Say “Goodbye” to
Acne and Backne…
And Maskne!
Acne can be disfiguring, demoralizing and frustrating. It is common during
adolescence but can strike anyone at any age. Acne symptoms can range
from an occasional zit to painful cysts. Left untreated, it can often result in
permanent scarring. Acne scarring is difficult and sometimes impossible to
erase. Much, however, can be done to control acne and prevent acne scarring!
Do you or your kids How about Maskne? Before After
have acne?
Contact with unsanitary materials
If so, controlling it before it causes such as helmets, shoulder pads,
scarring makes sense. We use dirty makeup applicators, and
braces to correct or prevent crooked pillowcases, can cause acne which
teeth, so doesn’t it make just as is different than that caused by
much sense to do what we can for hormones or hereditary issues. So
acne? The confidence that comes can wearing a face mask! Thus, a
with having clear, smooth, blemish- new term has been coined...Maskne!
free skin is at least as important as a When sweat, oil and bacteria are
nice smile. The value is comparable trapped on your skin while wearing a
but the cost is far less. mask, it creates the perfect breeding
ground for blemishes to rear their
The skin condition known as ugly heads!
Acne Vulgaris is classified as
Grades 1 through 4. Many factors Depending on the degree of acne
come together to cause excessive you have, getting rid of it may be as
production of oil from the sebaceous simple as eliminating the factors that
glands. Blockage of the oil glands are contributing to its development.
at the base of hair follicles and the Skinpossible offers laser treatments,
presence of the Propionibacterium chemical peels, HydraFacials and
Acnes bacteria are the main causes skin care in combinations that can be
of acne. employed to treat various grades of
acne and acne scars.
Many factors can contribute, If you would like to learn what can
including the presence of dead be done for your acne or acne scars,
skin cells that can clog pores, call and schedule a time to come
inflammation, hormonal fluctuations, and learn about the options. Clear,
food intolerances, environmental smooth, blemish-free skin will give
factors, and more. Use of the wrong you a reason to smile! You won’t be
skincare, and other factors, including wearing that mask forever, you know!
stress, may also contribute.
Actual Skinpossible patients
A referral from your doctor is not required
Call to book your consultation 403.719.6523
Solutions for Acne and Acne scars:
Medical-grade skincare
Chemical peels
Acne HydraFacials
Laser therapy
Laser skin resurfacing
Medical-Grade vs
Why is medical-grade skincare superior to Skincare lines to rapidly deliver
what can be purchased over-the-counter? results at a price and pace that
you choose:
In two words... Active Ingredients!
The #1 physician dispensed line in the U.S is now in Canada!
The percentage of condition-specific ingredients such as Winner of multiple awards including
peptides, antioxidants, exfoliants, clarifiers, growth factors and New Beauty's "Youth in a Bottle!"
brightening agents in medical-grade products is much higher than
even the highest quality spa, pharmacy or direct sales products. The newest generation of advanced skincare by Dr. Zein Obagi!
These are the ingredients that are going to do more for the skin 25 years in the making, ZO is best known for serious skincare!
than provide bland hydration.
Medical-grade formulations are also free of other ingredients that
do the skin no benefit and can potentially cause harm. Over-the-
counter products may smell nice due to the perfume in the product
and feel nice due to added petroleum products, but that does not
mean they are doing anything beneficial for the skin.
No Action = No Activity!
Simply stated, medical-grade ingredients can hydrate,
nourish, correct and protect the skin better. Much better!
W hip • Purge skin of dirt, makeup and
your environmental pollutants
skin into
shape! • Balance the skin’s PH to tone and renew
A skin assessment without drying or depleting natural oils
consultation with
one of our medical • Exfoliate to promote cellular turnover,
aestheticians will
get you on the stimulate cell renewal, and retexturize to
regime that will give smooth fine lines and wrinkles
you a better return
on your skincare • Transform dull skin to look brighter, more
CALL 403.719.6523 luminous and youthful
• Correct hyperpigmentation conditions
including Melasma, stabilize and strengthen
the skin’s resistance to sunlight
• Reduce the appearance of dark spots to
restore even skin tones
• Calm inflamed skin, reduce blushing and
visible blood vessels
• Stimulate skin’s ability to renew itself, aid
repair of DNA, promote collagen and elastin
• Support the skin’s natural ability to replenish
its own moisture
• Therapeutically improve the appearance of
imperfections for smoother, softer, healthier
looking skin
52 Book your consultation today 403.719.6523 |
What does Retinol do for skin? What does Vitamin C do for the skin?
Retinol, which is derived from Vitamin A, has been Vitamin C is one of nature’s wonders for a healthy body
touted as the “gold-standard” of anti-aging skincare inside and out. For anyone who wants healthier, glowier,
products. Also, known as retinoids, Retinol increases brighter and smoother skin, Vitamin C is a clinically
collagen production and decreases wrinkles by proven ingredient that will do wonders for your skin!
thickening the skin from the inside out. It does so by
speeding up the body’s natural process of causing • It is a potent antioxidant to protect the
skin cells to turn over. skin from aging and free-radical damage
Why does my skin look red and • It helps stimulate collagen, the fountain of
flaky when I use Retinol? youth when it comes to anti-aging
This is known as a retinoid reaction and it means • It is a non-bleaching skin brightener that will
the product you are using is too strong or you are lift away dark spots to reduce pigmentation
applying it too frequently. Retinol must be introduced and restore skin to even tones
to your skincare regime gradually, and the rule-of-
thumb is “low and slow.” We’ll explain more about Why do my Vitamin C serums
this at the time of your skincare consultation! turn yellow?
Why do I need to exfoliate? Because as wonderful as Vitamin C serums are, once
they are formulated the active ingredient, which is
Your skin is alive and constantly undergoing natural an antioxidant, immediately begins to oxidize. If your
cellular turnover. As new cells are created in the Vitamin C product has turned yellow it has oxidized.
dermis they are pushed to the surface. Older cells die What this means is that it should no longer be used.
off and slough away to make room for new, healthy If, on the other hand, your vitamin C has been open
skin cells. As we age, however, the dead cells tend for more than a couple of months and has not turned
to cling on longer, causing skin to look dry, dull and yellow, you may question how much active Vitamin C
rough. The dead cells can also block pores leading is actually in the product.
to breakouts and blemishes.
How can I keep my Vitamin C
Exfoliating is a means of removing the build-up of serum fresh?
dead skin cells to restore youthful radiance, keep the
pores clear, and reduce breakouts. Doing so regularly Alumier MD has overcome the stability and oxidative
will also help your other skincare products penetrate challenges of Vitamin C in a truly unique way! The most
more effectively! Exfoliating regularly is especially optimally active Vitamin C and E serum on the market,
important when using Retinol, to avoid the flakiness it is fresh from the moment it is opened and remains
caused by the accelerated cellular turnover. beneficial to the health of your skin until the last drop
is used. Thanks to a unique delivery system the 15%
What’s the best way to exfoliate? Vitamin C is always fresh. How?
The Vitamin C powder is kept
It’s a matter of preference. Some prefer a mechanical separate in a unique cap and only
exfoliation and ZO’s Exfoliating Polish is one of our mixed into the bottle to become
most popular products. A more gradual exfoliation serum when you are ready to use
can be done with daily use of cleansers or skincare it. Packed as 3 bottles, you mix it
products that contain AHA and BHA, gentle acids as you need it. Priced at $175
derived from natural substances that will separate retail, 3 bottles will
dead skin cells and cause them to shed while leaving last you 3-6 months!
healthy cells unaffected. We also have HydraFacials, Watch the video on
chemical peels, and a variety of treatments which, our website!
along with other benefits, exfoliate more aggressively.
