Year 8 Options January 2023
Your son has now arrived at the stage of his school career when we must contemplate the courses which he will
follow, leading to assessment at GCSE level. We have to set our sights on securing the top grades for every pupil in
every subject at GCSE, and this will not happen unless students are routinely exposed to material and ideas beyond
that level during Years 10 and 11. Therefore pupils in Year 8 are being asked to make some subject option choices
now, ready to commence their GCSE studies a year early at the start of Year 9.
The Government has determined the expectations for GCSE study including the extent of any flexibility and
opportunity within the curriculum for 14-16 year olds; we have tried to reflect some of these features in the school's
options process. However, we continue to encourage the learning of modern foreign languages and we place some
other restrictions on choices. Our aim at school is to ensure an appropriate and balanced curriculum for each
individual so that educational and careers needs are sensibly catered for during the Key Stage.
The Government has stated that the following subjects remain compulsory:
· English (which leads to GCSE entries in English and English Literature)
· Mathematics
· Science
· Religious Education
The school has decided that, in addition, pupils should study the following:
· Modern Foreign Languages
The remainder of their GCSE subjects can be chosen from those listed in this booklet. This list of 'optional subjects' has been drawn
up after much careful consideration. A further round of choices will follow during Year 9 but it is important to realise now that your
son cannot start a course in Year 10 that he has not studied in Year 9.
In the case of all optional subjects, whether a particular course is able to run is dependent on the numbers wanting to do it.
Selection of pupils most likely to benefit may have to take place if a course is oversubscribed and relevant selection criteria will be
utilised in this eventuality.
In addition to the external examination courses, all pupils will follow a programme of Personal Social & Health Education (PSHE)
(which includes sex education, careers education and Citizenship), and Physical Education (PE). Aspects of contemporary values
and moral issues also occur within the RE course.
Pupils are being given an introduction to the whole subject of GCSE courses and choice. They will receive more detailed explanation
about complex areas such as Science, and are being given considerable support by tutors and careers staff. Boys are encouraged
to discuss preliminary choices with parents and indeed, to talk over matters with as many relevant parties as possible. The recent
IAR will have provided insight into current subject performance and given some clues as to the viability of pursuing a subject to
GCSE in your son’s case.
The Options process presentation is intended to offer further information and advice to parents on some of the above issues, this
will be available on the Year 8 Options Platform, located on the school's website.
Along with this presentation, every subject that your son can study as an option, has created a presentation for you
to look at. They have been designed to give you, as a family, an overview of what the subject entails, if your son was
to study this subject into year 9 and possibly beyond. Once again they can be found on the Year 8 Options Platform.
In addition you will have an opportunity to discuss options with specific teachers at our Virtual Parents' evening on
23rd January. You will receive details of how Parents' Evening will be organised this year by email in due course. As
the process of creating a timetable for Year 9 is a long process we expect all completed options forms to be sent in
by 7th February. There is a link to the form in the Options letter. If you have any specific queries please contact Dr
Symes (Leader of Year 8) in the first instance or Mr Brandon (Director of KS3) who are co-ordinating the programme.
In Year 9 all pupils must study; English,
Mathematics, Science, one Language and RE.
In addition, they must take Personal, Social and
Health Education and Physical Education Games -
These are non GCSE subjects and part of the
compulsory element of the National Curriculum.
In year 9, GCSE analytical and creative writing skills are developed and a variety of more Web Digital Editorial
challenging texts are introduced. Skills for English Language and English Literature are not content
mutually exclusive; every skill honed for one, will improve performance in the other. manager copywriter assistant
For English Language, students will build on their skills in creative writing-both writing to Publishing Possible Teaching
describe and writing to argue. They will be exposed to a variety of texts, both fiction and copy-editor/ careers English as a
non-fiction, which enable them to think critically about the methods writers use to achieve proofreader
effects and, in turn, be able to employ these methods in their own writing. foreign
For English Literature, students will first practise their analytical skills with the study of texts language
that develop their cultural, social and historical awareness. They will then move on to begin
to study the Shakespeare play and the 19th Century text that form one of the GCSE Literature Speech and Lexicographer
papers. Their study of the Literature texts also enable them to improve their analytical skills Language
for the GCSE Language paper and understand what makes a piece of writing effective. Therapist Academic
Useful websites Advertising Public
Relations Civil for Mr Bruff lessons on Service Law
various parts of the English Literature and English Language syllabuses
Accountancy Aerospace
In Year 9 pupils will develop fluent knowledge, skill and understanding of and Defence
mathematical methods and concerns; acquire, select and apply Science Automotive
mathematical techniques to solve problems; reason mathematically, make
deductions and inferences and draw conclusions, and comprehend, Academic PPoossssibiblele Business
interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms Research ccaarereeersrs
appropriate to the information and context.
