BJS Bulletin
BILTON C F E Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV 22 6LB
POINTS OF Hello there, I officially do not like snow! Baaa Humbug! Cold fingers and toes...wet feet...gritting
INTEREST: day and night....
BJS Inspire Right I got that out of the something great to bring your attention to...
World Book Day
meeting It is was World Book Day on Thursday 1st March. In honour of this event, each year group have
Monday 5th been reading rich and diverse multicultural stories in English. Year groups either spent the whole
March week on their chosen text, or just Thursday. Each of the Houses shared work that had been
3.30pm generated by the inspiring books. See photos on the inside page….
by Mrs I am a big fan of reading and often have several books on the go at one time! Not sure what that says
Thompson about me….I am sure it will not surprise you that studies show that reading for pleasure makes a big
Please join difference to children’s educational attainment and progress. Evidence suggests that children who read
for enjoyment every day not only perform better in reading tests than those who don’t, but also
us. develop a broader vocabulary, increased general knowledge and a better understanding of other
cultures. In fact, reading for pleasure is more likely to determine whether a child does well at school
Class photos are than their social or economic background, which is great to hear.
on Monday 5th
What difference can you make as a parent?
March 2018.
You can make a huge difference! You are the most important educators in your child’s life – way
more important than their teachers…sorry staff but it is true! I really believe it is never too early or
too late to read with your child. I used to love hearing my Mum and Dad reading to me at bedtime. I
especially loved The Faraway Tree and the Winnie the Pooh stories. My Mum was particularly good at
the character voices!
Even before they're born, babies learn to recognise their parents' voices. Reading to your baby from
birth, even for just a few minutes a day, gives them the comfort of hearing your voice and increases
their exposure to language.
Things you could do:
Read aloud to your child, talking about the words and pictures, and sharing ideas about the book.
Make time to read, yourself – children who see adults reading, and enjoying it, are much more likely to
want to read themselves.
Surround your child with books – you don't need hundreds of books at home, but go to the library or
bookshop regularly to borrow books, spend time together, browse and make choices. In this way,
reading becomes a habit.
I found this helpful guide on the internet provided by Pearson, which gives some more excellent ideas
about encouraging children to read. I thought you might find it useful -
Things coming up soon in school include Science week, there will be more information next week
about things we are up to. Have a great weekend.
Kind Regards, Mrs Norton :-)
Massive Mini Church Challenge
This year, the Diocese of Coventry reaches 100 years old and we are doing all sorts of things to
celebrate. One of these is to make a 3D map of the diocese to display in Coventry Cathedral and we
need to help make it....Competition time...
What you have to do:
1. Visit St Mark's church and take some photographs of the outside of the building.
2. Design and make a model of the church. The base needs to be about the size of A2 paper
(420 x 594 mm), no smaller than A3 (297 x 420 mm).
3. Bring your 3D model to school for display in St Marks Church the week beginning 30th April.
4. The competition will be judged and then the winning entry will be displayed in the cathedral
for an exhibition which is over the weekend of 9/10th June.
This week was not a good one for time keeping but we shall put that
down to the snow and ice!
Sycamore won the Time Keeper's Award this week with 11 late marks
whilst Oak and Chestnut houses both recorded 13 late marks in each.
School closure in the event of bad weather
In the event of any bad weather where it is necessary to close the school an announcement will be
made on Rugby FM 107.1, BBC Coventry & Warwickshire 94.8FM and Free Radio 97 & 102.9 FM.
Please do not ring the school but listen to the radio.
Alternatively sign up for free school closure text alerts to your mobile phone – please log on to:
We will also use our own text messaging service – Text2parents to notify you of closure.
Respect and Reverence—Value for half term
At BJS we have a different theme each half term to teach about what we value. We
will be looking this half term at how we are all given the chance in school and
beyond to experience feelings of awe, wonder and mystery. Are there places and
objects in school or at home that are considered extra special. We try to show respect
to all living things and to our surroundings. With whom do we show reverence?
Have a chat with your children about their new diaries of reflection that they have in
the classrooms which encourage children to share their thoughts on our values.
40 Acts Lent challenges next week:
Saturday 3rd March - Pick up litter and put it in the bin.
Sunday 4th March - Share your best joke today.
Monday 5th March - Play with a child from another year group.
Tuesday 6th March - Introduce yourself to someone new.
