plans after retirement
- Plan 1 (give your own idea)
- Plan 2 (give your own idea)
Your opinion of the teacher
One good memory you have of your teacher
Wish your teacher well for the future
When writing the speech, you should remember to:
Greet the audience
State the purpose of your speech
Use all the notes given
Give your own ideas when needed
End your speech appropriately
You as the president of the Environmental Club of your school have succeeded in
organizing the campaign entitled “Keep Your School Clean”. The club advisor has
asked you to write a report for the principal.
Write the report about the campaign using all the notes given.
• Who organized the campaign
• Date and time of the campaign
• Who were involved
• Purpose – to instill awareness on cleanliness
• Main activity – keep classroom, toilets and canteen clean.
• Other activities in the campaign.
• Who checked the places
• Prizes awarded to the cleanest class
• Follow-up plan – severe punishment for littering
- reward the cleanest classroom
When writing your report, you should remember to:
– Address your report to your Principal
– Lay out the report correctly
– Give a suitable title for the report.
Your school recently organized a cleanliness campaign in conjuction with “My
Beautiful Malaysia Week” programme, launched by the Ministry of Education. Write a
report to the principal regarding the campaign. Use the following notes to write your
Duration – one week
Launching ceremony
- State Education Officer
- Held at the school hall
- to inculcate the important of clean surroundings and personel
- to create awareness of environmental problems
- to encourage recycling
- gathered old newspapers and bottles
- posters pinned up
- sketch competition on cleanliness
- general cleaning of the school
- societies assigned to plant flowering plants and trees
Impact on the school
- end of the week – school clean and garden beautiful
When writing the report, you must:
– Address your report to your Principal
– Lay out the report correctly
– Give a suitable title for the report.
– Include your name
– Use all the notes given
You friend needs your help to write his/her holiday assignment on the topic of
generation gap between teenagers and their parents is widening. You are very
concerned.Write a letter to him/her giving your suggestions about how the problem
can be reduced.
Below are the suggested ideas that you would include in your letter.
Some of suggestions:
* parents talk to teenagers
* parents listen to teenagers
* parents monitor teenagers activities
* parents lay down house rules
* parents are flexible
* parents know friends’ parents
* family outings
* eating together
* celebrate teenagers’ achievements
* parents tell teenagers they love them
You should use all the points given above
When writing the letter, you should remember to-
* use the correct format for an informal letter
* elaborate on the points
* start and end your letter correctly.
Every student in your school must be actively involved in three different co-curricular
activities after school hours. As the head prefect of your school, you are asked to
write a letter to the principal about the findings of your survey on students’ views
on co-curricular activities. Use the following notes to write your letter:
Co-curricular activities liked by most students:
- English Language Society
- Police Cadet
- Badminton Club
Common problems faced by students due to co-curricular activities:
- Have to miss tuition
- Transport problem
- No time to do homework
- Too tired to revise at night
Complaints by students:
- Poor leadership of the club, society or uniformed unit
- Action not taken against the absentees
- A few teacher advisors have less experience
Suggestions by students:
- Students choose only one co-curricular activity
- Students can change club, society or uniformed unit as they
When writing the letter, you should remember:
- That your letter is formal letter
- That letter is to the principal
- To lay out the letter correctly
- To use paragraphs
- To use all the notes given.
Your friend has written to you seeking advice on study tips to improve in academic
performance. He did not do well in the final exam and he was very upset. Since he is
taking the SPM examination, write a letter to your friend offering suggestions on
how he/she can improve his/her studies and do well in the examination. Use the
following notes to write your letter.
Before class
- Read up on topic
- Have proper breakfast
During lesson
- Be attentive
- Involve yourself in class
- Take down notes
After school
- Complete homework
- Make and review notes
- Do reference
- Form study groups
Extra Tips
- Take a well-balanced diet
- Exercise
- Attend seminars
- Have sufficient rest
When writing the letter, you should remember to include the following-
* address
* salutation/ greeting
* closing
* all the notes given
You have just returned from a visit to Indah recreational Park. You found the park in poor
condition. Write a letter of complaint to the Town Council based on the notes you have
Not enough facilities
- No restaurants
Rubbish everywhere
- Not enough dustbin
Dirty public toilets
- Smelly
Grass not cut
- Snakes
information lacking
- no signposts
- public telephones not working
When writing the letter, you should remember to;
Lay out the letter correctly (addresses, date, salutation, title, closing)
Use all the notes given
Your school is organizing a road safety campaign. As the editor of your school have been
asked to write an article on road safety tips for students in the school.
Use the notes below to write your article:
-Use zebra crossing
- Use overhead bridges
- Look before crossing
- Stay visible when dark
- Walk against the traffic flow
- Use pedestrian pushbuttons at traffic lights
- Obey all signs and traffic lights
- Ride with the traffic flow
- Use lights at night
- Use hand signals
- Ride single line
- Wear helmets
When writing the article, you must remember:
- To give suitable title
- To include all the points given
- To have an introduction and a conclusion
- That your readers are students of your school
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