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Published by 153094, 2019-06-19 09:00:24

Car Magazine

Car Magazine



Owning a car as a student

Being a student with a car does not CAR INSURANCE
only give you a great sense of free- Car insurance is by far the biggest
dom but also allows you to travel expense when starting to drive as
back and forth from college when young drivers are at a high risk of
necessary. This removes unnecessary crashing due to lack of experience or
time wasting waiting for busses and just messing around. Here are a few
allows you more time to complete tips and tricks to try keep your insur-
work at home. Being a student with anc cost down.
a car gives you endless amounts of 1. Buy a car in a low insurance group.
opportunities that you wouldn’t get 2. Use comparison websites when
or find difficult to achive without a looking for insurance.
car. However owning and running 3. Don’t always settle for the lowest
a car comes with many costs. Many quote you find keep looking around.
student may struggle to get around 4. Add your parents or guardians as
this as learning to drive is very costly named drivers on your car.
with buying a car and lessons lead- 5. Allow the insurance company to fit
ing up to taking your test. Even after a black box to your car. If you drive
passing your test it is still costly as safely you will be rewarded and the
you have to pay for insurance, tax, following year your insurance costs
mot and everyday running costs. will drop in price.

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