Email your questions to:
What is your BEST
beauty investment?
It’s Skincare that Works!
STOP THE Loss of Collagen: Loss of Hyaluronic Acid:
When we are young our skin has an abundance of When we are young Hyaluronic Acid is
Wouldn’t it be great if you collagen. Not only is collagen plentiful in youthful plentiful in our skin and its natural affinity
could slam the brakes on skin but it is tightly bound like a slinky right out to water keeps our skin looking plump and
aging? We can’t stop time of the box. After the age of twenty we start losing hydrated. As we age our bodies produce
from passing, but when collagen and as we age, not only do we have less less Hyaluronic Acid and by the time we are
it comes to aging skin, collagen, but the collagen that remains becomes in our 40’s our skin will have lost about 50%
not only can we stop the more loosely bound like a slinky that has gone of the HA we had at age 20. As our skin
clock, we can reverse it! down a few too many flights of stairs. loses its natural ability to remain hydrated it
starts to appear dry.
Technologies and
treatments exist that TNS Advanced+ Serum:
allow us to prevent and
reverse the effects of This potent blend of patent- Winner of the HA5 Rejuvenating It’s a Moisture
aging on skin, but did ed physiologically balanced “Youth in a Bottle” Hydrator: Magnet!
you know that medical- human growth factors is the
grade skincare exists next generation of the original Award! A proprietary mix of five
that can do the same forms of Hyaluronic Acid,
thing? You won’t find award winning TNS Essential this time released moisture
these products in a spa, Serum. This anti-aging treat- magnet draws water into
pharmacy, or department ment in a bottle works to the skin for 18 hours of
store, and you definitely reactivate your existing hydration to plump and
will not find them online. growth factors. It teaches beautify skin.
You can, however, find older skin to function like Applied under or over
them at Skinpossible. young skin! moisturizer, the instant
Many factors hydration provides an
contribute to cause Clinically proven to increase immediate smoothing in
our skin to age in new collagen synthesis by the appearance of fine
appearance. This 34% after six weeks and lines and wrinkles, keeping
article will discuss up to 64% after six months! skin healthy, resilient and
some of them and Increased collagen corrects supple.
introduce a few of past aging and prevents Promotes epidermal
our most popular future damage. health, delivering both
products! immediate and long-term
Antioxidants, peptides and benefits by re-training skin
54 specialty ingredients work to naturally replenish its
to accelerate healing and own Hyaluronic Acid.
improve the appearance of
fine lines, wrinkles, age
spots, overall tone and
texture of skin.
Cellular Turnover: Retinol Complex:
As we age everything slows Retinol reverses signs of aging, fine
down, including the speed lines, wrinkles, rough skin, and improves
that new cells are created to skin texture and tone while stimulating
replace old cells that die off. elastin and collagen. Use of retinol
A major contributing factor in needs to be introduced gradually so we
the development of wrinkles, carry a variety of medical-grade retinol
texture irregularities, and laxity, products from SkinMedica and Zo Skin
it causes our skin to appear Health ranging from .25 to 1%!
old and dull.
The Holy Grail of Anti-aging!
Facial aging
is just a number...
Let yours be unlisted!
Effects of Time: Hyperpigmentation: Blemishes & Acne:
As time passes the effects of aging Almost everyone will develop dark- Regardless of our age we all want
causes many changes to our skin and end pigmentation as we get older. our skin to be free of blemishes.
each of us ages differently. Wouldn’t Resulting from an uneven production Blemishes and acne breakouts can
it be wonderful if there was a single of melanin, dark spots are most often affect anyone at any age. Medical-
product that could address each con- caused by sun exposure. Genetic grade skincare can prevent acne
cern, not only preventing the effects factors, hormonal influences, skin breakouts and correct them when
of time, but saving you time? injury and inflammation can also they happen!
cause uneven skin tones that age
us in appearance. ZO’s Complexion Clearing Program
Daily Power Defense: This popular kit combines four highly effective
products formulated to treat clogged pores,
This advanced anti-aging formula from Lytera Skin Brighten- blackheads (comodones), papules and pustules
ZO Skin Health provides Antioxidant (pimples), and cysts. These products also work
protection to combat ing Complex: For your most great for prevention and can be purchased
free radical damage, One of our natural shade individually.
helps tighten and firm top-selling A novel non-hydroqui-
the skin and supports products! none skin brightener, of even! • Exfoliating
clinical studies show Cleanser
cosmetic efficacy
the skin’s natural comparable to 4% • Exfoliating
mechanisms to repair Polish
damage and protect hydroquinone without
the risks associated • Complexion
against future skin with hydroquinone! Renewal Pads
Formulated to address • Sulfur
A moisturizing, pep- four distinct path- Masque
tide-rich lotion con- ways that contribute
taining highly stable to hyperpigmenta- Anti-aging
Retinol, antioxidants, tion, it minimizes the and pigment
and specialized DNA re- appearance of skin correction kits
pairing enzymes, it helps discolouration and dark also available!
minimize UV damage spots.
and uneven pigmenta-
tion while improving skin This non-bleaching
function and elasticity. formulation brightens
skin for an overall
Is it any wonder it is one improvement, gradually
of our top selling prod- restoring skin to its
ucts? You simply can’t most natural shade
get more bang for your of even!
buck in a single bottle!
You will love our reasonable prices!
Skinpossible offers Need help with 55
a complete line of your selections?
medical-grade skincare
products including We can do a product consultation
cleansers, hydrators, in person or virtually!
moisturizers, exfoliators,
serums, brighteners, Need to replenish?
condition specific
products for acne and Order on our website or call
advanced sun protection to place your order today!
products. 403.719.6523
Curbside Pick-up or Delivery
Why Sun exposure
doesn’t mix with laser treatments,
and what to do about it...
Most laser treatments require sun avoidance for a period of time before Skinpossible carries a wide range of
and after. This is one of the primary reasons why people may decide not to sun protection products to protect
proceed with a treatment they would otherwise want the benefits of. They and defend against the harmful
feel they cannot avoid sun exposure or they simply don’t want to. This effects of UVB, UVA and HEV rays:
article will tell you why this matters and how to overcome this obstacle.
• Chemical SPF’s penetrate to interfere with
SUN EXPOSURE: SUN EXPOSURE: light absorption of damaging rays
Many treatments seek out melanin in the Almost all treatments cause • Broad-spectrum physical SPF’s shield the
skin. This is one reason why people with a degree of injury to your
darker skin, who have a lot of melanin, or skin. Sun exposure after the skin to block damaging rays naturally
people with tans may not be a candidate treatment could cause dark
for some treatments. It may be necessary pigment known as Post- • Protective ingredients that increase the
to let a tan fade to proceed safely. Even Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation
if the skin is not tanned, however, some (PIH) to develop. Sun exposure skin’s defense against free radicals
technologies are so sensitive that they see for several weeks or months caused by sun exposure
melanocites that have been excited by any afterwards (depending on the
recent sun exposure. This is why avoiding treatment) could increase UVA and UVB protection isn’t enough!
the sun for 2-4 weeks prior (depending on this risk. You need HEV protection too!
the treatment) may be required. Research has shown that damage from High
Energy Visible light (HEV) may be as harmful
YOU DON'T NEED TO STAY INSIDE! YOU JUST NEED TO as that caused by UVA and UVB combined
WEAR MEDICAL-GRADE SUN PROTECTION PRODUCTS! because it penetrates more deeply into
the skin with the potential for causing even
So what number should you wear? SPF 15 in your moisturizer isn’t enough, greater long-term damage.
but SPF 60 might not be either. It’s not about how high the number is but how
much you apply and how frequently you reapply. Therein lies the problem.
