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Mathematics Year 4 DLP

தமிழ்மொழி கற்போம் வாரீர் !
பரமேஸ்வரி த/பெ பெரியசாமி

4 4.32 ÷ 10 =

Method 1 Method 2

0.432 4 . 3 2 ÷ 1 0 = 0.432
10 4 . 3 2 0
To divide by 10, shift the
–0 decimal point one place to
43 the left because the value
of the quotient decreases.
–4 0

– 30

– 20

4.32 ÷ 10 = 0.432

5 657.8 ÷ 100 = 6 2 749 ÷ 1 000 =

657.8÷100=6.578 2 749 ÷ 10 = 274.9
2 749 ÷ 100 = 27.49
Shift the decimal 2 749 ÷ 1 000 =
point two places to

the left.

657.8 ÷ 100 = 6.578 Look at the division
pattern above.
Complete it.

1 Divide. m b 3 kg ÷ 5 = kg c 60.42 ℓ ÷ 4 = ℓ
a 5.4 m ÷ 6 =
e 0.036 ÷ 9 = f 20.028 ÷ 3 =
d 87.5 ÷ 7 =

2 Quick division. b 8.4 ÷ 10 = c 653.2 ÷ 100 =
a 0.7 ÷ 10 =

d 45.3 ÷ 100 = e 9 ÷ 1 000 = f 873 ÷ 1 000 =
Saiz sebenar

Teancohteers’s • Guide pupils to place the decimal point at the correct decimal places when dividing 2.2.4
by 10, 100 and 1 000.
• Surf for enrichment activities.


1 State the percentage of the
chocolate doughnuts.
100 doughnuts were
sold. 35 pieces were 35 out of 100 is
chocolate doughnuts. 35 hundredths.

35 hundredths is

written as 35 .

35 in percentage is 35%.
100 = 35%

The percentage of the chocolate

doughnuts is 35%.

2 What is the percentage of the blue squares?

24 out of 100 squares are blue. 24 =

What is the percentage
of the white squares?

3 Write 7 in percentage. Cara 2
10 Method 2

CMaerath1od 1

7 = 7 × 100%
10 10

= 70%

7 = 7 × 10
10 10 × 10

= 70 7 = 70%
100 10

Saiz sebenar = 70%

94 Teancohteers’s • Use squared paper such as mathematics exercise book, grid paper, and graph 2.3.1
paper for the activity of converting fractions to percentages.

• Vary shading activities using MS Excel.

4 Convert 54 to percentage. Method 2
Method 1

4 = 4 20
5 5
× 100%


= 80%

4 4 × 20 = 80
5 5 × 20 100

= 80% MIND Do 51 and 12 0 represent
4 an equal value of
5 = 80% percentage? Show it.

5 State 63% in fraction of 6 Write 90% in the simplest fraction.
hundredths. 90% =

90% = 90


63% = 6 3

7 Write 40% in the
simplest fraction.

40% = 40 ÷ 20 Complete these.
100 ÷ 20
27 39
=2 Fraction 100 4 20
40% = 2 Percentage 19% 60% Saiz sebenar
Teancohteers’s • Surf to boost
pupils’ knowledge. 95

• Work in pairs. Pupil A writes a fraction and pupil B converts it to percentage.
Then, change roles.


1 What is the 2 Number of books read in a month.

percentage Name Number of books
of the red
Vicknesh 14
hats? Daren 11
Aimi 12
Sharon 13

Total 50

State the percentage of the books
read by Aimi.

3 out of 10 hats are red. Aimi read 12 out of 50 books.
The fraction of red hats is 3 . Percentage = 12

10 50

Percentage of red hats = 3 × 10 = 12 × 2
10 × 10 50 × 2

= 30 = 24
100 100

= 30% = 24%

The percentage of the red hats is 30% . The percentage of the books read
by Aimi is 24% .

50% of hats are grey. 35 out of 50 books are storybooks.
Discuss. Calculate the percentage.

3 What is the percentage of
8 vans out of 40 vehicles?

1 = 1 20 State the percentage of the
5 following objects.
8 × 100% × 100% a 8 red cubes out of 20 cubes.
51 b 17 pieces of 50 sen coins
out of 25 pieces of coins.
= 20%

The percentage of 8 vans
out of 40 vehicles is 20% .

Saiz sebenar

96 Teancohteers’s • Ask pupils to collect data from daily situations such as number of teachers 2.3.2
wearing spectacles and number of left-handed pupils. Then, find the

Week 1
1 Santesh, Swee Lan, and Rokiah collected 2 1
recycled materials. The table shows the Week 2 2
mass of their collection for three weeks.
What is the total mass of the collected materials? 4

Understand the problem Week 3 31
Week 1 2 1 kg
Plan the strategy
Week 2 4 kg ?

Week 3 3 1 kg 2 1 4 3 1
2 5

Calculate the total mass.

Solve Check

2 1 kg +4 kg + 3 1 kg = kg 7 –3 1
2 5 10
9 5 –4

2 1 + 4 + 3 1 = 9 7 – 3 1 × 2 –4
2 5 10 5 × 2

= 2 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 1
2 5
= 9 7 –3 2 –4
=9+ 1×5 + 1×2 10 10
2×5 5×2
=9+ 5 + 2 = 2 10 ÷ 5
10 10
=9 7 = 2 2


2 1 kg +4 kg + 3 1 kg = 97 kg
2 5

Teancohteers’s The total mass of the collected materials is 9 1 7 0 kg. Saiz sebenar

• Guide pupils to determine the operation to solve the problems by identifying 2.4.1
important information and keywords.
• Vary the questions such as ” What is the difference between the most and
the least mass?”.

2 The total number of members of the Science Club is 140. 3 of the
members are Year 4 pupils. Another 1 of the members are Year 5 pupils.
Calculate the difference between the number of Year 4 and Year 5 pupils.

Understand the problem Present the
information in a table.
Member Number/fraction

Total 140

Year 3 of 140 Plan the strategy
4 pupils 7
Year 1 of 140 7 × 140 =
5 pupils 2

Find the difference between the 1 × 140 =
number of Year 4 and Year 5 pupils.

Solve 20 Check
Year 4 pupils
Year 5 pupils 3 × 140 = 60 Year 4 pupils Year 5 pupils
difference 1 31

1 × 70 = 70 7 10 10 2

1 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

70 – 60 = 10 60 70

The difference in
number between Year 4 70 – 60 = 10
and Year 5 pupils

The difference between the number
of Year 4 and Year 5 pupils is 10.

Saiz sebenar How many members are not
Year 4 and Year 5 pupils?
98 Teancohteers’s 2.4.1
• In groups, ask pupils to solve the situations above if the total number of
members is 210.

3 Three balloon cars were built from Name of car Distance covered
waste materials. The table shows Einstein 2.15 m
the distance covered by each car. Pythagoras 1.15 m more
What is the difference in distance than Newton
covered by Pythagoras car and Newton 3.1 m
Einstein car?

Given Distance covered: Find Difference in
Newton 3.1 m distance covered
Pythagoras 1.15 m more by Pythagoras
than Newton car car and Einstein
Einstein 2.15 m car.

Draw a Newton 3.1 m

Pythagoras 3.1 m 1.15 m

Einstein 2.15 m difference

Operation Add and subtract

Solve 3.1 m + 1.15 m – 2.15 m = m

3. 1 0 4.2 5 Check 2. 10 4. 25
+ 1.15 – 2.1 5 + 2. 15 – 1 .1 5

4.25 2. 1 0 4. 25 3.1 0

3.1 m + 1.15 m – 2.15 m = 2.1 m

The difference in distance covered by Pythagoras car
and Einstein car is 2.1 m.

