1.Some students like to study in the mornings. (SVC)
2. Jagurah and Arturo play football every afternoon. (SSVC)
3. Alicia goes to the library and studies every day. (SVVC)/ (SVC + conjunctions
1. I tried to speak Arabic, and my friend tried to speak English.
2. Aleja played football, so his wife went shopping.
3. Aleja played football, for his wife went shopping.
For Cause (because)
And Addition ( same idea)
Nor CHOICE ( NOT THIS, NOT THAT )- join 2 negative sentences. The
sentence after nor is like a question: She did not talk, nor did she
But Opposite ideas/contrast
Or Choice (either this or that)
Yet OPPOSITE IDEA-same as but- the second part of sentence says
something unexpected or surprising
So RESULT-the second sentence describe the result of the first sentence
ii. Use a Semicolon ( ; ) - SVC ; SVC
1. The teacher lectured for over an hour ; his students slept soundly.
2. The old man spent all his money ; he wanted his children had comfortable life.
3. The student had a test the next day ; she did not study all night long.
iii.Use a semicolon and a transition signal - SVC ; Transition signal , SVC
1. The students worked very hard in the science project; however, they failed to
convince their teacher.
2. Larry studied for the test all weekend; therefore, he expected a good grade on the
Transition signals
He is intelligent ; in addition , hardworking
To join similar
ideas/ introduce ; moreover,
additianal ideas
/information ; furthermore,
To join contradict He is a good ; besides, his words are
; however , harsh
ideas/contrast man
; nevertheless,
; on the other hand/on the
To indicate a It rained ; meanwhile/ whereas, they had to
result/ effect ceaselessly ;therefore, postpone the
football match
To give He failed the ;consequently/as a result, he did not study
reason/cause test ;because
To introduce an
example The school has ;since /as there are an air-
many facilities ;for example conditioned
to add similar for students ;for instance library, a
idea/repeat mosque, big
information Narita seldom ;similarly/likewise hall,a
To summarise talks with her gymnasium and
or conclude sibling in brief/all in all /in conclusion/in a student
a nut shell/ to conclude/ in centre.
other words, she locks
herself in her
room when she
is at home.
I hope you have
gained some
insight into the
problem of
obesity among
youngsters and
learnt way to
control your
I. IDC (subordinating/ relative pronouns) DC
Example: Dependent Clause
that I wrote in the examination
Independent Clause when I looked into the mirror
My teacher admired the essay although you may not believe it
I saw an old man until he attended Medical College.
It is true
Jusoh had no focus in life
II. (subordinating/ relative pronouns) DC , IDC
Dependent Clause Independent Clause
Because the teacher gave such hard many students failed.
When I looked into the mirror , I saw an old man.
Although you may not believe it, it is true
Until Jusoh attended Medical College , he had no focus in life.
The company uses robot, which can work twenty four hours
Subordinating conjuctions
TIME/WHERE After/ before/while/until/when/whenever/since/as soon as/
CAUSE & EFFECT wherever/where
Because / since/ as/ in order that / in case (that)
OPPOSITE Though/ even though / Although/ whereas /while/Despite/ Inspite
even if/ if / unless/ only if/ whether or not
Relative pronouns
Person Who/whom
Thing/Animal Which
Person/thing/animal That (is used only in restrictive clause* - in place of who and
Write compound sentences using FANBOYS
An elderly man is eating a lunch, that his wife has prepared for him, at the top of a hill. In the
lunch are some rice balls. The man accidentally drops one of these rice balls and it rolls down
the hill and falls into a hole. The man goes to see where his rice ball has gone. When he
arrives at the hole he hears happy singing from inside. The man tries to get closer to the hole
in order to better hear the singing. He ends up falling in. Once in the hole the man sees many
mice all around him that begin to thank him for the food that he has just provided. The mice
are in such gratitude. They prepare the man a feast. Then, as the man is about to leave, the
mice offer him a souvenir. They say “you can either choose the small box or the large box”
The man chooses the small box. The man then goes back to his house. He opens the box.
He discovers that there are many treasures inside (money, gold, jewellery). Being a very
benevolent man, he spreads the wealth around the whole town.
