Year 5
Parents Information Evening
As we step into a new academic year.
Restore our spirit, our energy and our love.
Renew our passion for sharing knowledge and wisdom.
Nurture our compassion
for those in our care.
Transform us as we seek to transform
Guide us as we seek to guide
Open our minds and hearts
As we seek to open minds and hearts
in the ways of equality, justice and peace.
Help us listen more deeply to one another and our children and parents
So we can walk with them
to prepare our children for the wonders of the world and support and guide
them when things are tough.
In Jesus name, Amen
Our Strategic Aims are:
• To inspire all, through learning experiences which
enrich, excite and engage.
• To be happy confident, caring and resilient learners,
ready to embrace challenge.
• To make consistently strong progress across the
curriculum and achieve their very best
Mission Statement:
I have the freedom and choice to be ambitious for my
No Outsiders:
Year 5 Staff
Curriculum Overview and changes
Parent partnership
Online safety & Additional Information
Year 5 Staff:
Assistant Head - Year 5 & 6: Miss Anya Lewis (ICT Co-ordinator)
Chestnut House – 5JE : Mr Jonathan Evans (Forest Schools & PE Co-ord)
Sycamore House – 5JB : Mrs Julie Bowler-Smith (English Co-ordinator)
Oak House – 5SS : Mrs Sarah Stevens (Music Co-ordinator)
Learning Support Assistants:
5JE: Mrs Stronach
5BS: Mrs T Wilson-Shrubb
5SS: Mrs V Jones
“It’s not like when I was at school.”
Things change quickly in education, and at no time in the past 25 years has
that been truer than September 2014 when the whole school curriculum
changed for maintained schools throughout England.
So what has changed?
The changes to the curriculum has focussed on ‘higher expectations’ in
various subjects, and it is certainly the case that in some areas the content
of the new primary curriculum is significantly more demanding than in the
For example, in mathematics there is now much greater focus on the skills of
arithmetic and also on working with fractions.
In English lessons there will now be more attention paid to the study of
grammar and spelling; an area which was far less notable in previous curricula.
So what has changed?
If your child is achieving well, rather than moving on to the following year
group’s work we will encourage more in-depth and investigative work to allow a
greater mastery and understanding of concepts and ideas.
In Year 5 we use tests at all stages of children’s learning - these are part of
a normal classroom routine, and support teachers’ assessment and aid in the
measure of progress in the intervening years from when the children take
their KS1 and KS2 SATs. We will then provide accompanying information to
parents to explain how your child/children are progressing – it makes
attending those parents’ evenings all the more important!
During the years of upper Key Stage 2 (Year 5 and Year 6), children use
their knowledge of number bonds and multiplication tables to tackle more
complex problems, including larger multiplication and division, and meeting
new material. In Year 5, this includes more work on calculations with
fractions and decimals, and using considerably larger numbers than
Much of the knowledge in Year 5 relies on number facts being easily
recalled. For example, to find common factors or to make simple
conversions, knowledge of multiplication tables is essential. Any practice at
home to keep these skills sharp will certainly be appreciated by your child’s
class teacher and your child!
English & Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling:
In upper Key Stage 2 your child will increasingly meet a wider range of texts
and types of writing, and will be encouraged to use their skills in a broader
range of contexts. Their knowledge of grammar will also increase as they
prepare for the National Curriculum Tests to be taken in the summer term of
Year 6.
For many parents, the grammatical terminology used in schools may not be
familiar. An example:
As children get older, they begin to meet more abstract concepts in science
– things which are not so easily tested in the classroom, such as the bodies
of the solar system, or changes of state. They will continue to carry out
experiments but may also use more secondary resources for research or
Plenty of exciting experiments can take place at home looking at reversible
and irreversible changes. Try searching online for the ‘vinegar bomb’
experiment, or the now-famous ‘Coke and Mentos’ experiment
Year 5 Curriculum:
At primary school, English, Maths and Science are the core subjects which
make up the bulk of the timetable. That said, the other foundation subjects
play a key part in providing a broad and balanced curriculum. All eight of
these subjects are a compulsory part of the National Curriculum.
