Table of Contents
I. Syllabus Snapshot
II. Student Preparation Strategy
III. BOPPPS Lesson plan and any supporting
IV. Test Questions
V. Rubric
VI. Showcase Presentation
VII. Reflective Essay
I. Syllabus Snapshot
Syllabus Summary for
Spanish 2312 Intermediate Spanish
Don Fernell
Contact Information
Instructor: Fernell Jimenez Pabon M.Ed.
Phone: 281577 8600 EXT 5352
Email addresses: Fernell.G.Jimenez[email protected] &
[email protected]
Room Number: IECH J 111 Office Hours: By appointment
Video de bienvenida a mi clase
(Welcome to my class video)
Click this link to view the video
Complete Syllabus
In here you will find all that you need to know for my amazing course
III. BOPPPS Lesson plan and any supporting materials
COURSE: Spanish 2312
Lesson Title: Language and Cultural Similarities Between the Hispanic and AngloAmerican Cultures
Bridge: On the screen will be two picture of two different places, one will be the city of New York and the second will be the city of Caracas,
each student will identify at least one thing in common from the two illustrations.
Class asked: After they view the picture for three minutes, they will write down the similarity and share with a partner their outcomes.
Bloom Question (Analysis): Even though these two pictures are from two different cities in the world, what similarity, in particular, these to
illustrations share?
After listening to students replays over the images, students will listen to the instructors findings as well.
End with: today you will learn cultural similarities of the Hispanic and Anglospeaking culture by comparing cities, artiest and other cultural
items, and use cognates in English and Spanish to make this contrast.
(After verbally introducing the topic for today there will be a slide with the learning objectives stated)
10 minutes:
Course Student Learning Outcome:
Interpret cultural practices and products of the Spanishspeaking world drawing on authentic materials including literature and the visual arts.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. View and identify the Hispanic and the AngloAmerican cultures and connect the language, and cultural similarities and
2. Use cognates to determine the similarities that can exist between the Spanish and the English languages.(APPLICATION)
CAT Students will take a short assessment that will check a background knowledge porbe. I will be a short questionnaire that will help student to
connect the objectives for the day
10 minutes
Time Instructor Activities Learner Activities Lesson Materials
10 m Ask students in partners to select two similar Write six similarities from the pictures ● Chromebooks
pictures by using their Chromebooks or ● Pictures
15m computers. ● List of words in
15m Spanish and
● If computers
The instructor will present two pictures, one with Each group will do the same thing as the instructor did, available, students
images of the city of Bogota and the other from and present the two illustrations providing the six should be able to
the city of New York, and discuss the six similarities. use D2L or
similarities between these two pictures. Google
New Technology Youtube Video: The instructor Students will use two lists, one with English words and ● Pictures
● If computers
will present a short video about cognates, and will the other with Spanish words. In the same groups, they available, students
should be able to
follow and explain the use of them. are going to identify words that are similar and pair use D2L or
them. Classroom.
● Youtube video
Video link ● List of words in
Spanish and English.
● D2L or Google
Ao Classroom.
● Pictures
● List of cognates
The instructor will direct students to use the Students will write a paragraph using sentences ● List of words in
sentences written at the beginning of class about previously written and the new sentences with cognates Spanish and
the two pictures and connect the sentences with about the two illustrations they selected earlier in class. ● If computers
available, students
the cognates and write a paragraph about the two should be able to
use D2L or
illustrations. Google
PostAssessment 1:
New Technology The instructor will provide the passcodes to practice the use of cognates by participating in a kahoot
game online. Students should be able to use their phones or computer to participate in this activity.
Take home Postassessment 2: Students will take a short assessment through D2L with the following questions pertaining the lesson
1. Bloom Question Analysis: How can you classify cognates in Spanish and English? Can you establish the origin that make these words
share the same syntactic elements?
2. Bloom Question Synthesis: What relationship can you make between the two cultures after learning the similarities between cognate
words, is there other elements that contribute to the use of these words in both languages?
3. Bloom Question Evaluation: How would you use the information about cognates in your future conversation in Spanish?
4. Bloom Question Evaluation: Base in what you learned today, how would you explain the similarities of the Hispanic and the
AngloAmerican culture?
15 minutes:
Summary: Summarize how cognates can be helpful to understand the target language, and how as cognates are present in two languages, also
there are similarities in the culture too.
5 minutes
Reading Over the Origins of the Spanish Language:
Preassessment CAT Google form:
Cognates List:
Video Link:
Kahoot Link:
Illustrations presented by instructor
IV. Test Questions
Test Questions
COURSE: Spanish 2312
Lesson Title: Language and Cultural Similarities Between the Hispanic and
AngloAmerican Cultures
Course Student Learning Outcome:
Interpret cultural practices and products of the Spanishspeaking world drawing on authentic
materials including literature and the visual arts.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. View and identify the Hispanic and the AngloAmerican cultures and connect the
language, and cultural similarities and differences.
