Crosby High SchoolNameof Newspaper
**Team Argus is always accepting submissions **
OCTOBER 18, 2002 -
DECEMBER 12, 2018
FORGOTTEN I met Cartavis about 2 years and a half ago. We met at the
mall when one of my friends was with him. I went with them
from his friends: to go hang out for a while. I introduced myself, then we
started walking around the mall and we started to get hungry
he was a good person ~he was "Kindness so he asked if I wanted anything. I said sure. So he got me
kind to everyone ~he never had is a food, then I thanked him for it. I asked for his social media
drama~all his grades were good language and number; we went home and I kept thanking him for
~he always stayed with a small which getting me something. After that day we kept talking. He
group of people ~he loved the deaf became like a best friend to me; he was there for me
basketball ~his favorite color was can hear through my rough times; he was there to hold me and tell
yellow ~Cartavis was funny ~he me everything was okay. He was so kind, funny, and
always made everyone laugh ~he trustworthy. He always liked telling the truth. When I started
was just a good person, point high school this year, it started off very rough and every time
blank. I saw him in the hallways he would give me a big hug and
tell me how everything was going to get better. He was
Crosby?s Kindness Project by Neisha and the always there to look out for me; he always made sure I was
Sanchez blind okay and stayed out of trouble. His main concern was for me
can to succeed in life and show people a different point of view
dedicated for 2018/ 2019 to Cartavis Fox see." towards me. He liked all of his friends. He was such a happy
Mark person. He rarely got mad. He liked knowing he was safe
The word kindness can have very different Twain. and that if he needed anything he had true friends and
meanings to many people. Kindness is the family to be right by his side.
quality of being friendly, generous, and "Kind
considerate. This is also known as an act. words Kateline Quinones
Everyday people hear stories of all the horrible can be
things going on in the world, but what about all short The following is an excerpt from an article written by
the good things happening? There are still a and Tom Sherrington King Edward VI Grammar School,
few people trying to make a difference in the easy to Chelmsford, England.
world. Why do people always tend to bring up speak,
the bad and not the good. The thing about but "Losing someone you love is perhaps the
kindness is that it doubles when shared with their toughest life lesson of all.
someone else. Just one person doing as little echoes
as smiling at someone or giving someone else are For those directly concerned it can be
a hand can create a big impact. Studies have truly incredibly painful and bewildering and the
shown that performing one random act of of endless." impact of their loved one's death can be felt
kindness can reduce things such as stress, for a long time. I 've often thought that we
anxiety, and depression while improving a Mother are at our best when our schools show that
person's well being. Spreading kindness Teresa they are not just a place of work or of
creates a positive vibe filled with happiness, learning; schools are the focal point of their
energy, and tranquility. This is why Crosby is community, and even serve as an extended
starting the Kindness Project, to show that family for many people. How we handle
school can be a safe, respectful, and carefree bereavement says a lot about our values
environment for students. An example of what and we need to be ready to deal with a wide
Crosby is doing to introduce student to the range of circumstances. "
Kindness Project is introducing them to
Kindness Week. Kindness Week is a week for
people to show their caring side and perform
different acts of kindness each day. That?s just
one of many forms of kindness that Crosby is
working to install into this school.
Crosby?s Kindness Project
A Conversation with Principal Gopie says that her hardest A Con ver sat ion w it h Am br ia
year working at Crosby was her first. an d Velm a on Gu yan a.
Mrs. Gopie Getting accustomed to the different
lifestyle of being an administrator as What makes your country special?
Team Argus was very excited to have Mrs. opposed to being a teacher. wasn't just What makes my country special is the
Gopie visit them during Midterms for an a challenge for herself, but also for her freedom.
hour long conversation and to allow some family. She missed being home in the
members to visit with her for a very early afternoon so she could cook for What makes this culture different from
enjoyable meeting. She spoke at length her children. Now she was home later other cultures?
with the Team explaining in detail her and was still working from home. Her What makes my culture different is that
present position and also the path she took children also questioned her new we have a variety of different foods, many
to get where she is today. schedule as their dinner was now later! religions, and beliefs. It is a diversity of
different cultures which is why it is unique.
Mrs. Gopie was very keen to stress that she When she first walked through the doors
is a 100 % Waterbury native. She grew up of CHS she was surprised to see that What is your definition of culture?
in the Brass City, went to schools in there was no consistency. So she decided The definition of culture for me is the way
Waterbury, as a member of the initial that consistency and leadership would of life. It is a society or a group of people
Talented and Gifted group and has very remain a focus area. that do things the way they like to do it.
happily remained with her roots to lead For example, the belief, behavior, morals
Crosby High School. Along with this very Mrs. Gopie took many questions during and values.
obvious sense of pride exists a realization the visit. Students were eager to hear
that she is the first member of her family to about her thoughts on present day Define and describe the most important
attend college. And that has served as a Crosby. She stressed her happiness to be (or most celebrated) holiday of your
motivator for her. She watched her mother here and was pleased to announce that culture.
and aunts work hard and understood that she wakes up every day with an The most important holiday would be
hard work is the key to any success. A enthusiasm to come to work. That Christmas. It is important because it is
promise/ agreement with a close friend to remains very important to her. The fact signifies the birth of Jesus. It is a major
attend college was also a huge motivation. that she loves coming here shows a very religious holiday and we celebrate it with
Success is not given to anyone and it positive mindset, except when it is 15 the people we love.
certainly wasn't handed to her. degrees outside. The students totally What would you say is, from your
understood that. The idea of a plan for perspective, the most commonly held
Initially a Science major, Mrs. Gopie did herself and of course a plan for CHS misconception about the people of your
not start out with some 'chalk and a black keeps her motivated and organized, just culture?
board.' She was heavily interested in all as she wants the students to have a A misconception about people of my
things scientific. Biology was her calling plan for themselves and for their school, culture would be that we all take part in
and she dreamed of being a doctor. After and of course for their futures . arranged marriages. In the past love
graduating from UConn, she found herself marriages weren't acceptable and parents
working at a Lab preparing blood tests. It One of the great questions asked was would choose a boy or a girl that they
was a job and it was paying some bills but quite a simple one, but one that lead would want their child to get married to.
it seemed not to offer any excitement. She to a deeper understanding of the They choose what's best for them. Years
explained that she has to love a position or person standing in front of the later, love marriages were allowed and
else she does not want to be involved. She students. arranged marriages are still intact. So not
then got a call from a former administrator everyone has to go through arranged
while working at the Lab who told her that How would you describe yourself? marriages, if they are in love with, a guy
there was a substitute position opened and or a girl, your parents would meet them
would she be interested. I would describe myself as a and fix a wedding date.
dedicated, committed Principal. I
She accepted and began working at the love our students and staff. We all How important is religion in your family?