Topics in Year 9 cover;
Ratio, proportion and rates of change
Geometry and measures IT & Engineering
Probability Computing Chemicals
Useful websites Teaching Insurance Financial Construction
Medicine Research
In Year 9 all pupils must take a course which contains the Pollution
elements of all three sciences. controller
When pupils come to make further options choices in Year 9, they Oceanographer PPoossssibiblele Environmental
will have the option to choose Combined Science, the equivalent Possibclceaarereeersrs Biologist
of 2 GCSEs or Triple Science, which is 3 GCSEs one each for careers
Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Further information will be Ecologist
available during the Year 9 options process.
Sport science
Useful websites Conservation Forensics Pharmacy
Modern Foreign Languages
In Year 9, pupils will develop an understanding of the Topics in Year 9; International Marketing
spoken and written forms of the language in a range of Identity and culture banking
contexts; develop the ability to communicate effectively Local, national, international and global areas of International
in the language through both the spoken and written interest Possible sales
word, using a range of vocabulary structures. They will Current and future study and employment Careers
develop knowledge and understanding of the grammar
of the language and the ability to apply it and will Interpreting
develop knowledge and understanding of countries and
communities where the language is spoken.
Pupils must take at least one Modern Foreign Language
and may take two or three languages.
Useful websites Teaching Diplomatic
Journalism Service International development
Religious Studies
In Year 9 pupils will develop their knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs, Law
teachings and sources of wisdom; develop the ability to construct well-argued, well-
informed, balanced and structured written arguments, demonstrating their depth and
understanding of the subject. They will engage with questions of belief, value and meaning, Medicine Police
and their influence on human life, and will reflect and develop their own values, beliefs and Health
attitudes in the light of what they have learnt. They will learn to understand significant Possible
common and divergent views within religions and beliefs and apply knowledge and Careers
understanding in order to analyse questions related to religious beliefs and values.
We promote the view that all students, regardless of race, religious conviction or unbelief
should have the right of equal access to the Department. This subject enables candidates
to develop their understanding of spiritual, moral and social and cultural issues in
considerable depth. We promote tolerance and respect for the beliefs, cultures and
lifestayles of all students.
Useful websites Social Personnel
Work Management
Optional subjects are:
Art, Business Studies and Economics, Citizenship, Computer Science, Design and Technology, Drama, Food
Science, French, Geography, German, History, Music, PE GCSE, Spanish.
For a balanced programme of study, you are strongly advised to study:
History or Geography (or both)
at least one from Art, Drama, Music, PE GCSE or DT
One or more work related courses (Business Studies and Economics, Citizenship or Computer
If you enjoy languages, you may choose another one or two languages.
Art and Design (Fine Art)
In Year 9, pupils will experiment with a raCngOe oUf mRaSterEialsPaRndOproGceRssEesS, inSclIuOdinNg drawing,
painting, mixed media, 3D, computer manipulation and photography. They will record observations,
experiences and ideas in forms that are appropriate to intentions; analyse and evaluate images, Design Illustrator
objects and artefacts showing appreciatAioLne;vdeelvPehlyospicasn,dAeLxepvleolreMiadtehaesmsahtoicwsi,nAgLaenvealbility to review,
refine and modify work as it progresses, Cahnedmpirsetsrye,nAt pLervseolnal responses that realises their
intentions and makes informed connectioBnisolwoigthy,tAheLewvoerlkGoefoogtrhaeprsh.y, A Level Product Design, Art Photography
A Level Computing Historian
The projects undertaken in Year 9 will give students the opportunity to develop their foundation skills PPoossssibiblele
and to explore materials and processes in more experimental ways. They will also be encouraged to PossibclePcaaorerseeseirbsrsle
develop more independence outside of lessons, by using the Art rooms at lunchtime and after school
where possible to further their knowledge and practical skills. Students will be introduced to the Film careersCareers
work of a range of contemporary, experimental artists and will be asked to make a series of Maker
personal responses inspired by these artists. Advertising
All of the work produced in Year 9 can be used in students' coursework portfolios, which must be
submitted for final assessment at the end of Year 11. marketing
Useful websites Architecture Theatre and
Film set Artistic design Director
Business and Economics
In Year 9 pupils will learn to recall, select and communicate their knowledge and understanding of Law Finance
concepts, issues and terminology; apply skills, knowledge and understanding in a variety of
contexts, and analyse and evaluate evidence, make reasoned judgements and present appropriate Economics
conclusions. Politics
In Business, students will develop an understanding of the concepts, business terminology, the Business PPoossssibiblele Accountancy
integrated nature of business activity and the impact of business on individuals and wider society. cPcaaorerseeseirbsrsle
Pupils will apply knowledge and understanding to contemporary business issues and to different Management Careers
types and sizes of businesses in local, national and global contexts. They will have the opportunities
to follow a range of activities, e.g. mini-enterprises, financial accounting exercises and investigate Marketing
the purpose of social enterprises.