Wednesday 7th March - Follow instructions without complaining.
Thursday 8th March - Look out for someone sad today and find a
way to cheer them up.
Excellence Lunch Time Top Table Every week Mrs.
Amelie B - 5SS Hanaa Y - 4BR Lennon H - 5JB awards children
This week’s Excellence Awards were Ameerah I - 5SS COMPASSION GENEROSITY for
presented to the following children Sybilla U - 3SV Erin C - 5JB Harlen W - 4BR demonstrating
COURAGE Zara S - 5JB Daniel P - 4BR our Christian
during Thursday’s assembly: Alfie G - 3SV RESPONSIBILITY values during
Jake O - 4BR lunch time, the
3ED—Mia E for consistent hard work Joseph P - 4BR nominated
3FS—Ashley Rose W for great work children get an
identifying patterns in maths invitation to join
the top table on
the Friday of
that week.
3SV—Jude B & Harvey W for excellent
science structures yesterday
4AT 0 Imogen R for her focus and
quality of English this week
4DB—James E for a great improvement
in English
4BR—Rudi K for making a positive start
to a new school
5JE—Jayden M for being a great team
player and including others in PE
5SS—Savannah W for her super Princethorpe College
demonstration of maturity during
Spring Fever week Year 4 and 5 'Say Hello to
Hockey Taster Session' -
5JB—For demonstrating maturity when Saturday 28 April 2018
discussing Spring Fever
This session is aimed at
6AL—Thomas S for working diligently children of all skill levels,
with his maths including those who have
not played hockey before.
6KC— xxxx for always making a good Taught by Princethorpe's
effort in any task she is set experienced sports coaches,
the event is aimed at both
6CC—Ellie B for settling in really well to girls and boys and will be lots
6CC of fun!
This is a free event and starts
at 9:30, finishing at approx.
12:00p.m. If you are
interested then please
contact Miss Helen Morgan
on helenmorgan@princethor or telephone 01926
634262. Places are limited.
Important information re Snapchat:
Please be aware that the latest update on Snapchat now means
user's names and locations are available for all to see. If your
child has an account please ensure you check their settings and
switch on 'ghost mode'.
Harris C of E Academy SSP
Holiday Courses
Level 2 Training for pupils in
year 5 & 6
Thur 12 April and Fri 13 April
(both days must be
attended). 9.15am to
12.30pm £20 per person
Level 1 Training for pupils in
years 3,4, 5 & 6
Tue 10 April 9.30am to
11.45am. £12 per person
For more information call
Debbie on 01788 812549,
ext 304 or email
[email protected].
Advert for Project and Volunteer Manager Hope4 (Rugby) Ltd
We have a vacancy for an exceptional leader whose sense for purpose, direction, drive, fun and people skills are exemplary. This person
must be able to articulate a clear vision for Hope4 with such passion that all staff, volunteers, service users and partners are so enthused
that they bring about the changes needed to develop the services we offer.
We are a small charity (Registered charity number: 1126487) working with the homeless and badly housed people in the borough of Rugby,
Warwickshire. We started in 2005 and have seen many significant changes in the size and scope of our work. We have a good record of helping our
service users and a good reputation in the town. This post is a new one and comes because of us recently being successful in obtaining a Big Lottery
Fund grant to further develop our work.
You can obtain information about this exciting post from our soon to be relaunched website ( We would encourage
potential applicants to come and look at what we do by contacting us to make an appointment. An application form can be downloaded,
completed and either emailed to our new Chair of Directors at [email protected] or sent by post to Diana Mansell, Recruitments, 8
Newbold Road, Rugby, Warwickshire. CV21 2 LJ to arrive before 1200hrs on Tuesday 13th March 2018. We will only accept applications using
this downloadable form.
School Information School—Diary Dates
School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am 2017/2018
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and Friday 30th March 2018 to 13th April 2018—Easter
will be marked as such. Monday 7th May 2018—School Closed Bank
School finishes at 3.30p.m Friday 25th May 2018—Teacher Training Day
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 (you can leave Monday 28th May to 1st June 2018—Half Term
Friday 20th July 2018—Teacher training Day
a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us on [email protected]
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please email the school office
[email protected]
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them please email
[email protected] Our teachers are busy with your children in the classrooms all day
however they will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School Support worker,
please call the office, pop into school or email her directly
on [email protected]
Inspire Challenge Achieve