Enlightenment School on Church St. A work hard every day to do the best Why?
challenging position, it also gave her a job possible. I am a mom first and a My religion is important to my family
sense of having to adapt to its challenges; school principal second! because it helps to guide us in our lives
teaching multiple grades in the same whenever there is a hard time.
setting helped shape her compassion and
genuine affection for every student: A trait Velma Raghunandan Ambria Balram.
that has followed her throughout her career.
So she decided to give teaching a go. She
returned to CCSU to earn her Certification,
while 6 months pregnant!
Mrs. Gopie would consider herself a shy
and quiet person in her college years. She
understands she keeps her emotions in
check, and is even tempered. But behind
this shyness lies a steely determination to
do what she loves and to strive for the
things she wants. An important piece of
advice is "Never let someone else choose
your destiny for you." And she relates this
to her personal experience. Mrs. Gopie also
explained to the class not to not look at
others and think you can't be like them.
These statements brought a lot of smiles
from the audience. A few students nodded
in complete agreement. They are at that age
where they struggle with independence and
with a sense of upcoming freedom.
Nothing is unattainable if you really want
it. Mrs. Gopie was trying to impart the idea
that anyone of the students sitting in front
of her could become a principal or anything
else they could dream of. She is truly just
like them. A powerful reminder.
Awar d Winning Essay Awar d Winning Essay
Why My Vote Matters **************************************************** Jersie and Siomara ***************************************************** Why My Vote Matters
Cr osby st u den t s doin g Good Th in gs.
by: Nefertiri Mc Donald ************************************** ************************************** by: Adwoa Yirenkyi
Siom ar a cam e t o see h er f r ien d, Jer sie in Hom e
When we think of voting, we think of the Room an d apologize f or t h eir disagr eem en t , t h e In a country where every voice can be
president, senators, representatives, and day bef or e. Jer sie r eadily accept ed t h e apology heard, those who vote ensure that in at
other government officials that are an d also agr eed sh e t oo w as at f au lt . Good least this one way, their voices are heard.
candidates in the upcoming election. We t h in gs. In America, every citizen has the right to
have the Republican and Democratic vote unless they have done something
parties to choose between, and important ************************** which will cause them to lose that right.
decisions to make as American people.
Today, we will take a different approach. Anthony Orellana is currently a senior at Crosby High Our government is supposed to
Let's take a step back from the general School and has been a member of the Bulldog soccer team represent us; if we don't express our
regimen and delve deeper into the for four years. Anthony is arguably the best soccer player wishes about who we want representing
philosophy of the individual units that to ever don a Crosby uniform and his astounding career on us and about the proposed laws,we will
complete this system. the pitch has not gone unnoticed as evidenced by his not be represented as intended.
As I was a small girl in my small town, it numerous awards and accolades. Anthony has led the
was easy for others to dismiss my Crosby soccer team to two NVL and state tournament A vote is a powerful form of expression
thoughts and feelings about certain topics, berths during his playing days. Anthony's fierce of power. The truth is that,we are rarely
believing that my prepubescent mind competitiveness, skill, speed and tenacity on the soccer asked our wishes and opinions about
couldn't process anything other than field has been unparalleled in the annals of Crosby High's things that matter. Voting and
Disney princesses and the cartoons I used soccer history. Anthony's historical extraordinary Democracy are very important in a
to watch every Saturday morning. The achievements are unmatched by any other Waterbury nation because it provides people an
children at school didn't understand either, Public School student-athlete soccer player that has ever opportunity to voice their opinion and
as they were focused on trivial matters played the game at the high school level. vote for what they believe in. Voters play
such as playing tag during recess or Anthony has attained the following: an essential role in shaping the
avoiding the unlucky bearer of the 4-year Varsity starter government and their futures.
?cooties.? While I was also caught up in Captain (11, 12)
the innocent fantasy world of my All NVL Brass Division (10) As we approach Election Day, there is a
childhood, I couldn't help but ponder the All NVL (11,12) question on everyone's mind: who will
?grown up? subjects. Why did my father NVL Player of the Year (12) (fir st Water bur y Public win the presidential race? However,
watch the news every morning before School student-athlete to receive this honor ) there's a more important question not
going to work? Why did my mother Pedro DeBrito Award (12) (given to the best player in city) being considered nearly as much: Who
ramble on about the tall men in fancy Class L All-State (11,12) do we want to win the presidential race?
suits that spoke fancy words on the United Soccer Coaches Boys Soccer All New England
television? Why did that matter to them Regional Team (12) (fir st Crosby player ever to receive If one has a strong opinion on a certain
so much? Curiosity made those questions this prestigious selection) subject or a person, it is important to let
linger in the crevices of my former Anthony has a plethora of colleges recruiting him presently it be known that that is the main reason
childlike brain until it developed enough and he will make a decision in the spring as to where he why my vote and your vote matters as
for things to start sinking in. A mind that will attend. citizens. An individual vote could make
once struggled through an identity crisis a difference. There are millions of
has come to realize that there is more to people in the United States that are
choosing. There?s more to it than simply eligible to vote, yet several do not take
selecting someone who expresses their this opportunity. Many people think that
conservative or liberal views in order to their vote will not make a difference in
gain an audience with similar tastes in the outcome of the election but that is
ideas. It all boils down to the overall totally wrong.
sense of belonging that accompanies the
procedure of making your way to your Every vote is crucial to the development
respective polling station and exercising and maintenance of America,
your right given to you by the representing the voice of the citizens for
Constitution. politicians to act upon. Our voices
Think of it like this: at one point of the matters because it is the key to be heard.
average American's life, they join an Being heard can change the world
organization. Whether it would be a book around you and the people as well.
club or a labor union, they are part of a
fundamental association. For many, Considering how much of our country's
finding work would be the only government revolves around voting and
motivation for joining a company; but for elections, wouldn't it make sense for
others, their main drive would be Americans to make their opinions heard
homogeneity. Citizens who fall under this through ballots?
group want to be included in a whole.