2. Use cognates to determine the similarities that can exist between the Spanish and the
English languages.
1. Which of the following words is a false cognate? (Knowledge)
a. Computadora
b. Calculadora
c. embarazada
d. profesor
2. Compare and contrast the difference between cognates and false cognates? (Comprehension)
IV. Test Questions
3. From which ancient language most cognates originate for the Spanish and English languages?
a. Celtic
b. Rumanian
c. Latin
d. Germanic
4. Read the following paragraph before answering the question:
José fue a comprar guitarras para el concierto de esta noche pero no compro ninguna ya que el almacén
de instrumentos musicales estaba cerrado. Al final no tuvo opción y decidió llevar solo trompetas y
violines para el concierto.
Which words are cognates in the last paragraph? Write a description of their origin. (Analysis)
V. Rubric
Vocabulary Assessment Rubric
Vocabulary Audio Record a conversation using vocabulary from Chapter 3.
Criteria High Average 90-100 Medium Average 80-99 Low average 0-70 0 Average
Criteria Contains allthe elements required Contains mostthe elements Contains a fewof the The student did not
and in each one of the sessions in the required in each one of the elements required in each one include any of the parts
levels assessment such as, sessions in the assessment such as, of the sessions in the of the assessment.
assessment such as,
● The audio recording has the ● The audio recording has ● The audio recording
necessary requirements, less than 20 vocabulary has less than 10 words
including more than 20 words from the chapter and it does not last
vocabulary words from the and less than two minutes more than one
chapter and at least two in length. minute.
minutes in length.
Scoring The student has completed all the The student has completed all The student has completed all The student did not
required parts of the assessment required parts of the assessment required parts of the complete all parts of the
and has a low amount of errors. and has an average amount of assessment, but has too assessment.
errors many errors in it.
Time The student has turned the The students did not
assessment on time. The student has turned the The student has turned the turn the assessment or
assessment on time. assessment two hours late is more than one day
VI. Showcase Presenta
Fernell Jime
sh 2312
Table of C
❖ Student preparation strategy:
❖ BOPPPS Lesson:
➢ Bridge
➢ Objectives
➢ Pre-Assessment
■ CAT:
❖ Participatory Lesson
➢ Technology
■ Video
■ Kahoot
➢ Post Assessment
■ Questions
❖ Summary
❖ Reflection
Student prepar
Before the BOPPPS lesson students nee
of the Spanish language. The reading a
understand why Spanish is the way it is.
read the information mandated for next c
related to the reading. They are required
before 11:59 p.m.
Origins of the Spanish Language
ration strategy
ed to read information related to origins
assignment will allow them to
The method used to make students
class, is by giving them four questions
d to answer those questions in D2L
Student prepar
In class activities before BOPPPS lesson
1. Students will discuss their answers in
2. The instructor will ask students to pro
allow students to comment appropriately
3. Students will join their original groups
questions related to the reading.
4. The new questions will be shared wit
5. In D2L, it will be required to post in th
over the reading’s discussion.
ration strategy
n groups or partners.
ovide their responses verbally, and
y to their classmates’ answers.
s again and come up with their
th the instructor and classmates.
he discussion forum their final reflexion
Write one similarity fr
share with a
rom these pictures and
a classmate
On the screen there will be two picture of differ
the second will be an image of the city of Carac
in common from the two illustrations.
After they view the picture for three minutes, th
with a partner their outcomes.
Bloom Question (Analysis): Even though these
world, what similarity, in particular, these to illu
After listening to students replays over the imag
findings as well.
End with: today you will learn cultural similariti
by comparing cities, artiest and other cultural it
to make this contrast.
rent places, one will be the city of New York and
cas, each student will identify at least one thing
hey will write down one similarity and share
two pictures are from two different cities in the
ustrations share?
ges, students will listen to the instructors
ies of the Hispanic and Anglo-speaking culture
tems, and use cognates in English and Spanish
⬜ Learning Objectives:
By the end of this lesson, students w
◼ View and identify the Hispanic an
connect the language, and cultura
◼ Use cognates to determine the sim
Spanish and the English language
will be able to:
nd the Anglo-American cultures and
al similarities and differences.
milarities that can exist between the
⬜ After introducing the objective
students will take a short quiz
about cognates through Google
forms, this will help student to
connect the objectives for the
⬜ Students in partners will search f
technology device, and write six s
Using Google Drive they need to
⬜ Students will view a short YouTu
teacher will ask students to open
of vocabulary words in Spanish a
pair words that spell similar in bo
⬜ Students will inform the class wh
⬜ Students in partners will write a s
for two pictures using any
similarities from the two pictures.
paste the pictures and share their
ube video about cognates, the
n a file located in D2L that has a set
and English. In partners they will
oth languages.
hat words have similar sound and
short paragraph with this words.