Write compound sentences using TRANSITION SIGNALS , SEMI COLON ( ; )
Now the man next door hears this story. He becomes jealous. He decides to imitate the
actions of the old man. He brings rice balls to the same hill, shoves the rice balls down the
same hole. He crawls into this hole. The mice are again thankful for the rice. They make the
man a feast. At the end of the feast the man asks for his souvenirs. He imitates a cat in order
to scare the mice. The mice become furious. They start to attack the man relentlessly. The
man becomes overtaken by the mice. He never makes it out of the hole.
Combine the following pairs of simple sentences into complex sentences.
1. John went to the movies. He had a lot of work to do.
2. Vishnu is a brilliant boy. He has won several honors.
3. Mark didn’t get the job. He lacked the necessary qualifications.
4. Harry is a baseball player. He is known all over the world.
5. Henry needs to learn English. I will teach him.
6. It was raining outside. We went for a walk.
7. Yvonne played golf extremely well. She was very young.
8. Franklin wants to get a new job. He is preparing for job interviews.
9. I'm writing a letter, and I'm leaving. You will find it tomor
10. Cindy and David had breakfast. They left for work.
11. I really enjoyed the concert. The music was too loud.
12. Alexander has been working sixty hours a week. There is an important presentation
next week.
13. I usually work out at the gym early in the morning. I leave for work at eight a.m.
14. The car was extremely expensive. Bob didn't have much money. He bought the car.
15. I prefer to watch TV by streaming over the internet. It allows me to watch what I want
and when I want
Identify whether the sentences are simple, complex, compound or compound-
complex. Please underline dependent clauses where it applies.
1. Vampires Dairies is my favorite television show, but I also love True Blood.
2. The student wiped the white board that was filthy with last week’s notes.
3. The trendy fashion designer released her new line on Wednesday.
4. Trina and Hareem went to a luxurious restaurant in Kuala Lumpur to celebrate their
5. Wicked Regina cast a spell on the entire city, so the citizens decided to rebel.
6. While waiting for the paint to dry, Angela went to Home Depot, and Martin organized the
kitchen appliances.
7. After listening to the Kanye West CD, I have new respect for his music.
8. After the teacher chose groups, John and Sara were selected as partners for a project,
yet Sarah did most of the work.
Change the simple sentences to complex sentences using suitable coordinating
The Hare and the tortoise.
There once was a speedy hare. He bragged about how fast he could run. The tortoise was
tired of hearing him boast. The tortoise was slow and steady. He challenged him to a race.
All the animals in the forest gathered to watch.
Hare ran down the road for a while. He then paused to rest. He looked back at slow and
steady tortoise. He cried out, "How do you expect to win this race. You are walking along at
your slow, slow pace?"
Hare stretched himself out alongside the road. He fell asleep, thinking, "There is plenty of
time to relax." Slow and Steady walked and walked. He never, ever stopped. He came to the
finish line.
The animals who were watching cheered so loudly for Tortoise They woke up Hare. Hare
stretched and yawned and began to run again. It was too late. Tortoise was over the line.
After that, Hare always reminded himself, "Don't brag about your lightning pace, for Slow and
Steady won the race!"
Choose whether or not each of the following sentences is a run on sentence, a
fragment, or a complete sentence. Fill in the blanks with either FRAGMENT, RUN ON,
