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Statistical Report 2009

Siriraj Hospital

Published by
Division of Medical Record, Siriraj Hospital

Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital
Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand

Tel: 66 0 2419 9319
Fax: 66 0 2411 2080

1st Printing, 200 Copies
June 2010

ISBN 974-587-709-3


Consultants Director of Siriraj Hospital
Vice Director of Siriraj Hospital
Assoc.Prof.Surin Thanapipatsiri, M.D Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital
Assist.Prof.Sanan Visuthisakchai, M.D
Departments / Divisions Chief of Medical Record &
Head of Medical Record Division
Working Group Head of Medical Coding Unit
Head of Medical Statistical Report Unit
Mrs.Panthip Sawasmongkol Head of Out Patient Medical Record Unit
Head of In Patient Medical Record Unit
Mrs.Pathummas Cheocherngngarn Head of General Administration Unit
Miss.Wanna Trongsujarit Academic Statistician
Mr.Preecha Jumnongsin Medical Statistician
Miss.Sunisa Sriart Academic Statistician
Mrs.Ratana Seangauthai Medical Statistician
Mr.Somchat Maneenoi Medical Statistician
Mr.Wichit Khamphul
Miss.Rattanawan Mungnoi
Mr.Pranom Thaothiam
Mr.Pakpoom Ounjitti



Siriraj Statistical Report 2009 is formulated to present the patient care statistics
of the examination units, supporting units and departments. The content is comprised of
general, out-patient, in-patient and other medical services statistics. The Medical Record
Division is responsible for following the cooperation, inspection and correction in order
to get the complete and accurate information.

On behalf of Siriraj Hospital, I would like to thank the departments/divisions,
Human Resource Department, Nursing Department, Information Technology Division
and every personnel in the relevant divisions who kindly cooperate and support in
submitting information monthly and annually to make this report accomplish.

I also hope that this statistical report will be informative and able to respond the
need of the users. However, if there are any errors occurring in the report, please do not
hesitate to contact the Medical Record Division, Telephone 0-2419-9319. We will be
happy to make improvement in our next publication.

Thank you very much.

Associate Professor Surin Thanapipatsiri, MD
Director of Siriraj Hospital




General data in 2009 3
Number of personnel classified by positions................................................................................................... 4
Percentage of personnel classified by positions............................................................................................. 5
Number of physicians classified by field of specialty......................................................................................
Number of beds in each department classified by types of bed.....................................................................

Out-patients in 2009 9
Number of out-patients classified by unit and gender..................................................................................... 11
Number of hospital visits of out-patients classified monthly............................................................................ 12
Number of clinical services of out-patients classified monthly........................................................................ 12
Number of hospital visits of out-patients classified by age and gender.......................................................... 13
Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients classified by age ....................................................................... 13
Number of clinical services of out-patients classified by age and gender...................................................... 14
Percentage of clinical services of out-patients classified by age.................................................................... 16
Number of clinical services of out-patients classified by clinic codes including subclinic codes.................. 16
Number of hospital visits of out-patients classified by payment methods....................................................... 17
Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients classified by payment methods................................................. 18
Number of hospital visits of out-patients classified by regions and gender.................................................... 19
Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients classified by regions.................................................................. 21
Number of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Bangkok classified by districts......................................... 22
Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Bangkok classified by districts.................................... 23
Number of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Central classified by provinces......................................... 24
Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Central classified by provinces................................... 25
Number of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Northern classified by provinces...................................... 26
Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Northern classified by provinces................................. 27
Number of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Northeastern classified by provinces............................... 28
Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Northeastern classified by provinces.......................... 29
Number of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Eastern classified by provinces........................................ 30
Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Eastern classified by provinces.................................. 31
Number of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Southern classified by provinces......................................
Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Southern classified by provinces................................


Number of hospital visits of out-patients classified by nationalities................................................................. 32
Top ten diagnoses of out-patients.................................................................................................................... 33
Top ten external causes of out-patients........................................................................................................... 34
Health problems of out-patients....................................................................................................................... 35

In-patients in 2009 39
Number of in-patients in each department classified monthly......................................................................... 41
Percentage of in-patients in each department................................................................................................. 41
Number of in-patients classified by payment methods.................................................................................... 42
Percentage of in-patients classified by payment methods.............................................................................. 42
Number of in-patients classified by age and gender....................................................................................... 43
Percentage of in-patients classified by age..................................................................................................... 44
Number of in-patients in each department classified by length of stay………................................................ 45
Percentage of in-patients classified by length of stay…….............................................................................. 46
Occupancy rate classified monthly.................................................................................................................. 47
Number of in-patients in each department classified by discharge types...................................................... 48
Percentage of in-patients classified by discharge types................................................................................. 49
Number of births and deliveries of in-patients classified monthly................................................................... 50
Number of in-patients classified by regions and gender................................................................................. 51
Percentage of in-patients classified by regions............................................................................................... 52
Number of in-patients classified by nationalities.............................................................................................. 53
Top ten principal diagnoses of in-patients....................................................................................................... 54
Top ten external causes of in-patients............................................................................................................. 55
Top ten operations of in-patients..................................................................................................................... 56
Top ten procedures of in-patients....................................................................................................................
Top ten causes of death of in-patients............................................................................................................. 57
Principal diagnoses, external causes, operations and procedures of in-patients 61
Department of Medicine................................................................................................................................... 65
Department of Surgery.....................................................................................................................................
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology : Obstetric unit.............................................................................
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology : Obstetric unit (Newborn)...........................................................
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology : Gynecology unit........................................................................