◼ As mention before students will
a background knowledge porbe. I
help student to connect the objec
take a short assessment that will check
It will be a short questionnaire that will
ctives for the day.
Students will view a YouT
Tube video about cognates.
ot game
⬜ Take home Post-assessment 2: S
through D2L with the following q
◼ Bloom Question Analysis: How can
English? Can you establish the origin
syntactic elements?
◼ Bloom Question Synthesis: What re
cultures after learning the similaritie
elements that contribute to the use o
◼ Bloom Question Evaluation: How w
cognates in your future conversation
◼ Bloom Question Evaluation: Base in
explain the similarities of the Hispan
Students will take a short assessment
questions pertaining the lesson:
you classify cognates in Spanish and
n that make these words share the same
elationship can you make between the two
es between cognate words, is there other
of these words in both languages?
would you use the information about
n in Spanish?
n what you learned today, how would you
nic and the Anglo-American culture?
⬜ During this lesson students wil
new information and challenge
ll explore different ways to learn
e their minds to analyze new
Personal Reflection o
⬜ This experience help me to bec
more interactive activities to as
needed information for the cou
on My ACP Experience
come a better instructor and use
ssist my students learn the
VII. Reflective Essay JimenezPabon 1
Ferrnell JimenezPabon
Prof. Caroline Chamness
Community Group: ACP KW 2
14 November 2015
ACP Reflective Essay
Before I took the Adjunct Certification training, I used to teach my students with simple
activities, and not too many interactive technologies. I usually instructed them with humor, and
they seemed to enjoy it, but that was not enough, they needed to explore other activities and
analyze other elements to improve, and understand the concepts taught during my lessons. Under
those circumstances, the value earned by working in the ACP program allowed me to explore
other resources and techniques that had helped me to teach my class with accuracy. Therefore,
understanding the BOPPPS concept helped me to understand that students needed a variety of
activities to understand the concept planned for the lesson. Equally, every student has a different
style of learning and giving them multiple activities allowed them to use not only their best
learning strategies but to explore other methods in which they will benefit in their future.
Equally important, the knowledge that I gained in the ACP program, is the great variety of
activities, technology tools, and how to incorporate Bloom's Taxonomy into my lessons. Not to
mention, all the things that I had gained from the program including the ability to understand
how students work, the great need for technology in the classroom, and overall the importance
for teaching the subject with a deeper meaning, are the insights gained by participating in the
ACP course.
JimenezPabon 2
In the same fashion, it is relevant for me to reflect in how I had incorporated this new
knowledge in my class. First of all, I had started using more short videos reflecting the lesson
objectives, allowing my students to learn in one of the many ways that are available to gain
information. Similarly, in every lesson I am providing a clear view of the lesson's objectives by
providing written objectives and verbalizing them as well. Besides, students are led to check
their knowledge by providing short selfquizzes and other activities that can aid them to connect
previews information to the day's lesson. Another element that has been consolidated is that
besides listening to the instructor's lecture, students immediately participate in the lesson by
working in a variety of activities. Activities that for the most part, students work in groups
collaborating in putting into practice the concepts showed on the screen or heard by the
instructor. Therefore, students now use interactive methods in which they present to the class
their new outcomes and inquiries. Consequently, after we are finished analyzing and practicing
the new information, students work in postassessments that in many occasions are taken in class
as they can complete them at home by using D2L as the submission tool. In this postassessment,
most of the Blooms Taxonomy questioning is included to analyze better their understanding of
the concepts taught in class. Finally, there is one more important factor; it is the lesson's
summary, which provides a summary and closure to the lesson providing once more the
significant points presented in class.
This program has made me a more effective instructor by allowing me to understand that
my students need more methods of learning, and not to have my class in a structure that does not
permit them to explore other activities that might enhance their knowledge. After all, the
importance of incorporating learning objectives and Bloom's Taxonomy questioning does not
JimenezPabon 3
only help my students to understand the lesson primary goals but also allows me to have a better
planning process to teach the content. Now that I have a clear view, every time I start class, I
know that there is a particular goal that needs to be accomplished by the end of each session.
In time, for future professional development activities suggestions, it will be relevant to
keep the ACP always active, it is a great learning experience, and a comprehensive way to teach
instructors how education has developed over the years. For other professional development, I
would say that include more training in how to use other online technologies and incorporate
more technological tools in the classroom. Equally important have a training pertaining the use
of Bloom's Taxonomy and help instructors to explore this even further to understand the use of
levels of thinking among our students.
In conclusion, my ACP experience has been an excellent way to make me into a more
knowledgeable instructor, it helped me to incorporate new methods of learning in my class, and
become a more effective instructor allowing me to teach and learn as we move on in the
pedagogy world.