Computer BasedTraining(CBT)- Code andPixels Technical Literature (TL) and Training Aggregates (TA) are the most common words you find in RFQ/RFE/SOW if you are OEM or service providerto Defence or Defence labs. These TAs and TLs are mandatory deliverables along with the system/subsystem. Following are deliverables under each. Deliverables may change system to system based on end-user training requirements. Technical Literature (TL) (Production Documents and User Documents) Training Aggregates (TA) 1. UserHandbook / Operator Manual 1. Computer-Based tutor 2. BOM Operator 3. QT/AT and QAP 4. MQAP Maintainer 2. Roll down charts 5. Technical Manual Part - 1 3. Sun board/ blow-up charts 6. Technical Description, Specification, functioning of various systems) 7. Technical Manual Part – 2(Inspection / Maintenance Task repair procedures, the material used, fault diagnostics, and use of Special Maintenance Tools (SMTs) / Special Test Equipment’s (STEs) 4. Training brochure 5. Slides 6. Video Film 7. TWM (Training work Module) 8. IETM (Level 3 or Level 4)
All above to be developed as per JSS 0251 standard and given as pdffile on DVDs All above are also given in hardcopy with suitable bookbinding, project binding or screw binding or rexin binding based on end-users’ specifications,and the numberof sets will also be indicated by End-user i.e.Army/Navy,Air force. 1. CBT, Video film, TWM, Slides,IETM, etc. aredelivered in DVD along with DVD case withproper packing. 2. Charts Blowups,sun boards are printed onthe suitable media in 3 X4 feet sized print. 3. Some users may use bi-lingual in CBT. 4. Durationof CBT is based on the complexity and number of sub systems etc. 5. We have done CBTs for 5 hours and also 50 Hours based on the system. What are the details required to make CBT (Computer Based Training) 1. Before starting CBT, OEM must finalize the duration of Computer-based Training (CBT). In some military RFP/SCOPE duration ofCBT is mentioned along with the duration of each topic, subtopic, and sub–sub-topic. 2. If that is not mentioned then OEM has to make a Table of content first and mention the approximate time to cover each topic, subtopic, and sub–sub-topic. 3. It is called CCID, or course content Identified document.It is basically a full detailed Table of content and duration. 4. Once the CCID document is ready then,the Vendor will collect raw content and make a DCID document. 8. Technical Manual Part – 3 (Procedure for assembly/disassembly, repair up to component level, safety precaution) 9. Technical Manual Part – 4 (Part list with drawing reference and list of SMTs/STEs test bench) 10. An illustrative list of spares (ISPL) Manual 11. Manufacturer Recommended List of Spares (MRLS)
5. Which means a Detailed Course content document.It can also be called a storyboard. This storyboard will have complete content for every topic, subtopic, and sub–sub-topic. 6. Also, this document will contain the presentation methodology.It means is this particular sub-topic is being covered as Video, or Image, Text or animation if animation, 2d or 3d, etc. 7. Based on the number of words we can arrive at a number of hours. 8. Ifthe number of hours is more than deliverable, we can concisely edit or delete unwanted text. 9. Once the DCDD is approved by end-user/ Army then we can start production of CBT. ContentDevelopmentApproach Step-1 Shell/ Prototype/Template Design The first step in the creation of the Computer Based Training CBT is to design the functional prototype, branding, skinning i.e., thetemplate of the course. This will be developed based on inputs like target audience, their skill/educationlevel, nature oftopics, other navigation facilities like play and Pause Forward, Rewind Audio mute, Audio control Seek bar Book mark Glossary Audio Transcription script Gallery Summary Reference Help and prototype/ functional shell will be sent to the client forreview and approval.
Step-2DevelopmentofDesignDocuments Based on the inputs provided by Subject Matter Experts (SME), a team of Instructional Designers will prepare a Table of Content / Course content identification Document and Storyboard/ Script/ Detailed Content Design Document consisting of the text that will appear on the screen. The corresponding text for voice-over, graphic design instruction will also be provided.Instructional Designers will interact closely with the SME and obtain the inputs, grasp the concepts, reproduce them as content, and finally get it reviewed by the SME/ Client. The storyboard will be checked fortechnical, typographical, and grammatical errors. Checks will also be done to ensure that the content matches the requirements specified by the client. Errors found will be rectified and the final content will be sent to the client for approval and sign-off. Ourinstructional designers develop design documents as perthe guidelines of principles of adult learning, Instructional Design Taxonomies such as Bloom's Cognitive Taxonomy, Dick and Carey Model, Kemp's Instructional Design Model, Gagne’s 9 Events ofInstruction, Kirkpatrick's 4 Levels of Training Evaluation
Step-3ApprovalofDesignDocuments The client will review the Design Document, and pass back the reviewed document with Comments, suggestions if any Step -4Content/ Media/ Assets/ Development andAuthoring After the necessary Corrective Actions are implemented, the multimedia team will put together the approved template and the contents to create the complete version of the e-Learning course. Based on the storyboard, graphics and animations will be included at the appropriate locations to enhance the learner’s understanding of the points being discussed. Voice-over will be recorded as necessary, and the graphics and animations created will be synchronized with the text. This developed version will pass through a series of stringent quality checks sent to the client for review and approval.This version is called Alpha Version Sep-5BetaVersion The client will review the Alpha version and pass back the reviewed content with comments, suggestions, etc. for corrections if any. Once these corrections are fixed by the Development team then once again the corrected Final version will be submitted to the client along with relevant approval documents Step-6Goldversion Gold version DVD contains the following multimedia elements Approved/ Final Table of Content Approved/ Final Design Document (Script, Story Board, Detailed Design Document)
Alpha Version Beta Version CD Version Raw contents (images, PDF, DOC, PPT, other files collected from client) User Manuals, Test Documents, Graphic Charter Quality Assurance Document and prototype/ functional shell will be sent to the client forreview and approval.