These people want to devote themselves Personally, I believe that everyone
to something that is worthwhile, and to be should vote, because everyone has an
filled with a purpose that fuels their fire. opinion. Citizens of many countries
By all means, they serve as a shining complain about the world around them,
example of what a true community and many don't have the option to
member is: a person who plays a part in change the world, However, you do.The
the common good by pursuing their youth of America have the power to
passion, regardless of the money. make decisions that can affect the
Of course, voting for the next country. If you don't like the way
Commander in Chief of the country is America is run, and yet you don't vote in
inarguably more significant than picking elections or make your opinions heard,
the next novel to read in a book club, but then you are at fault.
the crux of the matter still stands.
Therefore, my vote matters not only I hope with this essay I have made you
because of the political voice it grants me, released the essence of voting and why it
but it gives me an opportunity to be a matters: because with the power to
contributing factor in something that is choose what happens in this country, we
even greater than myself. Like a cell to an make America.You personally can make
organism, a pixel to a digital image, or a America stronger by Voting.
?me?to a ?we?, I am a citizen of the
United States willing to perform my
duties to help enhance this nation's
quality. Henceforth, I promise not to
judge my Mom for rambling on about
politicians or my Dad for watching his
morning news shows. I understand them
Interview with Ms. Del Debbio Mr. Jurzynski Interview
by: Francisco De Leon by:Angelina Ovalles & Camila Mejias
Where were you raised? On the outside, we see the face of an average
substitute teacher. We?ve all known him for so
Plainville, Connecticut. It was a small long, though we never fully understood him.
town which I liked, there were a lot of Today we will go beyond his label to comprehend
things to do like camp and sports. the wise soul he actually is. Mr. Jurzynski has
lived through many years and endured many
What High School did you attend? Ms. DelDebbio experiences. He was born in Waterbury,
circa 1980 Connecticut and lived in Massachusetts for half of
Plainville High School ?Go Blue his life. He was a very active participant in local
Devils?I loved high school. I had so *************************** politics. He even got to meet president John F.
much fun in high school. I want to Kennedy on October 17, 1962, just before The
continue to have that fun. I think that's Cuban Missile Crisis. Mr. Jurzynski goes on to
why I?m a teacher. talk about the biggest differences between high
school now and high school during his time. The
Family answer is: technology. He couldn?t decide whether
technology had a positive or negative impact on
I have my mom and dad, an older student life. He says it breaks his heart to see
brother that is 18 months older than students attached to their cell phones rather than
me. My dad was a police officer, mom speaking to the person next to them, then again,
was a Xray tech; they met at a bar technology has introduced so many great
one day. opportunities, for example: SAT prep, electronic
presentations, online research, and overall an
Best Vacation? expansion our resources in general. ?The
quickness is not good? he says, "everyone is
Las Vegas, I went to the Hoover Dam, always in a rush, they never take time to live in
to shows and walked the strip the moment." Mr. Jurzynski was very lively in
sports, particularly swimming. He has made 20
Describe your personality Members of the Crosby High attempts to swim across the English Channel
School Chorus and music Ensemble and succeeded 14 times. The approximate
My personality is fun, hilarious, preparing for their Winter Concert distance of the English Channel is about 21 miles,
rainbows and unicorns, glitter, in December ,2018. from Dover, England to Fr ance. His shortest
sunshine and happiness, sarcasm, The concert featured some great trial took 16 hours and 21 minutes.
prankster. classics, such as: God Rest Ye Merry
Gentlemen, Jingle Bell Rock and Mr. Jurzynski says that his favorite quote is
Favorite TV shows? Silent Night. ?Respect gains respect.? In other words, you
should treat people with the attitude and respect
Bob's Burgers, I relate well to Tina, ******************** then it will most likely be reciprocated. This will
awkward. South Park is hilarious. just make everyone?s lives easier, including your
Regular Show is a good show. own. Mr. Jurzynski highly suggests, especially to
young adults, to learn time management early.
Your Favorite Concert? Time management is the way you plan out your
day and how you exert your time wisely. It can be
My favorite concert was Guns N the smallest details, like how much time you
Roses. My favorite song they played spend eating, or the biggest, like binge watching
was November Rain. Netflix for hours. The point is, don?t spend hours
scrolling down Instagram instead of studying or
Fun Facts doing something much more productive. This is
words of wisdom from Mr. Jurzynski and we
My favorite motto is ?You Wanna seriously applaud his expertise and psychology, as
Fight?? should everyone else.
If I could be anything in the world I
would be a stunt car driver
My spirit animal is an American Honey Mr. Jurzynski
Badger because it?s thick. They have
short sturdy legs; they?re intelligent
animals, and we are both immune to
poisonous snake bites (I like to think
that I am) We are both highly
aggressive for their size.