In Economics, students will be exposed to the fundamental concepts of both microeconomics and Human
macroeconomics. In microeconomics, students will investigate the economic problem, specialisation Resources
and exchange, demand and supply and elasticity. In macroeconomics, students will be introduced to
economics objectives and government policy. As part of this unit of work, the main areas for focus
include economic growth, inflation, unemployment and how the UK economy operates within the
global economic system.
Useful websites Journalism
Citizenship Studies
In Year 9 Citizenship, pupils will learn about the 'big issues' that are impacting the UK and the Journalism The legal
wider world. These issues are poverty, climate change, conflict and migration. We will explore profession
how these issues are responded to at local, national and international level. These case studies
will support the Edexcel GCSE content in Year 10
Poverty: Pupils will consider the disparity between rich and poor in the UK and the north-south
global economic divide. Pupils will consider the best ways to respond to national and Professional PPoosssibsileble Banking
international poverty such as charities, pressure groups, welfare states and intergovernmental politics cCaarereeres rs
organisations. The
Climate change: Pupils will investigate the ways that climate change is impacting the UK and the Careers The Military DAdipvelortmisinagtic
rest of the world. They will consider the most effective ways to stop climate change such as within the
climate campaigners and international conferences such as COP26. Caonrdps
Conflict: Pupils will gain an understanding of the different types of conflict that occur across the United
world andhitntpves:s//twigwawte.atqhae.oUrgK.'suki/nsvuobljveecmts/eanrtt-ianndc-odnefsliigcnt /ogvcesrethe last 20 years. Pupils will consider Nations marketing
the best ways to stop war including debating whether nuclear weapons are an effective
deterrent. The Civil
Migrationh: tPtupps:i/l/swwwiwll.lyeoaurtnubaeb.cooumt /twheathchis?ttoimrye_ocfomntiignruaet=io1n&vin=Qth2e1UGKqWan0d_UianYvestigate recent Service
migration patterns across the world. Pupils will engage with debates about national and
international responses to migration. The Police
Useful websites
Computer Science
Computer science gives learners a real, in-depth understanding of how computer Computer Web
technology works as well as providing excellent preparation for higher study and Programmer DeveloTpheerlegal
employment in the field of Computer Science. It develops critical thinking,
analysis and problem-solving skills through the study of computer programming. profession
Computer technology continues to advance rapidly and the way that technology is Medicine PcPoPCaCosoarassesirrbseseeilrieebsebrlrleses Systems
consumed has been changing at a fast pace over recent years. The growth in the Engineer
use of mobile devices and web-related technologies has exploded, resulting in Professional Banking
new challenges for employers and employees. For example, businesses today politics
require an ever-increasing number of technologically aware individuals. This is Network
even more so in the gaming, mobile and web related industries and this ArtifCicairaelers The Military EnTghineeer
specification has been designed with this in mind. Intelwliigtehnincethe DAdipvelortmisinagtic United Caonrdps
Useful websites marketing
https://whwttwps.o:/c/wr.wowrg.t.oupku/nqivuearsliitfiiecsa.ctoiomn/sst/ugdcenste-i/ncfoo/mcapreuetres-ra-dsvciiceen/wchea-tj2-c7a7n--yfrooum-d-o2-a0r2t-0d/egree Teacher Project
Design and Technology
In Year 9, pupils will begin to develop the ability to apply knowledge and understanding, in combination Engineering ProduTchte legal
with design and communication skills, to design products to suitable specifications (designing), and jobs Despigrnofession
apply knowledge and understanding of relevant processes, materials and techniques and use materials,
tools and other equipment to produce work to suitable specifications (making). Manufacturing
In Year 9, we offer a broad Design and Technology curriculum which allows pupils to explore the core Systems
