Kabete Junior Academy
MS. Chao Everlyne Ryan Shah
Imara Agin Nivaan Shah Zaki Alibhai
Samiya Peermohamed Tino Macakiage Giraffes 2019/20
Aaron Kyumba Joshua Bob-Jones
Sanaya Shah Sehej Sandhu Taimoor Khan
Lanna Shah Eli Kamotho Halaa Said
on your phone?
on your camera?
on your LAPTOP?
They’re not much
use unless you...
+254 77 220 6543 [email protected] www.peekaboo.studio
At KJA, we are privileged to watch your child
play, learn and grow each day.
Learning through fun is a fundamental Sharing these magical moments with your
belief at KJA, and is such an important children is an adventure which I hope
aspect of your child’s life, which we have captured in this photobook.
we integrate successfully into our We hope you cherish them as much as we
curriculum. have enjoyed making them. Love Michele