A piece of advice that I would give to
my younger self is that ?you shouldn?t
care about what people think about
you, dont be a scaredy (sic) cat, the
world is a big place, go and explore
Crosby Classics Crosby Students doing Good MALALA YOUSAFZAI: A NORMAL
Hannah Sofia Villanueva has by NPR National Public Raido)
This shor t stor y by Raymond Car ver been car r ying K evializ
is about the Nar r ator ?s wife and her Her nandez's bags and books to Malala Yousafzai (born 1997) is a Pakistani activist
blind fr iend, Rober t. I t is wr itten in and from classes. for female education and the youngest ever winner
fir st per son point of view and it is of the Nobel Peace Prize. Malala is from the Swat
being told by the husband. There are Good Things. Valley in northwest Pakistan, where the local
many themes in this stor y. One of Taliban has banned girls from attending school.
them is the difference between ************************ Malala, whose family ran a chain of local schools,
looking and seeing. I n the stor y, publicly stood against the Taliban?s actions and
Rober t can see people better than the Aq u am an launched an international movement. On October
Nar r ator even though Rober t is blind. 9th, 2012, a gunman from the Taliban boarded a
Rober t sees people?s emotions and l school bus and shot her in the head. Malala
feelings and the Nar r ator doesn?t. At remained in critical condition in the days following
the end of the stor y, Rober t and the The movie Aquaman is about a female the attack, but survived. Since then, she has
Nar r ator wor k together to dr aw a mermaid washing up on a pair of light continued to advocate internationally for women?s
cathedr al and the Nar r ator realizes house keepers and a unknown man education. As you read, consider what drove
his problems. Rober t and the found the female mermaid M alala to overcome tremendous adver sity.
Nar r ator ?s wife met a few year s unconscious. As the mermaid was
before they got mar r ied. The wife unconscious the light house keeper A teacher himself, Yousafzai inspired his
used to wor k for Rober t as a guide took her to first aid because she was daughter?s fight to be educated. At a special event
and she helped him by reading things. bruised. A couple of days later they with Malala in Washington, D.C., he tells NPR?s
After she moved, they kept in touch wondered where she was and as soon Michel Martin that he is often asked what training
by sending each other tapes talking as she woke up the light house keeper he gave to his daughter. ?I usually tell people,
about their lives. The Nar r ator ?s wife gave her tea to warm her up. She ?You should not ask me what I have done. Rather
tells the Nar r ator that her blind didn?t go back to the water and stayed you ask me, what I did not do,?? he says.?I did not
fr iend Rober t would be visiting them. on the surface to pursue a clip her wings to fly. I did not stop her from
The Nar r ator didn?t feel comfor table relationship with the light house flying.?
having a blind man in his house but keeper. After pursuing a relationship
his wife tells him about Rober t?s wife, she found out she was pregnant with Yousafzai has this advice for parents of girls
Beulah recently dying. Once the a baby boy and as years went by the around the world:?Trust your daughters, they are
Nar r ator meets Rober t, they star t boy got older and one day his mother faithful. Honor your daughters, they are
talking a little. The wife star ts talking told him a story about her hometown honorable. And educate your daughters, they are
to Rober t and after a while she went and Atlantis and how it?s a beautiful amazing.?Q1
upstair s. While she was gone, the place and not regretting to go there.
Nar r ator and Rober t got to know Out of nowhere there was a loud A year after being shot, Malala is clear about her
each other a little better and then the sound coming from a gun and it hit goal. ?I speak for education of every child, in
wife came back down and fell asleep the wall unexpectedly. A guy in a every corner of the world,? Malala says. ?There
on the couch. While she was asleep white suit came through it and said has been a discrimination in our society,? which
Rober t and the Nar r ator watched tv ?Princess come back to Alantis so the she believes must be defeated. ?We women are
and the Nar r ator was telling Rober t King can give you a trial. It was going to bring change. We are speaking up for
what was happening. The show that forbidden to be on land for a certain girls?rights, but we must not behave like men, like
they was watching showed a cathedr al amount of years?. Since the Princess they have done in the past.?
and the Nar r ator was tr ying to chose not to leave without a fight
descr ibe it to Rober t but it was too they ended up fighting the men and ]Perhaps she has learned from her father?s
har d for him to explain it. Rober t told more people started coming for her experience. When asked what gave him a passion
the Nar r ator to get a pen and paper and she took all them down by herself for girls?education, Yousafzai points out that he
and they drew it together. and killed them. After that the father was ?born in a society where girls are ignored.?
and son walked down to the pair and Living with five sisters, he was sensitive to
by: Stephen Diggs kissed their son goodbye but before discrimination from an early age. ?In the morning,
they let him go the Princess told him I was used to milk and cream, and my sisters were
******************************* not to forget about her. Later on she given only tea,? he says.Q2
returned into the water to go back to
Angelo Hicks her home town. As years went by Yousafzai felt the injustice even more when Malala
Aquaman was all grown and and was born. He later opened a school that Malala
realized he had powers but didn?t attended in the Swat Valley. At the time, the
know what to do with them . In the Taliban?s influence was gaining power and both
middle of the movie they showed Yousafzais were firmly on their radar.?But we
Alantis. The owners of Atlantis had a thought that even terrorists might have some
conversation about who should be ethics,? Yousafzai says. ?Because they destroyed
King . Atlantis went back by tidal some 1,500 schools but they never injured a child.
wave and destroyed everything while And she was a child.?
people were getting caught up in it .
Out of nowhere a female was holding Malala says that the shooting has taken away her
the water back... fear. ?I have already seen death and I know that
death is supporting me in my cause of education.
The ending is...well watch it. (staff) Death does not want to kill me,? she says. ?Before
this attack, I might have been a little bit afraid how
by: Angelo Hicks death would be. Now I?m not, because I have
experienced it.?