Most SPF’s don’t feel good or look good on the skin so people hate wearing
it. Women don’t reapply because it will mess up their makeup. Men hate the
way it runs down their face when they sweat because it gets in their eyes.
All of these challenges are easy to overcome with the Skinpossible’s wide
selection of medical-grade SPF’s!
We’d like to say we have a Medical-grade sunscreens
sunscreen for every body, because cost more and they are worth
the play on words is cute, but you it! They apply evenly, don’t clog
probably will not want to apply pores, and don’t look pasty. They
medical-grade sun protection protect better and last longer.
products to your body. They are Many act as a primer to go
well worth the investment to protect under makeup and some even
the skin on your face, neck, chest, serve as a makeup. Some come
arms and hands, because nothing in powder form which is much
ages the skin on these sensitive appreciated by those who sweat,
areas more than unprotected sun and some are tinted to provide
exposure. the appearance of a tan.
We have many brands and one for everyone!
We also have testers so you can try them all!
Your Everyday
Makeup should be
Good for your skin!
What's your shade?
We all know we should be wearing SPF but THE LOOK ON THE SKIN IS
there are many reasons why we don’t like LUMINOUS! THE FEEL IS
to. Men don’t like wearing SPF because it makes WEIGHTLESS!
them feel sticky or it runs into their eyes when • Guaranteed broad-spectrum sun
they sweat. Women are better at applying SPF’s
but they don’t like to reapply because it messes protection that forms a protective barrier
up their makeup. Many people just want that while allowing the skin to breathe and
healthy looking sunkissed glow that comes with function normally
a tan. Mineral makeup and SPF’s are the solution
and Skinpossible is proud to carry Jane Iredale • Pure mineral formulas are free of
and Colorescience!
Skinpossible’s staff have undergone extensive parabens, synthetics and fillers, non-
training and will be happy to assist you with toxic, hypoallergenic, non-irritating and
the product selections that will make you love will not clog pores
these products as much as we do. Come by
anytime or ask for assistance while you are • Four-in-one multi-tasking products
here for your consultation or treatment.
can function as a foundation, powder,
concealer and sunscreen
• As a foundation, Jane Iredale provides
the broadest range of shades to
perfectly match any skin color
• As a concealer, Jane Iredale’s pure,
highly pigmented formulas provide
exceptional coverage to conceal
redness caused by Rosacea or after
laser skin resurfacing
• Highest quality ingredients available
to ensure performance, coverage,
application and texture
• Colorescience’s Sunforgettable mineral
sunscreen’s retractable brush makes
application and reapplication of this SPF
50 effortless. This water resistant SPF
comes in three shades, goes on dry and
is sweat-proof!
• Jane Iredale and Colorescience are both
an excellent value with a generous price
per weight and long wear so minimal
touch-ups are required
What you
Laser H
before you g
Women have been Imagine the freedom of enjoying light in colour, or is white, there are required for others. Destruc-
shaving their legs and smooth skin, free of stubble, is nothing for the energy to see. tion of all the hair may not be
underarms for de- without the need to shave or wax Thus, not everyone is a candidate possible. The key to increasing
cades. It’s a cumbersome chore ever again. It is possible and well for successful outcomes. your success and reducing the
that needs to be done frequently worth the investment! This article number of treatments required
to avoid stubble. Feminine facial will tell you some important infor- Unfortunately, there is to get rid of as much hair as
hair is even more tedious. It is mation you should be aware of more bad news! possible on any given area, is to
common in certain ethnic groups before making this life-changing invest in high-quality treatments
and increases in most ethnicities decision. Did you know that not all hair and stay timely in the delivery of
after menopause. Hairy backs on your face or body is growing your treatments.
have never been considered How does laser hair at the same time? Hair grows in
attractive, but nowadays it seems removal work? phases known as anagen, telo- Laser hair removal
that body hair in general is gen and catagen. Anagen means has evolved!
considered unsightly on men as Unlike shaving, waxing, sugaring it’s actively growing, catagen
well as women. In an era where or other temporary methods to means its resting and telogen Hair removal treatments are done
all of us seem busier than ever, reduce facial and body hair, laser means the follicle is in regression. with either an IPL (Intense Pulsed
shaving is time-consuming, and hair removal doesn’t target the Unfortunately, if the hair is not Light machine) or various lasers,
the cost of professional waxing hair itself, but instead targets the in its active growth phase the known as Alexandrites, ND Yags
can add up. Ingrown hairs that hair follicle. Energy is delivered follicle cannot be treated with or Diodes. Each has its pros and
can result from ongoing shaving beneath the surface of the skin enough energy to permanently cons, its advantages, risks and
or waxing are unsightly and can to seek out and permanently destroy it. The bad news is that limitations. Not all hair removal
be painful. destroy the hair follicles, thus it will require a series of well- technologies work equally well.
disabling their ability to grow hair timed treatments to permanently Medical-grade differs greatly from
where it is unwanted. How does destroy as much hair as possible. spa-grade and not all technology is
the laser do this? By targeting the An appropriate number of weeks suitable for every person. Having a
pigment in the hair. between treatments is needed to basic understanding of how laser
allow hair not actively growing to hair removal works and what to
You might not want to return to its anagen phase. Re- expect will save you money, time
hear this! sults vary from person to person, and possibly disappointment.
but few are non-responders. Choosing a quality provider will
Because the energy is looking increase your success and overall
for pigment, the darker the hair, How many treatments satisfaction.
the easier it will be to kill the folli- will it take?
cle. If the skin also has pigment, If you have ever been to
as in the case of darker skin Hair that is finer or lighter in Skinpossible’s website, or the
types, it complicates matters. colour will usually require more clinic itself, you may be aware that
There is an added challenge of treatments than thicker, darker Skinpossible has more technology
how to safely target the pigment hair. Dark, thick hair on light skin than any other clinic in Calgary.
in the hair without also targeting will require fewer treatments than Skinpossible has all the above
the melanin in the skin. The good dark hair on dark skin. We have modalities for hair removal and
news is that this challenge can seen complete hair reduction each is tier one within its class.
be overcome. There is, however, in as few as 4-6 treatments for Depending on the thickness of the
some bad news. If the hair is very some, but 8 or more treatments hair, the colour of the hair, the depth
of the follicles, and how much
natural pigment is in your skin, we
choose the device that will work
best for you.
58 Book your consultation today 403.719.6523 |
need to know about
Hair Removal
get Laser Hair Removal!
We can treat
Fair, Medium and
Dark Skin!
