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Published by mrsthomas, 2019-04-12 09:45:57

Your_BJS_Bulletin_April_12th_2019 a

Your_BJS_Bulletin_April_12th_2019 a

Happy EasterGood feedback is the
key to improvement

New beginnings and everlasting hopefulness, let
them be yours in your life

BULLETIN Headlines

The weekly newsletter to keep you updated with the highlights
of the school week

PoIinnttesroefst Dear All,
Thank you to those parents who helped us walk to and from the
LETD'soDMGnionE'tTnotfaosCocaRrrLseugEihasAeroaTttpwiItvVarheoEyne!jofdelucartisr! Easter services yesterday. It was a lovely event and a wonderful way
to celebrate Easter with the school community.

I have had lots of lovely messages of praise for
the children and their behaviour. 5SS were stunning
in the Easter dramatic reading and drama.
Rev. Tim said how much he enjoyed having us.

It has been a really busy term here at BJS. Looking back we had our
fabulous Aladdin performance, Bee and me themed week, an
explorer in to visit year 6, the fire brigade in for year 5, Dress up for
Downs, Bikeability sessions, Virtual Reality experiences, Primary
Maths Challenge, Parents Evenings, opening of our AWT, Engineering
workshops, Den building for year 3, Gifted and Talented Sport Events
and National Science week. We have enjoyed various sporting
tournaments in football, swimming, netball and cross country. There
have also been visits to Anya Care Home and Jim Gillespie House. I
am sure there is lots more besides that I have forgotten too!


We wish you a very Happy Easter and see you for lots more fun in
the Summer Term :-)

Kind Regards,

Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV 22 6LB Mrs Norton and the team at BJS

[email protected]

Notices Sporting news - congratulations!
Congratulations to our Year 6 football team on winning the
2018/19 Primary Schools League!!

Since November, the team has been playing in an ongoing competition against 9 other Congratulations!
schools. At the half-way stage in the competition the team was 1 point behind Dunchurch
in the race for the title. This month we have had 2 more evenings to complete the league
and we are very proud to announce that BJS came out on top! The team, and the wider
squad, have worked really hard for the title and shown great perseverance and resilience
to come back and top the table.

On the 30th March we had 21 children ranging from year 3 to year 6 competing in the
Rugby schools' annual gala . Some great swimming took place on the night. We had some
amazing feedback from spectators and visiting schools on how professional and well
behaved the team were on pool side . Well done to all of the team!

A special mention to our year 6’s that competed in their last primary schools' gala for BJS as
they are moving on to high school this year. Eden, Charlie, Finlay and Logan have been in
the team since year 3 and every year brought home trophies and medals for our school.
What amazing children. Good luck at high school!

Well done! Results Yr6 Boys Medley Relay 2nd Charlie,Finlay,Logan
Yr4 Girls Freestyle 1st Sofia B-V Yr5 Girls Freestyle 1st Imogen R
Yr5 Backstroke 2nd Alex H Yr6 Boys Butterfly 1st Logan W-S

Excellence awards Celebrations Top Table

Eloise S 5SS

Charlotte D 5SS Every week Mr. Wilson and his
team awards children for
3ED Ben W for hard work in all his lessons. Respect 4FM demonstrating our Christian
3ES Esla G for working hard and trying her best in 4FM values during lunch time, the
all lessons, with a smile! Mia E nominated children get an
3SV Berta O For super den building write up. invitation to join the top table
Lottie F on the Friday of that week

4DB Emmi for her continued perseverance in Service 4DB
class. 4DB
4FM Connor B for trying really hard to improve Sofia F
Emmi S

his handwriting and for being a cheerful and Punctuality
positive member of the class.

4AT Esmay D for her quiet and calm attitude to Congratulations to Oak, Sycamore AND

her learning. year 3 for perfect time keeping this week!

5JE Lailah F for having an excellent week and not This week's individual award goes to Olly in 3SV
getting distracted. for 100% attendance.
5AL Olivia D for always being a competent
student and being ambitious for her future. We hope everyone has a well earned rest over the
5SS All 5SS and Miss Mulvaney for all of their Easter break so we can all be in school, on time
hard work and enthusiasm whilst doing the every day next term!
Easter performance.

6JB Owen S for showing enthusiasm for learning. Please remember if you have genuine difficulties
6CC Madi E for being a mature and resilient getting your child to come to school and on time,
member of the class you are welcome to contact Mrs Hodgson at
6KC Gene F for a good effort all round. [email protected] or
via the school office 01788 810675.

