BJS Bulletin
SPECIAL POINTS OF INTER- Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV22 6LB
Air Ambulance
Bake Sale—8th It sounds so rehearsed but I want you to know, I actually mean it....Another great week
December after here at BJS!
school I know not everyone could make it but Wednesday
evening was supersciencetastic! Thanks to the hard work
If you would like of the organising powers of Ms Davies we had a
to bake wonderful day. All the children benefited in the afternoon,
staff then had some fantastic hands on professional
something for development and then many parents came in the evening
the sale please to round off the day. See the associated photos of the fun!
bring in on the
Thank you to our PTA for your generous contribution to the proceedings so that all could
morning of benefit.
8.12.17 and the
sale will be at
the end of the
day. It would be
really helpful if
you make a
label saying
what you have
baked and how
much each item
will be.
Christmas By the time you read this the PTA will be setting up for our Christmas Fayre which is on
Performances at Saturday morning.(9:30a.m.-12:30p.m). It promises to be a wonderful event and I hear
St. Mark’s Church someone special is coming...
at 6pm Carol Singing
If you would like to join the choir singing Christmas Carols to kick off the
Tuesday 12th Fayre please join us at the front entrance from 9:15 onwards.
See you at the BJS PTA Christmas
Wednesday 13th Fayre
Thursday 14th
I have the freedom and choice to be ambitious for my future
Lunch Time Top Table Punctuality
RESPECT RESPONSIBILITY Every week Mrs. Congratulations and thank you to Sycamore House who
Charlotte D—4AT James M—6CC Reeves-Brown and her won the Time Keeper's Award with only 4 late marks across the
Eloise S—4AT Sam M –6CC team awards children house this week.
FRIENDSHIP Kamil R –6CC for demonstrating our Oak House came second with 6 whilst Chestnut trailed right behind
Joseph R—6KC Henry B—6CC Christian values during with 10.
Charlie C –6KC Charlie W—6CC lunch time, the
William C –6KC nominated children get It was very disappointing to see this week that 8 of the 20 late marks
Oscar W—6KC an invitation to join the across school were from year 6 pupils whilst 6 were from year 3
Liel M—6KC top table on the Friday children.
of that week.
Please remember school starts at 8.50a.m. Any child not settled in
class by this time is missing valuable learning which they may be
asked to make up during their break time.
If you have a genuine issue with getting your child to school on time,
please contact Mrs Hodgson via the school office (01788 810675) or
email her direct at [email protected]
Excellence Awards Katja SS had a fabulous time when she was part of a German
children's TV programme recently. See photo attached :-)
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to the following children Well done Katja and team :-)
during Thursday’s assembly:
3SV—Kalonice S for her enthusiasm and participation particularly in
maths lessons
3FS—Katie B for great progress with using column method for addition
and subtraction
3ED—Megan B for great effort and progress in all her work—well done!
4DB—Eleanor B for trying her best at all times
4BR—Troy M for working really hard on his writing in English.—well
4AT—Mariam Y for always being focused and producing her best work
every time
5JE—Josh H for great problem solving in maths Jelly Beans Traditional Parties
For ages 4 to 8
5JB—Darcie C-H for making fantastic progress telling the time—well
5SS—Freya B for always working hard, being an exceptional role model 90 minutes of party games
and an outstanding member of 5SS—thank you. Tel: Helen 01788 546198 or Sue 01788 567222
[email protected]
6AL—Martyna M for her great effort with her literacy / topic writing
YouTube safety—Child safety on YouTube
6KC—Ryan D for a much improved effort in maths Please see the latest guidance regarding YouTube
concerns/safety on the on-line safety page of our school's
6CC—Hope S for a positive attitude across all subjects but particularly website (
French—Eve S (4AT) for excellent effort all the time and successfully
learning how to spot singular and plural nouns in French—Bravo!
Lost watch—have you seen this watch? We have a group of people who pray for the school
each week. They meet at 8:50 and pray for about 15
We are really quite upset that Lauren has lost it minutes about all sorts of things associated with the
as she only received this as a birthday present on school.
Friday 17 November.
If you would like to join them then please come along.