Reviews ******************************* A Cr osby Hist or ian A Book Review:
Nearing the end of 2018, a movie with a lot Ben Carmona The Lunar Chronicles
of hype and doubt from critics and fans
opened in theatres. And yes, I am talking Emmett Till was an African American, born The Lunar Chronicles series is a string of
about Venom. Venom Stars Tom Har dy as on July 25, 1941 in Chicago, Illinois. Emmett books which enhance the beauty of our basic,
Eddie Brock/Venom. Venom is a highly grew up in a working class neighborhood on classical fairy tales and twists them in the
anticipated movie yet a lot of critics have the south side of Chicago; he attended a most unexplainable delicate ways, yet, without
constantly discredited the movie. In my segregated elementary school (McCosh putting thought to it, you wouldn?t realize that
honest opinion, Venom isn?t as it seems. In grammar school). He was a bright young man the books originated from fairy tales. These
the trailers for the film, the movie appears that really loved to pull pranks, so on a trip to stories are completely original, because it's its
super dark and gritty. Yet, the movie only Money, Mississippi to meet a few of his own breed while still incorporating such
contains a little bit of dark and gritty scenes. family members, he was dared by one of his classic tales. It?s a series of 6 books: five of
The movie is about Journalist Eddie Brock, friends to whistle at a store clerk. Her name them are including different fairy tail figures.
who discovers a parasite, or Symbiote, which was Carolyn Bryant, which he did, but the The first is Cinder and as you can guess, this
contains Venom. cashier / clerk was not amused by Emmett's is a spin off to Cinderella. Lihn Cinder is a
behavior. She was a racist. She accused cyborg whose father passed when she was at a
The Symbiote is hidden by the Life Emmett of verbally and physically violating young age and has had to live with her evil
Foundation, founded by Coulton Drake, the her. He didn't have a chance to defend himself stepmother and evil stepsister. Sounds
film's bad guy. Tom Hardy?s portrayal of in court because the judge ruled it as familiar, right ? These small details is about as
Edtdie Brock is hilarious and sSerious at the inadmissible. Bryant's husband, Roy and his far as it goes as to relating to anything else
same time. The movie has its share of half brother, Milam decided to abduct Emmett this world has seen. As for the rest of the
comedic aspect and is overall a very good while he was staying at his great-uncle's books: Scarlet, Cress, Fairest and Winter.
movie. If you haven?t seen it yet, I suggest house. They decided to beat him before Marissa Meyer, the author, created a whole
that you do. Don?t let the critics fool you, shooting him in the head and dumping the new world in which there are a species living
critics don?t like this movie for various body in the Tallahatchie River. 3 days later on the moon, but they aren?t called aliens, no,
reasons. Some say their dislike of the movie Till's body was discovered in the river and they?re called, Lunars.
comes from the fact that Spiderman isn?t retrieved. His body was returned to Chicago, On earth they aren?t trusted because they have
featured in the film. Some say it is dark and which led to his mother insisting on a public the ability to compel humans and each other.
gritty enough. And some even complain funeral service with an open casket. She These powers can include anything from
about the missing spider symbol on Venom?s wanted to show the world not only U. S. creating a faulty appearance to making
chest. Regardless, the movie exceeded a lot racism and the barbarism of lynching but also someone believe something ever happened.
of people?s expectations and even broke on the limitations and vulnerabilities of Throughout all 6 books, Marissa Meyer
records. Also, Make sure to stay for the after American democracy. Tens of thousands of uncovers such surprising events that leads up
credit scene, it will leave your jaw dropped. people viewed his funeral. In September 1955, to a lot of losses and such accomplishments all
Thank you for taking the time to read my Bryant and Milam were acquitted by an at once. As the story goes on, the characters
Review of Venom, which is rated PG-13. all-white jury of Till's kidnapping and murder. from all the different books in this one little
Venom contains Violence. For more Protected against double jeopardy, the two world begin to connect and it is just such a
information, Visit mpaa.or g. men publicly admitted in a 1956 interview beautiful thing. You will grow to love all of
with Look magazine that they had killed Till. the characters. How they have completely
by : Francisco De Leon Till's murder was seen as a catalyst for the different personalities, yet they don?t clash in
next phase of the Civil Rights Movement.In a bad way. I highly recommend this series, it
December 1955, the Montgomery Bus teaches many life lessons as well as does an
Boycott began in Alabama and lasted more amazing job entertaining, not only young
than a year, resulting eventually in a US adults but a variety of age groups. If you like
Supreme Court ruling that segregated buses sci-fi, fiction, or romance, this is the perfect fit
were unconstitutional. According to for you. It?s all wrapped into one bundle of
historians, events surrounding Emmett Till's joy. There are well over two thousand pages to
life and death continue to resonate. Some this series, but you won?t even notice because
writers have suggested that almost every story of how fast you read it. Have you ever binge
about Mississippi returns to Till, or the Delta watched a T.V. show? Its like that except in
region in which he died, in "some spiritual, your own mind !
homing way.? An Emmett Till Memorial
Commission was established in the early 21st by: Angelina Ovalles
century. The Sumner County Courthouse was
restored and includes the Emmett Till
Interpretive Center. Fifty-one sites in the
Mississippi Delta are memorialized as
associated with Till.
Ben got som e gr eat in sigh t
into his topic with
Hist or / Th e Deat h of
Em m it t Till
Ben Carmona Em m et t Till
Advice f or t h e New Year **************************** Dennis Ramos Today?s Challenges Become
Tomor row?s Strengths
The New Year is a great time to reflect on ************************************************* Clearly, in my fifteen years of
the changes we want to or need to make. If life , I have been confronted Quote:? The greater the obstacle, the
you?re a student looking at ways to improve with my own personal more glory in overcoming it.?- Moliere
yourself and make the transition to college obstacles and challenges .
easier, International College Counselors Although, certain people may Sometimes in life, people are presented
offers a few more resolutions you might not feel that something like this with obstacles and challenges that at first
want to add to your list. by:Kyra Green was a significant challenge, for may seem almost impossible to overcome.
me, it was. I was my own Life can get so incredibly overwhelming
1. Stop procrastinating. How often have you worst enemy. I was the sole that people feel as if they should give up.
underestimated how much time it will take to individual who was holding However, the true indicator of strength and
get something done? Then, how sad are you myself back from becoming a character is how hard an individual will
when you don?t have the time to do your better person and achieving fight when life challenges them and
best. At some point, the procrastinator has to greatness. During those times, I attempts to knock them down. There is
write four college essays in one night ? on felt so hopeless and wanted to nothing more rewarding in life than
top of completing schoolwork. Usually, this give up; however , I allocated conquering and overcoming what you once
doesn?t turn out so well. If you finish a the right resources and I thought was impossible and unattainable.