Notices Mon, 29 April 2019
19:00 – 21:00
SEND Parent/Carer Support Group
Tue, 30 April 2019 Living with Autism: An Evening with John Simpson' takes
10:00 – 11:30am place on 29th April. The evening runs in a workshop

Do you find it a challenge to take care of yourself when you have so may caring format and is aimed at parents/carers of young people
responsibilities for your family with all the additional struggles of the Special with ASD, and their families, for older teens and adults
Needs world? Would you like to know more about how to build your emotional
with a diagnosis of ASD and professional's
The Kenilworth Centre
Chase Meadow Community Centre Abbey End
Narrow Hall Meadow Kenilworth
Warwick CV8 1QJ
CV34 6BT
You can buy your ticket from:
You can buy your ticket from:
support-group-session-3-of-6-tickets-56032557889? with-autism-an-evening-with-john-
aff=ebdssbdestsearch aff=ebdssbdestsearch#tickets

Ashlawn School Uniform Consultation Warwickshire School Health & Wellbeing Service and
Warwickshire Young Persons Substance Misuse Service
Following requests from parents and students, we would like to has launched a new way for parents and carers of school
consult on the addition of shorts to the Ashlawn School uniform. aged children to get confidential advice and support
We are currently consulting parents and students at Ashlawn, but about child health related issues. ChatHealth is an
are aware that many students in our local feeder primary schools award-winning school nurse messaging service and is
would like to have their views heard and would like to invite available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. There will
comment from them and their parents too. be automatic bounce-back responses to incoming
messages out of hours. Answering the text message will
The shorts would be black uniform shorts with a logo, as for all be a nurse who can assist with any queries about general
other items of Ashlawn uniform. They will be available from our health, child development, behaviour, toileting and
current uniform suppliers – William Webb Ellis and Scallywagz. emotional health and wellbeing issues. The text number is
There will be two styles available; smart ‘city’ shorts, typically 07520 619 376.
worn by girls and standard Bermuda tailored shorts, typically The opportunity to discuss any health issues relating to
worn by boys – although we do not specify which style any gender your child is always available and the School Health and
may choose to wear. Students would be allowed to wear them for Wellbeing Service can be contacted on 03300 245 204.
the first half of the autumn term and for the duration of the
summer term.

Please send comments regarding the introduction of shorts to our
uniform directly to [email protected] by Monday 29 April

Siobhan Evans
Ashlawn School

I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future

Features Year 5 Visit to talk ‘Bees’ with
The Mayor

On Tuesday 2nd April, Mrs Stevens, Miss Mulvaney and five Year 5 students
(Lowan, Austin, Olivia, Elizabeth and Amelie) were given the opportunity to go to
Rugby Town Council offices and discuss their concerns over the current plight of
Bees. The book ‘Bee and Me’, which was used as an inspirational text during
World Book Week, got the children thinking about what they could do to promote
Bees and other pollinating insects. The children decided to take immediate
action and wrote, on mass, to the Mayor asking him to consider a number of their
suggestions to encourage more bees in to our area. Little did the children know
that Mayor Tom is a bit of a Nature enthusiast and told that the children that
their campaign was “right up my street!”. After having a tour of the Debating
Chamber, where all of the important decisions about Rugby are made, Mayor Tom
took the children into the Mayors Parlour where they ‘got down to business’ and
shared some of their letters and ideas over a biscuit and a drink. All-in-all, a
good meeting was had and plans (BJS Plan BEE!), for us to have a patch of grass
around school on which to sow some wild flower seeds for the bees and other
pollinators, were made. All 105 letters were left with the Mayor to share with the
Head of Rugby Parks and we soon hope to hear when we have the go ahead to get
started on ‘BJS Plan Bee!”. We’ll keep you posted.

Online Safety What is the internet of things

More families are buying internet-
enabled devices such as smart
speakers, toys that connect to the
internet and even Bluetooth
enabled toothbrushes. All of these
devices are commonly referred to as
the 'Internet of Things'. Take a look
at this useful guidance:

Viral scare challenges

Earlier this year, you'll have been
aware of stories and warnings
circulating online about online
scares or suicide challenges. Most
have been found to be hoaxes, fake
news or wildly exaggerated, stories.
This article can help give you an
idea of what to do to help your

ABC's are a group of friendly children and adults who help
to prevent bullying at BJS. We also listen to children when
they have problems that they need help with. We set a good
example to younger pupils in the school to help them
understand the importance of Anti Bullying. We also teach
them how to deal with issues properly and with
independence. Written by Amelie B

I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future


Egg-citing times

Mandy and Kate from the
kitchen helped judge our
eggs this year. 80 Entries
made it very difficult to

choose from. The
competition was eggcellent!

Year 3 - Alfie C and Sophia M
Year 4 - George M and Orlaith O
Year 5 - Hanaa Y and Zayden H
Year 6 - Logan WS and Eve M

Adult - Mum of Lola T
Teacher - Mrs Wilson Shrubb

Sibling – Aimee F

I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future

Activities and Events

Rugby in Bloom Art Competition
Did you know that it is 500 years since Leonardo
da Vinci’s death?