Department of Pediatrics.................................................................................................................................. 67
Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology............................................................................................................ 69
Department of Ophthalmology......................................................................................................................... 71
Department of Orthopaedic surgery................................................................................................................ 73
Department of Rehabilitation medicine............................................................................................................ 75
Department of Radiology................................................................................................................................. 77
Department of Psychiatry................................................................................................................................. 79
Department of Research and development..................................................................................................... 81

Trends in 2000 - 2009 85
Trends in number of new visitor and revisitor of out-patients.......................................................................... 87
Trends in number of hospital visits and clinical services of out-patients......................................................... 88
Trends in number of in-patients....................................................................................................................... 89
Trends in number of births and deaths of in-patients......................................................................................
Trends in number of physician, registered nurse and bed..............................................................................

งานบริการทางการแพทยอนื่ ๆ ป 2009

สถิตภิ าควชิ ากายวภิ าคศาสตร
• จาํ นวนผบู ริจาครา งกายและศพทีไ่ ดร ับในแตละเดือน.................................................................................. 93

สถิตภิ าควิชาจุลชวี วทิ ยา
• จาํ นวนการใหบรกิ ารผปู ว ย หนวยงานบรกิ ารกลาง...................................................................................... 94
• จํานวนการใหบ ริการผูปวย หนว ยงานบรกิ ารแบคทเี รยี ................................................................................ 95
• จาํ นวนการใหบรกิ ารผูป วย หนว ยงานบรกิ ารมยั โคแบคทเี รียและรา.............................................................. 96
• จาํ นวนการใหบ รกิ ารผปู ว ย หนว ยงานบรกิ ารไวรสั ....................................................................................... 97
• จํานวนการใหบ ริการผูป วย หนว ยงานบริการซโี รโลยี.................................................................................... 99
• จํานวนการใหบ รกิ ารผปู วย หนวยงานบริการอณจู ลุ ชวี วทิ ยา........................................................................ 101

สถติ ภิ าควชิ าตจวิทยา
• จาํ นวนการใหบรกิ ารในแตละเดอื น จําแนกตามประเภทของการใหบรกิ าร..................................................... 103

สถติ ิภาควชิ านิตเิ วชศาสตร
• จาํ นวนงานบริการสังคมและงานจัดการเรียนการสอน.................................................................................. 106

สถติ ิภาควิชาปรสติ วิทยา
• จาํ นวนการทดสอบ จําแนกตามประเภทของการตรวจ................................................................................. 107


สถติ ิภาควิชาพยาธิวทิ ยา
• จาํ นวนการใหบ รกิ ารในแตละเดือน จําแนกตามประเภทของงานที่ปฏบิ ตั .ิ ..................................................... 109

สถิตภิ าควิชาพยาธวิ ิทยาคลนิ ิก
• จาํ นวนการตรวจทางหอ งปฏบิ ัติการ และจาํ นวนผมู ารับบรกิ าร จาํ แนกตามกลุมงาน……….........…………… 111
• จํานวนการตรวจทางหอ งปฏิบัติการกลาง.....................................................................…. …………………… 112
• จาํ นวนการตรวจทางหอ งปฏิบัตกิ ารพเิ ศษ.....................................................................…. …………………… 118
• จํานวนการตรวจคัดกรองทารกกลมุ อาการดาวน......................................................................................... 122

• จาํ นวนงานบริการทางหองปฏิบตั ิการ จําแนกตามประเภทของการใหบรกิ าร................................................. 123

สถติ ภิ าควชิ ารังสีวทิ ยา
• จํานวนผูปวยทมี่ ารับบริการ สาขาวชิ ารังสีรักษา.......................................................................................... 125
• จํานวนการบรกิ ารหองใหการรกั ษาดว ยรงั สี สาขาวชิ ารงั สรี ักษา................................................................... 126
• จาํ นวนผูปว ยที่มารบั บรกิ าร สาขารงั สีวนิ จิ ฉยั ............................................................................................. 126
• จํานวนงานบริการงานสแกนอวยั วะตางๆ สาขาวิชาเวชศาสตรนวิ เคลียร. ...................................................... 127
• จํานวนงานบรกิ ารอนื่ ๆ ทไี่ มใ ชงานสแกน สาขาวชิ าเวชศาสตรน วิ เคลยี ร. ....................................................... 129

สถิตภิ าควิชาวทิ ยาภูมิคุมกัน
• จาํ นวนการใหบริการผปู วยในแตละเดือน จําแนกตามประเภทของการบริการ................................................ 131

สถติ ภิ าควิชาวสิ ญั ญี
• จาํ นวนการใหบ รกิ ารผูปว ยในแตละเดือน จาํ แนกตามประเภทของงาน......................................................... 133

สถิติภาควชิ าเวชศาสตรก ารธนาคารเลอื ด
• จํานวนการปฏิบตั ิงาน จาํ แนกตามประเภทของงาน..................................................................................... 134

สถิตภิ าควิชาศลั ยศาสตร สาขาวิชาศัลยศาสตรอ ุบตั เิ หตุ
• จํานวนการผา ตัดของหอ งผา ตัดอุบตั ิเหตุ ................................................................................................... 136

สถิตภิ าควชิ าศัลยศาสตรออรโธปด ิกสแ ละกายภาพบาํ บดั
• จาํ นวนผปู วยทเ่ี ขารับบรกิ ารในแตละเดอื น จาํ แนกตามหนวยตรวจ............................................................... 137

สถิติภาควชิ าสรีรวทิ ยา สาขาวชิ าสรรี วิทยาหัวใจและหลอดเลอื ด
• จาํ นวนการตรวจทางหองปฏบิ ัตกิ าร จําแนกตามประเภทของผรู ับบรกิ าร....................................................... 138

สถิติสถานวิทยามะเรง็ ศิรริ าช
• จํานวนผูปวยมารบั บริการการวางแผนการรักษาทเู มอรค ลินิก จาํ แนกตามประเภทผปู ว ย............................... 139
• จํานวนผูปว ยมารับบรกิ ารการวางแผนการรักษาทเู มอรค ลนิ ิก จาํ แนกตามเพศ.............................................. 139
• จํานวนผูปว ยมะเรง็ ทเี่ ขา ทเู มอรค ลินิก จาํ แนกตามกลุมโรค.......................................................................... 140
• จํานวนผูปวยมะเรง็ ท่ีเขาทูเมอรคลินิก เขา วางแผนการรักษารอบ 2 จาํ แนกตามกลุม โรค................................ 140