or COMPLETE. EX: Bill is a good man we all know this. RUN ON
1. Her eyes, the most beautiful eyes in the world. __________________
2. I’m sorry about last night I was upset. __________________
3. James opened the door for her. __________________
4. He grew up in Leeds, an industrial town. __________________
5. A good answer, but still not acceptable. __________________
6. After I finished speaking to her. __________________
7. Having read the book before, I didn’t want to read it again. __________________
8. He is a good man, but even good men sometimes do bad things this is normal.
9. Come over I have a lot of food at home. __________________
10. She promised her roommate that she would clean the kitchen.
11. Tim is broke; He only has two dollars to his name. __________________
12. Cathy forgot to call, but she later apologized. __________________
13. At night, when the moon is full. __________________
14. He has two houses one in Florida and another in California. __________________
15. Which wasn’t really understood by all the students. __________________
16. I can get more food if you’re still hungry. __________________
7. I tried it was harder than I thought it would be. __________________
8. No, he doesn’t live here anymore. __________________
9. When you see him. __________________
10. Try to do your best that way you might succeed.
Choose whether or not each of the following sentences is a run on sentence. Fill in
the blanks with either YES or NO:
1. The girl wanted to go and she told her brother but he didn’t want to go. RUN ON?
2. Everything he told you was from a movie he had seen. RUN ON? __________
3. I don’t want to talk about it this is the third time I’ve told you. RUN ON? __________
4. I’m tired and I’d like to rest for a while. RUN ON? __________
5. He never really admitted to anything; I had to find out from his brother. RUN ON?
6. He is about to start singing and if you don’t stop talking on your mobile you’ll miss it. RUN
ON? __________
7. He loved to fly, so he hardly ever took the train. RUN ON? __________
8. His mother tried to get him to quit smoking, but he didn’t listen. RUN ON? __________
9. He’s a good student he always gets good grades. RUN ON? __________
10. He is going to the mall to buy some socks. RUN ON? __________
1. I can’t believe that it took you so long to finish the test. RUN ON? __________
2. I tried on the shirt it was too small. RUN ON? __________
3. Peter called his mother to ask about borrowing some money. RUN ON? __________
4. Those girls are very pretty, but they’re also quite conceited. RUN ON? __________
5. You didn’t ask me for help I would have helped you. RUN ON? __________
6. I have four cats, but only one sleeps all day. RUN ON? __________
7. He works out daily, so he’s in pretty good shape. RUN ON? __________
8. We have to go out for groceries the store should still be open. RUN ON? __________
9. Call your aunt she will tell you when to pick up the key. RUN ON? __________
10. He seems like a nice guy he’s actually not nice at all. RUN ON? __________
(a) Water consists of hydrogen and was true in the past, is true in
oxygen. the present, and will be true
in the future.
(b) Most animals kill only for food. for general statements of
(c) The world is round.
(d) I study for two hours every night. express habitual or everyday
(e) My classes begin at nine. activity.
(f) He always eats a sandwich for
(g) I have only a dollar right now. a situation that exists right
(h) I don’t recognize that man. now, at the moment of
(i) He needs a pen right now. speaking
(j) John’s plane arrives at 6.05 pm next Future event on definite
(j ) John is sleeping right now. expresses an activity that is in
(k) I need an umbrella because it is progress at the moment of
speaking. It began in the
raining. recent past, is continuing at
(d) John and Mary are talking on the present, and will probably end
at some point in the future.
Often the activity is of a
(m) I am taking five courses this general nature: something
semester. generally in progress this
week, this month, this year.
(n) John is trying to improve his work Note (o): The sentence
habits. means that writing a book is a
general activity she is
(o) She is writing another book this engaged in at present
Planned event/ definite
(p) She is leaving at noon tomorrow intention
3 PRESENT PERFECT ( S+Vhave+Vpast participle+C)
(a) They have moved into a new expresses the idea that
apartment. something happened (or
(b) Have you ever visited Mexico? never happened) before now,
(c) I have already seen that movie. at an unspecified time in the
(d) I have never seen snow. past.
(e) She has had four tests so far this repetition of an activity before
semester. now. The exact time of each
repetition is not important.
(f) He has written my wife a letter
every other The present perfect also,
day for the last two weeks. when used with for or since,
expresses a situation that
(g) I have met many people since I began in the past and
came continues to the present.
Here in June. since + a particular time
(h) I have flown on an airplane many
(i) I have been here since seven
(j) We have been here for two weeks.
(k) I have liked cowboy movies ever
since I
was a child.
PERFECT (m) I have known him for many years. for + a duration of time
CONTINUOUS (n) I have been studying for 2 hours
Activity in progress-before
now up to now- for 2 hours
Recently /lately
SIMPLE ( S+V+O) ( O+Vbe+Vpast
Mary helps John participle+by S)
CONTINUOUS Mary helps orphans John is helped by Mary
PERFECT Orphans are helped by Mary
Mary is helping John
Mary has helped John John is being helped by Mary
John has been helped by
(a) I walked to school yesterday. The simple past indicates
(b) He lived in Paris for ten years, but that an activity or situation
now he is began and ended at a
particular time in the past.
living in Rome.