Calculate the difference in distance covered Saiz sebenar
by Newton car and Einstein car.
Teancohteers’s • Ask pupils to collect data on sports events such as the long jump in 2019 SEA Games.
Then, find the difference in distance between the farthest jump and the shortest jump. 99
Solve problems based on the data.

4 In conjuction with Sports Day, Green House needs
to prepare 8 pieces of flags of equal size.

The total length of cloth needed is 14.96 m.

What is the length of cloth for each flag?

Draw a 14.96 m

?m m
Solve 14.96 m ÷ 8 =
Check 65
1.8 7
8 1 4.9 6 1. 8 7

–8 ×8
1 4. 9 6
–6 4

– 56

14.96 m ÷ 8 = 1.87 m

The length of cloth for each flag is 1.87 m.

5 The Mathematics Club received a fund
collection of RM280. RM70 was used to buy
things for the mathematics garden. Calculate
the percentage of money spent.

Underline Solve
the important
information. 70 × 100% = Check
280 25% × 280 = 25 × 280

1 25 100
= 700
70 × 100% = 25%
1 70 × 100% = 25% = 70

Saiz sebenar The percentage of money spent was 25%.

Teancohteers’s • Train pupils to determine the percentages of their test marks or quizzes. 2.4.1


1 Complete the Time Recorded for Treasure Hunt Competition
table. Which
Team Challenge Challenge Total
team won? Ibnu Sina AB time

1 1 hours 2 1 hours


Ibnu Khaldun 1 2 hours 2 4 hours


2 Pauline gets RM6 for her pocket

money from her father every day.
She spends 2 of the money.

The balance is saved in

a money box.

a How much money does she spend
every day?
b Does her savings exceed RM8 after
5 days?

3 Gawing goes to school every day. Gambitʼs house
2.3 km 0.7 km
Gambit was absent on Thursday.
a Total up the distance they both 0.4 km
travelled in a day.
b Calculate the difference in 0.52 km
distance travelled by Gawing

and Gambit for that week. 2.2 km

4 Read the sentences below. Gawingʼs house

Kelvin gets 48 out of 60 marks in the Environmental Quiz.

Dina gets 24 out of 32 marks in the Road Safety Quiz.

Prem Singh gets 81 out of 90 marks in the Flora and Fauna Quiz.

Who has the highest percentage of marks? Saiz sebenar
Show the calculations.
Teancohteers’s • Provide various levels of problem solving questions regarding fractions, decimals,
and percentages. 101

• Ask pupils to solve the problems in groups to enhance their understanding.
Present the answers.


Complete the following cross-number puzzle.




penang bridge hutan rekreasi ikon


Etrain bukit bendera muzium perang

batu feringgi beach lapangan terbang

J teluk bahang pusat rekreasi

ACROSS B 2 143 ÷ 1 000 =
A 2.48 + 36.7 = D 100 × 5.074 =
C 463.4 + 176.803 = J + 0.76 = 18.254
E 9.03 + 12.4 + 63.009 =

DOWN D 80 – 25.69 =
A 31.8 ÷ 10 = G 10 × 31.62 =
I 94.32 – = 53.05
F 26.7 – 8.093 =

H 94.32 + 103.4 + 32.299 =

Saiz sebenar

102 Teancohteers’s • In pairs, ask pupils to complete the cross-number puzzle. 2.2
• Instil cooperation and meticulousness when performing calculation.


1 Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers.

a 12 b 14 c 29 d 15 e 20 f 35
5 9 7 4 3 8

2 Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions.

a 1 2 b 3 4 c 5 3 d 6 3 e 10 1 f 55 1
7 9 8 10 3 2

3 Calculate.

a 4+ 1= b 3+ 5=
99 46

c 1 1 + 1 = d 4+ 3 +11 =
3 4 5

e 3 4 + 1 2 + 5 = f 2 1 + = 4 5
7 3 7 6 6

4 Solve these.

a 7– 3= b 4– 5 =
88 7

c 34 – 22 = d 5 2 – 3– 1 =

e 65 – 31 –11 = f 37 – =4
6 23 9

5 What is the value of ?

a 21 + =3 3 b –4 1 =2 3

5 5 84

6 Calculate.

a 82 + 1 – 5= b 43 – 6 +1=
3 7
3 7

c 3 – 2 1 +1 3 = d 61 –2+ 1 =
10 5 2

7 Calculate. b 8 of 81 kg c 1 3 of 96 ℓSaiz sebenar
a 7 of 50 m 9 4

Teancohteers’s • Ask pupils to solve the questions using various calculations. 2.1
• Ask pupils to check their answers in pairs.

8 Complete these. b 0.8 + 24.93 + 167.253 =
a 2.5 + 6.09 = d 42.6 + = 71.4

c 50 + 6.008 + 90.32 =

9 Given K = 4.2, L = 10.83 and M = 6.278. Find:
a L – K b M – K c L – M – K d M – = K

10 Find the product. b 7 × 99.6 = c 9 × 14.362 =
a 8 × 1.07 = e 100 × 1.942 = f 1 000 × 52.73 =
d 10 × 63.08 =

11 Solve these. b 930.78 ÷ 9 = c 15.28 ÷ 10 =
a 41.6 ÷ 8 = e 603 ÷ 1 000 =

d 342 ÷ 100 =

12 Convert fractions to percentages or vice versa.

a4 b 19 c 18 d 7% e 68% f 93%
5 20 25

13 Determine the following percentages.

a 53 out of 100 b 15 out of 50 c 24 out of 80

14 Solve the problems.
a Hamimah used 5 ℓ of mineral water, 3 ℓ of syrup, and
10 ℓ of roselle extract to make roselle juice. Does the total volume

exceed 6ℓ?

b Fong’s father has a rope of 10 m long. He used 2.85 m to tie books
and 3.12 m to tie used goods.

i What is the length of rope left?

ii Calculate the difference between the length of rope used to tie

the books and the used goods.
Saiz sebenar

104 Teancohteers’s • Ask pupils to solve problems in small groups. 2.2-2.4
• Ask pupils to present their calculations.



Wow! This is great, father!
Let’s go to Disneyland!

APdCauhcltikl:daR:gMRe MA75804060 AdPCuahlctik:ldaR:gMRe MB7 5281080

We’ll choose package A. That’s right, 7 days 6 nights 6 days 5 nights
The cost for an adult is Rani. Tohoku (Maple Leaf)/ Kyushu Discovery Tour
Niko/Tokyo (Disneyland)
RM7 800 and it is Our dream
RM5 460 for a child. holiday will
We must plan our come true.

budget earlier.

1 What is the total cost of package A for two adults and a child?

RM7 800 + RM7 800 + RM5 460 =


RM 7 8 0 0
RM 7 8 0 0
+ RM 5 4 6 0

RM 2 1 0 6 0

RM7 800 + RM7 800 + RM5 460 = RM21 060
The total cost of package A for two adults and a child is RM21 060.

Their neighbours, Encik Isa Saiz sebenar
and Puan Azila went for
a holiday in Kyushu. 3.1.1
How much did they pay?
TEANCOHTEERS’S • Ask pupils to share their holiday experiences in the country or abroad.
• For the activities of addition of values of money, ask pupils to gather information

on the cost of tour packages from brochures or the Internet.
• Emphasise that the RM symbol must be written in their answers.

2 The table shows the amount of money in the accounts of
Watson’s parents.

Account Watson's Mother Watson's Father
Salary RM4 857 RM6 932.86
Savings RM48 900
Trust Fund RM23 156.75 RM10 973.42

a How much money does Watson’s mother have?

RM23 156.75 + RM4 857 =

1 11 Write 0 to
complete the
RM 2 3 1 5 6 . 7 5
+ RM 4 8 5 7 . 0 0 sen value.