project earlier than you thought you would, gathered up the necessary One of the greatest gifts a person can give
then consider yourself ahead. external motivation to inspire him/herself is the ability to become
myself to change. In the end, I mentally, emotionally, and academically by
2. Commit yourself to getting good grades. have come to realize that there persevering through life?s negative and
Good grades are entirely necessary to get is nothing more rewarding in challenging experiences.
into a good school unless you?re a top notch life than conquering and
athlete. The best case scenario is that you overcoming what you once The first time I realized that an obstacle
have good grades from the beginning. thought was impossible and was preventing me to flourish was when I
However, if you start off badly and improve unattainable. As a result of, I was in 8th grade. This particular obstacle
your grades, colleges will give you points for have become stronger happened to be an aspect of my personality
this. Many admissions officers won?t look at emotionally, mentally, and or character. I was at a point in my life
your application if your grades are too low or academically. From my where one day, I just happened to discover
show a steady decline. Spending a night experience, I now that I can the fact that I was a really impatient
studying while your friends play Wii may conquer any obstacle ( internal individual, had intense anger issues, and
not excite you, but you need to look at this or external) that I am presented that I possessed a very negative and
long-term. Think of it this way, grades are a with. I hope that my story can pessimistic attitude. I started noticing my
bridge. They will serve you to get into a M OTI VATE everyone to struggles and obstacles when I realized that
college where you will have more freedom. change their ways of thinking. I was constantly getting in trouble because
In college, grades may not be as important as We can all make Crosby High of my own personality traits. I would
in high school. School a better place always argue with my teachers about things
TOGETHER!!!!!! I knew I did wrong. I would walk out of
3. Don?t do it all. It?s better to concentrate on class. I tried so hard to fit in , that I forgot I
a few things and excel in them than if you Sincerely, was born to stand out. I intentionally hung
join every sport, activity and club that you out with trouble makers and other
can cram into your schedule. Anyone can Dennis Ramos problematic students-especially teenage
join 10 clubs and be marginally involved in girls who were always involved in drama. I
them all. Schools are looking for Quote of the month even disrespected my teachers. Whenever I
commitment that shows you?re willing to was told to wait my turn , I would make a
stick with something and make the most of " I tried so hard to fit in, that I forgot I huge ordeal out of it . I would always give
it. was born to stand out." my teachers an attitude when they tried to
help me. I was always in trouble , always in
4. Keep a calendar. Deadlines creep up Dennis Ramos the principal?s office, simply put, I was
quickly. And the closer the date, the more always getting in my way. I didn?t care
you?ll feel the pressure. Most students don?t Thank you for reading. much about my academic success nor was I
do their best under pressure. And colleges, concerned with my performance in school.
scholarships, federal aid, and standardized See you all soon. These unfortunate situations got to the
testing services are not going to be point where everybody completely lost
sympathetic to any excuses you have about : faith in me; they thought I wouldn?t make
missing a deadline. If you miss a deadline, it far in life. Some even questioned if I had
you miss an opportunity. the potential to make it out of middle
school. I would continuously see my
6. Do your research. Know what the choices mother crying and frustrated because of me
are when it comes to colleges. This way you she would repeatedly receive a phone calls
can avoid any 'coulda, shoulda, woulda' home from my teachers saying that I was
regrets later in life. Research could be as misbehaving and being defiant. My mother
simple as visiting a school?s website. was devastated because this was not the
young lady that she was raising. This was
7. Try something new. High school is a great not the type of example that she had set for
time to spread your wings. It?s about new me to follow. I felt like I had failed at being
experiences and self-discovery. Want a a daughter and a student. I felt like I
certain internship, there?s no harm in calling disappointed everyone, including myself. I
up and asking if they have any room for an wanted to change my ways and make my
eager high school student to work there. mother proud.
Want to try a new sport or activity, go ahead
and try it. You?re not expected to leave high
school knowing exactly what you want to do,
but this is a chance to start narrowing down
your interests. You?ll never know what you
like ? or how good you are at something ?
until you try something.
by: Kyra Green
Crosby Classics Winter Concer t School Segregat ion of t he
LGBTQ Communit y
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Student participants:
Bridge Segregation is alive and well in this beautiful
Name: Angel Age: 14 country of America. It was first seen with the
This stor y, by Ambrose Bierce, Native Americans and the Pilgrims, then with
wr itten around the time of The ************************************************* Grade: 9th ************************************************* the African Americans during the slave trade.
Civil War center s on the main But now, we see a new form of segregation
char acter, Peyton Farquhar. He is 1)What song from the musical will and this one is towards love; this segregation
tied up over a creek with a noose is towards the men that love the same gender,
around his neck because he was you be performing ? * jingle bell and toward the women who love another
about to be hanged by Union woman. From before you are even born you
Soldier s for tr ying to bur n down rock, Carl of the bells, god rest you are either a boy or a girl. From a child your
Owl Creek Br idge, in Nor ther n right to choose who you want to be is taken
Alabama dur ing the Civil War. merry. away.
Before anything happened, the
nar r ator tells the reader s a little 2)What can you say to inspire In schools you are either a boy or a girl;
about Peyton. Peyton?s watch was there is no in between. Every time someone
ticking and it made him anxious student to join next year? * If it's like me would walk into Crosby they have to
and it made him think about his think, who will I be today? Will I be a boy or
family. This ?ticking?idea is something you love and you may a girl. Here in crosby you have the right to
meant to suspend the notion of dress up as a boy if you are a girl, and you
time j ust before the execution. He have the conferdents to do it the have the right to dress up as a girl if you are
was about to be hanged because boy. But due to the stigma towards anything
he made a mistake between you should join also because it is that is different in today's society we are
illusion and reality. I n the same forced into hiding and fear. Even if you were
way he imagines peacefulness and fun to be in. to dress up as any gender you'd like, what is
escape before he walks off the the meaning of it, if you'll never be known as
plank. 3) What are your challenges you a girl or boy to the students of this school.