Make a dinosaur recycled planter Since he was one of the greatest artists known, Mrs
Made from ‘rubbish’ e.g. plastic bottles McKee is holding an Art competition.
Needs to have holes in the
bottom Submit a re-interpretation of the painting, The
Prize for the best one in each year group Mona Lisa
No need to put a plant in it
Closing date is Friday 3rd May – bring your Hand in: Friday 3rd May to Mrs McKee in 4FM
entry with your name and class on it to 3SV. ***50p entry fee. Prizes available for
Entries from parents and carers also winners!***
(Early entries will not be accepted due to space
GOOD LUCK! and please do not fold or roll artwork)

We also need plastic bottles to create RULES:
a large dinosaur structure – please You can use any medium, e.g. paint, pencil, pastel, collage…
bring to 3SV. Thank you! It must be A4 or A3 size only.
It must be all your own work, although an adult at home can offer advice and
Submit the artwork paper-clipped to this sheet along with your 50p, and, using no
more than 200 words, write an explanation about your piece to include information
such as: Why have you interpreted it this way? What steps/techniques and
materials did you use? How does your finished piece of artwork make you feel?
Why? Do you think Da Vinci would like this piece of artwork? Why/why not?
Take a copy of the submission form from your teacher if you wish to participate.
~Enjoy the creative process!~

All funds raised will support the purchase of allotment resources All funds raised will support the purchase of materials for arts and crafts

Inspire ~ Challenge~ Achieve

Activities and Events

Rugby - 22nd April - Queen Faiths Trail All Stars & Kwik Cricket Coaching at
Diamond Jubilee Saturday 13th April 2019 Rugby Cricket Club, Webb Ellis Road,

St Mark's Church, Bilton To assist in achieving its aim of Rugby
Good Friday 19th April raising awareness, understanding If your children wish to learn how to play
Worship and fun for children age 11 and under and learning about different Faiths cricket then please come along to 75-90
minute coaching sessions every Sunday at
9.45 for 10 am start, finish 12.30 pm in the area, the Warwick District
Children under the age of 5 must be accompanied, all parents are Faiths Form has arranged a Faiths 10:30-12:00 commencing 12th May
(subject to dry weather conditions). The
welcome to stay Trail to visit places of worship. sessions are open to both infants and
Worship for all at 12 pm - Please come and join Everyone is invited to attend, which
For more information contact Katie or Phil on 01788 813064 will enable people to walk, talk and junior aged children.

learn about different Faiths. Kwik Cricket runs 10:30-12:00 - arrival
no earlier than 10:20 please. All Stars
Programme: will finish earlier to reduce the queue
09.15 Meet outside Ahmadiyya
for food
Mosque & Community Centre
Baitul Ehsan, Riverside, Junior aged children - join Kwik Cricket
which is a turn up and play arrangement
Leamington Spa, CV32 5AH. Infant school aged children or children new
09.40 Coach departs to cricket will join the All Stars programme.
Please click this link to register on-line with
10.00 St Anne’s Catholic Church,
Wappenbury, CV33 9DW the ECB.

11.00 St John Baptist Church,
Wappenbury CV33 9DW stars/parents
12.00 Coach departs
£4 per child for Kwik Cricket OR £40
12.20 Baitul Ehsan, Ahmadiyya registration for All Stars plus £2 per
Mosque & Community Centre
Including tour of Centre. session to cover food and drink
13.30 Lunch. The cost of All Stars includes the cost of
playing kit which is supplied by the ECB.
The Faiths Trail is FREE to attend.

People will need to register in
advance by emailing names of all

people wishing to attend to:
[email protected]

07958 589464

FDS restarts Monday 29 April & will be on
Saturday 4th May Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday as well,

London W2 forms can be picked up from reception.

Quick fire quizzes

Mensa challenges

Meet the MENSA team

Inspire ~ Challenge~ Achieve

Dates and Contact Details

Fundraising Update School Meals

PTA Meeting Tuesday 15th May 7pm - everyone The price of a school meal for Junior School pupils
welcome will be £2.25 per day during the first half of the
Summer Term.
Please help us to raise School opens on Monday 29 April and the cost of
funds for the school using meals is estimated as follows:-
amazon smile
5 day week £11.25 ** Y5 deduct 1 day CadburysTBC
When you shop on amazonsmile 1/2 term payment (19 days) £42.75
(, the AmazonSmile ** Y6 deduct 1 day HP trip 24/5
Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of
eligible purchases to the BJS PTA Monday 29 April – Friday 24 May 2019 (May 6) 19
Thanks as always for your support!
Please ensure that payment for school meals is made
on the first day the child requires a meal.

The option to pay online using our Sims Pay payment
system is the preferred option.

Also remember 48 hours written notice to change
arrangements is needed. Many thanks

Inspire ~ Challenge~ Achieve

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