(c) I bought a new car three days ago. If a sentence contains when
and has the simple past in
(d) I stood under a tree when it began both clauses, the action in
to rain. the “when clause” happens
(e) When she heard a strange noise, first. In (d): 1st: The rain
she got up began. 2nd: I stood under a
to investigate.
(f) When I dropped my cup, the coffee
on my lap.
(a) I was walking down the street both actions occurred at the
when it began to rain. While I same time, but one action
was walking down the street, it began earlier and was in
progress when the other
began to rain. action occurred.
(b) I was standing under a tree Two actions are in progress
when it began to rain.
(c) At eight o’clock last night, I was
Last year at this time, I was
(d) While I was studying in one
room of our apartment, my
roommate was sleeping in the
other room.
6 PAST PERFECT ( S+Vhave+Vpast participle+C)
(a) My parents had already eaten an activity that was
by the time I got home. completed before another
activity or time in the past.
(b) Until yesterday, I had never
heard about it.
(c) The thief simply walked in.
Someone had forgotten to lock
the door.
PERFECT (d) The police had been looking duration of an activity that
CONTINUOUS for the criminal for two years was in progress before
before they caught him. another activity or time in the
(e) The patient had been past
waiting in the emergency room
for almost an hour before a doctor
finally treated her.
(f) Her eyes were red because she express an activity in
had been crying. progress recent to another
time or activity in the past.
(g) When Judy got home, her hair
was still wet because she had
been swimming.
SIMPLE ( S+V+O) ( O+Vbe+Vpast
Mary helped John participle+by S)
CONTINUOUS Mary helps orphans John was helped by Mary
PERFECT Orphans were helped by
Mary was helping John Mary
Mary had helped John John was being helped by
John had been helped by
1. After Must/can/could He could see it clearly.
Modals /shall/should/will
/would He shall do it soon.
2. Does/do/di may/might
d Md. Talha will be there.
3. Had better I do like your new dress.
Bir Singh didn’t come
You had better go home .
4. to Want/wish/hope/ Nobody wants to cause problems.
expect/ought/nee If you wish to leave, please tell me now.
d/ Haji Suleiman hopes to retire soon.
dare We expect to make a million-dollar profit.
The chairman ought to resign.
advise Leave Emily alone - she needs to rest./she need
not rest
Ramli lost his job because he dared to argue with
his boss.
The minister advised the youths to develop good
1. as the subject- to cycle : Cycling is my favourite sport
2. after preposition : After completing my training, I hope to work in Sabah
I am looking forward to playing chess/I am used to playing chess
3. After certain verbs- Swee Ping enjoys being a housewife.
This man denies knowing anything about the robbery.
Botak admitted stealing the motor-cycles.
Please finish tidying up before you leave.
Do you mind helping Noraini with the washing?
I can’t stand doing English exercises. Azlan started running.
Choose simple form or continuous for the verb in bracket
1 I told the Customs officer that my bag (contain) only books.
2 Hamid rushed on to the platform just as the train (leave). Luckily, he was able to jump
into the last carriage.
3 I (think) your goldfish is quite friendly. It (seem) to be smiling at me.
4 As Tong Chai came round the comer he could see that Ridzuan (wait) for him.
5 The old house (belong) to our family for many years, but then we (sell) it.
6 Can you see that light in the sky? It (move), and it (appear) to be coming towards us!
7 Siva says she (feel) very hot. She (feel) that we ought to go indoors, out of the hot sun.
Choose simple past, present perfect or past perfect forms for the verb in the bracket
1 I (study) French, so I don't expect to have any problems when I go to Paris.
2 I (study) French for a year, but I've forgotten it all now.
3 Martin didn't want to come to the film with us because he (see) it already.
4 I'm afraid I (not study) enough for the test tomorrow.
5 My family (live) in Ipoh for years and years, but they may move soon.
6 Proudly, Abu Talib showed me the motor-bike he (buy) the day before.
7 He gave me a crash helmet and (take) me for a ride.
8 Susila (cook) curry for us and she's expecting us for dinner.
9 Susila (cook) curry for us, but her greedy brother ate it all.
10 We (decide) that you may take the advanced course next year.
Find correct form of the verbs in brackets
(a) Dolphins can [make) many different sounds. They [have) their own sounds but they
can also (imitate) other noises such as machines and human voices. Ahmad Nasir, a
dolphin expert, [claim) that when dolphins [make) sounds, they are [talk). They [not
talk) in the same way as parrots, who can be [teach) to [copy) human words. Instead,
they [have) a language of their own, [say) Encik Ahmad, who has [study) dolphins for
many years. This [be) possible because dolphins (possess) brains which (be) larger
than ours. Encik Ahmad (believe) that dolphins [want) to [talk) to us as much as he
[want) to [talk) to them.
