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Published by mrsthomas, 2021-12-05 08:13:57



Let us be grateful to people who
make us happy; they are the charming gardeners

who make our souls blossom.
-Marcel Proust

3rd December 2021
B U L L E T I N HeadlinesThe weekly newsletter to keep you updated with the highlights of
the school week

t Hello everyone,
I want to start this week with a special mention to our new caretaker, Mrs Ingram who
thyool has only been with us since the start of November but has made such an impact on the
environment of the school already, especially during the cold and very snowy few days,
oaeuerarsar7ry3 2022 a big thank you for all of your hard work to help keep the school clean and safe.

Our Worship Leads have had a busy week this week. Some led a wonderful assembly on
Wednesday introducing us to the true meaning of advent
and the Countdown to Christmas. They have also been
supporting our work as an ICON(International Cross of Nails)
school. We are very proud to be part of this worldwide network
of over 200 churches, charities, educational and training organisations. The creation of
ICON was inspired by the Coventry story of destruction and we all work to look at ways to
support rebuilding and renewal, and active reconciliation within our own communities
and beyond.

On Thursday we welcomed Mrs Hathaway Assistant
Headteacher at the Blue Coat School, a fellow ICON school, to
exchange pieces of art work to celebrate Inter-faith week 2021.
Our Worship Leads have been busy working with Mrs Spraget
and Mrs Palmer to create a piece of art work to give to the
Blue Coat School, with the following message:

"We created this piece of artwork as a gift for you to represent
the values our school has as a Church of England school and an ICON school.
The values of an ICON school are “living with differences and celebrating
diversity” and “building a culture of peace”. We created a
canvas using various media to portray these values. Within the
representation are the symbols of all the faiths that are
represented in both our schools. This canvas shows how we can
respect each other even though we have different beliefs and
we can live and walk in peace. We used the verse from the Bible,
Psalm 133:1 “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live
together in unity,” as we strive to treat each other with respect
and love. At Bilton C of E Junior School, we believe we are all God’s
children which leads us to inspire, challenge and
achieve in His love."

The work we received in return depicts neighbourliness and how we are all connected
and created by one of their talented students. It was inspired by the Lockdowns and how
communities came together and underpinned by the verse from Matthew 22:39, 'Love
they neighbour'

Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV 22 6LB And on a final note, the 3 year 5 classes have all enjoyed their
Email: visits to Blists Hill to support their topic of Victorian history
and although a little soggy at times, they had a great time!
[email protected]
Warmest regards

Mrs Webb and the BJS team


Notices 3JE Alfie N For excellent work when showing his
mathematical reasoning
3JE Seren C For super sentence writing when retelling a
story 3AL Verity B For her positive attitude and
participation in class
3AL Maisie A For working hard on her comprehension
questions and her handwriting 3ED Zachery C Fabulous maths - always!

3ED Joah V For a fantastic retelling of How to Wash A
Woolly Mammoth 4VF Jody For relishing a challenge in maths

4CC Ryan For working hard in maths this week
4SS Dhiea for her super attitude and abilities in
4VF George For some really persuasive phrases in his
travel brochure maths

4CC Phoebe For coming up with excellent ideas for her
holiday brochure 5ES Isaac For persevering with timetables
5JB Lucas H For working very hard in maths
4SS Flynn for super presentation especially with regards
to his handwriting

6SM Eve T For developing her problem solving and

5ES William V For great sentence stacking ideas in our reasoning skills when answering challenge
diaries of Scrooge questions.

5JB Jonathan D For making great effort to improve the 6KC Alfie B Working really hard in fractions
presentation of his handwriting 6AT Sai For excellent work in maths.

6SM Oliver B For super use of emotive language in his

Letter from the Trenches sentence stacking.

