BJS Bulletin
Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV22 6LB
Parents Evening Hello All, this term seems to be going so quickly!
Monday 2nd & 4th
I wanted to share with you some of the amazing books that have been bought for and given to school
October over recent months. If you would like to see them in the flesh, so to speak they are available to read
with your child in the front entrance of school. The most recent ones are:
Prospective Open
Evening / Mornings 'For the Right to Learn' by Rebecca Langston- George which is a
story of Malala Yousafzai and her life and her accepting the
We warmly invite Nobel Peace Prize at age 17. This wonderful book told for
prospective parents children gives us great hope and inspiration.
and children to visit
Another of the books is, 'Fantastically Great Women who
our school. changed the World' by Kate Pankhurst. It is bursting full of
astounding women who achieved great things, following their
Thursday 5th October hearts, talents and dreams.
2017 6.30pm to
8.00pm The third is 'Goodnight stories for Rebel Girls' by Elena Favilli and
Francesca Cavallo. A compilation of stories of the lives of 100
Open mornings trail blazing women.
Friday 13th October
and Monday 16th I am on the look out for some inspirational books for boys too, if
you find any titles that you have enjoyed with your children then
October please let me know or you may wish to donate to school to
9am to 11.30am inspire all our learners.
I am really looking forward to seeing you all at Parents evening on Monday and Wednesday next
week. If you have not done so already please make your appointment through the following link:
or telephone the office and they can help you. It is really important that you come and bring your
child with you so they are part of the discussion with their teachers and you.
Thanks for all the lovely messages I have received from Year 3 parents about the transition
experience you have received with us. Look out for a transition survey, next week, specifically for Yr 3
parents and parents of new children joining the school. We very much appreciate your comments.
I am also sending out a letter this week about Parent Partnership Forum (PPF)
which is a wonderful way for you to get involved in the life of the school.
Regards, Mrs Norton
I have the freedom and choice to be ambitious for my future
Lunch Time Top Table Punctuality
SERVICE PERSEVERANCE Congratulations go to Chestnut House this week
who won the Time Keeper's Award this week
Harriet H—4AT Moreblessing Every week Mrs. with 5 late marks.
Olivia D—4AT W—6KC Reeves-Brown and her
Esme S-R—4AT AVA E-S—4BR team awards children Oak recorded 8 whilst Sycamore had a very disappointing 11.
WISDOM Harvey W—3SV for demonstrating our
Ewan H—4AT Aryan S—4AT Christian values during Well done and thank you to 3SV and 3FS who are the only
Hider K—4AT FRIENDSHIP lunch time, the two classes to achieve perfect time keeping this week!
COMPASSION Harvey T—4AT nominated children get
an invitation to join the Please remember school starts at 8.50am. Any child arriving
top table on the Friday after that time is missing out on some of their education.
of that week.
As everyone is now settled into the school routine we shall
Seb O—5SS once again be expecting children who arrive late to make up
RESPOENxSIBcILeITlYlence Awards their missed work in the break time.
Laura O—4DB Please make contact with Mrs Hodgson if getting your child to
school on time is an issue in your house.
Excellence Awards
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to the following children A group of children helped Mrs Thompson, Miss Cartmel
during Thursday’s assembly: (Maths Leaders) and Mrs Kelly (a new governor) to monitor
Maths in School. Children were really articulate about their
3ED—Keira C-J for always being ready for learning, for focus and views. Children generally love maths at BJS. They especially
hard work like working in their 'Inspire' books and using equipment to
help the. They like using bar modelling and enjoy learning
3FS—Alex J for writing a fabulous recount together.
3SV—Harvey W for fabulous sketching yesterday Next week we are focusing on English with Mrs Burton and
Mrs Bowler Smith (English Leads).
