As we step into a new academic year
Restore our spirit, our energy and our love.
Renew our passion for sharing knowledge and wisdom.
Nurture our compassion
for those in our care.
Transform us as we seek to transform
Guide us as we seek to guide
Open our minds and hearts
As we seek to open minds and hearts
in the ways of equality, justice and peace.
Help us listen more deeply to one another and our children
and parents
So we can walk with them
to prepare our children for the wonders of the world and
support and guide them when things are tough.
In Jesus name, Amen
As the Governing Board of Bilton C of E Junior
School, we believe we are all God's children.
Our Strategic Aims are:
• To inspire all, through learning
experiences which enrich, excite and
• To be happy confident, caring and
resilient learners, ready to
embrace challenge.
• To make consistently strong progress
across the curriculum and achieve their
very best.
Year 4 Staff:
Oak House – 4AT: Mrs Thompson
Sycamore House – 4BY: Mrs M Burton and Mrs Ravenhall (Friday)
Chestnut House – 4DB: Mrs Bodipudi
Learning Support Assistants:
Mrs Barnes
4AT: Ms Mison
4BR: Miss Watkins
4DB: Miss C Mulvaney
Year 4 Philosophy
Inspire. Challenge. Achieve.
independence – becoming more organised and looking after their
own belongings; be more resilient in their learning and using the class
displays to help learning; learning how to help each other effectively;
persevering and taking advice to improve work.
behaviour – recognising when things have gone wrong and
apologising. Being kind towards others. Using good manners;
supporting each other.
expectations – In year 4 we expect pupils to produce their best
work. We support and encourage them to do their best in all lessons.
We expect them to persevere with challenging tasks, to understand
that struggling with a task or concept is part of learning and to
improve their own work with support.
Year 4
Pupils are taught in their class groups for all subjects
Daily lessons using Inspire Maths scheme following a mastery approach.
Fluency sessions to increase speed and efficient methods including times
Pupils have a daily lesson.
Extra sessions weekly on guided reading comprehension, handwriting and
We assess pupils regularly and run TIGs(Targetted input groups) to
consolidate key skills, extend learning, challenge pupils, or address gaps in
Year 4 curriculum Autumn Term
Britain from the Air World’s Kitchen
• Drone visit at school • Possible local visit or visitor to school
• Visit to Bilton • Map work
• Map work • Fair trade
• Landmarks • Arcimboldo art
• Information texts • Persuasive writing/stories from other
• Science: habitats and food webs cultures
• Science: Human digestion and teeth
Spring Term
Crime and Punishment
• Visit from a Magistrate
• Dick Turpin
• The history of crime/punishment
• Creative writing
• Explanation texts
• Newspaper reports
• Performance poetry
• Science: Electricity and sound
Summer Term
The Romans
• Why the Romans invaded
• Roman soldiers/Gladiators/Gods
• Roman mosaics
• Stories with historical settings
• Arguments
• Persuasion
• Shakespeare
• Science: solids, liquids and gases and the water cycle
Parent Partnership:
Monitor home learning/Mymaths/English and help to complete to the
best of their ability - handed in on time.
Ensure your child reads regularly and that they read a mix of genres.
Ensure your child knows their times tables up to 12 x 12 in a variety of
ways – practise, practise, practise
Discuss school and topics with your child.
Practise with every day life, mental skills- addition and subtraction,
telling the time, money, measurement and word problems.
Parent Partnership:
Recommended Reading List:
Michael Morpurgo
Michael Bond Olga da Polga series
Ann Bryant Silver Spires series
Eoin Colfer Artemis Fowl series
Gillian Cross The Demon Headmaster
Roald Dahl
David Walliams
Lucy Daniels The Animal Ark series
Jamilla Gavin Grandpa’s Indian Summer; Boy Overboard
Liz Kessler Emily Windsnap series
Dick King Smith
Caroline Lawrence Roman Mysteries series
C S Lewis The Lion, The witch and The Wardrobe series
Astrid Lindgren Pippi Longstocking
Sienna Mercer My Sister the Vampire series
MicMary Norton The Borrowers series
J K Rowling Harry Potter series
Angie Sage Septimus Heap series
Lemony Snicket The Series of unfortunate events
Jeremy Strong
Community Volunteers
We are always pleased to accept offers of help in school.
If you have some time to spare, you could, for example:
• Listen to readers,
• Practise times tables,
• Support handwriting,
• Keep the library running well,
• Help with the allotment,
• Support cooking, craft, DT projects,
• Lunchtime clubs (eg knitting)
The list is endless – many of our parents/carers have wonderful
skills that could be used to inspire and challenge our children so please
get in touch and let us know!
For more information or to volunteer some
Help, please contact the school office and leave your details.
Q&A session
Thank you!