Lumenis Lightsheer: Sciton BBL: Smooth skin
Free of stubble
Diode lasers are recognized to have The BBL is a medical-grade No razor bumps
the optimal depth of penetration IPL that provides integrated No ingrown hairs
and energy absorption to target hair cooling during the treatment. Permanent results
follicles. Hair removal with diode This allows us to set aggressive Affordable
lasers generally requires fewer parameters to seek out hair Safe and effective
treatments, but the Lightsheer while keeping the epidermis Reliable
goes beyond that: safe. It’s more comfortable than No shaving
most lasers and can effectively No waxing
• Suitable for fair and dark treat hair that would be missed No tweezing
by other lasers. It is the gold Time saving
skin types: standard for seeing pigment
which allows the BBL to target Fotona Avalanche
Lightsheer can safely and finer hair and a lighter colour Frac3 ND Yag:
effectively treat all but the darkest of hair than any other tech-
skin types. nology. It is suitable for lighter Expanded capabilities of
skin types. Fotona’s new Avalanche Frac3
• Speed of treatment: ND Yag laser hair removal
Financing available! improves the efficacy, and
The surface area that each pulse unlike other ND Yag laser
covers with the Lightsheer’s high- treatments which hurt, this
speed handpiece is huge by laser treatment is completely pain-
standards. With our client's busy free. It is ideal for people from
schedules it is very convenient that the Middle East and other
we can treat larger areas such as dark skin types because the
the back and legs in as little as wavelength penetrates deeply
twenty minutes. into the skin to target the
deepest hair follicles while
• Comfort: bypassing the natural pigment
in the skin.
If you’ve ever had laser hair
removal you know it can be
painful. The high-speed
handpiece of the Lightsheer
doesn’t hurt. Of course you can
feel it, but most people do
not find it uncomfortable!
"Experience the freedom Skinpossible can remove hair on women and men on any area of the body. All of our
of never having to shave technology is medical-grade and can target all but very fine, blond or white hair. We
or wax again!" can treat fair, medium and dark skin. If you would like to enjoy soft, hair-free skin, free
of stubble, razor bumps or ingrown hairs, call and book your consultation. We’ll give
you all the information you need to make an informed decision. 403.719.6523
Enjoy You
T a t t o o sthe
Erase (or replace) the ones you don't!
With the recent surge in and surrounding tissue. These WHY SETTLE FOR TATTOO COVER-
popularity of tattoos older technologies usually require SLOW? Tattoo UPS: To fade or not
and the advancements a minimum of 10 treatments and removal just got to fade?
in tattoo artistry, more and more upwards of 15 or 20. Complete faster!
people are getting tattoos. clearance of ink is unlikely if Tattoo shows such as Tattoo
People get tattoos for many the tattoo has multiple colours. Tattoos are cleared in fewer Nightmares and Ink Masters give
reasons, sometimes after much Scarring is not only possible but treatments, with less energy, people a false impression that
thought and planning, at other probable. The risk of scarring and without injuring the tattoos can easily be covered
times on the spur-of-the-moment. from Q-Switch treatments is surrounding skin. Another up with other tattoos. Finding an
The expectation for most is heightened by treatment methods indication for Picosure is scar artist with the confidence and
that they will love their tattoo, that involve multiple passes in the revision. Thus, it has proven skill to cover up something like
and that they will love it forever. same session. effective at removing previously large black tribal with a beautiful
Unfortunately that is not always treated tattoos that became modern image is rare. Trying to
the case. If you have a tattoo that NOW THERE IS impacted in scar tissue and cover any tattoo limits the pos-
just isn’t you, and you want it off, A NEW LASER! failed to clear after multiple sibilities for new art because you
there is good news. Removing Q-switch treatments. Healing have to work around the tattoo
Now there is a new pico-second time after a Picosure treatment you already have. Fading the old
tattoos just got faster! laser that operates at speeds is similar to that of traditional tattoo first with a few Picosure
measured in trillionths of a second! lasers but far fewer treatments
HOW DOES LASER This breakthrough technology, are required. Greens and blues treatments
TATTOO REMOVAL known as Picosure, has opened up which are difficult to remove
WORK? a whole new realm of possibilities with Q-switch lasers come off My cover-up allows you
for the use and effectiveness of easily with Picosure. We have looks like to clear the
The ink used in tattoos is made lasers, including faster clearance of witnessed complete clearance a big blob!” canvas and
from minerals. To understand tattoo ink. Picosure uses pressure- of green and light blue ink in
how tattoo removal works think wave technology that creates an 1 to 3 treatments. Black, dark truly create
of the ink as tiny “rocks.” With intense mechanical impact that blue and other colours fade something that reflects your
multiple treatments, the “rocks” shatters the ink into tiny particles. more slowly and may require personality and tastes. For those
are broken down into smaller The “rocks” are not reduced to 3 to 5 (occasionally more) who cover up without fading
and smaller “pebbles.” The “pebbles,” but instead become treatments. Red and white will first, more often than not what is
number of treatments required “sand.” These tiny ink particles are fade much slower than other created is worse than what they
to get a tattoo off varies greatly easily elimianted from the body! colours. Pigment will diminish started with. The words we hear
based on factors such as the gradually over a period of 6-8 often are “It looks like a big blob.”
age of the tattoo, whether it was C O M PA R E weeks. Treatment may then be To add insult to injury, the fresh
applied by a professional or not, PICOSURE VS repeated. thick ink of a cover-up is far more
the depth and concentration Q-SWITCH! difficult to remove than the old,
of ink, the number of colours, faded ink they covered-up would
the type of laser used, and the have been.
technique used to perform the
treatments. Traditional lasers Before After
used for tattoo removal are
called Q-Switches. These nano- ••• Fade or remove ink in 1/2 the treatments
second lasers predominantly Black and multi-coloured tattoos
rely on photothermal action and No harm to surrounding skin
deliver heat into the pigment
60 Book your consultation today 403.719.6523 |
HOW MUCH WILL Not Loving your Brow
IT COST TO FADE or Scalp Tattoos?
Schedule an You pay only for the Choosing a tattoo artist carefully is always an import-
Assessment! area covered by ink! ant decision, and more so when choosing who will do
microblading or tattooing of your brows or scalp. When
The cost for a Picosure treatment Financing available! cosmetic ink turns out badly it can be very bad! There
is higher per square inch of ink is no way to hide badly tattooed brows, and if you
than that of traditional lasers, but wanted to wear a hat all day you wouldn’t have had
the total cost to remove the tattoo your scalp tattooed.
will be lower. Fewer treatments,
faster recovery time and greater Ink used for cosmetic tattoos is not
results are achievable. Picosure the same as ink used on the body!
delivers faster and better clear-
ance at a lower overall cost! Give Picosure works great, but when it comes to cosmetic
us a call for a tattoo assessment! ink there are some special considerations and precau-
tions. Why? Because cosmetic pigments frequently
Actual Skinpossible clients! contain Iron or Titanium, metals that can oxidize and
change color when treated with a laser.
Before After
The ability to treat eyebrow and scalp tattoos depends
1 Treatment on the color of the pigments used in the ink. Black,
1 Treatment blue and green pigments respond well and require
fewer treatments than a Q-switch laser. Red, white
4 Treatments and flesh colored pigments pose a high risk of
5 Treatments darkening or turning orange.
We will start with a test patch!
There is a good chance Picosure can remove bad
brows or scalp tattoos efficiently and cost effectively
in fewer treatments than traditional lasers. Cosmetic
ink is frequently blended by mixing many colors, how-
ever, and it’s not possible to know which colors were
blended simply by looking at it. Thus, we begin with
a tiny test patch to be sure the ink does not oxidize
before proceeding.
Nobody ever expects their cosmetic ink to look bad,
but it does happen. We recommend that you ask your
cosmetic tattoo artist to make note of which pigments
are used when blending your color… just in case.
Sometimes bad ink happens
to good people!