สถติ สิ ถานการแพทยแ ผนไทยประยุกต
• จํานวนการใหบ รกิ ารตรวจรักษาผปู ว ยดว ยศาสตรก ารแพทยแผนไทย........................................................... 141
• จาํ นวนการผลติ และจําหนายยาและผลิตภณั ฑจ ากสมนุ ไพร........................................................................ 142

สถติ งิ านทันตกรรม
• จํานวนผลการปฏบิ ตั งิ าน จําแนกตามประเภทของการใหบริการ................................................................... 143

สถิติงานโภชนศาสตรค ลนิ ิก
• จาํ นวนผปู วยทีใ่ หค าํ ปรกึ ษา จําแนกตามประเภทผปู ว ย............................................................................... 144

สถิติงานเปล่ยี นอวัยวะศริ ิราช
• จํานวนการปลูกถา ยอวัยวะ....................................................................................................................... 145
• จํานวนการใหบ รกิ ารคลนิ กิ ........................................................................................................................ 145
• จาํ นวนการทาํ หัตถการ.............................................................................................................................. 145
• จาํ นวนผปู วยสมคั รรอการปลูกถายอวยั วะใหม............................................................................................ 145
• จาํ นวนการรบั แจง donor (ผบู ริจาคอวัยวะเสยี ชวี ิต) กับการไดร บั อวัยวะ....................................................... 146
• จํานวนการผา ตดั ผูบริจาคอวยั วะ............................................................................................................... 146

สถติ งิ านเคลือ่ นยายผปู วย
• จํานวนการเคล่อื นยา ยผปู ว ย จําแนกตามประเภทผปู ว ย.............................................................................. 147

สถติ ิหนวยบรกิ ารสุขภาพปฐมภมู ศิ ิริราช
• จาํ นวนผูปวยรายเดือน จําแนกตามประเภทผปู ว ย....................................................................................... 148

สถิตงิ านเวชระเบียน
• จํานวนการใหบ ริการลงทะเบยี นประวตั ิผปู วยใหม หนวยเวชระเบยี นผูป ว ยนอก............................................. 149
• จํานวนการใหบ ริการรับสมคั รผูปว ยโครงการเบิกจา ยตรงฯ หนว ยเวชระเบียนผปู วยนอก................................. 149
• จาํ นวนการใหบ รกิ ารสง เอกสารเวชระเบยี นผูปว ยนอก หนวยธุรการ.............................................................. 150
• จาํ นวนการปฏิบัตงิ าน หนวยรหัสโรค.......................................................................................................... 150
• จํานวนการใหบ ริการประวัติการรักษาผปู วยผานสํานักงานผูอาํ นวยการ หนวยเวชระเบยี นผูป วยใน................ 151

• จํานวนการใหบ รกิ ารสืบคน ขอ มูลการเกดิ -การตาย หนว ยเวชระเบียนผูปวยใน.............................................. 151
• จํานวนการใหบ ริการภาพเวชระเบยี นอิเลก็ ทรอนกิ ส หนวยรายงานสถติ ิทางการแพทย................................... 152
• จาํ นวนการใหบ รกิ ารสถิติและขอ มูลทางการแพทย หนว ยรายงานสถติ ทิ างการแพทย. .................................... 152


IN 2009


Number of personnel classified by position

Positions Number 9.53
Physicians 1,243 0.16
Dentists 21 1.16
Pharmacists 151 21.60
Registered nurse 2,816 15.78
Practical nurse 2,058 51.77
Others 6,751

Note : are not included 169 Faculty Consultants and 508 Sponsered Residents

Data source : Human resource department
Date : 31 December 2009

Percentage of personnel classified by positions


Practical nurse Physicians
Registered nurse Pharmacists Dentists
21.60% 1.16%


Number of physicians classified by field of specialty

Field of Specialty / Department Physicians in Position Total

Anatomy Staff Fellows Residents 18
Anesthesiology 85
Biochemistry 18 - - 19
Clinical Pathology 19
Dermatology 70 - 15 33
Forensic medicine 20
Immunology 19 - - 16
Medicine 254
Microbiology 17 - 2 10
Obstetrics & Gynecology 92
Ophthalmology 20 - 13 48
Orthopaedic surgery 52
Otolaryngology 17 - 3 41
Parasitology 6
Pathology 16 - - 34
Pediatrics 139
Pharmacology 132 39 83 16
Physiology 21
Preventive and Social Medicine 10 - - 16
Psychiatry 27
Radiology 59 11 22 91
Rehabilitation medicine 26
Surgery 31 3 14 138
Transfusion medicine 5
Office for Research and Development 36 1 15 7
Her Majesty Cardiac Center 4
Other 21 - 20 6
Total 6- -

Note : are not included 508 Sponsered Residents 31 - 3

71 22 46

16 - -

21 - -

16 - -

22 - 5

55 6 30

21 - 5

92 11 35

5- -

7- -

4- -

6- -

839 93 311

Data source : Human resource department
Date : 31 December 2009


Number of beds in each department classified by types of bed

Department Private Ordinary Types of bed Total
92 234 I.C.U 387
Obstetrics & Gynecology : Private Ordinary
2 59
- Obstetrics
- Gynecology 56 120 0 0 176
- Newborn 0 95
Ophthalmology 47 48 0 0 144
Orthopaedic surgery 0 89
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 52 92 0 0 128
Pediatrics 0 83
Psychiatry 30 59 0 27 302
Radiology 0 15
Rehabilitation medicine 69 59 0 0 43
Surgery 0 20
Others : 31 52 0 53 431
- Social security
- The heart by siriraj 43 232 0
- Unclassified
0 15 0
19 24 0
Data source : Nursing department
Date : 31 December 2009 5 15 0