We will be largely free to follow our own curriculum in Art, while providing a
broad experience for our students. Children will explore a range of different
techniques such as drawing, painting and sculpture, and will use a variety of
materials, from pencil and paint to charcoal and clay, to create their own art
Year 5 Curriculum:
Computing :
There are three main strands of the Computing curriculum: information
technology, digital literacy and computer science.
Design and Technology :
This subject includes cooking, which will be taught in all primary schools,
with children finding out about a healthy diet and preparing simple dishes. It
also includes the more traditional design elements in which children will
design, make and evaluate products while learning to use a range of tools and
techniques for construction.
Year 5 Curriculum:
Your child will find out about different places in the UK, Europe and the
Americas through studying small regions in each, and comparing these to other
areas, including their own locality.
The area of study that Year 5 will be studying is Mayan civilisation. In BJS we
will teach a chronological order with our history topics.
Music :
In music, children will perform pieces both alone and as part of a group using
their own voice and a range of musical instruments, including those with tuning
such as ukelele or keyboards.
Year 5 Curriculum:
A foreign language is compulsory for children in Key Stage 2 and French is
taught by a language specialist, Madame Mulley.
Physical Education :
The range of games and sports taught in Upper Key Stage are broader, and
the children will also take part in outdoor and adventurous activities such
as orienteering. They will perform dances, take part in athletics and
gymnastics, and attempt to achieve personal bests in various activities. In
addition, all children should learn to swim at some point during their
primary school career.
Year 5 Curriculum:
As children get older, they will increasingly take responsibility for their own
work and homelearning tasks. That’s not to say that parents can’t help
though. Encourage your child to work independently on their homelearning,
but also take the opportunity to discuss it with them and to have them
explain their understanding to you.
- Maths
- Comprehension
Half termly
- Home learning
Learning at home:
Reading regularly to an adult across a wide range of genres.
Practising time tables in a varied format.
Home learning will be set and children will have a term to complete.
Spellings – your child will have a list of spellings to learn each week which
will be tested on a Friday.
Children will have weekly tasks to complete in their CGP books, which are
as follows: Comprehension, Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling and Maths.
Tasks will be set on a Friday and CGP’s books corrected following Friday.
Where there is a requirement there may be additional learning sent home
for your child.
Parent Partnership:
Monitor your child completing their Home Learning and CGP books, ensure
they are completing their work to the best of their ability and are
handing in on time.
Ensure your child reads regularly and reads a good variety of different
Ensure your child knows their times tables – practise, practise, practise
Discuss school and topics with your child.
Practise with every day life, mental skills- addition and subtraction,
telling the time, money and word problems.
Watch the news and discuss topical issues.
Parent Partnership:
Resources to aid your child with their learning.
This is a fee paying site – your child will
have a username and password to access
Use the website to research information for Home Learning activities
but please do not allow your child to just cut and paste!
Additional Information:
PGL residential trip – Mrs Norton – Autumn Term
Mexican Food tasting and making & Cadburys World
Forest Schools
Community Volunteers:
We are always pleased to accept offers of help in school.
If you have some time to spare, you could, for example:
• Listen to readers,
• Practise times tables,
• Support handwriting,
• Keep the library running well,
• Help with the allotment,
• Support cooking, craft, DT projects,
• Lunchtime clubs (eg knitting)
The list is endless – many of our parents/carers have wonderful
skills that could be used to inspire and challenge our children so please
get in touch and let us know!
For more information or to volunteer some
Help, please contact Mrs Stanford or Mrs Vipond through the
school office and leave your details.
Online safety:
Online safety:
[email protected]
Please contact the school office, in the first
instance if you wish to speak to a class teacher.
Q&A session
Thank you!