Keith Almstedt ACP Portfolio
1) What is ACP?
2) Syllabus Snapshot
3) Student Preparation Strategy
4) BOPPPS Lesson plan
5) Particapatory Learning PPT
6) Test Questions
7) Rubric
8) Showcase Presentation
9) Reflective Essay
What is the Adjunct Certification Program at Lone Star College?
Purpose: The purpose of the Adjunct Certification Program is to recognize and reward adjunct faculty who
make a commitment to the System and to provide an opportunity to enhance their teaching effectiveness.
Who can participate: Adjunct faculty who have taught at LSC for at least 2 semesters may apply. Participants
are chosen based upon recommendations from their department chair.
Course structure and objectives: The Adjunct Certification Program is structured around 5 components of
successful instruction. After successfully completing this program participants will be able to
Plan for Learning
o Create a syllabus snapshot
o Create a lesson using the BOPPPS lesson planning moel
o Write SMART lesson objectives
o Identify the levels in Bloom’s cognitive taxonomy
o Employ effective strategies to encourage students to prepare for class
Employ a Variety of Teaching Strategies
o Define teacher-centered, interactive, experiential, and independent learning techniques
o Locate online lesson repositories and resources
o Incorporate at least one new instructional strategy in a lesson plan
o Create questions that address various levels of Bloom's cognitive taxonomy
Assess Effectively
o Develop an assessment strategy that aligns with the course outcomes
o Utilize various formative assessment tools that are quick, engaging, and informative
o Create effective subjective and objective tools and processes.
o Cite the principles of effective evaluation.
o Develop an assessment rubric
Use Instructional Technology
o Explain how technology can enhance teaching and learning
o Employ at least one new instructional technology to encourage student engagement
o Locate instructional technology resources
Foster a Positive Learning Environment
o Utilize effective strategies for dealing with various student challenges
o Employ motivational theory to structure classes that foster student motivation to learn
In order to successfully complete the program, participants must:
• Attend ALL 5 face-to-face meetings with the initial cohort and complete all on-line lessons. This occurs
over a nine week period with a time commitment of 26-30 hours.
• Actively participate in online discussion topics.
• Present a 10 minute overview of a completely new lesson
• Complete a reflective essay
• Compile and submit an electronic portfolio of all completed assignments
• Score a minimum of 80% on all required elements of the course
MUSI 1310 American Music: History of
Rock and Roll
If you need help or have questions
contact me.
[email protected]
Monday and Wednesday
MUS 136
1:30-2:50 pm
Attendance is Required
The Textbook is required
Read the Syllabus, all you need to
know about the course is there!
The method I employ currently is a quiz over each reading in my course.
After going through the readings I would include discussions as part of the grade as
well. The ability to answer questions about the reading when called upon would be
how the daily grade is tallied.
Give short lesson quizzes at the beginning of class before going over the material
that was supposed to be read.
Assign experts for different readings to come up with questions for discussion
throughout the year. Then evaluate the quality of preparation from the experts and
the quality of responses from the class as part of the daily grade. Give the experts
supplemental material to that go into greater detail about the topic as well, or have
them independently research depending on the course level.
Complete BOPPPS Sample Lesson
COURSE: MUSI 1310 American Music: History of Rock and Roll
Lesson Title: Early Blues Style and Form: Urban vs. Rural
Bridge: Listen to one blues song.
Have students write an element of what you heard. (instrument(s), vocalist, subject of lyrics)
Have students give elements skipping duplicates until we don’t have any left.
Bloom’s (comprehension): Which style of blues did we hear?
5 minutes
Course Student Learning Outcome:
Identify the elements, styles, and musicians representative of music within the chosen
Learning Objectives (these should be the ones you wrote in Module 1): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
1) discern when listening whether we are listening to rural or urban early blues.
2) By the next class student will write an A A B stanza of a blues song.
Play another blues song then take true/false quiz over Listening (Socrative)
5 minutes
Participatory Learning:
Time Instructor Activities Learner Activities Lesson Materials
15 min Introduce and explain the harmonic structure and Listen to examples and demonstrate understanding by Guitar for demonstration.
poetic form of the 12 bar blues. Demonstrate these raising hand when hearing certain structures. Recordings on Spotify and
then play songs as examples. Discuss call and (Comprehension) Youtube
response and demonstrate blue notes.