90 288 0

18 0 0 0 18
00 21 0 21
228 23 0 0 251
780 1,261 23 139 2,203



IN 2009


Number of out-patients classified by unit and gender

Unit Male Gender Unknown Total
192,734 Female 918
Population 65,204 322,574 918 516,226
- New visitor 127,530 90,751 0 156,873
- Revisitor 915,618 231,823 0 359,353
1,148,059 1,577,594 0 2,493,212
Hospital visits 1,955,423 3,103,482
Clinical services

Data source : Siriraj computer center
Date : 10 March 2010

Note :
Ø Population is the number of patients : Counted by person

New visitor is the number of new patients : Counted by person

Revisitor is the number of old patients : Counted by person
Ø Hospital visits is the number of patients who come to receive service in the hospital : Counted by cases
Ø Clinical services is the number of service the patients received : Counted by services


Number of hospital visits of out-patients classified monthly

January Month Number of visit
February Total 194,850
March 191,381
April 214,878
May 185,579
June 203,175
July 224,224
August 212,001
September 208,353
October 211,776
November 221,665
December 217,653


Data source : Siriraj computer center
Date : 10 March 2010

Number of hospital visits of out-patients classified monthly

250,000 214,878 224,224 212,001 208,353 211,776 221,665 217,653 207,677
194,850 191,381 203,175







Number of clinical services of out-patients classified monthly

Month Number of services
January 243,890
February 238,288
March 268,526
April 230,745
May 252,392
June 278,117
July 261,947
August 259,675
September 264,473
October 275,445
November 271,427
December 258,557

Total 3,103,482

Data source : Siriraj computer center
Date : 10 March 2010

Number of clinical services of out-patients classified monthly

300,000 243,890 238,288 268,526 230,745 252,392 278,117 261,947 259,675 264,473 275,445 271,427 258,557








Number of hospital visits of out-patients classified by age and gender

Age Gender Total

under 7 day Male Female 1,133 0.05
7-27 day 597 536 9,213 0.37
28 day - under 1 year 5,118 4,095 30,166 1.21
1-14 year 16,518 13,648 183,596 7.36
15-24 year 101,638 81,958 162,148 6.50
25-44 year 58,135 559,554 22.44
45-64 year 163,317 104,013 925,353 37.11
65 year and over 309,542 396,237 622,049 24.95
260,753 615,811 2,493,212 100.00
Total 915,618 361,296

Data source : Siriraj computer center
Date : 10 March 2010

Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients classified by age

45-64 year

25-44 year 1-14 year 65 year and over
(22.44%) (7.36%) (24.95%)

15-24 year 28 day - under 1 year under 7 day
(6.50%) (1.21%) (0.05%)

7-27 day


Number of clinical services of out-patients classified by age and gender

Age Gender Total

under 7 day Male Female 1,373
7-27 day 11,912
28 day - under 1 year 738 635 34,495 0.04
1-14 year 205,579 0.38
15-24 year 6,602 5,310 196,363 1.11
25-44 year 699,544 6.62
45-64 year 18,895 15,600 1,164,783 6.33
65 year and over 789,433 22.54
113,270 92,309 3,103,482 37.53
Total 25.44
69,601 126,762 100.00

206,329 493,215

397,795 766,988

334,829 454,604

1,148,059 1,955,423

Data source : Siriraj computer center
Date : 10 March 2010

Percentage of clinical services of out-patients classified by age

25-44 year 45-64 year
(22.52%) (37.53%)

15-24 year 65 year and over
(6.33%) 1-14 year under 7 day

28 day - under 1 year 7-27 day

(1.11%) (0.38%)


Number of clinical services of out-patients classified by clinic codes including subclinic codes

Clinic / Room Month

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Medicine 29,875 29,181 32,889 28,745 30,339 32,407 30,811 30,210 31,651 31,740 32,499 31,692 372,039
Surgery 17,915 17,627 20,032 17,174 17,914 18,835 18,367 17,673 18,658 20,479 18,646 18,575 221,895

Obstetrics 5,836 5,587 6,758 5,798 5,792 6,432 6,409 6,081 6,355 6,011 6,206 6,128 73,393
Gynecology 6,655 5,895 7,327 5,851 6,262 7,056 6,726 6,610 7,231 6,829 6,690 6,182 79,314
Pediatrics 8,679 8,226 8,986 7,721 7,401 9,788 9,653 8,666 9,455 9,600 8,575 8,467 105,217
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 5,996 5,850 6,699 6,087 6,048 6,675 6,248 6,122 6,502 7,427 6,978 7,436 78,068
Ophthalmology 8,114 8,763 10,594 9,571 8,438 9,858 8,288 9,819 10,927 11,264 10,472 10,120 116,228

-14- Orthopaedic Surgery 10,215 10,585 12,352 10,692 11,010 12,765 11,067 11,046 11,671 12,383 12,395 11,674 137,855
Psychiatry 3,277 3,012 3,340 3,389 2,927 3,385 3,355 3,296 3,338 3,763 3,600 3,720 40,402
Dermatology 4,153 4,247 4,822 4,404 4,548 4,905 4,466 4,404 4,658 4,955 4,628 4,739 54,929
Dental 2,450 2,476 2,898 2,117 2,117 2,580 2,186 2,216 2,314 2,492 2,368 1,990 28,204
Radiology 7,397 7,271 8,059 7,425 7,761 8,909 8,577 8,295 8,788 9,198 9,014 8,707 99,401