content of the subject and build on the work covered in previous years. This will eventually be 25% of the
final GCSE exam. Environmental Engineer
Once this experience has been gained, there are two pathways at the end of Year 9, which will lead into Professional PCPocaPoPsCaCrossoareasisesirebrbseseerlilrieeebssebrlrleses Banking
the specialist focus of the chosen GCSE; politics Aerospace
Electronics (Systems) MAretcihfCiacaniraeilcearls The
This allows students to explore more in-depth and gain more valuable experience in electronics. You will Intelwliigtehnincethe
learn a range of sensors, control devices and output devices that can be used to create more complex DAdipvelortmisinagtic
systems. Yohuttwpsil:l//awlswowle.aaqran.owrhge.urke/suobmjecotsf/tahret-manadt-edreiasilgsnu/sgecdseto make electronics originate. The United Industrial Caonrdps
content will be 25% of their final GCSE exam and can be applied to their final coursework material.
Product Deshitgtpn:s:P/l/ Nations The Military marketing
valuable experience in manufacturing using polymer based materials. You will learn a range of contexts Biomedical
where polymhtetprss:a//rwewewss.eyonutitaulbteo.cthoems/uwcactcehs?stoimf ea_pcroondtiuncute. =T1h&e vc=oQnt2e1nGt qwWill0b_eU2a5Y% of their final GCSE Agricultural
exam and can be applied to their final coursework material.
Electrical Bioengineering
Useful websites
In Year 9, pupils will be encouraged to engage in tCheOpUroRcSesEs oPfRdOramGaRtiEc SstSudI Oy tNo develop as
effective and independent learners; work imaginatively and creatively in collaborative Engineering
contexts; reflect orannagnedoefvparlaucattiecathl,ecirreoawtnivewoarnkdapAAnedLLreeftvvoheerallmtPEnraoognfdicnoueetchetsreDkirneisglsl;.isgdane,nvAdeLlcoeopvnealsPnidhdeysdriecasmn,doAnLsetvrealtMe athematics, Actobrased Director
competence in a
explore the impact of social, historical and cultural influences on drama texts and activities.
The examination will assess candidate’s ability to:
Create and develop ideas to communicate meaning for theatrical performance. Therapist Possible Stage
Apply theatrical skills to realise artistic intentions. Pcaorseseibrsle Designer
Analyse and evaluate individual practical work and the work of others. Product PPoosCssasiibrbeleers
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of how drama and theatre is developed and Design CCaarreeerrss Lighting or
performed. AdveSrotiusinngd
Work collaboratively with others to create and explore theatrical intentions. Teacher
Usefhutltpws:/e/ Games Public Stage
Designer Speaker Manager
Food Science
In Year 9, pupils will continue to cover the national curriculum where they will : Dietician Catering
further their understanding of nutrition and health
cook a wide range of dishes which will be predominantly savoury so that Chef Possible Nutritional
they are able to feed themselves a varied diet PosCsPaiborseleseibrsle Therapist
continue to develop a range of cooking techniques using a wide variety of Health & CareCearseers
ingredients, utensils and methods applying the heat in different forms and Safety Food
understand the effect this may have on the product Technologist
develop an awareness of taste, texture and how to adapt recipes to suit Inspector
different dietary requirements
consider the source, seasonality and characteristics of different ingredients
All of this will help to prepare them not only for adult life, but also for the GCSE
Food Preparation and Nutrition should they decide to continue their studies
Useful websites Teacher Research
Scientist Toxicologist
In Year 9, pupils will begin to obtain an aCwaOrenUesRs SanEd unPdeRrsOtanGdinRgEofSphSysIiOcalNeconomic, social, Environmental SFuinravneyceing
political and cultural processes and environments, and of people’s interaction with them; to develop Town
geographical, practical and learning skills; to obtain an awareness and appreciation of how values and Planning
attitudes are important in making judgemAeLnetvseol nPhgyesoicgsr,aAphLiecvaellisMsautehse;mtoataickse, Aa kLeveenlinterest in places,
and to care about the issues affecting usCahnedmtishteryp,lAanLeetvwele live on.