(b) 'I [not remember) anything,' [say) Cheong as he (sit) up very slowly in his hospital bed.
'I [think ) something (strike) me. Wait! I remember [stop) my car beside the highway.
There (be) no petrol in the tank. I had (forget) [stop) at the petrol station! I [open) the
car door and [begin) [get] out. Suddenly I (see) a lorry [come) towards me. I [not know)
what (happen) after that.' 'You [bring) to the hospital by a passing motorist,' Inspector
Ramli [tell) him. 'How (you feel) now?' 'Not too bad,' Cheong [answer). '[You have) [tell]
my wife about the accident? I [not want) her to [panic) when I [not come) home.'
(c) I (receive) your letter about two weeks ago and (try) to find time to write you back ever
since. I (be) very busy lately. In the past two weeks, I (have) four tests, and I have
another test next week. In addition, a friend (stay) with me since last Thursday. She
wanted to see the city, so we (spend) a lot of time visiting some of the interesting places
here. We (be) to the zoo, the art museum, and the botanical gardens.
Yesterday we (go) to the park and (watch) a balloon race. Between showing her
the city and studying for my exams, I (have, barely) enough time to breathe. Right now
it (be) 3 a.m and I (sit) at my desk. I (sit) here five hours doing my studying. My friend’s
plane (leave) at 6:05, so I (decide) not to go to bed. That’s why I (write) to you
such an early hour in the day. I (be) a little sleepy, but I would rather stay up. I (take) a
nap after I (come) back from taking her to the airport. How are you getting along? How
about your classes? Please write soon.
The following passages have mistakes in the verb forms only. Correct any mistakes you
can see. Sometimes there is more than one correct answer. Not all the verbs are wrong.
1. All producers wants to increasing their sales, so they are use advertisements to
helped them. It is believe that advertisements can increase sales. When a producer
make a profit, he trying to expand his business so that that he can producing more
goods more cheaply. This will being a benefit to the consumer.
2. I would like to say that advertisements are not bad in themselves, but because some
advertisers not acting responsibly, the public are sometimes be cheat. When this
happen, people spending too much. This is help the company whose products are
advertising, but it cause problems in other areas because consumers are not save
any money.
3. My boss had a case for me. It was a murder case and I would had to defended my
The next morning I was went to Kajang Prison to see my client. He was accuse of
murdering his business partner. While I have studying the case, my client has brought
into the room by a prison guard. He look very handsome. He did not had the violent
look of a murderer, as I had been expecting. We were leave alone in the room so that
we could discussed his case. I was tell him all that I knew, and he is gave me his side
of the story.
4. Why are we laugh when we are happy? Why we cry in pain, or feel hurt when we are
insulted? It all beginning in our hearts. It is come from our deepest feelings, which can
being touched by all kinds of events. These emotions is a kind of reaction inside us
which affect our thoughts and influences our actions. Only man have this reaction.
Modern scientists have create robots that can doing all the various things that man
doing; but if they try created a robot with emotions they will failed. Robots do not
laughed or cry and they are not feel anything.
5. City life began in the morning with traffic jams full of people who going to work in their
offices. The situation could not be imagine. There hooting and there is screaming from
the car drivers. Sometimes it led to quarrels between them. This situation did not occur
in villages or small towns, although villagers also needed their own transport. It is not
very easy for villagers to going anywhere if they didn't have their own transport. There
are many types of people in the city. Some of them prefer to stayed alone without
mixing around, and some of them didn't even know their next-door neighbour. They just
didn't care to make friends with them. They lead their own life and had their own way
of living. Maybe this is because of their job that is needed them to work hard all day.
1 If we smoke, our teeth will yellow and ugly.
2 Malaysia can also famous in science and technology.
3 Some people very angry when they lose money.
4 My elder brother always very kind to me.
5 Wars of 100 years ago less dangerous than modern ones.
6 Fang Loong always happy although he very poor.
7 Some of these so-called 'experts' not experienced enough.
8 500 ringgit may not sufficient to pay for the trip.