Rehabilitation Medicine 5,643 6,202 6,900 4,967 5,865 7,086 6,806 6,514 6,716 6,671 6,995 6,336 76,701
Preventive and Social Medicine 4,503 4,015 5,103 4,180 8,136 8,266 6,488 4,147 4,714 4,468 5,330 6,158 65,508
Her Majesty Cardiac Center 796 754 912 765 715 905 879 887 970 927 981 924 10,415
The Heart by Siriraj 1,069 1,034 1,249 958 1,189 1,327 1,296 1,261 1,179 1,321 1,275 1,237 14,395
Pain 376 390 445 376 368 388 363 307 353 394 415 459 4,634

Social security 4,583 4,505 4,654 4,153 4,499 4,827 5,569 4,744 4,720 5,047 4,826 4,812 56,939
Organ transplant unit 337 338 492 357 354 452 373 368 460 370 331 186 4,418
Others 528 360 441 1,316 1,276 1,349 1,255 1,298 1,416 1,560 1,348 1,339 13,486
128,397 126,318 144,952 126,046 132,959 148,195 139,182 133,964 142,076 146,899 143,572 140,881 1,653,441
Total in office hours

Number of clinical services of out-patients classified by clinic codes including subclinic codes

Clinic / Room Month

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Trauma 5,456 5,084 5,424 5,472 5,842 5,873 5,880 5,803 5,529 5,538 5,700 5,701 67,302
Observation Room (Pava) 943 827 953 876 938 894 944 982 949 973 914 964 11,157

Observation Room (120) 0 0 0 0 0 0 231 0 0 0 0 0 231

Emergency Room (122) 7,745 6,948 6,682 6,533 7,060 8,786 12,009 7,264 7,065 7,414 6,989 7,713 92,208

Emergency Room (126) 1,144 1,075 1,114 1,004 1,052 1,082 1,201 1,099 1,140 1,247 1,105 1,278 13,541
Specific examination Room (120) 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,613 1,493 305 224 0 0 4,635
Unclassified 38,986 39,884 41,287 42,294 481,116
39,340 37,472 42,963 35,321 39,213 41,833 42,584 39,939

-15- Total in 24 hours 54,628 51,406 57,136 49,206 54,105 58,468 61,864 56,525 56,275 57,690 57,292 55,595 670,190
Special clinic (Out of office hours) 60,865 60,564 66,438 55,493 65,328 71,454 60,901 69,186 66,122 70,856 70,563 62,081 779,851
243,890 238,288 268,526 230,745 252,392 278,117 261,947 259,675 264,473 275,445 271,427 258,557 3,103,482
Grand Total

Data source : Siriraj computer center
Date : 10 March 2010

Number of hospital visits of out-patients classified by payment methods

Payment methods Number of visit
General patient 1,004,605
Comptroller 817,291
Universal coverage 391,067
Social security 172,676
Right to direct disbursement officers Bangkok 77,675
Staff and Mahidol student welfare 27,718
Monks 1,460
Other payers : Health insurance (Fax claim), State owned enterprise, etc 720

Total 2,493,212

Data source : Siriraj computer center
Date : 10 March 2010

Percentege of hospital visits classified by payment methods

Right to direct Staff and Mahidol General patient
disbursement officers student welfare (1.11%) (40.29%)
Monks (0.06%)
Bangkok (3.12%)
Social security Other payers (0.03%)

Universal coverage




Number of hospital visits of out-patients classified by regions and gender

Regions Gender Total

Bangkok Male Female 1,457,395
Central 748,679
Northern 526,528 930,867 63,996
Northeastern 66,176
Eastern 272,958 475,721 54,035
Southern 64,236
Unknow 26,192 37,804 38,695
Total 26,529 39,647

Data source : Siriraj computer center 21,774 32,261
Date : 10 March 2010
26,873 37,363

14,764 23,931

915,618 1,577,594


Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients classified by regions



Central Eastern
30.03 2.17

€ Bangkok



Number of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Bangkok classified by districts

Districts Male Number Total Percentage (%)
10,393 Female 28,454 Male Female Total
Bang Bon 5,348 18,061 14,650 0.71 1.24 1.95
Bang Kapi 31,256 9,302 84,035 0.37 0.64 1.01
Bang Khae 5,077 52,779 13,123 2.14 3.62 5.77
Bang Khen 3,690 8,046 10,166 0.35 0.55 0.90
Bang Kho Laem 11,899 6,476 35,576 0.25 0.44 0.70
Bang Khun Thian 2,756 23,677 6,547 0.82 1.62 2.44
Bang Na 31,286 3,791 88,026 0.19 0.26 0.45
Bang Phlat 2,482 56,740 5,732 2.15 3.89 6.04
Bang Rak 8,311 3,250 24,915 0.17 0.22 0.39
Bang Sue 83,619 16,604 236,671 0.57 1.14 1.71
Bangkok Noi 33,657 153,052 95,063 5.74 10.50 16.24
Bangkok Yai 3,897 61,406 10,245 2.31 4.21 6.52
Bueng Kum 8,912 6,348 22,413 0.27 0.44 0.70
Chatuchak 18,335 13,501 52,391 0.61 0.93 1.54
Chom Thong 3,304 34,056 8,929 1.26 2.34 3.59
Din Daeng 3,234 5,625 9,206 0.23 0.39 0.61
Don Mueang 5,895 5,972 16,553 0.22 0.41 0.63
Dusit 2,698 10,658 7,484 0.40 0.73 1.14
Huai Khwang 1,696 4,786 4,632 0.19 0.33 0.51
Khan Na Yao 994 2,936 2,411 0.12 0.20 0.32
Khlong Sam Wa 13,581 1,417 38,200 0.07 0.10 0.17
Khlong San 2,774 24,619 6,962 0.93 1.69 2.62
Khlong Toei 3,454 4,188 8,814 0.19 0.29 0.48
Lak Si 1,603 5,360 4,314 0.24 0.37 0.60
Lat Krabang 4,841 2,711 13,164 0.11 0.19 0.30
Lat Phrao 1,643 8,323 4,277 0.33 0.57 0.90
Min Buri 668 2,634 2,004 0.11 0.18 0.29
Nong Chok 1,336 0.05 0.09 0.14


