Class of 2019
Class of 2019
Grace Chege Allana Waiharo Ava Nadidi
““ I enjoyed maths “ I liked my teachers “ I have laughed,
and reading and and sharing gifts played and learnt
also did some ”with my friends. so many new
”writing too... ”songs.
Dwayne Muchoki David Kakitsa Class of 2019
Meet the Graduates
“ Playing time was “ M y friends are
the best thing about what I will miss most
”school. about school. We
talked, ran, jumped
”and built blocks.
Erica Kendi Chloe Kimani Wema Mbugua
“ I am glad I came “ I have enjoyed “ I made so many
to this school helping my peers friends and had
because I am now and teachers in ”fun too.
ready for the big tidying up the
”kids school. ”class.
Gabriel Kariuki Francis Irungu Class of 2019
Meet the Graduates
“ S cience was my “ I have done so
favourite time in much learning
school especially but my favourite
when doing thing to do was
”experiments. ”skating.
Class of 2019
Family of 2019
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on your camera?
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They’re not much
use unless you...
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A Child’s life is like a piece of paper of 2019
on which every person leaves a
mark. How I pray that I have left
a mark. We have had lots of fun
and know that I love each one of
you and wish you all the very best
as you move to grade 1.
Teacher Gladys
Each of you have left an imprint in
my heart. You are each amazing and
wonderful with great personalities.
I’ve watched you learn, grow and
change each day. I hope all the things
we’ve done have helped you in the
same way. I wish you all nothing but
the best. Always remember you are
all special!
Teacher Grace