Before After
5 Treatments FADE IT OR REMOVE IT!
8 Treatments
Call to book your consultation
403.719.6523 |
Stretch Marks
& Loose Skin
Life just isn’t fair and the neck. It may be Dynamis and XS Dynamis Body Skin Tightening:
sometimes! An example subtle, appearing only when lasers, two powerful
of this is abdominal the skin moves or in bright lasers that were recently Three modalities are used to stimulate
laxity and stretch marks. light. More severe laxity introduced to the North collagen production at three depths
Women who do something may resemble the texture American market. The simultaneously.
wonderful, like give life of a rubber balloon that has expanded capabilities of
for example, can be left been inflated and then had these two versatile lasers • Stimulates collagen production
with skin that is flaccid or the air released. Stretch open a whole new realm of • Targets deeper skin imperfections
wrinkled on their abdomen. marks tend to occur near the promising possibilities for • Restores even skin tone
A person who has done armpits, on the thighs, on rejuvenating damaged skin. • Smooths the surface of the skin
something wonderful for the flanks, abdomen, chest • Fast, comfortable and non-invasive
themselves like losing and groin. They appear as Loose skin and stretch • Lengthy sun avoidance not required
weight can be left with linear streaks on the skin, marks often occur in unison
loose skin as well. Anyone beginning as flat red lines but the two conditions Stretch Mark Reduction:
who grows too quickly for and fading over time to do not necessarily go
whatever reason can end up become depressed white hand-in-hand. One can Treating stretch marks in the absence of
with stretch marks. Loose striations. Sometimes they appear without the other. loose skin involves two modalities that
skin and stretch marks remain red. They may affect In any case, the versatility wo• to reduce laxity inside
are the bane of women a wide area of skin or appear of having these two
and men, but women are randomly here and there. unique lasers allows us to • the stretch marks themselves
affected far more often, customize combinations Diminishes pigment in red stretch
especially after having If the skin on your abdomen that can tighten skin, marks
a baby. (or elsewhere) is flaccid, improve the appearance of • Fades white stretch marks
wrinkled or scarred with stretch marks, or do both
Skin laxity appears most stretch marks, we have simultaneously.
commonly on the abdomen, exciting news! Skinpossible
the upper arms, the thighs has acquired Fotona’s XP
For Men and Women! Tightening and Stretch Mark
Before After Before After
When loose skin and stretch marks appear
together, four modalities are used in unison to
provide the benefits of both the skin tightening
an•dSsatrfeetcahndmeafrfketcrteiavtemfeonrtfsaciro, mmbeidnieudm.
or dark skin
Can these treatments restore your
skin to the way it looked before?
Maybe. It depends on the degree of
laxity and scarring. Results vary. To find
out if you are a candidate, call and book
a consultation. We will give you all the
information you need to make an informed
decision. 403.719.6523
62 Book your consultation today 403.719.6523 |
Do you PEE a little?
This will make you JUMP FOR JOY!
Do you involuntarily pee a little? how IncontiLase works, let’s start by What women
considering the anatomy of the vagina. are saying:
Vaginal health is a big topic these days. The vaginal region is extremely complex,
Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is so to simplify it, let’s imagine a hand “This treatment has made a
something many women experience but it’s towel, wrapped around a thick sock noticeable difference in my life!”
not something we talk about openly. Vaginal and squeezed by two hands. The hands
atrophy is talked about even less. Do you represent the pelvic floor muscles that “For me it was literally like
know there are laser treatments that can surround the vagina. The towel represents turning the tap off! And my
eliminate or reduce the symptoms of Stress the vaginal muscles. The sock is the husband noticed the ‘side’
Urinary Incontinence and tighten the vagina? mucosa membrane that lines the inside benefits!”
Yes, there are, and they do work! of the vagina. It consists of an Epithelium
and an underlying layer of connective “The treatment reduced my
Incontinence comes in several forms, and tissue known as the Lamina Propria. The symptoms almost entirely!”
many factors can cause or contribute to its muscles can be strengthened with Kegel
development. Vaginal childbirth is the most exercises, but Kegels can do nothing for “I no longer have to wear those
common cause but not all incontinence is the sock. The integrity of the sock can be bulky uncomfortable pads!”
related to pelvic floor damage or injury to the strengthened with IncontiLase.
vaginal structures. Age can be a factor, but View the videos
even teenagers can suffer from it. Obesity IncontiLase is a simple, non-surgical on our website!
can also contribute. laser treatment that causes restructuring
and regrowth of collagen. The result is
The most common type is Stress Urinary thickening and tightening of the vaginal
Incontinence, a type of incontinence where walls and strengthening of the urethra.
urine is involuntarily leaked during coughing, The treatment is a walk-in, walk-out
sneezing, laughing or physical exertions procedure that takes about 30 minutes to
such as dancing, running or climbing stairs. perform. It is relatively comfortable and
Sufferers may be too inhibited to participate no pain medications are required. After
in activities they enjoy or tasks they need to the procedure patients can leave and
do on a daily basis. At the same time many carry on with their daily routines with few
experience a lack of self-esteem due to fear restrictions.
of smell, embarrassment, sexual difficulty,
loss of social contact and productivity. The The key to success with IncontiLase
majority of women who suffer from SUI is patient selection. Women who leak
do not seek treatment, possibly because urine 1 to 4 times per week are generally
the problem is not significant enough or candidates while those who leak several
because symptoms are only occasional. times a day may only hope for a degree of
Others fear surgery. improvement. An assessment at the time
of your consultation will determine if you
Now there is a non-surgical option are a suitable candidate for IncontiLase.
A revolutionary new laser treatment can What about vaginal laxity?
safely and effectively relieve the symptoms
of mild to moderate Stress Urinary This is a topic women don’t discuss.
Incontinence without surgery. The treatment A modified treatment known as
is known as IncontiLaseTM. To understand IntimaLaseTM can deliver the added
benefit of vaginal tightening. Pleasure
IncontiLase during intimate relations is heightened for
both partners with improved friction. The
thermal effect of the laser on the vaginal
mucosa stimulates collagen remodeling
to counter thinning of the wall of the
vagina. The result is a tighter vagina!
This is a benefit that both partners
can appreciate.
Consultations for IncontiLase
and IntimaLase can be done
by telephone. Call today!
Getting rid of unsightly veins on the
face or legs can be life-changing!
Small veins that appear on the face the vessel. As this happens, pressure your body will simply reroute blood flow
and legs are often referred to as builds; the vessel wall weakens and will through other healthy vessels. After your
spider veins. They are appropriately eventually expand to compensate for the course of treatment the vessels that
named because, like spiders and additional volume. As a result, the vein have been treated will be gone forever.
spider webs, nobody likes them. These enlarges, bulges and twists. Depending Unfortunately, because those being
small vessels and the larger vessels on the size of the blood vessel and treated are prone to developing these
known as reticular veins can be safely extent of swelling, the result is a spider, broken vessels, new ones may appear
and permanently removed with lasers. reticular or varicose vein. down the road. Touch-up treatments may
These veins on the surface of the skin be needed as new vessels appear.
