BJS Bulletin
Plantagenet Drive, Rugby, CV 22 6LB 28TH SEPTEMBER 2018
BILTON C OF E Headlines
Dear Parents,
POINTS OF We are really proud of all of our children and the efforts they make to be the best they
INTEREST: can be here at BJS. We love to give out opportunities to lead in lots of ways and we are
particularly proud of Our Learning Ambassadors, House Captains and Junior Leadership
Parents Evenings Team. Please celebrate with us when we congratulate the following children:
Monday 1st
October and Junior Leadership Team 2018 - Voted in by class mates to be a class
representative on the Junior Leadership Team:
Wednesday 3rd
October Catlin G, Aarian B, Liam H, Joseph M, Daniel A-E, Adam E, Dominic C, Ishaan B,
Alexa H, Maya H, Charlie S and Arjan S.
Mathletics Parents
drop in session House Captains - Voted in by houses to support the smooth running of Chestnut,
Sycamore and Oak:
Support your child
with their Maths Freya B, Darcie CH, Max T, Joshua H, Shayni M and Oliver H
homework and
Learning Ambassadors - A group of children chosen by school who can share their
number learning with visitors:
fluency. 3.30 - 4pm
Solomon C, Lulu M, Emma H, Lottie R, Vivian B, Sean W, Ellie W, Connie M, Eloise S, Elspeth
Thursday 4th R, Camilla B and Owen S
October in 4AT
(children welcome to I am also really proud of all the year 6 children who came on our prospective Parents
Evening on Thursday to help show new parents around. They were well mannered and polite.
attend). Thank you to all our staff who came to make the school as welcoming as it is during the
The PTA meeting was well attended too. Can I say a formal thank you to
Georgia Chadwick who has stepped down from being Chair to being Vice Chair
this year. The care and dedication she has put in over a number of years has
been second to none. The money that the whole PTA raise is ploughed straight
back in to school. I am sure the team will continue to be as brilliant under Annie Smith who
is the new chair of BJS PTA. Thanks so much to you too, without the support from parents
and carers the school would not continue to go from strength to strength. We look forward
to lots of great events planned for this year.
Kind regards,
Mrs Norton
I have the freedom and choice to be ambitious for my future
Punctuality Congratulations to Oak House who won the Golden Pocket Watch Award this week along with years 4 and
6 who all managed to get to school on time each day this week.
We have seen a slight slip in some children's' time keeping this week so can we please remind everyone
that school starts at 8.50am and anyone arriving in class after this time is missing valuable learning time.
If you have problems getting your child to school on time for any reason please contact Mrs Hodgson either
via the school office (tel 01788 810675) or on her email: [email protected]
Bilton C of E Junior School bags £4,000 from Tesco’s
community grant scheme
We are delighted to announce we have bagged £4,000 from Tesco’s Bags of Help community grant scheme.
Bags of Help is run in partnership with environmental charity Groundwork, and sees grants raised from the
sale of carrier bags awarded to thousands of local community projects every year. Since launching in 2015,
it’s provided more than £60 million to over 18,000 local community projects.
Thank you to all those that made special trips to Tesco stores throughout July and August to vote for us!
We couldn’t have done it without you!
We will keep you up dated on progress of the All Weather Running Track… this
Keeping ourselves safe: As promoted by Warwickshire Safeguarding Children Board’s Taking Care Scheme
please do not teach blanket ‘stranger danger’ messages to children. The reason for
Like families at home, in school we this is that sometimes a stranger is the only person who can help us and is a far safer
regularly talk to the children about option than not talking to anyone. E.g. a child lost in a shop is far safer to tell a
the need to keep themselves safe stranger they are lost than to wander off looking for the person they have separated
both in the real world and the virtual from. We may choose to discuss the likely ‘safest’ strangers in such scenarios such as
one! a mother with a pram or small children or someone who works in the shop.
However, we do need to clarify the stranger issue as plainly there are
One of the messages we give to situations we may want to warn children about for their own safety e.g.
children is that of 'stranger aware- not to get in a car with anyone (NOT just someone they don’t know) unless
ness', rather than 'stranger danger'.
(Which gives the idea that all people their parent/guardian knows who/ where/ when etc and has given permission.
we don't know could be dangerous.)
not leaving school with someone other than who they were expecting unless
Please see information to the right their parent/guardian knows who/ where/ when etc and has given permission
that you might find helpful to and they have checked with a school staff member. Sometimes a password
support this. system is used so that children are only released into the care of an adult who
can give the correct password – this is usually changed as soon as it has been
Can we also ask families to reiterate used once.
to children that if they cannot see the
parent/adult they are expecting to not to walk off with anyone (NOT just someone they don’t know) unless their
collect them at home time, that they parent/guardian knows who/ where/ when etc and has given permission.
remain with their teacher/return to
school and let the office know. If someone tries to grab them it is ok to break all the rules of politeness to
others e.g. scream, kick, punch, bite…etc. Whatever they need to do to draw
attention to themselves and alert others to the fact they are in danger.
Please reinforce these safety messages to the children regularly without giving them
the idea that ALL strangers are ‘bad’.
Year 4 Trip to The Curve Monday 17th September
To give a personal response of Michael Rosen at the Curve Theatre
On Monday 17th September we went to the Curve Theatre in
Leicester. We saw Michael Rosen and he was so funny as he used
amazing facial expressions, linked poems, great actions to go with the
brilliant poems and the extraordinary voices for different characters.
