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Low Organized Games Jada Hyman

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Published by jada hyman, 2019-04-18 08:14:21

Low Organized Games

Low Organized Games Jada Hyman

Low Organized Games

Jada Hyman T/TH 7am

Table of Contents Page 9- Game 6-Touch Football
Page 10- Game 7-Don’t Drop the Chicken
Page 1- Cover Page Page 11- Game 8-Rollie Pollie Ollie
Page 2- Table of Contents Page 12- Game 9-Big Belly
Page 3- Warm up Page 13- Game 10-Kickball
Page 4- Game 1-Find Your Marbles Page 14- Game 11-Bowling
Page 5- Game 2-21 Page 15- Game 12-Leap Frog
Page 6- Game 3-Screaming Toes Page 16- Recap
Page 7- Game 4-Team Hide and Seek
Page 8- Game 5-3 Point Shoot-Out

Warm Up

Students will do 2 laps around the perimeter of the gym court to get their body

Students will then line up for instructor led stretching to loosen the muscles.

Find your Marbles

Different color balls will be placed all around the gym.

The students will be divided into four teams, with a color to distinguish them. Each
team has a base, it is a race to see which team will get all of their marbles (balls)
to their base first.

Objective: Get all of your colored balls back to your team base before anyone

Materials: Colored hula hoops, colored rubber balls


Students will be divided into two teams. Two students from each team will start at
the elbows at the free throw line. They have to shoot there (2 points), get their
rebound and run to the other side of the court to go in for a layup (1 point) and run
back to the other side of the court and shoot a three pointer (3 points). Each team
is responsible for keeping track of their points collectively. Whoever gets to 21 first
wins, if they go over they are bumped down 5 points.

Objective: Make 21 points collectively before the other


Materials: 2 basketballs, Basketball Court

Screaming Toes

-Students make a semi-circle in the middle of gym floor. All students must put their
heads down and focus on someone else’s toes. On my command, students will
look at the person (whose toes they were focused on) in the face. If 2 or more
students are looking each other in the face, they must race to the closest wall and
back to the circle. Whoever is beat is eliminated.

Objective: Get back to the circle before opponent

Materials: Students.

Team Hide and Seek

One student will be “It”. The rest of the class will be divided into teams of three
and have to find a good enough hiding space to where they are not found.
Whoever is “It” counts to 20 while everyone goes to hide, once they finish, the
teams have to race to the middle of the gym floor which is base. Bathrooms and
racquetball rooms are not permitted.

Objective: Get back to base without being caught.

Materials: Students

3 Point Shoot-Out

Students will find a partner and compete against other teams in a shooting
contest. Both teams will designate a partner to shoot against the other first while
the other partner rebounds for them. The first partner has to successfully make 5
shots around the three point line, then their partner has to do the same before the
other team.

Objective: The team who successfully makes their shots before the other wins.

Materials: Basketball court, 2 basketballs

Touch Football

Students will divide into two teams. The objective is to make a touchdown without
getting touched by the other team. Students must work as a team to make sure no
one gets touched, they do so by running and passing the ball to their teammates.

Objective: Make more touchdowns than the other team.

Materials: Cones, Football, Mesh jersey

Don’t Drop the Chicken

Students will form a circle around the middle of the gym floor. They will throw the
chicken across the circle, and take a step back on my command. The further apart
they are, the harder the game gets. Whoever drops the chicken is eliminated.

Objective: The person who doesn’t drop the chicken wins.

Materials: Rubber chicken

Rollie Pollie Ollie

A race to the finish! Students will get in four lines on mats. They will then roll
(tumble style) and race against each other on my command.
Objective: Get to the finish line the quickest by rolling.
Materials: Floor mats, cones

Big Belly

Just a game for fun! I will divide students into two teams and assign numbers for
competition. At random I will call another and the students with that number will
grab a ball and run into each other.

Objective: Last person standing, or whoever gets up first wins.

Materials: Floor mats, exercise balls


Students will divide into two teams and show off their kicking skills. It is like
baseball, but using your feet and a rubber ball. There are 4 bases and a pitching
mount. One team will be on the offensive side, kicking the ball and running to the
bases and the other will be on the defensive side, pitching and catching the ball.

Objective: Make more points than the other team by making a full round on the

Materials: Rubber ball, bases/cones


There will be several lanes put up for bowling and students will divide equally into
the lanes. Each person will take turns in knocking down pins and are responsible
for putting them back up for the next person.

Objective: Whoever knocks down the most pins wins.

Materials: Bowling Pins, Rubber ball, Conesl

Leap Frog

Students will line up and take turns crouching down so the student behind them
can jump over, and the next student and so forth.
Objective: Encourages teamwork and trust
Materials: Students


Today students will have participated in various games and activities to help better
their teamwork skills while being competitive and having fun. The objective is to
keep them moving so they don’t get bored or uninterested to help build their social

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