that usually occur on the face and legs A number of factors contribute to
do not pose any health risk, but they their appearance. Heredity is the main Laser vein therapy is not an option
are unsightly. They are not necessary culprit and will cause someone to be for varicose veins and veins larger than
for proper blood flow, so getting rid of more prone to developing this condition. 3 mm in diameter. Varicose veins can
them is perfectly safe. Certain lifestyle factors can contribute to be treated with a procedure known as
Spider veins, also known as the problem: Use of harsh facial scrubs, Sclerotherapy which is not offered at
telangectasias, are capillaries which microdermabrasions, high alcohol Skinpossible. For people with spider
have been damaged and are now consumption, excessive body weight, veins on the face or legs or reticular
visible at the surface of the skin. pregnancy, hormonal changes, exposure veins 3 mm or smaller, treatment with
These can appear red, blue or purple. to constant temperature extremes, sun lasers is a safer option. Laser vein
Reticular veins, also known as feeder exposure, windburn, injuries/trauma, treatments have become very popular
veins, are the blue to green veins that inflammatory conditions like acne and/ because they are non-invasive and offer
can become enlarged, twisted and or Rosacea, improper cool down after many advantages over Sclerotherapy,
may protrude slightly. These are found cardiovascular exercise, and habitual including the price of the treatments and
on the legs and are especially visible crossing of the legs can all contribute to the quick recovery time. Sclerotherapy
behind the knees. These veins do not their development. may take multiple treatments and needle
typically cause any pain or discomfort injections are needed in each vein. Tiny
and are considered a cosmetic How does Laser Vein matted spider veins are often extremely
problem rather than a medical one. Therapy work? difficult to treat this way and may be too
small to even be injected at all. Treating
What causes these vessels to During a laser vein removal treatment a spider and reticular veins with a laser
become damaged? concentrated beam of light is directed may only require one treatment and
precisely at the veins. The light needles are not used!
Within healthy veins and capillaries, penetrates into the vessel, coagulating
there are valves. The job of the valves the blood and subsequently shutting it Advantages of treating veins
is to ensure blood is flowing in one down. The walls of the vein collapse, w• iSthafear laser:
direction only. In damaged veins and blood flow is stopped and over the expensive than vein
capillaries, these valves have become next two to eight weeks the vein is and less
weak and defective which allows blood reabsorbed back into the body via the
to flow backward and pool inside lymphatic system. When the damaged
vessels are closed off and reabsorbed,
• injections
Call and book your consultation. We’ll give you all the • Non-invasive, no needles required
information you need to make an informed decision. Only one treatment usually
Quick recovery
64 Book your consultation today 403.719.6523 |
Think your
Cherries are
the pits?
Do you have small red dots
or raised red papules on
your skin?
Before After If so, they are probably and sometimes to a centimeter
nothing more than Cherry or more in diameter. Because
Angiomas. Also known as the blood vessels comprising
Campbell De Morgan spots, Cherry Angiomas are so
it’s easier to just call them prolific and so close to the
"Cherries". If you have them, skin’s surface, they may bleed
you are not alone. Cherry profusely if injured.
Angiomas are extremely
common in adults over thirty. Cherry Angiomas are (benign)
They appear spontaneously in tumors, but they are harmless,
many people of middle age but having no relation to cancer.
can occur in young people as They occur in all races, ethnic
well, although less commonly. backgrounds and sexes.
The number and size may
These small round papules increase with advancing age.
develop when an abnormal They do not require treatment,
proliferation of blood vessels but if they are cosmetically
form a cluster of capillaries at unappealing or are subject to
the surface of the skin. Initially bleeding, we can remove them
they may appear as tiny red for you with the same laser
dots only a tenth of a millimeter we use to treat other vascular
in diameter and almost flat. Over concerns. It will often only
time, they usually grow to about require a single treatment to
one or two millimeters across get rid of them!
Before After
Can you pass the
Nail Fungus test?
It’s not pretty, but it’s a fact of life...One in ten people have nail fungus!
Nail fungus loves to grow medications rarely get rid of Nail fungus can be sooner you will have
in dark, moist places, like the fungus. It almost always embarrassing. Many men healthy nails.
our shoes for example! comes back. simply hide their feet and A series of four treatments
Swimmers, hockey players, many women wear nail performed one to four
runners and other athletes NAIL FUNGUS polish year round. Keep in weeks apart will eliminate
are especially susceptible. CAN BE KILLED mind that while nail polish the fungus for good!
Anyone can get it, or should WITH LASERS! will hide the discolouration Unfortunately, the fungus
we say catch it? It’s alive of nail fungus, it will not could be inside your shoes,
and it’s contagious. It can Skinpossible offers a prevent the fungus from which could reinfect
easily be spread during the laser treatment known worsening. Eventually the nails. An inexpensive
simple process of enjoying a as Clearsteps™ that can the nail will still become medical device known
manicure or pedicure, if the get rid of nail fungus. distorted. It’s best to treat as a Sterishoe insert
previous client was infected. Clearsteps allows us to nail fungus in the early can be placed inside of
It can also be spread at the gently apply just enough stages before the nail starts all contaminated shoes
pool, the gym or by wearing bulk heating at the perfect to crumble or twist. Left to kill the nail fungus.
the shoes of a person depth within the nail bed to untreated, nail fungus will Other treatments exist
who has it. kill the fungus. A series of always get worse and will such as topical and oral
The technical name is quick, safe treatments has never go away by itself. medications, but your
Onychomycosis, which is proven effective at killing Our laser treatment can kill doctor will acknowledge
the medical term for a nail nail fungus on the toes fungus at any stage, and the that they rarely succeed.
infection caused by a fungus. and fingers! sooner you get started, the Lasers do work!
There are many different
species of fungus that can If you notice any of the following
cause Onychomycosis. Once changes in your nails you may
an infection develops, it can have nail fungus:
be difficult, if not impossible,
to eliminate. Nails infected Yellow or brown discolouration
with fungus tend to grow White or yellow streaks
slowly as the infection Brittleness or thickening
becomes embedded within Change in the nail’s shape
the nail bed. Crumbling of the outside edges
Nail fungus is unsightly and, Debris, loosening or lifting
left untreated, can result in Loss of lustre and shine
loss of the nail. Traditional Pain, redness or pus
treatment involves antibiotic
medications that take months
to be effective and have been
known to cause liver damage.
To add insult to injury, these
‘‘You will love The ability to eradicate this unsightly condition with lasers is a
wearing open breakthrough for those suffering from nail fungus! If your doctor has
toed shoes diagnosed nail fungus, call and book a consultation. We will give
again!" you all the information you need to make an informed decision.
66 Book your consultation today 403.719.6523 |
Now there is a laser treatment for snoring... There has been a dramatic
reduction in volume after the laser
If your sleeping partner snores, there is a good chance you are treatment! No more being hit by a
not the only one not getting enough sleep! pillow in the middle of the night."
Your partner is sleeping but be energetic, mentally sharp good news. Now there is a laser A full course of NightLase
you are not. His or her snoring and productive the next day. treatment that can tighten the consists of three separate
keeps you awake, night after Sleep deprivation results in slow tissue inside the mouth to open treatment sessions over a
night. So what do you do? Wear reflexes, poor concentration and the airways! six week period. The final
earplugs? Put a pillow over your an increased risk of accidents. results of the treatment have
head? Move to the spare room? NightLase® therapy is a been shown to last up to a
There may be nights when you Chronic sleep loss can non-invasive patient-friendly year, and the therapy can be
feel like shoving a sock in their also lead to serious health laser treatment that reduces repeated. NightLase takes
mouth. Lack of sleep can affect problems over time including: the effects of Sleep Apnea only 15 minutes to deliver and
your mood, your health, your • and decreases the amplitude
quality of life, even your weight. • Diabetes of snoring by is a highly
If your partner snores there is • High blood pressure means of a comfortable
a good chance you are not the • Heart disease/stroke gentle, safe, and
only one not getting enough Weight gain laser-induced satisfying
sleep. Frequent loud snoring is a penetration solution that
symptom of a greater issue – If you have OSA you may of heat to the has been
Sleep Apnea, a potentially be completely unaware of it oral mucosa clinically
serious health problem. because you probably won’t tissue. To proven to
remember these awakenings. understand eliminate
Sleep Apnea has many If you snore ask your bed how it works, or reduce
health consequences! partner to give you feedback visualize what snoring.