RM 2 8 0 1 3 . 7 5

RM23 156.75 + RM4 857 = RM28 013.75
Watson’s mother has RM28 013.75 altogether.

b Total up the money of Watson’s father.
RM6 932.86 + RM48 900 + RM10 973.42 =

Estimate the answer to the nearest thousand ringgit. Calculate the

RM6 932.86 RM7 000 12 1 1 actual answer.
RM48 900 RM49 000
RM10 973.42 RM11 000 RM 6 9 3 2 . 8 6

1 RM 4 8 9 0 0 . 0 0

RM 7 0 0 0 + RM 1 0 9 7 3 . 4 2

RM 6 6 8 0 6 . 2 8

RM 4 9 0 0 0 RM66 806.28 is nearer
+ RM 1 1 0 0 0 to RM67 000.

RM 6 7 0 0 0 The answer is reasonable.

RM6 932.86 + RM48 900 + RM10 973.42 = RM66 806.28

Watson’s father has RM66 806.28 altogether.
Saiz sebenar

106 TEANCOHTEERS’S • Stress on how to make estimations. 3.1.1
• Instil moral values on savings, being thrifty, and managing money wisely.

3 RM23 486.50 + = RM67 392.80

Relate addition 6 13 8 12
to subtraction.
RM 6 7 3 9 2 . 8 0
4 + 5 = 9 – RM 2 3 4 8 6 . 5 0
5 = 9 – 4
RM 4 3 9 0 6 . 3 0

RM23 486.50 + RM43 906.30 = RM67 392.80

MIND A trip to which three countries will cost a total of RM16 870?



RM11 090 RM11 890 RM2 390 RM2 590

1 Add.
a RM2 017 + RM14 842 =
b RM37 229 + RM42 143.35 =
c RM4 861.60 + RM52 364.50 + RM8 625 =
d = RM9 699 + RM37 540.05 + RM15 000.85

2 Solve these.
a RM36 405.20 + = RM75 918.90
b + RM636.50 + RM36 104.35 = RM98 700

3 a Total up RM5 384, RM37 109.60 and RM864.70.

b How much more needs to be added to RM27 236.20 and RM4 083.75
to become RM49 870?

TEANCOHTEERS’S • Discuss rounding off ringgit and sen values to the nearest ringgit from transactions Saiz sebenar
in daily situations such as from bills and receipts.
• Use play money, number lines, and mental calculations to carry out addition of 3.1.1

values of money. 107
• Remind pupils that adding values of money involving unknowns is the same

as adding numbers involving unknowns.

SE Auto
1 How much less is the price RM56 600
of Perodua Alza compared
to Perodua Aruz? Perodua Aruz 1.5
SE Auto
RM77 200 – RM56 600 = RM77 200

6 12 Perodua Bezza 1.3
RM41 890
RM 7 7 2 0 0
– RM 5 6 6 0 0 What is the difference
in price between
RM 2 0 6 0 0
Perodua Bezza and
RM77 200 – RM56 600 = RM20 600 Perodua Alza?
The price of Perodua Alza is RM20 600
less than the price of Perodua Aruz.

2 Allocation for charity
RM85 000

Contribution Restoration Financial aid for
to school of orphanage underprivileged pupils
RM35 500 RM30 287.95

How much financial aid is given to underprivileged pupils?

RM85 000 – RM35 500 – RM30 287.95 =

14 4 9 9 10 0
7 4 10
RM 4 9 5 0 0 . 0 0
RM 8 5 0 0 0 – RM 3 0 2 8 7 . 9 5
– RM 3 5 5 0 0
RM 1 9 2 1 2 . 0 5
RM 4 9 5 0 0

RM85 000 – RM35 500 – RM30 287.95 = RM19 212.05

RM19 212.05 is given to underprivileged pupils.

Saiz sebenar • Emphasise that RM1 is equal to 100 sen when regrouped to sen. Remind pupils
to put the RM symbol in the answer.
108 TEANCOHTEERS’S • Use daily situations such as expenses, donations, and zakat to carry out 3.1.2

subtraction up to three values of money.
• Instil patriotism using examples of local products.

3 RM68 476 – = RM23 936.30 A simple example.
8 – 3 = 5
RM68 476 – RM23 936.30 = 8 – 5 = 3

7 14 6 5 100

RM 6 8 4 7 6 . 0 0
– RM 2 3 9 3 6 . 3 0

RM 4 4 5 3 9 . 7 0

RM68 476 – RM44 539.70 = RM23 936.30

TEASERMIND RM49 273 – RM5 881.60 = – RM20 478.19
What is the value represented by ?

1 Subtract.
a RM64 820 – RM3 715 =
b RM94 786.75 – RM51 236.25 =
c RM65 189 – RM13 687.25 =
d RM76 200.65 – RM5 100 – RM23 003.20 =
e = RM98 000 – RM574.85 – RM24 395.75
f RM58 835.80 – = RM12 758.95

2 a Calculate the difference between RM17 492.05 and RM24 875.

b What is the number that should subtract RM12 287 in order to get
RM20 000?

3 Solve these. Then, M RM70 000 – RM6 231.85 =

arrange the answers T RM50 000 – RM15 000 – RM25 000 =
in descending order.
Write the letters A RM86 325.75 – RM49 631.20 – RM7 400 =

according to the R RM58 506.10 – RM37 429 =

answer sequence. S – RM3 348 – RM74 829.15 = RM306.60

What is the word formed? Saiz sebenar

TEANCOHTEERS’S • Carry out pairwork activities where pupils construct questions on subtraction 3.1.2
up to two to three values of money to be solved by their partners.



account balance account balance money invested BUY MALAYSIA PRODUCTS
RM45 180 RM23 596.30 in batik trading MADE IN MALAYSIA

What is the balance of Puan Badariah’s money after the investment
in batik trading?

RM45 180 + RM23 596.30 – RM60 849.70 =

1 15
7 17 6 5 13
RM 4 5 1 8 0 . 0 0
+ RM 2 3 5 9 6 . 3 0 RM 6 8 7 7 6 . 3 0

– RM 6 0 8 4 9 . 7 0

RM 6 8 7 7 6 . 3 0 RM 7 9 2 6 . 6 0

RM45 180 + RM23 596.30 – RM60 849.70 = RM7 926.60
The balance of Puan Badariah’s money is RM7 926.60.

2 RM66 258 – RM907.45 + RM8 138.20 =

5 12 7 100 1

RM 6 6 2 5 8 . 0 0 RM 6 5 3 5 0 . 5 5
– RM 9 0 7 . 4 5 + RM 8 1 3 8 . 2 0

RM 6 5 3 5 0 . 5 5 RM 7 3 4 8 8 . 7 5

RM66 258 – RM907.45 + RM8 138.20 = RM73 488.75

Saiz sebenar Calculate RM8 138.20 – RM907.45 + RM66 258.
Are the answers the same?
• Emphasise that the operations must be solved one by one by working from
left to right to avoid mistakes.

