“Remember that the happiest people are not
those getting more, but those giving more.”
―H. Jackson Brown Jr.
B U L L E T I NThe weekly newsletter to keep you updated with the highlights of
Headlinesthe school week
20th September 2019
PoIninttesreosft Hello again,
Par1estnBabtonsielodv'tokeE2nnvanjiuendunsnngaOisinipconygtprso:gsotb.esipenmart.r.ceon.tusk Thanks for all the lovely messages that we have had letting us know how
settled the children are. It really helps us to continue to support you the best
we can. If your child is struggling then please let us know and we can help.
Talking of help, we are starting to think about our 'charity of the year' that we
support each year. The newly formed JLT (Junior Leadership Team) will be
meeting on Friday to discuss who we wish to support this year. If you have
any suggestions then please let us know. So far we are contemplating
supporting a Ugandan School or Friends of the Earth.
We are also supporting the Rugby Foodbank
this harvest time. Please look out for a
letter/email which outlines the foods we are
collecting. If you wish to help us then please
start sending food in from next Monday
(23.9.19). It will be gratefully received.
HaCrovlelMaesttcotsAnicpofdhonpFaoroseyoRoasl2udlt3ogab.nbar9ty.n19k If you want to find out more about the work of the Rugby Foodbank then
please have a look at their website www.rugby.foodbank.org.uk They are on
Facebook and have an app, both are updated each week with latest food
needs. Here in school we are able to support our families by helping connect
with the foodbank. If you are struggling to feed your family please contact
Mrs Suzanne Hodgson on [email protected]
Look out for Parents' Evenings coming up on Tuesday 1st October and
Wednesday 2nd October where you can find
out about how your child has settled.
Please bring children with you to meet
with you and their teacher. To book your
apppointment Please use the following link:
biltonjuniors.parentseveningsystem.co.uk. If any parents wish to see Mrs
Jago about their child's french learning please contact the office to make an
appointment between 3:40 and 5p.m. on Wednesday 2nd October. Mr Evans
will be having his parents' evening slightly later in October. Dates to be
confirmed. We will see you there :-).
Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV 22 6LB Kind regards
Email: Mrs Norton
[email protected]
I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future
Please can we ask that
parents/carers do not use the
school car park until after
Thank you for your
cooperation with this.
Excellence awards Top Table Every week Mr. Wilson
and his team awards
3ED Zebastian H for always being ready to learn. Friendship children for
3ES Olivia K for always having a smile on Olivia D 6CC demonstrating our
her face and consistently doing the right thing! Megan C 5AL Christian values
3SV Mara B for an excellent attitude to learning. during lunch time, the
Service nominated children
4MB Kai H for super focus and concentration in his Lulu M 4FM get an invitation to
lessons. Emma W 4AT join the top table on
4FM Ruan M for great vocabulary choices and for Emma H 4AT the Friday of that
being an amazing friend! Russell A 6KC week
4AT David K for consistent attitude and effort in
learning. Punctuality
5JE Daniel A for a positive attitude to maths. Congratulations to Oak
5AL James F for excellent engagement in class and and Sycamore Houses who
with maths. recorded perfect time keeping this week,
5SS Alfie G for his positive attitude to his learning,
Keep it up! as did years 3 and 4.
6JB Alexa H for always being attentive and hard Next week we would like to see
working, thank you! years 5 & 6 following the younger children's example.
6CC Harriet G for self motivated learning in topic,
keep it up! As they have been awarded the Golden
6KC Megan W for making a great effort in her Pocket Watch Award this week Sycamore, Oak years 3 and
4 all get x3 leaves for their trees!
French: Charlie N 6CC - For a fantastic attitude to
learning! Well done to you all..
In July we were delighted to hear that Bilton Junior School had been awarded a Platinum
Award in the Primary Schools' category of Rugby in Bloom 2019.
Thanks go once again to Mrs Vipond, Mrs Bakewell, Mrs Chang, Mrs Hodgson and all our
helpers and children :-)
This week the children attended a ceremony with the Mayor of Rugby and recieved their
award. They also had the opportunity to chat with the Mayor and try on some Mayoral
robes in his Parlour!
I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future
I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future
September 21st Activities and Events
Bilton C of E Junior School
One of our BJS year 3 pupils, Evangeline, has been
4.30 -6pm rehearsing hard and will be part of this production. We
hope all goes well next week!
is a series of 2k runs for children
aged between 4 and 14 years old. They
are held in areas of open space around the UK.
They are open to all, FREE, and are safe and easy to take part in. We are pleased to introduce the
Rugby junior
parkrun in Rugby. The run takes place every Sunday at 9am at GEC recreational Ground, Hillmorton
Road, Rugby, CV22 5ED.
You can visit our website at
The Sports Connexion in Ryton -on Dunsmore
Saturday 28th September 2019
10:00am til 5:00pm Under 5's go free
See website for more details:
www. coventrycomiccon.uk/
Inspire ~ Challenge~ Achieve
Dates and Contact Details
Fundraising Update
PTA meetings Ryman Vouchers for Classrooms!
This scheme gives the BJS community the
PTA planning meeting opportunity to raise £500 thousand pounds
of Ryman vouchers for schools to spend on
24th September - 7pm classroom supplies and stationery essentials.
at school
You can still purchase items from Rymans
PTA AGM meeting until the
8th October - 7pm 21st September that will qualify for the school
at school vouchers.
Will include the election of officers —Chair, Vice, We've had £20 of vouchers handed in so far, if
Treasurer and Secretary you have any at home please send
them into school.
email: [email protected]
Thanks as always for your support!
Inspire ~ Challenge~ Achieve