When you classify someone?s gender you
Plot: Before he was caught by the face? * my challenges are trying to don't just take away their free will but you
Union he was with his wife. An also take away their humanity. John Locke
undercover Union soldier came get the high notes proved this statement when he spoke of the
by and Peyton offered him a glass natural rights ( life, liberty, property). One
of water. While the soldier was 4)Is this your first time performing major natural right is liberty. Liberty is the
dr inking, Peyton asked the condition where any individual has the
soldier about what he was doing in front of people? * No i have ability to act following his or her own will, if
and where he was going. The that is the meaning of liberty then why from
soldier told him that he was doing performed in front of people a young are you stripped from your own
wor k at the br idge and any liberty? If the meaning of liberty is to make
civilian that was caught before maybe a couple times. your own choices then why can?t I decide
inter fer ing will be hanged. L ater not to go into the boys locker rooms because
that day Peyton went to the Name:Fred Age:17 I do not want to identify as one.
br idge and tr ied to bur n it down. Grade:11
.1)What song from the musical will by: Christian Acevedo
Themes: A theme from this stor y you be performing? * carl of the
is ?reality destroys illusions and bells and jingle bell rock. St u den t St u dy Tips
in war illusions are deadly.? I n 2)What can you say to inspire
the stor y, r ight before the soldier s students to join next year ? * Don't Re-read notes
do anything to Peyton, he had an be afraid to do what you like.
illusion about the rope around his 3)What are your challenges you - Make index cards
neck breaking and he fell in the face? - Read notes out loud to yourself
r iver and escaped from the Union 4)Is this your first time performing - Re-write notes or key ideas
Ar my. As he was swimming away in front of people? * No this would - Make a quizlet
he hear d them shooting at him. be my second or third time - Make a study guide
Peyton made it back home to his performing in front of people. - Take 15 minutes everyday to
wife. So, did he?
Ella M ai new album is a bump read notes from the day in order
by: Stephen Diggs she has good vibes in her music to understand the material
something anyone could relate to - For math:
she has a bit o hear t break in her
songs and finding love. Her - Make your own review
music is ver y easy to and her from your textbook
voice is ver y unique my favor ite
song off this album would have - Stuck ? look up a You
to be close. This song puts me Tube video
in a good place.
- Use Khan Academy.
by: Kayla Velez
* * * Remember to take breaks* * *
by: Staff Writer
Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger is the 16th installment ATL is about four close friends who?ve known each
in Toei?s long-running tokusatsu franchise other for a very long time and are Seniors in High School
?Super Sentai?. Footage from the show together.Rashad, Brooklyn, Esquire, and Teddy. One of
alongside additional footage from ?Gosei Sentai the main characters name Rashad , he has a little brother
Dairanger? and ?Ninja Sentai Kakuranger? was name Ant and they both live with his uncle in Atlanta
reused to create the 1st 3 seasons of Power Georgia because Rashad and Ants parents died in car
Rangers. The series centers around 5 warriors (6 accident. On the daily bases him and his friends will go
later on) from an ancient society of humans who skating because there a skating crew. Rashads best friend
lived alongside the dinosaurs. They?re awoken Esquire goes to a prep school on the opposite side of
after millions of years by their mentor, the sage town from where they lives and is trying to attend an Ivy
Barza, to defeat their tribe's old enemy, the League college after senior year. Throughout the movie
witch Bandora. After she brought the dinosaurs Rashad meets a girl name New New who has a private
to extinction she was banished to Planet background and a group of her girl friends. They seen
Nemesis, but she now has returned to Earth each other at a party shared a dance and conversation but
seeking to wreak havoc. She also has a habit of got interrupted by one of his ex girlfriends who still
stealing the spotlight from the Rangers in my wanted to be with him but when the party ended New
opinion with her funny plans and impromptu New and Rashad got to know one another a little bit
karaoke. The six heroes include Geki (Tyranno more after a party while he was giving her a ride home,
Ranger/Red), Boi (Tiger Ranger/Yellow), Mei during the car ride the end up sharing a love moment.
(Ptera Ranger/Pink), Goushi (Mammoth Ant got himself all caught up with a drug dealer and start
Ranger/Black), Dan (Tricera Ranger/Blue) and selling.He ended up getting arrested and having to get
Burai (Dragon Ranger/Green). Their actors are bailed and later on getting yelled at Rashad.Esquire
all very talented folks and I like them whenever meets John Garret, which is a millionaire and
they return for Sentai specials however I feel as opportunity to obtain the letter of recommendation so
though the writers didn?t give them much to they became very close and esquire ends up meeting his
work with during this season. Allow me to wife and daughter, johns daughter daughter Erin aka
elaborate, I am of the opinion that this season ?New New? is someone Esquire already meet and
doesn?t have very much in the way of character realized she lied to Rashad about her. Since Esquire
development even by Sentai standards. The knew the truth about New New he chose not to tell
team in my opinion all have very similar stoic anybody about it . Towards the end of the movie Rashad
attitudes with maybe a tinge of some other trait finds out about New New when her father Mr. Garrett
mixed in there to try and differentiate them from dragged her out of the skating ranked while
each other. To me it?s kind of like how a lot of
shaved ice brands are actually the same flavor: Rashad and his friends were all hanging out. As days
delicious high fructose corn syrup and they just passed by from New New and Rashad seeing each other
have a scent added to them to trick your brain they got into to a argument about how she never told his
into sort of making a different flavor for each. the truth about her private life. She told his the only
Plus they don?t change their personalities reason thing was different was her address but he still
throughout the season like in other Sentai of the didn?t cared and believe she still lied to him about who
era such as Zyuranger?s predecessor ?Choujin she was. During the argument he turn all his anger on his
Sentai Jetman? and ?Denji Sentai Megaranger?. close friends and chose to kick them off his porch and
They all have this campy, justice bound air to decided not to talk to neither one of them for a while
them, with the Dragon Ranger Burai being because he felt like everyone couldn?t be trusted . Since
somewhat of an exception; at least when he?s Ant was the only person he was worried about he
introduced. Burai actually has an excellent arc because he avoided this friends Rashad ended up getting
about a third of the way through the series if I a call from Ants drug dealer name Big Boi about money
remember right, possibly even the best. Not to that was owned to him , Rashad had to rush his way to
spoil all of it but like his American counterpart help his brother out from getting hurt but because things
Tommy, Burai is introduced as a villain seeking didn?t turn out right and Ant put himself in front of the
revenge against his brother, Geki for an incident gun he ended up getting shot but still survived. While
that happened before they were placed in their Ant was in the hospital Rashad close friends and
magic suspended animation caves. Let me just girlfriend were all there to support him and his brother.
ask why is it that somehow prehistoric societies
in fictional media a lot of the time are more by: Zahrya Hodges
advanced than us?