Number of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Bangkok classified by districts

Districts Male Number Total Percentage (%)
17,118 Female 51,625 Male Female Total
Nong Khaem 2,493 34,507 5,308 1.17 2.37 3.54
Pathum Wan 43,074 2,815 131,005 0.17 0.19 0.36
Phasi Charoen 4,279 87,931 11,445 2.96 6.03 8.99
Phaya Thai 3,184 7,166 9,432 0.29 0.49 0.79
Phra Khanong 10,900 6,248 29,120 0.22 0.43 0.65
Phra Nakhon 4,538 18,220 10,408 0.75 1.25 2.00
Pom Prap Sattru Phai 3,009 5,870 7,776 0.31 0.40 0.71
Prawet 8,066 4,767 22,928 0.21 0.33 0.53
Rat Burana 2,316 14,862 5,423 0.55 1.02 1.57
Ratchathewi 1,544 3,107 4,045 0.16 0.21 0.37
Sai Mai 2,428 2,501 5,563 0.11 0.17 0.28
Samphanthawong 2,255 3,135 5,992 0.17 0.22 0.38
Saphan Sung 4,155 3,737 9,789 0.15 0.26 0.41
Sathon 2,973 5,634 6,784 0.29 0.39 0.67
Suan Luang 49,429 3,811 134,282 0.20 0.26 0.47
Taling Chan 17,632 84,853 46,530 3.39 5.82 9.21
Thawi Watthana 22,568 28,898 61,965 1.21 1.98 3.19
Thon Buri 6,571 39,397 16,932 1.55 2.70 4.25
Thung Khru 2,559 10,361 5,839 0.45 0.71 1.16
Vadhana 3,468 3,280 8,403 0.18 0.23 0.40
Wang Thonglang 3,316 4,935 8,717 0.24 0.34 0.58
Yan Nawa 1,350 5,401 3,127 0.23 0.37 0.60
Unclassified 526,528 1,777 1,457,395 0.09 0.12 0.21
930,867 36.13 63.87 100.00

Data source : Siriraj computer center
Date : 10 March 2010


Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Bangkok classified by districts

Don Mueang

0.63 Sai Mai 0.28
Lak Si
Khlong Sam Wa
0.60 Bang Khen 0.90 0.17 Nong Chok

Chatuchak Lat Phrao 27 0.14
21 0.90 26 Min Buri

Thawi Watthana Taling Chan 8 20 22 23 24 25 Bang Saphan 0.29
3.19 9.21 7 15 14 19 16 Kapi 1.01 Sung Lat Krabang
111312 18 0.30
-21- 56 17 Suan Luang 0.41
4 3 10 0.47 15. Phra Nakhon 2.00 22. Phaya Thai 0.79
Nong Bang Khae 9 Prawet 16. Khlong Toei 0.48 23. Din Daeng 0.61
Khaem 5.77 2 Phra Khanong 0.53
3.54 1 0.65

Bang Bon Bang Na 0.45

Bang Khun Thian 1.16
2.44 1. Rat Burana 1.57 8. Bang Phlat 6.04
2. Chom Thong 3.59 9. Yan Nawa 0.60

3. Bang Kho Laem 0.70 10. Sathon 0.67 17. Vadhana 0.40 24. Huai Khwang 0.51

4. Thon Buri 4.25 11. Khlong San 2.62 18. Pathum Wan 0.36 25. Wang Thonglang 0.58

5. Phasi Charoen 8.99 12. Bang Rak 0.39 19. Ratchathewi 0.37 26. Bueng Kum 0.70

6. Bangkok Noi 16.24 13. Samphanthawong 0.38 20. Dusit 1.14 27. Khan Na Yao 0.32

7. Bangkok Yai 6.52 14. Pom Prap Sattru Phai 0.71 21. Bang Sue 1.71

Number of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Central classified by provinces

Provinces Male Number Total Percentage (%)
2,388 Female 6,246 Male Female Total
Ang Thong 2,892 3,858 7,782 0.32 0.52 0.83
Chai Nat 12,099 4,890 32,203 0.39 0.65 1.04
Kanchanaburi 3,443 20,104 8,931 1.62 2.69 4.30
Lop Buri 1,373 5,488 3,088 0.46 0.73 1.19
Nakhon Nayok 42,984 1,715 118,741 0.18 0.23 0.41
Nakhon Pathom 84,284 75,757 243,314 5.74 10.12 15.86
Nonthaburi 13,427 159,030 34,739 11.26 21.24 32.50
Pathum Thani 8,942 21,312 23,581 1.79 2.85 4.64
Phetchaburi 8,967 14,639 22,736 1.19 1.96 3.15
Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 7,648 13,769 19,733 1.20 1.84 3.04
Prachuap Khiri Khan 16,864 12,085 44,444 1.02 1.61 2.64
Ratchaburi 22,526 27,580 60,077 2.25 3.68 5.94
Samut Prakan 18,874 37,551 53,887 3.01 5.02 8.02
Samut Sakhon 5,780 35,013 14,823 2.52 4.68 7.20
Samut Songkhram 3,379 9,043 8,059 0.77 1.21 1.98
Saraburi 2,855 4,680 7,461 0.45 0.63 1.08
Sing Buri 14,233 4,606 38,834 0.38 0.62 1.00
Suphan Buri 272,958 24,601 748,679 1.90 3.29 5.19
475,721 36.46 63.54 100.00

Data source : Siriraj computer center
Date : 10 March 2010


Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Central
classified by provinces

Kanchanaburi Chai Nat 1 Lopburi
4.30 1.04 2 1.19
5.19 3 Saraburi
5 1.08

Ratchaburi 9 10
5.94 8
1. Ang Thong 0.83
Phetchaburi 2. Singburi 1.00
3.15 3. Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya 3.04
4. Nakhon Pathom 15.86
Prachuap 5. Nonthaburi 32.50
Khiri Khan 6. Pathum Thani 4.64
7. Nakhon Nayok 0.41
2.64 8. Samut Songkhram 1.98
9. Samut Sakhon 7.20
10. Samut Prakan 8.02