Dylan 4AT
Excellence Awards Thank you for all the kind donations of
food and money accepted on behalf of
This week’s Excellence Awards were presented to the Rugby Foodbank this week.
the following children during Thursday’s assembly:
They will be collected on
3ED—Grace H for excellent thinking and explaining in Monday so please feel free to
maths bring more in! The huge
amount of tins and packets will
3ES—Oliver B for excellent writing in English and fantastic make a big impact on people of
effort all the time Rugby who when in need turn
to the Foodbank. Thank you.
3SV—Archie M for trying really hard with his English
Autumn poem BJS Facebook
4AT—Leon G for his effort and positive attitude to Just in case you didn't know we have a BJS
learning Facebook page which is another way for you to
stay informed. The link is https://
4DB—Harvey C for an excellent attitude to his work in the www.facebook/BiltonCofEJNR/
Lunch Time Top Table
4FM—Caleb N for his enthusiasm and super participation
in PE this week Service Respect
5JE—Neha S for excellent skills playing throw tennis in PE Megan W 5JE Kalonice S 4AT
Esmay D 4AT
5SS—Eloise S for being a superb Learning Ambassador— Maia H 4AT Wisdom
Thank you
5AL—Ellie W for a great start this week as our fab
Learning Ambassador—keep it up! Cody B 5AL Fatimah K 4FM
6JB—Umar B for always being engaged in his learning and
having a positive attitude. You are a pleasure to teach
6CC—Oliver G for a consistently positive attitude to
learning and enthusiasm
6KC—Casey D for excellent writing
Every week Mr. Wilson and his team awards
children for demonstrating our Christian values during
lunch time, the nominated children get an invitation to
join the top table on the Friday of that week.
Jump in Warwick School Scheme Before School Daily Mile-
walk /run
Jump in Warwick are offering vouchers to bouncers that can be
handed into school. We will then collect the vouchers in the Bilton Junior School have signed up to The
hope of having enough vouchers to offer children free sessions. Daily Mile. This will begin on Monday 1st
October (weather permitting). Gates open
To take part, just ask reception staff at Jump In for a voucher at 08:30 and the children will come in
and hand it in at school. One voucher will be issued to any child normally and join others
or young person aged 18 or under booked on to a bounce running/walking/strolling around the playground.
session - only the birthday girl or boy will be able to collect a
voucher when a party is booked. The following website has all the detail of this great initiative which
improves the physical and mental health of our children:
Year 5 are
investigating which
material is the best Note to parents with
insulator for a lunch parking permits for the
playground—please only
park in the 1st netball
court near the sheds and
park facing the field to
enable all the cars to use
the space.
Please see below link
re the nasal flu
Dates for your Diaries:
Thursday 8th November—Fireworks @BJS
October Netball Camps Friday 19th October—School Disco
Saturday 1st December—Christmas Fayre
29th & 30th October at Rugby School,—9am to 3 pm, 1 day £40, 2
day £65 Friday 18th January—Family Bingo
Friday 8th February—School Disco
Other locations available—For more information and to book a place Friday 15th March—Grown ups Quiz Night
please visit Wednesday 10th April—Easter Egg
Parking reminder Competition
Saturday 22nd June—Summer Fayre
Please do not park or drop off on the zig-zags outside school. Thank you for your
Save the Children—Rugby Branch Lost Coat Email: [email protected]
Padded green
FASHION SHOW, presented by Wanda Fashions M&S coat, it has a School—Diary Dates
Wednesday 10th October 2018, 7pm for 7.30pm start black zip up the
front. Age 9/10, 2018/2019
Dunchurch Village Hall please check at Monday 29 October to Friday 2 November—Half
With sale of clothes, handbags and Christmas Cards, Raffle home in case its Term
been picked up in School Closes Friday 21st December 2018 at
Tickets £8 per person (includes wine or juice) error. Thank you 3.30pm
Please contact 879197, 811005 or Wanda Fashions for tickets
School Information Monday 7th January 2019—Teacher Training Day
School Opens Tuesday 8th January 2019
School gates open at 8.30am, doors open at 8.40am Monday 18 February to Friday 22nd February
School starts at 8.50a.m - Any child arriving after this time is late and 2019—Half Term
School Closes Friday 12 April 2019 at 3.30pm
will be marked as such. School Opens Monday 29 April 2019
Monday 6th May 2019—School Closed Bank
School finishes at 3.30p.m Holiday
If your child is ill and going to be absent please either telephone us on 01788 810675 (you can leave a Monday 27 May to Friday 31 May 2019—Half Term
Monday 3 June 2019—Teacher Training Day
voice mail if the office is closed or busy) or email us on [email protected] School closes Thursday 18 July 2019 at 3.30pm
Fri 19 July & Mon 22 July - Teacher training
If you feel you need to meet with a teacher face to face please email the school office
[email protected]
If you need to talk with a teacher over the phone or have a general enquiry for them please email
[email protected] Our teachers are busy with your children in the classrooms all day
however they will get back to you as soon as possible.
If you would like to share concerns or contact Mrs Hodgson our Home/School Support worker, please
call the office, pop into school or email her directly on [email protected]
Inspire Challenge Achieve