3 RM24 332.60 + RM36 780.90 – = RM18 570.45
Method 1

I use numbers with small value 10 10
to write a number sentence to be solved. 5 0 0 11 4 10

6 + 4 – 8 = 2 11 1 1 RM 6 1 1 1 3 . 5 0
10 – 8 = 2 – RM 1 8 5 7 0 . 4 5
10 – 2 = 8 RM 2 4 3 3 2 . 6 0
+ RM 3 6 7 8 0 . 9 0 RM 4 2 5 4 3 . 0 5

RM 6 1 1 1 3 . 5 0 Step 2

Method 2 Step 1

RM24 332.60 + RM36 780.90 – RM42 543.05 = RM18 570.45TEASER

MIND Arrange all the following cards to form a correct
number sentence.
RM4 865 RM7 000 + – RM2 312 RM9 553 =

1 Calculate.
a RM6 257 + RM4 631 – RM3 812 =
b RM75 930 – RM48 210.63 + RM26 970 =
c RM23 456.95 + RM73 410 – RM30 000.65 =
d = RM71 700 – RM8 346.10 + RM2 294.18
e RM65 598.20 + RM14 890 – = RM36 432.90

2 Solve these.

a Deduct RM2 378 from the sum of RM16 289 and RM7 015.

b How much needs to be deducted from RM42 198.50 and RM8 633

to become RM27 714.50? Saiz sebenar

TEANCOHTEERS’S • In pairs, ask pupils to prepare questions and share with other pairs. Surf https://thinking 3.2.1 111 to carry out ”give one, get one” activity.

• Carry out activities on subtraction of values of money using MS Excel software
to encourage the use of ICT.


1 Each of us receives a financial aid of RM2 800.

a What is the total amount of financial aid received by the 5 pupils above?

5 × RM2 800 = Method 2 Find the combination,
RM2 800 multiply, and then add
Method 1 the products together.

4 RM2 000 RM800

RM 2 8 0 0 5 × RM2 000 = RM10 000
× 5 5 × RM800 = RM4 000
RM 1 4 0 0 0

RM10 000 + RM4 000 = RM14 000

5 × RM2 800 = RM14 000
The total amount of financial aid is RM14 000.

b 34 pupils receive the same amount of financial aid as above.
Calculate the total amount of financial aid.

34 × RM2 800 =

Method 1 2 Method 2 2 8 0 0×
RM 2 8 0 0 0 12 0 0
64 0 03
× 3 4 0

1 1 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 04
+ 8 4 0 0 0 8 2 0

RM 9 5 2 0 0 5200

34 × RM2 800 = RM95 200

34 × RM2 800 = RM95 200

Saiz sebenarThe total amount of financial aid is RM95 200.

112 TEANCOHTEERS’S • Carry out simulation activities to enhance pupils’ understanding in multiplying 3.1.3
values of money involving one digit and two digits.

• Use various methods of calculation such as partitioning and repeated addition.

• Remind pupils that multiplication of values of money is the same as addition of numbers.

2 What is the total cost for 10 exercise bikes?
Sihat Exercise
Equipment 10 × RM5 095.30 =
Method 1
Exercise bike
RM5 095.30 RM 5 0 9 5 . 3 0
× 1 0
RM 5 0 9 5 3 . 0 0
Shift the point one
Method 2 place to the right
10 × RM5 095.30 = RM50 953 if multiplied by 10.

10 × RM5 095.30 = RM50 953
The total cost for 10 exercise bikes is RM50 953.

3 19 × RM864.70 = Method 2

Method 1 19 = 20 – 1 20 × RM864.70 =
1 × RM864.70 =
11 13
RM 8 6 4 . 7 0 6 12 8 3 100
× 1 9 RM 8 6 4 . 7 0
× 2 0 RM 1 7 2 9 4 . 0 0
1 1 1
– RM 8 6 4 . 7 0
7 7 8 2 3 0
+ 8 6 4 7 0 0 RM 1 7 2 9 4 . 0 0 RM 1 6 4 2 9 . 3 0

RM 1 6 4 2 9 . 3 0

19 × RM864.70 = RM16 429.30

1 Calculate. b 10 × RM6 578.60 =
a 10 × RM433 = d 9 × RM3 192.85 =
c 2 × RM14 243 = f 65 × RM437.20 =
e 18 × RM967.15 =

2 Calculate the cost of 23 drones. Drone RM2 900 Saiz sebenar

TEANCOHTEERS’S • Surf for online merchandise and carry out activities on multiplication of values 3.1.3
of money.
• Provide questions on multiplication of values of money involving unknowns

and guide pupils to solve them. For example, 8 × RM = RM5 200.

DIVISION OF MONEY NoO.7W55F54a,5FwJ0TaIaelACsal.yan:Ien0AZr6BaK-Limce5yr0rocRu0lhde2,E,1S6MTCu4aepmElapakIlieanPr.RTia,

1 Based on the receipt, what is the P RRaienycgmegievitenMdt faofrlrao ym s i a : : : 8 HNJauuinynneaidttserBeeoidcnfyeaTclnhleedocCutNrlsiucianbDbneidatcytyOeTc:nwl7ee.os4 .2019
cost of an electric bicycle?

RM19 192 ÷ 8 =

RM 2 3 9 9
8 RM 1 9 1 9 2
– 1 6

3 1 RM19 192 …………..………
– 2 4 Cash/Cheque no.: BP 56987 Manager
7 9

– 7 2

7 2 RM19 192 ÷ 8 = RM2 399
– 7 2

0 The cost of an electric bicycle is RM2 399.

2 RM10 907.50 ÷ 10 = TIPS
RM10 907.50 ÷ 10 = RM1 090.75
RM10 907.50 ÷ 10 = RM1 090.75 Shift the point one
place to the left if
divided by 10.

3 RM38 000 ÷ 40 = 4 RM29 063 ÷ 5 =

RM 9 5 0 RM 5 8 1 2 . 6 0
40 RM 3 8 0 0 0
5 RM 2 9 0 6 3 . 0 0
– 3 6 0
2 0 0 – 2 5
– 2 0 0
0 0 4 0
– 0
0 – 4 0

RM38 000 ÷ 40 = RM950 0 6

Calculate mentally – 5
RM38 000 ÷ 20.
1 3

– 1 0

3 0

– 3 0

0 0

– 0


Saiz sebenar RM29 063 ÷ 5 = RM5 812.60

114 TEANCOHTEERS’S • Use various situations such as donations, financial aid, and purchases of goods 3.1.4
to solve division number sentences.

5 RM70 213 ÷ 52 = Construct Calculate the
Estimate the answer actual answer

RM70 213 RM70 000 52 times table. RM 1 3 5 0 . 2 5
52 50
5 2 52 52 RM 7 0 2 1 3 . 0 0
RM 1 4 0 0 5 02 52
5 RM 7 0 0 0 10 04 104 – 5 2
– 5 15 06 156
2 0 20 08 208 1 8 2
– 2 0 25 10 260
0 0 30 12 312 – 1 5 6
– 0 35 14 364
0 0 40 16 416 2 6 1
– 0 45 18 468
0 – 2 6 0

1 3

– 0

1 3 0

– 1 0 4

2 6 0

– 2 6 0

RM1 350.25 is nearer to RM1 400. 0

The answer is reasonable.

RM70 213 ÷ 52 = RM1 350.25

1 Divide. b RM84 235 ÷ 10 =
a RM13 926.50 ÷ 10 = d RM34 572 ÷ 8 =
c RM8 464 ÷ 4 = f RM95 736 ÷ 80 =
e RM84 332.15 ÷ 7 = h RM89 328.75 ÷ 75 =
g RM17 216.40 ÷ 12 =

2 What is the price of an 3 How much is
archery set? the monthly
Price of 40 sets
RM33 200 The total
instalment for 12
months is RM7 020 Saiz sebenar

TEANCOHTEERS’S • Pupils solve operations of division in groups and move around to check the 3.1.4
calculations and answers of other groups.
• Provide questions on division of values of money involving unknowns and guide
pupils to solve them. For example, RM ÷ 6 = RM2 050.


1 A school orders 9 sets of science

kits. Payment will be made twice.

1 set RM 3 5 1 0
2 RM 7 0 2 0
What is the amount of each
payment? – 6

9 × RM780 ÷ 2 = 1 0

7 – 1 0

RM 7 8 0 0 2
× 9
– 2
RM 7 0 2 0
0 0
9 × RM780 ÷ 2 = RM3 510
The amount of each payment – 0
is RM3 510.