on the sound of your breathing. happens to
Sleep Apnea is a common Occasional light snoring does hamburger If you
problem that affects the way you not necessarily mean you have when you suffer from
breathe while you sleep. The Sleep Apnea, but if pauses put it on the Obstructive
most common form, known as occur while you snore, and if barbecue... Sleep Apnea,
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), choking or gasping follow the it shrinks. In NightLase
occurs when the soft tissue in pauses, these are major signs the case of can help you
the back of your throat relaxes that you have OSA. If you sleep NightLase, stay asleep
during sleep and blocks the alone try recording yourself the heat is gentle enough to and wake
airway. This interrupts breathing, while you sleep. be used on the sensitive tissue energized in the morning. If you
and although the interruptions inside the mouth, but strong sleep with a snorer you can
are usually brief, it can happen The health consequences of enough to provide efficacious finally enjoy a peaceful night’s
hundreds of times a night. It can Sleep Apnea are reason enough heating. It does not hurt! sleep, without the pillow and
jolt the sleeper out of natural to seek treatment. Relationship without the sock.
sleep rhythms or wake them problems can also arise from
up multiple times. A person lost sleep when you are a snorer For women and men!
who suffers from Sleep Apnea or sleep with someone who
will spend more time in light is. Whether you have Sleep To find out if you are a candidate call
sleep and less time in the deep Apnea or attempt to sleep with and schedule a phone consultation.
restorative sleep they need to someone who does, we have
Any treatment The #1 Se
that can be done
for a woman can OF TODAY’S INTEL
be done for MAN!
a man!
More and more men Botox, dermal fillers, Ultherapy, Neuromodulators: Deep Lines & Wrinkles Acne & Acne Scars
are coming to realize CoolSculpting and laser skin Dermal Fillers: Replace Lost Volume CoolSculpting: For Double Chins
something that women resurfacing are especially Laser Skin Resurfacing: Wrinkles & Scars Softlift: Botox & Juvederm Filler
have long been aware of; popular with our male clientele. EMSCULPT: Build Muscle - Abs/Arms/Calves Ultherapy: Lifting & Tightening
Appearance does matter! It’s Intimate laser hair removal is CoolSculpting: Freeze Away Chest Fat Laser Nail Fungus Removal
been clinically proven that in our becoming the new standard for CoolSculpting: Freeze Away Abdominal Fat Laser Hair Removal: From Head to Toes
society physical appearance has men who are tired of dealing
a large impact on how we are with stubble and ingrown hairs.
perceived by others. A large body
of research has documented Busy men have also come
that individuals perceived to be to realize that medical-grade
attractive receive preferential skincare will do more for their
treatment, and it goes beyond skin than products that can be
romantic encounters. purchased in grocery stores
"Studies have shown that men and pharmacies.
who are above average in
attractiveness earn more money The male hormone, Testos-
than those with an average terone, does more then govern
appearance and that those with male physiology and behavior.
below average looks are penalized It is a powerful component in
with the lowest hourly wages." understanding male skin. Men
are more prone to certain skin
(Finn, Cox, Earl) conditions than women are
and less prone to others. Any
Please don’t shoot the treatment that can be done for
messenger, gentlemen! Societal a woman can be done for a
changes of this day and age are man. Men who do so will join
putting pressure on older men in a club made up of politicians,
the workforce as well. Working high-profile businessmen and
later in life means competing with males who simply want to look
younger men, but unfortunately, and feel their best!
along with the wisdom, experience
and accomplishments that come The most popular treatments
along with getting older, there are with Skinpossible's male
changes that occur in a man’s
outward appearance. These clientele include:
changes can make a male appear •
tired, anxious, or angry and affect • Cosmetic Injections
the way he is perceived. • CoolSculpting Fat Reduction
Medical aesthetics opens up a • EMSculpt to Build Muscle
whole new world of possibilities • Ultherapy - Non-Surgical Facelift
for a man to utilize every personal • Laser Skin Resurfacing
asset in order to compete more • Laser Hair Removal
effectively. Treatments exist that • Laser Snore Reduction
can take years off of a man’s • Anti-Aging Skincare
appearance, fat off of his waist • HydraFacial
or the hair off of his back. Chemical Peel
A man who takes pride in It’s been
his appearance isn't vain! clinically
He's smart!
"A large body of research has
More and more men are documented that in our society,
using medical aesthetics to physical appearance has a large impact
on how individuals are perceived by
sharpen their edge! others. Individuals perceived to be
attractive receive preferential treatment
Skincare for men does not need to in education, employment, medical
be complicated to be effective. care, legal proceedings, and romantic
Medical-grade skincare products encounters that often result in them
are worth the investment. being happier, more successful, more
socially adept, and more sexually
fulfilled than others.
Studies have shown that individuals
who are above average in attractiveness
earn more money than those with an
average appearance, and individuals
with below average looks are penalized
with the lowest hourly wages.
Furthermore, physical appearance
is intrinsically linked to body image,
self-esteem, and confidence, and
an attractive appearance promotes
psychological well-being."
Excert from Social Implications
of Hyperfunctional Facial Lines
~ J Charles Finn, MD
~ Sue Ellen Cox, MD
~ Melissa L Earl, MPH
There are other l
Not all treatments work
equally well. Any treatment The skill, knowledge and
is only as good as the experience of our staff
technology that delivers it. allows us to do more than
At Skinpossible we pride push buttons, follow basic
ourselves in offering only instructions and deliver
the best in clinically prov- the bland parameters
en technologies. We have taught by industry trainers.
more technology than any Customized treatments
other clinic in Calgary and create better results.
all our technology is tier Medical aesthetics for
one within its class. cosmetic purposes is all
we do, and we take pride
WE ARE COSMETIC in doing it well!
Skinpossible owns more
technology and offers a Not all treatments are
greater variety of treatments suitable for all skin
than any other clinic in types. Extra precautions
Calgary. A clinic with fewer apply for some people
options can only offer you and others may be
what they have. Since contraindicated due to
we specialize in cosmetic health concerns, skin
treatments, we have many conditions or medications.
solutions to select from. Your detailed intake
As such, we can pair treat- forms are thoroughly
ments to deliver greater reviewed by our medical
results based on your staff and clinic physician
individual needs. prior to commencing any
treatment plan.
All of our staff have
been thoroughly trained Your satisfaction is
and their advanced important to us. We will
education is continuous. tell you truthfully what
Technicians are trained our treatments can do for
in laser physics, are fully you, but we will also be
certified, and are also honest about what they
medical aestheticians. cannot do. Unfortunately,
Our doctors and nurses not every person is a
are experienced and suitable candidate for
have training in the every treatment. If we are
latest advancements in not confident that you can
cosmetic injections. expect satisfactory results,
we will tell you.
70 Book your consultation today 403.719.6523 |
laser clinics, so...
At Skinpossible you will Medical aesthetics
be given detailed written treatments are always
pre and post-treatment welcome gifts. Skin-
instructions. Our forms possible has fully
will also tell you what to refundable gift cards in any
expect and clearly explain denomination. Choose a
any potential risks. We value that fits your budget
take pre-treatment photos and your loved one can
and follow-up by telephone choose their own cosmetic
after most treatments. We gift. Good things come in
also offer follow-up visits small packages and we will
to review your results. wrap it beautifully for you!