Biology, A Level Geography, A Level Product Design, Engineer
Topics in Year 9 are; A Level Computing
The Living World - ecosystems, focus on the Tropical Rainforest and study Cold Environments. NGO Worker PPoPosossssisibbiblele
Resource Management - focusing on food, water and energy PossiCbPclaePcaoraoreserseseesireirbsbrsllee
Coast - how we manage them.
careerCsCaarreeeerrss Research
Useful wehbttspitse:/s/ Cartographer
specification-at-a-glance Lawyer
In Year 9, pupils will develop an interest in the past and an appreciation of
what is involved in understanding and interpreting it. The GCSE course at
SHSB encourages these aims in a challenging and positive manner, and Law Police
also aims to explore closely how the modern day world in which students Teaching
live has changed, especially through the process of war. Since History is
not solely factual knowledge, students are required to show awareness of
the nature and use of historical evidence. They must develop skills such as PPoossssibiblele
the ability to locate and analyse information, construct logical arguments,
and communicate clearly in written tasks, which may require concise or
extended answers. Archeology
Topics covered are; Information Business
Thematic Study - Britain and Warfare, c.1250-1991 (with a case study on The analysis
Blizting of London 1940-45) work Processing
Period and Depth Studies - Henry VIII and His Ministers, 1509-1547, AND The work
Cold War 1945-1991
Modern Depth Study Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-1939
Useful websites
In Year 9, pupils will develop skills Cin OperUfoRrmSinEg, PcoRmOpoGsinRgEaSndSaInOalyNsing music; Classical, Film, TV, Music
develop an appreciation of all kinds of music; build social and personal development PopulaJarEznpzCevoorirrfnoosrnummletaLer nnattwarlapdeiorf,oStFrhuimneraaevtrnereyceing
JouTrenaaclhisint g
through gpreorufoprsm; ainngdmthuesyicwwililtbheoethneACcrohLseueimvrnaeislegtP.reghydy,.sArtiocoLsceu,kvAsegelLremovueulpsMsic,abttheaecnmhdansto,icloosr,gcAyh.Leesvterlas or local Politics
Biology, A Level Geography, A Level Product Design, NGORWadoiroker PossPiCbPPoPPCclaPCePocosaooaorasaosressrssierrsssisebsebeeiisibiebrelebirbeslbrrlerlsleselese Engineer
These aims are pursued through a nAuLmevbeel Cr oomf paustsinegssment objectives.
grTahpehyt-h80r3e5e/sppreicmifiacarytioanc-atti-vai-ties are:
Performing; careerCsCaarreeeerrss
Composing. Sound Music BusiAnretsss
Technician therapist administrator
Research Journalism
Useful websites Theatre Broadcast Community
Stage engineer Arts
2016.html Manager Worker
Physical Education
In Year 9 pupils will learn how to to prepare for particular activities and recover
afterwards; understand the short aCndOloUngRtSerEm ePffRecOtsGofRexEeSrcSiseI OonNthe body; EnviroSnpmoLernattwsal SFuinravCneoycaeicnhg
understand the role of exercise in establishing and maintaining health, and
show understanding of the principAleLseivnevl oPhlvyesidc.s, A Level Mathematics, A Level
Chemistry, A Level Sports Physio
Candidates will be assessed throuBgiholobgoyt,hApLreavceltiGceaolgarasspehys,sAmLeenvet laPnroddvuicat Dtheesiogrny, Development PosPsCPioCbaPPosPPCclaPrCePocosaooaoerasaosiressebrssierrsssisebserlbeeiiseibisebrelebirbeslbrrlerlsleselese
graspthuyd-8y0o3n5/tshpeecfifoiclalotiwoni-nagt-ao-bjectives: A Level Computing NOGfOficWerorker Politics
physical performance, including the ability to interrelate planning, careerCsCaarreeeerrss Geo-Physical
performing and Engineer
evaluating whilst undertaking activity;
analysis and improvement of performance, including officiating; Teacher Business
knowledge and understanding of factors affecting performance; the health
and sahtfteptsy://awswpwe.caqtsa;.orrega.usko/snusbjfeocrtsp/aartr-taincdip-daetsiinggn/gincspehysical activity. Performance Research
Sky Sports
Telegraph Sport
The Athletic