Number of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Northern classified by provinces

Provinces Male Number Total Percentage (%)
964 Female 2,486 Male Female Total
Chiang Mai 1,117 1,522 2,603 1.51 2.38 3.88
Chiang Rai 2,330 1,486 5,670 1.75 2.32 4.07
Kamphaeng Phet 769 3,340 2,190 3.64 5.22 8.86
Lampang 214 1,421 495 1.20 2.22 3.42
Lamphun 51 146 0.33 0.44 0.77
Mae Hong Son 5,828 281 14,004 0.08 0.15 0.23
Nakhon Sawan 536 95 1,520 9.11 12.78 21.88
Nan 594 8,176 1,415 0.84 1.54 2.38
Phayao 3,127 984 7,702 0.93 1.28 2.21
Phetchabun 2,505 821 6,234 4.89 7.15 12.04
Phichit 1,701 4,575 4,216 3.91 5.83 9.74
Phitsanulok 997 3,729 2,287 2.66 3.93 6.59
Phrae 1,461 2,515 3,476 1.56 2.02 3.57
Sukhothai 1,088 1,290 2,595 2.28 3.15 5.43
Tak 1,773 2,015 4,053 1.70 2.35 4.05
Uthai Thani 1,137 1,507 2,904 2.77 3.56 6.33
Uttaradit 26,192 2,280 63,996 1.78 2.76 4.54
1,767 40.93 59.07 100.00
Total 37,804

Data source : Siriraj computer center
Date : 10 March 2010


Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Northern
classified by provinces

Chiang Rai

Mae Hong Phayao

Son 2.21 Nan

0.23 Chiang Mai 2.38

3.88 Lampang

Lamphun 3.42 Phrae

0.77 3.57


Sukhothai 4.54

Tak 5.43 Phitsanulok

4.05 6.59

Kamphaeng Phichit Phetchabun
Phet 9.74 12.04

Nakhon Sawan

Uthai Thani 21.88



Number of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Northeastern classified by provinces

Provinces Male Number Total Percentage (%)
440 Female 1,201 Male Female Total
Amnat Charoen 2,668 6,676 0.66 1.15 1.81
Buri Ram 1,886 761 4,658 4.03 6.06 10.09
Chaiyaphum 624 4,008 1,609 2.85 4.19 7.04
Kalasin 1,135 2,772 3,001 0.94 1.49 2.43
Khon Kaen 813 985 1,720 1.72 2.82 4.53
Loei 841 1,866 2,226 1.23 1.37 2.60
Maha Sarakham 353 907 828 1.27 2.09 3.36
Mukdahan 833 1,385 1,918 0.53 0.72 1.25
Nakhon Phanom 5,369 475 12,838 1.26 1.64 2.90
Nakhon Ratchasima 246 1,085 511 8.11 11.29 19.40
Nong Bua Lam Phu 682 7,469 1,856 0.37 0.40 0.77
Nong Khai 1,736 265 4,111 1.03 1.77 2.80
Roi Et 933 1,174 2,390 2.62 3.59 6.21
Sakon Nakhon 1,992 2,375 5,043 1.41 2.20 3.61
Si Sa Ket 2,386 1,457 6,365 3.01 4.61 7.62
Surin 1,697 3,051 4,691 3.61 6.01 9.62
Ubon Ratchathani 1,357 3,979 3,064 2.56 4.52 7.09
Udon Thani 538 2,994 1,470 2.05 2.58 4.63
Yasothon 26,529 1,707 66,176 0.81 1.41 2.22
932 40.09 59.91 100.00
Total 39,647

Data source : Siriraj computer center
Date : 10 March 2010


Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Northeastern
classified by provinces

Nong Khai 2.80


Loei Nong Bua Udon Thani Sakon Nakhon Phanom
2.60 Lam Phu 4.63 3.61 2.90

0.77 Mukdahan
Khon Kaen Kalasin
4.53 Maha 2.43 Yasothon Amnat
2.22 Charoen 1.81
Chaiyaphum Sarakhum Roi Et

7.04 3.36 6.21


Nakhon Ratchasima Buri Ram Surin Si Sa Ket Ratchathani
19.40 10.09 9.62 7.62 7.09


Number of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Eastern classified by provinces

Provinces Male Number Total Percentage (%)
3,922 Female 9,763 Male Female Total
Chachoengsao 2,321 5,841 5,638 7.26 10.81 18.07
Chanthaburi 7,654 3,317 19,770 4.30 6.14 10.43
Chon Buri 2,164 12,116 5,186 14.16 22.42 36.59
Prachin Buri 3,109 3,022 7,790 4.00 5.59 9.60
Rayong 1,468 4,681 3,244 5.75 8.66 14.42
Sa Kaeo 1,136 1,776 2,644 2.72 3.29 6.00
Trat 21,774 1,508 54,035 2.10 2.79 4.89
32,261 40.30 59.70 100.00

Data source : Siriraj computer center
Date : 10 March 2010


Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Eastern
classified by provinces

Prachinburi Sa Kaeo
9.60 6.00


Chonburi Chanthaburi
36.59 10.43




Number of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Southern classified by provinces

