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Published by mrsthomas, 2018-01-26 05:49:40



BJS Bulletin


Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV 22 6LB


BILTON C F E Headlines
Hello Everyone, basis unfortunately due to a but they did not sign up for
SPECIAL Lots to tell you small minority of parents having their driveways
POINTS OF about as who persistently put all our blocked or being spoken to
INTEREST: usual...firstly a really childrens safety into badly.
successful meeting with the question. We came to a
Parent Parent Partnership Forum decision at the end of the Parents will also be receiving
Evenings (PPF). We spent the meeting meeting that we are going to a letter penned by our
talking about Parking and tackle the problem in two children explaining how
Monday 29th Safety. We had a few visitors main ways: educate and parking is important to
and at the school meeting enforce (With Police help!). them.
including Councillor Chris
Wednesday Cade, Kieth Tilley who I intend to write to the I have been invited to attend
31st January Chairs the Woodlands police to help us in as many the next Woodlands
Association and also one of ways as they can, hopefully Association Meeting on 8th
2018 our neighbours who is also to come to school on a February.
the Treasurer of the more regular basis and give
No parking on Woodlands Association. The warnings/on the spot fines. I PGL meetings went well too.
the school site minutes of the meeting are also intend to name and We look forward to taking
available on the website. shame in the bulletin those Yr 4 pupils when they are Yr
Please can we drivers who selfishly have no 5 in October. For those of
remind you Poignant points include regard for the Highway you who missed the
not to park in some of the things we are Code. I am going to write to meetings then please check
going to try and do to our Residents to assure out the PowerPoint on our
the school car alleviate the problems with them of our commitment to website.
park parking that we currently them. I know they chose to
have to endure on a daily live on a street with a school See you at Parents Evenings
before 5pm, next week :-)
thank you
Mrs. Norton

Existing Year 4 pupils—residential trip for when they are in year 5
10th – 12th Oct 2018—2 nights, 3 days

I have the freedom and choice to be ambitious for my future

Big Hair Cut—Little Princess Trust

What a Eloise and Evie are donating some of their
wonderful hair to the ‘Little Princess Trust’. They are
thing to do— also raising some money to support the
please charity.
support them
if you can. The Little Princess Trust provides real hair
wigs free of charge to children and young
adults up to the age of 24 that have sadly
lost their own hair due to cancer treatment

and other illnesses.
If you are able to support them and make a
donation please follow the link below.


Their big hair cut will take place on Mon-
day 19th February 2018 and they are each donating 12 inches of hair.
Thank you for your support.


Well done to Oak and Chestnut Houses for earning the Time Keeper's Award this
week with 9 late marks each. Sycamore were just behind with 10.
We did not have any classes with perfect time keeping this week :(
We have seen a slip with time keeping again so please can we get to everyone making
the effort to get to school on time? SCHOOL STARTS at 8.50am!

Bake Sale—Friday 16th February

Some children in 6AL are organising
a Bake Sale for Friday 16 February.
If you would like to bake for the
sale then they are looking for
donations of flapjack, cookies, cup
cakes and rice crispy cakes :-)

A great display board in school


This week’s Excellence Awards were 13th February2018
presented to the following children A WHOLE SCHOOL show exploring anti-bullying and cyber-bullying!

during Thursday’s assembly: Are you ready!? Let Felicity Fox & Cool Cat our friendly characters, take you on a tour
of Tweet Town!! Tweet Town is the latest social media site where they can talk to their
3ED—Esther B for always being school friends, arrange meet-ups & play online games. Join them and play, introducing
focused and hard working
you to all their virtual friends!
3FS—Harvey C for a superb effort in all Everybody has a profile on Tweet Town! Even that strange kid, who stands on his own in
subjects the school playground, everyone calls him Pinocchio because he has a really long nose.

Cain R for a super penguin poster— Nobody seems to like him and nobody talks to him. Sometimes when they are
great facts and presentation on Tweet Town, Cat and Fox and their friends send him funny messages and post pictures
of him which they have photoshopped. But that’s okay, because it’s only online and they
4DB—Sariah E for a great attitude to are not hurting him in real life. It’s not like they are hitting him and kicking him. In real life
learning this week
they just leave him alone. So it’s not really bullying… Is it?
4AT—Caoimhe H for her great work in But Pinocchio IS a real boy, he has a name and a family and he is very very sad. So what
long division can he do to get the kids at school to like him and to stop being mean to him online? Can

4BR—Kunal T for being peaceful, calm your children help.
and considerate of other people In this exciting anti-bullying performance we see the story from both sides, from Cat and
Fox who perhaps don’t realise they are being bullies… but can we really trust them? And
5JE—Holly U for an all round great
attitude towards school and great from a real life boy, who just wants to live his life and make some friends.
contributions in class With our foot tapping music, exciting animations, intricate storytelling we transport your
pupils into the online world of Tweet Town, where they will learn about what bullying is,
5SS—Annalise B for her superb
contributions in class and her fabulous the different forms it can take, and what we should do if we think it is happening to
attitude to school us. We will leave your children educated and motivated to tackle bullying in all its forms

5JB—Maya H for settling in superbly to and give them the tools and tips to be able to avoid becoming bullies themselves.
our new school
Vacancy—clerk to governors—Bawnmore Community Infant School
6AL – Vidhi S for a great attitude
towards her work Role—part-time

6CC = Aoife McC for a positive attitude Contract type—permanent, 84 hours per year
and great effort in class
Governors meetings are held on Monday evenings between 7 and 9 pm
6KC—Hope J for carrying out her duties
diligently Some experience in an administration role is essential

Please contact the school office on 01788 810065 for more details or
[email protected]

Supporting Parents & Carers: Learning more about

FREE workshop on Saturday 10th February at Avon Park School, St
Johns Avenue, Rugby, CV22 5HR

The day will be delivered by the ADHD Foundation and is aimed at
developing parents understanding of ADHD and their child’s behav-
iours. Topics covered:

 What is ADHD and dispelling myths

 The impact on learning, achievement and behaviour

 Working with school staff and other providers

Places are limited so to find out further information or to book please
contact Clare or Rukiya on [email protected] or 015395

Thank you to Eloise and her PTA NEWS
friends who organised 'Guess
the weight of the Jewels' in aid Thank you to everyone that supported the PTA Bingo night
last Friday, we made just over £250 from the night!
of the Air ambulance.
They raised £8.53 towards our Come and join the fun tonight at the Quiz— hope to see you
worthy cause. Well done!
School Disco is on Friday 9th February:
Year 3 & 4 6pm to 7.15pm

Year 5 & 6 7.30pm to 8.45pm
The Next PTA meeting: Tuesday 17th April at 7pm in school

Email: [email protected]

School Information School—Diary Dates

 School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am 2017/2018
 School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and
Monday 19th February to 23rd February 2018—
will be marked as such. Half term
 School finishes at 3.30p.m
 If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 (you Friday 30th March 2018 to 13th April 2018—Easter
can leave a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us
on [email protected] Monday 7th May 2018—School Closed Bank
 If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please email the school office Holiday
[email protected]
 If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them Friday 25th May 2018—Teacher Training Day
please email [email protected] Our teachers are busy with your children in
the classrooms all day however they will get back to you as soon as possible. Monday 28th May to 1st June 2018—Half Term
 If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School
Support worker, please call the office, pop into school or email her directly Friday 20th July 2018—Teacher training Day
on [email protected]

Inspire Challenge Achieve

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