9 Everyone can safe on the roads if they drive carefully.
10 I advised her many times, but she still stubborn.
11. Many students so keen to join our choir that they stay back after school.
12. Young men should conscious that one day they, too, will be old.
13. If we work harder our country will more prosperous.
14. These facilities not only for foreigners but also for local tourists.
15. Mrs Lee's comments quite interesting, but, frankly, I disagree with her.
16. Some people only interested in education because they want good jobs.
Gerunds ( V + ING )
1. You can wash this shirt by soak it in water for a few hours.
2. Are you sure of find my house without a map?
3. This boy saved me from drowned in the river.
4. I cannot cope with listened to complaints all day.
5. I am fed up with always told you what to do.
6. This method is very good for teaches intelligent children.
7. We must stop accidents like this from happened again.
8. Because of lost my passport, I was delayed at the airport.
9. To prevent fear from torture us, we must do something.
10. Marry my loved one and raise a family are my greatest desires in life.
11. I'm glad of have an opportunity to work with your company.
12. Even without education, our grandmothers could carry on with their usual activities like ate
every day, cleaned the house and communicate with other people.
13. Know English better will make me more confident in reply to letters.
14. Type fast and accurately, know how to answer the telephone and be able to speak several
languages are all things which the successful secretary must learn how to do.
Replace the words in brackets with the correct form of the simple past tense.
Hurry . can . open . bring . be . make . want . walk . head . do . have . reduce . see .
will . know . is like . choose . smile . look.
Mother________ my brother and me out of the house so that we_________ be the first to
enter the complex when the doors to the shops _________ for business. We each _________
along three green shopping bags. There _____ to be no more plastic bags. I ________ a
beeline for the brand I ________ as I had already scouted the pants, Tshirts and blouses
online. I was not interested in dresses so I _______ past the rows of dresses and _________
towards the aisle I had my eye on. As I was only allowed four pieces of clothing at a time, I
________ my little brother, Andy, stand outside the changing room so that he could run errands
for me to get a different colour or another pair of pants. T-shirt or blouse. He was so obliging
and _________ seem to mind running up and down with my requests. I would have to treat
him to his favourite juice later. Finally, I ________ my choices _________ to six articles of
clothing; two pairs of pants, two T-shirts and two blouses. As I was walking towards my mum
with my purchases, I ________ a beautiful hoodie. There and then, I __________ to get it
because it was just like the one I saw in a teen magazine. It was quite pricey but with a fifty
percent discount, Mum ________ not think twice about it and besides she said I did not dress
too well and she _________ be as pleased as Punch with this particular choice. I was done
with my shopping so I decided to tag along with Mum to see what she _________ buy for little
Andy. Andy _______ not fussy about his clothes. He _________ Mum _________ get him
what he _________. He only _________ one choice: a T-shirt with his favourite Marvel
superhero. Mum __________ for him a dozen T-shirts in assorted colours and a few long and
short pants to match his T-shirts. He ________ happily as he ___________ at his clothes. He
__________so easy to please.
buy . know . want . walk . drag . suggest . smile . be . pay . leave . make . drag .
suggest . will give
It ________ Mum's turn. Before Mum ________ any outfits for herself, she ________ Dad two
ties, a shirt and a T-shirt. She ________ exactly what Dad ________ and she just ________
to the men's department and ________ her choice so efficiently! I ________ Mum to a rack of
blouses and ________ she try on a black ensemble that would look perfect on her for a dinner
function. She ________ at my choice and gave the thumbs-up sign. Once we ________ done,
Mum ________ for the purchases and we then ________ for lunch at one of the restaurants
in the complex. As we ________, the crowd was starting to build. Luckily we were such quick
shoppers, we were done within three hours. It was not such a harrowing shopping day after
all. It was Mum's turn. Before Mum ________ any outfits for herself, she bought Dad two ties,
a shirt and a T-shirt. She ________ exactly what Dad wanted and she just walked to the men's
department and ________ her choice so efficiently! I ________Mum to a rack of blouses and
________ she try on a black ensemble that ________ look perfect on her for a dinner function.
She ________ at my choice and ________ the thumbs-up sign. Once we were done, Mum
________for the purchases and we then ________ for lunch at one of the restaurants in the
complex. As we ________, the crowd was starting to build. Luckily we ________ such quick
shoppers, we ________ done within three hours. It ________ not such a harrowing shopping
day after all.