Our relaxed and educa- Skinpossible is a medical-
tional consultations are grade laser clinic with
second to none and we the exquisite ambiance
love to meet with you in of a spa. The facility is
person in the privacy of beautiful and pristinely
our beautiful consultation clean. During your visit
rooms. People who live you will be welcomed
out-of-town or anyone and treated with courtesy,
who cannot make it to kindness and respect. Our
the clinic can meet with goal is to have you leave
us easily via Zoom or by feeling like you have been
phone. pampered.
Skinpossible’s main floor
You can be confident location was chosen and
you will always receive built with your privacy in
the best possible price at mind. The entrance faces
Skinpossible. Our prices the river valley and cannot
tend to be lower than be seen by drive-by traffic.
prices at other clinics for We also have a separate
comparable best-in-class entrance and mini waiting
treatments. Our standard area for VIP’s or anyone
of care, customer service, requiring added privacy
and reasonable pricing and discretion. This also
equates to excellent serves as a discrete exit.
NEW Referral
It’s only natural that when we $100
experience something wonderful
we want to share our discovery with It’s just our way
others. It may be a delicious recipe, of saying
a hidden cove in the mountains,
a fabulous little boutique, or your “ Thank You!”
treatment experience at Skinpossible!
Share the love with
someone you love!
The biggest compliment any of
our guests can ever give us is their
referral...and they do! Skinpossible’s
#1 source of new customers is, in fact,
referrals from our existing customers.
A referral is like a gift that
costs nothing to give!
There is nothing more reassuring for
a person who may be considering
treatments at Skinpossible than to have
a recommendation from someone they
trust who has already experienced
our standard of care. If you’ve been
someone’s inspiration we want to say
thank you!
We’ll give you both
a $100 gift card*!
Referring a friend to Skinpossible is
like giving a gift to them, and to us, so
we want to say “Thank you!” If they
mention your name at the time of their
first visit, we will email you $100 to
spend at your next visit! We will also
give our new friend a $100 gift card to
spend at their first visit!
*Some conditions apply. May not be used to purchase
Botox or Latisse due to Health Canada Regulations.
72 Book your consultation today 403.719.6523 |
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To finance, or
not to finance?
That is the question!
“Whether ‘tis nobler in mind to suffer,
or take arms against a sea of troubles,
devoutly to be wished, no more!”
We admit our memory of Shakespeare is a little spotty. Fortunately, your decision on whether or
not to finance your treatments is a lot less complicated than Hamlet’s dilemma: to be, or not to be.
It’s no secret that credit cards are Skinpossible has partnered pass the cost of laser treatments. Belkyra,
a popular method of payment these with Paybright! CoolSculpting and laser tattoo removal
days. We all love our loyalty points! As set forth in the article on page 5, are other treatments where results are
Many pay their cards off every medical aesthetics procedures are an permanent.
month, while others carry a balance investment in yourself. For treatments Whatever your logic, the decision is yours.
and use their credit as a convenient that deliver results that are permanent, Skinpossible accepts Visa, Mastercard,
way to split their purchases into the value of your investment increases American Express and Paybright. Of course
manageable monthly payments. when you do it sooner than later, so as to we accept debit, and yes, we still welcome
Others do not own credit cards and enjoy the benefits longer. An example of cash. It’s a little old fashioned but it still works!
use cash or debit as their preferred this logic is laser hair removal, especially
method of payment. When it comes when you calculate that the cost of razor
to medical treatments, there is blades to shave for forty years will sur-
another choice.
On 6 Bril liant Solutions!
Are you a member of Brilliant 1 The #1 cosmetic treatment in the world!
Distinctions™ at Skinpossible? 1-2 areas = 200 Points = $20
3 areas = 300 Points = $30
Brilliant Distinctions is a loyalty program like no other!
It’s the program where loyalty pays off in brilliant 2 The most trusted line of facial fillers!
ways! With each purchase of any one of six products Each Syringe = 200 Points = $20
at Skinpossible, points accumulate and you can use
them to save money on your next purchase of any of 3 The #1 fat reduction treatment!
those six products. What a brilliant way to save! Each Cycle = 200 Points = $20
Registration is Free 4 Skip the glue and monthly appointments!
and Simple! 3 ml Bottle = 100 Points = $10
5 ml Bottle = 150 Points = $15
We’ll take care of all the details for you!
5 The clinically proven, non-surgical solution!
EARN. SAVE. REPEAT! Each Treatment = 400 points = $40
74 6 The #1 medical skincare in the U.S. is here!
$150 Purchase = 100 Points = $10
100 points converts to $10!
Trinkets are nice…
but treatments are
Our beautiful
gift cards are
available in any
Don’t make a wish…
Make an appointment!
A consultation at Skinpossible is We offer in-clinic or virtual
warm and educational, with no consultations 403-719-6523
pressure and no rush!
We can welcome you for a relaxing visit in one
of our beautiful private consultation rooms, or
meet with you virtually, or by telephone. The fee
is just $20 and this will be applied towards the
cost of any purchase, should you decide to go
ahead with a product or treatment plan.
Please refer to our back cover to learn more
about what to expect during a consultation
at Skinpossible.
We would value an opportunity to
earn your trust and be your clinic!
THEPossibilities Together CALL TODAY!
Skinpossible specializes risks or potential complica- our knowledgeable treat- (403) 719-6523
in treatments and services tions. We will also show you ment consultants will give
for cosmetic purposes. before and after examples you the confidence to do
Medical aesthetics is all of people who have given something meaningful
we do, and we do it well. us permission to show their for yourself. Perhaps you SEE PAGE 6 FOR LOCATION!
The pages of this magazine photos for educational will move forward with a Hours of Operation
shine a light on the possi- purposes. treatment plan, or maybe
bilities. The first step is a you’ll take the information Monday: 9 am to 5 pm
consultation! Our style of Skinpossible has home and think it over. In Tuesday: 9 am to 7 pm
consultation is relaxed and earned its reputation any case, we would love an Wednesday: 9 am to 5 pm
educational, with plenty for integrity and opportunity to be your pro- Thursday: 9 am to 7 pm
of time reserved for us to honesty! vider of medical aesthetics Friday: 9 am to 5 pm
get to know each other. In solutions. Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm
the privacy of one of our Our goal is to suggest
consultation rooms, we will a treatment plan that will Come for a visit, bring Sunday: Closed
listen to your concerns and meet your schedule and your wish list, and find Holidays: Hours may vary
give you all the informa- best accomplish your goals out what’s possible!
tion you need to make an within the budget you have Parking is Free and Plentiful!
informed decision. to invest. These are med- • Skinpossible's
ical-grade treatments and location is private Gift Cards are available
When explaining a treat- results vary from person to in any denomination!
ment, not only will we tell person. If, for any reason, • Easily accessible via
you what it can do, we will there is not a reasonable Macleod, Deerfoot
also tell you what it cannot expectation that you will and Stoney trails
do. We will explain how see results that are satis-
the treatment works, what factory to you, we will • Minimal wait times
it feels like, and what you tell you. to schedule an
can expect during and after appointment
the treatment. You will be We strive to make con-
provided with written pre sultations at Skinpossible • Daytime, evening
and post-treatment instruc- a warm, relaxing, and safe and Saturday
tions and be advised of any experience. Our hope is appointments are
that a visit with one of available