2 60 tablets cost RM54 000. What
is the cost of 15 similar tablets?

RM54 000 ÷ 60 × 15 =

RM54 000
60 × 15 = RM13 500


RM54 000 ÷ 60 × 15 = RM13 500

Saiz sebeTnhaer cost of 15 similar tablets is RM13 500.

116 TEANCOHTEERS’S • Use other calculation strategies like estimation and partition to multiply and 3.2.2
divide values of money.

3 35 × RM2 094.75 ÷ 7 = RM 1 0 4 7 3 . 7 5

212 1 7 RM 7 3 3 1 6 . 2 5
423 2
– 7
RM 2 0 9 4 . 7 5
× 3 5 0 3

1 1 1 – 0

1 0 4 7 3 7 5 3 3
+ 6 2 8 4 2 5 0
– 2 8
RM 7 3 3 1 6 . 2 5
5 1
Try other methods
to multiply. – 4 9

35 × RM2 094.75 ÷ 7 = RM10 473.75 26

– 2 1

5 2

– 4 9

3 5

– 3 5


4 The following shows calculations by two pupils to solve RM20 000
divided by 5 multiplied by 8.

4 000
RM20 000
5 × 8 = RM4 000 × 8
RM20 000 ÷ 5 × 8
1 = RM20 000 ÷ 40
= RM500
RM 4 0 0 0
× 8 Paul Lucy

RM 3 2 0 0 0

Who calculated correctly? Why?

Calculate. b RM7 000 ÷ 4 × 5 = Saiz sebenar
a 9 × RM4 000 ÷ 2 = d 36 × RM234.85 ÷ 4 =
c RM13 889.70 ÷ 11 × 2 = f RM33 300 ÷ 48 × 9 = 3.2.2
e RM9 506 ÷ 10 × 80 =
TEANCOHTEERS’S • Discuss the common mistakes made by pupils in multiplication and division
of values of money as shown in example 4 to reinforce pupils’ understanding.



Such a beautiful RM135 Zali, you need to be
chess set. I wish thrifty. Save more
to buy it one day. and spend less.

b Daily budget - Week 1 of July

Day Money received Savings Expense

Monday Pocket money RM4.00 RM3.80 Nasi lemak RM1.20

From mother RM2.00 Exercise book RM1.00

Tuesday Pocket money RM4.00 RM2.80 Roti canai RM1.20 I prepare a
daily, weekly,
Wednesday Pocket money RM4.00 RM2.50 Sandwich RM1.50 and monthly
Thursday Pocket money RM4.00 RM3.50 Noodle soup RM3.00
From brother RM4.00 Stationery RM1.50 from July to
Friday Pocket money RM4.00 RM1.50 Curry puff October.

Total per week Donation RM1.70
RM26.00 RM14.10 RM11.90

Saiz sebenar

118 Teancohteers’s • Explain the importance and benefits of making a budget to manage money 3.3.1
systematically in order to achieve a target. Encourage habits of saving money 3.3.2
and utilising free time to earn extra money such as by washing cars.

Weekly Budget - July

Week Money Savings Expense

First RM26.00 RM14.10 RM11.90
Second RM20.00 RM10.00 RM10.00
Third RM25.00 RM14.50 RM10.50
Fourth RM22.00 RM12.00 RM10.00

Total RM93.00 RM50.60 RM42.40

d Monthly Savings Table I have collected Good job,
enough money to Zali!
Month Savings Notes buy a chess set.

July RM50.60
August RM40.50
September RM41.85
October RM47.00
Total RM179.95

Set a target. Record your savings and expenses Saiz sebenar
to achieve the target.

Teancohteers’s • Guide pupils to record their daily income and expenses in their pocket money 3.3.1 119
book and keep a weekly and monthly financial record. 3.3.2

• Provide tasks to train pupils in preparing weekly and monthly budget in groups.
Ask them to present their work and discuss.

2 Importance of Save money
keeping records for the future
Avoid debt of savings and


Control Prioritise
excessive needs

3 I save my pocket
How do you save

to Save

Saiz sebenar

120 Teancohteers’s • Carry out an in-depth discussion on the importance of keeping records of savings 3.3.3
and expenses, and ways to save money.

• Surf


Nabila wishes to buy Kamus Dewan. Help Nabila to
plan a budget using MS Excel so that she can buy
the dictionary.

Tools/ Question cards (Nabila’s savings and RM29.90
Materials expenses) and MS Excel software.
Scan the following
Date Money received Expense QR Code to learn
the steps of
06.06.2020 Duit raya RM25.00 preparing a budget
in MS Excel.
10.06.2020 Pocket money RM6.00 Nasi lemak RM1.50

13.06.2020 Pocket money RM6.00 Roti canai RM1.20

17.06.2020 Pocket money RM6.00 Curry mee RM1.50

28.06.2020 Pocket money RM6.00 Bread and milk RM2.00

29.06.2020 Pocket money RM6.00 Roti jala RM2.00


Karl’s Budget

1 Karl wants to buy Money received Expense
a pencil case which
costs RM12. Pocket money RM5.00 Curry puff and cake RM2.00

a Is Karl’s total Pocket money RM5.00 Nasi lemak RM2.00
expenses equal
to his total income? Drawing paper RM1.00

b Does Karl have Pocket money RM5.00 Tose RM2.00
enough money to
buy the pencil case? From brother RM10.00 Stationery RM5.00

Pocket money RM5.00 Roti canai RM2.00

Pocket money RM5.00 Steamed bun RM2.00

Earned from RM15.00 Toy RM5.00

washing cars


2 State two importance of keeping records of savings and expenses.

3 List ways to save money.

Saiz sebenar

Teancohteers’s • Guide pupils to identify and keeping records of savings and expenses using 3.3.1 121
MS Excel in the Fun Exploration activity. 3.3.2
• Instil values of being thrifty and spending money wisely.


1a Zura’s Wishes for August I want to do high jump
training. This branded
Needs Wants pair of sports shoes will
be comfortable and
Rice Biryani rice

School shoes Branded sports shoes

Zura’s priority is to buy
a branded pair of sports shoes.

I am estimating the price of a branded pair
of sports shoes to be RM120. I have
RM60 as savings. I must try to save
money before August.


Price of Cash in Money The amount Duration Ways to earn
sports hand needed needed to to extra money
be saved achieve

RM120 RM60 RM60 RM30 1. Selling kuih

2 months 2. Washing cars
3. Selling used items

c Money earned Spent Balance
Date Cash in hand RM60.00 None RM0.00 RM68.00
19.05 RM53.00
26.05 Selling kuih RM8.00 None RM0.00 RM93.00
02.06 RM138.00
16.06 None RM0.00 Stationery RM15.00
Washing cars RM40.00 None RM0.00

Selling used items RM50.00 Donation RM5.00

Will Zura manage to buy the branded sports shoes?
Saiz sebenar

122 Teancohteers’s • Each group of pupils is given different situations to discuss. Pupils then make 3.4.1
financial decisions and justify the decisions made. 3.4.2

2 The jamboree fee is RM90. Lee needs to earn extra money to join

I only have RM60 in my the Scouts Jamboree in September. The
money box.
following is his financial record for August.

10.08 Received from uncle RM5
20.08 Bought notebook RM6
22.08 Sold National Day
bookmarks RM17
23.08 Donated to jogathon RM3
25.08 Sold old newspapers RM8
31.08 Cash money from lucky draw

Lee’s Financial Record

Date Money earned Spent Balance
10.08 Savings RM60.00 None RM0.00 RM60.00
Received from uncle RM5.00 None RM0.00
None RM0.00 Bought RM6.00

Sold bookmarks RM17.00 None RM0.00

23.08 None RM0.00 Donated to RM3.00
RM8.00 jogathon RM0.00
25.08 Sold old
31.08 newspapers None

Lucky draw RM20.00 None RM0.00

Complete Lee’s financial record. Does he
have enough money to join the jamboree?