Provinces Male Number Total Percentage
6,962 Female 16,826 Male Female Total
Chumphon 1,158 9,864 2,488 10.84 15.36 26.19
Krabi 5,255 1,330 12,810 1.80 2.07 3.87
Nakhon Si Thammarat 756 7,555 1,542 8.18 11.76 19.94
Narathiwat 412 819 1.18 1.22 2.40
Pattani 999 786 2,403 0.64 0.63 1.27
Phangnga 725 407 1,875 1.56 2.19 3.74
Phatthalung 1,339 1,404 3,230 1.13 1.79 2.92
Phuket 1,471 1,150 3,397 2.08 2.94 5.03
Ranong 184 1,891 484 2.29 3.00 5.29
Satun 1,271 1,926 3,045 0.29 0.47 0.75
Songkhla 4,695 300 11,173 1.98 2.76 4.74
Surat Thani 1,112 1,774 2,994 7.31 10.08 17.39
Trang 534 6,478 1,150 1.73 2.93 4.66
Yala 26,873 1,882 64,236 0.83 0.96 1.79
616 41.83 58.17 100.00
Total 37,363

Data source : Siriraj computer center
Date : 10 March 2010


Percentage of hospital visits of out-patients reside in Southern
classified by provinces



Surat Thani Nakhon Si
17.39 Thammarat

Phangnga 19.94
3.74 Krabi
3.87 Trang Phatthalung
4.66 2.92

Satun Songkhla Pattani 1.27
0.75 4.74
Yala Narathiwat
1.79 2.24


Number of hospital visits of out-patients classified by nationalities

Nationalities Number of visit Percentage (%)

Thai 2,444,519 98.05
American 746 0.03
Australian 157 0.01
British 471 0.02
Burmese 0.11
Cambodian 2,682 0.03
Canadian 788 0.01
Chinese 169 0.85
Filipino 0.01
Frenchman 21,201 0.01
German 285 0.02
Indian 132 0.08
Japanese 602 0.01
Lao 0.07
Nepalese 1,938 0.01
Vietnamese 249 0.01
Other 0.06
Unclassified 1,852 0.63
Total 216 100.00

Data source : Siriraj computer center 1,389
Date : 10 March 2010 15,674



Top ten diagnoses of out-patients

ICD-10 Description Number 11.04
I10-I15 Hypertensive diseases 444,736 6.30
C00-C97 Malignant neoplasms 320,806 6.27
E70-E90 Metabolic disorders 253,866 3.58
E10-E14 Diabetes mellitus 252,607 3.44
M00-M25 Arthropathies 144,082 2.87
M60-M79 Soft tissue disorders 138,480 2.26
M40-M54 Dorsopathies 115,615 1.93
I20-I25 Ischaemic heart diseases 90,883 1.86
N17-N19 Renal failure 77,781
J30-J39 Other diseases of upper respiratory tract 74,758 52.48
other Other 2,113,707
all 4,027,321

Top ten diagnoses of out-patients

I10-I15 C00-C97
Hypertensive diseases Malignant neoplasms (7.97%)

(11.04%) E70-E90
Metabolic disorders (6.30%)

Diabetes mellitus (6.27%)

J30-J39 M00-M25
Other diseases of upper Arthropathies (3.58%)
respiratory tract (1.86%)

N17-N19 M60-M79
Renal failure (1.93%) Soft tissue disorders (3.44%)

I20-I25 M40-M54
Ischaemic heart diseases Dorsopathies (2.87%)



Top ten external causes of out-patients

ICD-10 Description Number

W00-W19 Falls causing of accidental injury 10,084
W20-W49 Exposure to inanimate mechanical forces 9,175
W50-W64 Exposure to animate mechanical forces 5,205
Y40-Y59 Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in 4,359
therapeutic use
V20-V29 Motorcycle rider injured in transport accident 4,070
X85-Y09 Assault 3,587
X58-X59 Accidental exposure to other and unspecified factors 3,208
Y83-Y84 Surgical and other medical procedures as the cause of abnormal reaction of 3,165
the patient, or later complication, without mention of misadventure at the time
Y70-Y82 of the procedure 2,825
Medical devices associated with adverse incidents in diagnostic and
X20-X29 therapeutic use 903
Contact with venomous animals and plants

Other Other Top ten external causes of out-patients 5608

W00-W19 W20-W49 W50-W64
Falls causing of Exposure to inanimate Exposure to animate
accidental injury (19.32%) mechanical forces (17.58%) mechanical forces (9.97%)

Other Y40-Y59
(10.75%) Drugs, medicaments
and biological substances
X20-X29 causing adverse effects in
Contact with venomous therapeutic use (8.35%)
animals and plants (1.73%)

Y70-Y82 X85-Y09 V20-V29
Medical devices associated with Assault (6.87%) Motorcycle rider injured in
adverse incidents in diagnostic and transport accident (7.80%)

therapeutic use (5.41%)

Y83-Y84 X58-X59
Surgical and other medical Accidental exposure to other
procedures as the cause of and unspecified factors (6.15%)
abnormal reaction of the patient,
or later complication, without
mention of misadventure at the
time of the procedure (6.06%)


Health problems of out-patients

ICD-10 Description Number

Z40-Z54 Persons encountering health services for specific procedures and health care 335,840 ####
301,657 ####
Z00-Z13 Persons encountering health services for examination and investigation 177,790 ####
Persons with potential health hazards related to family and personal history and 83,607 8.40
Z30-Z39 certain conditions influencing health status 69,836 7.01
Persons encountering health services in circumstances related to reproduction 25,762 2.59
Z20-Z29 Persons with potential health hazards related to communicable diseases 0.14

Z70-Z76 Persons encountering health services in other circumstances
Persons with potential health hazards related to socioeconomic and
psychosocial circumstances

all Health problems of out-patients 995,870 ####

Z40-Z54 Z00-Z13 Z80-Z99
Persons encountering health Persons encountering health Persons with potential health
services for specific procedures services for examination and hazards related to family and
personal history and certain
and health care (33.72%) investigation (30.29%)
conditions influencing
health status (17.85%)

Z55-Z65 Z70-Z76 Z30-Z39
Persons with potential health Persons encountering health Persons encountering health
hazards related to socioeconomic services in other circumstances services in circumstances
and psychosocial circumstances related to reproduction (8.40%)
(0.14%) Z20-Z29
Persons with potential health
hazards related to communicable

diseases (7.01%)



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