Wealt h and povert y are highly concent rat ed in Connect icut ? *******************************************************************************************************
m ore so t han in m any ot her large m et ropolit an areas. And
oft en, t hose neighborhoods are racially and econom ically
segregat ed from each ot her.
t erFor ex am ple, 27 percent of t op-earning households live in
neighborhoods t hat are predom inant ly w hit e and w ealt hy. In
ot her large m et ropolit an areas, it ?s just 10 percent .
Poor resident s in great er Hart ford and great er New Haven are
just as likely t o live in an ex t rem ely poor, predom inant ly
m inorit y neighborhood as t hose in great er Det roit or grea
Ph i l ad el ph i a.
And t here are t w ice as m any affluent ? and segregat ed ?
neighborhoods in Connect icut as t here are poor, segregat ed
on es.
These are findings from a Dat aHaven st udy, for w hich w e
borrow ed m et hodology from Universit y of M innesot a
researchers. They devised a new w ay of ex plaining rising
neighborhood inequalit y, highlight ing t he relat ive isolat ion of
affluent , w hit e households in 15 m ajor m et ropolit an areas
t hroughout t he Unit ed St at es.
We conduct ed a sim ilar analysis, looking at t hree m et ropolit an
areas in Connect icut : Bridgeport ( Fairfield Count y) , New Haven
( New Haven Count y) and Hart ford ( Hart ford, Tolland and
M iddlesex count ies) .
While t hese t hree m et ropolit an areas are not alw ays considered
?large? by nat ional st a Connect icut as a w hole is com parable t o any large m et ropolit an area
The crescent -shaped, urban corridor t hat runs across Fairfield and New Haven count ies and t hen nort hw ard t o
Hart ford is larger in populat ion and higher in densit y t han t he St . Louis; Port land, Ore; and Balt im ore m et ropolit an
ar eas.
Researchers and policym akers oft en focus on segregat ion of racial and et hnic m inorit ies in cert ain neighborhoods and t he
disadvant ages caused by concent rat ed povert y. But , in t he U.S., t hose neighborhoods are not as com m on as t he opposit e:
ones w it h an unusually large share of w ealt hy, w hit e households ? w hich are just as im port ant t o underst and at a local level.
The M innesot a researchers found concent rat ed affluence by looking for neighborhoods w here at least 90 percent
of t he populat ion is w hit e and t he m edian household incom e is at least four t im es t he federal povert y line
( adjust ed for local cost of living) . These areas w ere called ?racially concent rat ed areas of affluence? ? or RCAAs.
They found concent rat ed povert y by looking for neighborhoods w here less t han 50 percent of t he populat ion is
w hit e and at least 40 percent of t he populat ion has a household incom e below t he federal povert y line. They
w ere called ?racially concent rat ed areas of povert y? ? or RCAPs.
Val en t i n e's Gr eet i n gs
Recovering From My Insecurities
by: Kayla McDonald
Januar y
Even though it?s the new year and it is a time for
celebration. I, Sheila Strowleck, have never felt so low
before in my life. All my friends are out celebrating at clubs
in tight dresses that show off their figure perfectly with
perfect hair and makeup. They did ask if I wanted to go out
with them but I refused because everytime I do go out with
them they just compare me to them. Pointing out every flaw
that I have. It always makes me think...Why can?t I be as
skinny or as beautiful as them?
It seems like i?ve just gotten uglier and fatter since January.
When I go to Orville High(My school) I get teased for
stupid stuff like why I don?t listen to rap music or why I
don?t cake my face with makeup everyday at 6 in the
morning. At first I didn?t even think twice about putting
makeup on my face just for the fact that I know that if I do
it?s going to be because I?m insecure and I don?t want to do
makeup for that reason...Should I star t putting on
makeup ever yday?
I am African American and sometimes I wish that I wasn?t.
At school almost every boy seems to like girls with a lighter
skin tone and it?s their opinion but they tend to talk down on
us African American girls saying ?Black girls hair is to
nappy, I wanna be able to run my fingers through it? or
?Black girls are not attractive?. It?s unnecessary, sure you
don?t like black girls but do you really have to degrade us?
NO. Not to mention everything we face just to make a
living. Social Media is a very toxic toxic platform and it can
really mess with your head, and even though I know this
fact I still go on it. I s it my fault that I feel this way?
Recently I?ve been going to the gym with Ethel(my mom)
every Saturday 1 to 6 pm. Also every morning I put makeup
on and listen to some sort of rap music I find on Spotify. I?m
starting to get a lot of compliments from boys but even
though this seemed like all I ever wanted..I?m not happy
because it isn?t me. I always told myself when I was
younger that I wouldn?t change who I am for attention or a
boy but look at me now...Am I willing to change
myself for attention?
So I thought it would be a good idea to start going to
therapy. Before I went to the therapy session i looked up
some facts and according to up to one in five
kids living in the U.S. shows signs or symptoms of a mental
health disorder in a given year. Now knowing this fact I
went into the session and I told my therapist everything that
was on my mind and strangely after I left... Was ther apy
a bad idea?
Word got around school that I attended a therapy session
somehow and now almost everybody is teasing me for it
which is pretty stupid. Now I?m starting to think that they?re
just teasing me for fun because it?s hasn?t been a big deal
when somebody else went to therapy but as soon as I go
people wanna act like I?m some sort of alien. Surprisingly
though on a scale from one to ten, One being- it doesn?t
bother me at all and Ten being- it bothers me a lot. It went
from a solid 10 to like a seven point five...Was ther apy a
good idea after all?