10 min Explain Rural Blues characteristics, and introduce Discuss the meaning lyrics of songs, and what elements Recordings from Spotify
artists: Robert Johnson, Memphis Minnie, Charley they hear call and response in when listening to examples.
Patton, Blind Lemon Jefferson, and Mississippi John
10 min Explain Urban Blues characteristics, and introduce Discuss the meaning lyrics of songs, and what elements Recordings from Spotify
artists: Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey, Mamie Smith, and they hear accompanying the vocalist.
Ehtel Waters
15 min Introduce 3-step perception checking technique Supply topics for blues song, vote on couplets for our A A B Whiteboard or Document
Work through example interaction Blues stanza. Complete a stanza together, homework will on Projector
be for each student to write an A A B Blues stanza.class.
(Synthesis, application)
Post-assessment: Categorizing Grid: The class will listen to 2 blues songs with contrasting lyrics and styles. The categories will be rural blues and urban blues.
Since there is overlap with similarities in harmonic structure and poetic form they can be included in both categories. I will supply a list of terms that apply to
the songs and the class will put them in the appropriate category.
5 min
Summary: One minute Paper: Compare rural and urban blues
2 min
See Attached PPT
Early Blues Style and
Rural vs. Urban
+ Blues Structure and Form
n Harmonic Form A A B
n Poetic Form A A B
+ 12 Bar Structure
n A 4 bars I I I I
n A 4 bars IV IV I I
n B 4 bars V V I I
+ Other Elements
n Blue notes
n Call and response
n Subject matter
+ Rural Blues
n Geography
n Artists
n Performing Elements
+ What are they saying and why?
n Identify the subject of the first song.
n Hypothesize the purpose of singing about the subject.
+ Urban Blues
n Geography
n Artists
n Performing Elements
+ Topics for Blues Songs
n Suggest topics for blues songs
n Vote on Couplets
n Create A A B Stanza
Formal Assessment ACP Almstedt
Learning Outcome: Identify the elements, styles, and musicians representative of music
within the chosen style(s).
1. The blues forms we’ve focused on have _______ bars.
A. 8
B. 12
C. 16
D. 32
2. The poetic form of blues lyrics is:
Bloom’s level knowledge for 1, 2, and 4
Short answer
3. Describe some subject matter that blues lyrics we have heard and discuss what
may be the purpose of using negative events for the subject of songs.
Bloom’s level application and analysis for 3
4. Name 3 general differences in urban blues and rural blues.
ACP Music Writing Rubric Almstedt
Music as protest. (Student will have some freedom in choosing era, e.g. Guthrie or
Country Joe…) The rubric is for a paper on music as protest. The rubric is to assess
the ability of the student to communicate in writing
Content 100% 80% 50%
30 pts Above Meets Below
--Good Support of topic. --Support for topic sufficient, --Support for topic barely
Discussed the requested Discussion of requested topic sufficient, Discussion is very
topic in depth clearly and lacking depth, lacks some clarity vague and very few important
concisely. and has some redundancy. events were covered.
--Clear and appropriate --Organization, transitions, --Organization, transitions,
organization, with introduction, and conclusion introduction, and conclusion
effective transitions, slightly lacking clarity and/or lacking clarity and/or
introduction, and appropriateness. appropriateness.
Grammar Above Meets Below
Mechanics --Consistent and -- Voice mostly consistent and -- Voice somewhat consistent
15 pts appropriate voice. appropriate. and appropriate.
-- Sophisticated and -- Fairly effective word choice. -- Correct word choice.
Format precise word choice. --No more than 4 grammatical --More than 6 grammatical
15 pts --No More than 2 errors. errors.
grammatical errors --Met most style and min/max Failed to meet style and/or
--Met all style and paragraph requirements min/max paragraph
min/max paragraph requirements
requirements Meets
--Paper is at least 3 paragraphs
--Paper is at least 5 --Paper is at least 4 paragraphs. in length
under 1000 words.