4AT—Grace McC for always being ready to explain her learning to the
4BR—Natalia Z for settling in really well to a new school
4DB—Eden-Mai C for some fantastic independent work in English
5JE—Thomas C for working ever so hard and engaging with his maths
5SS—Eve MCC for her outstanding biography of Shakespeare
5JB—Max T for always trying his best, persevering and for being a love- The Taking Care Project
ly member of the class
6KC—Bryce Angel for great ‘pop corning’
6CC—Kieran H for beautiful art work this week Next week in school we are beginning our
6AL—Lola C for researching and sharing her family memories WWI sessions with the children known as
French—5SS Kian McI for superb reading out loud in French, using his 'Protective behaviours' as part of the Taking
learning about silent letters brilliantly Care Project in Warwickshire. All our children
Special mention to all the allotment group for all their hard work. Not will receive 4 lessons based on them knowing
only were we awarded PLATINUM we were nominated for the best what we call their 'early warning signs' and
who speak to if they are worried about something. Please ask
Nasal Flu Immunisation your children about what they know about their 'network' and
All pupils in Year 3 and 4 are being offered about what they have been learning about. If your children
the nasal flu immunisation at school on 2nd have come from Bawnmore, Henry Hinde, Cawston or Bilton
November. Consent forms will be sent Infants schools you will already be aware of this really
home in October. important project. If you want to know more please contact
Mrs Hodgson who will gladly fill you in :-)
[email protected]
Collecting the Platinum Rugby in Bloom
Award—Well Done to all involved
Wild Club practitioner position—VACANCY 'Lockdown' - As you are probably aware from the news, and an
We are looking for a motivated, enthusiastic practitioner to join incident at Paddox Primary in Hillmorton, all schools are
our before and after school club team based at Bilton C of E encouraged to have a 'Lockdown' procedure, in the event of an
Junior School. intruder entering the site. We practiced our procedure on
Thursday and every single child and adult handled it with care
The applicant will need to: and thought. If you would like further information then please
contact Mrs Norton or Mrs Webb. Some children in Yr 6 were
Have a good working relationship with a highly qualified team away on an educational visit but we will be having more
Work in partnership with parents and carers 'Lockdown' and fire practices throughout the year so all are
Plan activities around the EYFS for different aged children versed in what we need to do to keep ourselves safe.
Ensure the environment is safe and secure for children
Follow and implement high standards of practice
Safeguard children's welfare From one parent to another…..
Monitor children`s progress and plan next steps
Ideally applicants to hold a full and relevant level 2 or 3 qualification in Please view the following link which is one mother giving
childcare and education. advise to other parents about keeping children safe on line.
We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. References
will be contacted prior to interview. Enhanced DBS checks will be carried
Deadline for applications: Friday 6th October 2017
Please email: [email protected] for an application form or
contact Pam on 07902 344824
Marathon Wednesdays start next week Your generous donations were We would like to wish
(4/10/17). This is your child’s chance to collected this week Mrs. Chesney (SEND
run or walk a marathon. Has your child Teacher) all the best for the
returned their slip so we can track their arrival of her baby. We hope
laps on the Digital Tracking System? to welcome her back after
Parents/carers are very welcome to her maternity leave.
come and join us to participate or cheer
the children on. Running starts from In the meantime Miss.
12.30pm until 1.20pm. (You don’t need Shillcock and Mrs. Ravenhall
to run/walk/stagger for the whole 50 will job share the SEND role.
We hope you will support your PTA in the following
events, please pop them in the diary so you don’t
miss out on all the fun.
Friday 6th October—School Disco
Year 3&4 6pm to 7.15pm
Year 5&6 7.30pm to 8.45pm
Thursday 2nd November—Community Fireworks
Saturday 2nd December—Christmas Fayre
Friday 19th January 2018—Family Bingo
Friday 8th June 2018—Family Bingo
If you have any suggestions for the PTA or would like to
get involved please email [email protected]
Well Done to Evie & Grace
Well Done to
Evie and Grace
for completing
the military mud
run on Saturday.
They‘ve raised
over £400 for
Bowel Cancer UK
School Information School—Diary Dates
School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am 2017/2018
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and will be marked
Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October
as such. 2017—Half Term
School finishes at 3.30p.m Monday 25th December to 5th January 2018—
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 Christmas Holiday
Monday 19th February to 23rd February 2018—
(you can leave a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us Half term
on [email protected] Friday 30th March 2018 to 13th April 2018—Easter
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please email the school Holiday
office [email protected] Monday 7th May 2018—School Closed Bank Holi-
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them day
please email [email protected] Our teachers are busy with your Friday 25th May 2018—Teacher Training Day
children in the classrooms all day however they will get back to you as soon as Monday 28th May to 1st June 2018—Half Term
possible. Friday 20th July 2018—Teacher training Day
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School
Support worker, please call the office, pop into school or email her directly
on [email protected]
Inspire Challenge Achieve