Please hand it into the office if you find it , lets Alternatively, you could pray at home :-) If there is anything that
help get the watch returned to Lauren. you or a family needs prayer for please leave a note for the atten-
tion of Mrs Norton who can pass any prayer requests to the team :-)
Thank you
_________T: 07971073530 / 07849168639 E: [email protected]____ ___
We have a few spaces available for our popular StreetDance club.
Our club offers children a chance to learn the coolest commercial & hip-hop moves to the latest songs whilst having fun in a relaxed and safe environment. We
incorporate challenging games which teach children life skills, self- confidence and encourage them to be active. Our most important aim is to have FUN. What
better way to end the day!!
We run a motivating awards system where each month one child who we feel has excelled and improved considerably will receive a Funstar trophy, there may also
be the opportunity to show off their talent in assemblies, school performances and to parents.
Funstar StreetDance -(3.30pm -4.30pm) Friday’s 12th Jan - 23rd Mar 2018 – 10 sessions @ £3.50 = £35
TO APPLY: please go to registration/payment tab. Then select the click here link for term time classes.
Limited spaces are available therefore places will be given on a first come first serve basis.
(All current children must also apply online every term or their name will not be added to our online register)
Many thanks Funstar Education ☺
Please check to see whether you qualify for FSM, it doesn’t matter
what year your child is in, if you think you qualify please apply as it
takes seconds to do!
Claim your free school meals
With the cold weather please ensure children have Applying for Free School Meals has never been easier.
appropriate clothing to wear outside at break and lunch
time. Parents can either call 01926 359189 or visit and receive an
Closure of School in bad weather instant decision regarding eligibility. Any information you
provide will be treated in absolute confidence. If you receive any of
If I do have to close the school over the coming months due to the following benefits then your child may be eligible for Free
snow I will let you know by text as soon as a decision has been
made between us and our two main feeder infant schools (Bilton School Meals:
Infant and Bawnmore Infant). There will also be a notice on our
website and an announcement will be made on Rugby FM 107.1, Income Support or Income-Based Job Seekers Allowance (but not
BBC Coventry & Warwickshire 94.8FM and Free Radio 97 & 102.9 Contribution Based Job Seeker’s Allowance).
FM. Please do not ring the school but listen to the radio.
The Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit.
Alternatively sign up for free school closure text alerts to your Child Tax Credit where the family’s annual income as assessed by
mobile phone – please log on to:
HMRC is not in excess of £16,190. Please note that families who are also entitled to Working Tax Credit do not qualify for Free School
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999.
Income Related Employment and Support Allowance (but not
Contribution-Based Employment and Support Allowance).
*If you qualify we are entitled to an extra £1,300 of pupil premium benefits so please
sign up to help support your child and the school.
Reminder: Please can we ask that children do not bring slime /goo
into school. Thank you
BJS are now on Facebook as well as twitter. Please Christmas Jumper Day
follow the link to find us and keep up to date with
things that are going on here at Bilton C of E On the very last day of term, Friday 22nd December
Junior School. Of course we will still have our bul- we are going to be raising funds for our school
letin to keep up communications too :-) charity, The Air Ambulance. Please encourage your
Mrs Norton children to put some loose change in an envelope (£1 suggested)
and they get to wear a Christmas jumper/non uniform. We look forward to seeing all the different designs.
School Information School—Diary Dates
School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am 2017/2018
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and
Monday 25th December to 5th January 2018—
will be marked as such. Christmas Holiday
School finishes at 3.30p.m Children start back on Monday 8th January 2018
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 (you Monday 19th February to 23rd February 2018—
Half term
can leave a voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us Friday 30th March 2018 to 13th April 2018—Easter
on [email protected] Holiday
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please email the school office Monday 7th May 2018—School Closed Bank Holi-
[email protected] day
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them Friday 25th May 2018—Teacher Training Day
please email [email protected] Our teachers are busy with your children in Monday 28th May to 1st June 2018—Half Term
the classrooms all day however they will get back to you as soon as possible. Friday 20th July 2018—Teacher training Day
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School
Support worker, please call the office, pop into school or email her directly
Inspire Challenge Achieve