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Published by Jety Lefr, 2020-01-29 16:11:14

Icenwaren - A 5e compatible ancestry

Designed by MicroHomebrew. Version 5.0, finished January 18th, 2023.

Keywords: homebrew,d&d,dungoens and dragons,dungeons & dragons,5e,5th edition,icenwaren,ice,glass,snow,horned,horns


A Race for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition.

Designed by Jesse Frodelius

ICENWAREN wail displeasure with supporting visitors. Icenwaren
have always lived off of precious few resources. It is
“IN THE DISTANCE, I SAW A VILLAGE BUILT ON A WALL OF ancient history now, but in times of long winter,
ice, staring over the edge of a thousand foot fall; The icenwaren were a scourge in civilized lands, often forced
home of icenwaren. ‘The snow will be falling soon. into pillaging for their survival. Some anger still remains
Best to let them be until the thaw.’ —Words perhaps against them, despite new relations.
I should have considered. I had been told they were
as likely to kill me as make trade with their winter's Curiosity and adventurous trade routes have shared a
work. When I found them, I was frightened by what deeper knowledge of icenwaren to the world today, and
I saw. With horned heads and stretched bodies, they vice versa. An unusual beauty that they have, it has
cast intimidating shadows on the snow. It was when inspired many people to investigate their nature.
they spoke, asking my name and giving theirs, that I Icenwaren grow shining locks of brown and caramel
realized how intrusive my ignorance was. They may hair, extending into patches of glossy fur in adulthood.
be a difficult people, to understand and to visit, but They are complemented with smooth skin speckled by
they were mostly kind and their crafting in glass metallic freckles. These shining patterns and the shape
was spectacular. I traded for a compass, and while I of an icenwaren's horns mark each a unique creature,
hurt from the expense of racing winter to get it, it is though most agree that these beautiful features are
one of my most treasured possessions.” wasted on their strangely shaped bodies.

—John Heraba, Travel Journal VII OF OBSIDIAN

Forming glass from ice and steel from snow, tales of Icenwaren are an artistically rich people, and it shows in
icenwaren prove them a guild of magical warriors. how they present themselves. Save for the decoration of
Icenwaren seldom carry such stories on their own their horns, they make little effort towards personal
voices, caring little for the trouble in rumors. Truths as luxury. Artists where they can be, what they own is made
they are, most icenwaren live comfortably and quietly out with intent to last and to be admired. They craft fine
of their homes. things for their daily necessities, making their clothes
and tools with skill and pride, but they make nothing they
MONSTERS, UPON A TIME do not need. The only common exception is glass
production. Famed especially for this trade skill,
By some, icenwaren have long been regarded as icenwaren are born innately understanding sand and
domesticated monsters, both for the fierceness of their glass craft. The rarest and most skilled of them can cull
forms and their skill of battle. They grow taller than magma for the casting of obsidian, even for designs of
humans and have exaggerated bodies, often stacked with war. Icenwaren tools of hunt and weaponry are a prize in
wide muscles, hanging fat, or shaped by long frames of any warrior's arsenal.
bone. Horned heads, sharp rows of teeth, and hermetic
dispositions have always labeled them creatures to be As icenwaren age, small protrusions grow from their
feared. In the past, there was made little effort to heads, becoming beautiful horns made of glass. These
associate with other races beyond need, and some still are important symbols of an icenwaren's health and
prosperity. The more richly colored a pair of horns are,
the more prosperous their wearer must be. Those of
important status might decorate their horns with thin
carvings and ornate trimmings of silver or gold. Rings
may be pierced through as a sign of spiritual clarity, but

the most respected icenwaren are those with black ways of prevailing. They craft armor and weapons from
horns. Reminiscent of obsidian, it is believed a sign of fortified glass, or borrow from the fallen that they slay.
the world's blessing, a portent of great fortune and Fearing nothing from the dead who need no equipment,
destiny. It is said among icenwaren as well, that the icenwaren to this day have a bad nature of looting.
fiercest of warriors must have black blood, that mighty
obsidian runs through their ruby veins. Due to this disposition, icenwaren can be convinced to
worship and serve evil gods, or a lesser entity of some
Gemstones too, are beloved and revered by power. A bhevr hag or white dragon might convince a
icenwaren. Whether for the beauty, the value, or for the community to work under its command. A vampire might
dead spirits that some belief they house, a likeness with raise a new respect for that which the dead should own.
gems is always admired. With a good argument or threat, it makes little difference
whether to protect ones lands through modesty and
CITIES ON MOUNTAINS moderation, trade-contract, or through violence.

