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Published by Daniel Guzman, 2019-10-30 12:04:55

The Uncommon Campaign



STEP 1 High Place Church has been afforded the oppor-
PRAY, LISTEN & OBEY tunity to obtain a piece of property that will allow
the church the privilege to grow and serve on yet
• Pray-Ask God what he wants you to give. a greater scale. By God’s grace, the current space
• Listen-Listen to what he has to say. has been maximized and now looking forward to
• Obey-Courageously give. the possibility of moving into a larger facility to
build lives through ministry development, help-
STEP 2 ing people discover their God given potential,
COMMIT YOUR PLEDGE and operating in it to the fullest.

• Commit-Give joyfully and sacrificially We long to see people leading productive lives
over a 12 month period. full of purpose and significance. We will use sys-
tems and structures catered to helping whole
STEP 3 families grow together to model community,
FULFILL YOUR PLEDGE commitment, and compassion. We long to devel-
op future leaders encouraging the importance of education, finding their true identity
• Present-Return your card in the in Christ, and walking in the confidence of a destiny that’s not necessarily decided but
offering or pledge online. discovered. As a collective body, we want to be a light in the community and around the world influencing our neighbors with the goodness and love of God that is both sacrificial
and demonstrative.
TIER LEVELS Capacity is the ability to hold and contain, HPC began as a small church plant, but now
$5000 $417 this plant has outgrown its current pot, and we are anticipating changing pots to create
Level 1 $2000 $167 space to continue to grow and bear much fruit that in turn would allow us to serve more
Level 2 $1000 $84 people. An opportunity is a door or a window, an interval of time by which certain com-
Level 3 $500 $42 ponents must be met before that door or window closes. An opportunity must be seized
Level 4 or it will be missed never guaranteed to return.

High Place Church believes we are in an opportunity, a divine moment! Would you prayer-
fully consider helping us make this endeavor a reality for the glory of God and the expan-
sion of his kingdom?

This will be another step to fulfilling our overall vision L.I.T-(Legacy, Impact, Truth) We
don’t want to be a historical church but rather a history making church and answer the
question, did they leave a legacy? Our goal is multiculturalism; cultural penetration will
answer the question did they leave an impact? Finally, offensively advance and defensive-
ly protect the truth. This will answer the question, did they uphold the scriptures?

Thank you in advance for your support,
In His Service,
Pastors Edgar & Charisse Alvarez • [email protected]

“We as a church family have been brought to- Our ministries are expanding, We will structure the New Building to create
gether to build tomorrow. God has placed us in a new, safe and engaging environment for K- 6th grade and mid to high 5000 + PEOPLE THE GOAL
this community for his purpose. We have been school students.
so blessed, so we must act and bless others with More changed lives, to do this, we want to
a building that meets the needs of all! How can INCREASE ACCESSIBLITY leverage our new building as a tool to reach
we do this? By giving today. We have an op- 1% of our community that doesn’t yet know
portunity to give of ourselves through our time, We want people of all ages and all walks of life to move through our Jesus within a 7 mile radius.
our prayers and our finances, so tomorrow we building with ease. The larger building will allow for additional class rooms,
can reach the heart of others. There is no other seating in the sanctuary and parking (Handicap Accessible).
investment that will have a return, with greater
impact on our community and the kingdom of FOSTER COMMUNITY
heaven. Let us join together and serve the Lord.”
More communal space for meaningful conversations, connections and
“ we must act and bless others with a relationship building will help us to grow in substance as we grow in size.
building that meets the needs of all! ”
2014 2015 2017 2018
190 265 580 The ministry focuses on building people by: demonstrating Christ-like
GROWTH love to all people, Advocating for strong marriages and families, focusing
ATTENDANCE on relevant issues facing children, teens, and young adults, Reaching the
TIMELINE less fortunate through an active mission ministry in the US and abroad
and Focusing on physical and mental wellness.
2007 2011

50 100

2007 2011 2014 2015 2017 2018 2019

• Began in basement of • Moved their services • Purchased current building • JBOL (Jesus Bread • First international • Launched 3 Sunday • Record attendance at
Pastors’ home. to Kings Christian in Merchantville, NJ. Of Life) local missions missions trip to Nicaragua. Services. Vacation Bible School,
School auditorium. ministry is launched. 100+ children.
• Worship services are moved • Spanish Ministry is launched.
to Kings Christian School gym.

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