1 List ways to earn extra money.

2 Write down your needs and wants. Decide on your priority. Saiz sebenar
Prepare a financial record to achieve your priority.

Teancohteers’s • Discuss the effects of making financial decisions on oneself and family. 3.4.1
3.4.3 123


France United States of

Euro Dollar

Japan Russia


Yen Ruble
Saudi Arabia


Riyal Australia Renminbi

Bangladesh SPECIMEN South Korea


Great Britain


Saiz sebenar Pound Sterling

124 Teancohteers’s • Show samples of foreign currencies using the website https://www.pinterest. 3.5.1

• Carry out an activity to make scrapbooks on foreign currencies using the website

Let’s look at foreign Foreign Currency Exchange Rate
currency values compared Compared to RM1
to one ringgit. The values
vary according to current Country Currency Exchange rate

exchange rates. United States of Dollar 0.238

Canada Dollar 0.317

France Euro 0.219

SPECIMEN Russia Ruble 15.539
South Korea Won 286.51

Saudi Arabia Riyal 0.895

Great Britain Pound Sterling 0.194
China Renminbi 1.705
Japan Yen 25.823
Bangladesh Taka 20.148
India Rupee 16.963

Australia Dollar 0.356

Source: retrieved on 1.10.2019




State three countries that use dollar.

1 What is the currency of each country below?

a United States of America b Great Britain

c South Korea d Bangladesh

2 State the currency and value compared to RM1 for the countries below.

a China b Russia c Japan d AusStaraizliasebenar

Teancohteers’s • Discuss the importance of foreign currency exchange and their uses in daily life. 3.5.1 125
For example, in tourism and in business. 3.5.2

• Discuss factors of changes in currency rate for additional knowledge.


SPECIMEN cash Direct payment
using notes
and coins.

debit card Payment through
savings account

using card.

Payment Spend first and pay
instruments later to the bank and
card issuer such as
credit card Please enter your
supermarkets. pin number, sir.

Thank you.

Internet Payment of
banking transactions and
services through
an online account
using the Internet.

Discuss other payment instruments.

Saiz sebenar

126 Teancohteers’s • Ask pupils to share experiences of using the latest payment instruments. 3.6.1
For example, e-wallet and QRpay. 3.6.2

• Provide several situations and ask pupils to state the suitable payment

prepaid Payment is made
card using existing cash

balance using
top-up service.

e-wallet Cashless payment
using applications in
BANK MAJU an electronic device.

cheque Written order to a
bank to pay the
stated amount of


postal order Represents cash to
be sent to a specified
payee issued by the

post office.

Name the payment instrument for the following transactions.

a fill up petrol b buy fish at c pay d buy furniture
Saiz sebenar
tank the wholesale telephone

market bill

Teancohteers’s • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of a payment instrument. 3.6.1

1 The table shows the prices of A equipment
computer equipment supplied B RM12 425.20
by a wholesaler to three C RM19 899
computer shops. Calculate
the total price of the computer RM28 170
equipment supplied.

Understand the problem Price of computer equipment:
Plan the strategy RM12 425.20, RM19 899, RM28 170
Find the total price.


RM12 425.20 RM19 899 RM28 170

RM12 425.20 + RM19 899 + RM28 170 =


21 11

RM 1 2 4 2 5 . 2 0
RM 1 9 8 9 9 . 0 0
+ RM 2 8 1 7 0 . 0 0
RM 6 0 4 9 4 . 2 0

Check 11 1211
2 1 2 1 14
5 10
RM 3 2 3 2 4 . 2 0
RM 6 0 4 9 4 . 2 0
– RM 2 8 1 7 0 . 0 0 – RM 1 9 8 9 9 . 0 0

RM 3 2 3 2 4 . 2 0 RM 1 2 4 2 5 . 2 0

RM12 425.20 + RM19 899 + RM28 170 = RM60 494.20
The total price of the computer equipment supplied is RM60 494.20.

Calculate the difference in the price of computer
Saiz sebenar equipment between shop A and shop C.

128 Teancohteers’s • Guide pupils to understand the questions by identifying keywords. For example, 3.7.1
total involves addition operation.

2 In July, Anding pays his son’s tuition fees of RM27 000 using his savings
of RM85 600.40. In August, he deposits a cheque worth RM33 565 into
his account. What is his current balance?

Understand the problem Present the information in a table.

Particular Cash in Cash out Balance
Savings RM85 600.40 RM27 000
Tuition fees
Cheque RM33 565

Plan the strategy
RM85 600.40 – RM27 000 + RM33 565 =

Solve 11

7 15 RM 5 8 6 0 0 . 4 0

RM 8 5 6 0 0 . 4 0 + RM 3 3 5 6 5 . 0 0
– RM 2 7 0 0 0 . 0 0
RM 9 2 1 6 5 . 4 0
RM 5 8 6 0 0 . 4 0

Check 1

11 RM 5 8 6 0 0 . 4 0
8 1 11
+ RM 2 7 0 0 0 . 0 0
RM 9 2 1 6 5 . 4 0
– RM 3 3 5 6 5 . 0 0 RM 8 5 6 0 0 . 4 0

RM 5 8 6 0 0 . 4 0

RM85 600.40 – RM27 000 + RM33 565 = RM92 165.40

The current balance is RM92 165.40. Saiz sebenar

Teancohteers’s • Use various daily life situations involving cash in and cash out such as account 3.7.1
statement and financial records for problem solving activities.

3 The cost of installing a closed-circuit camera
in a shophouse is RM2 750. What is the cost of
installing similar cameras in 8 shophouses?

write down information
The cost of installing a camera in a shophouse is RM2 750.
Find the cost of installing cameras in 8 shophouses.

2 750 2 750 2 750 2 750 2 750 2 750 2 750 2 750


Solve 8 × RM2 750 = Check

64 2 750

RM 2 7 5 0 RM22 000 = RM2 750
× 8 8

RM 2 2 0 0 0 1

8 × RM2 750 = RM22 000

The cost of installing cameras in 8 shophouses is RM22 000.

4 A company allocates RM3 500 a month for charity. The total sum per
year is donated equally to 7 welfare homes. Calculate the amount
received by one welfare home.

12 × RM3 500 ÷ 7 =

Solve 1 6 000

RM 3 5 0 0 RM42 000 = RM6 000
× 12
1 7 0 00 1

+ 35 000 Show another
method to solve it.
RM 4 2 0 0 0

12 × RM3 500 ÷ 7 = RM6 000

The amount received by one welfare home is RM6 000.

Saiz sebenar

130 Teancohteers’s • Form two groups, A and B. Each group solves a question. Pupils guide 3.7.1
peers from another group through the Rally Coach activity.

5 The cost to renovate Encik Ming Ho’s house is RM75 000. Underline

He pays in 5 equal instalments in April, May, June, July, the important
and August.

a How much payment is made until June?
b What is the balance of payment to be paid after June?

This diagram represents RM75 000
the problem.
June July August
April May

payment from April balance of payment
until June after June


a RM75 000 ÷ 5 × 3 = 1

15 000 RM 1 5 0 0 0

RM75 000 = RM15 000 × 3
RM 4 5 0 0 0

RM75 000 ÷ 5 × 3 = RM45 000

The payment made until June is RM45 000.

b Total payment

RM75 000 ?
RM45 000

payment from balance of payment
April until June after June

Balance of payment = RM75 000 – RM45 000
= RM30 000

Teancohteers’s The balance of payment after June is RM30 000. Saiz sebenar

• Guide pupils to understand the problem, identify keywords, and write number 3.7.1
sentences to represent the problem to be solved, and finally check the answers.