Raised with a reverence towards the natural world, STANDARDS OF WAR
taking from it only what they must to survive, icenwaren
build cities of unusual design. They live in places of Though typically respectful, icenwaren are as often distant
seclusion, deserts surrounded by scant life, wishing to as they are hard to understand. They are closest to other
shape the world as little as possible. Theirs are rough races usually during trade, but come to understandings
and difficult lands to live in, built on icy and sandy soils. best when in a match of blades, or by similar alliances.
They construct settlements mostly in high places, on
frozen cliff sides, volcanic brims, and over jutting stony Dwarves. “They make better tools and weapons than
chasms and shores. Some odd cities—built quickly and we. They make stronger homes and more lavish comforts,
without planning—hang over dwarven and human but they dig too deep to make them. I'd rather a dwarf
settlements. The days of icenwaren raids now long gone, stand with his shield at my side than I to stand inside a
animosity has dwindled in those places. Such cities grow dwarven cave.”
together with the trade of craft and culture, for any home
under a mountain, twinned by an icenwaren's above, will Goliath. “They are stronger, bigger, and they are better
have a rich quality of life. warriors than us. They are fair and respectful, if too cruel
to themselves. I would welcome one in my home, but
It is common for icenwaren to live in small familial feeding them is a difficult task. Better to keep ourselves
communities, but rare environments may see them apart.”
building greater cities. Relying on the unwanted gifts of
nature, old timber is not uncommon in icenwaren Humans. “I see more greed in humans than anywhere
architecture. Wood gnarled and twisted, sea-worn, sun- else. The world is rich with treasures they desire. They
dried, and frostbitten, but seldom cut down, icenwaren never stop asking for more. Creatures like that can only
make their homes from dead wood and collapsed stone. live by asking and taking. They are dangerous."
What towers and houses they have are raised from
rubble and fallen trees, broken into fibres. Soaking that
mixture in water or sand, and freezing or burning it as
needed, they make bricks of pykrite and burnished glass.
Such shining alloys of stone and ice that they have,
topping mountains like stars, an icenwaren’s city
sparkles under the light of the sky.


Although icenwaren as a rule show great respect for
gods and other entities stronger than themselves, most
do not pray for their own protection. A far spread
standard, icenwaren train in a culture of survival by self-
reliance. What prayers they do offer, are given as gifts to
their gods. They pray that their gods will hear them and
be happier for hearing their songs. They pray so that a
deity might see the world through the eyes of one who
loves a deity. By tradition, icenwaren ask for nothing.
They are givers, and they are takers.

With extreme prejudice, icenwaren defend their
homes. They are capable of great wisdom on a field of
battle, making clever use of their endurance in the harsh
climates they defend. Their bodies are acclimated to
surviving terrible things, so they do not fall easily. Even
when making war from a place of scarcity, they have

ICENWAREN NAMES Alignment. Icenwaren lean towards lawful alignments,
taking great care to instruct and obey their traditions,
Icenwaren are given false names at birth, a means of however, adventuring icenwaren often seek neutrality,
protecting their children, which last through their having chosen to leave their settlements to explore
lifetimes as the first names given during introductions. distant lands and to mingle with unknown cultures.
These names are used until an icenwaren comes of age,
after which they take a true name. Icenwaren nicknames Size. Icenwaren average in heights above humans.
are generally descriptive of an individual, though simple, The shortest of adults may reach less than 6 feet tall, but
noting prominent physical traits or roles in the most grow much larger, some even as tall as 7 feet. They
community. An adult might use any of the three among typically weigh 180–250 lbs. Your size is Medium.
their friends.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Most icenwaren acquaint themselves with strangers Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of
using their false names. Adventuring icenwaren might you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were
choose to use their nickname instead, as it is easy to dim light. You can’t discern colour in darkness, only
identify them with, and makes their name notable among shades of gray.
adventuring figures. Extremophile. You are acclimated to difficult and
dangerous environments, You ignore any penalties
False Names: Ali, Api, Demi, Firti, Huni, Juni, Luyni, associated with extreme cold, extreme heat, high
Mazi, Nathi, Obri, Reishki, Samui, Vaki, Zebi altitude, strong wind, and heavy precipitation, as
described in chapter 5 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
True Names: Asmund, Balder, Bjorn, Calder, Einar, Glass Savant. In order to grow horns made of glass,
Fritjolf, Gustav, Hackett, Hella, Iona, Jorunn, Knute, your blood is suffused with silica. You gain proficiency
Lamonte, Latham, Leif, Ragna, Rangvald, Runa, with glass blowing tools. You can craft weapons and
Sigfrid, Sten, Tue, Viggo ammunition out of glass that normally must be made
from metal or wood.
Nicknames: Antler, Arching-Back, Arrow Keen, Ash Icenwaren Wrath. As a bonus action, you can make
Keeper, Carver, Bow-Shins, Fat-Body, Furrier, one weapon attack. Once you use this feature, you must
Great-Nose, Hammer Arm, Jewel-Eye, Long-Hand, finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Moth, Mountain-Blood, Nimble, Ram-Skull, Sander, Languorous Recovery. Living in extreme climates, you
Silver-Skin, Split-Horns, Strong-Legs, Swirl-Face, work hard for your survival and you rest hard for your
Tooler, Web-Hand comfort. As an action, you can spend one Hit Die to heal
yourself. Roll the die, add your Constitution modifier,
ICENWAREN TRAITS and regain a number of hit points equal to the total
(minimum of 1).
Icenwaren are born in extreme places, living a culture of Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common
and your choice of Giant or Dwarven.
survival and crafting. Such traditions that they embrace

benefit them several abilities.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score

increases by 2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. Icenwaren mature similarly to humans, living no

longer than them, but they age more gracefully.

Version 3.0 – March 8th 2021
Art: Victor Quaresma, Elyse Bromser-Kloeden, Paul Davies

Contact: jetyseereuslefr (at) gmail

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