6KC Elle For an excellent effort

6AT Jake For a great letter from the trenches

3JE April K For listening and responding to the 3JE Zac C For a huge improvement in his attitude at
feedback given to her. Making a great effort this lunchtimes.

week 3AL Isla V For her kindness in class and also her perseverance
3AL Liam K For working really hard with his Project X with her Project X
3ED Oscar N For helping take care of our classroom
3ED Chloe W For creativity - sharing some wonderful artwork
by helping to keep it tidy created at home

4VF Ben T For his enthusiastic participation in all 4VF Nate For service - Nate is a great Worship Ambassador.
lessons 4CC Dylan For working really well with lots of different adults
4SS Jack for bouncing back so brilliantly into school life after
4CC Mihika For working really hard on their volcano
poem being off school - amazing!

4SS Sofia being so thoughtful towards another
member of the class 5ES Whole class For being kind, caring, patient and

welcoming all week despite different class dynamics and

5ES Roman For having a really good conversation persevering with their learning
with Miss Shillcock and asking lots of interesting 5JB Whole class For showing responsibility for their actions

questions and respect on our Blists Hill trip
5JB Lucas K For being very attentive when listening

to the guides at Blists Hill

6SM Charlie For working hard in all subjects and 6SM Whole class For responsibility and respect - super
tracking well. representatives of BJS on our trip last Thursday
6KC Chi For settling in well to his new school
6KC Emily Always very helpful 6AT Mario For responsibility and friendship
6AT Ollie G Setting a good example to others -

always working hard French 4CC For wisdom and responsibility - being a

joy to teach. A wonderful way to end my week.

French Sophie P 4VF For always doing her very best

and being a great example to the class.

Class Individual

Chestnut 5ES Emmanuel A 5E
S Friendship
Sycamore 4CC Jorgie M 5ES

Oak 4SS

Charlie D 5MB Wisdom

3AL, 4SS, 5MB, 6AT congratulations on Lewie E 5MB Wisdom

completing a 1/2 marathon Zac M 5MB Wisdom

3JE, 4CC, 5JB, 6SM congratulations on Evan D 4SS Wisdom

Jess T 5MB Wisdom
Evie S 5MB Wisdom
completing 10 KM

I have the freedom and choice to be3ED, 4VF, 5ES, 6KC congratulations on

ambitiouscompleting 10 KM

for my future


Our school football braved the cold weather tonight and played
another tournament the last one of the year .

Again they played four great games with almost everyone in the
team scoring a goal even our fantastic goal keeper Joe
Player of the match was Joe .

Well done Zach , Luie , Annabel, Cameron , Cole , Dexter , Dougie,
Daisy, Joe and Jenson

Keep up the hard work we are looking forward to next year :-)

Parents of children applying to start Reception,
Year 3 or Year 7 can apply online at the county

council website.

Applications must be completed by

15th January 2022

Free online workshops for parents and

There are a range of free online workshops available for
parents and carers in Warwickshire to access, including:

Understanding your child's behaviour
Understanding your teenager
Routines and boundaries
Safe home, happy home

I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future


Zebastian has passed his
audition, will join the
National Children

Orchestra of Great Britain
(NCO) in 2022.

He has been offered a place of his first music
instrument the violin. This is an amazing achievement
and we are thrilled for him. Well done!

I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future

Notices Breaks Volunteer with Parenting
for carers
Due to caring commitments, many carers feel unable to attend GP
or hospital appointments and often lose contact with wider family Parenting Project is looking for volunteers
wishing to be trained as Parent Mentors
and friends, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

particularly within the Rugby area. Parent
Mentors are volunteers who meet with
Breaks for carers (CRESS) is able to offer FREE emergency and families to provide friendly, informal
planned cover to help support carers in the Coventry and
support, encouragement and guidance. This
Warwickshire area to ensure that their health and wellbeing is most useful for parents who are
needs are met.

overcoming difficult or challenging times.
For further information please contact
[email protected] or

phone 07958 487544.

I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future


If your family is currently entitled to Free
School Meals then you could claim a free place

I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future

Dates and Contact Details

School policy information can be found here:


I have the freedom and choice to be
ambitious for my future

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