1 A charity donation of RM85 475.80 is distributed to 3 welfare homes.
Fikrah Orphanage and Cahaya Orphanage receive RM25 630
and RM19 570.50 respectively. The balance is received by the
home for the elderly.

a How much money does Fikrah Orphanage and Cahaya
Orphanage receive altogether?

b Calculate the sum of money given to the home for the elderly.

2 Zaidi’s father had RM34 807.12 in his bank account. A year later, he
withdrew RM20 000 to run his durian and mango farms. After a
period of time, he banked in RM13 047.80 obtained from his farm’s
produce. Calculate his remaining account balance.

3 The picture shows the price of a motorcycle.
Mahsuri Jaya Transport Company buys
9 motorcycles for its business. What is the
total price of 9 motorcycles?

RM6 506.98

4 Twenty years ago, Langkanau’s mother bought a gold necklace at the
price of RM2 125. Its price now is 5 times the original price. Calculate

the current price of the gold necklace.

5 Puan Kumari has an annual pay of RM85 675.80. Calculate her
monthly pay.

6 Syarikat Bintang Emas allocated RM87 750 for Tuition Harapan
programme. The money is distributed equally to 13 secondary

schools. How much money is received by 3 schools?

7 The total amount of rental collection for several 3.7.1
homestays is RM15 600 per month and is equally
divided among 3 friends. How much profit does
each person gain in 6 months?
Saiz sebenar




Tools/Materials Matching cards, A4 paper, and pens.

Participants In pairs or in groups.

How to play

1 Solve each question on the matching cards. SCAN THIS
2 Find the answers on other cards.
3 Match the questions to the answers.

A shape is formed when all cards Saiz sebenar
are combined together.

Teancohteers’s • Prepare several sets of cards for the activity. 3.1 - 3.2 133
• Modify questions to suit pupils’ ability.
• Download questions for Tarsia from the Internet.


1 Calculate.
a RM49 500 + RM18 759.30 =

b RM58 077.40 – RM23 602.50 =

c RM48 690.80 + RM32 577.40 + RM2 116 =

d RM86 995.75 – RM8 600.30 – RM23 156 =

e RM37 500 + RM41 285 – RM3 700 =

f 65 × RM900.20 = g RM17 342 ÷ 10 =
h 16 × RM4 235.80 ÷ 2 = i RM68 034.40 ÷ 7 × 9 =

j – RM23 456.95 = RM42 250.25

2 a Total up RM18 960, RM23 650.25 and RM55 000.

b The total sales of chickens, goats, and cows is RM63 933. The sales
of chickens and goats are RM4 238 and RM17 695 respectively.
What is the sales of cows?

3 The table shows Date Cash in Cash out Balance
Lim’s incomplete

bank account 19.06.2020 RM2 000.00 - RM87 691.25

statement. What is 24.07.2020 - RM18 500.00

his final balance as of 30.08.2020 - RM8 068.99


4 Jaya Craft Business makes a profit of RM12 540.60 in May. Its profit
increases by RM2 089.85 in June. Find the total profit in May and June.

5 A cooperative distributes a profit of RM61 250 equally to 25 members.
Find the total profit received by Ah Sim and 7 of his friends.

6 In conjunction with Visit Malaysia Year, tourists from the United States
of America, the Great Britain, and Saudi Arabia travel to Malaysia.

What is the currency for each country?

7 List suitable payment instruments for the situations below.

a Victor’s father pays a b Kalsom’s mother purchased
toll fare of RM25.50. goods worth RM560. She made
a cashless payment.
Saiz sebenar

134 3.1 - 3.7


A Choose the correct answer.

1 49 352 in words is 7 5 2 + = 8 1
3 3
A four hundred ninety thousand
three hundred and fifty-two. A 1 1 B 2 2 C 3 1 D 3 2
3 3 3 3

B forty-nine thousand three 3
hundred and fifty-two. 8 6 of 96 is
C four thousand nine hundred
thirty and five two. A 72 B 576 C 634 D 648

D four nine three five two. 9 90.874 + 56 + 102.34 =

2 Which of the following digit 8 A 101.164 B 157.108
has the value of 8 000? C 249.214 D 2 492.14

A 98 034 B 75 380 10 360.8 – 217.645 – = 9.23
C 32 819 D 80 745 A 142.232 B 133.925

3 Choose the correct pair. C 213.114 D 2 467.355

Even Odd 11 What is the percentage of 16 red
balloons out of 40 balloons?
A 71 90
A 8% B 16% C 20% D 40%
B 125 136

C 388 462

D 3 644 7 033 12 Find the difference between the

4 Round off 72 963 to the sum of RM26 758 and RM31 075
nearest thousand. with RM19 846.
A 72 000 B 72 900 A RM77 679 B RM57 833
C 72 960 D 73 000 C RM37 987 D RM15 529

5 86 040 ÷ 12 × 4 = 13 What is the currency of the
A 1 793 B 2 868
C 28 680 D 1 792 Great Britain?

A Dollar B Riyal

C Yen D Pound Sterling

6 3 2 + 1 3 – 2 1 = 14 Which payment instrument is
5 4 10
used to pay toll fares?
A 2 4 B 2 1 C 3 1 D 3 1 A Debit card B Cheque
5 5 4 20 C Prepaid card D PosStaailzosredbeer nar


B Answer the following questions. 6 Write a number when rounded

1 Rina has a number card. off to the nearest thousand
becomes 60 000.

80 653

a State the place value of 8. 7 Solve these.

b Partition the number according a 837 + 90 845 =
to its digit value. b 18 000 – 2 400 =

c 546 × 42 =

2 a 63 291, 31 962, 21 369, d 24 090 × 37 ÷ 6 =
19 632, 91 263

Rearrange the numbers in: 8 23 921 P Q 30 675

i ascending order. The sum of the four numbers is
ii descending order. 86 590. The value of P is 1 000
more than Q. What are the
b Round off 39 318 to the values of P and Q?
nearest ten thousand.

3 9 a Convert the improper fractions

250 mℓ Glass B to mixed numbers.

Estimate the volume of i 5 = ii 19 =
liquid in glass B. 3 7

b Convert the mixed numbers

to improper fractions.

i 2 5 = ii 4 9 =
9 10

4 27 982, 28 982, ________, 10 Calculate.
_________, 31 982.
a 4 + 5 =
a Complete the number 7 7
pattern above.
b State the number b 3 1 + 2 + 2 =
pattern above. 5 3

5 Write five even numbers 11 Find the difference between:
between 100 to 120.
a 4 and 5 .
Saiz sebenar 7 7

b 6 3 and 3 1 .
4 2


12 Solve these. C Solve the following problems.

a 6 1 + 1 3 – 1 = 1 Din : My score in a competition is
4 5 2 18 040 points. My score is
245 more than Sim’s score.
b 3 – 1 1 – 5 =
3 7 Lan : The total score for the
three of us is 37 720 points.
c 12 – 7 5 + 2 =
9 3 Based on the conversation above:
a Calculate Sim’s scores.
13 Complete the following b Find the difference between
Sim’s and Lan’s scores.
number sentences.

a 4 + = 1 1
9 3

b – 2 = 4
5 5

14 Solve these. 2 Father put 80 chilli saplings on
a 487.2 + 32.09 + 5.638 = 3 shelves each. After two
b 100 – 7.32 – 35.861 = months, the saplings were sold
c 79.001 + + 3.94 = 83.201 equally to 6 buyers. Do all
d 46.23 – 18 – = 18.57 the buyers get 60 saplings?
Explain your answer.
15 Calculate.
a 6.834 × 100 = 3 A wholesaler puts 24 000 oranges
b 5.273 × 8 = into several boxes. Each box
c 7 082 ÷ 1 000 = contains 96 oranges.
d 211.86 ÷ 9 = a How many boxes are needed
by the wholesaler?
16 State 3 in percentage. b If the wholesaler has
20 200 boxes, how many
oranges are there in
17 Convert 37% to fraction. each box?