Use the words in the following list to complete the sentences. All of the sentences are
passive. Use any appropriate tense
build . cause . confuse . divide . expect
frighten . invent . kill. offer. order
report . spell . surprise . surround . swear
1. The electric light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison.
2. An island __________ by water.
3. The -ing form of "sit" __________ with a double t.
4. Even though construction costs are high, a new dormitory __________ next year.
5. The class was too large, so it __________ into two sections.
6. A bracelet __________ around the wrist.
7. The Johnson's house burned down. According to the inspector, the fire __________ by
8. Ben got a ticket for reckless driving. When he went to traffic court, he __________ to pay a
fine of $100.
9. I read about a hunter who __________ by a wild animal.
10. The hunter's fatal accident __________ in the newspaper yesterday.
11. I didn't expect Lisa to come to the meeting last night, but she was there. I __________ to
see her there.
12. Last week, I __________ a job at a local bank, but I didn't accept.
13. The children __________ in the middle of the night when they heard strange noises in the
14. Could you try to explain this math problem to me again? Yesterday in class I __________
the teacher's explanation.
15. A: Is the plane going to be late? B: No. It __________ to be on time.
Make necessary correction to construct passive sentences
1 Sometimes, I asked by my manager to chair meetings.
2 The newspaper's permit was cancel last year.
3 Nasri chosen to play for Pahang Darulmakmur.
4 If prisoners behave well, they may allow to leave prison sooner.
5 Any product that is advertise usually costs more.
6 After each check has completed, my boss writes a report.
7 The plane was hijacking by two men, who flew it to North Korea.
8 Adults can be influence by these programmes, as well as children.
9 The book was wrote over a hundred years ago.
10 City people are disturbing by the noise and pollution.
Zul was very excited about going to Manila ,and taking part in the badminton
Zul was very excited about going to Manila, and keen to do his best.
Zul was very excited about going to Manila, and knew that he was very lucky
Change the word which does not fit logically
1 See Ping lives in an old and beautifully house.
2 Please use the equipment properly or leaving it alone.
3 Poor old Kadri has just fallen and break his leg!
4 I saw Roland Fong walking along Jalan Pelangi and talk to his girlfriend.
5 People who are ill or old age need help and friendly.
6 Shamsul goes to bed late but awake early.
7 I went into a goldsmith's shop, buy a ring and coming out $500 poorer.
8 There is a lot of violence such as theft, murdered and vandalism.
9 Enjoy a more satisfying and saves cost service at Zoom Fast Motors!
10 Mat Nor ought to take a holiday and going to a relaxing place like Pulau Tioman.
11 Our exhibition has attracted a lot of interest and enjoyed by everybody.
12 I hope that you will allow me to attend this course and also to give me an early reply.
13 I can solve the company's problems of over-spending and also helping myself.
14 It is easy to distinguish these two types of grass, the second being greener and grows
in the shade.
15 You had better stay at home and don't face these problems.
Make necessary correction pertaining S_V/Singular plural agreement
1 The people who lives in this village is a padi planter.
2 All my aunty are a housewife.
3 Old people need their sons and all his family near them.
4 As a human, we sometimes feel very bored.
5 To know and get close to someone are not easy.
6 Most of my friends is a pupil at SM Bukit Jelutong.
8 Being a students, one should develop his good qualities.
9 Most of these people are working as a farmer, rubber tapper and fishermen.
10 When a woman go to work, they are often also a mother.
1 In order to overcome these problem, I read newspapers.
2 The entrance is odd: they comprises several wooden doors.
3 Other problems are the question of responsibility.
4 Another item on the agenda were managers' salaries and
the new building project.
5 If any part breaks, they are replaced at once.
6 The team have to move out of their old clubhouse.
7 The government, who know the truth, is unable to act.
8 We should be optimistic and not a narrow-minded person.
9 There are many place throughout our country which are known for its beautiful scenery.
10 Some of the points that he mentioned was that the root of moral problems is the lack
of self-consciousness among youngsters.