paragraphs in length. 1000 words
Clear transitions between
paragraphs. 1250 words
ACP Showcase Portfolio
Keith Almstedt
American Music: History of Rock and Roll
April 1, 2019
+ Table of Contents
n Student Preparation Strategy
n BOPPPS lesson plan: CAT, Questions, Technology
n Reflection
+ Describe Student Preparation
n Have Students assigned as experts for lesson lead discussion
n Quick quiz over Rural and Urban Blues reading Socrative
+ Bridge
n Listening to one Blues song
n Write an element of what you heard. (instrument(s), vocalist,
subject of lyrics)
+ Objectives
n Learning Outcome: Identify the elements, styles, and
musicians representative of music within the chosen
n Objective 1) by the end of the lesson the student will be able
to discern when listening whether we are listening to rural or
urban early blues. (Understanding, Analyzing)
n Objective 2) By the next class student will write an A A B
stanza of a blues song. (Applying)
+ Pre-Assessment
n Rural vs Urban
n True False quiz over Listening (Socrative)
+ Participatory Lesson
n Introduce and explain the harmonic structure and poetic
form of the 12 bar blues. Demonstrate these then play songs
as examples. Discuss call and response and demonstrate
blue notes.
n Students will listen to examples and demonstrate
understanding by raising hand when hearing certain
n Explain Rural Blues characteristics, and introduce artists:
Robert Johnson, Memphis Minnie, Charley Patton, Blind
Lemon Jefferson, and Mississippi John Hurt.
n Students will discuss the meaning lyrics of songs, and what
elements they hear call and response in when listening to
+ Participatory Lesson Cont.
n Explain Urban Blues characteristics, and introduce artists:
Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey, Mamie Smith, and Ehtel Waters
n Students will discuss the meaning lyrics of songs, and what
elements they hear accompanying the vocalist.
+ Post Asessment
n CAT: Categorizing Grid
n The class will listen to 2 blues songs with contrasting lyrics
and styles. The categories will be rural blues and urban
n Since there is overlap with similarities in harmonic structure
and poetic form they can be included in both categories.
n I will supply a list of terms that apply to the songs and the
class will put them in the appropriate category.
n I will use this to gain a better understanding of whether the
students grasp the characteristics of these forms and if they
can identify them in the context of a given song.
+ Summary
n One minute paper
+ Personal Reflection
n I enjoyed learning to think about effective ways to
communicate with a specific and flexible structure (BOPPPS).
I generally broke up lessons with listening already, but this
gave me more ideas on how to shift gears in a lesson
(teaching methods and tips). Using Bloom’s helps me think
about what I want them to accomplish learning. I also have a
better understanding of the vast wealth of free technological
tools at my disposal. I think it will be very useful in how I
approach my lesson planning, assessment, and structure
classroom activity. Thanks for the class!
ACP Spring 19 Reflective Essay Keith Almstedt
I found the course to be very informative and
practical. Each module was useful and progressed in a
logical manner. The first module aimed at preparation and
gave us an overview of the way we were going to approach
planning a lesson using BOPPPS. The second module gave us
numerous ways to engage students in learning and a wealth
of resources as well as strategies. The third module
discussed assessment and introduced me to a number of
possibilities I had not considered. The fourth module
introduced me to an incredible number of technological
resources I will be able to use going forward. All of the
modules were informative and pragmatic.
The preparation for learning is something I have
considered since our first meeting. I directly make it
clear from the outset of class what our goal for learning
should be during that session. The use of Bloom’s to think
about what level of learning we are trying to achieve is
great. I also have more strategies available to make sure
reading gets done, and ways to reward students who are
prepared. Thinking about objectives for each lesson will
make planning much more efficient for me going forward.
The second module was great for introducing me to a
number of teaching tips. There were plenty of strategies
for teaching that I was exposed to in this module that I
was unaware of before taking this course. This makes me
excited to have a number of approaches to use which should
help me communicate to different types of learners more
effectively. I also feel like I have a number of new
approaches to try and get more students involved in class.
Likewise the third module gave me plenty of ways to go
about assessment. I am excited about the possibilities to
keep the process of testing fresh and exploring new options
in this regard. The number of technological resources
introduced in the fourth lesson is a boon for me as well.
I look forward to exploring this avenue the most. I
believe it is important to use the tools our students are
accustomed to maximize participation and hopefully
effective learning.
In summary this course was highly informative. It was
structured in an easy to follow manner. The sequence of
lessons unfolded in a logical order. The material
presented was very clear and easy to employ both in the
classroom and in preparation for lessons. Thanks for the
course, thoroughly enjoyed it!