18 What is the percentage of
12 out of 80 cars?

19 How much needs to be Saiz sebenar
deducted in order to get
RM20 500 from a total of
RM35 086 and RM29 147?


4 Father saved his money through 9 Dina’s company sold 13 408

a salary deduction of 30 months. pairs of baju kurung. 9 837

His savings amounted to pairs were not sold.

RM10 500. How much did he a How many pairs of baju

save every month? kurung were there initially?

5 A grocery store made a profit b Puan Rosnani bought
24 pairs of baju kurung at
of RM15 600 which was divided
RM120 each. How much
equally among its 5 partners.
does Puan Rosnani need
How much does each partner
to pay in total?

6 Gopal, Bakhtiar, and Chong Han 10 Wafiq bought 10.2 kg of langsat.

took part in a 35 km relay torch He gave some of the langsat to

run. Gopal ran for 12.5 km and his neighbours. The mass of the

Bakhtiar ran for 10.82 km. langsat left was 3.8 kg.
How far did Chong Han run?
a What was the mass of langsat
given to his neighbours?

b The remainder of the langsat

7 A tank can contain 10 ℓ of water. were tied into 8 equal
Radin poured 4.5 ℓ and 3.05 ℓ bunches of similar mass.
of water into the tank. What What is the mass of
each bunch?
is the volume of water, in ℓ,

needed to fill up the tank?

8 mfWloaaunkr.eieS’sshhemriumostpehdefrrit4h1tearkdsga2onf51dflok21ugrkotgof 11 Rishi plans to buy a set of toys
to make doughnuts. How much at the price of RM155 within three
months using his pocket money
flour, in kg, is left? savings.
a What does Rishi need
to do?
b Rishi saves RM3 every day.
Will he achieve his goal?

Saiz sebenar




1 Itinerary of ETS from North to South

Father, what Effective 3/6/2018 EG9221 EP9201 EP9203 EP9205 EG9425 EG9425
time will the train Every day Every day Every day Every day Every day Every day
EG9425 from Operation day 1805
Padang Besar


At 6:05 in the In the
evening, Aris. 24-hour
system, it
is stated as
eighteen zero
five hours.

The 12-hour system uses a colon The 24-hour system
between the hour and the minute. uses four digits with the
The time of the day is also stated.
hours mentioned.

12-hour system 24-hour system

6:05 in the evening 1805 hours

five minutes eighteen zero
past six in the evening five hours

Teancohteers’s • Relate the use of the 12-hour system and the 24-hour system in daily situations. Saiz sebenar
• Use a digital watch when introducing the 12-hour system and the 24-hour system.
• Instil virtues such as punctuality and time planning. 4.1.1
• Emphasise the need to specify a.m., p.m., morning, noon, evening, night, and
midnight in the 12-hour system. 139

2 Which of the time
displayed is in
8:23 p.m. 2023 hours
the 24-hour system?
The 24-hour system is stated
Tuesday 14.7.2020 from 0000 hours until 2359 hours.

12-hour system 24-hour system Say 12:40 a.m. and 11:15 a.m.
in the 24-hour system.
12:40 a.m. 0040 hours
7:47 a.m. 0747 hours 11:15 a.m. is
11:15 a.m. 1115 hours eleven fifteen
5:13 p.m. 1713 hours hours, teacher.

12:40 a.m. is zero
forty hours.

12-hour system and 24-hour 6:00 a.m.

system time loop 4:00 a.m.5:00 a.m. 7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m.

3:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m.

2:00 a.m. 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 10:00 a.m.
1:00 a.m. 0300 0900 11:00 a.m.
0200 1000

0100 1100

12:01 a.m. 0001 midnight noon 1159 11:59 a.m.
12:00 1200 12:00
0000 1201 12:01 p.m.
11:59 p.m. 2359

2300 1300

11:00 p.m. 2200 1900 1800 1700 16001500 1400 1:00 p.m.
10:00 p.m. 2100 2000 2:00 p.m.

9:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m.

8:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. p.m.5:00 4:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.

a.m. means ante meridiem. Time p.m. means post meridiem. Time
represented as a.m. is after represented as p.m. is after noon
until before midnight.
Saiz sebmeindnairght until before noon.

140 Teancohteers’s • Drill pupils to say the time in the 24-hour system. 4.1.1
• Introduce 12:00 noon as 1200 hours and 12:00 midnight as 0000 hours.

• Surf

to know more about a.m. and p.m.

4 Convert time to the 24-hour system. TIPS

a 6:45 a.m. = 12:01 a.m. to 12:59 p.m.

How to write:

12-hour system 24-hour system • Write 2 digits for the
hour unit.
6:45 a.m. 0645 hours • The m“inute digits remain.
We started
• Write hours” after
at 6:45 a.m. 6:45 a.m. = 0645 hours the numerals.

TIPS b 10:40 p.m. =
hour minute
1:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. 1 0 4 0

How to write: + 12 00
• Add 12 hours to the 22 40
hour digits.
• The m“inute digits remain. 10:40 p.m. = 2240 hours
• Write hours” after
the numerals.

5 State 0825 hours in the 12-hour system. TIPS
a 0825 hours =
24-hour system 0825 hours 0001 hours to 1159 hours

12-hour system 8:25 a.m. How to write:
colon time • Write a colon between the
hour a“nd minute digits.
0825 hours = 8:25 a.m. • Write a.m.”.


1201 hours to 1259 hours

How to write:
• Write a colon between the
hour a“ nd minute digits.
• Write p.m.”.

1100 hours 1130 hours 1240 hours 1300 hours Try
to complete
11:00 a.m. 12:00 noon 1:00 p.m. the timeline.

Saiz sebenar

Teancohteers’s • Use a digital watch as teaching aid. Stress on how to write time in the 24-hour 4.1.1
system correctly.
• Introduce the relation between the use of morning, noon, evening, night, and midnight.
• Use daily situations such as bus and ferry schedules.

b 1545 hours = Method 2 TIPS
Method 1
hour minute 1300 hours to 2359 hours
1 5 4 5
– 12 00 How to write:
3 4 5 • Subtract 12 hours from the
hour d“ igits.
• Write p.m.”.

1545 hours = 3:45 p.m. Which time is correct for
12:10 in the morning?

010 hours 00:10 hours 0010 hours 12:10 a.m.


Task Card Tools/Materials Task card,
stationery, and
Write a short story about a trip to display paper.
the village by stating the time in
the 24-hour system. Participants 3 pupils in a group.


9:10 in the morning depart for the village 1 Take a task card, stationery,
11:40 in the morning arrive at the village and white paper.
3:30 in the afternoon fishing at the river
5:00 in the evening to the orchard 2 Complete the task in 15 minutes.
8:00 in the evening packing up 3 Present your group work.
8:30 in the evening depart for home

1 Convert the time below to the 24-hour system.

a 3:45 in the morning b 11:24 a.m. c 6:10 a.m.

d 10:30 in the evening e 2:48 p.m. f 11:46 p.m.

2 State the following time in the 12-hour system.

a 0120 hours b 1047 hours c 1450 hours

Saiz sebenadr 1616 hours e 0005 hours f 2359 hours

142 Teancohteers’s • Surf to make a 4.1.1
connection between the 12-hour system and the 24-hour system.

• Explain the value of appreciating time by doing beneficial activities.

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